Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 14, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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1 chlished Tfte.idays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Compasy.
again be in the "ascendency in
fact there is a slight indication
that the present-day woman de
sires to ascend. ,
Shades of Adam and Eve and
other tales of fairy-like and
mythological origin! " We are to
be deprived of ah our cherished
subsorij'tlou-price of the Gazette
?raly'ars t'.u- !eeu. a i ! rwnaitw
ait!i:ii, r Jt per cwnt disi-!nnr if
n a iv;n una ia-i - - T-raaitions dv tne learmnsr oione
W, I. Thomas, of Chicago. Too
bad! Truly, Thomas is making
a noise" like nonsense.
Cbancey Harrington arrived home
Sunday from a week's outing at the Bay.
The Sunday excursion to Newport ci!
ried about 600 passengers, 108 "of whom
went from Corvallis. .
"LOST Pocketbook; finder leaye it at
this office, or return it to Jacob Blumberg
and receive reward. 67-8
Hied urni! a!! arrearages are pail.
As time rolls on it seems to
become more and more common
to hear of bank failures. It is
hard to picture the distress that
follows the failure of a large
banking concern which had pre
viously enjoyed the confidence of
thousands of people. Not alone
does the bank fail, but the clos
ing of its doors causes bankrupt
Do conditions make criminals?
The readv answer would be
'yes," but this does not fully
dismiss the subject. - Environ
ment and conditions have their
effect on different people in dif
ferent ways. Certain conditions
i j iti 1
ivt lTf-r rrn Irf Tl"frO HIT TY1S1 IT
cy to many depositors wnose an criminals of ;the majority
of man-
was entrust w t kind, but some would yield to
safe-keeping ot the institution. and Prirn,nal imnulses
The last failure Xf this char
acter to engross public attention
is that of the Milwaukee-Avenue
State Bank, of Chicago.
The failure of this institution
caught more people of small
means than is usual in such
cases, as it seems .this bank was
patronized largely by laboring
people. From all accounts these
y16 "- would appear
ting anytnmg out oi me wiet&
ed institution.
The failure of this bank can be
attributed to but one man, and
that man was the president of
the institution. Paul O. Stens-
land. He bet on horse races,
and if the truth were known,
was most likely far more ot a
t , i j? u j
sport tnan any oi ueyu the sour(,e frQm wMch
imagined, wnen anairs Decarae
entangled he resorted to one
forgery after another in rapid
succession and finally fled to
realms at present unknown. The
cashier must have been . a party
to the crime.
If brought to book for his
crime Stensland will receive jail
sentence nothing more. In
view of the suffering, toil and
. L humanity than humanity. Liife
tors to accumulate uieir nunc - ..... ,
he Yinr ronmhlfl
knnlr nniM1wf t-n -rwtwanr mom l c
. . ' x.urt j Qf rtif I claims to understand life, What
against old age or the advent of . fw,f;
a ' 'rainy day' ' such sentence 10 1U "5
does not seem adequate for the wn"y'
man who robbed these poor
In many cases we oppose capi
tal punishment, but in some re
spects it seems that we could
learn from the heathen. it is
said that there has not been a
bank failure in China for a per
iod of 400 years as the result of
an emperial edict demanding
that the heads of bursted bank
officials be cut off,
This plan has worked admir
ably in the "Celestial" land;
why might not a similar scheme
for this country be a good thing?
No banker would lose his head
unless he wilfully took a chance
on it there is nothing to force
him to rob his depositors
far more readily than pthers.
It does not necessarily follow
that a person reared in a den of
iniquity will be wholly bad.
There are exceptions, and we
find now and then a saint among
sinners. On the other hand, we
may go into the best homes of
the land and discover that they,
too, have bred criminals. It
that the taint of
criminality belongs not to any
particular class. We find the
greatest number of criminals
come from the slums, but not the
accomplished and educated scour
drel. He is the product of a bet
ter atmosphere. x
Therefore, to credit too much
to environment when seeking
nals come may be in error. Look
at it as one may, it is hard to ig
nore the law of heredity. "Like
beget like" is about as near the
truth as one can get in a prob
lem of this nature, but the above
saw is not always reliable, not
withstanding the common asser
tion that the "sins of the father
descend to the son."
There is no greater inigma for
The answer is theoreti-
A good man is so
from nature and a man is bad
for the same reason perhaps
At Newport.
Additional Local.
Board of Equalization.
Same old summer
As of yore;
Same old breakers
On the shore;
Same old music .
By the band ;
Same old bathers
On the sand;
Same mosquitoes
Same old bites;
Same old people
Out o' nights,
Candy, popcorn,
Pressed in slabs;
.Lemonade, and
Soft-shelled crabs;
Same old flavors
In the air ;
Same old sameness
Miss Reoa Waltz lefV yesterday for
her borne at Berkeley, Calif., after a visit
itn Benton county relatives.
Mrs. -C. C. Woodworth, of Portland,
has arrived and ia visiting relatives.
She was formerly Miss Mary Elliott.
Monroe Cameron arrived Sunday from
Portland and leaves ibr . home today,
having attended to certain business mat
ters while in this city.
John, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Cathey, is slightly improved, an
operation having been performed on him
Sunday for an abscess on the neck.
Reports ef grain yields' in Southern
Benton, near Bellefountain, are not en
couraging. It is stated that the best oats
are yielding only 20 bushels per acre
while some fields of wheat are going
only 12; '
Tommy Cameron, son of Monroe Cam
eron, iormeriy oi orvams, is now a
member of the regular army, at Ameri
can Lake, while Clinton, the second eon,
is a member ot the "home guards" at
the same place.
Nahash Slnhi, one of the best known
OAC Hindu students, was to leave yes
terday ior Portland, from which place
he goes to England for a three months'
stay. He then returns to India, to be
come a teacher among his own people.
The room just north of the Jesse Spen
cer barber shop id in the hands of work
men for repairs. As soon as it is in con
dition the Centennial Meat Market will
be established there to remain until the
completion ot the Taylor brick, on the
site at present occupied by this market.
Robert Levaugh, aged 24, was buried
at Monroe, Saturday, having drooped
dead while at work in the field at the
family home, Thursday. The cause of
death was heart failure. The funeral
was conducted by Rev. Sperry6f Browns
ville and interment was in Monroe cem
etery. Deceased was born in Benton
county, where the family resided until a
few years ago, when they moved to Licit.
Lee Henkle haB just received a letter
from his son, Joe, who is now taking an
electrical course in Schenectady, New
York. Joe writes that he is doing well
and has gained three months on his
course. Not only is his work pleasant,
but he is agreeably located. Joe's musi
cal talent made it possible for him to be
come a member of a band and orchestra
and this helps to keep him from becom
ing homesick.
A Corvallis young man took a sudden
and unexpected plunge in the bay at
Newport, Sunday eventng. as the crowd
was boarding the boat. He fell from the
upper deck of the tug and as he struck
the water there was a great splash, and
excitement broke loose in all directions
Being an excellent swimmer, however,
the "young man promptly rescued his
hat, swam ashore, and boarded the boat
for home, suffering no discomfort except
roui wet apparel. It is said that too
much ealt water was responsible tor the
The Equalization Board of Bt nton
county will meet in the office of the
county clerk of Benton" county, at the
court house, in Benton county, Oregon,
ou Monday, the 27th day of August,
1906, for six days fromvs-aid dae to cor
rect any errors or double assessments on
said roll.. H. Davis,
Assessor of Benton County.
Dated An east 3, 1906. 65-70
Galveston's Sea Wall
Makes life nov as safe in that city as on
the uplands. E. W. Goodloe, who re
sides on Dutton street in Waco, Texas,
needs no sea wall for safety. He writes:
"I have psed Dr. Kintt's New Discovery
for Consumption for the past five years
and it keeps me well and safe. Before
that time I had a cough for years which
had' been growing worse. Now it's
gone." Cures chronic coughs, 4a grippe,
croup, whooping cough and prevents
pneumonia. - Pleasant to take. Every
bottle guaranteed at Allen & Wood
ward's drug store. . Price 50c and $1.
Trial bottle free.
Don't Grumble
When your joints ache and you suffer
from rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Bal
lard's Snow liniment and get instant re
lief. A positive cure for rheumatism,
burns, cuts, contracted muscles, sore
chest, etc. Mr. I. T. Boey, a promi
nent merchant at Willow Point, Texas,
says he finds Bailard's Snow Liniment
the best all round liniment he ever used.
Sold bv Graham & Wortham.
tftFv'u'H ifravjfiiit.itr:J j-f 1
Another erratic professor from
the University of Chicago' has
attracted notice, not on account of
anything that points to profund
ity, but for an article that savors
of downright "tommyrot." W
I. Taonias is the name of this
mnn who professes ability to
teach his fellows. He ignores
the Bible as an authority on the
origin of man and woman and in
a suuoosadly learned treatis at
tempts to ostablish the superior
ity of man at the present time
Ke states that life itself at the
beginning was female; that man
was created from woman
whether from a rib or not, we
cannot say. The learned pro
fessor states that for countless
ag-es the woman continued to-be
the dominating factor of the
pair. However, we are
infer that man, bv
energy and nnww
Wood for Sale
delivered at once.
P. A. Kline line."
-Oak and fir
Phone No. i,
Whv Fret and Worry
When your child has "a severe coid.
You need not fear pneumonia or other
pulmonary diseasw. Keep supplied
with Bailard's Horehound Syrup a
positive cure for colds, co-jghs, whoop
ing cousrh and bronchitis. Mrs. Hall, of
Sionx Falis, S. D., writes: "I have
used your wonderful Ballard's Hore
hound Syrur ou my children for five
vsare. lisi results navs oeeu wonuer-
f si' Sold by Graham & Wortham .
The End of the World
left to
;T'fr desire
for culture ar
:al improve
ment finally suc-idid in placing
himself a peg or two above his
mate. But according to this
Chicago bunch of brains there is
a remote possibility that a mil
lion vears hence woman rray
Of troubles that robbed E H. Wolfe, of
Beaver Grove, Iowa, of all usefulness
came when he began takiug Electric
Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago
kidney trouble caused me ureat suffer
ing whieh I would never have eurvived
had I not taken Electric Bitters. They
also cured me. of general debility."
Sure cure for all stomach, liver and kid
ney complaints, blood diseases, head
ache, dizziness and weakneas or bodiiy
decline. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed by
Allen & Woodward, druggists.
In Setf-Def snse
Major Hamm, editor and manager of the
Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when
he was bitterly attacked, four years ago
by piles, bought a box of Bucklen'e Ar
nica Salve, of which be says: "It;ureJ
me in ten days and no trouble since."
Quickest healer of burns, sores, cuts jand
wounds. Twenty-live cents at Allen &
Woodward' drug btcre v-- a - . i -
A Trite Saying. ;
It is a trite saying that no man li
stronger than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery strengthens
the stomach puts it in shape to mako
Dure, rich blood nelps tne liver anu
kidnevs to expel the poisons from the
body and thus cures both liver and kidr
nev troubles, n you taue mis natural
blood purifier and tonic, you will assist
your system in manufacturing each day
a pint of rich, red blood, that is invigo1
ratinir-to the brain and nerves. The
weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated
condition which so many people suffer
from, is usually the effect of poisons in
the blood; it is often indicated by pimples
or boils appearing on the skin, the face
uecoraes thm ana tne teciinas "blue,
Dr. Pierce's "Discovery" cures all blood
humors as well as being a tonic that
makes one vigorous, strong and forceful
-It is the only modicina put up for salo
taros;n druggists lor nice purposes tnat
contains neitiicr aicoaoi nor narcnui
habit-formin? drugs, and the only one,
every i;:irredicnt ot wnicn was tne proicc
siona! endorsement of tlio' ic
writers of this country. Some of these
endorsements are published in a little
book of extracts from standard medical
v.-orks and will be sent to any address
free, on recei
letter or
v. Pierce. Uutralo, iN. Y. It tells just
wnr.i Dr. tierce's medicines aro made oi.
Tlxa " Words of Praise " for the soveral
ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medi
cines are composed, by leaders i;i ali the
several scaools oi riicuicai practice, ana
recommending tuem ior tne cure ct t
diseases Ior whica tne "Lrolaen iiedicci
Discovery " is advi?ed, should have far
more wcislit wita las side ana aniictea
than anv amount of the so-called ""'testi
menials " so conspicuously Haunted before
the Dublic bv those who are afraid to let
the injxedic-nts of which their medicines
are composed be Knovrn. Uear m mind
that tho "Golden WcfJical Discovery ' ha
thk HADGli ot HOXESTT on every bottle
wrapper, in & lull list oi its ingredients
Dr. Irierce's fieasant i'euets cure con
stipation, invigorate the liver ar.d regr
late stomach and bowels.
Dr. Pierce's creat thodsand-naTC illu;
trated Common Sense Medical Adviser
will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one
cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. Pierce as above.
: receipt of recmcst therefor by
1 postal card, addressed to Dr. E.
Tot Infants and Children.
Tfcr Kind Ycu Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
STOCKS OF REMNANTS have accumulated during
J our late sale. We want every one of them out of
our house before the New Fall Stock arrives. There
are many desirable Remnants and they are offered at prices
that are sure to command attention. Among them may be
found excellent bargains in remnants of
Dress Goods, Silks,
Wash Goods, Prints,
White Goods, Ginghams
Muslins, Curtain Nets,
Sheetings Percales,
Cheviots, Flannelettes
Outing Flannels, Ribbons,
Laces and Embroideries
All at Sweeping Reductions
Success Stones A,
Scores of young men and women
have been first made competent by the
Holmes Business College, and then
assisted to positions where their ability
won them distinction and compensation.
J The Holmes Business College equips
you with the practical knowledge that
makes every bit of your energy count
for success.
Here are glimpses into the life careers
of three Holmes Business College grad
uates. We will supply their names if
you call at the" College, Washington and
Tenth Streets.
Mr. took couras in shorthand and
bookkeeping at Holme! Business College, entered
employ of Portland Gas Company, took civil
service examination, and now holds life 'position
paying over 5 1 00' per month at aiongton,
D. C
Miss look coinse in sKorth.-nd at
Holmes Business College, and is nsw private
secretary to manager of the Pacific Coast Tei
ephone Co., at a salary of $125 per month.
Miss took a course of shorthand at
the Holmes Business College, now conducts
a public stenographic office of her own in
Paris,' France, earns ' a splendid income and
travels three months of the year.
J Wriie for our fcldcr. It is worth
getting and worth keeping. We will
gladly send it to you post-paid if you
wilU write us your name and address.
COME EARLY and get'the cream of our last
Royal Bargains for the Season
rja WASHINOTWN 1 fciM mil
Write direct to Principal, Room 534.
We pay 4 on lime deposits, current
rates on savings accounts, receive deposits
subject to check, and do a general bank
ing business ,
You can Have the advantages of a
strong bank at your very door by using
the mails. '
Send us your deposits. Acknowledg
ment will be sent you by return mad.
Savings accounts received from one
dollar up.
Open an account with us and note
how rapidly it will grow.
R. L DURHAM Vice Prcsido
W. H FEAR. Secretary
SL C CATCH1NGS. Am. Secretary '
247 Wash. St. Portland, Ore.
Subject to prior sale
tp W j 000
Denomination -
Population - - - -Price
6 interest
At this price the
investment nets
4l Per Cent
further particulars
zaritc to
and Liimfcermeiis
Second & Stark Streets
Portland, Oregon
1 fieri Like to Dress
Neatly and comfortably durinar the hot summer ssaaon, and all
' know that a Silk Fob goes with a cool costume; but the danger of
dropping he watch prevents many from wearing fobs. Get a eilk
fob with asaftty chain on it. This does away with all daDger of
Fobs with Safety Attachments, $1.75 and Up.
E. W. PRATT Jeweler and Optician '