Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 31, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
Vhti inscription price of the Gazette
i .! -veral year hns'tweri, and remains
$ J t ai:num, or per cent, discount if
- pt ! n advanrf. Tiiis pa r ilt be
Certified until all arrearages are pail.
It is possible that none of us
are safe and entitled to rest in
a feeling of security from the
hand of an assassin. Few peo
ple realize that they are to be
the victims of murder until the
fatal moment, therefore none of
us may be certain that we are
not to be victims at some time
in the future.
One of the most cold-blooded
murders of late years within the
history of the Northwest occur
red in Spokane during the night
of August 27th when James F.
Sloane was murdered by his son.
The son, Sidney, is only 17
years of age and the killing was
planned and executed with such
attention to detail and secretive
ness that would suggest the
hand of one steeped in long
years of crime. The motive for
the crime was robbery the sum
sought was 500.
And to think that for so paltry
a sum or any sum for that mat
tera 17-year-old boy should be
come the slayer of his own
father. What can be done?
Wbire can the blame of such
degeneracy be laid? Is it in
herited? or is it engendered by
years of indulgence? It is not
right to blame parents in all
cases for the waywardness of
their offspring, as one does not
have to look far to find a family
with a black sheep.
Children of the same parents
will grow to become model
young men and women, all save
one child, perhaps, and that one
will prove utterly beyond re
demption. Here you have an
example of the results of parent
al restraint and discipline. The
same family may contain both
saints and sinners. True, in
many cases the parents are to
blame and should be held respon
sible to a certain degree, but
there is a case now and then
. which is clearly beyond control
of any sort.
The world may be growing
better, let us hope so, at any
rate, but it is improving none
too rapidly. When we as a peo
ple reach that state of develop
ment which is thought possible
for the race then there will be
no such thing as awakening of a
morning to find our neighbor to
have been murdered, by his own
son or any other person.
For long there has been a
studied and continued effort on
the part of the churchmen to
make marriage first, last and all
the time a religious form. We
will grant that these peo
ple, many of them, are actuated
by good and sincere motives, but
there h nonsense in everything
if carried far enough and mar
riage is on the list. -Pope Pius
recently undertook to make it
necessary for the men and wo
men of Spain to declare their
religion upon entering the mar
riage state. This was so absurd
and far-fetched a proposition
that tha former order of things
was rssiox'ed by royal decree.
Loi there be creeds and dog
mas and allow those of faith in
this or that particular "ism" the
right to believe in that which
affords them the greatest solace
for what they., fancy is their
souls, but for the love of truth
and honor do not impose a con
dition, religious or otherwise,
that will make a man a liar and
a hypocrite before ha can marry.
Let those who so please deify
their marriage. This is strictly
the business of the contracting
parties. Should a man or wo
man not desire a religious form
of marriage it is their own busi
ness. To declare that one is not
eligible for marriage because
they do not embrace a certain
form of religion would be ultra
folly, and the better and broader
minded of the ministry do not
hesitate so to state.
In every state sa far - as we
know the matter of marriage in
the eyes of the law is a civil con
tract. It may be of interest to
note in this connection that the
United States, as a nation, has
no marriage law. The matter of
marriage is left to each state
within the union to regulate and
control as best suits the people
of that state.
Put your money in a sock and
then lose the sock is about on a
par with banking your coin in
an Eastern bank just ."at present.
Not many weeks ago the people
of Chicago and' vhinity were
throwing all sorts of fits over the
fact that the Milwaukee-Avenue
bank of that city had closed its
doors. Several people became
so despondent over the loss of
their money in this failure that
they suicided. Now it seems
Philadelphians are to undergo a
similar experience. -
During the last fewdays the
Real Estate Trust Company of
the Quaker City closed its doors,
being reported short in coin ot
the extent of some seven mil
lion dollars, Frank K. Hippie,
president of the burs ted bank,
speculated on his own account
with funds banked with his in
stitution and proved a poor hand
at the gamble. Shortly after the
expose Mr. Hippie's death oc
curred and the statement.that
he did not diel from natural
causes is boldly made.
Perhaps it is all well that Mr.
Hippie is no .longer an"! earthly
infliction. The bank having
failed, the knowledge that the
man who failed it breathes no
longer will be the only consola
tion possible for a certain class
of depositors.
Corvallis Man Enjoys Vacation
Under Pleasant Circumstances.
Colonel J. K. Phillips of this
city is certainly having an en
joyable vacation ici Southern
Oregon, if the following letter
from bitn to the Gazette editor is
any indication. He says:
"If you were here, and I wish
you were, you'd be on the west
side of the big AppVjjair .i.,;
some three miles uji Star G -lo i.
Our paity consists of E i, a
Mr. Daiy and their families, a
fine setter "purp" and uiyseir.
Tne boys are fitted out lor pi ex
pecting and assay work, and an
strenuously applying the n
selves to that pursuit. I am tu
fisherman, the hunter and gen
eral utility man of the camp, and
so tar have about equally devoted
my time to eating, sleeping and
So earnest have I been in
these particulars that I have al
most lost sight of the tact thu
there are other worlds besiia the
one which now holds uie i:,
thrall. .
"We were fortunate insecurity
for a lew weeks the home- of a
rancher, comprising a comfort
able three-roomed house,, stuh
ling for our horses, two acres of
alfalfa and clover and a lrgr
strawberry patch from which wc
get all the berries we can use.
We have a 12x14 fot :em bet up
so we have all the room we ne-.l
except as toiaysel!. I feel need
for more room in which to store
edibles spread before me. Jut
think of it! Trout, venison,
home-made bread, goldeu butter,
strawberry shortcake, au abund
ance of fruii and vegetables pro
cured at the nearest ranch, and
limited storage capacity. I have
let a contract for the addition of
ri bay window : my residence
-ind hope soon tr be ablr to hide
all the trout, veuison, trtc, mv
enormous appetite demaud-.
"I'm not going to tell you any
fish stories; the truth is simply
startling. Fish 12 to 16 inches
lone aud with - corresponding
! weight are the rule.
so do not devote time to bunt
ing. Deer are act real p'entiful
in this vicinity, but we are not
on a deer hunt. I heard that
bears were plentiful, and actually
sitting on the rails waiting to be
shot. I have seen no bear and
heard of" none " save the above
bare-faced lie told to impose oo
unwary credulity.
Just how long I may remain
out here I have not determined.
At all events I shall stay until an
advance movement is ordered,
then I may go to the rear. .
Our whole party, is in good
health and spirts and the boys
are greatly encouraged.
"We get our mail under diffi
culties, but are within three
miles of a twice per week rural
delivery route out from Jackson
ville and have a box up, so we
shall hope to keep in some sort
of touch with the conventional
old world.
J. K. Philips.
Treating Wrong Disease.
Many times women call on their family
physicians, suffering, as they imagine,
one from dyspepsia, another from heart
disease, another from liver or kidney
disease, another from nervous exhaustion
or prostration, another with pain here and
there, and in this way they all present
alike to themselves and their easy-going
and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, sep
arate and distinct diseases, for which he,
assuming them to be such, prescribes his
pills and potions. In reality, they are all
only symptoms caused by some uterino
disease. The physician, ignorant of the
cause of suffering, encourages this prac
tice until large bills are made. The suf
fering patient gets no better, but probably
worse, by reason of - the delay, wrong
treatment and consequent complications.
A proper medicine like Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription, directed to the cause
would have entirely removed the disease,
thereby dispelling all those distressing
symptoms, and instituting comfort in
stead of prolonged misery. It has been
well said, that "a disease known is half
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a
scientific medicine, carefully devisod by
an experienced and skillful physician,
and adapted to woman's delicate system.
It is made of native medicinal roots and
is perfectly harmless in its efiects in any
condition of the system.
As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa
vorite Prescription " imparts strength to
the wholfl system and to the organs dis
tinctly feminine in particular. For over
worked, "worn-out," "run-down," debili
tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers,
seamstresses, "shop girls," house-keepers,
nursingmothers, and feeble women gen
erally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is the greatest earthly boon, being un
cqualed as an appetizing cordial and re
storative tonic.
Asa soothing and strengthening nerv
ine "Favorite Proscription " is unequalnd
and is invaluable in allaying and sub
duing nervous excitability, irritability,
nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration,
neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea-, Sfc
Vitus's dance, and other distressing, ncrvs
ous symptoms commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease of the1
uterus. It induces refreshing sleep ar.d
relieves mental anxiety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets mvisoraie
' the stomach, liver and bowels. One to
three a t.3. E&ty to take as candy.
Somewhere near Corvallis to as
sist us in showing and selling pror
erty. No experience necessary, if
willinsr to let U9 teac;h yon the real
estate business. Salary 6J a month
to honest man willing to devote a
part of his time to thic business.
Co-Opcrative Land Co.,
Andrns Bids., Minneapolis, Minn.
Notice to Consumers of City
Water rent will be due and payable in
a ivance at the o:Sce of the City Water
Works on the first day of each month,
and if not paid within thefirat ten days,
the water will be shut off until payment
is made of the atnouut due, and fifty
cents in addition for the expense of turn
ing water off and on.
Office of City Water Works ia located
on the lower floor of the city hall. Office
will be open during the first ten daje of
the month from 8 a. en. until 12 m. and
from 3 p. m. until 6 p. m. First Satui
day evening in each month from 7 p.
m. until 9:30 p. m.
By order of Water Commissioners.
B. F. Burnett, -Superintendent.
Independent phone 138. 71tf
Tlie End cf tie World
Of troubles that, robbed E. H. Wolfe, of
Beaver Grove, Iowa, of all usefulness
came when "he bean taking Electric
Bitters. He writes: "Two years ao
kidney trouble cause'! me great suffer,
ing which I would never have survived
had I not taken Electric Bitters. They
also cured me of general debility."
Sure cure for ail stomach, liver and kid
ney complaints, blood diseases, head
ache, dizziness and weakness or bodily
decline. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed by
Alien & Woodward, druggists.
Galveston's Sea Walt
Makes life dot as safe in that citv an nn
the uplands. E. W. Goodloe, who re
sides on Dutton street in Waco. Texas.
needs no sea wall for safety. H writes.
"I have used Dr. Kinu's Kew Discovery
for Consumption for the past five years
and it keeps rre well and safe. Before
that time I had a cough for years which
bad been growing worse. Now it's
gone " Cares chronic coughs, la grippe,
croup, whooping cough and prevents
pneumonia...--Pleasant to take. Every
bottle guaranteed at Allen Wood
ward's drag store. ; . Price 50c. and $1.
Trial bottle free.
THIS Celebrated Line of High-Grade
Garments for Ladies, Misses and Chil
dren will be shown by us this Season.
Ladies, it will.' pay you to wait and
see them . ... .... . . . . . . . . .
H To $fyi
If you have 125 loads of manure to spread and yon are going to plant 25 acres'of corn or wheat,
or have a 25 acre meadow we will tell you how you can increase the value of your crop this year
from S4.00 to $8.00 per acre or more than enough to pay for a spreader. We issue, a 48-page book
entitled "Practical- Experience With Barnyard Manures'." which explains the whole situation.
Our Plan is not a theory. It is an actual fact, backed up by actual experiments extending over
a period of 13 years. To give you an idea of what this book contains, we show results of experi
ments made with various crops where 5 loads of manure were spread per acre by the old method,
and 5 loads by the new method, on corn ground. The latter shows a gain of S4.S0 per acre. On
another field and in another state, it shows a gain of S5.60 per acre, and on a clover and timothy
meadow, a gain of $8.00 per acre.
This Book will be sent free to anyone writing ns. It is worth $100.00 to you, bu it won't cost
yon a. cent. If it doesn't do you any good, it won't do you any harm. Write us now and let us mil
it to you. It is brimming full of valuable information.
Endless 'Anion lenar Smmit
Li u
Spreads all kinds of manure, straw stack bot- balanced on front End .---ir s:;l3s. Tha team is
toms andcommercial fertilizer regardless o "their as near the load as it can work. Front and rear
condition. Spreads as much ia a day as J 5 tnex axles are t.le same ienctii and wheels track;
can by hand. Spreads the largest load in 2 to 4 beater .shaft runs in ball and socket bearings,
minutes. Makes the same amount of manure eo therefore no friction. Beater is 23 inches in di-
three times as far and produce better results
makes all manure fine and immediately avail
able for plant life.
Non-Bunchable Rake forms a hopper, holds
all hard chunks in contact with beater until
thoroughly pulverized.
Endless Apron is one continuous apron, (not
a A apron) therefore always rexdy to load. You
don't have to drive a certain distance to pull it
back inta position after each load or wind it back
b7 hand : it is a great advantage in malting long
There la no Gearing about our Endless Apron
to break and cause trouble, it is always up out
of the way of obstructions as it does not extend
below axle. Spreads evenly from start to finish
and cleans out perfectly clean.
Hood and End Gate keeps manure away from
beater while loading ; prevents choking of beat
er and throwing out a bunch when starting and
acts as wind shield when spreading. It has a
graduating lever andean be r emulated while in
motion to spread thick or thin, 3 to 25 loads per
Light Draft because the load is nearly equally
Write just these words on a postal card or
perience with Barnyard Manures' and catalogue
Do it now before you haul your manure or prepare
Smith Manufacturing Co.,
We pay 4 on time deposits, current
rates on savings accounts, receive deposits
subjedt to check, and do a general bank
ing b;siness
You can have the advantages of a
strong bank at your very door by using
the mails.
Send us your deposits. Acknowledg
ment will be sent you by return mail.
Savings accounts received from one
dollar up.
Open an account with us and note
how rapidly it will grow.
R. L DURHAM. Vice FWletf
W. H. FEAR. Seoetoiy '
& C CATCHINCa Aat. SenelMy
f? r. (Trust crbtnuami
jaJLibT LI I ln I 111 ji
That's what a Spreader will do ff
used as it shouEd be.
:meter. scat turns over when loading. Machine
turns in its own length.
Simplicity. There are only two levers on our
machine. One which raises the hood, locks it
and throws tha m.'.chiuo in gear at the same time.
It can then be thrown in and out of gear withou;
lowering the hood. One lever which changes
feed to spread thick or thin, making it so simple
that a boy who con drivea team can handle it.
StrectH ar.d Durability is one of the riost
important points to t3 cmaa-ed n a manure
1 spreader. The Great ivcsierii has a good, strong.
durable wheel. .xtra strong spoke and nm,
heavy steel tires. Strong, well braced box with
heavy oak sill. Oak tongue, hickory doubletrees,
mallsable castings, sears and strpek-.ts all keyed
on. Galvanized hood. Every part is made extra
strong, regardless of Co-1. It is made for the man
who wants the best , made in four sizes, 3s. so,
fo and 100 bushel capacity.
Guarantee Should any part break, wear out or
get out of order withi" one year we replace free
of charge. Send for free catalog, showing latest
improvements. It tells how to apply manure to
sscure best results.
in a letter "Send me your book 'Practical F.x-
ho.i"M" Insy viil be mailed to yor "rse.
for anv crcp.
162 Eilsisssa Si, Chicago
The Gazette
Ss the only of Hoe in
GanvaSIis that can
deliver the goods
We Can Show You
A Wise
- t3? coig2 aad heal a longs
Fifteen words or lees, 25 eta for tijree
successive insertions, or 50 eta per
month; for all op to and including ten
Additional words, yi cent a word fof each
ineertion. .
" For all advertisements over 25 words,
I ct per word for the first insertion, and
ct pr word for each additional inser
tion. " Nothing inserted for less than 25
cents. , . , .' '
Lodge, society ., and church ' notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
charged for.
: outfit and business consisting of 200
fowls, three .incubators, one bone
grinder, one grit grinder, one clover
cutter. Cheap if taken soon, R. F.
D. 3, Ind. phone 3. S. H. Moork,
Corvallis, Ore. 70tf
hie top bedroom suite.
Two-burner oil stove.
Box heating stove.
60tf S. L. Kline, residence.
Oregon,' on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build homes on them
if desired. Address First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
Or., for pot ca6h, balance instal
ments and help parties to build homes
thereon, ii desired. Address M. S.
Woodcock, Corvailis, Or.
Veterinary Surgeon
surgeon aud dentist. Residence 1220
Fourth street. Phone 389. Office
1011, Main stieet, phone 204. Uive
him a call.
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
1 p. in . Residence : cor. 5th and Ad
ams 8t. Telephone at oflice and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. litf
nents; curbing made to order ; clean--ing
and reparing done neatly: save
agent's coiumiffion . Shop North
Main St., Frank Vmnioosen, Prop, 92U -
Omce up stafrs in .Zierolf , Buiidine.
Only ret of abstracts m Benton County
Ulhce in Post Ofice Building, Cm al
as, Oregon.
tMZETTE and weetiy . tirewoman at
$2 55 per year.
oats ar.d wheat; will thip Ircm neartea
;R. R. station Sacks furnished; those
not nsed returned free. Have cleaner
and grinder to go to your iaim and
clean feei acd grind screenings it
saves $3 per day for a man and ttam
hauling. Get othets' prices, then get
mine. Yours for business, L. L.
Brooks. (i8tf
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
morjpy on approved security. Drafts
bought and told ani money fcrnnettrred
to the principal cities ot the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
Reduced Rates.
Offered for the East by the S. P.
Company. Corvallis to Chicago and re
turn, $73.95; St. Louis, 69.95 ; Milwau
kee, $72.15; Stj Paul and Minneapolis,
$62.45; Sioux City, Council Bluffs,
Omaha, St, Joseph, Atchiwson, Leaven
worth and Kansas City, $62.45.
Sale dates: June 4, 6 7, 23 and 25 ;
July 2 and 3; August 7, 8 and 9; Sep
tember 8 and 10.
Limit going, lo days; return limit,
9o days, but not after October 31. 42tf
Don't Grumble
When yonr joints ache and you suffei
from rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Bal
lard's Snow liniment and get instant re
lief. A positive cure for rheumatism,
burns, cuts, contracted mnecles, sore
chest, etc. ? Mr. I. T- Bogy, a promi-'
nent merchant at Willow Point, Texas
says he finds Bailard's Snow Liniment
the best all round liniment be ever used'.'
Sold by .Graham & Wortham.
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