Leading Corvallis Newspaper. Best Adverts? fig Mediuta. Vol. XX.M. Corvallis. Benton CountV Orec5on,- Tuesday, September 4. 1906. MET FOR BUSINESS. Want Hose Cart and Hose, Protect T heir-Houses. to Another enthusiastic meeting of Jobs addition citizens was held at R. h. Taylor's store Friday evening, to further discuss plans lor securing the location of a hose cart in the western part of town. It is not rieht. argue these resi dents, that the central part ot town should be the favored section and that it should be fully pro tected from fire while other parts of town are left to the mercy ot any blaze that might be started A man's home in Jobs addition is entitled to just the same con sideration that is shown for an other man's home in the center of town or any place else, and when auy favoritism is shown to certain localities, it is no more than justice that a halt should be called. Such is the trend of the discussion that is going on, and citizens in the western part of town are becoming intensely in terested in the outcome. They realize that in that section they are utterly helpless, as no hose cart could be dragged from the city hall to that part of town in winter time, until a building would be gutted by the flames, and realizing this, they are mak ing every effort to have a hose cart located somewhere in the addition,' to insure protection. At the meeting Friday night, George Denman presided and Lincoln Chambers was elected secretaiy. A committee was ap pointed to draft new by-laws for the proposed volunteer fire-company. The committee consists of A. Kvle; , .T.JT. Vincent and Charles Heckart. - Another committee consisting of Henry Cummings, T T. Vin cent and'WrR? HanscITwas ap pointed to be present at the next meeting of the council to present the matter in regard to the hose cart for the addition. . . .v , ; Whether an independent,' vol unteer fire company can be or ganized, or whether ttiose wish ing to serve will be obliged to join the old fire company, is not yet known; to - the supporters of the new project. A number of residents of the western part of town have signed up as members of the proposed voluuteer comp any in case such an organization is perfected. The signers are: Lincoln Chambers, T. T. Vin cent, Henry Cummings, Clifford Kerr. Ed Felton, Charles Heck art, Roy Price, C. Hotchkiss, J. W. Handy, W. R. Hausell, Nor ton Adams, A. Kyle, George Denman, Newton Adams, George Fuller, George Mo re and H. Bullis. Many others not in attendance at Friday night's meeting, have signified their desire to join the company. Another meeting is called for Friday night, when re ports of the committees will be heard. j Hw They Passed Over. The following tribute to the memory of those that pass to the beyond through their fool acts is being passed around the press: 'Take a walk through any of the cemeteries throughout the country and you will believe with us that fools are slowly but surely passing away, says an ex change. With silent tread you pass the last resting place of the individual who blew into an empty gun. The modest tomb stoueof the girl who lighted the fire with kerosene and the grass covered mound that covers the mortal remains of the boy who took the mule by the tail is near by. The tall monument is for the man who jumped -of! the cars to save a ten rods' walk. Side by : side , lie the remains of the intellectual idiot that rode 9 miles in-t iQ: tnmutes and, tbjp ethereal ucreatare s who valwayi keptifae corset" laced ' to the last Hex LL -3 i L "the " young doctor who took a dose of his own medi cine, and the old fool who mar ried a young wife. Over yonder in the northwest corner where the gentle breezes sigh over the weeping willow lies the fellow who told his mother-in-law she lied. Near bv his grave, repose the mouldering dust of the editor who starved to death trying to run a first-class paper in a second class town. Further on lies the bov who went swimmme too early in the season, and the lady who kept strychnine and baking powder side by side in the cup board. And that unmarked, weed-grown grave in the dark, damp, dismal corner, by itself, is the dreary resting place of the deadest of them all the man who didn't advertise. Shocking Accident. William Clark, of Summit, met th a shocking accident Satar - wi day morning and as a result is minus two hand. fingers on the right Mr. Clark was working with a thresher some distance from home, when he received a telephone call from three to the effect that one of his horses had become mired in a mud hole in the pasture. Mr. Clark hurried home, and see ing that the case was a desperate one, ne iastenea a rope to tne mired horse and arranged a pul ley and ropes so that a team could pull out the suffering animal. In the hurry and excitement of the moment, however, Mr. Clark allowed his hand to slip between the rope and pulley, breaking and tearing the ring finger of the right hand almost off, and horri bly crushingthe little finger. line lnjurea man came 10 017 vaUis.3 where a local-physician amputated the, mangled fingers and dressed the ugly wound. The accident is one of those de plorable affairs of every day life from which there seems no escape, as they are constantly happening, in spite of all care and watchful ness. Belief ountain Briefs. Caryl, Belle and Earl Edwards have returned from Lane county, where they had been for four weeks, working in the harvest. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Buchan an Misses Grace and Edna Wat kins and Gertrude Barclay and Messrs. Ross Barclay, Jesse Wat kins and Robert Francis passed through Bellefountain Saturday en route to Alsea on a fishing trip. .The Humphrey & Perin, and the Oaks threshers have complet ed their runs for the season; the Kyle-Zterolf-Taylor outfit will finish the last of the week, while the Reader machine will be out ten days longer. Hop picking will begin in earnest the last of this week, in this locality. H. T. Bristow begins picking his bartlett pears the first of this week. He has about an average crop. Walter Taylor, who has been very ill for several weeks with typhoid fever, is not improved. M. M. Waltz has just pur chased a two-horse power grain chopper to chop feed for his dairy cows. He feels certain that this will prove of material benefit in his line of business. Misses Belle, Bertha and Earl Edwards, and Clyde and Claire Starr are to enter OAC this month. Miss Josie Benham is to go to Corvallis this winter to take a course in music. Warren Hmton and family moved from this place to Corval lis, Friday. ..The place vacated by Mr. Hinton will.be occupied by Emii Price the coming year. OS. Hei (rtoon'-fo toov-LtArP county to u Ke up' huf res idenoe. New Postoffice to be First in the Northwest. The completion of the A. Johnson two-story Vick will be the signal for rriany business changes. A fine barbershop and bathrooms will occupy a part o the basement while the remain der will be utiluiid as a genera storage room. 1 The bank wil occupy a suit 01 oraces on , tne hrst floor in the southwest cor ner of the buiidincr. while some very fine office rooms are plan ned for the second floor. Perhaps the greatest change Dlanhed will be the removal of the postoffice. Mr Johnson has been officially notified that . the (mvprnmont hns flwnrdpd him fche contract to ovide uarters . . , T- , ior tne local omce. ix quarters are established in the new brick they will be on the east side of the building, on the first floor. By this arrangement there will be an abundance of light and the alley will provide a means for getting the mail into the rear of the office, thus avoiding the necessity of taking it through the lobby. Special Postal Representative Hall, for the Pacific coast, was here recently and looked into af fairs very thoroughly. The plans and proposed equipment met with his hearty approval. The new postoffice when fitted up will beyond doubt be the finest in any city : of its class in the entire Northwest. All fix tures will.be placed on lines of elegance and durability, and with special attention to convenience. There will be five windows for the convenience of the public. In fact, the office will be fitted with a view to carrier service, which7 Postmaster V, . Johnson thinks we will be entitled , to in the course of three or four years if our postal receipts continue to increase in the future, as they have in the past. There is a possibility ; that Mr. Johnson will erect a v separate building for the postoffice, just across the alley back of the big brick. Should 'he do this it" will be a one-story brick, -30x80 feet. In this postoffice matter v A. J. Johnson is doing much for the town, as the terms granted by the government do not warrant such an outlay of cash, so there is considerable philanthropy on our townsman's end of the con tract. Burled Donkey Engine. Fred Hill is well known in Corvallis. having graduated from OAC in the clas of '05. His home is near Springfield, Lane connty, and his father, Jasper Hill, logs on the Windbury, a tributary to Fall Creek. Last week a fire broke out in that section and swept onward at a fierce rate. It consumed a lot of logs that meant - money to Mr. Hill, and.it finally became ap parent that the donkey engine and the rest ot the logging para phernalia would be destroyed. There was no place to get out with the machine, and the owner decided to bury it. All hands fell to work and the donkey en gine was soon underground, and the fire later swept on, doing no harm to the outfit. All of which tends to prove that "necessity is the mother of invention." Another Chemist Prom all accounts-OAC is to have another- chemist: added to fier I already," spJetidids.taff. A dirfc:;tCahlTcleoata;from Forest Grove, under date of Ang- PROMISE CF MUCH. ust 31st is as follows: Proiessor Charles E. B.adlev who has had the chair of chemis try in Pacific University tor th last six ears, has accepted th chair in chemistry in the Oregoi Agricultural College at Corvallis and will depart with his family in a day or so for that place. Mr. Bradlev was born at Gales hnrg, 111., February 22, 1874 When four years of age his par ents came West, and at the age of 16 he entered Tualatin Acad emy, beven years later he grad uated from Pacific University with the degree of B. S. 1 After a year's practical work in mining cnemistry, .ne was ap pointed assistant in the science department of Pacific University, and in iqoo was made instructsr n chemistry,' with the degree of M. S. Mr. Bradley returned from California a few days ago, where he and Professor James R. Rob ertson, of Pacific University had been studying research work, in the; Berkeley University. Mr. Bradley has many friends among the students, not only in the recitation-room, but also through the great interest he has always tak en in athletics. -r Cracked Safe. Keep an eye on your safe, for according to the West Side Enterprise you have , need to. The following is related of a Monmouth " safe " cracking" epi sode : " . The store of S. M. Danieis at Monmouth was entered Monday night , and a small' amount of cash .- "an d :-som e V pa pers were stolen, .The burglar was-.:,, a. safe-crackbr; but . was a;f yictl m "of love's labor1 16st In this case. He drilled a hole iffUheaiie,n4;w1a5. ready to aply V the -; explosives when' the door was discovered to be unlocked. It is Mr Daniels' custom to close his safe door and turn the bolt; -wfilQh i. serves as protection in case" of "fire, but he does ,not lock. . Beinjg next, door to the bank it.'- is " not necessary to keep money in the safe" though on this occasion Mrs. Daniels had deposited a box containing' $20 and' some jewelry. This the burglar got and also some pa pers' of Mr. Daniels'. I Entrance was made through the ;rear of the store and in leav- ing the burglar passed in the rear of the bank and blacksmith" shop. At the latter place he left a little wooden till taken irom the safe. The iron tilt, a'so taken, has not been found. His work done, the? burglar came direct to In dependence. Mr. Daniels track ed him in the dust Tuesday morning as far as the Butler place. About 4 o'clock the same morning a man was seen passing Hastings coming into town from the direction of Monmouth. Shortly after that time the dogs of W. W. Percival's residence flewout as if disturbed by a passerbv. Prof. Berchtold and family b egan moving yesterday from their former resi- dencd to Canthorn Hall, where they are to occupy a suite of rooms the coming school " year. It is Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milne now. The happy event took place in Portland Frida, and with hia bride Jack arrived home Saturday . Mr. Milae is the geoial proprietor of the "Gem" cigar store, and has a host of friends who join in f. ood wishes and congratulations. CASTOR Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always BougL" Bears the Signature of An Ounce of Prevention. Is worth a poun.l of cure. There ar many poor -uCerers. CoHS'imptivee who. are hopeful of rettragwell, who, ii th jtiad i taken. -care -of themselves weald Jem, heiwtflk . -i A' .Congo; is tl foundation iof ..Cprisnmptieiw-5 ; Ballardls Borehmtnd by run will core that cough. Mrs $naa FDp, vMwtant1 writes: I hvA(idziBa bm'b H6ehou(M5yr apt hsm & Worthim. You're Sure to Grow Over my set of Shirt Waists Sets'like those now on sale at this store. Shirt Waist Sets for July re just as gooJ for August or Septem ler, or any other month, if hnn.in n or a I f VOU W lit Whtit'a fimiiifiito mt a mw4oa1A buy a set. WeeuaranrpA thpv'r ih otJ value for the sum invested tuat can be had jvc turiu suu uuy a set. t . . j 1 Albert J. Metzger WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, - -' ' - Corvallis j . Paints . ; Graham (8b Wells ! B For. And all other kinds of Painters' supplies. Largest and most complete stock in the city. If you have anything to paint Consult Our Stocks and Prices . . ;: of fare alwavs srvprl ; TvomrfTinrY- -rxni . jx. 8 j' " i vi j. uuuig na, aiiu up-uu-uatt;. I Try our lunches and be convinced. " CASCADIA WATER. Soft Drinks, Cigars if ; --and Tobaccos :- FOR A . FINE LINE OF Otins, Fishing Tacklo, Baseball Goods Go to Gun Hodes' We Carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rod STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT EV80N3VIOUTH In time pieces is a necessity with the average person. A watch that keeps perfect time is a boon to anyone and should be repaired and over hauled at least once every 18 months, and by skilled workmen only. If your watch needs repairing or regulating take it to . W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician Estimates or Work Cheerfully Given and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 I14E GEM CIGAR STORE All. firet-clasa cigirs and tobacco; whist and pool uet.7 Vlllni' SPENCER'S Hair Irivigorafor And Dandruff Eradscafor a 1 r S" 3 2 " Trade lark wgistepsd. ' Price, Fifty Cents Manufactured by The Vegetable Compound Company Corvallis, Oregon 9t .Oils . .Brushes 1 y,.: I WILEY, Prop. BEGINS its 25th year Sepfeuiber 26, 1906. Three lull courses of study. Higher course recognized ,in Wash ington and other states. The best and shortest way to a state and life paper. Additional work in both general and special methods : also school management for graded and ungraded schools will be given this coming year. Longer terms, higher wages and bet rr opponuDiiifs are open to JMoirnai Graduates. School directors appreciate the superior ability of Monmouth grad uates, and the demand far exceeds the supply. Catalogue containing full in formation will be sent on application. Correspondence invited. Addresp, J. B. V. BUTLER, Registrar . Four dooig nortb of pottomce X 1 Tl 14A If