Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 14, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XXXH.
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, August 14. 1006.
Corvallis Lady Replies to Query,
"What is Life?"
In a recent issue of the Gazette
an article appeared on , "What is
L-ife?'? and the following is the
reply handed in by a well-known
lady of this city. She says:
There comes a time to nearly
all of us when we ask, what is
life? And we think and wonder,
and question, and, doubt some
of us perhaps would never be
able to solve the problem satis
factorily to ourselves without the
assistance of our modern, pro
gressive scientists who pave the
way to a clearer understanding of
natural law.
Dr. William G. Anderson, of
Yale, has demonstrated that life
is causation. We must certainly j
realize that law, stability, order,
reside in causation, and that the
law ot being cemands expres
sion. We cannot conceive of
creation of cause or. either the
creation of substance through
which cause expresses itself. We
can only see the involution of
life and the evolution of matter.
Dr. Jagadis Chunder Bose,
. with his delicately constructed
instruments, comes forward and
shows us that all life is one.
That nere is an intelligent re
sponse from the inorganic as well
as the organic world that the
mineral responds to the life test
as well as the vegetable and ani
mal kingdom. These two scien
tists place before our . objective
sense the great "truth that all ex
pression is from an infinite source
through its finite' parts. That as
the source is eternal, unchange
able, so its Suite parts are eter
nal, unchangeable, hence the
I found of seasons and the-repeated
Experience iit" the cycles of 'ex
pression, formation and dissolu
tion, or the evolution . of matter
thiough the involution of life,
the life, God, or infinite intelli
gence that rules the universe.
"Over and over this life and
living are repeated, nothing new,
no radical departures." True,
for causation, which is life, is
law. Grasp it, ye who can, the
infinite power represented
through its finite parts, and
reach out in tender brotherly
love to all life.
Read the message in the plant,
in the creature, yea, even in the
very earth beneath our feet, and
feel the stupenduous lesson in
the whole, and the smallness o!
human greatness in man. Let
us rise to great the light and
grow strong and beautiful iu the
realization of the Oaaness of
Jessie S. Pettit Flint.
How About Wheat?
For some time we have ham
mered away against the fallacy of
raising wheat, and we are more
than ever convinced that the
man who sticks to wheat is going
to realize his lolly some day.
There is no money in it. There
are .two great reasons why it is
impossible to make money in
farming wheat. In the first
place the price paid for the cereal
is insignificant compared with
the cost of production, and in the
second place the land will not
produce enough wheat.
A few days ago some men of
this city were discussing the
matter, and as they are experi
enced in wheat raising, it is in
teresting to note their findings
The following figures are based
on their deductions:
Cost of labor for putting in an
acre ot wheat, $2.50; 2 bushels
of wheat for seed, $1; for bind
ing and shocking, 50c; sacks,
Soc; twine, 25c; hauling to mar
ket, 50c; total cost for an acre,
From the above figures it will
be seen that to put in, harvest
and market an acre of wheat
will 'cost $5.55 at the present
prices for material and labor.
Xhe above figures are based oa
an average of 16 bushels of wheat
to the acre, therefore, we will
estimate the crop at the current
price (58c per bu. ) and we have
for an acre $9.28. From this
we take the cost of production
(5-5) and we have $3.73. Now
let us assume that the wheat-
raiser is a renter on a cash basis
and pays $2.50 per acre, in which
event we subtract $2.50 from
$3.73 and we have $1.23. This
is not enough. Now how does
the wheat business look?. Get
into something else and you will
do better.
Selling the Weed.
There is a state law in Ore
gon foi bidding the sale of cigar
ettes and tobacco to boys under
16 years of agei but according to
the story of some young lads
I about town, they have no diffi
culty in buying the weed of a
dealer in Corvallis.
These boys do not reside in
towD, but are often on the streets.
The oldest is 14, and it is he
who buys the tobacco from a lo
cal dealer, and in turn sells it to
a couple of younger boys aged
about 10 and 12 years, according
to their own story.
That this practice has been go
ing on for some time is evident,
as one of the lads makes no secret
ot the fact and has .openly boasted
of his ability to get all the tobac
co he wants at a local establish
ment, giving the dealer's name
without hesitation.
If one dealer can sell tobacco
to youngsters of this age, why
not all dealers? and if not all
dealers, why this one ?
These are questions that it is
said may be answered suddenly
by those in . authority, if the
practices "continued in" the face
of the law. " Vv .
Again in Trouble.
A dispatch . iu the Portland
Journal Friday evening, from
Salem, says;
"Chester O. D. Mason was
landed in the county jail this
evening. , It seems that his wife,
Nellie Mason, began divorce pro
ceedings against him in Baker
county and that the papers to be
served on the defendant were
sent here, as it was known that
he was residing in Salem. The
deputy sheriff located Mason in
the Skiff" house, on Liberty
street, between State ,and Court,
where he was discovered living
with a yo'iug girl whom he re
presented to be his wife when he
engaged the rooms.
"Mason came here in July and
had been taking treatment at one
of the local institutes for the mor
phine and cocaine habit. He
was raised near Corvallis, is a
printer by trade aud has been a
wayward character for some
years. The girl gave her name
as Wilhelm and stated her home
is at Monroe, Oregon. She is
about 17 years of age. Masan
will be arraigned this morning."
Mrs. J. Mason left Corvallis
Saturday morning for Salem to
be of what assistance she could
to her son in his trouble. The
young man has been a "dope
fiend" so long that he is consid
ered hardly accountable now for
what he does.
The young woman in the case
is not a Wilhelm, but it is said
she weut from Corvallis to Salem
a few weeks ago, presumably to
accept employment.
"Some one's boy will be kiiled if
a stop is not put to these youngsters
cliaibing the telephone poles," say
the city officers. The day current
is now on and about 2200 volts are
passing over the wires constantly,
but in spite ot this, a small boy
climbed a telephone pole on Main
street Saturday afternoon and was
Been almott among the wires. The
practice has long been a common
one in Corvallis among small boys,
but now with the da current on
there is certain to be trouble unless
the boys heed the warning and
keep pn the ground. -
Smelt Running Now Corvallis
People Have Big Times.
O.J. Biackledge, the well
known-furniture dealer . of this
city, now spending a three weeks
vacation at Yachaats with h's
family and some Iowa friends,
came out from the coast Satur
day and returned Sunday, after
attending to some business mat
He says that at Yachaats this
year there are a dozen families
camped, some one coming and
going every day. Among the
Corvallis people there are Mike
Bauer and family, Prof. Taillan
dier and wife, Prof. McKellips
and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Tedrow
and the Oggs and Blackledges. .
The smelt are running now,
and the excitement is great
among the Corv-alhsites as they
wade into the water and throw
the little fish out on the sand,
there to be hastily gathered up,
wet and squirming, and placed
in sacks by tne women toiks.
Prof. Taillandier is said to be an
expert at catching thev slippery
little fellows, and; it is related
that, the professor enjoys the
sport" immensely and becomes
wildly enthusiastic. V -
Friday, three whales were
seen spouting water at one time,
and a few hundred yards from
shore one " immense bier whale
reared half out of the, ocean and
was plainly, seen by the Corval
lis people. Sea lions can be
seen at almost any. time, and
vessels are frequently observed
When the Biackledge, party
went over they drove through
Newport, reaching there Sunday
with the intention of staying
over nightlrSa:crowded -is the
place, however, tnat accommo
dations fur the horses could not
be found and they had to pull out
for Waldport They were tour
days on the road from Corvallis
to Waldport, but this included
many stops.
They are all having a good
time, and expect to begin hunt
ing tomorrow, as the deer season
begin then. . En route from
Yachaats to Waldport Friday,
Mr. Biackledge was forced ; to
walk a part of the time to keep
warm, as it was so cold that rid
ing was extremely uncomfortable.
The Oggs aud Mr. Biackledge' s
family expect to start back to
Corvallis a week Irom today, as
Mr. Ogg has to return to
business at Newton, Iowa.
HI in Seattle.
. A. dispatch from Seattle in
Sunday's Oregonian, says:
Esther Mitchell is seriously ill
at the county jail, and unless her
condition improves soon, . a re
quest may be made "that she be
removed to the County Hospital.
Dr. Snyder, the jail physician,
who at first denied that her ill
ness was serious, this afternoon
diagnosed the case as tone of
typhoid fever. The girl's tem
perature ranged near 101.
There is a feeling among jail
officials that the girl's condition
may make it impossible to bring
her to an early trial. It was ex
pected that she could be brought
up for a hearing next month,, but
this may be impossible.
It is said by jail officials that
she is delirious much of the
time, but her wandering mind
has not run back to the murder
of CrefEeld, or the shooting of
her brother. '
Day Juce".Now.
Corvallis has taken another
step in the line of progress, and
has electricity ' no w i for power
purposes, day and night. .The
dav current was' turned on Fri
day by the Willamette Valley
company and a twenty-four hour
service will hereafter, be main-
-"" vThe new swiicfi board arrived
Friday from Schenectady, New
York, and was promptly installed
m tne new office, along with the
new turniture and other fixtures'.
The first man" to avail himself
of the opportunity ---of securing
electricity for power, is August
Fisher, for whom a 25-horse
yower motor was installed as
soon a the day "juice" was
turned on..v This motor will fur
nash power for running the old
Benton flouring mill, on River
street, and it is certain that many
other business men will see the
advantage in utilizing this kind
ot power, and that in the near fu
ture ice-cream freezers, sausage
grinders, mills and all other sorts
of machines, big and little, wilt
be calling into use this greatest
of all forces electricity.
Bellefountain Briefs.
Grain is turning out
poorly in this vicinity.
Mrs. Ethel Mack leaves in a few
days for a visit with Stayton rela
tives. -
There are a number of cases of
sickness hereabouts just now,
due, it is thought, to the hot
William Hull, wife and two
daughters, leave the last of the
week for a three--weeks' trip to
the Yachaats.
Manly Buckingham met with
a serious accident Saturday, and
will be laid up for some time, j
While chopping wood, some dis
tance from-home, his ax caught
in a tree limb above his head and
glanced, cutting the leaders on
the too of his foot, ten stitches
being required to close the gash.
The wound bled profusely and
when Mr. Buckingham reached
home, on horseback, he had to
rwl from the yard tojhe house;
being so weak from loss of blood.
O. DeHaven, of Corvallis, -. will
open a steam laundry in Dallas on
September. 2. He has purchased
the old machinery of the Hartley
laundry, and ' will add a large
amount of new equipment. The
laundry will be located in the
building directly weet, f Diroick'e
feed Stable. Mr. DeHaven will be
assisted in the management of the
business by his daughter, who now
has charge of a laundry at St
Johnp. A wagon will be run for
the accommodation f the people of
Indedendence, Monmouth and Falle
City. Mr. DeHaven has rented th
Crider residence on Academy street
for hia family, whicL consists of a
wife and nine children. Three
families besides that of Mr. De-
Haven will be brought to Dallas by
the new industry. Dallas Observ
er. '
1 ne report coniPb tmm vanon-
eources that tr-.dw ha never beforf
been so ' good in Carvallia during
the summer month rm it is this
year. It is simply - woodwrful Ihc
amount of good tht is tkfn oui
these days," naiil miV tntlemnn
who certainly knows whpreof
ppeake, and ih. ai tory com-
from others, in the iin"--ent line
r-i l nsioess. This is well, nr-d it '--hoped
the same report may he
made at ali times hereafter, in Cor
vallis. SPENCER'S
Hair Invigorator
And Dandruff Eradlcator
vdv If
' I r&mim- 1 i - a
? "is"tiflT ?- 0
.-? Jtm& v 2 -
I - 5. 5 '
V" 1 If E -
f - ? ...I I,, m 5
V i - S" 3
1 11 1 hi 1 m m
Trait i art iif&ni.
Prfcg, - Fifty Cent '
r.- raaaUotnrad by
Tli Ytgttetlt Compound Company
ConriCt. CrtSM 9t
Dies Suddenly at His Alsea Home
The Funeral.
After eating a hearty dinner
Thursday noon, at which he ap
peared in his usual good spirits,
Jaspei Hay den of Alsea went to
the barn o repair some machin
ery arid iu stooping over, -was
seen to suddenly draw his limbs
into a cramped position and pitch
rorward. , When assistance was
proftered Mr. Havden whispered,
'Don't straighten me out," and
with those words expired. It is
the supposition that death result
ed from heart failure, as he had
experienced some trouble of the
sort at various times within the
past year.
Jasper Havden was born in
Alsea, and was 48 years old the
iofh of last December. - His first
wife was Oilie Webster, by whom
he had tour children, all of whom
are living. - Mrs. Havden died
seven or eight years ago, an-i.
fomethihg over a year ago Mr.
Havden was married to Mrs.
Agnes- Cathcart who, with his
children, survive. Besides these,
there are seven sisters as follows:
Mrs. Ed Ryder and Mrs. Will
Ryder, Corvallis; Mrs. Silas
Howell. Waldooit: Mrs. Lizzie
Mason and Mrs. Martha Slate, !
Alsea ;.Mrs. Vena Benson, of
Seattle and Mrs. Maggie Risley of
near Albany, besides one brother.
Marion Havden, who has been a
member of the legislature from
Benton county.
. The Haydens - are among the
oldest and best known citizens of
Benton county, and are held in
the., highest esteem. Deceased
was an exemplary citizen, a kind
Franklin Iron Works corvallis, or.
All first-claas cigirs and tobacco; whist and pool
rooms. Every customer treated like a prince.
Guns, Fishing Tackle, Baseball Goods
Go to Gun Hodes
We Carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rod
O. C. HIemtand. '
- Pateonizo Homo Industry.
a. Oataldf.OrdmralSollcHail.
T 5 All Worm- Bmarmntmmd.
husband and father and obliging
neighbor,and as such will be sin
cerely mourned.
The funeral occurred from the
residence at 4 p. m. Saturdav, and
was one of the largest ever held
in Alsea valley. Interment was
in Alsea cemetery.
The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Corvallis postoffice, "for the
week ending Aug. 12, 1906: -
Wm Clark, E 8 Bom, Clinton Fleece.
Stanley Jones, Major Kingsley, Mrs J B
Mason, Robert Matches 2, (ioldie Mc
Clullem, Elmira Piece, T B Smith, Mr
Midge Tanner, C F.Wilson, C E Zeiger,
- , B. W. Johnson, P. M.
You're Sure to Crow
Over ny set of Shirt WaistsSets like tl ose
now on sale at this store.
. Shirt Waist Sets
or July are just as good forx August or Septem
ber, or any other month, if bought here. If
-you wnnt what's exquisite, at a modest price.
Duy a set. we guarantee tney re tne greatest
value for the sum invested that can be had
ee them and buy a set.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - - - - Corvallis
Mil Cos
You to Buy a
. Franklin
From the Stock
Now on Hand
FiiEt come, fireb served .
We only have a few at this
price. If you want a high
grade Baler, now ie your
chance. Order today. ,
Four doois north of postoffice
' Ind. Phone 130.
Cham, Blakealmm.
' i