Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 14, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Dr. M. M. Davie was an Albany
business visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henkle, of
Philomath, were Corvallis visitors
Clyde Starr, of Bsliefountain. ar
rives Monday to enter OAC.
Miles Starr returned yesterday
from a brief business trip to Port
land. Henry Franklin of Mt. prnnn.
: Wash., arrived this week to
Mies Pearl Persinger of Belk- j look after ousinesa for a few days,
antain was a viteitor in Corvallis, , Collet opens tndUy for ths pur
this week.
Arthur Lilly returned Tuesday
evening from a visit with William
Hall at Salem.
G. A. Robinson made a business
trip , to Portland, Wednesday, re
turning the same evening.
Miss Nellie Elkins. of Alba n v.
and Miss Hawley, of Portland, vis
ited lorv&ilis friends Tuesday.
Byron Hunter, who travels in
the employ of the government, is on
a visit to his family in this city.
Oswald West, State Land Agent,
arrived from Salem, Tuesday, to
over see the gathering of his hop
Mrs. Jennie Fuller of McMinn
ville left Thursday for her home,
after a brief visit with relatives in
Avery Applewhite arrived Wed
nesday to re-enter OAC. - He is a
lormer c-orvallis boy and a well-
known student.
The Washingtons are to have a
big time in their hall Monday
evening. A banquet and program
are teatures planned.
J. A. Henry and family moved
yesterday into their new home,
formerly the Berc'atold residence,
on South Fifth street. , '
Miss Pauline Kline has returned
from Portland where she was called
by the illness of h?r little nephew,
who is now somewhat improved.
Claude Swann, Arthur Belknap,
Bobbie Burns and Harry Belknap
arrived home Wednesday from
Tidewater, where they spent their i
vacation. !
Mrs. L. B. Baldwin arrived yes
terday from Philomath to join her
husband and reside. Prof. Bald
win is a new member on the college
Mr?. J. Frank 11.11. of AIbi-.ii.
Sam Hartsock has eons to Port
land to remain indefinitely
Clay Gilbert is the new clerk at
the Graham & Wells drug store.
Mrs. M. S. Bash went to Salem,
lue-day, to attend the fair for a
few day's.
Walter Woors is the new clerk
at the O. J. Blackledee furniture
b tore,
Wanted Prune pickerb Mondav
at my place west of town. D. C.
tiose' 7A
Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer, of
pose ci allowing students to regis
ter, out study does not begin until
Mrs. Jennie Greer has been at
Bellefountain this week, at ih horl-
side of her brother, Walter Tavlor a, &Dd Mrs. Jame9 Spencer, of
who is seriously ill. ' Alsef we"e Corvallis business visit
ors tnis week.
T V T 1 f TT Tt . .. I
Tuesday night for Seattleto appear LnH w- i bee?f-Al8ike Red
as witnessed in the trml'nf ManA ind VYulte c,' Orchard Grass,
RnrUlrpffiaU wa.Dj. mue iraB8, and Timothy. Thatch
, ..UDDUOjr. er& Johnson. f- - 76-80
Harold VVilkin8 arrived hnmit .
Tuesday night from Portland where L "'n J'hlaCk,?if retured. the
h h -ttanrf-a farBtof 'h wpek from a business
during the summer. & l"P to Portland.
fia onoa P0tn i I ruit Jars Yes, we have them
dav for hr r, : Ti Analcner Johnson. 76-80
Mrs. Milton Morgan is in a verv
ev vyuciavt.
ea a terrible cold from wh;nh ah
ha3 not been able to rlv rri ;t ;
feared the lungs are now involved.
See Zierolf tor all kinds nf orro do
J . , - . " t-"
eeea, orcnard. timothv and rlr.,.
seed. TMf
Prof. Bradlev and ; fimilw dh
moving into the Rev. Moore hous.
with A. P. Jnh
The latter will move into their new
residence about the first of Octo-
For sale or rent, nrnfanki f..
Sn In J i r 1 - -
naic, icoiueiiCB ann -a ao.roa on
Ion college hill. Address M. Robin
son, Corvallisj Ore. ' " . 73-. f
J. H. Harris and familv - mrr
this week into their handnnmo n
residence near the S. P. depot. It
is one of the fi
w v iiu ij i y
r ii- mm a. w m. uIuug
after a visit of several weeks with
her grandmother and aunts in this
Misses Belle and Bertha Edwards
Josie Benham, and Karl Edwards
are moving to Corvallis this week
to establish "bachelor" quarters
and enter uau
Dances every alternate night at
Donald Graham is a mi est for
two weeks at the Dr. Farra h om
He arrived Tuesday
Latest in cans and belts at th
Bazaar this week. 76
S. N. Wiikins is spending a week
in Portland. Tin mnll attond tV.
Undertakers' Convention.
The night-bloomioe
t.ij L- " L x" "'gui-uiuomiDg cereus is
VLt k P y- It comparatively rare, but the bloom-
nrdfir until r.hA rain oof. in Hinsin ; - . .' .
order until the rain set in. Music
has been furnished by Prof, and
Mrs. Will Wicks.
Mrs. Tripp and children arrived
iuesaay irom Myrtle Ureek. at.d
are located in the dwellins one door
south of the opera house. Thev
. i . j
come icr scnooi purposes
Ernest Red and Allen "Rnfcp
ootn graduates or UAU. hav tp.
t r . f 7 r . vtl nl- n n.l . 1 1 -
cunjf puiuuaBBu a, urugsiore in
rortland which they will operate in ,e&e
partnership. Both were verv mn. Th
. , , f-, f-r , uw
ular during their college days here, piauo
ana tne gooa wishes ot all
ing idiot -me have with us always
A nice organ for sale at Fisher's
music store. 76
M. S. Hubble, who has hn in
Corvallis the past week from Eu
gene, returned to that city Wed
M. Reynolds and familtr arrived
Wednesday from La Grande, tn lo
cate and send their children to co!-
"Pianista" and Cecilian
piayer, at Fisher's music
Wash., wluj is visiting Oorvaiiis rel
atives, goes to Polk county in a fow
days to spend some tfuia with her
husband's parents.
.a.L. jii. vynurcu, ooum, SaubMr.
School at 10: a. m. The regular
church services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Subject of evening ser
mon, "The Justified Life."
Claude Clark, an OAC graduate
and tormer popular student, return
ed to Portland, Wednesday, haying
neen in Corvallis to attend the
Howard-Fuller wedding.
Prune picking was to begin in
the McElroy and Herren orchards
near Monroe, yesterday, but .owing
to the rain it will probably bt post
poned until tb.9 first ot the week.
Mrs. A. F. Peterson, who recent
ly underwent a surgical operation
in a Portland hospital, has been re
moved to her own home and is get
ting along as well as could be ex
pected. Unite! Evangelical Church, C. !
T. Hurd. pastor. Regular servicfs
Sunday, morning subject, "The;
Bent. Hi ok find Why IIuvp it " peer
ing Hut.jcct, "The Briautv of the
Mrs. Ricbnrd Franklin of An;
cortes, Wash., ia the guest this
week of Corvallis relatives. She
was formerly Miss Clara Blakeslee
ofthiecity. She leaves today for
her home.
J,l u.
iciiucu mo vuuue men. . -t h it , .
r ' - '"mi j-uuug icit iuesuayior
. u ya: "unry oi in- ner nome in Portland, after a few
muna sre visiting Corvallis rela- days' visit at the A. J. Johnson
lives mis weeK. iney are the home
uncle and aunt of John Howard
and were present at the Howard
Fuller nuptials Wednesday. In a
few days they go to Eastern Ore
gon for a visit before returning
R. H. Hu?tOn has hepn ntf.pndinfr
the fair this week. He has a fine
horse entered in the track events
Mr. and Mrs. James Zurcher
were among the guests at the How-;rd-Fu!I-r
wedding Wednesday.
Mr. Zurcher left the same evening
fr RvSnrg, ht Mrs. Zu'eViPr re
mains f ir a Lr-r visit.
N. A. Kisher, Ah new proprip'or
of the Corvailis music store. Ins
leased a room in the A. J. Johnson
building that is soon to he erected
and will remain in this city in
definitely. CorviiJUs can well main
tain mi establishment of this sort,
iind Mr. Fisher will no doubt pros
per. !
The CorVrtllia nntdic Sphnol ntPiw
i .uondsy. lhvtl;e was formerly
set for the JOlh but the opening
was postponed to give the schoo
children who desired it an nnnor
m - r r
tunitv to eo to "the hon varda and
earn their usual amount of money
to assist in purchasing their school
Clayton and Robert Herron hd
one ot the record-breaking crops o
tfenton this year. Ii. M. Finlev.
who has been for 25 or 30 years the
operator ot a warehouse at Irish
Bend, issued to the Herron bovs
the largest storage receipt this
month ever issued by him to anv
tarmer for a single crop.
Ray Goodrich, an old time OAf!
student and football player, was in
Corvallis, Wednesday, en louto to
lamhm on a visit to his parents.
He had been to Eusrene for a visit
with old school friends and stnnnpd
over in Corvallis for the same pur
pose. Mr. Goodrich is now a pros
perous lawyer in Seattle.
Vintou Baker was killed in a
I runaway accident near Junction
ity, Wednesday. He was about
eleven yers o!d and a brother of
Robert, Eva and Noel Baker, who
make their homes with the families
of James Herron, Johnny Martin
and A. A. Meek, of southern Ben
ton. Particulars of the affair were
not learned.
Eastern and Olympia oysters for
Siit at Jesse Wilev'a Hltrmnio
j j (-'it
oysters 40 cauts a pint. 76-7
Prof. F . L. Kent arrived home
Tuesday from Boise, Idaho, where
ne nas Deen to attend the National
Irrigation congress.
All kinds of grass seed for sale
at Zierolf's Timotbv. clover and
orchard grass seed. 74tf
A. J. Johnson. Misses Clen and
Z eta and Master Darrell Johnson
are expected home today from a
several day's visit to the fair.
Some of the most temntin? wbifn
i. . , .
grapes displayed in the Corvallis
maruec this year were at Homing's
grocery tnis wees. Thnv. wnm
grown by Prof. Coote.
See Zierolf for Economy Jars.74tf
J. F. Pfouts and family are to
move from the island to Corvallin
tomorrow, to reside. Thev will
cupy a dwelling in the western part
oi town.
Mrs. Ben Harris and her con sin
Mrs. Orr, are to leave the laRt nf
this week for San Francisco. The
atter resides in that citv and Mm.
Hams goes home with her for a
Miss Dorothea Nash came in
from Alse'a country Saturday and
is the guest of Miss Iva Burton fur
a snort time. Miss Nash hi
charge of th mu-i-' department of
the Oregon Stat; .'choul ii?
Monmouth three yfrs Kgo. A
year ato she was in ch;irg of tin
tnusic department at St. Heie;i'
Hall. Thip yenr sha will opv;.
private studio in Portland. Inie-
George Plaster and Ollie Falpur. t.h
tonsorial artists, returned Wednesday
night from a visit to the state fair.
According to a letter received hi7 a
Corvallis friend this week. James M.;-
Caustlaad, an old OAC bov. is now in
Texas, on some sort of a big deal for bis
Economy Fruit Jars at Zierolf's.
At the state fair this wppV a t
i v
Johnson had on exhibition five head of
uereiords, which captured four first
prizes, one second prize and one swcpn.
- r
Biane, certainly a fine record.
A dispatch from Albany, in yesterday's
Portland Journal, says : Deputy game
warden and sheriff of Benton County
Wells arrested three young men resid
ing across the river from Alhanv
Kimng dims out of season. A pheasant
was found in the-possession of one of th
party and this resulted in a $10 fine. The
others were allowed to eo
Free music eveniues at Fisher's
music store. 7fi
Miss Anna Lindarren arrived TuesHav
irom itoseourg, to be on hand Monday,
as one ot the teachers in ih (WoiHa
public Echool.
Roy Howard of Des Moines. Iowa, is
visaing relatives in this city this week
Lell iiaker and family moved veater
day from their home at Sulphur SDrines
to mis city, where they will reside
DiVlUCT hHfrins at Iho TT ...... u.
. o m 117111 J iTLVfllt;
prune drver Mnniw iv.ii
. . auu F 11UUI
rou are to Iook after the work,
Mrs. M. C. Miller left vesterdav for a
week's visit with her uncle at Elk City
E. W. Embier and family have rented
and now occupy the Miss Nancy Camp
Deii residence m the western part of
town. Mies Campbell will occupy rooms
in the same dwelling
Prof. b. L. Kent visited the fair at
Salem, Wedneseay.
Postmaster B. W. Johnson was among
the. fair visiters Wednesday
The insanity commission at Seattle ia
busv with the testing of Mrs Maud
Creffield and Esther Mitchell's mental
condition. Wednesday both women
were on the witness stand, but the ques
tions 8sked were of a general character,
O. V. Hurt testified that his daughter.
while in the asylum at Salem xreauentlv
..... - - i
naa to be kept in a straight jacket, and
that she was never dismissed from that
institution as cured, but was released on
parole in his care
In Salem this week A. J. Johnson let
tow. O. Heckart the contract for th
new building that is to occupy the cor
ner north of the Occidental. It is the
supposition that work will beain imme
diately. She contract price is about 22-
- . THE m .
Success of Our Saturday's Sale on I
. .... . . . . . . j
Has caused us to continue ' this sale for another
week.; We will place on sale another lot of BOYS'
CLOTHING of smaller sizes than of last week,' all of
which will be sold at half price.7
Parents are urged to take advantage' of this sale
while they can get the sizes to fit their boys ....
Established 1884.
CorvalHs, Oregon.
m "PAliwIER
For Women, Misses and Children
19.06 Fall m& Winter 1907
The Fail Saasost is right at hand, and if you have been weigh
ing the merits of different lines, the time of decision is now
We will show you in the "PALMER GARMENT" line the
most stylish garments you can find.
Wo Are Not only showing the best styles, but in addition, the
workmanship and quality of the "PALMER GARMENT" are
We Ank You to call on us whether you buy or not, It will give
us pleasure to show ,
Sole Agent
In time-pieces is a necessity with the average pereon. A watch that
keeps perfect lime is a boon to anyone and should be repaired and over
hauled at least once every 18 months, and by skilled workmen only. If
your watch needs repairing or regulating take it to
N. A
ponuenca W t
An nou nt
C-ivecl bv
e:3ent3 have be?n rs-
Jir?. r,. j.. .Miinciy, accompanied ! rn.trriag in Porllar.o', Saturday, cf
by her ryn and daughter, lefi Wed- Charles L. Johnson of Corvallis to
nesday evemng f r Medford, South- Mies Marrraret MsK. C,yra-
ern Oregon on a six weeks' visit to , ulations and good wishes are in or
relaMves After that they gu to der. The groom is ths well-known
Portland where they will take up ! OAC professor, while his bride is a
their residence. Mrs. Mundy has j sister of James McKenzIe, a former
made her home in Corvallis for student, and for some time clerk in
sever! years, and the good wishes j the Hornin rrocerv
cf a larsre circle of Friwncs fallr,. i J
A beavv rain be?an f.illi ntr in
Corvallis during Tuesday night and
continued falling all day Wednes- vitations are out for the weddin- of
nay ana a part of Wednesday
night. It is the heaviest rain that
thia section has experienced at this
season of the year for a long time.
It will etart the grass and other
vegetation and has cleared the at
mosphere of the smoke that 'had
prevailed.-, - .
A report frona Eugene has the
following concerning Mr. V. Lair
Thompson, who has figured in manv
an atfjietic event m Corvallis: la
Mr. Lair Thompson, of Albanv, and
Miss Llsie C. ilobbs, daughter of
Hon. and Mrs. J. W. Hobbs, of this
city, the marriage to take place at
9 p. m.. -of September 19 next.
Both- yoang people are well and
fa vorabTy known in "this city and
throughout the state.
Free music eveniners nt
Fisher's piano store.
The Gazette is in reciDt of ennies
of "The Nome Daily Nuggst," pub-
iisoea as XNome, Alaska. The sen
der is J. Y. McCune. forrnerlv
oneao, ana Known to many Corval
A. K. Liocke exhibited in town
uesday some fine samples oi Ever
green sweet corn, grown on his
place near town. Mr. Locke prows
his own seed corn, and has especial
ly good success with it.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall arrived home
1 nesday from Kansas, whem f.hpV
have been since last June, visiting
relatives. 1 hey were glad to eet
home, and state that they saw no
secnon oi country so attractive as
W. H. Wicks has been nrnmnfpil
from assistant'station hnrtfonlfnricf
under Prof. Lewis to assistant col
lege Horticulturist, under Prof.
Cocte. Arthur Bouauet ih
lur student, has arrived and will
fill the position vacated by Mr.
For Sale House and lot. In
quit e of Mrs. A. M. Wicks. 72tf
Prof J. B. Horner, who has just
returned from abroad, ia to furnish
a eeries of letters for the Portland
Sunday Journal. The first article
was in the issne of JnW oonj
The series will undoubtedly be one
of great interest to everyone, and
especially so to friends and acquain
tances of thft writer JfSv.M
The contract for the new cost office
building for Corvallis has been let by A.
J. Johnson to a contractor named Wil
son. The contract price is not known.
but the equipment, including the safety
vault, will cost about $4,000. This will
be one. of the finest, most un-to-date
offices in the etate and Corvallisiles are
all keenly interested in the proceedings.
There will he about 2G00 fest of floor
W i?S9 3
Jeweler aaid Opiiciars
Estimates on Work Cheerfully Given and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
-Lunches of every description hot and cold. Fine bill
of fare always served. Everything neat and up-to-date.
Try our lunches and be convinced. CASCADIA WATER.
Soft Drinks, Gcfgaps
and Tofcaccos
To See Our
Mew Line of
Just in from the Factory
The Correct Thina in
fall and winter styles
We have also a complete line of
Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing and
all Men's Furnishings.
Onnosiie the Postoffice
And- Phbneo. 484. ' v4-f
SEEEVO is believing
Then com ; in and S2s my line of Sporting Goods and be con
yinced that it is the best and most complete Hue ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition,' Fishing Tackle
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knivesf Razors!
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc - Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale!
Agent for the Ol-Js Gasoline Engines and Awtomobilesfi
Guns and Bisslss For Bant.1 First-class Ftepair S&cp.
Ini. Phone 1262 Residancs 324
D. C. H lest and.
Ckas. E lakes fee.
:W - r m nmmu iwwtiulf
" mmvmmmv jm - .
Outalda Order Solicited.
All Work '.Guaranteed.