HE CQRVALLIS GAZETTE P ublished Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Pcblishixg Company. '." w subscription price of the Gazette fc veral years has been, and remains i 'J annum, or -5 per cent, discount if pa.-u in advance. This paier will be , coiitinned until all arrearairfs are paiJ. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. The advisability of inflicting the death penalty for certain crimes committed is a question that has engaged the attention of many able minds for years. It is a question not yet settled It is within the province of a state to remove from the midst of the people anything, living or dead, which is" proved to be a menace to the safety of the life or property of the inhabitants of said state. Therefore, it is readily the privilege of the state to condemn a murderer to death, because he is an unsafe man to be at large with the people. But is it advisable to execute the murderer? Many people shudder at the idea of a christian people prac ticing capital punishment. They argue against the death penalty because of humanitarian senti ments. But of all questions in which cold reason should have the upper hand that of dealing with one who has taken the life of his fellow must be considered first. Ail the states of the union have statutes in favor of capital punishment, save Michigan, Wis consin and Rhode Island. In thse states the death penalty for crime was abolished fifty years ago and to date has not been re-enacted. A writer, com menting recently in Harpers' Weekly, took the ground that sinee the abolition of capital pun ishment in these states there has been no more crime than in other states where the extreme penal ty was enforced. But the writer did not go so far as to declare that there had been a diminu tion of crime as the result of the abolishment of the death penalty- In Kansas the death penally can be executed only on the gov ernor's warrant. As a result of this law there are no executions, owing to the fact that the gov ernors repeatedly refuse 4to sign the death warrants. When one reasons without prejudice in the matter there are several features presented strongly. In the first place no man is compelled to take the life of another, except in self defense, when i5". is not murder. There are many justifiable causes for taking the life of another, and in such cases it is considered justifiable homicide and nothing is done in the matter. Is it not possible that murder is committed many times in the expectation that the perpetrator will escape punishment? Is it not possible that the knowledge that there is a good chance of escape from the grallows has a tendency to make men reckless? Let the fact that none shall escape be generally known and there miyht be 'ess murder recorded. When tempted to commit a mur der the knowledge that if he does he shell surely hang will have a wholesome effect as a deterrant. The possibilty of es cape at the hands of the courts causes recklessness and fhe fel low takes the chance. MARRIAGE. They whom God hath joined to gether let no man put asunder. This is the substance of a quota tion much heard. It is tacked onto the marriage bond. The inquiring,, min1 wonders just when God began joining men and women together in mar riage. Has ther? always been a marriage bond? Did Adam and Eve possess a certificate setting forth the legality of their union? In view of the fact that the growth of civilization, as record ed by authentic history, has been slow and gradual; that even in our history there have been radical changes in people and customs; that the mind reverts in a twinkling to a period when all men were barbarians, may it not be possible that we are in clined to deal falsely with our selves and others when discuss ing the sanctity of marriage? For the sake of argument, let us admit that we had simian ancestors of course many hadn't, but most people will ad mit that some of their acquain tances had. Such being the case, what kind of a ceremony was performed that enabled these forerunners of man to proudly proclaim themselves man and wife? Now, really, don't you think there is buncombe every where? It is reasonable to suppose that in the earlier ages men and wo men mated, when it pleased them, and without any ceremony. As civilization advanced certain forms and ceremonies were evolved, and the work I of evolu tion progressed until today we have what is termed sanctified marriage. Our civilization demands such marriage as we have today or we would not have it. In time the customs of future generations will change and among other things the matter of marriage ceremony is as likely to change as anything. Time alone will tell and we may only judge the future by the past. Marriage, as we know it today, is right and proper but no more holy than good men and women make it. It is recognized by the courts as a contract. It can be no more sacred than love of the contract ing parties, each for the other, makes it. If there be love there is harmony and it is a blessed state. If there be no love nor anything akin to it you all know what marriage must be. Let there be marriages, and many of them, but first let those about to take the vow be certain of their feelings or they will have many regrets. A little more deliberation beforehand will guard against many unhappy hours. Additional Local. Misses Ella an i Thia Johnson leave Sundav for Portland, tho former to attend the.piilii.iery openings aVl the !a ter t visit Miss Rova Cox. Mrs. Frank Hart and ubild and Miss Olive Sjmleli left Welne"dav for their homr in East Stattle. Frank Hurt rt--turnii to th-it city 8im tw and Miss ,Ia? Hurt also went thniv kImui two weeks a.O. Frar.k Lane came iir. from the bay this week for a visit wish friends. The Johnson millinery ia tiein;j re painted, and with the handsome plate glass front that has jut been added. t greatly improved in appearance A. W. Herbert and family returned Wednesday from a several weka' stay at Newport. Miles Starr and family rtf expected home tomorrow from their two weeks' vacation at Newport. Kihard Graham and family returned Wednesday from a month spent at Nye Creek. Itt Seif-Defease Major Hanmi, edrnr and manager of the Oousritui ioi-alisr, Emin-iKo, Kv., hen he was bitterly a't u-ked. f nir vears ho by piles, honcht a lox of Rin k'en' Ar nica Salve, of whii-ii he sbvs: "It cured me in ten days and no trouble hire." Quickest he'er of burns, sore, cuts and wounds. T-niy-!ive cents at Allen S: Woodward's crn store. Children in Pain Never cry as do children who are suSer ig from hunger. Such is the car.se of all babies who cry and are treated for sickness when thev really are suffering from hunger. This i caused from their food not being assimilated but. devoured by worms. A few doses of White's Cream Yerroifti.se uiil cansn them to cease crying and bein to thrive at once. Give it a trial, bold by Graham .t Wortham. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep oil periodic attack of biliousness aud habitual cms: i pat ion wssra mystery that Dr. King's New Life Pills solved for me," writes John Nl Pleassnt of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give satis faction to everybody or money refunded. Only 25c at Allen A Woodward' drrg store. Notice to Farmers. I am in tre market for clover, vetch, cheat a fa iA and timothy delivered f. o. b. carp. If farmers or dealers having hay toioffer will kindly write me stating the auiouut and quality of th hay they have to sell. An dreas G. VV. Simpson, 201 Wash ington street, Portland, Ore. 63tf Is Disease a Crime ? - Not very long afro, a popular magazine published an editorial article in which the writer averted, in substance, that all disease should be regarded as -criminal. Certain it is, that much of the sickness and suffering of mankind is due to the violation of certain of Nature's laws. But to say that all sickness should be regarded as criminal, must appeal to every reasonable individual as radically wrong. It would bo harsh, unsympathetic, cruel, yes criminal, to condemn the poor, weak, over-worked housewife who sinks under the heavy load of household cares and burdens, and suffers from weak nesses, various displacements of pelvic organs and other derangements peculiar to her sex. Frequent bearinsr of children, with its ex acting demands upon the system, coupled with the care, worry and labor of rearing a large family, is often the cause of weak nesses, derangements and debility which are aggravated by the many household cares, and the hard, and never-endinff work which the mother is called upon to perform. Dr. Pierce, the maker of that world-famed rem edy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and ills Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription says that one of the greatest obstacles to the euro of this class of maladies is the fact that the poor, over-worked housewife can not eet the needed rest from her many household cares and labor to enable her to secure from the use of his "Prescription " its full benefits. It Is a matter of frequent experience, he says, in his extensive practico in these cases, to meet with those in which his treatment fails by reason of tho patient's inability to abstain from hard work loner enough to be cured. With those suffering from prolapsus, ante version and retroversion of the uterus or other displacement of the womanly organs, it is very necessary that, in addition to tak ing his "Favorite Prescription " they abstain from being very much, or for long periods, on their feet. All heavy lifting or straining of any kind should also be avoided. As much out-door air as possible, with moderate, light exercise is also very important. Let the patient observe these rules and the "Favor ite Prescription " will do the rest Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications are held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate and regulate stomach, liver and bowels Success results from two things opportunity and pre paredness. tj The Holmes .Business College contribute boih toward your getting on in the world. tjRexd these little "excerpts from biographies of Holmes Business College graduates." We w3I give you their names and some fur ther particulars if you will call at the College. CO' or0' Ot- .v. 9 Ol (ox1; 1 - toe 1H t Mr. took a course in shorthand, was employed by the O. R. & N. Co.. went to China, and. now occupies the high position of Consul at Harbin, won by sheer merit J Mr. took bookkeeping and stenography at the . Holmes Business College, was eegagd with a Portland maehinery hotse for a few years, and now enjoys a lucrative position with the U. S. Government in the Philippines. Mr. tdfck a course at the Holmes Bus iness College, went' to Japan and founded n enormously successful business of his own. .This man's success is the result solely of technical and practical traitiing which enabled him to grasp opportunities and mould them to his purpose. tJ Write for free folder. ' it tells all about the Holmes Business College, the courses of study, tuition, etc It is a folder you will keep be cause it as wesh while. BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON & TENTH STsJ PORTLAND ORE. "Write direct to Principal, Room 534. The End of the World Of troubles that rr.Md E. H. AVolfe, of Beaver Grove, Iom. of all nenlne-8 came when he bMn takiug Elertric Bitters. He wiitf: "Two years ao kidney trouble -an-- nie treat suffer ing which I wonbi never have survived had I not tsken Electric Bittern. Thev also cured me of general debilitv." Sure cure for all stomach, liver and kid ney CO uplaints, blood diseases, hea ache, dizz'ni8 ind . weak"00 or hnHi ' . decline.,- Pride 50" cents. .- Guaranteed by Allen &- Woodward drnggiBto.'-.- 3 1 u CLOAKS SUITS SKIR FOR WEULr DRESSED WOMEN. THIS Celebrated Line of High-Grade Garments for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren will be shown by us this Season. . Ladies, it will pay you to wait and see them 4 To'Wjr. A!N P If you have'125 loads of manure to spread and you are going to plant 25 acres'of corn or wheat, or have a 25 acre meadow we will tell you bow you can increase the value of your crop this year from $4.00 to $8.00 per acre or more than enough to pay for a spreader. We issue' a 48-page book entitled "Practical Experience With Barnyard Manures," which explains the whole situation. Our Plan is not a theory. It is an actual fact, backed up by actual experiments extendine over a period of 18 years. To give you an idearof what this book contains, we show results of experi ments made with various crops where 5 loads of manure were spread per acre by the old method, and 5 loads by the new method, on corn ground. The latter shows a gain of $4.80 per acre. On another field and in another state, it shows a gain of iS.bO per acre, and on a clover and timothy meadow, a gain of $8.00 per acre. This Book will be sent free to anyone writing us. It is worth $100.00 to you, but it won't cost you a cent. If it doesn't do you any good, it won't do you any harm. Write us new and let us mail it to you. It is brimming full of valuable information. Iproi Spreads all kinds of manure, straw stack bot toms andcommercial fertilizer regardless 0 'their condition. Sfreads as muck in a day as is men can by hand. Spreads the largest load in 2 to 4 minutes. Makes the same amount of manure go three times as fi.r and produce better results; makes all manure fine and immediately avail able for plant life. No-3unchable Rake forms a hopper, holds all hard chunks in contact with beater until thoroughly pulverized. Endless Apron is one continuous apron, (not a 54 apron) therefore always reudy to load. You don't have to drive a certain distance to pull it 5 back into position after each load or wind it back hauls. . There ia no Gearing about our Endless Apron to break and cause trouble, it is always up out of the way of obstructions as it does not extend below axle. Spreads evenly from start to finish and cleans out perfectly clean. Hood and End Gate keeps manure away from beater while loading ; prevents choking of beat er and throwing out a bunch when starting and acts as wind shield when spreading. It has a graduating lever andean be regulated ivhile in motion to spread thick or thin, 3 to as loads per acre. Lihi Draft because the load is nearly equally 1 Write lust these words on a postal card or perience with Barnyard Manures' and catalogue Do it now before you haul your manure or prepare Smith Elanufaciurlng Go., W e pay 4 or. lino deposits, current rales on savings accounts, receive deposits sr.Mrrl io check, and do a geseial bank v.y uusiness.. Yr.u cn have the advantages of a -:rZ bink sX your very door by u:vr.,- Licvti your dcpocits. Acknowledg ment w..; oe seal you by tetum mail. Savings accounts received from one dollar up. Open an account with us and r.cte how rapidly it will grew. J. FRANK WATSON. Preside R. I DURHAM. Vkc PrexJcnt VI. H. FEAR. Secretary & C CATCH1NGS. As Secretary Crust (fotnpany 247 Wash. St. Portland.Ore. ACRE. That's what a Spreader will do iff used as it should be. 1 1 ljrt.zt'i-'-aa BUS WE W balanced on f rent ar.d rear axles. Tho team 5s as near the load as it can vork. Front and rear axles a-re tke same lengrth and wheels track; beater shaft runs in ball and socket bearings, therefore no friction. Beater is 23 inches in di ameter, scat turns over when loading. Machine turns in its own length. Simplicity. Tjere are only two levers on our machine. One which raises the hood, locks it and throws the machine in gear at the same time. It can then be thrown in and out of gear without lowering the hood. One lever which changes feed to spread thick or thin, making it so simple that a boy who can drive a team can handle it. Strength, and Durability is one of the most important points to be censidsred in a manure spreader. Tke Great Western has a good, strong, durable wheel. Extra strong spoke and rim, heavy steel tires. Strong, well braced box with hi iir v oak sill. Oak tongue, hickory doubletrees, malleable castings, gears and sprockets all keyed on. Galvanized hood. Every part is made extra strong, regardless of cot. It is made for the man who wants the best , made in four sizes, 3S, So. 70 and J 00 bushel capacity. Guarantee Should any part break, wear out or get out of order withi" one year we replace free Of charge. Send for free catalog, showing latest improvements. I tells how to apply manure to secure best results. fn a letter 'Send rctw ?rfmr boot? "Practical t?t- a No.l'JM " They will be mailed to you free. for any crop. 132 Hawis&n Si., Chicago ill y?N ALWAYS USES THE EEST S 7 A TsQfiER Y fJS NECESSARY FOR A BESSRED EFFECT The Gazette Is the only office In GorvaSlis that can deliver the goods f We Can Show Yon 2M A W r, rinting CLASSIFY ADVERTISEMENTS CLVSSIFIKli ADVKRTISKMEKT3: Fifteen worda or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 cts per month; for all pp to and including ten additional worJs. cent a word for eacb insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words, I ct per word for the first insertion, and )4 ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. Lodge, society and church notices, other than Btrictly news matter, will be charged for. FOR SALE I OFFER FOR SALE MY ENTIRE outfit and business consisting of 200 fowls, three incubators, one bone grinder, one grit grinder, ne -lover cutter. Cheap if taken soon, R. F. D. 3, Ind. phone 3. S. H. Moore, Cor vail is. Ore. 7t)tf THREtS-PIECE MAHOGANY MAR ble top bedroom suite. Two-burner oil stove. Box heating stove. 60tf - S. L. Kline, residence. HOMES FOR SALE. WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment pin" and as sist purchasers to build homes on them if desired. Addrees First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes thereon, ii desired. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvailis, Or. Veterinary Surgeon DR. E. E. JAOKSON, VETERINARY surgeon and dentist. Residence 1220 Fourth etreet. Phone 389. Office . 1011 Main stieet, phone 204. Give him a call. PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to (p.m. Residence : cor. 5tn and Ad aiiis tits. Telephone at office and res idence. OorvaJlis, Oregon. House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. Utf MARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONTJ ineats ; curbing made to order ; clean ing and repttring done neatly: save agent's coumiit-eion . Shop " North Main St.,Fraiik Van iiooten, Prop, g2tt ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW. Office np etafrB in Zierolf Buiidinvr. . Only tei of abstracts in .Benton County E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Vmce in Post Office .builuing, tw val iis, Oregon. WANTED WANTE li 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE GazettB and "Weekly Oregon ia?. at $2.55per year. WANTED FJUTY CARLOADS OF oats add wheat; will ship Iroui newiest R. R station Sacks furnished; those not used returned free. Have cleaner and grinder to go to your laim and ' elenn Feed and grind screenings it saves $3 per day ior a man and team hauling Get others' prices, then get mine. Y'ours for businete, L. L. Brooks. 68tf BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Drafts fought, and toldani money trstnsrerred to the principal cities ol the United States, Europe and foreign countries. Reduced Rates. Offered for the East by the S. P. Company. Corvallis to Chicago and re turn, $73.95; St. Louis, $69.95 ; Milwau kee, $72,15; St, Paul and Minneapolis, $62.45; Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Omaha, St, Joseph, Atchlnson, Leaven worth and Kansas City, $62.45. Sale dates: June 4, 6 7, 23 and 25 ; July 2 and 3; August 7, 8 and 9; Sep tember 8 and 10. Limit going, lo days; return limit, 9o days, but not after October 31. 42tf Don't Grumble When your joints ache and you suffer from rheumatism. Boy a bottle of Bal lard's Snow liniment and get instant re lief. A positive cure for rheumatism, burns, cuts, contracted muscles, sore chest, etc. Mr. I. T.' Bogy, a promi nent merchant at Willow Point, Texas, nays he finds Bailard's Snow . Liniment' the best all round liniment he ever used.' Sold by Graham & Wortham . . Subscribe for the Gazette.