Leading Corvallis Newspaper. Best; tedium. A Ik I . V Jk - in SI . A. V 1$ Vol. XXJXt. SEEING THE SIGHTS. In Neighboring State Thinks Benton Beats It. A letter from S. H. Horton of Corvallis, now in Washington on an observation trip, contains many interesting bits ot informa tion and is here given in full. Dated at Spokane, it reads as follows: We have been here over a week seeing sights and taking notes. I think real estate is high here, when farming land sells for $100 per acre, twelve miles from Spo kane, that is not as good as land that can be bought in Benton for $15 per acre. It is all boom. It is lively here, money plentiful, but wages for common labor are about the same as in Benton county. Myself and wife went on an excursion the 29th of July. Left; Spokane on traction cars and ar rived at Coeur d'Alene, distance 10 miles, then by boat up Coeur d'Alene Lake 30 miles, then up St. Joe river to St. Marys, thence up the river to St. Joe. at the head of navigation. The river is very narrow and appar ently has but little current. In some places it is so narrow that boats cannot pass each other.- We had a nice rain going up the re er, so you see it rains in Idaho when it doesn't rain in Washing ton and Oregon. It has been very warm weather all the time up here, more so than in the valley. At Spokane and in Idaho grain, vegetables and iruit are about three or four weeks later than in Benton county. I met an old army comrade here who was driving an ambu lance at the battle of Nashville, and who took me from the battle field after I was wounded, taking me to the hospital. SaweveTal old comrades trom my old regi ment and we were glad to meet and greet each other, after so long a time. I was here fifteen years ago and the hotel I then stopped at now looks like an infant in com parison with other buildings that have been built since that time. Spokane City is a nice place; they have 80,000 inhabitants, but I don't think I would like to live here. I will stop up here two or three weeks longer, then will go home to old Corvallis and while away the time. Very truly, S. H. Horton. A Delightful Affair. During the dull summertime in Corvallis, when almost every one is in the mountains, at the springs, or by the sad sea waves, social events are few and far be tween and the society reporter sighs for the season of gaiety and "affairs, "that the columns of the local sheet may be filled with in teresting bits of sociai gossip so dear to the average feminine reader. But, like an oasis in the desert, comes a dinner and a launching party, given by two charming young hostesses, Misses Iva and Berthi'e Barclay. The affair happened Sunday evening, and after a delicious dinner, to which all paid due attention, a launching trip down the riyer was enjoyed, the evening being delightfully cool, with a full har vest moon shedding a mellow glow on all below. The ladies were voted royal entertained by their guests, who were: Misses Lillian and Belle Ranney and Bertha Thrasher, and Messrs. Ralph Pruett, Sam Hartsock, Millard Long, Harry Auld and Charles Porter. Closed Friday. After a very successful five weeksV terra, Prof. Tartar's sum mer school came to a close out at the college Friday, . aad begin ning tomorrow .those . who. took the work,, will stfrnd a, rigid ex amination t demonstrate wheth er or not the summer's coaching has bcjeq of benefit to them. The Corvallis, Benton County," Oregon, Tuesday. August T. lSOG. examination will last three days, closing Friday afternoon. Prof. Tartar is one of the best educators in this line, in this sectisn of Oregon, and there is no doubt that his pupils will make an excellent showing in the examinations this week. Those who have attended the summer school are: E. L. Kee zel and Miss Merrick of Phil omath; Misses Maud and Mina Harper, Myrtle Harrington, Myrtle Langley, Essie Adams, Elsie Rice, Lena Tartar, Walter DuMoulin, Alice Hill, Minnie Phillips, Mabel Price, Belle Mattley, Minnie Price, Kings Valley; Clara Pimm, Miss Spark man and Edna Thompson. Accidents on C. & E. Things were lively on the up per end of the C. & E. railroad, I near the front, a few davs ago, according to a story tola here Saturday. As the regular train was Hear ing Detreit the engine was thrown off the track by the spreading of the rails, and a mes sage was sent back to Albany for assistance. With engine number 6, Master Mechanic Walsh put out for the scene of disaster, but ill fortune seemed to hover over the C. & E. that day, for as the special reached a point between Berry and Halstead a huge log was seen lying across the track. The fireman and Mr. Walsh jumped and escaped uninjured, . but the engine was thrown from the track and completely turned over. The regular train was righted and is on the run as usual, , but the relief edgine. is . still " beside the track, - upside down. It is said that the log rolled about three-quarter&,o rue mountain siae, . .oeiore land ing on the track. Real Estate Transfers. Alfred McClure and wife to S A McClure, q c d ot 20 acres near Monroe ; $360! Alfred McClure and wife to S A McClure, deed to 20 acres near Monroe; $450. Chas H Everett to Maud Hemphill, lot 5,, block 4, Dick sou's Addition to Corvallis; Wallace Frantz and wife to W L Bush, undivided Half interest in 320 acres in Kings Valley; $400. E E Overman and wife to Chas M Staahl, undivided halt interest 01279 acres southwest of Philomath; $600. Elizabeth Elliot, et al, to Joseph Cragsr, lots 7, 8 and 9. block 4, m the County Addition of Corvaliis; $375. Chas McHenry and wife to A W Darbv, deed to lots 5 and 6, block 18, Wilkin's Addition to Corvallts; $1.00 Bellefountain Briefs. Mr. and Mrs. L- F. Belknap of Forest Grove are gue.-ts ot re- atives here, amongr others, Mrs. Robert Kyle and W. C. and E. ! H. Belknap. M. G. Gragg, while working with his mower, Friday, had the misfortune to almost cut off the ittle finger on his left hand. A number of Bellefountain youug people have gone to work in the harvest fields. Among them are Gale Herron, Miss Bradley and Belle Edwards, who have gone to Linn countv, and Earl, Cari and Bertha Edwards who are in Lane county. Miss Rena Waltz of San Francisco is visiting relatives here. X. Miss Effie Smith underwent a snrgical operation for appendicitis, Friday, at hex home across the river in Linn coun ty. ' The operation was done by local phyiiciatu and ht young lady is getting along nicely. AS TO FOOTBALL The Prospect at U. of O. cording to The Guard. Ac- Although the University of 0 - Oregon football schedule for the coming season has not been com pleted, Manager Guy Mount has announced the following games: October 27 Oregon vs. Idaho at Moscow. November 3 Oregon vs. Wil lamette, at Eugene. November 10 Oregon vs. Cor vallis at Corvallis. . November 29 (Thanksgiving Day) Oregon vs. Multnomah, at Portland. Two dates, October 20 and November 24, are still open, but it is unlikely that any game will be scheduled on the latter date, as Manager Mount wishes his men to have a good rest before the big Thanksgiving game with Multnomah. Efforts are being made to secure a game for Octob er 20, and it is reasonably certain tbat some good team will meet the 'varisity on . Kincaid field that date. The schedule is lim ited to six games. For the past three years Oregon has played eight games, but there is a gen eral demand, especially among football men, for a shorter sched ule. : ; . ; ; . . College will open on September 25 and Captain Chandler expects to begin football practice imme diately thereafter. Coach Hugo Bezdek will be on hand before college opens and Trainer "Bill" Hay ward is all eady here. With the famous Bezdek as coacn and "Bill" Hayward as trainer the Oregon football men will be as well coached as any team in ; the west this year. The season will begin with the following old play ers on hand: W. G. Chandler, xaptainanrTllgntendrddn C. Moores, , left end ; Henry Mc Kinney, right tackle; Olin Arn spiger, left tackle, Fred C. Moul len, left guard; Geo. W. Hug center; John R. Latourette, quar terback; Walter Mclntyre, sub stitute guard; W. R. Ray, sub stitute guard; Bob Hammond, substitute end. Besides these, most of the second team men of last year will be in college, and there will be a fine lot of mate rial in the freshmen class. Money In Cherries. As a cherry story, the following is hard to beat. It also shows what diversified farming would mean to Oregon farmers in gen eral. The item is from the Eu gene? Guard: M. S Barker went over to M. II. Harlow's farm, just across the river, this morning to take a photograph of his two-acre Royal Awn cherrv orchard to be used in the advertisement to be carried in the Pacific Mouth! y by the Eu gene commercial bodies. This orchard yielded a bumper crop this year. Off of the two acres Mr. Harlow secured 23,700 pounds or eleven tons and . '1700 pounds cherries compared with 19,000 pounds or g4 tons last year. At 4 cents a pound the cherries brought him $948 or $474 an acre. The cost of pick ing and marketing them was $236, leaving a net profit of $712 or $356 ah acre. Mr. Harlow says if it had not been for the cold rains in May and Tune tie would nave had at least 20 per cent more cherries th&n he did Moving The Lighthouse. General Superintendent Sam- ner 1. Js.imDall ana Assistant Superintendant C. H. McCullum of the United States life saving service, both with headquarter- in Washington, D.. C, were at Newport the past few days to in spect the life saving station at that point and to complete the details for the, temoval of the station from the present quarter on the south beach to the .old lighthouse in . Newport.- where the station will Hereafter be lo- cated. The eresent location of the i station is two miles from New port on the low beach while the new location will place the life savers on the high : promontory between the north jetty and the Nye Creek beach, adjoining Newport and in a commanding position, where the sea and har bor can be overlooked at all times, The- old lighthouse at New port, vacant and out of use for many years will be repaired and a m win oe made to do service as part or tne station . herealter. Mere the lite savers will be placed in far more comfortable quarters than they have had heretofore and their life will not be as lone ly as 'it has been in the past. The change is one that has long been desired and recommendations in tayor ot it have been made for years. At the new station the men will be at the nearest point they could be located to the bar where, if at all, their services would be required. Albany Her ald. Excursion, Regatta, Clambake. The rapidly - swelling crowds at Newport will probably reach the highest notch in point ot numbers the middle of this month, when the big clambake and regatta will be held on the beach. The Elks of Albany, Salem and Eugene have been in vited to take charge of the excur sion and make it their annual re union and clambake, and have signified a willingness to do so. This means that all previous ex cursions will be eclipsed. Ac commodations for 2.000 people will be provided on August 12, when the clambake occurs, and the trains will probably ; be taxed to their utmost at that. Trains will be run from points onf the vi&tderomiJ Eugene and Detroit. This meats the biggest ' excursion the ' Cor vallis & Eastern and. Southern Pacific railroads have ever riu to Newport. The bay beach, w'lich is protected from the north w: nl, will be utilized for the clambake, and, in full view of the crowds on the beach, the aquatic contests will be pulled off on the smooth waters of . the bay. Oarsmen from Portland will compete and numerous contests of an interest ing nature are arranged for by the committee. Died Suddenly. Andrew Hart expired sudden ly Sunday evening at his home in Job's Addition. Mr. Hart came to this city about three vears ago trom Jiloomington, Kansas, where he had several sons. Deceased had the appeal -ance of being a most upright man and a worthy citizen. Heirt 'ailure is supposed to have been the cause of his death. Mr. Hart was about 70 years ot aae. He' was a Mason and will likely be buried by that Older on the arrival of a son from Kan sas some time during the latter part of the week. SPENCER'S Hair Invigorafor And Dandruff Eradfcator 3 a " ,rS -. s 2 - - ! B O u Prlct, . - .Fitly Cents uruufaeturtd by Tlw Vtsttablt Compound tampany Ctrrtra, Cream 9t THAT COAST ROAD. Much Interest Manifested in It 'f by Alsea People. Over in Alsea, where for years the people have been practically shut in from the rest of the world during the winter .months, be cause of the almost impassable condition of the road that crosses the mountain to the nearest mar ket, Corvallis, 28 miles away, they have a hope now that within a tew years an .outlet to the val ley will be obtained in the shape of the new coast railroad. A -representative of the . pro posed road was in Alsea Valley last week, and to the residents of that locality he talked railroad. So interested have the people be come in the project that it is stated that between $5,000 and $6,000 have been subscribed by leading citizens of the valley. These amounts are pledged in the shape of personal notes, to fall due in 1910 in case the road is completed in that time. If the company fails to have the work done by that time, one year more is to be granted; but if at the close of 191 1 the road is still in complete, the notes given become null and void. It is stated nearly everv resident of Alsea is intenselv interested in the measure,1 although strange to say, the railroad will not be near er than 20 miles to the valley, if it is built as proposed. But to escape the mountain road and to have a market that can be reach ed on the level during' the winter season is an incentive that is j causing the. Alsea people to give all the encouragement at their SIOOlsAIIMMOosi Franklin iron Works coRVAms, or. THE! GEM CIGAR STORE All first-clas3 cigire and tobacco; whist and pool rooms. Every customer treated like a prince. JACK MILNE n FOR A FINE Guns, Fishing Tackle, Baseball Goods Go to Gun Hodes' i We Carry the Famous 0. O. Htostantf. Cham. Blakmmlmm. ; I CORVALLIS. STEAM LAUNDRY. f Ratronlzo Homo Industry. I Ootmldm Onbn SolloHmd. lOORVALUMK: . 21 r All Wmrk Gmmrmntd. .OREBOM. T; So. command to the promotion 01 the new enterprise. ';'.' The survey work on the pro posed Coast road 'is being pros ecuted with great vigor in all di rections, according to the reports obtainable. The man who se cured the subscription in Alsea last week had also made a tour of the Five Riveis country, and it is said he encountered the same enthui-iaMii theie among the citizens. Among those in Alsea valley who are said to have aiven pledges are Haden Bros., Wade Malone, Dave Tom, Warfield Bros., the Rrrafts, Mr. Loug bottom, W. D. Risley and many other prominent citizens. You're Sure to Crow Over iny set of Shirt WalstsSets like tl o e now on sale at this store. v for July are just as eood for August it Semem- ber, or any other month, if bought, here. If you want what's exquisite, at a modest i-rice. buy a set. We guarantee they're the greatest value for the sum invested that cau be had See them and buy a set. Albert J. Metzger - ..... ' WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, - - - Corvallia You to Buy a Franklm From the Stock Now on Hand FiiEt come, first served. We only have a few at this price. If you want a high grade Baler, now is your chance. Order today. iFour doo)8 nortli of postoffice Ind. Pbone 130. LINE Bristol Fishing Rod