Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 17, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    wished Tuesdays and I'ridays by
suis riptSosj price of the Gazbtts
eral yesirj liftii fii-ea, t remains
annii 11, 'r l" ser en' diM-imnt if
n adva nf I'liis pu fr wiil be
itied nniii a!i arrearatreH are paU.
In is the opinion of Lincoln
Steffens that a college graduate
knows too much to make a good
newspaper man. From our ob
servation it is easy to believe
that many college graduates are
not only strong in their opinion
that they know too much to be
good newspaper men, but about
everything else as well.
There is no fool so abominable
as an educated one. You can
send a man to college, but you
can't give him brains. If he has
an insufficiency of gray matter to
start with little good will college
cultivation do. If, on the other
hand, young men or women
are made of the right material
and possessed of a well-balanced
brain a college education will
prove a great assistance to them
for they will have common sense
enough to profit by their advan
tages. A well-educated man or wo
man will not feel above any
honorable calling, nor will they
feel that they know too much.
It is the educated ape who allows
a little learning to swell his head.
The idea of the masses that a
man is not educated without he
can boast" the possession of a
4 'sheepskin' ' is a false one indeed.
How much brains does it require
to work a trial balance against
a scroll of artificial parchment?
A little artificial brains will do
No person of good sense will
deny that schools and colleges
are a great thing. We are all
proud of our institutions of learn
ing and rejoice with the grad
uate who, by his or her demean
or, gives evidence of those quali
ties which enter into the compo
sition of men and women of
worth. It is scarcely necessary
to voice the suspicion that Lin
coln Steffens was at one period
of his existance a "superficial"
We are now given to under
stand that in many cases crime
13 the result of nervousness,
This is a new theory it is the
very latest. If a thief holds you
up some dark night and relieves
you of your pocketbook you are
to excuse him on the ground that
he was probably suffering a bit
of nervousness. Nice theory,
The average person has a tim
idity about meeting men after
night who in fits of extreme
nervousness poke revolvers un
der noses with one hand while
the other hand nervously re
moves a watch or wallet.
There is always the danger that
the victim of the fit of criminal
nervousness might let his palsied
finger tremble too hard on the
tnjp-T. .
W.iat infernal rot! Is the
criminologist responsible for this
theory ? It sounds a little like
i; might have been "sprung" by
soma shrewd criminal and later
aken up by cracked-brain
ed theorist:, probably seme man
w'i hokis a professorship in the
University of Chicago.
Between nervous hold-up men
and some of the ideas advanced
by the theorists the common peo
ple are in great danger.
For long it has been common
in European upper-clas hotels to
tip the serwrns, r -! the
waiters. In c i -J lead
ing hotels in the Jilted States
this system has be in introduced
and of late it seems that tipping
is being practiced on the Pacific
coast. This practice is but one
chgree better than a shell game
in is s working in one respect
it is even worse than a shell
as you can avoid the game,
but are obliged to put up at a
If you go to a first-class hos
telry yn axa forced to tip your
waiter or go hungry. If you
don't want to tip the waiter you
are compelled' to patronize a
second-class hotel. Pretty state
of affairs isn't it, when one must
eschew a first-class place and go
to one of a lower order to avoid
an imposition?
Let the propiietor of any kind
of business establish his prices
for service and treat all alike.
Let him pay his own employes,
and not have them playing high
wayman with his patrons. No
real American likes to feel that
he has been "held up" for any
sum whatever, or in any man
ner. If tipping were a legiti
mate proposition, why not tip
our butcher, baker, in fact, pay
for all service which is supposed
to be provided us by the various
proprietors whom we choose' to
favor with our patronage?
There is scarcely a week passes
that the metropolitan papers
do not chronicle the ill treatment
of children. How brutish, yea,
fiendish, must the man or wo
man be who can beat and torture
a little child! And yet such oc
currences, awful as they are,
may be looked upon as common.
Little and helpless, the babes
are unable to do aught but sub
mit to unmerciful beatings, to
their everlasting injury, both
mentally and physically.
Parents who have become
moral degenerates are generally
the perpetrators of these out
rages on their progeny. They
would kill anybody else who
treated their children so out
rageously as they themselves do,
but in fits of anger or debauch
their passions run riot and the
helpless child seems to remind
them of a responsibility of which
they would like to be rid, so the
child must suffer. Not infre
quently both parents are engag
ed at the same time in torturing
a helpless little creature of their
own flesh and blood.
Depravity, sin, shame, out
rage! An unnatural parent is a
blot and a curse to civilization.
These fiends are not punished by
the law as it seems they should
be and it is not clear that it is
possible to protect society against
the mating of such men and wo
men. There is no doubt but a
child needs correction, even to
be switched, perhaps, many
times in the course of its bring
ing up, but torture is something
else. Can nothing be done?
Not long ago John D. Rock
efeller conceived the idea that
there was no danger of his in
dictment on account of any al
leged illegal transactions in oil
and he immediatly renewed his
work as a Sunday school teacher.
Since begining his work again it
has leaked out that John is in
greater danger of indictment
than ever, and it is doubtful if
.1 .
tne sanctimonious old scamp can
k?ep his thoughts on the next
world just at present. An ex
change likens John's disposition
to molass23 in the winter time,
on account of its long-drawn-out
sweetness. But this, of course,
refers to the oil king when there
are no indictments in the air.
Don't GrutnbSe
When your joints ache and you "suffer
from rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Bal
lard's Sno'v licinient and g?t instant re
lief. A. positive cure for rhenmatitm,
hum, mhh. ntrsi-re! muscles, sore
hest, etc. Mr. I. T. Brsry, a promi
nent iiittitihatit Mt Wslio' Point. Texas,
save he tinds BM'Hni's Snow Limment
the best a!l round liniment lie ever used.
Sold bv Graham & Woriiiam.
A Mystery Solved.
"How to keep off periodic attacks of
biliousness and habitual c.niipaiion
was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life
Pills solved for me,'' writes John N.
Pleasant of Magnolia, Ind. The only
pills that are guaranteed to give satis
faction to everybody or money refunded.
Only 25c at Allen & Woodward's drog
Of Conditions
on Sunday's Ex
cursion Train.
j Even drummers, who travel
! constantly and necessarily see all
sorts of people, say that never be
fore did they witness sach "dis-gusting-sigh-ts
as. 'those enacted
on .the. excursion train coming
over from Newport Sunday
night. One car in particular,
which was occupied principally
by youthful males and females,
was enough to "tarn" the stom
ach of the on-looker. Girls and
boys in their early teens were
there in pairs, and the girls in
particular acted the fool and dis
played a total lack of modesty or
even common decency, according
to report.
These sentimental, love-ick
Misses threw themselves into the
laps of their youthful partners,
and winding their arms about
the boy's necks proceeded to pet
and caress them with all the bra
zen abandon of tough characters,
although these girls were doubt
less more silly than sinful.
A gentleman, in speaking of
the affair, said: "What, in the
name of heaven, are mothers and
fx hers thinking about, to allow
their young daughters to go on
such trips with young men?
Girls of that age should be ac
companied by one of their par
ents, their own brother, or else
kept at home, for most of them
lose all sense and reason when
turned loose on such an occasion,
and trouble is the almost inevita
ble result in the long run."
It is also stated in whispers
that one young girl was decided
ly the worse from drink, when
she reached home on Sunday
night's train, a condition of af
fairs that should cause parents
serious concern, and prevent
them from allowing their own
young girl's to go on such trips
If parents would only give
heed, and not be so foolish as to
fancy their own children proof
against all evil, much misery
and many a downfall could easily
be averted.
The Oak Grove reporter has been dis
abled for some time on account of hot
Born, August 8, I9O6, to tho wife of
Marion Bailey, a daughter.
Several of our people joined the excur-
on party at Albany and spent Sunday
at Newport.
Lewis Wentz returned Sunda from
Salem, where he attended the funeral of
his grandson, Scott Coffey, who died in
that city Friday.
James Johnson had the misfortune to
lo3e one of his work horses last week.
Tne veterinary said death was caused
by the animal eating apples that bad
just been sprayed.
Mrs. W. D. Prettyman and her two
daughters, Mrs. Lena Kroschel of Al
bany, and Mrs. Lizzie Parker of Cottage
Grove, are spending a tew' weeks at Sul
phur Springs enjoying camp life.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mayherry, of Linn
county, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
B irney Cady of Palestine.
Dr. Bailey is makiug his home at pres
ent with his eon, Robert. He likes
country life far better than the city,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schoel, who have
beea stopping for some lime at the home
of the latter's mother, Mrs. V. G. Goff
left Monday morning for Independence,
where they will leside hereafter.
Mr. Daselle has his new prune dryer
about completed. When finished this
will mane four large dryers within a
radius of two miles, which speaks well
for the prue industry of this neighbor
hood. Hop men are securing their pickers
and making arrangements to begin
the work of taking care of their hop crop
as eoon as it is ripe. Pickers are not
plentiful, and the acreage is more than
dan bio what it was in this part ot the
country last year.
Harvesting is progressing nicely.
About half of the threshing is done in
our neighborhood. A few binders are
sun at wort, but most 01 tne gram is in
the shock waiting the thresher on its
round. Fall grain did not do so well as
anticipated, some fallow fields going as
lpw as ten bushels per acre, but the
spring grain is expected to do better,
and especially spring oats, which prom
ise a fair yield. There . is several hun
dred tons of hay here to be baled yet and
if the weather should turn off showery,
much of it would be damaged, as it is
badly stacked. ' j
Real Estate Transfers.
Nancv Woods $m husband, 10
Edwin L, Johnson, lots 3-4-5-6-7-8,
block 7, Wi'k ns addition;
$1600. ' -,
" O DeHaven and wife, 'to Geo
Sorenson, lots q and 10. blork
io, N B as-d P Avery's add;
S.rah KimbaH a;id husband,
to Charlotte Polly, 53 acres in
Alsea; $500.
C J Coe and wi e, to 'Matthew
George, 3 lots in block 3, Avery
& Wells' add; $500.
Charles Horton to Caroline
Hays, lots 4 and 9, block 4, N
B and P Avery's add; $200.
Maud Hemphill to Elnora
Johnson, south yi ot lot 12,
block 4, Coryalhs; $10.
Martin Scheiern and wife, to J
Land J R Spain, 155 acres
southwest of Philomath; $4,450.
A D Price and wife, .to h
Gien, right ot way; $1;
Belle C Sirgent and husband,
to John Goodrich, lots 11 anu 12.
block 13, Jobs Add; $600.
J. M. Nolan and family returned yes
terday from sn outing at Newport.
Tommy Nolan leave9 today on bis vaca
cuasaxTr of merit.
When the maker of a medicine, sold
through druggists for family use, takes
his patients fully into his confidence by
frankly and fearlessly publishing broad
cast as well as on its bottle wrappers,
a full list of all its ingredients in plain
English, this action on his part is the
best possible evidence that he is not
afraid to have the search light of inves
tigation turned full upon his formula
and that it will bear the fullest scrutiny
and the ' most thorough investigation.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the
cure of the weaknesses, periodical pains
and functional derangements of the or
gans distinctly feminine, is the only medi
cine put up for sale through druggists for
woman's special use, the maker of which
is not afraid to take his patients into
his full confidence by such open and
honest publicity.
A glance at the published ingredients
on each bottle wrapper, will show that it
is mado wholly from native, American,
medicinal roots, that it contains no poi
sonous or habit-forming drugs, no nar
cotics and no alcohol pure, triple-refined
glycerine, of proper strength being used
instead of the commonly employed alco
hol, both for extracting and preserving
tlie active medicinal properties found in
the roots of the American forest plants
employed. It is the only medicine for
women's pecular diseases, sold by drug
gists, that docs not contain a largo per
centage of alcohol, which is in the long
run so harmful to woman's delicate, nerv
ous system. Now, glycerine is perfectly
harmless, and serves a valuable purposo
by possessing intrinsic value all its,
and besides it enhances the curative
effect of the other ingredients entering
into the "Favorite Prescription."
Somo of the ablest medical writers and
teachers endorse these views and prnisa
all the several ingredients of which "Fa
vorite Prescription " is composed rec
ommending them for the cure of the
very same diseases for which this world
famed medicine is advised. No other
medicine for womeD has any such pro
fessional endorsement worth more than
any number of ordinary testimonials. If
interested, send name and address to Dr.
R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y., for his little
book of extracts from the works of
eminent medical writers and teachers,
endorsing the several ingredients and
telling lust what Dr. Pierce's medicines
are made of. It's free for the asking.
wm& sy mail
We pay 4 on time deposits, current
rates on savings accounts, receive deposits
subject to check, and do a general bank-
ing business.
You can have the advantages of a
strong bank at your very door by using
the mails.
Send us your deposits. Acknowledg
ment will be sent you by return mail.
Savings accounts received from one
dollar up.
Open an account with us and note
how rapidly it will grow.
J. FRANK WATSON. President
R. L DURHAM. Vice Presidenl
. W. H FEAR. Secteteiy
& C CATCHINGS. AuL Secretary
247 Wash. St. Portland. Ore. j
V9 CApTtaTTtcck isooooSfA
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Eooghf
Bears the
Signature of
if Psi
m ta M U u U urn Irm
STOCKS OF REMNANTS have accumulated during
vour late sale. We want every one of them out of
our house before the New Fall Stock arrives. There
are many desirable Remnants and they are offered at prices
that are sure to command attention. Among them may be
found excellent bargains in remnants of
Dress Goods, Silks,
Wash Goods, Prints,
White Goods, Ginghams
Myelins, Curtain Nets,
Sheetings, Percales,
Cheviots, Flannelettes
Outing Flannels, Ribbons,
Laces and Embroideries
All at Sweeping Reductions
r Odd lots of SHOES,
COME EARLY and get the cream of our last
Royal Bargains for the Season
I Mm Like to Dress
Neatly and comfortably durinar the hot summer ssaaori, and all
Know that a Silk Fob goes with a cool costume; but the dnnger of
dropping the watch prev-nts many fiom wearing fobf. Get a silk
fob with a safety chain on it. Thia does away with all danger of
Fobs wilri Safety Attachments, $1.75 and Up.
. W- S. Pfi ATT, Jeweler and Optician
Galveston's Sea Wall
M kP8 life tiov as safe in thr.t city as on
il i!planls. E. W. Goodioe, who re
sides on Dutton street in Waco, Texas,
tiffcdano sea wall for safety. H writes:
' I have used Dr. Kind's New Discovery
for Consumption for the past five years
and it keeps me well and safe. Before
that time I had a cough for years which
had been growing worse. Now it's
gone " Cures chronic coughs, la grippe,
croup, whooping cough and prevents
pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every
bottln guaranteed at Allen & 'Yo;d
wanl's drug store. Price 50c and fl.
Tr:al bottle free.
Why Fret and Worry
When your child has :i severe cold.
Yon lii-ed nr. pneumonia or other
ptlliiiuliary diseases'. Keep supplied
with BaUani's Iloreliotind Svrnp a
positive -nrt- lo- culds. roighs. whoop
it!g cou;:h and hrom-hilii. Mrs. Hall, of
Si'.i'ix t-alis, S D. wiites: "I have
used your wurulerful Ballard's - Hore-h.-.tind
Syrn.ion mv children for five
vear3. ItM results have been wonder
ful." Sold bv Graham & Wortbam .
The End of tlio World
Of Doubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, of
Braver Grove, Iowa, of all usefulness
cw me when be beuan taking Electric
Bi ters. lie "Two years ago
kidney trouble caused me great suffer
ing which I wnnM never have survived
b 1 I Dot taken Electric Bitters. They
also cured me of general debility.''
Si:.-ecure for all stomach, liver and kid
ney complaints, Wood diseases, head
ac dizziness and weakness or bodily
decline. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed by
Alien & Woodward, druggists.
In Self-Defense
Mtijor Harum, euitor and manager of the
Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky when
tie was bitterly attacked, four years ago
by piles, bought a box of Bucklen's Ar:
nica Salve, of which be says : - "It cured
djj in ten days and no trouble eince."
Q ieke8t liealer of burns, sores, cuts' and
incs. Twenty-five cents at Alien esc
Y -slzzrCs 'in: 'tare."
A Wise
The Gazette
is thBOBslyofficoSn
GonvaSHs that can
deliver the goods
We Can Show Yon
Children in Pain
Never crv as do children who are eufier-
iBH from hunger. Such is the canse of
all babies who cry and are treated for
sickness when thev really are suffering
from hunger. This is caused from their
food not being assimilated but devoured
by worms. A few doses cf White's
Cream Vermifuge will cause them to!
cease crying and begin to thrive at once.
Give it a, trial. . Bold by Graham. &l