Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 24, 1906, Image 1

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    ,;dpf j
Vol. XX.UI.
Counti-, Oregon, Friday, August 24. lOOG.
. A
Citizen Writes of Conditions
Cunty Farm.
The Gazette is in receipt ot a
letter from one who claims to be
familiar with conditions at the
county poor farm. In a spirit
of fairness, the letter is given in
Ed Gazette: In the Corvallis
Times ot Aug. 7, 1906, I saw a
report ot the Grand Jury regard
ing the sanitary conditions and
care of inmates of the county
farm. I wish to say that I have
a brother, Robert Mitchell, who
has been an inmate ot the farm
for over 13 years.
I called on him the other day
and found him as usual, well
pleased with his home at the
farm. He says that he has
baths and clean clothes at regular
times, and clean, well-cooked,
wholesome food, all that he
wants. He is entirely dependent
on those in charge as he is so
crippled that he cannot dress or
undress himself, and until re
cently was the most helpless one
at the larm.
He uses lots of tobacco and
says he has never been Tefused
all he wanted. During the 13
years that my brother has made
his home there, I have made ire
quent visits to the farm; in fact
I have worked for six months at
a time for Mr. Huggins and can
say that I never saw the inmates
other than clean and well fed.
On my recent visit I talked
with all the inmates and al
though some of them are 85 and
95 years of &ge I heard no word
of complaint.
,. jTJiei.VpUeptjjicookwas not
in evidence, Mrs. Huggins, as
usual, doing the cooking.
Respectfully yours,
J. W. Mitchell.
Funeral of Lucy Job.
The remains ot the late Lucy
Job were brought to Corvallis
Tuesday morning and were taken
at once to Crystal Lake cemetery
where brief services were held,
Rev. E. F. Green officiating.
The pall-bearers were six young
girl, dressed in white. They
were: Agnes Wilson, Ruth
Lilly, Thia Johnson, Grace Wil
son, Laura Waggoner and Ethel
Watters. The remains were ac
companied to Corvallis from
Forest Grove by the parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Job, Miss Emma
Job, the sister, Jerry Job, a cou
sin, and Mrs. Z. Job, an aunt.
Deceased was aged 17 years
and 11 months, and was a beau
tiful and accomplished girl.
A large number of friends met
the funeral party at the depot
and accompanied the remains to
the cemetery, where a profusion
ot lovely blossoms were placed
on the newly made mound by
loving friends.
Pure Water for Eugene.
Therejs no likelihood of Eu
gene suffering from another epi
demic of typhoid fever if a pure
water supply can prevent it.
The trouble that was exper
ienced there last spring was due
to bad water, but the company
has abandoned the old wells and
installed filters, taking water
from an entirely new source, aud
a test has been made of the new
supply by the state board of
health, with very gratifying re
sults. The report in full of
Ralph Matson, bacteriologist of
the state board, says:
'The examination of the spec
imen of water sent from Eugene
by Dr. Harris shows no contami
nation. There was an absolute
failure to produce gas or even
fermentation tubes. Plates in
oculated with varying quantities
ot the water failed to develop a
single colony on any one.
The result is most remarkable
and I fear an , error somewhere
before the water arrived here.
It would be well to know just
how this water was collected.
Even the purest water usually
shows some growth. V
The samples referred 'to were
taken airectly from the mains by
Dr. J. W. Harris, county health
officer, and sent to Portland the
same day, water being received
in the same condition in which it
was taken Irom the pipes.
Some Aids to Memory That May
Save Trouble.
For the benefit of the hunter
with an appetite for venison out
of season and who pleads as an ex
cuse lor killing pheasants beyond
the lawful limit that he has a
"sick friend" who longs for
broiled China, some reminders of
the law may not come amiss.
There are others, too, who really
cannot keep in mind the dates'
when hunting is and is not law
ful, and in order to aid these, the
following hints on the Oregon
game law may prove oi assist
ance in fixing the dates in mind
One may, for example, kill
oucks, geese and swan from Sep
tember 1st to February 1st.
The hunter may shoot grouse
and all kinds of pheasants from
October 1st to December 1st.
Trout may be angled for from
the 1st of April until the 1st of
Buck deer may be hunted from
August 15th to November 1st;
does, from September 1st to No
vember 1st.
The hunter must not kill elk
until 1907, should he have the
opportunity, which is not likely.
Silver gray squirrels are for
bidden fruit excepting from Oc
tober ist to JanuarjTist.
Beaver, prohibited until 1925.
There is no law to protect black
bass and snipe.
It is unlawful to do any of the
following things:
To sell any gamp.
To kill more than ten upland
birds in one day.
To kill more than 50 ducks,
geese or swan per week.
To catch trout less than 5
inches in length.
To catch trout other than with
hook and line.
To catch trout by night fish
ing. ,
To hunt deer at night.
To hunt deer with dogs.
To kill more than 5 deer in one
To hunt game animals cr birds
without license, except upon
your own ground.
License procured from count v
clerk upon payment of $1, good
in any part of the state.
Many Changes.
Things have been "going
some" in the way ot change? at
the Moses Biothers' drvgoods es
tablishment in this city, the past
tew days. The north room is
being vacated and t'ae groceries
will be kept in the other room.
This will simplify the business
and make it easier to handle.
The room vacated has been leased
and will be occupied by the Bell
telephone people.
R. J. Moses and son, Leonard,
went to Philomath, Wednesday,
to invoice the stock there, a task
that wiU take severai days. Upon
completion of the work and the
return of Jesse Mose?, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Moses will leave for
Arizona for a two-months' visit
with relatives. Daring their ab
sence the Corvallis store will be
operated by some member of the
Jesse Moses family, and upon
their return Victor Moses will be
the head of the Corvallis estab
lishment. CASTOR I A
Tor Infant! and Children.
Tbe Kind Yoq Hai8 Always Bought
Bears the
Crime Added to Earthquake Mor
- ror 2,000 Dead.
Santiago, Aug. 21. Only now
can the extent of the earthquake
damage be appreciated. The
majority of modern houses in this
ciy are unfi t for- habitation. A
special corps has ' been organized
to raze all 101 tt-ring structures. It
is unsafe to walk on most of the
streets on a count of the falling
debris. Advices from Valparaiso
indicate that the dead number
2,000. -: '
The night ot August 16 was
rendered baleful by flashing light
ning, driving rairty wires and ca
bles snapping as the result of the
constant earthquakes, which fol
lowed each other in rapid suc:
cession, iure bells pealed, an
nouncing the starting of fires in
various parts of the city simul
taneously. The first shock lasted
4 minutes and 50 seconds, longer
I than any quake in the memory
of any Santiago citizen. The
shocks caused the bells to ring
and pictures to swing from the
walls. Experts say that the only
thing that saved the city from to
tal destruction was the fact that
the motion was circular.
The principal shock extended
from Valparaiso to Santiago and
Menpilla, with a center at Li-
mache. The towns of Quillotta,
10,000 population, and Llaillai,
were destroyed i
The quake was foretold. The
Naval observatory- predicted' it
two days previous and Valparaiso
papers printed the prediction the
day before it occurred . There
was a heavy quake at Valparaiso
last jiight4.:Hucho;was shaken
yesterday. ; '
The government and the peo
ple have received President
Roosevelt's message of condolence
and thankfully replied. . . The
government has ordered the im
mediate construction of houses of
wood and zinc to house the home-
les-. Military engineers are re
pairing the railroad and telegraph
Large parties of convicts who
escaped have been committing
all sorts of crimes. Over so were!
publicly shot. The people are
returning from the hills. The!
banks are open for two hoursl
daiiv. The work of restoration
is proceeding' siowly. Over a
thousand bodies recovered from
the ruins have been buried.
Progress the Word.
A dispatch from Drain under
date of August 21st, says:
The first ground was broken
last eveuing for the Drain-Coos
Bay railroad. Two hundred and
fifty mules, a dozen carloads of
scrapers, plows and other tools
from California, and several car
loads of powder, provisions, etc.,
have arrived already, and also
enough men to begin work on
this great undertaking, which
means so much for Southwestern
Several hundred more men are
expected to arrive this week,
when work will be pushed with
the utmost vigor. Nearly a thou
sand tons of hay have been bought
by the Loss Company between
Drain and Elkton, 16 miles west
ot here, and preparations are
made for steady work until the
road is finished.
Work will commence next
week on the big 4,000-foot tun
nel at Paradise creek, about 18
miles west of here. The Loss
Company has sublet a contract
to Cole & Sweeney of Portland to
build two smaller tunnels, n and
12 miles west of Drain. Each of
these tunnels will be about 1,200
feet long.
. It is the intention to have 1000
or 1,200 men at work on the new
rood within a few days. The
wages paid are from $2.25 up. . :
l. Several immense warehouses
are beiag built .here in which t.Q
store provisions. ; iThe-40 by, 200- shed, in hich to s ore 20.
000 barrels of cement is nearin
completion and thousands of bar
rels have already been s'ored is
All is bustle and excitement at
Drain, which is sure to grow into
a great thriving city within
few years."
Something of the Character of
Jasper Hay den A Tribute.
Jasper Havden, who died sud
denly in Alsea valley recently,
was so widely and favorably
known that the following facts,
banded in by a friend, are given
space even at so late a date. The
writer says:
"Jasper Hayden was born in
Alsea valley, Benton county,
Oregon, Dec. 10, 1857. Lived
all bis life and died on his
father's old homestead place.
His father came to Oregon in '53
and located in the Alsea valley
where he lived until his death in
.. "Jasper Hayden was " united
in marriage to Alice Webster,
Nov. 7, 18E7. Their home was
blessed with four children. Pearl,
Rutus, Myrtle and Johnie.
"The death of his wife, April
15, i8qq, was a heavy blow to
him, leaving the four small chil
dren for him to watch over and
care for. This he did without a
murmur. Though stricken with
grief he submitted to the ordeal
and with a fortitude possessed
only by the brave surmounted
every difficulty. He was a con
stant worker and a good man
ager. Hisjudgment and advice
were often sought by his neigh
bors and friends.
"By his industry and thrift he
has helped to make one of the
best farms and finest homes in
the valley. No doubt the very
pro ad est and happiest moment ot
his life had come and the future
seemed full of promises to him.
But alas! just as he was prepared
to live he died. Sometimes we
want to complain and say, why
was it thus? And why could it i
not have been different? But we
forget to say, Lord, not my will
but thine be done. !
". "Jasper professed religion 1
some time ago and was truly a 1
high type of the one who set the
example. For his hand wa-?
ever ready to. lift the fallen, help
the poor, and to do good every
where and in every way he could.
The Sunday school, the church,
and the whole communitw will
miss him. Yes, we all miss him
for we feel that we have suffered
an irreparable loss in the death
of one so sood and useful.
"On the 6th of September '05,1
less than a year ago, he was unit
ed in marriage to Mrs. Agnes
Cathcart, who survives him and
mourns his sad death. Though
sad and lonely, yet it is a consola
tion to her to know that he was
ready to go and that she has a
hope of meeting him again in
the sweet by and by.
"But perhaps no one left to
mourn his sudden death deserves
more sympathy than his poor old
mother, who is now over eighty
years old. She says that in the
morning of the day he died she
beard him whistling and sing
ing so sweetly and gay that .-he
thought he must be feeling 11
and remarked that she did r.!
know when she had seen him mi
happy before. But oh, what
so sudden as death!
"Precicis in the sight of lb
Lord is the death of his saints"
were the words chosen for tl I
foundation of the remarks mad
by Rev. Woods at the funerwi
services, which were held at tb
familw home, alter which he wa
caken to his last resting place in
the Alsea cemetery, followed by
a large concourse of weeping re
latives and friends;
Weep not for him the bitter tear. '
$dr give iBy heart the vain frgret ;
yrtla bWtlie caskeltUtes bet ;
' The gem that fitted it Darkles yet.
You're Sure to Grow
Over iny set of Shirt Waists Sets like those
now on sale at this store.
Shirt Waist Sets
for July are just as jroo for August or Septem
ber, or any other month, if hnnirht here if
you WHUt what's exnulKitp at n mnHcat
buy a set. We miorftntpp thev'ro ih ..c.'it
value for the sum invested tat can bo had
see mem ana D:y a set.
J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - -
Franklin Iron Works corvallis, or.
Guns, Fishing TackEe, Baseball Goods
Go to Gun Hodes'
We Carry the Famous
MMai I 1 III . M
Board of Equalization.
The Equalization Board of Benton
county will meet in the office of the
county clerk of Benton county, at the
court house in Benton county, Oregon,
on Monday, the 27th day of August,
1906, for six days from said date to cor
rect any errors or double assessments on
eaid roll. T. II . Davis,
Assessor of Benton County.
Dated Aueust 3, 1906. 05-70
Don't Be Blue
And lose all interest when help is with-
reach. Herbin will make that liver
i 1 form its duties properly. J. B.
W'ghn, Elba, Ala,, writes: "Being a
stant sufferer from constipation and a
disordered liver, I have found Herbine
to be the bet medicine, for these trou
bles, on the market. I have ueed it
cooatantlj. I believe it to be the best
medicine of it kind, and I wish all
offerers from theae troubles to know
the ood Herrnne . haa done me. Sold
ky Graham (k Wortham . . .
Hair Invlgorator
And Dandruff Eradlcator
'r. w v
5 a
E s
(3 3
n 2
W fit
Trals lark registered. -
Price, - Fifty Cents
Manufactured by
The Vegetable Compound Company
Corvallis, Oregon 9t
You to Buy a
From the Stock
Now on Hand
Fiist come, firpt Ferved.
We only have a few at this
price. If you want a high
grade Baler, now ie your
chance. Order today.
Bristol Fishing Fod
BEGINS its 25th year September 26, I9OG. Three fulr
onrees of study. Higher course recognized in Wash
ington and other states. The best and shortest way to a
state and life paper.
Additioca' wck in both general aud special methods;
also school ma'fiaijeinent for yraded and ungraded schools
will bs given this coming year.
Longer term?, higher wages and bet
ter opportumtus ate to Normal
Graduates. School directors appreciate
the superior ability of Monmouth grad
uates, and the demand far exceeds the
supply. Catalogue containing full in
formation will he sent on application.
Correspondence invited. Addresp,
J. B. V. BUTLER, Registrar
Why Fret and Worry
When your chrld has a severe cold.
You need not fear pneumonia or other
pulmonary diseases. ' Keep supplied
with Ballard's Horehound Syrup a
positive cure for colds, coaghs, whoop
ing cough and bronchitis. Mrs. Hall, of
Sioux Falls, S D., writes: "I have
used your wonderful Ballard's Hore
hound Syru on my children for five
years. Its reeults have been wonder
ful." Sold by Graham & Wortham .
Galveston's Sea Wall
Makes life nov as safe in that city as on
the uplands. E. W. Goodloe, who re
sides on Dutton street in Waco, Texas,
needs no sea wall for safety. He writes.
"I have nsed Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption for the past five years
and it keeps ire well and safe. Before
that time I bad a cough for years which
bad been growing worse. : Now it's
gone." Cores chronic coughs, la grippe,
croi)p, whooping cough- and -: prevents
pneumonia. Pleasant to take. '-' Every
bottle guaranteed at 'Allen & Wood
ward's drag store. Trice 50c and l.
Trial bottle free. .