Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 31, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Rev. P. A. Mosea has been quite
ill at th? family home, since laet
Mrs. Nick Tartar has been the
guest this week of friends at Airiie.
She left Tuesday.
Mrs. J. C. Hammel and daughter
Blanche, and Mrs. Woods, of Port
land, left Tuesday for an outing at
Mrs. Anna Mills and daughter,
Miss Clara, arrived home Tuesday
f-om a week's visit with McMinn
ville relatives.
Dr. Bo wen Lester has returned
frotao his extended sojourn at Belk
nap Springs. He derived much
benefit from the trip.
Rev. G. H. Feese has been assist
ing S. B. Bane in the hay field this
week, and taking on the complexion
of a farmer.
Mrs. John W. Simpson and Mrs.
Gene M. Simpson were guests from
Sunday until Tuesday of Indepen
dence and Dallas friends.
Mi?s Minnie Woldt left Tuesday
for Albany, after a visit with Cor
vallis friends. She goes from there
to her home in Portland.
Miss Frances Belknap left Wed
nesday for Gearhart Park to attend
the Y. W.C.A. conference, which be
gins Friday and continues for ten
Henry Ambler and wife are to
eail from England for the United
States on September 12th. They
are expected in Corvallis about
October 1st.
Mrs. J. D. Wells returned Tues
day from Kings Valley, where she
had been visiting relatives. She
was accompanied home by her
mother, Mrs. E. A. Chenoweth.
The room occupied by the Je86e
Wiley lunch counter is being re
modeled. The old front has been
torn out and a glass front takes its
place, adding- very much to the ap
pearance of the resort.
Tne Epworth League of the M.E.
church had a pocial in t'je basement
of the church Tuesday evening.
Too League members and a fw of
their friends were present, and a
fine time was had by everyone.
The county board of equalization
has been in session thin week "over
at the court house. It is collp vd
of the county judge, county clerii
and assessor. But. very little busi
ness was up before the board at this
week's session.
J. D. Wells goes to Salem today
on a business trip.
Mr. Klecker of Alsea was a
visitor in Uorvallis, Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Lilly is visiting at the
tiomer ljiiiy Dome at wrenn lor a
Dolph Emerick and family left
Tuesday for Centralia, Wash., to
Mrs. Mary Dinges and Mrs
Wood spent Wednesday with rela
tives at Monroe.
J. W. Ingle came back Tuesday
evening from a business trip to
Mrs. August Hodes left Wednes
day for a tendays' visit with frierijs
in Portland.
Mrs. Thomas Wbitehorn return
ed Tuesday from a three weeks' rest
at Newport.
Mrs. Ed Felton, Sr., has been
quite ill this week, at the home in
Jobs addition. -
Miss Ella Johnson has returned
from a visit to the millinery open
ings at Portland.
Miss Margaret Snell arriyed
home Tuesday evening from a few
weeks' trip to California.
. Miss Ethel Linviile left Wed
nesday to spend a week with Miss
Gertie McBee, near Plymouth.
Miss Alice Jones left yesterday
for Lia lirande, where sne is to
teach school the coming winter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Senger expect to
leave tomorrow for a three or four
weeks' visit to relatives in Califor
nia. Miss Harriet Sheaegresn is visit
ing her parents in Portland for two
weeks, and enjoying a much needed
Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Moses re
turned Tuesday from a visit to
their daughter, Mrs. Sydney Trask,
at Fall City.
A. J. Johnson and party are ex
pected Lome today from thir
camping -expedition at the Ya
chaats Mies M. Eva Starr and Mrs. C.
0. Wood worth were euest Tues
1 v cf Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lilly.
- Several royal good fellows expsct
to leave Monday for Alsea and Tide
water for a week's outing. They
are Arthur Belknap, Claude Swann,
"Bobby" Burns and Harry Belk
nap, and it is safe to say that they
will have a "time."
Warren Hinton,cf Bellefountain,
was in Corvallis Tuesday, arranging
for his removal to this city next
Monday. He has leased the house
formerly occupied by the Danne
roan family, and also the one next
door north, and will keep a board
ing house.
Rev. C. T. Hurd and family will
reach home today from a five weeks' i
recrestion trip to Nye Creek. There
will be regular services at the
Uuited Evangelical church Sunday.
Tom """'' subject wi'l be, "The
Joy of Doing Our Duty;" evening,
' Bread in Egypt."
Ed Looney and family are t i
inov to Corvallis tomorrow from
Monroe, to take up their residence.
While buy about their packing this
week the house in which they lived
OHiisrht fire, and although all the
goods were saved the building was
eonsideratilv dimagcd. It belongs
to Wilhelms.
Suit for divorce has been brought
by George W. Parker vs. Mary J.
Parker. The attorneys for p'aintiff
are Hedges & Griflith, of Oregon
City, bv which it i$ presumed tbat
Mr. Parker Tesi;lrs in t'mt n'tv
Mrs. Parker lives near Philomath." Nea! also went d"'n VV
There are four children in tho fami- Three hundred chairs for distri
ly. ! bution in ihe various rooms cf ih
Dr. and Mrs. Orr and on weist jcoMeSe' where there ha3 r-e.vtr bee"
to Albany this week, after a several hU1.te aa ,adqUat9 BUWl a to
days' visit in Corvallis. Thev are i amve today from the Albany fact-
from Texa and are in eearchof ajSL'- wre 0.r,der5d ,hJ. J;
location. Their stay in Corvallis j Blackledge and wnl be delivered
convinced them this is a fine place i lmmediate'v'
The Jobm?Oi R-mi;ii Wilson par
ty reached home Tuesday night
from their outing at lacnaats.
Thev started back with a supply of
fish for their friends, but owing to
the " intensely hot weather were at
at W renn.
Mr?. D. C. Swann leaves today
for her home at Cra wforrisville.
H?r a few diyv wna hereon,
W. C. Swann, and family.
Hendersou Murphy and faaiiiy
are now domiciled in their recently
purchased property m south Cor
vallis. Taey finished moving last
Mr. and Mrs. Mills of Five Rivers,
have been in Corvallis this week, on
business. They are to reside in this
city, and occupy the Ruth Clark
residence. .
A bathing party, chaperoned by
Prof, and Mrs, Gunn, enjoyed a
plunge in the Willamette near the
1 1 in i.i
saw mil:, weanesaay evening.
About 15 or 20 enjoyed the eport.
Sheriff Burnett returned vester-
day from an extended outing at the
cont-t. In company with Sheriff
Ross of Linn, he has been in Alsea,
Newport and other places along the
seashore and had a fine outing.
O. J. Blackledge arrived home
Tuesday evening from Portland,
where he ordered a car load and a
half of new furniture to meet the
ru?h in trade that always comes
just after hop picking. j
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ssnger this week j
purchased the lesidence pn-perty of j
B. VV. Lncj, near tne C & E depot
The considsjratio i was $2,500, and j
Mr. Senger and family will raske
the pLice their permanent residence.
'James Tedrow and wif left this
week fur their hop yard near Inde
pendence, to be .bsrti.t during th
picking Reason. Among others who
are leaving Monday for th- f.-itii-locality
are Mr.". Wi-Jiam Wgi,er
and daughter, Mi? Lu'o. Roseoe.
Dr. E. H. Taylor went to New
port Wednesday for a rest.
Jesse Moses and family left Wed
nesday for Philomath to reside.
Collie Cathey returned yesterday
from his vacation of nearly two
weeks at Cascadia.
Geoige Sebrell came out from
Alsea, Tuesday, and will remain
for a couple of weeks.
Another swimming party is
planning to erjoy a plunge in the
Willamette river this evening.
George Brown is confined to his
home with illness, which may
prove to be typhoid fever, it is re
ported. ' .
Mrs. Lillie King arrives home
tomorrow from Portland, where she
was summoned by the illness of her
Mrs. Agnes Thompson, accom
panied by her granddaughter, Miss
Agnes Peterson, arrived home from
Portland, Wednesday.
There will be services at the
Presbyterian church Sunday at
the usual hours by the pastor. The
public is invited.
M. E. Church South: Sunday
School at 10 a. m. ... Regular church
services will be resumed morning
and evening. J. A. Ellison, pastor.
Rev. and Mrs M. S. Bush are to
return home tomorrow from Wald-
port, where they have been for sev
eral weeks enjoying their annual
to live, and they expressed them- j
selves as highly pleased with the
cmnty of Beuton. and particularly
with Corvallis. It is their intention
to return.
Four "probable" weddings are
much discussed in Corvallis just
now. Io one, an OAC professor and
a Portland lady are figured out as
participants; in another, a promi
nent Corvallis girl and an Eastern
Oregon youne man will have the
principal parts; in the third the son
of influential Corvallis parents and
the daughter of a wealthy . farmer
south of town, will be groom
and bride, while tbo fourth is re
ported to be a Benton county official
and a" Corvallis lady. A chromo
for the first correct guess of all
fourl t
Mies Florence Adams has decided
to teach school this fall, and has
accepted a position' in the neighbor
hood of Airhe. She does not begin
teaching, however, until after hop
Rev. J. P. Conder, of Portland,
wm preach at the Christian church
m this city at the usual hours.
Sunday. The subject in the morn
ing is The raca or Jesus, and
in the evening, "The Future Life,
Before and After Judgment."
Miss JLmma Ihompson came
home Weduesday from Portland
where she had been for eeveral
weeks. Her sister, , Mrs. A. F.
Peterson, who hits been , in the hos
pital for a second surgical operation
is improving but is not yet able to
be up and about.
It ia said that 200 people came
out from the bay on i uesday s
trains, and every day there are
crowds of transients in this city at
the noon hour, , coming and going.
As the first of September draws near
the seaside season begins to wane,
as people turn homeward to prepare
for the opening of school and college.
Bids for the construction of the
A. J. Johnson brick in this city
were to haye been opened in Salem
last week, the plans having been
turned over to the architect. No
information as to who secured the
contract has been received in this
city at the present time, but A.
J. Johnson is expected home from
Yachaats today, when something
definite will no doubt be given out.
The fifth convention of the Wil
lamette Valley Development Lea
gue is echeduled to be held at For
est Grove, September 7th. Col. E.
Hofer of Salem is president of the
League, and Walter Lyons of In
dependence is secretary. An in
vitation has been received by the
Gaz9tte editor to attend, and the
same is hereby gratefully acknow
The Chapel Car Evangelists will
conduct services eacn evening in
the chapel car at th depot. The
Rev. and Mr?. E. R. Hermipion
who have charge of th car have
viaitpd many of th cities on. the
Pacific coast and conducted Faocese
ful meetings and these eervics
have beea appreciated by ail. On
next Sunday they will conduct
there services in the Baptist church
both morning a::d evening.
Mrs. John Smith gave n, dinner
party Wednesday evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. K;rkpatrick, of
San Irrancisco. The decorations in
th-i dining room were sweet peas so
arranged that, the effect was artislic
find beautiful. The guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkprtrick, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Wiles and daughter,
Mr. and Mr. J. F. Yates, Mr. and
Mr?. J. O. Wilson, Mrs. E.'H.
Taylor, Mrs. J. L. Taylor, George
I Kirkpatricfe and John Wilson.
Mrs. M.J). Uarroll and fonr children
have arrived from Union, to locate. They
nave leased the Mra. Minnie Lee resili
ence and took possession Wednesday,
Mrs. Lee expects to leave in about two
weeks for Victoria, B. C, to visit for a
month with Prof, and Mrs. E. C. Hay-
ward, ater which she proceeds to Bluf-
ton, Indiana, to spend the winter with
her mother. v
Grain sacks for Bate at O.
Blackledge's store. " 72
Miss Mary Sutherland was in Corvallis
yesterday, from Shedds. She ia to move
immediately into the Blackledge cottage
on railroad street, recent 1 vacated by
J. H. Price and family.
Buy a piano on the installment
plan. Where? At N. A. Fishei'e,
successor to jl. ju. White.
Mrs. Maad Hurt Creffield who has
been eerionsly ill in the Seattle jail.
where she is awaiting trial, is somewhat
better, according to a letter received from
Esther Mitchell by O. V. Hurt, in this
city, Wednesday. The letter tella Mr.
Hart not to worry about Mrs. Creffield
and the riter, and states that the two
women are given the best of treatment
by the jail officials. "Of coarse," so the
letter runs, "the air in the jail is not the
best, and it is not a yery quiet place for
any one who is ill, bat we are treated as
well as we can be under the circumstan
Who sells pianos? N. A.
Chester Coffee leaves Sunday for Mc.
Minnville, en route to attend the Photo
graphers' Convention at Spokane. The
exhibition, of the Corvallis Studio will
consist of a portrait study of Miss Iva
Barclay, in Terra Cotta Carbon; two
black carbon studies, one an individual
and the other a group; also portrait
studies in American and Angelo Plati
num paper, and Aridto Platinum paper.
Owing to the short time that Mr. Coffey
has been in Corvallis the exhibit will
consist only of regular studio work this
year. During Mr. Coffey's absence at
the convention, the Corvallis studio will
be in charge of Miss Krumm, a member
of the firm, who makes a specialty of I
children's pictures.
Notice to farmers. 1 am in the
market for clover, vetch, cheat al
falfa and timothy delivered f. o. b.
care. If farmers or dealers having
hay to offer will kindly write me
stating the amount and quality of
th'i hay they have : to sell. Ad
dress G. W. Simpson, 201 Wash
ington street, Portland, Ore. 63tf
;MrsK F. M. Billings who arrived fro"n
Eastern Oregon this week, is moving in
to one of the Mc Henry cottages in the
extreme western prt of town. She has
two sons who wili enter OA.C.
Wanted A girl to do general
house work. Call at Mrs. Sam
King's, first bouse east of the court
house. 69 tf
Of the Season....Our Artist's Work
The crowds watching him work in our windowtes
tify to the interest being taken. No such WORKS OF
ART have ever been on exhibition in the city before.
Many well-known local faces are now to be seen, giving
satisfaction to the most critical. Don't fail to see them.
For the benefit of those not yet familiar with this
exceptional offer, we again announce the following:
You purchase One Dollar's worth ot goods in any
department and get a coupon. One coupon and 87c
gets you . . . . A Bust Crayon Portrait . . . All
work guaranteed. Come and see where you can save
over one dollar on this one article. Offer good 'til Sep. 9.
The Artist Will Finish All Work Before Leaving the City.
Saturday, Sept., J, 'OS
, Of Boys' and Young Men's
three-piece suits vest, contand
pants all sizes from 13 to 18,
and from 32 to 36, ' ranging in
price from $4.00 to $12.50, that
we offer for this SALE at half
Carl Hodes, of Albany, was shaking
hands with old time Corvallis friendB
J. A. Pugh and family were in this
city Wednesday en route home to Oak
ville from an outing at Yachaats.
Otto Taylor, the Bellefountain mer
chant, was a Corvallis visitor yesterday.
Arthur Belknap has resigned bis po
sition in Homing's grocery, and Fred
Pernot takes the place.
N. A. Fisher sells pianop. 72
For unavoidable reasons, Photographer
W. S. Gardner will be unable to attend
the Photographers' convention at Spok
ane next ween. . His exhibit will be en
tered, but is not yet fully prepared.
Mips Viola Gardner left Wednesday for
Portland to be with her aunt, Mrs. Mace,
who is quite ill.
Remember Nolan's Remnant
and Rummage sale closes Fri
day, August 31st, at 6 p. m.
last unable to ride in the same rig
with the trout, and had to leave the
latter by the roadside.
Millard Long and . Clarence
Whiteside, popular young men cf
this city, were guests Sunday at a
swell wedding at Monmouth. Tha
bride was Miss Beatrice Burkhead,
a successful teacher of Polk county,
and G.' R.- Crowfoot, of - near The
Dalles . The happy, couple were In
Corvallis : vesterdav. en - route to
their boms at Tygh Valley, ifaaiera
Oregon, having bsen since Sunday
at Newport, on their wedding trip.
Champion James J. Jefferies is
taking hia vacation in Oregon this
year, and the Eugene Guard frays:
The Jefferies hunting party left here
Wednesday - for Belknap Springs.
The party left in two three-seated
rigs and a wagon load of provisioD9.
drawn by four horses, left earlier in
the morning. The party secured
hunting licenses at the clerk's office
Tuesday. In hia application Jeff
eries described himself as follows:
Residence, . Los Angeles; age 31
years; . height, 6 feet, 2 inches;
weight, 240 pounds; color ofhair,
brown; complexion, dark.
For Sale' House and lot. Tu
quire of Mrs. A. M. Wicks. 72tf
To See Out
PSew LSne of
Jeist es faom the Factory
CO Suit for $2
00 Suli far 2
00 Suit far 3
And So On Up.
Parents are ioyited to take
advantage of these sales, as we
wish to inaugurate the Fall
Sales by giving you extra in.
Be Sure and Call Saturday, Sep. 1
Established 13S4.
Cloaks...Skirts... Raincoats
For Women, Misses and Children
1906 Fall and Winter 190?
Tho Fall Season is right at hand, and if you have been weigh
ing the merits of different lines, the time of decision is now.
We will show you in the "PALMER GARMENT" line the
. most stylish garments you can find.
Wo Are Not only showing the best styles, but in addition, the
workmanship and quality of the "PALMER GARMENT" are
. unexcelled. .
We Ask You to call on us whether you buy or not, It will give
us pleasure to show
The Correct Thing in
fall and winter styles
We have also a complete line of
Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing and
all Men's Furnishings.
Opposite tho Postoffioe
; . Ind. jPhone Sq. 48 4.
L. Mi L L E F
Sole Agent
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the bst and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cell9 for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles
Guns and Bicycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phone 126 Residence 324
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys nn vZjrMr s??ftr
D. C. Hlcxtand.
Chas. Blakesleo.
Patronize Home Industry
Outmldtt Orderm Solicited.
MIL Work aarntmd.