TTfjI" W" PILLARo LIGHT I il-v eyes danced uiisciiievoasiy. ' Unfortunately, by the accident of birth. I am deprived of tiie sense of hua:or." she said. "It seems to be in the family all rig'.jt." be hazarded, looking at Con-Btauc-e. "Alas," said Enid, "I am an Ameri can." '111 smile now, if that is all,"" said Tyue. 'Cut, please, I, am not joking a little bit. When you go ashore you will prob ably hear all about me, so I may as we.l take the wind out of the sails of gossip. I am a mere waif who came sailing in out of the west one day in a little boat which must have come from the new world, as no one appeared to have lost either me or it in the old. Dad picked us both up and adopted me." Pyne did not know whether to take her seriously or not until he sought confirmation iu a pair of tranquil eyes, which he gazed into at every opportu nity. "It is quite true," said Constance gravely. "I suppose that the mysteri ous affinity between parents and long lost children which exists in story books is all nonsense in reality. No family could be more united and devot ed to each other than we are, yet Enid is not my sister, and my father is hers only by adoption. He found her, half dying, drifting past this very rock, and before he could reach her he fought and killed a dreadful shark. We are very proud of dad, Mr. Pyne. You see, he is our only relation. Enid knows neither her father nor mother, and my mother died when I was a baby." '"Great Scott I" cried Pyne. He turned quickly toward the door. Mrs. Vansittart, very pale, with eyes that looked unnaturally large in the faint light, stood there. For an Instant he was startled. He had not seen Mrs. Vansittart since they came to the rock, and he was shocked by the change in her appearance. He did not like her. His alert Intelligence distrusted her, but it was not his business in life to. select a wife for his uncle, as he put it, and he had always treated her with respectful politeness. Now, owing to some fleeting aspect which he could not account for, some vague resem blance to another which he did not re member having noticed before, he viewed her with a certain expectant curiosity that was equally unintelligi ble to him. She held out a scrap of paper. "Mr. Traill is here," she said quietly. "Here!" he repeated, wondering what she meant and perplexed by her icy, self contained tone, while he thought it passing strange that she had no other greeting for him.' "Well," she said, "that is the best word I can find. He is near to us as near as a steamer can bring him. Mr. Brand has recced a signaled message, lie wrote it out and sent it to me by a man. I inquired where you were and was told you were engaged In the kitchen." For sonic reason Mrs., Vansittart; seemed to be greatly perturbed. Her presence put an end to the gayety of the place quite effectually. The young man took the paper in silence, lie read: Dear Madam A signal just received from the Falcon runs as follows: "Mr. Cyrus J. Traill is on board and sends hl3 love to Etta and Charlie. He will make every preparation for their comfort ashore and trusts they are bearing: up well under inevitable hardships." Yours faith fully, STEPHEN BRAND. Pyne strode to the door. "1 must see if I can't get Mr. Brand to answer the old boy,'" he cried. "Per haps you have attended to that al ready." She did not make way for him to pass. "No," she said. "I came to seek you on that account. If not too late, will you tell your uncle that I do not wish to delay a moment in Penzance? He will please me most by arranging for a special train to await our arrival at the station." "What's the hurry?" he demanded. "A woman's whim, if you like, but a fixed resolve nevertheless." "Will you travel in that rig-out?" ha asked quizzically. "It is an easy matter to call at a shop if we reach shore by daylight. Then I can purchase a cloak and hat to serve my needs; otherwise it is matterless how I am attired. Will you do this?" "Why, certainly." She gave a little gasp of relief. In another instant Tyne would have gone, but Enid, who happened to glance through the window which opened fo rward the northwest, detained him. "There is no hurry now, for sure," she said. "The Falcon is halfway to Cam du by this time, I do not sup pose she will return until it is too dark to do more than signal important news .very briefly." "But this is important," cried Mrs. .Vansittart shrilly. "It is of the utmost importance to me." " 'Fraid it can't be helped ma'am,' said Pyne civilly "Anyhow, we're, pot ashore yet, and I can't seer that any time will be wasted." - The electric bell jangled in the room, causing Mrs. Vansittart to Jump visibly.- ' ... By ... Louis Tracy, Author of -The Wing of the : Morning" Copyright, 1904. by Edward J. CJode explained Constance. "It may ba a message from Jack. You go, Enid." Enid hurried away. She had scarcely reached the next floor before Mrs. Van sittart, who seemed to have moods in full compass, said sweetly: "Convey my deep obligations fb Mr. Brand, won't you, Charlie? Indeed, you might go now and write out the text of my message to your uncle. Some early opportunity of dispatching it may of fer." "All right," he said in the calm way which so effectually concealed his feel .ings. "Shall I escort you to your room?" "By no means. I came here quite un assisted. Miss Brand and I can chat for a little while. It is most wearying to be pent all day and all night in one little room. Even the change to an other little room is grateful." Pyne bowed, and they heard his steady tread as he ascended the stairs. "Quite a nice boy, Charlie," said Mrs. Vansittart, coming forward into the kitchen, with its medley of queer look ing, hissing, steaming contrivances. "Yes. We think he is exceedingly nice," said Constance. She wondered why the other woman seemed always to stand in the shadow by choice. The strongest light in the darkened cham ber came from the grate, and Mrs. Vansittart deliberately turned away from it. "If all goes well he will soon be my nephew by marriage," went on the other. "I quitted New York yesterday week in order to marry his uncle in Paris. Rather a disastrous beginning to a new career, is it not?" "I hope not, indeed. Perhaps you are surmounting difficulties at the com mencement rather than at the end," "It may be. I am so much older than you that I am less optimistic. But you did not grasp the significance of my words. I said I was to be married in Paris." "Yes," said Constance, still at a loss to catch the drift of an announcement which Mrs. Vansittart seemed so anx ious to thrust upon her. "Well, the Chinook was wrecked last night, or, rather, early this morning. The name of the ship was not made known throughout the world until long after daybreak.. It is quite impossible that Mi4. Traill should have reached this remote corner of England from Paris in the interval." For one moment the girl . was puz rled. . Then a ready solution occurred to her. "Oh, of course, that is very simple. Mr. Traill was awaiting your arrival in Southampton, thinking to take you by surprise, no doubt. That is sure to be1" the explanation. What a shock the first . telegram must have given him!" "How did he ascertain that his neph ew and I were alive?" "The. very .first thing' father did' was to telegraph' the names of all the sur vivors. I know that Is so because I saw the message." "Ah! He is a man of method, I sup pose. You are proud of him, I heard you' say," v , . , "I think there is no one like him In nil the world. We are so happy at home that sometimes I fear it cannot last. ' Yet; thank God," there is no ex cuse for such nightmare terrors." Mrsi Vansittart jfooed in her gentle way. "Indeed, you have my earnest good wishes in that respect," she said. "Do we not owe our lives to you? That is an excellent reason for gratitude, if a selfish one. But some day soon you will be getting married and leaving the parental roof." "I do not wish to die an old maid," laughed Constance, "yet I have not discovered a better name than my own tin to the present." She fancied that Mrs. Vansittart winced a little at this remark. Deem ing her visitor to be a bundle of nerves, she jumped to the conclusion that the other woman read into the words some farfetched disparagement of her own approaching marriage. "Of course," she continued, affably iactful, "I will hold another view tvhen tiltt right man asks me." "Were you in my place," murmured her visitor, apparently thinking aloud rather than addressing Constance, "you would no be fearful of misfor tune? You wouid not read an omen of ill luck into this dramatic Interruption of all your plans? After many years of widowhood I am about to be mar ried again to a man who is admirable In every way. He is rich, distinguished in manner and appearance, a person of note not only in the States, but on the continent. No woman of my years might desirj. a better match. Why could not the way be made smooth for me? Why should the poor Chinook, out of the hundreds of mail steamers which cross the Atlantic yearly, be picked out for uttr disaster? It is a warning a threat from the gods!" The unconscious litterness of her tone moved the girl to find words of consolation. "I vould not question the ways of Providence m the least," she said. "Sorely yoa have far more reaaon for thankfulness than-roc reretTar J V 1 "Becret! I am1 no 'regretting; bat I bsve gooe throvgbTOCfc tzUIs-tbct f . ' M5)TTi Constance was deeply touched. am unnerved. " There, child! Forgive me for troubling you. And andr kiss me, will you, and say you wish me well?" ;. ... She moved nearer, as if driven by uncontrollable impulse. Constance, not prepared for such an outburst, 1 was nevertheless deeply touched by this ap peal for sympathy - "I .wish you all the joy and happiness; which I am sure you deserve," she said, stooping to kiss the wan, shrinking face held up to her. . ., . :. Mrs. Vansittart burst into a parox ysm of tears and tottered toward the door. "No, no," she gasped as Constance caught her by the arm. "Do not come with me. I am shaken. It will pass. For God's sake, let me go alone!" - CHAPTER XII. YNE found Enid rosy red and inclined to be tearful. The dy- ' ing light of day was still strong enough in the service room to P permit these things to be seen. . , "No bad news, I hope?" he inquired, though the sight of Stephen Brand seated at his desk and placidly . writ ing was reassuring. The question steadied her to an ex tent. "It is nothing of any consequence.'1 6he said and darted past him. ' Brand looked up from his journal I He smiled, though . the American thought there wajs a hint of pain in his eyes. ' .. "I am going to lose one of my girls," he said. "Oh, no; this is not a loss by death, but by marriage. . If I were a Frenchman I would describe it as gain ing a son. Enid has just received what is tantamount to a proposal." , ,','r . "By flag wagging?" Pyne was natu rally astounded. "Yesi You would not expect one of the people from the Chinook to be so enterprising." "I don't know," said Pyne, punctu ating each word with a deliberate nod. "Well, in any case, I would not have forwarded the application after an ac quaintance of eighteen hours," ob served Brand, with equal deliberation. "They're two powerful fine girls,", said: Pyne,- steering clear of the point : "They have just been telling me how Miss Enid happened along. It reads like a fairy tale." "She was given to me by the winds and waves,, yet she Is dear to; me as my own child. I shall miss her great ly if all goes well here." ; "Pvei cottoned on to both of them Something wonderful. But, If I am' uot intruding Into' private' affairs, bov romes It that Miss Enid is being tele graphed for? Of course I can under stand the gentleman being in a hurry. I would feel that way myself if the renditions were favorable." Pyne could be as stolid as a red In dian when the occasion demanded it. Brand found no hint in his face of the hidden thought in his words. "Have they said anything to you of a man named Stanhope?" inquired the lighthouse keeper, resuming the entry In his diary after a sharp glance up ward. "Y-yes. They pointed him out to me this morning; in the navy, I think; fel low with a title and that sort of thing." "No. His mother is Lady Margaret Stanhope, being an earl's daughter, but his father was a knight. He has been paying attentions to Enid for a year ind mere to my knowledge and to his mother's exceeding indignation. I fan :y." "That is where we on the other side have the pull of you." "Have you? I wonder. However, Lady Margavet's views have not trou bled me. I will deal with her when the time comes. At present it looks fairly certain that Master Jack has settled matters on his own account. I may be mistaken, of course. How do you interpret this?" He closed the journal and handed to Pyne a memorandum taken down let ter by letter by a sailor as Brand read the signal: "Mother sends her love to Enid." "Did mother ever convey her love to Enid before?" asked Pyne. "No." "Then I call that neat I take off my hat to Stanhope. He and mamma have bad a heart to heart talk." ' Brand leaned his head on his hands, with - clinched fists covering his ears. There was a period of utter silence un til the lighthouse keeper rose to light the lamp. , Pyne watched him. narrowly. "Ji may be trespassing on delicate groand," be said t .last. ,flt I am, you are, j4ot the"sofV of 'man jo stand n : iwcnony. Iff ctbe 33tatesy -yon knovr, jrtwtt theqorlt wlorefierve up ' a ' Doardf which leaSsf eep"r6ff . We never kick. We're used to It." "My notice board, if required, will be less curt, at any rate," replied Brand, and they faced each ' other. Though their words were light, no pleasant conceit lurked in their minds. There was a question to be asked and answered, and it held the issues of life and death. "What did you mean just now by sayins, 'If all sops well here? Is there any special reason why things should not ro well?" The younc: PKIadelphian might have been hazarding : an inquiry about a matter -of trivial interest, so calm was h so smooth his utterance. But BranJ had uiade no mistake in esti mating this youngster's force of char acter, nor did he seek to temporize. He extended an arm toward the reef. "Yon hear that?" he said. "Yes." "It mr.y boil that way for weeks." "So I have been told." "By whom?" "Mr. Emmett told tae." "Ah! He and I have discussed the matter already. Yet 1 imagine that neither he nor any other man in the nince save mvself erasps the true meaning of 'the fact." "I've been theorizing," said Pyne. "It occurred to me that this light isn't here for amusement." He looked up at the lamp and smiled. The . pillar in those days must have been a haunt of Illusions, for Brand, like Constance ' and Pyne himself in the case of Mrs: ' Vansittart, thought he ' caught an expression familiar to his eyes long before he .had seen that clear cut, splendidly intelligent face. But there was no time for idle specu lation. He glanced into the well of the stairs to make sure that no one was ascending. .. Then he approached nearer to Pyne and said in an intense whisper: "It is folly to waste words with you. I have reasoned this thing out, and now I will tell you what I have decided. 1 will take the watch from S until 12 At 12 you will relieve me and I will go below to secure provisions and water sufficient to maintain the lives of my daughters, you and myself for a few. hours longer than the others. By risht. if I followed the rules I have promised to obey, I alone should live. That is Impossible. A Spartan might do it, but I cannot abandon my girls and yet retain my senses. I trust you because I must have a confederate. If the weather does not break before tomorrow night we must barricade the ! stairs and fight if necessary." His face was drawn and haggard, his eyes blazing. He shook as one in the first throes of fever. He seemed to await his companion's verdict with an overpowering dread lest any attempt should be made to question the justice of his decree. "Yes. I figured it out that way, too," said Pyne. "It's queer, isn't it, to be In such a fix when there's all sorts of help within call,- so to speak? We might as well be in a mine closed up by an explosion.; And, , I'll tell you what, I'm real sorry for you.", ; , Brand.; collapsing under the strain, SWfcjnto a chair. . (To be Continued) Additlorial Local. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Savage left yes terday for Salem, where they will re main during the fair. Mr. Savage is superintendent of the pavillion and Mrs. Savage has charge of the needlework de partment. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Garrrow returned Friday evening from a week's visit in Portland. Eav. and Mrs. M. S. Bush reached home Saturday irom a several weeks' outing at points on the coast. Because people call him out of bed in the dead of night, have him eummoned to the telephone from the housetop where he is painting, and send him let ters by special delivery, all to inquire when the public school opens, Prof. Holme' , the good natured principal, is almost a nervous wreck, and to save the wear and tear on his fragile form he has requested that the Gazette announce to the world that the Corvallis public school will opeH on September 17th. Will everyone interested please sit up and take notice, and give the principal time to recuperate? Four hundred chairs have just arrived from Portland for the various rooms at the college. They were ordered byO. J. Blackledge, who received Saturday nearly two car loads of new furniture for bis establishment. A party in from Alsea, Saturday, seated that quite a shower of rain had fallen over there that morning, completely lay ing the dust from Alsea to Philomath. Corvallis felt only half a dozen sprinkles. Asa Alexander and fatiily left yester day for the Ireland hop yard w here they will camp for the picking season. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green of Portland were guests over Sunday of Corvallis relatives. W. L. Reed, who reaide3 north of town, is about recovered from his attack of typhoid fever, George Reed, a sob, is now suffering with the same ailment. She Found Relief. If you are troubled with liver com plaint and have not received help read thia.- Mrs. Mary E. Hammond, Mood?, Texas; t"I was in poor health with nr tmnhli-for over a year." Doctors did me no g-obd land I tried HerbiaeKnf M lK3ttJe3aire4ine..y Icaar;atyftoQ eddnr,;ilwayBae.Itt tbt. ,Pttfett wiah" Sold: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis PeaK of. AU-a epent Sunday and yesterday with rela tives in Corvallia. Miss . Mell Elgin returned Sunday evening from a week's vacation a New port. She has resumed her position in Kline's store, where her seaside cotn- plexioa is the envy of ail observers. Ernest Sheasgreen of Portland vitittd Corvallia relatives and friends this week. George Brown, who has typhoid fever in a mild form, ia getting alone nicely. Mis. Sarah Stewart and family and Mrs. Nioez Francisco left jesterday to go into camp at Ireland's hop yard. Mrs. Ruth Looney and her son and daughter left Friday, after a visit with Mrs. Sarah Baldwin in this city. Thsy reside in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Starr were to arrive yesterday from Junction City for visit with Corvallis relatives. Mr. Starr is constantly on the road, as organizer for tne M. W. A. Mrs. C. C. Wcodworth left yesterday for her hi me in Portland, after a visit in Corvallis with relatives aDd friends. juiss Alary sutneriand began moving yesterday into the Jesse Moses house on Water street. Bnrd Croft returned Saturday from Sr. Johns, where he has been employed for several months. Mrs. C. 0. Chipman and children, Mrs. Prudence Chipman and Charles Chipmah's young folks went into camp yesterday at Taylor's hop yard, for the season. . Wisconsin Road Plan. Wisconsin has a new road law under which it expects to build a large mileage of new, hard roads. The new law provides ! that each township of a county may build one mile of road each year, and one-half of the expense is borne by the county at large. The cost is limited to $1,000. The road may be built on the petition of fifty freeholders. Ten days after the filing of the peti tion the town supervisors appoint an engineer and two disinterested freeholders, who start the work by examining the road which must be accurately described in the petition. It is easy to see if half the townships succeed in building new roads or improving them, one half of the expense of which must be borne by the en tire county, the other townships which have been taxed to meet the expense, will want a similar improvement; and will . start the work, one-half of ,the expense of which, .must be borrie by the townships that already have taken the initiative and have been improved. Under the workings of the new . law all of the townships soon will com mence building a mile a year and keep it up until the entire coun try has a system of hard roads. Ex. For Sale. Twenty head of horses and mules aged from 2 to 4 years. Four miles south west of Albany on the Oakville road. Route 3, Albany, Or. 72-4 B. L Taylok. The Kind "Sou Have Always in use for ovei 30 years, and sonax All Counterfeits, Imitations arid "Just-as-g-ood" are but Experiments that trifle vritl; raid. c.rK'.ariCjc? ifco iiealth of Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment hat Is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children;s Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE Sears the S7 ... ? -w 7- - , I 4 . .- !.. - . . . . ! . . . - . 1 i Real Estate Transfers. M D Allen to J W Watters,. wt-st of Mon- 158.S8 acres south ce; $2000. State of Oregon to Howard Moriey 449 95 acres near Wells: $562.44. U S to S N Lilly; patent; 160 acres west 01 Helletountain. Chas Evens and wife to Tho mas Warren, 60 acres in Alsea; $600. J B Smith and wife to H T Martin and wife, 38 acres west of Albanv; 1750. Samuel King to Lillie J King;, q c d, lots 11 and 12, block 18, Corvallis; $1. M P Burnett, , sheriff, to M P Totten, Sheriff's Deed; 160 acres Alsea; $465.67. A D Perkins to J K Weather ford, 160.58 acres; $1000. M E Harris, etal, to M E and J G Morris, lots 5 and 6, block i, Dixons add to Corvallis; $725. M J- Stacy and husband to Willamette Valley Co, right of way; $1.00. . J W Foster and wife Norwood, 46.41 acres Corvallis; $ 100. to A R sonth of We pay 4 on time deposits, current rates on savings accounts, receive deposits subjedt to check, and do a general bank ing business.. You can have the advantages of a strong bank at your very door by using the mails. Send us your deposits. Acknowledg ment will be sent you by return mail. Savings accounts received from one dollar up. , , . . , , Open an account with us and note how rapidly it will grow. J. FRANK, WATSONL Fraidert; R. U DURHAM. V PicW i W. K FEAR. Stoi & C CATCHINCS, Ant Secreuiy latits 247WASH.ST. PbRTLAND.ORE. The fo JdB Work TPoug - Iit, and. wnieh lias been iias borne the signature of has been made under his per- superr"si-.Ti sktce its infancy.. ALWAYS Signature of rv27