5 J T H E tn b -airched outside. A comforting reflection truly, yet his face bore no token thereof as he join ed the lighthouse keeper, and several of the Chinook's officers and men on the gallery. The wind had shifted another couple of points to the north, and the sea, apart from the reef, was running in a heavy unbroken swell. That was the tantalizing part of it. Any ordinary ship's boat, properly managed, could live in perfect safety in the open. f But the iron toothed reef, with its tnrtnmis channels and battling currents ightehed his still limbs and . mPT, rQe bone uad been picked clean cuanging with every stage of the tide, By ... Lcuis Tracy, Author of "The Wings of the Morning" PILLAR of IT TT W "KTT I rhoneht Pvne. "Ifs a naraV tnmg to man would have been carrie3 away by 7but we ought to have the door a climbing wave had not his. mates ' -. r fniva win Tiwl iwrwivwl his danger and held him. open, yuite u u.-. . - - " ... .va WArA lie stra sat up. lie was about to feel in a pocket for his pipe he experienced the worst pnnps of hunger after waking In such fashion when he saw a woman's head and shoulders emerging out of the stairway. At first he thought it was Constance, and he wondered why she had muffled her face iu the deep collar of a -cloak, but the visitor paused irresolutely when her waist was on a level with the floor. She uttered a little gasp of surprise. "You. Charlie?" she cried. "I thought you slept in the kitchen?" "No. Mrs. Vansittart." he said. "I am assistant keeper, and I am here most all the time with Mr. Brand. But what In the name of goodness" "I was restless," explained the lady hurriedly. "If I had remained another minute among those women I should have screamed aloud. How peaceful you are here! Where Is Mr. Brand?" "Guess he's gone outside to squint at the weather. But come right in. I can offer you a chair. Mr. Brand wants to Bee you, and this is a quiet time for a chat." "How does he know me? What did he say?" Mrs. Vansittart pressed her left hand to her breast. With the other she kept the high collar over her mouth and cheeks. Pyne could only see her eyes, and the alarmed li'ht that leaped into them increased his astonishment at her unexpected presence. "It seems to me," he answered, "that if you just walk up four more steps and sit down you can ask him all those things yourself." "Were you speaking of me to him?" "I did happen to mention you." "And he said he knew me?" "Xo, ma'am. He said nothing of the sort. But, for mercy's sake, what mys tery is there about it?" "Mystery! None whatever. I was mistaken. I have never met him. I came now to explain that to him. Oh"- She dived suddenly as the gallery door opened. Brand caught a fleeting glimpse of her vanishing form. , "Who was that?" he asked. ryue had found his pipe and was fill lng it with tobacco. "Mrs. Vansittart," he answered. "raying her long deferred visit. I suppose. She chose a curious hour." "So I thought. But she just popped her head in to tell you that she didn't know you at all." Brand smiled. Toor lady!" he said. "She, like the rest of us, is perturbed and uneasy. I Imagine she is of a somewhat hyster ical temperament." "That's so," agreed Tyne. There were puzzling discrepancies in Mrs. Vanslttart's explanation of her untimely appearance. Evidently she did not expect to meet him there. She thought she would find the lighthouse keeper alone. The ready deduction presented itself that when she did en counter Brand she did not wish any third person to be present at the inter view. That Constance's father had no cause to look at matters in the same light he was quite certain. Anyhow, It was not his affair, and he declined to trou ble his head about Mrs. Vausittart's vagaries. So the young philosopher lit his pipe and delivered a dictum on the sex. "Some women," he said, "are made up of contradictions. She is one. 1 1 i 1 . . 4 1t n vwl T I uave Known uci iui auuic iimc, uuu . thought nothing could feaze her. But there must be a sort of society crust over her emotions, and the wreck broke it. Now, for my part, I like a woman with a clear soul, one in whose eyes you can catch the glint of the Inner crystal." "They are rare," said Brand. "I suppose so. Indeed, it used to be a mere ideal of mine, built up from books. But they exist, and they are worth looking for." He waited, lost perchance the other man should take the cue thus offered, but Brand, for the twentieth time, was poring over the records of the days which followed the hurricane re ported by a former keeper. The Amer ican pursed his lips. "Etc has had a bad time with a wo man once in his life," he mused. "It must have been Constance's mother, I and that is why he doesn't believe In heredity. Well, I guess he's right" Had he seen Mrs. Vansittart cower ing on her knees outside her bedroom door, he might have found cause for more disturbing reflections. She was crying softly, with her face hidden in her hands. "Oh, I dare not! I dare not!" she moaned. "I am the most miserable wo man In the world. It would have been better if I had gone down with the vessel. The Lord saved me only to punish me. My heart will break. What shall I do? Where shall I hide?" And her sobbing only ceased when the noise of ascending footsteps drove her Into the company of sorrowful yro men, who would nevertheless have tor gotten some of their own woes did they but realize her greater anguish. CHAPTER XI.V. OMB people are never saps fled. said Pyne, jwoOe be ! baistf the .took 9 s of meat and marrow on the first day after the wreck, but it occurred to Enid that if it were broken up and boiled she might procure some sort of nourishment for the two children, who were fast running down in condition. "What is the matter now?" inquired Constance, whose attentive eyes were hovering between the cooking stove and a distilling kettle. All the flour and biscuits, with the exception of two tins reserved for ex tremities, had been used. She was striving to concoct cakes of chocolate out of cocoa, an article more plentiful ; than any other food of its kind in stock, but water could not be spared, and eating dry powder was difficult to . parched palates. "There are two tugboats, a trawler and a Trinity service boat not half a mile away," said Pyne, "and the cliffs at Land's End are peppered wim people." "Surely that is satisfactory. Dad told me that the Falcon signaled this morning he was to expect a special ef fort to be made at half tide on the flow and not on the ebb, as was arranged yesterday." "Yes, that is all right so far as it goes." Pyne leaned forward with the air of one about to impart information of great value. "But the extraordinary thing Is that while every nm on board those vessels is thinking like steam how best to get into the lighthouse, we are most desperately anxious to get out of it. So you see, as I said before, some people" "Oh. dash!" cried Enid. "I've gone and burnt my finger, all through listen ing to your nonsense." "Are there really many people on the cliffs?" demanded Constance. Pyne pounded the bone viciously. "I go out of my way to inform you of a number of interesting and strictly accurate facts," he protested, "and one of you burns her fingers and the other doubts my word. Yet, if I called your skepticism unfeeling, Miss Enid would be angry." "I don't know why kettle lids are so cantankerous," said Enid. "They seem to get hot long before the water-does." "The hottest part of any boll is on top," said Pyne. Enid smiled forgiveness. "I believe you would be cheerful If you were go ing to be electrocuted," she said pen sively. "Yet. goodness knows. It Is hard to keep one's spirits up this morn ing. The sea Is as bad as ever. What will become of us if we get no relief today?" "Mr. Pyne," Interrupted Constance suddenly, "do you think tnat any oi the men can have gained access to the storeroom during the night?" "I can't say for sure," he replied "What has put that into your mind?" "The purser and I examined all that wna lpft this morninsr. and we both agreed that some of the things had dis appeared. It is very strange." Pvne was not wholly prepared for this mine being sprung on him, so he essayed to gain time. "It doesn't appeal to me in that light There was a miscalculation about the water. Why not about the food?" "Because my father went through all the stores personally and portioned them out Some flour and tinned meat have gone; I am quite sure of It. The question is, Who can have taken themi The flour at least must have attracted attention if anybody tried to eat it' "Did you say all that to the pur ser ?" he as'icMl. sus-iendin his labors and looking at her steadily. "No; he could not remember exactly what proportion of the various articles there ought to be left' "Then take my advice, Miss Con stance, and keeD on forgetting," he said. A quick flush came into her pale cheeks. "You are not saying that without eood cause?" she murmured. "I have the best of reasons. If the least hint of such a thing goes round amone the men there will be ructions. Constance went to the door and closed it "Enid." she said. "I believe father and Mr. Pyne have got some dreadful plan in their minds which they dare not tell us about. But the American was not to be cor nered in such fashion. He opened the door again and went out pausing on the threshold to say: "I wouldn't venture to guess what might be troubling Mr. Brand, but you can take it from me that what he says roes. Talk about crasning a netUe-J firmly! I believe your father would grab a scorpion by the tail if he felt that way." And with this cryptic utterance he quitted them, intending to warn Brand at the first opportunity that the time was at hand when he must harden his heart and take the decisive Btep of cutting off communication between the service room and the remainder of the building. This could be done easily. The flanges of the uppermost Iron staircase were screwed to the floor above and below. A few minutes labor would re move the screws. The steps conk! be lifted bodily Into the service room and there utilised to seal the well. "What a howling men&geri will Then two life buoys were attached to other ropes in case there might be some slight chance of using them. The tackle which the unfortunate captain of the Chinook had cast adrift was utilized to construct safety lines in . the entrance way. Loops were fasten ed to them, in which six of the strong est men available were secured against the chance of being swept through the door to instant death. Meanwhile the three vessels had steamed close to the mooring buoy, which, it will be remembered, lay in full view of the kitchen window. Con stance gave them a casual glance. Be ing versed in the ways of the sea, she instantly discovered that some unusual event was astir. She, called her sister's attention to the maneuvers of the steamers. One, the Trinity tender, lay broadside on to the incoming tide. "They are lowering a boat, I do de clare," she announced after they had watched the proceedings for a little i while with growing curiosity. At the ! distance, nearly 600 yards, it was dif ficult to discern exactly what was tak j ing place. , "No boat can live if it comes near : the rock," cried Enid. And then a wild thought brought her heart to her ; mouth. "Oh. Connie," she cried in a sudden panions could not understand what access of terror, "I feel sure that Jack he turned to them with is aomg someuung ""a .- They an know, dui surrounded the pillar with an appar ently impassable barrier, while the lighthouse itself offered as frowning a front as any of the black rocks which reared their weed , covered crests at low water. Signals were being exchanged be tween the gallery and the Trinity tend er. Brand seemed to be very emphatic In his answers to the communications made to him by Stanhope. "No, no." he muttered aloud, while the anxious man near him wondered why he was so impatient "It is utterly impossible !" he said again. "No boat can do it. Some one should stop him. It means certain loss of life." At last beeomins aware that his com was going on, passionate explanation. "That brave fellow Stanhope says that with two others at the oars, he intends to row near enough to the rock at half flood to endeavor to spring on to the ladder. I cannot persuade him that no man has ever yet succeeded in such a mad project Look below and see how each wave climbs around eighteen or twenty feet of the base The thing is wildly impracticable. He will be swept off and smashed to pieces before our eyes even if the boat es capes." , "If the boat can come near enough for that purpose, couldn't we heave a line aboard her?" asked one or tne ship's officers. "We can try. I shall signal them to that effect. Anything is better than to sanction an attempt which is foredoom ed to failure and must result in the death of the man who tries It" Thereupon more energetic flag wav ing took place. Finally Brand desisted in sheer exasperation. "I cannot convince him," he cried. "He has made up his mind. May the Lord preserve him from a peril which I consider to be a mortal one!" "Has he put forward any theory V asked Pyne. "He was doing a lot of talking." "Yes," explained Brand. "He be lieves that a strong boat rowed to the' verge of the broken water might watch her oDDortunltv and dart in close to the ladder on the back wash of a big wave, arui caught by Stanhope, wno mstant- They understood. : Why had none of them thought of it earlier? In its cold granite depths the lighthouse carried that which : had the power, to, subdue the roaring fury of the reef. . i The first man to reach the gallery after Brand was .Pyne, who chanced to be nearest to him when the hubbub ; arose. He found the other man fling ing handfuls of the oil as far to wind ward as the thick fl&d would travel. k "Quick!" gasped Brand. "Don't pour it out. It must be scattered!" So the colza fell in little patches of ! smooth tranquillity into the white void beneath, and before Stanhope had piloted his boat half the remaining dis : tance the wave currents surging about ! the rock3 ceased to toss their yellow I mane so high, and the high pitched masses of f aani vaniiliad ccrolGtelv- us! Dad knows. ttiev would not tell us. That is why Mr. Pyne has not been near us for hours." "It cannot be. No one would permit it. Father would never give his sanc tion. Enid, my dear one, why do you say such things? You frighten me!" But Constance's lips were bloodless, and her eyes dilated with the fear which she, too, would fain deny. , They were perched so high above the sea that the dancing hillocks of green water could not wholly obscure the stoutly built craft which bobbed into startling tirommence rouna me siem of the tender. "It is! It Is!" shrieked Enid. "Look, Connie! There is Jack kneeling in the bow. Oh, dear! Oh, dear: is ne maa: Why don't they stop him? I cannot bear to look. Connie, tell me shall I see him drowned before my eyes?" Tbe girl was distraught, and her sis ter was in little better pugnt. fas cinated, speechless, clinging to each other like panic stricken children, they followed the leaping boat with the glassy stare of those who gaze open eyed at remorseless death. They scarce understood what was to ward. " As the boat, a strong craft, yet such a mere speck of stanch life in the tum bling seas, was steadily impelled near- r they saw the tug lurch ahead of the other vessels until a line was thrown Additional Local. allowing Its successor to lift her high enough for an active man to jump on to the rungs. , The rowers must pull for their lives the Instant the wave breaks and leave him clinging to the ladder as best he can. There is more chance of success In that way, he thinks, than In trying to make fast a line thrown by us even If it fell over the boat it is all a Question of time, he argues, and I have failed to convince him that not onTy he Uut his companions will be lost. "Is there no chance?" inquired the second officer. "Look below," repeated Brand hope lessly, and indeed, when they obeyed him, craning their necks over the rail to examine the seething caldron from which the granite tower tapered up to them, no man could say that the light house keeper deplored Stanhope's de cision without good reason. They understood matters a little bet ter, perhaps, when, one by one, they re entered the lantern, the Falcon having flitted away to make her final prepara tions. Brand asked them not to make known the nature of the pending under taking, "If I thought it would do any good to the suffering people I r-ov.ld glidly Bee them enlivened by the news," he eald. "I confess, however, I expect nothing but disastrous failure and eentlenien Lieutenant Stanhope is practically engaged to be married to one of my daughters What was to be said? They quitted him in the silence that was the dom Inant note of their lives just then. Pyne ftne remained. He wondered why one man should be called on to endure so much. Though each of those present on the callery was loval to Brand's sorrowful request, it was impossible to prevent others from seeing that something of exceptional interest was in progress afloat and on the rock. Brand did not know that the officials of the Trinity house had only agreed to help Stanhope's hazardous project under compulsion. The sailor inform ed them that he was determined to carry out his scheme with or without their assistance. So when the b aicon, the tender and a strong tug hired by Mr. Traill rounded the distant Cam du headland at 11 o'clock the lighthouse keeper felt that further protest was unavailing. It behooved him to take all possible measures to help the men who were about to dare so much to help him. In the first place, he caused a rope to be swung from the gallery to the doorway. If any "doubt were enter tained as to the grave risk attending Stanhope's enterprise it was promptly lv fastened it round his waist, xne rowers wore cork jackets, but he was aulte unprotected. Bareheaded, with his well knit limbs shielded only by a jersey, loose fitting trousers and can vas shoes, he had declined to namper his freedom of - movement with the cumbrous equipment so essential for any one who might be cast adrift in that dreadful sea. The girls, even in their dumb agony. were dully conscious of a scurry oi feet up and down the stairs. What did it matter? They paid heed to naught save the advancing boat now deep in the trough of a wave, now perched precariously on a lofty crest Whoevei the rowers were, they trusted wholly to the Instructions given by the gallant youth who peered so boldly into the wilderness ahead. The flying roam and high tossed spray gave to the lighthouse the semblance of alternately lifting and lowering its huge frame amid the furious torrents that encir cled it Nerves of steel, strong hearts and true, were needed by those who would voluntarily enter that watery inferno. Yet the men at the oars did not falter nor turn their heads. They pulled evenly and well, with the short, deep sunken stroke of the fisherman, and Stanhope, now that they were almost In the vortex where the waves lost their regularity, produced a paddle wherewith to twist the boat's head to meet each turn and swirl. Stealthily the powerful tugboat crept in the wake of the smaller craft, until it became clear to the girls' strained vision that watchful helpers, lashed in the vessel's bows, were manipulating another rope as a drag, thus helping the sailor's efforts to prevent their frail argosy from being swamped by a breaking sea. Then a miracle did happen, a miracle of science. When the boat was yet 200 yards away, Brand, looking out from the gallery hi stony despair, sud denly behaved as one possessed of a fiend. "Follow me!" he roared. "Come, every man!" He rushed into the lantern. As if he wanted wings rather than limbs, he swung nimseir Dy nis nanus io we floor of the service room. Galvanized into activity, those who were with him on the ledge raced after him. They knew not what had hap pened. Their leader had spoken and they obeyed. Down, down, they pelted, taking the steep stairs with breakneck speed, un til they reached the oil room, with its thousands of gallons stored in great tanks. Big empty tins stood there, awaiting Carl Galligan arrived yesterday from Hood River to register as an OAC fresh man, ne will stay at Cautnorn nail. Careless hunters a few days ago shot a horse for some farmer residing just west ot town. The names were not learned. The animal was in a field or pasture aud was shot in the breast, dying instantly. Such work on the part of sportsmen is the cause of so many trespass notices be ing posted, as farmers are righteously in dignant at such gross carelessness. The incident should be a warning to others who go gunning. Jay Coopei, the deputy post-master, left yesterday for Portland. He returns Sunday. Mrs. F. A. Woods has arrived from Seattle to send her children to OAC. the is located in one of the Price houses, near the college grounds. Mrs. John Irwin, who has been visit ing here for several weeks, leaves to morrow for her home at Waterville, Wash. She will be accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Maiy Horton. Mr. G. A. Roberts has arrived from the state college at Ames, Iowa, to accept the position of Secretary of the Oregon Agricultural College Y. M. C. A. for the com mg year. .Darwin Thayer is to oe the president, and he also has arrived, from Portland. Mr. Koberts takes the place formerly held by Clay Shepard, and it is probable that the work of the organization will now be taken up again in earnest and that much will be ac complished. Ed Andrews, an old OAC student, has recentl purchased a restuarant at Dallas and is doing well. Ernest Applewhite arrived yesterday from Tillamook, for a Visit with old time friends. Misfj Ella Johnson goes to Portland, Sunday, on a brief business trip. Darwin Nash, of Nashville, is visiting Corvallis friends this week. Miss Winnifred Gates leaves tomorrow for Hays, Wash., for a visit with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton. Sue returns in time to open school at Wells, where Bhe is to teach. Miss Phoebe Lamberson, a graduate of the Corvallis business college, left Wed nesday for Dallas to accept a position as stenographer for a business firm. Miss Ruth Thayer arrives iu a few days from Portland to enter OAC for tbe coming year. She is a sister of Presi dent lhayer of the college Y.M.C. A. at 7 :3d p. m. Subject, "The Co-operation ot the Saints in Heaven and the Saints on Earth." . .A number of Corvallis people were in Portland, Saturday night, to attend the closing night of "The Crisis" by one of the best companies ever in Portland. It was given iu the Baker theatre and the house was packed to the doors. Miss Grace Huff ia attending the teachers' institute in Albany this week. There was an enrollment of 123 on the opening day. Thomas Nolan was a business visitor in Albany Wednesday. Chester O. D. MasoD, who was taken into custody a few weeks ago by Deputy Sheriffs Minto and Esce, when found living with a . young girl, at the Skiff house on Liberty street, whom he had re presented as his wife, was discharged to day after a hearing in Justice of the Peace Webster's court The examina tion was held behind closed doors, all spectators being excluded from the court roem. Since his arrest Mason has been out on bonds, which were furnished by his mother, whose home is in Corvallis. Last night Mason became beastly intoxi cated and was taken into custody by Officer Busick and locked -up in the city jail. Statesman. p p p is n Hjco i is J! Presbyterian Church. M. S. Bush, pastor. Bible School at ten, worship at eleven. Subject, "Repentance." C, E. meeting at 6 :30 and evening service Put yourself in the may of Success. J What life work do you elect for yourself, young man or young wo man ? Are you starting out in the way that means drudgery and small wages, or are you getting in line for success and preferment by tnak , ing yourself competent to do the work that demands high remunera tion? J The "Holmes Business College has started hundreds of young men and women on the road to success. IJ We have a whole index file filled with letters from our former stu dents who are now occupying posi tions of honor and trust. J All over the Pacific Coast and in fact in every part of the world you will find Holmes Business College graduates in the professions,, man aging businesses of theie own or occupying places of trust in banks or other large financial institutions. CJ The Holmes Business; College prepares you for success, by intro ducing you into an atmosphere of success the moment you step with; in the doors of the College. . , J Write for folder giving detailed information about the courses of study, .tuition, etc. It is worth get ting and worth keeping. It will be sent you postpaid by return mail. Write today, mmmmam HJMLP Ml BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON -TENTH STS. PORTLAND. ORE Write direct to Principal, Room 534. IBBiiirisiffii Always B m dispelled by the extreme difliculty met the next visit of the tender, and Brand with In accomplishing this compara- wrenched the cover off the nearest da tively simple task. Even a heavy tern. He scooped up a tinful of the piece of wood slung to the end of the 0iL ninety odd feet of eord necessary did "Bring all you can carry," he snout- not prevent the wind from .lashing the j and was off again with an energy vetented e&d la fuKooa ptaacea sea ward. At Wat ft aflo caught the r noMaw tm that was -wonderful in a man who bad endured the privattena and bardaalp of so. nwmx.honra- Agetable Prepatalionfor As- slrhialfoil liicFcodandBcgsila ilarf dttSikiucfc ondBcftvels of promotes Dige3L:on.Cheerfur nessandRest.Contains neither Opium,Morplune nor Mineral. TfOT HARC OTIC . iave ought Zopc ofOUJk-SmJELFmmR flmp&M Seed' jtlx-Seout IlodUt Soltt jinijir. Srett Jhzpermint -JjiCjuiotuiteSociii fUrmSemd . Clroiiitd Sugar tutieryen TattR A perfect Remedy forConslipa fion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Bears the Signature of AM ri em J3 EXACT 0QPV OT VBXBBBL 3 n Use or uver Thirty Years 1 re bece.vihen. they