LOCAL AD PERSONAL Mrs. H. S. Pemot ami daughter, Dorothy, tft Wednesday for a so journ at Newport. Walter Wiles and family expect ed t: leave yesterday for a pleas ore trip to Cascadia. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wells ar rived home Monday evening from an ootiDg at Caecadia. A new awning was stretched at -Hotel Corvallis, Tuesday, that adds materially to the coolness of the -office. Subject at the Church of Christ next Sunday morning, "Where is s Your 4aith?" Evening, "Christ in Prophecy." T. H. Weilsher and family leave Monday for a ten days' visit to re latives in Seattle and - Gray's Har bor, Wash. - Miss Virgie Owens left yesterday for her home at Monmouth, after a visit with Miss Florence Maxfield in this city. William Baker and family who have been camped in Alsea valley for a couple of weeks, are to return home Saturday. There will be Bible school and morning service at the Presoyterian church'. Subject of sermon, "Un recognized Decay." The passenger traffic over the C. ' & E. is very heavy just at present. Many pleaBure-seekers are going and coining from the coast. . . Mrs. Walter Taylor and children are camped uk Sulphur Spring and are having a fine outing. They . will be absent several weeks. Sunt. G. W. Denman and family i arrived home a couple of days ago from Alsea where for several weeks they communed with nature. . . , Harold Strong has been in Dallas . several days this week, on business. It it rumored that he is looking . for a suitable location for a branch mill. J. C. Looney and family arrived Wednesday from Monroe and have - taken possession of the Mason house on Tuird stieet, recently vacated by Mrs. Downer. Mieses Cecil and .Louise Irwin 'have established bachelor, girl quar- ters at'the Crees home for the ootn ing winter. They moved into their new apartments this week. At the meeting of the Coffee Club this week, a duet by Mrs. M. "S. Woodcock and Mrs. E. R. Like, and a vocal solo by Mrs. Taylor were features much enjoyed. Dainty 'refreshments were served 'and a 'social time enjoyed. Vance Taylor, the smiling clerk i at Harris' drygoods store, left yes terday, for a ten days' vacation. : His destination is not known, al though it, is surmised that he1 will fpnn pood pnrt of the time in h foothills juiii west of tew ii. A iw lurch counter and short ord'rr .l'ou'-'e i just startir g up in busiiiexx in this city. Jespe Wilev is the proprietor and the counter is located . at Jesse's well-knrwn stand on Main street. F. T. Wil son will be chef and manager. A party left yesterdav for Mary's Peak, for a two days' trip. Thope in the crowd were Mieees Edna Groves, Frances Belknap, Nellie McPherson of Wasco, and Gertrude Davis of San Francinco; Messrs. Frank Groves and Roy Hollen berg. Little Miss Ella Felton was yiv- en a birthday surprise party Tues- day afternoon at the home of herl brother.Ed Felton, Jr. A number of guett enjoyed the happy occa sion, and all joined in wishing th youthful hostess many returns of the day. The members of the Home Mis sionary Society of the M. E. church were very pleassntlv entertained at the home of Mrs. Groves WedneE day afternoon . Thero wa? an in teresting program and dainty re freshments as features of entertain ment. Contrary to the usual custom, which has been to close the church durine the summer, the Congrega tionalisms propose ta hold services Sunday mornings until further notice. Preaching by the pastor Sunday at eleven and Sundav school at the usual hour. No evening service. W. J. Kaerth and wife are to leave the middle of this month for Dallas to reside, Mr. Kaerth having accepted a position at a more lucra tive salary in a mill at that place. Mr. Kaerth has been employed in the capacity of bookkeeper in Cor vallis for nearly two years, first in the First National Bank and more recently at Strong'e Baw mill. He is a very capable man, a thorougK gentleman, and both he and Mrs. Kaerth have made . many friends in this city who regret their decieion to make their home elsewhere. i Dr. Lowe, he optician, wi'l be 1 in Corvaiiis August the S and 9. J. M. Nolan and family left Wed nesday for a two week's outing at Newport. Mrs. At A. Dolph aud children are p-if-siog the summer quietly at Hood Rive;. Rv. C. L. McC iualand of this cuy nas oeen in noseourg mis i 1 l ' W 1 A . 7 week, on business. Virgil Walters was in PdHland, Wednesday, on a business trip. He returned tne same evening. Haman Bilyeu left Tuesday for the Bohemia mines, where he has employment and will spend-the summer. Mrs. Jack Garret of San Fran cisco, came out from the Bay this week to have dental work done in this city. Mrs. Amelia Schubert and sister, Mies Delpha Heanel, returned Wed nesday from a few days' outing at the coast. Mrs. E. Airen and Miss Edna left Tuesday for their annual out ing at Newport. They will be ab sent a month. Mrs. E. Gerhard and Mrs. Deli lah Houck left Wednesday for a two weeks' camping trip in the hills west of Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Off Wilson and sons, and Lester Smith left yesterday for a two week's outing at Cascadia. Miss Elsie Reed has gone to Salem to accept employment. She has been for some lime engaged at the Commercial restaurant in this c:ty. Mrs. M. D. Hall, who has been in iL health for many months, was taken to Portland, Tuesday, to enter a sanatorium for treat ment. Miss Mattie Strong left Tuesday for Portland to resume work in an office in which she is employed. She has been in Corvallis on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Moses and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood return ed Monday eyening from a trip to the Cascade mountains, near De troit, where they have been camp ing for several weeks. A line Advance thresher engine and numerous other fixtures for the outfit arrived over the S. P. -Monday: night.-- The machine is the property of Samuel Reader of Bellefountain who was in Corvallis, Tuesday, to get it. The . lightning Saturday night did several stunts in various parts of Benton. In a field belonging to Mr. Fisher, north of town, a cow was killed, and the ground was literally ploughed up by the light ning at the spot where the ' animal was electrocuted. .Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Billings of Ashland arrived Monday evening, and Tuesday afternoon in company with the A. W. Herbert family, ief i for Newport. The Herberts will he absent about ten days, but Mr. and Mrs. Billings will remain far an indefinite length of time. J. E. Banton, formerly of Alseii but now in business at London, in Lan ci ucty, was in Corvallis, Tuesday. H had been in Alsea s-vral days Htid while there sold his farm of 100 acres, and was en route back to Line county. . Mr. Banton txpress-s himself as we'l pleased with his change f location. Amy Cameron and sister, Miss Nellie, chaperoned a party of young pepl Tuesday evening at a "sun- 4 set picnic, to Avery s grove. Luo- cheou wad served under the trees and a big bonfire furnished light and warmth for the scene. : About 15 guests enjoyed the occasion and all report a merry time Mr. Splauro, who had been in Corvallis for several days looking for a location, left Tuesday for Dallas, from which place he will re turn to Junction City to join hi daughter. Mr. Splaum is a widower of means, and as he expressed him self as highly pleased with Benton county, it is almost certain that he will return here to locate. Silas Jones, rf San Francisco, is the first trip he has mads for his firm, the Hromada candy companv, since the big earthquake. This company lost its plant in the dis aster and is only now beginning to send its men out on the road again. Mr. Jone3 is a popular salesman with Corvallis firms. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Starr, who have spent the winter in Pasadena, Calif., for the benefit of the latter's health, have purchased a lot in that city and are now erecting a residence, expecting to maka their permanent home in Pasadena. Mr. Starr, who is a splendid singer, is chorister in the . , M. E. . church there, the choir consisting, of 40 voices. This church has a seat ing capacity of 2500, with stan ding j 1 uuuj iir ouvj mure. &LUN3 DEER. Paid A Fine to Deputy Game Wardens, in Alsea. 0 Deputy Game Warden J. D. J Wells was over in Alsea valley j last week and the stoiy is that he !got in some lively detective work I -. in his line. As reported the tale goes like this: I. H. King, a :prominenjt Ports, land real -estate man, and Mr. Wanh and two sons of Salem, were among the campers m the valley last week. "Besides Deputy Wells, there was another; game warden named Chamberlain, from Eugene, in the same : Vicin ity. For same reason the officers suspected that - King - and 4 ..the Wanns were dining on venison in defiance of the law, and th e game wardens watched for ran opportunity and swooped down upon the camp one evening, find ing, as they suspected," a fine,: dressed deer hung up near the tent. An arrest of Mr. King followed but he put up $25 bail and prom ised to appear in Waldport next day to stand trial. On the following day Mr. Wells and Mr. Chamberlain were in Waldport and while waiting for Mr. King to appear, the Wann' boys were confronted with the situation and plead guilty to the charge ot killing the deer, paid the fine of $25 and $1.50 Justice fees and the case was set tled. At this juncture, however, Mr. King arrived and when informed as to the plea of "guiltv" that had been entered, was highly in dignant and proposed to stand trial in spite of all. When in formed by the game wardens, however, that he would then be arrested for having had the deer in his possession, and that another fine of $25 would have to be paid by him, he decid ed to let the matter drop. Thus, the crowd got off for $26.50, and, the chance are that the lesson to them will, be well worth the price. One of the Wann boys at- tenaea uau last year. Additional Local. Mrs. Neil Newhouse and daugh ter, Miss Lulu, left yesterday for a month's 'stay ' at Newport. Teams wanted at once to haul wood. P. A. Kline. 53tf Buy your harvesting outfits at Nolan's. Complete stock at bot tom prices. 62-72 M. E. church, South, Sabbath school at ten a. m. The regular church services morning and even ing. Subject of sermon at eleven, "The Divine Teacher." Photos :First-cIass work, guar anteed to please, at "Corvallis Stu dio." , ,56-tf Jesse McHenry left yesterday for Eastern Oregon, having disposed of his interest in the City Meat Mar ket , to Mr. Swingier. Mrs. Mc Henry remains in Corvallis for the present. For Sale Eleven 2-year olds and three yearlings; grade Hereford W. H. Dean, Pnone Bellefountain Exchange. 63tf The first, -hunter's! ' ice n so -to be issued in this county to a iiou-resi-r dent was 'given by Clerk Vincent, Wednesday, to E. C. OggJ This license costs a non-jresident $10. During the month of July twanty hunter's iicenses were issued in this county. Notice to Farmers. I am in tne market for clover, vetch, cheat al falft and timothy delivered f. o b. c irs. If farmers or dealers having hay to offer will kindlv write me stating tbe amount and quality of the hay they have to sell. Ad dress G. W. Simpson, 201 Wash ington street, Portland, Ore. 63tf Alva Miner has been awarded the contract for repainting the old school building. The work is to be completed by September 1st, and Mr. Miner does the job for $225. The material is to be furnished by R. H. Huston. White has been selected as the color for the build ing and the improvement will be a very noticeable one in that part of the city. Arthur Hall, the younger son of j Mr. and Mrs. "Pap" Hall, formerly of Corvallis,, is visiting old-time friends. He arrived Tuesday hav ing accompanied Mrs. S. N. Wil kins on . her return from Hood River, The Dalles and Portland; Arthur, as a small boyi had many warm friends in . Corvallis, - all . of whom are glad to see him, and wh 6 will try to make his two weeks stay as enjoyable as possible. Arthur is now 12 yiars old. ' Miss Emma Thompson left yes terday morning for Portland to be with her mother and sister for a while. The latter, Mrs. A. F. Peterson, was the subject of a sur gical operation in a Portland hos pital, Wednesday, and while she e-tood the operation very well and rallied from the effects of the an aesthetic, fears are entertained by the family that she may not re cover, aa in a former operation her life was despaired of ' for some time " For Sale Vetch,' oat 'and cheat bay. Inquire W. C Metcaif, Ind. Phone 723. . 57 if. . " Remember Nolan's Mid-Summer Sale will close Saturday evening, August Ijth, at nine o'clock. ., . . 64-66 About Poor Farm. -Following is an interesting item of business transacted by the county court at its last session: :: . . . j , Now at this time came on regularly to be heard and considered the matter of a tract of land purchased -by Benton Coun ty on May 21, 1906, described as Claim No. 45, T. 12 8., .Ri: 5:W;t ia Benton County, Oregon, containing 160 acres and for a consideration of $5,400, as shown by the records on page 215, book No. 45, Record of Deeds for Benton Count), Oregon, and said to have been purchased by the County as a place on which ta keep our county poor. On July 11, 1906, the present county court . went out to said farm and made personal ex amination of the land aud its buildings, and among other things, to consider its adaptability to the purpose for(' which it was intended when purchased. ; , Now, having fully considered this mat ter, this court does not consider it advis able or for tiie best interests of Benton County to expend of the county tundsan additional amount necessary ; to erect suitable buildings and make such other improvements as would be necessary to prepare the place for a Comfortable home for our county charges. The court fur ther considers that a small tract of good land suitable for . pardening as better adapted to this purpose. Therefore, it is ordered that the County Judge be, and he is hereby authorized to receive offers to purchase or to rent Said farm and to report the same to this court at its next regular term. : : V The Best JlMranfy of Merjt Is Open Publicity. Every Iwttle of Dr. Pierce's world famed medicines leaving the great labo "ratory at BulTaio, N. Y., has printed upon its wrapper "nil the Ingredients entering Into its composition.. This fact alono placos Dr. Pierco'S Family Medi- " ciii'-is in. n ci'x.ntiUl hy themselves. They cannot bo clawM with ; patent or secret . tnod!cinc-i bcoausn thoy are neither. .This Is why $0 many unprejudiced physicians , prescribe them ana recommend them to their patient. They know what they are composed of, and that the ingredients are those endorsed by the moat eminent medical authorities. The further fact that noither Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery, the croat , stomach tonic, liver, invisorator, heart regulator and blood purifier, nor hia "Favorite Prescription 'for weak, over worked, broken-down, norvous women, contains any alcohol, also entitles them to a place all by themselves. Many years ago, Dr.' Pierco discovered that chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength, is a better solvent and preserv ative of the medicinal principles resid ing in our indigenous, or native, medi cinal plants than is alcohol; and, further more, that it possesses valuable medicinal properties cf its own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a .most efficient ant; ferment. ? , .-' - - Keither of the above medicines con tains alcohol, or any harmful, habit forming drug, as "will be seen from a glance at the formula printed on each bottle wrapper. They are safe to uso and potent to cure. Not only do physicians prescribe "10 above, non-secret medicines largely, but tho most intelligent people omploy then -peoplfl who would not think 01 using ' the ordinary patent, or secret medicines. Every ingredient entering into the com position of Dr. Pierce's medicines, has the strongest kind of an endorsement from leading medical writers of the several schools of practice. ; No other medicines put for like purposes has any such, professional, endorsement. ; "i - Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets crc con stipation. Constipation is the cause ot many diseases. Cure the eauso and yon , cure the-disease. One "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, ani two a mild cathartic nrup- gists soil lUrtia, and nothing is "jtui id good." Easy to take as candy. For Those Who Work Round Stables or , in ths Fields.. There are no better 1 ' Shoes made than th j ; Built pf;the best material " known and finished in a man ner that bids defiance to 'r wear. Sold by . - ; : w A.K MUSS ; The only exclusive Men's Furnishing store in town. A : few summer suits left at 20 pereent diseoant.' : -- ',- i " Corvallis, Oreeon IncL Phone lStCAUiVXLZ 'I 1 VttU WTWW Saturday, Mason's Fruit Jars, any size, pints, quarts frv R .or half saltans, ner dozen. . ............. " it (One dozen Extra Rubber Rings, the 10 , pjer dozen Ladies' and Boys' Hop-picking Gloves, per' pair only... ...... ........... Men's Hop-picking Gloves, only . (One pair to SATURDAY ONLY Call in Person. No ..S. L. KLINE.. Established 1884 Corvallis, Oregon, ThB PeopBe's Store OUR id-Summer IS NOW ON And for 30 days we will offer the entire stock of Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, Clothing, etc;, at extra special prices. . 20 yards of Calico . ... ..... .$1.00 15c, 20c and 25c Summer Goods . . . . . ...... . .10 Odd sets of Ladies' Waists, $1, $1. 50, $1.75 .25 20 Per Cent Off oh All Clothing " When you see It F Lm M 8 LLEFT 'SEEING " : IS BELIEVING . Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, : s . Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors, , ) Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. :" ' . Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles Guns and Bicycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop. Sl il. LONG, . jnd. Phono 126 Resldenca 324 r CORVAIiS, - OREGON. ICES AND CREAMS. .We are now prepared to provide the pub lic wilh Ices, Water ices, Creams, Sher bets, and everything in this line. SIPCIAX fancy orders For social functions solicited. Wecaterto the whoie public aud guarantee the best at reasonuDle prices. When you want anythiiix in our line remember us. . Onrn vn special free delivery to any part u :: '' tiie cy large or small quantities. COR 4LLIS CREAMERY CO. t?C:?a.pOLKA.OOT.eANS.Wjt igg i a M M KIT-" CV Z August 4th to each family.) - cent kind, for only ESft ' V ,. per pair . each person.) 9c 'Phone Orders Filled ANNUAL inour ad, , it is so' S corvalus, oregon Sale Pure, raw linseed oil costs less than " ready mixed' 1 paint, but when mixed with thick 3 LJ pigment, gallon for gallon , it makes, the best paint, for the least money. ; .-Jv "- j For Sale by - - t GRAHAM & WELLS . . r CoPvaltis,' Oregon m i