Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 28, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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W. G. Emery leaves the Iset of
this week for Portland and Van-
Grover Cate of Hillsboro arrived
Saturday for a visit with Corvaliis
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Harper arrived
Friday from their pleasant sojourn
at the seashore.
MisB Bsseie Ireland returned
Friday from a few days' visit with
friends in Monmouth.
Mrs. Elizabeth Belknap came
' home the last of the week from her
visit in Alsea vailey.
Miss Pettigrove, of Seattle, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Clayton
Herron at Irish Bend.
Asa Alexander and family re
turned Sunday frooi their cuting at
the bay. They have been absent
three weeks.
Miss Ann Mann of Independence,
a teacher in the public schools of
Portland, has been the guest of Mrs.
Clarence Ireland for the 1 ast few
Miss Mae Gerhard did not return
frnm hflP vacation at NewDort last
week, as she expected, but prolonged
her stay until Sunday . She reports
a fine time.
E. E. Wilson left Saturday for
Eugene, near which place he is hold
ing down a homestead. Mr. Wilson
is a former Benton county boy, his
old home being at Mills.
N. A. Fi9'ier, representing Mor
ris' music ttore, of Eugene, Friday,
purchaeed the White uiUBic store in
this city and has taken possesion.
He takes the stock, and adds to it
from the Eugene house.
Half a dozen large, luscious ripe
strawberries were displayed at the
Ireland grocery store, Friday and
Saturday. Thej were of the Ma
goon variety, and catre from the
garden of Press Walton, below town.
And it is al.uott the first of Septem
ber in Oregon.
A picnic party er j -.yed the
beauties of ihe ecnery at the mill
dam, Fridav.and disposed of a ivn
tempting dinner. sTlie trip ht
made in thu ! td Lu, ai.d iuosh in
the paity wt.i t : Mrs. Virgil
Watlere. Mrs. Mall-and two
guests; Misef OHvp M;il!'v. L;"if!r
Earnest, Winon Wood w a id, liN-1 j
Watters. Jessie K9mp. Alice Vtt-it.
Baby Iluth Watiersami (j"y Kemp.
A delightful day was epnt," as
prettier spot .would be hard to find
than this picnic ground.
One of the best yields of grain
reported in Benton so far i9 that of
the Jackson boys north of town.
Their wheat made 30 and 35 bushels
to the acre. Dick Ballard's field,
near by, yielded 25 to 40 bushels.
A peculiar fact in regard to crops
along the river is, that the crops on
tne est n decidedly better than
thos on the west side of the stream,
though why there should be any
particular difference is not apparent
to the casual observer.
To climb six miles of telephone
poles to locate a difficulty that some
times exists and sometimes does
not, is no small job, but that is
what the employes on the Independ
ent line to Kings Valley hive
the pist few days. It seems that
at times the line refusad to sound
at the Corvaliis end, while evry-
thing appeared right in Kings Val
ley. Every pole, for a distance of
six miles, was climbed, and ail
sorts of tests made, but at last ac
counts the trouble hnd not been
D. W. Proebste', an OAC grad
uate of '05, now in Schnectady,
New York, has been promoted 10
assistant superintendent in tle
government testing department.
The students f thi-snhooi on enter
ing, sign a contract that should
they, while students, mr ke any new
discoveries about operating the
machinery, or invent any new ma
chine, the discovery or invention
shall belong to the company. It
was because of Mr. Proeostei's im
provement to certain testing ma
chines that gave him the recent
promotion, which carries with it a
substantial increase in salary.
An escaped lunatic from thej
asylum at balem created some ex
citement in business circles in Cor
valiis, Thursday, bv attempting to
pass a check on the Yakima, Wash.,
bank for $1,000. He first made
the trial at the Willamette Vailey
bank, and later in the day ap
proached the cashier in the First
National on the same proposition.
At both places he muttered and
talked to himself, which caused
suspicion as to hi3 sanity, and in-1
suited in .the discoyery, -by Chief
Lane, that the man had escaped from
the asylum Wednesday. He made
the trip to Corvaliis on foot. His
u a me was C. E. Meek. Ansylam
attendant took the man to Salem
W. 8. McFadden is in Portland
on business tnis week.
James and Johnny Martin of
Irish Bend were Corvaliis visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hen on,
of Irish Bend, visited in Corvaliis,
Clum Reed and family returned
Sunday from a several weeks'
cuting at Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Brooks are
taking a week's vacation at the
coast. They left Saturday.
Born, a week ago, to Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henkle at
Chehalis, Wash., a son.
Mrs. E. F. Pernot and children
have returned from an all summer
outing at Nye Brook.
Mrs. Frank Edwards and child
ren have just reached home from a
several weeks' stay at Newport.
Mrs. C. C. Woodworth of Port
land was the guest the latter part
of the week of Miss Eva Starr.
O. J. Blackledge left yesterday
for Portland to select a new stock
of furniture for hi- estalishment.
Miss Etta Smith, a popular Cor
vailis giri, leaves todav to see the
sights at Nye Creek for a week.
Miss Iva Barclay, the popular
milliner, is attending the millinery
openings in Portland this week.
Oscar De.Haven, formerly of Cor
valiis but now a Dallas laundry
man, was a business visitor in Cor
valiis, Friday. , .
Cascara bark is coming into the
Corvaliis market the past few days
in small lots, and the price is 3
cents per pound.
Miss Melvena Elgin left Sunday
to take on the summer complexion
of a Nye Cre-k belle. She will be
absent a week.
"Uncle Billy," the horse raddish
v?tider, recently loet a barn and a
fi;;e house in a fire in Salsui. Th
I0F8 is neaily $1,000.
Mr. and Mrs. A'fred Mathis of
P-rrv, Inwa, have 8rri"ed for n
v;-k with thei- mint, Mrs. R. A
8 h just wt-s-t of Ct;rva!lip.
Mr. ftn.l Mrp. L F. Belknap of
Fores:. Grove were guet Friday of
C vailis friends. fbi-y nre guests
of r. 1 jJivesi at Bletjiitilin.
Pr.-f 1 '1 M. G 'a'd TrtiUamlW
:iid Prof, Mrs. MuK.iiip4 re
turned Saturday from a month's
outirg at .th Yachitaia. They re
port 4 fine time.
Mrs. Charles Heckart celebrated
her birthday anniversav a few
evenings ago ny givini? a par;y to a
number cf friends. The occasion
was a very pleasant one for all.
Mrs. J. H. Wilkins left Friday
for her home in Portland, after a
visit with Corvaliis relatives. She
was accompanied home by her
brothe; -In-law, S. N. Wilkins.
L. A. Barker received notice last
Saturday of the death of his father,
which occurred Thursday at Everett
Wash , from heart failure. Deceased
was aged 75 years, 10 months and
16 days.
Charles Porter, several, ounces
heavier than formerly and wearing
a healthy cnit of tan and an ex
pansive smi;e, came home from New
Port, Frin'ay, where for a week he
has r joyed the attractions of the
seaside city.
Will Looney, who has been at
tending the American L-kc en
campment, reached home tl.o last
of the week. H is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Looney, who re
cently moved to this city from
Work is progressing rnpiiVy on
the new residence that Dr. Guhey
is hrm-i;; bui t : hi-- Tvop-rty jns
south ci his own dw--liiivj. Th
structure stands on a s'.o: e found i
tion, is handsome in d?iti and will
be one of the best houses in town
when completed.
Runaways are expensive in Esst
ern Oregoo. eccording to an ex
change which says: A runaway
of thirtv horses hitched to a com
bined harvester and thresher oc
curred near Downs, Eastern Wash.,
the other day. Twelve horses were
killed, nine crippled and the ma
chine totally ruined. The loss was
fully $3,000.
Corvaliis will send a large dele
gation to the meeting of the Pacific
Northwest Photographers' conven
tion to be held in Spokane, Sept. 5th
to 3th inclusive. Not only will the
local photographers attend, but the
ex-photographer3 will also be pres
ent. W. S. Gardner will be there
with an exhibition of his work; the
Corvaliis Studio will be.represeoted
by Mr. Coffey, with samples of art;
and iW. G. Emery will be on hand
with some splendid , specimens of
his skill.- The - meeting will .unjT
doubtedly' be tne,"best of the sort
ever beld on this coast by such an
Miss Etta Wiisr.n lef Friday for
her home at Beulab, after a visit
with Mabel Woods.
Mrs. Frank Lilly and daughter
arrived tounday from La Grande for
a vsit with Corvaliis relatives.
Aliie McLaughlin and family,
after a happy week at the seaside,
reached home Saturday.
Rev. C. T. Hurd and fimily are
expected home Thursday from an
all-summer stay at Newport.
Mrsk John Allep and son came
home from Newport, Sunday, hav
ing spent most of the summer there.
Bush Wilson, Jr., is to reach
home this week from Neyadawhere
he has been in the mines for some
Mrs. Clara Irvine leaves today
for her home is Portland, after a
visit of several weeks in Corvaliis
with relatives.
Miss Lillian McCready has re
turned to her home in Stiver, after
a week's visit with Miss Bertha
Cramer in this city.
Prof, and Mrs. Gerard Taillandier
are at home from their stay at
Yachaats, whre they had a delight
ful outing. . Prof. and . Mrs. Mc
Kdlipa, who accompanied them,
are to arrive in Corvaliis today.
Mrs. J. Fred Yates was expected
to arrive yesterday from her ex
tended stay at Cascadia. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Kirkpatrick, of San
Francisco, who. have been at the
same resort with Mrs. Yates, will
visit Corvaliis relatives for some
time before returning to their home.
Mike Bauer and family are to
reach home this evening from their
several weeks' stay at Yachaats.
Mike has won the honors of this re
sort by killing the largest deer that
has been taken by any hunter there
this season.
Elmer Dinges, a well known
Benton farmer, has mode a deal
whereby, he has disposed of his
ranch to a Mr. Gray, of Linc dn
county, and has become the owner
ff tho warehouse at Shedds. He
wi l move to tt piace October 1st,
wish his family. With his wife,
Mr. Dinges visited Corvaliis rela
tives Friday.
The prune dryr that Henry
In been building was com
pl. s.H Saturday. The capacity ir
125 iiUhtli ,er day, and every ar-r-ingejetii
is such that first-claes
work can be done. Mr. Stone has,
during the past two months, bnusht
for Tillsion & Co. of Salem -375,000
pounds uf dried prunes of Benton
county growers. They are all the
Italian prunpp, nd the price pa'd
for the best is to be $3.65 per hun
dred poutids, delivered in Coivallis.
Some cf tha crops engaged are. Si
Herron, Irifh Bend, 60,000 pounds;
Bristow, of Bellefountain, 100,0u0;
Crabtree, Philomath, 15,000; Beck,
Corvaliis, 60,00C, and Henry Stone,
Miss Etta Carter of Halaey is the guest
this week of Ct rvallis friends.
Miss Florence Sechler left Sunday for
Dallas, after a visit to Mies Miraette
Philips. The first of the month Mist
Sechler goes to Chehalis, Wash., to join
her mother and reside.
Mrs . Linnie Liuville and little son,
Lenger, were to arrive last night from
Portland for a vitit with Mr. and Mrs.
John Lenger.
Buy your harvesting outfits at
Nolan's. Complete stock at bot
tom prices. 62-72
Mrs. N. Fisher arrived from Drain,
Saturday evening, to join ber husband,
who is the new proprietor of the Corvaliis
music store.
Closing out sal of notions this
week at Fisher's music store. 71
Chester LafTerty has been clerking at
Gerhard's book store during the absence
of Miss Mae at the coa6U
Dr. B. A. Cathey and son George,
arrived Saturday night from Cascadia,
where they had been for a week. The
family remains as long as the weather is
good. George killed the largest deer
that has been shot at Cascadia this year.
The Doctor and Collie also captured one
New goods this week at the
Bazaar. 71
A letter received Saturday from the
Trine.Pernot-Keady-Horning party
that left Corvaliis a few weeks ago for
Southern Oregon, stated that the mem
bers bad caught so many trout that they
were tired , of fish, but had not even
caught sight of a deer. They were then
at Odell Lake, in Klamath county, and
expected. to turn homeward next day.
They were expected in Corvaliis last
Wanted A girl to do general
house work. Call at Mrs. Sam
King's, first house east of the court
house. 69tf
; The ladies of the W.C.T.U. will serve
sandwiches, pickles, coffee, cake and ice
cream at the Beading Boom, Wednesday,
from 5 o'clock till 10 o'clock. There will
be special music. Come and enjoy your
self. '
Last night, after the Gazette pre 8
hour, the Rebekahs were to hold a fare
well reception at their hall, in honor o
Mrs. Sarah Moore and daughter. Miss
Gladys, who are to leave shortly for
Ctdeago, Mrs. E. E. Mnndy, who moves
to Portland, and Miss Belle Banney, who
ia to go to Condon to teach in the public
school. A banquet and toasts, followed
by a general social time, was the plan for
the evening.
The ice cream social on the court house
lawn Saturday evening, given by the
Baptist young people, was a pleasant af
fair and about $15 was cleared.
Latest in souvenir postals at
the Bazaar. ' 71
J. E. Grier and. family were guests
Sunday ot relatives at Bellefountain.
Mrs. E. F. Rowland ef Bortland, was
the guest Saturday of Corvaliis friend.
Charles Shenofield, the Bell telephoue
man, returned Sunday from a week's
Vacation at the bay.
Walter Taylor, of Bellefountain, who
has been ill for soma ti ne with typhoid
fever, is not improving, but it is thought
he will recover.
Special saie of sheet music now
on, until entire btock is ciosed out
at Fisher's music store. 71
Miss Elsie Rice is a guest this week at
the Jack White home, near Philomath.
Off Wilson and family came home
Saturday from their outing at Cascadia.
Miss Mary Danneman left Sunday for
Portland for a week's visit with friends.
Preseuts for everybody this week
at Fisher's music store, successor
to E. E. White, y 71
Jesse Moses and family leave tomorrow
or Thursday for Philomath, to reside.
Their residence property in this city has
been purchased by A. J. Johnson. Mr.
Moses is one of our most energetic and
obliging business men, and Corvaliis can
ill-afford to lose him . Both he and his
estimable family have made many friends
in this city during their residence, and
the good wishes of all follow them to the
new home in Philomath.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Rice, and Misses
Elsie, Buby and Gladys Rice returned
Friday evening from a Eief outing in the
mauutain8 beyond Philomath.
Notice to h armers. 1 am in the
market for clover, vetch, cheat al
faifa and timothy delivered f. o. b.
cars. If farmers or dealers having
hay to offer will kindlv write uie
stating the amount and quality of
tha hav they have to shII. Ad
dress G. W. Simpson, 201. Wash
ington street, Portland, Ore. 63tf
: Dr. J.' M. Pruett of Oakland, California,
waa i an over-Sunday guest of 'his son,
Ralph, in this city. Dr. Pruett left yes
terday for Fastern Oregon.
Attorney W. E. Yates, of Vancouver,
spent yeBteniay in this city, having come
over from the coast where he had been
on a business and pleasure trip. He
states that he is doing well in Vancouver
and likes the place and the people.
Mrs. Amelia Schubert was called to
Monrce, Saturday, by the seriouslines
05 her father.
It is only three weeks until the opening
of OAC, and already most of the rent
houses in Corvaliis are spoken for. Each
year sees an increase in the number of
houses to let, but with the growth of the
town and the rapid increase in attendance
at the college, the demand for houses
8 till exceeds the supply.
Up to the present, 162 hunters' licenses
have been issued in Benton this season.
Only one non-resident licence has been
issued, to E. C. Ogg, of Newton, Iowa.
There is very little interest taken in
Corvaliis and Banton count real estate
these days by Easterners, if the number
f inquiries being received by the Citi
zens' League is any indication. Secretary
John F. Allen states that only an occa
sional letter comes in now asking ques
tions about Banton. but it is thought a
change will soon come and the usual
amount of correspondence will accumu
late. Only a few immigrants have ar
rived in Corvaliis the past few months,
bnt conditions are certain to be more
favorable in a few weeKS, when the fall
shall have come.
To See Our
New tins of
Just en front the Factory
The Correct Thsng in
fail ansi winter styles
We have also a complete line of
Shoes, Beady-Made Clothing and
all Men's Furnishings.
Opposite the, POstoffice
f. Ind. Phone NovlS. .;V
Of the Season...,Qur Artist's Work
The crowds watching him work in our window tes
tify to the interest being taken. No such WORKS OF
ART have ever been on exhibition in the city .before.
Many well-known local faces are nowto be seen, giving
satisfaction to the most critical.- Don't fail to see thernT
. For the" benefit of thosenot yetfamUiar with this
exceptional offer, we again announce the following:
You purchase One Dollar's worth ot goods in any
department and get a coupon. One coupon and 87c
gets you . . . . A Bust Crayon Portrait . . . All
work guaranteed. Come and see where you can save
over one dollar on this one article. Offer good 'til Sep. 9.
The Artist Will Finish All Work Before Leaving the City.
satesriiy, Sept., , '&&
Bs ur anil Ca!!
I ThG-'P&opBots-' Stops 1
"B Established ' 13S4m- Gsrvailis, Orsgmn. tjt
the "PAliflER CaARfvlENT
Cloaks... Skirts. ..Rcincoats
For Women, Misses and Children
1 906 Fall and Winter 1907
The Fall Season is right at hand, and if you have been weigh
ing the merits of different lines, the time of decision is now.
We will show you in the "PALMER GARMENT" line tfce.
most stylish garments you can find.
We Are Not only showing the best styles, but in addition, the
workmanship and quality of the "PALMER GARMENT" are
We Ask You to call on us whether you buy or not, It will give
us pleasure to show
In time-pies is a necessity with the average person. A watch that
keeps perfect time is a boon to anyone and should be repaired and over
hauled at least once every 18 months, and by skilled workmen only. If
. your watch needs repairing or regulating take it to . ;
E, W- S. PBATT, Jeweler and Optician
Estimates on Work Cheerfully Given and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
O. C. West and. , Chss. Blsksaleo.
Pstrcmszo Homo Industry, '-
OutIde Order Solicited.
Alt Work Guaranteed. . '
Ot Boys' and Young Men's
three-piece suits vest, coat and
pants all sizes from 13 to 18,
and from 82 to 56, ranging in
price from $4.00 to $12.50, that
we offer for this SALE at half
$4 00 Suit for $2 00
5 00 Suit far 2 50
6 00 Suit for 3 00
And So On Up.
Parents are inyited to take
advantage of these sales, as we
wish to inaugurate the Fall
Sales By giving you extra in.
Saturday, Sep.
CORVALttS, 1 i-'-;
- . fir