IHF CORVALLSS GA2ETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. it- subscription price of the Gazette eral years has been, ari'i remains suinuin, or 5 per cent, dwonnt if ; .ti adva;:-e. . This pa er will Ie '. i'led until a" arrearages are pai 1. for 2 pa CD FADS AND FANCIES. From nearly every form of foolishness those of good sense may learn something. We. are constantly forced to contemplate some nonsensical fad or whimsi cal fancy. Sometimes these bits of fool ishness are carried so far as to act as a boomerang for the fad dist and his sanity is questioned; on the other hand, there is now and then a fad in vogue among those "who essay the nonsensical that really does possess some re deeming qualities. That which is good people of common sense retain and profit therefrom. Feds and fancies are like theories. They must be analized, proved or disapproved, accepted or rejected. The people who start fads as a general 4 thing have nothing better to occupy their time or at least this is the only way they do occupy it and if we cannot profit in some de gree from their foolishness they will have lived in vain. At present we are living in an age of fads, fancies, theories, "isms," and goodness knows what not. At present the peo ple are in a fever to build up the race, particularly from a physi cal standpoint. The outlandish practices of some advocates of physical culture are killing rather than otherwise, and if those pursuing them were not possess ed of extraordinary vitality death would have claimed them long ago. We have a thousand and one things advertised in the way of health foods, which are really of no more worth than dried tur nips, but which, on account of their labels, sell like thunder. But from all this foolishness there is left the impress of a de sire for more culture and greater physical development. In this desire we all acquiesce. It tends to attract the minds of sensible people to a channel by which higher development, mentally and physically, may be obtain ed. In so far it is a good thing for all of us that we have what ii commonly called a "faddist."' In contemplating the possibili ties of human development, from a physical standpoint only, we cannot help wondering what would be the ell?t on the race if we were experimented on properly? Suppose some human wizard were to "bob up" and start to wozk with all the enthu siasm of Luther Burbank, the man who has almost created a new plant world, what would happen? This is only a fancy. GOING ABROAD. The claim has been made that it costs this country four hun dred million dollars annually for sm ; of our citizens to travel in Europe. This seems an enor mous .sum, so let us presume it is o ily a quarter so large, or one hundred million dollars. This of itself is quite a bit of money to pay for the good it does us. The average parson who does a '.Iyer" in the old world goes more for the notoriety to be gained than anything else. But this is particularly their own business, There are many commendable rp.isnns frr o-ojn-r rr Eiivodp Some go to the Fatherland toj . . , , . , j j v cw are performing what may almost be termed a duty. 1 hen, there is a class who iro to studv, and ! this, too, is U These come in contact vdtii new ideas, cus-J toms, works of zrt, science and beauty, and return to their na tive land with something for their people. They mingle with the people" of the lands in which they travel, learn their customs, see how they live, discover their possibilities. Even .the aspira tions "of those of foreign lands are brought to light, as well as their hopes, fears and preju dices. Ad of this is of value to those who stay at home; the money expended by a person on such a tour is well spent. But those who go for notoriety simply to boast of the fact later when in the midst of some social set have simply cost the country so much money and nothing more. He who goes aVoad for what the trip does for himself or his fel lows has done wisely, but he who goes on some excursion sees nothing, so to speak, and no one profits from the trip save those in charge of the transportation and certain Europeans who prey upon well-to-do Americans. THEYACHAATS COLONY. What Corvallisites are Doing at the Coast. O. J. Blackled-e and family,, E- C. Oggs and family, and Mr. and Mrs. James Tedrow reached Corvallis, Monday noon, atter a three days' trip in from Yachaats where they have spent the past three weeks in camp. Others from this city still at the coast are B. W. Johnson, Alex Rennie and E. E. Wilson in one camp; A. J. Johnson, family and' three guests; the Mc Kellips and Taillandiers; Mike Bauer and family; Frank Strong and family, and others. As the Blackledges came out they met M. L Hubler and fam ily and William Hull and family going in. Forest Smithson, the OAC sprinter, has been at Yachaats, and everyone there has had all pleasure that an ideal camp life, with plenty of fishing and hunt ing can afford. Alex Rennie has so tar won the honors of his- party by slay ing two fine deer, while Post master Johnson angled four hours and came to camp with 80 fine trout. Another deer nas been taken by E. E. Wilson, and the boys are having a gay time Mr. Ogg and family left on the early train Tuesday morning for Portland, and after brief visits at Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane, thev will proceed to their home at Newton, Iowa. Mr. Ogg is a man of means and while there are four in the family and that this vacation cost him $Soo, he expressed himself as well pleased with the trip, and declared he had received the vorth of his money. Loss Not S" Heavy. Arcording to the P.nlmd Journal of Saturday he lort-st fires near Detroit hive not bem so de tructive as at first thought. The Journal says: Damage by forest fires in the Saatiam distnets are notfo vast as at first reverted, a:cording to government Forest Inspector, D. D. Bronson. who has returned to Portland after a long fire-fighting expedition in the Cascade mountains. The fire swept over an area of approxi mately 16 square miles, of which the government owns about three square miles. Fire is still burn- me, out stowiv, on account ot a copious rain mnr neiore last, ana rangers are excreted to keep the flames from spreading farther up the Breitenush river, where con siderable daraat: might be done to merchantable timber. 'Most of the timber lost bv the government in the Santiaui fire was small trees," said Mr. Bronson. "The Curti-s Lumber company holds considerable land in the burned-over district, but in est ot the timher can be used if cut within the next two years be I Iore ine wood ioses us saP- We nave the hie wen in con- 0Vh-J is' ''is u" the Breitsnoush riv ider control on er, but is still buinin 5 toward the ridges on the ,soulh and norlh of tbe Santiam TX r: but there i little .there t $ be destroved because the timber there has ali-.-u!v been fite wept. Fred Hall, an old-time Corvaids boy. familiarly known in this city as "Fifty," is in very poor health at .Stockton, Caiif., where he and his wife ' have "resided for several years. He baj tuberculosis, and V : ;l?i;1h isfx peeled at any time. A Quiet Wedding. There was a quiet wedding at the home of T: T. Vincent Sat urday evening at seven - o'clock, when Alverdos Butolph and Mrs. Blanche M. Adams were united in marriage. Only the neces sary witnesses were present, and the event was a surprise to friends and relatives. The groom is the manager of the Woodcock dairy, west of town, and is an honorable and industrious gentleman. The bride is a lady of good character, possessed of many estimable qualities. Congratulations are extended by many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Butolph will re side for the present on the ranch west ot this city. Notice to Consumers Water. of City Water rent will be due and payable in advance at the office of the City Water Works on the first day of each month, and if not paid within the, .first ten days, the water will be shut off until payment is made of the amount due, and fifty cents in addition for the expense of turn ing water off and on. Office of City Water Works ia located on the lower floor of the city hall. Office will be open during the first ten da b of the month from 8 a. m. until 12 m. ard from 3 p. m. until 6 p. m. First Satur day evening in each month from 7 p. m. until 9:30 p. m. By order of Water Commissioners. B. F. Buknett, Superintendent. Independent phone 138. 71tf A Valuable Agent The glycerine employed in Dr. Pierce'a medicines greatly enhances the medi cinal properties which it extracts .-nd holds in solution much better than alco hol would. It also possesses medicinal properties of its own, bcins a valuable demulcent, nutriiivo, antiseptic and anti fcrmont. It adds greatly to the efficacy of the Black Chcrrybark, Golden Seal root, Stono root and Queen's root, con tained in "Golden Medical Discovery" In subduing chronic, or lingering couchs, bronchial, throat and lung affections, for all of which these agents are recom mended by standard medical authorities. In all cases where there is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak stomach, as in the early stages cf consumption, there can be 110 doubt that glycerine acts as a valuable nutritivo and aid3 the Golden Seal root. Stone root, Queen's root and Black Cherrytark in Sromotinjr digestion and building up tho eshand strength, controlling the cough and bringing about a healthy condition of the whole system. Of course, it must not oe expected to work miracles, it win not cure consumption except in Its earlier stages. It will cure very severe, obstin ate, ciironic cougns, broucinai ana Jarynr goaf troubles, and chronic sore threat with hoarseness. In acuto coughs it Is not so effective. It is in the lingering coughs, or thoso of kwsg standing, even when accomDanicd by bleeding from lungs, that it has performed its most marvelous cures. Send for and read the little book of extracts, treating of the properties and uses of the several med icinal roots tnat enter into ur. jficrccs Golden Medical Discovery and ler.r:i ivhy this medicine has such a wide rango of application in the euro of diseases. It is sent free. Address Dr. .It. V. Pierce. liuiralo, JV. 1. Tne "Discovery" con tains no aieonoi or narmiui, naDit-iorni-ing drug. Ingredients all printed on each bottle wranner in plain English. Sick people, especially those suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult ur. l-'iorce Dy ioter, jree. ah correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing orly. Send 21 one-cent stamps for puper-co'vered, or 21 stamps for cloth bound copy. The End of the World Of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, f Beaver Grove, Iowa, of siU iiae'iilnes came when he beuan lakiuu Electric Bitters. He writes: "Tvo years aio kidney trouble cause'i me ureal yuTer ing whii:h I wnnM nev?r have survived IihiI I Dot taken Electric Bittern. Thtv hIso cured me of general debility." Stireeure for all ptnnwli. livpr and kid nev complaints, blood diffuses, head ai dizziness anil weakness or bodily decline. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed by Alien & Woodward, druggists. in Self-Defense Major Hanuc, ei'i'or and manager of ttip OouMituMoi.slist, Eminence, Kv.. when he was bitter v attacked, four years a:o bv pile, htfiffht a box of Bucklen'n Ar nica Salve, .t which he says: "It cured tne in te:i cays sind no tronhlo ince." Q'lickPSt heeler o!" hnrns, -orps. rut snd wound?. Te-nty-!ive cents at AUen & Woodward's c'lsj; tforp. Children in Paia Never cry us do children who sre snCer iK from hnnupr. Such is t'-e c-anse of all babies who cry and are treatei for p'ekness when tliev really ar fifferin- from hunger. Tliid is caused fr:m their food not being asFinr.ilatPd but devoured, by worms. A few doses t-f White's Cream Vermifute will -ar,ne them w ceape crying and b?!jin to thrive at oocp. Give it a trial, bold by Graham ,& Worlham. A Mystery Suivsd. "How to keep off periodic attacks ot biltoii8oe$s and habitual constipation w8 a'mystery that Dr. King's New Life Pills sniypd for me,'' writes John .'. Sieassnt of Magnolia, led The only piils tbt. are guaranteed to jiva eatis facti6n'"fteverybodyor money refunded. Only-"25c at-Atleh -Woodward's drnz store. CLOAKS SiJITS SKIR FOR WEUL DRESSED WOMEN. THIS Celebrated Line of High-Grade Garments for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren will be shown by us this Season. Ladies, it will pay you to wait and -see them 4-! To If you have 125 loads of manure to spread and yon are going to plant 25 scres'of corn or wheat, or have a 25 acre meadow we will tell you how you can increase the value of your crop this year from $4.00 to $8.00 per acre or more than enough to pay for a spreader. We issued a 48-page book entitled "Practical Experience With Barnyard Manures," which explains the whole situation. Our Plan is not a theory. It is an actual fact, backed np by actual experiments extending over a period of 18 years. To give you an idea of what this book contains, we show results of experi ments made with various crops where 5 loads of manure were spread per acre by the old method, and 5 loads by the new method, on corn ground. Tbe latter shows a gain of 84.80 per acre. On another field and in another state, it shows a gain of $5.60 per acre, and on a clover and timothy meadow, a gain of S8.00 per acre. - This Book will be sent free to anyone writing ns. It is worth $100.00 to yon, but it won't cost yon a cent. If it doesn't do you any good, it won't do you any barm. Write us now and let us mail it to you. It is brimming full of valuable information. iflis ipiw Spreads all kinds of manure, straw stack bot toms andcommercial fertilizer regardless of their condition. Spreads as much in a day as is men can by hand. Spreads the largest load in 2 to 4 minutes. Makes the same amount of manure go three times as fur and produce better results; makes all manure fine and immediately avail able for plant life. Non-Bunchabie Rake forms a hopper, holds all hard chunks in contact with beater until thoroughly pulverized. ' Endless Apron is one continuous apron, (not a K apron) therefore always re:tdy to load. You don't have to drive a certain distance to pull it back into oositicn after each load or wind it back by hand ; it ii a great advantage in making Jong- hauls. There Is no Gearing about our Endless Apron to break and cause trouble, . it is always up out of the way of obstructions as it does not extend below axle. Spreads evenly from start to finish and cleans out perfectly clean. Hood and End Gate keeps manure away from beater while loading ; prevents choking of beat er and throwing out a bunch when starting and acts as wind shield when spreading. It has a graduating lever and can be regulated while in motion to spread thick or thin, 3 to 25 loads per acre. Light IJraft because tne load is nearly equally 4 iw'-hfj RECEIVING We pay 4 on time deposits, current rates on savuigs cccounis, receive deposits su'uif cl lo cheer:, and do a gentrd fcinx ir.g business.. You cctj have t!ie advr.ntr.ss cf airorr; bins at your very doer by :s r..; the c::!i Zend i", ycur deposits. Acknowledg ment w.'l Lc ser.'. j'3o by iciura mail. Savings eeeounts received Worn one dollar up. Open an account with us and r.cte how rapidly it will grow. J. FRANK WATSON. Presided R. U DURHAM. Vice President W. H FEAR. Secretary SC CATCHINCS. As SrCT,r,' (ToirrpaTUi 2 247 Wash. St. Portland, Ore. iffCAHIIALStccK ItBCOCQg Write just these words on a postal card or in a letter 'Send me your book 'Practical Ex perience with Barnyard Manures' and catalogue No.l?75S " They will be mailed to you free. Do it now before you haul your manure or prepare for any crop. ) Smith Manufacturing Co., 162 Harrison St., Chicago ACRE. That's what a Spreader will do Iff used as it should be. fiance . Spraaisr balanced on front End rear azles. The team is as near the load as it can work. Front and rear axles are the same length and wheels track; beater shaft runs in ball and socket bearings, therefore no friction. Beater is 23 inches in di ameter, seal turns over when loading. Machine turns in its own length. Simplicity. There are only two levers on our machine. One which raises the hood, locks it and throws the machine in gear at the same time. It can then be thrown in and out of gear without lovrering the bood. One lever which changes leed to spread thick or thin, making it so simple that a boy who can drive a team can handle it. Strength and Durability is one of the most important points to be considered in a manure 1 spreader. The Great Western has a good, strong. durable wheel. .xtra strong spoke and nm, heavy steel tires. Strong, well braced box with heavy oak sill. Oak tongue, hickory doubletrees, malleable castings, gears and sprockets all keyed on. Galvanized hood. Every part is made extra strong, regardless of co.t. It is made for the man who wants tht best, made in -four sizes, 35, so, fo and too bushel caiacity. Guarantee Should any part break, wear out or get out of order withi" one year we replace free of charge. Send for free catalog, showing latest improvements. It tells how to apply manure to secure best results. ALWAYS &SE3 THE BEST STATIONERY ! ate S NEGESS&RY FOR A BESSRES3 EFFEGT AZETTE , is tiio ossSy oftico in GopvalSis that can y eEaiives tho goads 5 We Can Show Yoh i . T tin,:, :j f A WIsel 4t Z:1 i Merchant U-tc-D Printing CLASSIFIED AOVERTiSLMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Fifteen worda or less, 25 eta for three successive lnseruona, or 50 eta per month; for all op to and including ten additional words, cent a word for each insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words. I ct per word for the first insertion, and X ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for leas than 25 cents. Lodge, society and church notices, other than strictly news matter, will be charged for. FOR SALE I OFFER FOR SALE MY ENTIRE outfit and business consisting of 200 fowls, three incubators, one bone grinder, one grit sunder, one clover cutter. Cheap if taken eoon. R. F. D. 3, Ind. phone 3. S. II. Moore, Corvallis, Ore. 7t)tf THREE-PIECE MAHOGANY MAR ble top bedroom suite. Two-burner oil stove. Box heating stove. 60tf S. L. Kline, residence. HOMES FOR SALE. WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as sist purchasers to build homes on them if desired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS INNErt PORT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal-' mentis and help parties to build homes thereon, i: desired. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvailis, Or. Veterinary Surgeon DR. E. E. JACKSON, VETERINARY surgeon a uii dentist. Residence J 220 Fourth etreet. Phone 389 Office 1011 Main stieet, phone 204. Oive him a call. PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. ra , 2 to 1p.m. Residence : cor. oih and Ad ams Sta. Telephone at office and res idence. Corvallis, Oregon. House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. l4tf MARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONTJ meats ; curbing made to order ; clean ing and reparing done neatly: save 'agent's commission. Shop North Alain St-, Frank Vanhooseu, Prop, 92tt ATTORNEYS . F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Orhce up stafra in Zierolf Building, unly bet ol abstracts in Ben ton County E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oince in Post Omce .building, C v.i val js, Oregon. WANTED WANTE O 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE OiAZETTE and Weekly Oregonian at $2.55per year. WANTED FJ if TY CARLOADS OF oata and wheat; will ship 1oin neineet R. R. station Sacks furnished; those not used returned free. Have cleaner and grinder logo to your laini and clean eed and grind screenings it saves $3 ier day for a man and to am hauling. Get others' prices, then get mine. Yours for businets, L. L. Bboobs. (J8tf BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. . Loans inonty on aJ:,proed Fecnriiy. Drafts nought nd foldanl money transterred to the principal cities o( the United States, Europe and foreign countries. Reduced Rates. Offered for the East by the S. P. Company. Corvallis to Chicago and re turn, $73.95; St. Louis, 09.93 ; Milwau kee, $72.15; St, Paul and Minneapolis, $62.45; Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Omaha, St, Joseph, Atchixson, Leaven orth and Kansas City, $62 45. Sale dates: June 4, 6 7, 23 and 25; July 2 and 3; August 7, 8 and 9; Sep tember 8 and 10. Limit going, lo days; return limit, 9o days, but not after October 31. v42tf r : .. Don't Grumble When your joints ache and you suffe, from rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Bal lard's Snow liniment and get instant re lief. A positive cure for rheumatism, burns, cuts, contracted muscles, sore chest, etc. Mr. I. T. Bogy, a promi nent merchant at Willow Point, Texas, : says he finds Bail ard's Snow Liniment tbe best all round liniment be ever used. Sold by Graham & Wortham i ; .- Subscribe for the Gazette.