Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 04, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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"PuV.ished Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette I'i-eiishing Company.
subscription pri-e of the Gazette
iralyea.-s Ims --on. and ern.V'ia
Muum, or 25 pe r cent, di-vmr.! if
:i advance. Tiiis pa:er will be
.tC until all ant-aree are pai !.
Net long ago the parents of a
baby in New York died and the
little child was given to the sis
ter of the deceased mother, who,
of course, was the aunt of the
mt. She proved a good
mother to the lictle charge and
was of good character, but in
course of time she married a
niLn of religious faith different
to what she 'had been raised,
also at variance with religion of
the deceased paients of the
charge to which she was minis
tering. Tiie grandparents of the
orphan went into court and were
awarded the custody of their
grandchild. What hocus-pocus
the judge based his decision on
is a .oystery. It seemed to be
the Idea of His Honor that a
child whose parents are dead
mus-t be brought up in the faith
which they professed while liv
ing. Strange decision, to say
the least.
Had the judge any assurance
that had the parents lived they
would not have changed their
religion? Does he hold that
there is only one road that leads
to realms of eternal bliss? and
does he opine in secret that the
one in which he assisted this
little waif to be reared is that
one? One can almost fancy such
a judge going so far as to de
lare that the faith a child is
born to it shall follow; until it
outgrows a guardian. A little
farther along on such an argu
ment and it is doubtful if parents
would have a right to the posses
sion of their own children if they
changed their faith after the ap
pearance of their progeny. , To
make the whole proposition,
from first to last, absurd, we
will presume that if a father
dies and later his widow marries
another man of a different re
ligion some power should step in
and take the mother's children
from her.
We all respect a wholesome
and rational religion. It is a
good thing, but when nonsensi
cal it is deplorable and none re
gret the follies perpetrated in
the name of religion more than a
sincerely devout and broad
minded person. These ultra
nonsensical acts do more to breed
infidelity and skepticism than
anything else. They excite liberal-minded
people with con
tempt. If there be but one pathway to
the "better land," through the
portals of what church does it
run ? Who can say his church
and his religion is the only
means of salvation? What then
becomes of the millions belong
ing to other denominations who
are striving to live honorable and
upright lives? What becomes of
the untold millions of people who
died before this particular church
was dreamt of? Let each and
all choose that religion which af
fords possessor the greatest
solace, and cling to it with all
the sincerity of your natures,
but be rational, as you are sin
cere, and d ,i r.o: assail the digni
ty o." ; .Y.urjeit' or church by coun
tenancing follies which spring
from insincere, hypocritical or
irrational minds.
Suit to Recover Property.
C. M. Viaito ot Corvallis, yes
terday afternoon brought suit in
the circuit cour -f,ai""-? Sheriff
D. S. Smith, lor ? -v ; rv ot boTt-cs and ' ,.v.-r.-.-nal
property valued at 745 and for
$250 .-pecia.1 damages.
The complaint alleges that Mr.
Smith, on August 20. last, seized
property mentioned and refuses to
give up the same though the
plaintifl has made demand for it.
Tbe horses were taken UBder at
tachment ten days -go in the suit
of W. B. McCormick against
Oscar Dilley. Saeriff Smith
found the property in the hands
01 Mr. Dilley and under attach
ment proceedings seiz-d them
as tlu y were considered the pro
perty of Mr. Dilley. Mr. Vidito
claims ownership and the pies
ent suit against the sheriff is the
E. R. Bryson, of Corvallis,
and Weatherford & Wyatt of this
citv are attorneys for tbe plain
liff. Friday's Albany Herald.
Plenty of Work But no Response
From This Class,
In an editorial the Oregonian
sizes up the situation" in regard
to tbe loafers that are found in
Corvallis and in every other town
these days, when help has never
been in such demand as now.
The man who loafs while the
summer days slip by is the man
who asks for credit and gets it
not when the winter rain is upon
the land, and whose family suf
fers for want of decent food and
comfortable raiment. The edi
torial says:
One of the marvels of a busy
season, with its demand for labor
in every line, is the number of
men who stretch their listless
length day after day on the grass
of the park blocks or doze on
the park benches over the sport
ing columns of the daily papers.
True, the grass is cool and the
shade inviting at present; but it
does not require a very lively
imagination to picture these same
grounds in the winter, when
Nature is taking her annual rest
and does not invite the Summer
lounger to share it with her.
The call to labor is resounding
throughout the land. No able
bodied man is now idle except
from choice; the wages offered
everywhere and in every voca
tion are living wages, with some
thing to spare for the rainy day
that two months hence will re
peat itself more or less contin
uously throughout the Pacific
Northwest until Spring.
It is not work, however, that
the idler wants. He would even
scorn "employment" unless it
came to him with the "soft-
snap" guarantee. And it may
be as well to say, though the
statement may shatter the lan
guid hopes of the soft-snap man,
that this guarantee does not ac
company the demand for labor
that is heard on every band.
Employers weie never more will
ing than now to concede the
truth of the assertion, "The labor
er is worthv of his hire," nor were
they ever less ready than now to
paittr with men who work uv.dcr
compulsion and perforin as little
actual service for the stipulated
.vaye as is possible.
There is work in the harvest
fields, but the soft-snap man does
not and need not turn his steps
that way; soon there will be
work for hundreds of hands in
the hop yards, but if the soft
snap man winds his way thither
looking for a job that will be
simply an outing with wages as
an attraction, he will soon dis
cover that hoppickiug does not
fill the measure of his desire.
Later there will be prunes to
pick and potatoes to dig, in either
of whfch occupations a willing,
industrious man can make wages;
but the soft-snap man will not
bend his back to such lowly
tasks. Dairymen need help, but
their need is not met by the soft
snap man. The sawmills were
never so driven with orders as
now, and never before was help
that deserved the name more
sure than now of a place in the
lumber industry, at good wages.
But the soft snap dots not lurk
in and about milliards.
Even in the, so-called lighter
vocations the demand for labor
has no soft-snap guaraniee.
C'erks are wanted m department
stores for use, not for ornament;
shipping clerks find 110 soft-snap
behind the enormous piles of
goods waiting to hi shipped, and
even the office boy lias need of
legs upon which 1 ear him
about on pressing errands, ard of
a cheerful voie in which to re
spond to the insistent business
call of the telephone. In brief,
there is work to do in every de
pat'mcntof labor, business and;
trade. But there are no soft
snaps awaiting the listless ap
proach ot the park idler, the
street corner lounger, the bum
mer at the Men's Resort or the
lodger in the Salvation Army
barracks. And if ever there was
a time for the edict, "Those who
will not work must not eat,"
which was the basis of industrial
discipline in the large families
of a past generation, that time is
at hand.
That the roots of many native plants,
growing wild in our American forests,
possess remarkable properties for the cure
of human maladies is well proven. Even
the untutored Indian had learned the
curative value of some of these and
taught the early settlers their uses. The
Indian never liked work so he wanted his
squaw to get well as soon as possible that
she might do the work and let him hunt.
Therefore, he dug " papoose root1" for her,
for that was their great remedy for fe
male weaknesses. Dr. Pierce uses the
same root called Blue Cohosh in his
Favorite Prescription," skillfully com
bined with other agents that make it
more effective than any other medicine in
curing all the various weaknesses and
painful derangements peculiar to women.
Many afflicted women have been saved
from the operating table and the sur-
? eon's knife by the timely use of Doctor
'ierce's Favorite Prescription. Tender
ness over the lower pelvic region, with
backache, spells of dizziness, faintness.
bearing down pains or distress should not
go unheeded. A course of "Favorite Pre
scription" will work marvelous benefit
in all such cases, and generally effect a
permanent cure if persisted in for a rea
sonable length of time. The "Favorite
Prescription " is a harmless agent, being
wholly prepared from native medicinal
roots, without a drop of alcohol in its
make up, whereas all other medicines,
put up for sale through druggists for
woman's peculiar ailments, contain large
quantities of spirituous liquors, which
are very harmful, especially to delicate
women. "Favorite Prescription" con
tains neither alcohol nor harmful habjt
forming drugs. All its ingredients are
printed on each bottle wrapper. It is a
powerful invigorating tonic, imparting
health and strength in particular to the
organs distinctly feminine. For weak
and sickly women, who are "worn-out,"
or debilitated, especially for women who
work in store, ofiice, or school-room, who
sit at the typewriter or sewing machine,
or bear heavy household burdens, and for
nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce':; Favorite
Prescription will prove a priceless benelit
because of its health - restoring and
strength-giving power.
For constipation, the true, scientific
cure is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet
Mild, harmless, yet sure.
A Wise
The Gazette
. Is the only office in .
OanvaHJs that can
deliver the goods
We Can Show You
Notice to Consumers of City
Water rent will be due and payable in
advance at the office of the City Water
Works on the first day of each month,
and if not paid within the first ten days,
the water will be shut off until payment
is made of the amouut due, and fifty
eents in addition for the expense of turn
ing water eff and on.
Office of Cif.i' Water Works 19 located
on the lower floor of the city hall. Oifice
will be open during the first ten dajs of
the month from 8 a. in. until 12 m. and
from 3 p. m. until 6 p. m. First Satur
day evening in each month from 7 p.
m. until 9 :33 p. m.
By order of Water Commissioners.
B. F. Burnett, Superintendent.
Independent phone 138. 71tf
General Robert E. Lee.
Was the greatest General the world
has ever known. Bsllaid's Sno-v L:ni
ment is the iiieatPst Liniment. Oni.-!r v
cures all pains. It is within the reach of
ll m T T TV - t -r .
an. x. xi. i-oiuier, itempstead, lexis,
writes: "This is to certify that Bal
lard's Snow Liniment has been used in
my household for years and has been
found to be an excellent r.mimon t fnr
Rheumatic pains. I am never without
it." Sold by Graham & Wortham. '
Well Worth Trying.
W. H. Brown. fh
- - - J .-w f'ufruK.ka IVUItUll
attornev. of Pittstield. Vt..
to a pension .the best thing to get is Dr.
iyingg wew ine nils.' -He writes,
"thev keen mv family in nnlonHirl
health." Quick cure for Headache.
Obnstinaf inn and . Rilinnonwio on
Guaranteed at.AUen Woodward' drug
Many of the new Fall Dress Goods are here ready for your
approval; the choicest collection of foreign and domestic ma
terials we have ever shown.
The rich, new plaids, the handsome suitings and the im
mense variety of plain weaves all go toward making an assort
ment which even at this early date is very complete.
Many of these goods are made to our direct order by the
best mills of France and America. Therefore, we are able to
offer,; you exclusive styles, bought under the most favorable
circumstances, at prices which cannot be duplicated elsewhere.
We make a Specialty of the Celebrated
Shadow Check Plaids
Where the prevailing ;color is navy, green, red or gray. These are very
pronounced styles and decidedly stylish for separate skirts.
The yard $1.22, 150, and 1.75
English Griffonette
Absolutely waterproof, sponged and shrunk.
$2.50 per yard
Gray Suitings
Splendid assortment of gray suitings, in which a thread of color is wover,
forming checks and breken plaids. Great values at
The yard 85c, $1.00, 1.25,1.50
Our own importation of French broadcloth, embraces all thefashionable
colors for evening and street wear. Sponged and shrunk.
$1.50, 2.25 per yard
Navy Blue Serges
Promise to become a fad during the coming season. We have some spier
did values in the imperial serges. Other colors are brown, green, wiae and
The yard 60c to $1.75
Popular Price Suitings
Plaids, tailor suitings, mixtures, checks, all-wool batistes, eerges, alba
tross in every wanted color.
The yard 50c
Are as popular as ever. t We are ehowing several' grades in which navy,
brown, green, red, gray and reseda are the leading colors : 48-in. to54-in. wide.
The yard 85c, $1.00, 1.25 and 150
The New Black Dress Goods
Are irrisistible. Many entirely new weaves are here. Marquisette, silk
voiles, wire voiles, chiff jn cloths, miuoqua, poplin, worsteds, novelties in silk
and wool.
Prices Always the Lowest
$JJi TO &M
If you have 125 loads of manure to sprend and
g or have a 25 acre meadow we will tell you how you can increase the value of your crop this year
3 trom $4.00 to fS.OO per acre or more than enough to pay for a spreader. We issue- a 43-pase bock
entitled Practical Experience With Barnyard Manures," which explains the whole situation.
Our Plan is not a theory. It is an actual fact, backed up by actual experiments extending over
a period of 18 years. To give you an idea of what
merits made with various crops where 5 loads of manure were spread per acre by the old method,
and 5 loads by the new method, on corn ground. The latter shows a gain of $4.83 per acre. On
another field and in another state, it shows a gain of $5.60 per acre, and os a clover and timothy
rAeadow, a gain of S8.00 per acre.
This Bock will be sent free to anyone writing us. It is worth S100.00 to yon, but it won't cost
yon a cent. If it doesn't do you any good, it won't do you zz.y herm. Write us noi7 aad let as mail
it to you. It is brimming full of valuable information.
i mm mwi IwMf wmM rn
Siaili IS
Spreads all kinds of manure, straw stack bot
toms andcommercial fertilizer regardless of their
condition. Spreads as muck sV; a. day as 15 men
can by hand. Spreads the la ces; load in 2 to 4
i.iinutes. Makes tbe same amount of manure go
;,iree times as f:.r and produce better results;
roakes all manure line and immediately avail
ab!e for plant life.
Non-DuncHr.bie Rake forms a hopper, holds
r 'l hard chunks in contact wi;h beater until
vhoroughly pulverized.
Endless Apron is one continuous apron, (not
a 4 apron) therefore always ready to toad. You
don't have to drive a certain distance to pull it
back into position r'ter each load or wind it back
by hand ; it ii a great advantage in making long
There i no Gearing about our Endless Apron
to break and cause trouble, it is always up out
of the way of obstructions es it does not estend
below axle. Spreads ez-enly from start to finish
and cleans out perfectly clean.
Hood and End Gate keeps manure away from
beater while loading ; prevents choking of beat
er and throwing out a bunch when starting and
acts as wind shield when spreading. It has a
graduating lever andean be regulated while in
motion to spread thick or thin, 3 to 25 loads per
Liht Draft because the load is nearly equally
Write just these words on a postal card or in a letter "Send ms your book 'Practice! Ex
perience with Barnyard Manures' and catalogue No.! 7 758 " They will be mailed to you free.
Do it now before you haul your manure or prepare for any crop. Q
Smith faanisfaci oi-ing 0oa? 182 Harspsscn St? Olilosgs
Sitrvic l" Death.
Because her :oiu :ch go we&kened
bv useless rfrnj; ; -jt that she could not
eat, Mrs. Mary li. 'alters, of Sr. Clair
St., Columbus. Ohio , was literally
starviar tn !e;Uh. She writes: '"My
stomach was so weak from useless drugs
that I could no: eat, and my nerves so
wrecked thit I could not sleep: and not
before I was jziven np to die was I in
duced to try Electric Bitters; with the
wonderfal result that improvement be
gan at once, and a complete cure follow
ed. J' Best health tonic on earth. 50c.
Guaranteed by Allen & Woodward, drug
gists. Subscribe fcr the Gazette. t-
That's what a Spreader will do if
used as it should be.
you are coins to olant 25 acres cf corn or wheat.
this booU contains, we show results of experi- w
A m
balanced on front and rear asles. The team 5s
as near the load as it can work. Front and rear
axles are the sums length and wheels track;
beater shaft runs in ball and socket bearings,
therefore no friction. Beater is 23 inches in di
ameter, seat turns over wiiea loadicg. Machine
turns in its own length.
Simplicity. There are only two levers cn our
machine. One which raises the hood, loc'.:3 it
and throws the machine in ear at the same t'.rne.
It can then be thrcwa in and out of gear without
lowering the hood. One lever which cijanir-'S
feed to spread thick or thin, making it so simple
that a boy who can drive a team caa hznihj ;:.
Strength and Drthiiity ia one of the siw
important piurs to be conid'ar -n ? ' ;
sprc;-;.;er. The Gr i:t lVcsi-:r.i a ;:.-j;.
durable ivheel. Extra stro'Tfr anct r-'" .
heavy steel tires. Strong, well braced bos v 1 :i
heavy oak sill. Oak tov.piie. hLUjry double r r r
malleable castings, gears ar. i strocfats all !
on. Galvanized hoed. Every part is made extra
strong, regardless of cu-t. is made for the m i -1
who wants the best, made in four sizes, 33, 50,
JO and 1 00 bushel catacity.
Guarantee Should any part break, wear ovt cr
get out of order withi" one year we replace free
cf charge. Send for free catalog, showing !r.i?s;
improvements. I tells how to apply manure to
secure bst results.
If It's a Reputation.
You are after, Wiii-e's Cream Vermi
fuge bas a world wide reputation as the
best of al! worm des rovers, and for its
toni - influence on weak and unthrifty
'children. It improves their digestion,
aids assimilation of their food, strength
ens I heir nfrvous system and restores
then, to health and vigor natural to a
child. If you want a healthy, han.iy
chiiri net a bottle of White's Cream Ver
mifn re. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
"To Cure a Felon."
Savs Sam Kendall, of Pbillipburg,
Kan., "just cover it over with Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and the Salve will do tbe
rest." Quick es- cure for Burns, Bohs
Sore. Scalds, Wounds, Piles, Eczema.
Salt Rheum, Chapped Hands, Sore Feet
awl - rp Eyes. Only 2oo at Allen &
TVoouiii, i-ggii. ' UiiaianteecT.
Fifteen worda or less, 25 cts for three
mccessive insertions, or 50 eta per
month; for all np to and including ten
additional words, cent a word for each
For all advertisements over 25 words,
1 ct per word for the first insertion, and
ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
charged tor.
quire of George Campbell, Oorvalus.
Phone 466. 73tf
outfit and business consisting of 200
fowls, three incubators, one bone
grinder, one grit grinder, one clover
cutter. Cheap if taken soon. K. F.
D. 3. Ind. phone 3. S. H. Moore,
Corvallis, Ore. 70tf
ble top bedroom suite.
Two-burner oil stove.
Box heating stove.
6Jt( S. L. Kline, residence.
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build on them
if tiesired. Address First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
Or., for spot cash, balance instal
ment, and help parties to build homes
thereon, i: desired. Address M. S.
Woodcock, Corvailis, Or.
Veterinary Surgeon
surgeon and dentist. Residence 1220
Fourth street. Phone 389. Office
1011 Main Btieet, phone 204. Give
him a call.
and Surgeon. Kooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
(p.m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
ams Sts. Telephone at ofiice and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. ltf
iiietitn; curbing made to order; clean
ing and reparing done neatly: save
nent's commission. Shop North
Alain St., Frank Vaiiijoot-en, Prop, 92tt
Oliice up stairs in Zierolf Bxii'dinc.
Only tet of abstracts in iji-iuoij Coui.iy
Office in Post Office Building, Corval
iiB, Oregon.
Gazette snu Wetkiy Gregorian at
$2.55 per year.
oats and vh(at; will ship from Lear est
K. R statior. Sacks furnithed; those
not used returned free. I handle
every kind ot larm sped that will
grow. Get others' prices, then yet
mine. Yours for business, L. L.
Brooks. 08tf
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts ,a general
conservative banking busdmss. Loans
money cn approed security. Dralts
bought fend told and money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
Reduced Rates.
Offered for the East by the S. P.
Comoany. Corvallis to Chicago and re
turn, $73.95; St. Louie, $69. 95 ; Milwau
kee, $72.15; St, Paul and Minneapolis,
162.45; Sioux City, Council Bluffs,
Omaha, St, Joseph, Atch::son, Leaven
worth and Kansas City, $02.45.
Sale dates: June 4, 6, 7, 23 and 25 ;
July 2 and 3; August 7, 8 and 9; Sep
tember 8 and 10.
Limit going, lo days; return limit,
9o days, but not after October 31. 42tf
The Breath of Liie.
' Its a sienficant fact that the strongest
animal of its size, the gorilla, also has
the largest lungs. Powerful lungs means
powerful creatures. How to keep the
breathing organs right should be man's
cbiefest study. Like thousands of others
Mrs. O. A. Stephens, of Port Williams,
Ohio, has learned how to do this. She
writes: "Three bottles of Dr. Kings
New Discovery stopped my cough of two
years and cured me of what my friends
thought was consumption. O, it's grand'
for throat and lung troubles.'' Guar
an teed by Allen & Vodward drugeista. ..
Pike 50c and fl.OO Tiial bottlt free. .