AVfcgetable Preparationfor As similating ttieFoodandBegula tin the Stomacis and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur nessandRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine norIineral. totNarcotic. l . PunyJan Seed' Mx. Sauut tieckell, SUt jtnueSeed. Jmermhit - DiCurbunakSoix -MitmSemd--Clmfted Sugar ttStmymt flavor. A perfect Remedy forConslipa fion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oF :new YORK. !4-l To $M turn EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. i'lf - JrgSj That's what a Spreader will do if If you hava'125 loads of manure to spread and yon are going to plant 25 acres'of corn or wheat, or have a 25 acre meadow We will tell 70a how you can increase the value of your crop this year from $4.00 to S8.00 per acre or more than enough to pay for a spreader. We issue? a 48-page book entitled "Practical Experience With Barnyard Manures," which explains the whole situation. Our Plan is not a theory. It is an actual fact, backed up by actual experiments extending over a period of 18 years. To give yon an idea of what this book contains, we show results of experi ments made with varioos crops where 5 loads of manure were spread per acre by the old method, and 5 loads by the new method, on corn ground. The latter shows a gain of $4.80 per acre. On another field and in another state, it shows a gain of $5.60 per acre, and on a clover and timothy meadow, a gain of $8.00 per acre. This Book will be sent free to anyone writing us. It is worth $100.00 to you, bat it won't cost yon a cent. If it doesn't do you any good, it won't do you any harm. Write ni now and let us mail it to you. It is brimming full of valuable information. Ih Smith Irs Endless Apron Spreads all kinds of manure, straw stack bot toms andoommercial fertilizer regardless of their condition. Spreads as muck in a day as is men can by hand. Spreads the largest load in 2 to 4 minutes. Makes the same amount of manure go three times as fur and produce better results; makes all manure fine and immediately avail able for plant life. Non-Bunchabie Rake forms a hopper, holds all hard chunks in contact with beater until thoroughly pulverized. Endless Apron is one continuous apron, (not a apron) thereore altuays retidy to load. You don't have to drive a certain distance to pull it back into position after each load or wind it back by hand ; it it a great advantagejn making long hauls. There la no Gearing about our Endless Apron to break and cause trouble, it is always up out of the way of obstructions as it does not extend below axle. Spreads evenly from start to finish and cleans out perfectly clean. Hood and End Gate keeps manure away from beater while loading; prevents choking of beat er and throwing out a bunch when starting and acts as wind shield when spreading. has a graduating lever andean be regulated while in morion to spread thick or thin, 3 to as loads per acre. Lijtht Draft because the load is nearly equally Write just these words on a postal card or in a letter Send me your book "Practical Ex perience with Barnyard Manures' and catalogue No. 17753 They will be ipniio to you free. Do it now before you haul your manure or prepare for any crop. Smith manufacturing Co., 162 Harrison St., Chicago Children in Pain Never cry as do rhilorpn who are suffer ing from hunger. Unch is the cause of all babies who cry and are treated for sickness when thm really are suffering from hunger. This ia caused from their food not being assiniilated but devonred by worms. A few doses of White's Cream Verroifue will canee them to cease cry.ng and l-'t;in to thrive at once. Give it a trial, bold by Graham & Wortham. Galveston's Sea Wall Makes life dot as safe in that city as on the uplands. E. W. Goodloe, who re sides on Dutton street in Waco, Texas, nwds no sea wall for safety. H writes: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption for the past five years and it keeps me well and safe. Before that time I had a cough for years which had been growing worse. Now it's gone." Cures chronic coughs la grippe, croup, whooping cough and prevents pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every bottl guaranteed at Allen & Wood ward's drug store. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of biliousness and habitual constipation was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life Pills solved for me," writes John N. Pleasant of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to Rive satis faction to everybody or monev refunded. Only 25c at Allen A Woodward's drag Jttore. ' i CAS1 riPi For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature AW of Manure Spreader balanced on front and rear axles. The team is as near the load as it can work. Front and rear axles are the same length and wheels track; beater shaft runs in ball and socket bearings, therefore no friction. Beater is 23 inches in di ameter, seat turns over when loading. Machine turns in its own length. Simplicity. There are only two levers on our machine. One which raises the hood, locks it and throws the machine in gear at the same time. It can then be thrown in and out of gear without lowering the hood. One lever which changes feed to spread thick or thin, making it so simple that a boy who can drive a team can handle it. strength, and Durability is one of the most important points to be considered in a manure 1 spreader. The Great Western has a eood. strong. durable wheel. Extra- strong spoke and rim, heavy steel tires. Strong, well braced box with heavy oak sill. Oak tongue, hickory doubletrees, malleable castings, gears and sprockets all keyed on. Galvanised hood. Every part is made extra strong, regardless of Cot. It is made for the man who wants tk best, made in our sites, js, so, 70 and IOO bushel capacity. Guarantee Should any part break, wear out or get out of order withi" one year we replace free of charge. Sendor free catalrr. showing latest improvements. It tells how to apply manure to secure best results. Real Estate Transfers. J M Porter and wife to A. J Johnson, lot 12, block 5, original town of Marysville, now the city of Corvallis; $7,060. Hubert Hodes a 3i wife to A J Johnson, south 6 feet, lot ji, block 5, Corvallis, $610. M Wright to Etta E Downer, lot 3, block 13, Corvallis; $1,125. Alfred McClure and wife to S A McClure, 20 acres near Mon roe; $450. J W Walters and wife to Mon roe Mill Co., 160 acres of land west of Monroe; $1.00. Charles Pernot to Onus C Sen ger, lots q and 10, block 3, Avery & Wells Add to Coival lis; $175. Don't Grumble When your joints ache and you suffer from rheumatism. Boy a bottle of Bal lard's Snow liniment and get instant re lief. A positive cure for rheumatism, barns, eats, contracted muscles, sore chest, etc Mr. I. T. Bogy, a promi-j nent merchant at wuiow roms. Texas, says be finds Ballard's Snow liniment the beat all ronnd liniment he ever need. Sold by Graham & Wortham. fy In N X Use Y For Over Thirty Years mm THB CCNTAUR OMMNY. NEW YORK CITY, M. BMM PER ACRE. I TO H Jfc I I Louis tTracy, PILLA.Rofr' TJ "TT TsT 7 fr I Morning" . Y K fl fl IsR a I Copyright, 1904. by C ) tl J II -yji B M. fl Edward J. Clode C Wltn Jour '.pretty iace ana saucy ways, Enid," he said, "I shall have trouble enough to keep you in the nest without worrying as to the manner of four leaving it. Work at your draw ing, by all jneans. . Avoid color as the bane of true art. But where Con nie and I live you shall live, until you choose to forsake us." No wonder these girls thought there was.no other man in the. world like, "dad. Their delightful home was Idyllic in it happiness, their only sor row that Brand should be away two months out of three on account of the pursuit in which he passed his hours of leisure" during recent years. Neither dared" to look at the other.; They could not trust themselves even to speak. There was relief In action,' for thought was torture. The docile Daisy steadily forged through the waves.'' The spasmodic clang of -the bell came more clearly each minute. Pollard, kneeling in the bows, peered into the gloom of .the swirling snow. He listened eagerly to the bell. With right hand or left he motioned to Constance to bring the boat's head nearer to the wind or per mit the sail to fill out a little more. ' Enid, ready to cast the canvas loose at the first hint of danger, consulted her watch frequently. , At last she cried: . - "Twenty minuses, Ben." What a relief it was to hear her own voice. The tension was becoming un bearable.' . "Right y' are, missy. No need to slack off yet.. 'Tes clearin' a bit We'm heave to alongside the rock in less'n no time." ..... The fisherman was right. His train ed senses perceived a distinct diminu tion in the volume of snow. Soott they could see fifty, a hundred,' two hundred yards, ahead. CkL the starboard quarter they caught a confused rushing noise,' like the subdued murmur of a mill race. The tide had covered , the rock. - '; "Luff, et Is!" roared Ben suddenly.' "Steady. now!'' ' ' ' " ' Out , of the blurred . vista a ghostly column rose in' " front. ' Smooth and cheer. Svere its granite walls, with dark little casements shbwiiig black in the weird, light. ' The boat iushed past the Trinity mooring buoy. She held on un 'til thev heard the seaf breakinsr.' "Loweif away!" cried Ben, and the yard fell with a sharp rattle that show ed how. thoroughly Enid had laid to heart Pollard's tuition. - Constance brought the Daisy round In a wide curve, and Ben got out the oars to keep her from being dashed against the reef. Enid's eyes were turned toward the gallery beneath the lantern. "Lighthouse ahoy!" she screamed in a voice high pitched with emotion. There was no answering clang of the door leading from .the room on a level with the balcony. Not often had the girls visited the rock, but they knew that thi3 was the first sign they might expect of their arrival being noted if there were no watchers pacing the "promenade." "Help us, Ben," cried Constance, and their united shouts might be heard a mile away in the prevailing stillness. A window halfway up the tower was opened. A man's head and shoulders anpe.n.r;ej3. 'Danu me. but tTiev're two plucky 'una." It was "Stephen Brand! "Thank God!" murmured Constance. Enid, on whose sensitive soul the storm, the signal, the hissing rush of the boat through the waves, had cast a spell of Indefinite terror, bit her lip to restrain her tears. Brand gave a glance of amazement at the three uplifted faces, but this was no time for surprise or question. ' "J am coming down," he shouted. Providence must have sent you at this moment." ' . He vanished. "What can It be?" said Constance, outwardly calm now in the assurance that her father was safe. "Must ha' bin a accident," said Ben. That signal means 'Bring a doctor. An' there ain't a blessed tug In harbor, nor won't be till the tide makes." ' That will mean delay," cried Enid. ; "Five or six boors at least, missy." The main door at the head C the Iron . lagAar clamped . to the stonea swung barck, ana Utana leanetr out. He had no greeting for them, nor words of astonishment. "When will the tug reach here, Ben?" he asked. The fisherman told him the opinion he had formed. "Then you girls must come and' help me. Jackson scalded his hands and arms in the kitchen; and Bates was hurrying to tie storeroom for oil and whitening when he slipped on the stairs and broke his leg. We must get them both ashore. Ben, you can take them?" . "Aye, aye, sir." "Now, Constance, you first Hold tight and stand in the skip. Your boat cannot come near the rock." He swung the derrick into place and began to work the windlass. Con stance, cool as her father, whispered to the excited Enid: "Let us divide the parcels and take half each." "Oh, I should have forgotten all about them," said Enid, stooping to empty the lockers. Constance, without flickering an eye lid, stepped into the strong basket with its iron hoops and, having arranged some of the plethoric paper bags at her feet, told her father to "hoist away." She arrived safely. Enid followed her, with equal sang froid, though a lift of forty odd feet while standing In k skip and clinging to a rope is not an everyday experience "Dang me," said Ben, as Enid, too, was swung into the lighthouse, "but they're two plucky 'uns." . The great bell tolled away, though the.pnow had changed to sleet, and the heights beyond the Land's End were ,dimly visible; so. its warning note was no longer needed. .The sky above was clearing. A luminous haze spreading over the- waters heralded -the return of 'the&un.' But the wind was bitterly cold; the -fisherman watching the open door,' "with- one eye on the sea lest an , adventurous- wave should, sweep the Daisy against. the rock; murmured to himself: . - ; .- "'Tes a good job the wind's I' the norfard. 'This sort o' thing's a weather breeder or my name ain't Ben Pol lard." ' ' - - .. . And that was how Enid came back tb'the Gulf Rock to enter upon the sec ond great epoch of her life. . Once before had the reef taken her to its rough heart and fended her from peril. Would it shield her again res cue her from the graver danger whose shadow even now loomed out of the deep? What was the bell saying in its wistful monotony? Enid neither knew nor cared. Just then she had other things to think about. CHAPTER IV. mHERE comes a time In the life .of every thinking man or wo man when the argosy of. ex istence, floating placidly on a smooth and laty stream, gathers unto Itself speed, rushes swiftly onward past familiar landmarks of custom and convention, boils furiously over resist ing rocks and ultimately, if not sub merged in an unknown sea, finds itself again meandering through new plains of wider horizon. Such a perilous passage can never be foreseen. The rapids may begin where the trees are highest and the meadows most luxuriant. No warning is given, The Increased pace of events is pleas ant and exhilarating. Even the last wild plunge orer the cascade is neither resented nor .feared. Some frail craft are shattered in transit, some wholly . shaken, some emerge with riven sails and tarnished embellishments. A few not only survive the ordeal, but there by fit themselves for more daring ex ploits, more soul stirring adventures. When the two girls stood with Ste phen Brand in the narrow entrance to the lighthouse, the gravity of their bright young faces was due solely to the fact that their father had announc ed the serious accidents which had be fallen his assistants. No secret moni tor whispered that fate in her bold and merciless dramatic action had roughly removed two characters from the stage to clear it for more striking events. Not once In twenty years has it hap pened that two out of the three keep ers maintained on a rock station with in signaling distance of the shore have become incapacitated for duty on the same day. The thiag was so bewilder ingly sudden, the arrival of Constance and Enid on the scene so timely and unexpected, that Brand, a philosopher of ready decision in most affairs of life, was at a loss what to do for the best now that help, of a sort un dreamed of, was at hand. The case of Jackson, who was scald ed, was simple enough. The board of trad3 ceii: iue chest supplied to each lightliouso i s a facsimile of that car ried i;.v e.ory seagoing steamship. It contalnaJ the ordinary remedies for such an Injury, and there would be lit tle difficulty or danger in lowering the sufferer to the boat. But Bates' affair was different. He lay almost where he had fallen. Brand had only lifted him Into the'storeroom from tbr foot of the stairs, placing- a pillow beneath his head, and appealing both to him and to Jaekson to endure their torture unmoved while be wtot to signal for assistance. me -prtfoiem ifrrat" 'conlronted turn now was one of Indarment. Was it bet ter to await the coming of the doctor or endeavor to transfer Bates to the boat? He consulted Ben Pollard again. The girls were already climbing the steep stairs to sympathize with and tend to the injured men. s "Do you think it will blow harder. Ben, when the tide turns?" he asked. The old fellow seemed to regard the question as n:ot interesting and novel. Indeed, to him some such query and its consideration provided the . chief problem 0', cadi day. Therefore he survep:l laud. sou. and sky most care fully .'before hs replied: "It tnr.7 a'nost .anything afore nisht, Slissor Brand." At :i!iotIr.i:' time Brand would have smiled. Today he was nervous, dis traught, wrenched out of the worn rut of things. "I fancy there is some chance of the doctor being unable to land when he reaches the rock. Do you agree with me?" His voice rang sharply. Ben. caught its note and" dropped his weatherwise ambiguity, "It'll blow harder, an', mebbe snaw as'in," he' said. . "I shall need some help here in that case, so 1 will retain, the young ladies. Of course you can manage the boat easily enough without them?" Pollard grinned reassuringly. "We'm run straight in wi' thiccy lwind," he said. So they settled it that way, all so simply. 1 A man sets up two slim masts a thousand miles apart and flashes com prehensible messages across the void- The multitude gapes at first, but soon accepts the thing as reasonable. "Wire less telegraphy" is the term, as one says "by mail." A whole drama was flowing over a curve of the earth at that moment, but the , Marconi station was invisible. There was no expert in telepathic sen sation present to tell Brand and the fisherman that their commonplace words covered a magic code, Jackson, white and mute, was lower ed first. The brave fellow would not content himself with nursing his agony amid the cushions aft.. When Bates, given some slight strength by a stiff dose of brandy, was carried with Infinite care down three flights of steep and narrow stairs and slung to the crane in an iron cot to be lowered in .his turn, Jackson stood up. Heedless of remonstrances, he helped to steady the cot and adjust if amidships clear of the sail. "Well done, Artie," said Brand's clear voice. ' ' "Oh, brave!" murmured Enid. "We will visit you every day at the hospital," sang out Constance. Jackson smiled yes, smiled though his bandaged arms quivered and the seared nerves of his hands throbbed excruciatingly. Speak aloud he could not Yet he bent over his more help less mate and whispered hoarsely: "Cheer up, old man. Your case is worse'n mine. An' ye did it for me." Pollard, with a soul as gnarled as his body, yet had a glimpse of higher things when he muttered: "D'ye think ye can hold her, mate, whiles I hoist the cloth?" Jackson nodded. The request was a compliment, a recognition. He sat down and hooked the tiller between arm and ribs. Ben hauled with a will. The Daisy, as If she were glad to es cape the cascades of green water swirl ing over the rock, sprang into instant "X'lc think ye can hold her, mute?" animation. The watchers from the lighthouse saw Ben relieve the steers man and tenderly arrange the cushions behind his back. Then Brand closed the iron doors, and the three were left in dim obscurity. They climbed nearly a hundred feet of stairways and emerged on to the cornice balcony after Brand had stop ped the clockwork which controlled the hammer of the bell. What a difference up here! The sea, widened immeasurably, had changed its color. Now it was a sullen blue gray. The land was nearer and high er. The Daisy had shrunk to a splash of dull brown on the tremendous ocean prairie. How fierce and keen the wind! How disconsolate the murmur of the. reef! Brand, adjusting his binoculars, scru tinized the boat "All right aboard," he said. "I think we have adopted the wiser course. They will reach Penzance by half past 2." His next glance was toward the Land's End signal station. A. line of flags fluttered out to the right of the staff. . "Signal noted and forwarded," be read aloud. That Is all right; but the wind has changed." Enid popped Inside the lantern for "fetter- & wbitterlrjsold. "BetterTonow hr- oT.mnla " - v-kUUJjjiV VVUUIV said Brand to his daughter. "I will draw the curtains. We can "see Just as well and bft.comfsrtable. (To be Continued) . nuuiiivuaiuiuil, Clifford Kerr and family leave Sunday for an outing at Newport. Prof. Margaret Stiell of OAC left yes terday for a month's visit ia California, Rev. and Mrs, Handeaker arrived home Wednesday from a visit with Eugene relatives. - 1 ; Fred Barden and wife are to move to- rlav intn tli A. V. Wiltina hnnca rn Thiid Btreet. Robert Steele left yesterday for his home at Twin Falls, Idaho, alter a visit with relatives at Wells. Mrs J. H. Howard and son Joseph leave today for Eastern Oregon to be ab sent a month or six weeks. " ; George Bryant, eon of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Bryant, is suffering with typhoid fever. A trained nurse from Salem is at the bedside. A dormer window and other repairs are being made to the Osburn bouse on North Main street, thirf week. Brjant Young is doing the. work. Miss Jennie Martyn, a former Corval. lis girl, arrived yesterday from Portland and left in the afternoon with Mrs. New house and daughter, for Newport. Mrs. Johnny Johnson and child of St. Johns arrived Wednesday and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Irvine. Mr. Johnson formerly operated the Corvallis steam laundry. A. K. Miliner and family leave ted ay. or tomorrow for Portland, where they will take up their residence. The Mil. ners are widely and favorably known in this city and county, and their depart ure will be regretted by many friends. Mrs. C. ,C. Huff and daughter and. Mrs. Reuben Kiger and daughter leave today for the coast. They will pitch their tents at Nye Creek, and the first of next week Prof. Berchtold and family will join the party and. go into camp for a vacation rest. . - ' v A draft on the First National Bank of San Francisco, that had been through the fire, was displayed on .the street by August Fischer, Wednesday. It had been taken from the vault after the disas ter and was-burned by the intense heat until it was brown and brittle, although it could still be . read.. Placed between two paste boards to keep it from crumb ling to ashes, it was sent back' to Mr. Fischer with the request for . a duplicate draft. - Hair Raisins Experience. S. H. Moore an ived home during the first of the week from a trip to the Coos. Bay country. In getting out from that section Mr.' Moore was obliged to stage about 75 miles over the mountains to Roseburg. Almost railroad time is made by the drivers on the route. A most remarkable adventure befell Mr. Moore and three of his companions on the way out. In coming down the lastjlarge mountain one of the lead horeea shied suddenly and a tng came unhooked. Something was Joing very suddenly and n some way the driver was thrown from his high seat, taking the reins with him. Mr. Moore, who was riding with the driver,- was left on the perch unable to do anvthing hat hano; on and ride, and ride he did down the mountain side as fast as frightened horses could race and a coach run. All other passengers flew the coach one after another, bat still our townsman kept his seat. Finally he worked over to the brake and set it hard. In time the animals ettne to a -bit of level ground and th hrakrt 150 in t9 worlc hf fan toptj" 1. Nobody, not even the driver was serioas ly hurt, nor was there any other damage done worthy of mention. It was a mir aculous escape. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature.of Subscribe for the Gazette. Don't Be Blue And lose all inWesi when hlp is with in reach. H"rrin illnak that liver rrf-rforro iis dmies proper I. J. B.. Vaughn, Elba. Ala,, write: "Being a ,.n.,nt smfTcrr from conatioatioii and a disordered liver, I have found Herbine to be the best medicine, tor tnese trou bles, on the market. I have ueed it conotantl r. I believe it to be the best medicine of its kind, and I wish all sufferers from these troubles to know .hn cood Herbine has done me.-Sold by Graham St Wortham. The for Job Work