Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 31, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Pub: If.hed Tuesdays and Fridays by
1 inbgcriptlon pru-e of Ibfi Gazette
fj' r:i! yenrs ha.--b?."i, an'' ir-niai'is.
$2 ntntn. or uer cent, di-ro-.nt if
pe. u ":j .idva' -f. in pai-r will be
ev ' :'.e l nti'ii all arearages " pai '.
The great Russian tragedy still
holds the boards. The entire
world is a witness to what may
be termed a real tragedy; a pro
duction that is given the world at
the cost of thousands of lives;
one that is devastating the very
garden spots of the empire and
sending refugees in hordes to
foreign shores; a tragedy in
wh:ch the blood of the innocent
is sacrificed as so much water.
And this because the people dare
cry for liberty!
What is between the Russian
masses and liberty, which they
hold dearer than life? To start
with, a czar a vacillating crea
ture, who beyond doubt is the
prey of a select band of fiends
incarnate. Here is the prime
source of the tragedy, the fiends.
The czar is, of himself; so feeble-minded
and purposeless, and
undoubtedly so badly scared ere
now that he would grant liberty
to those whom he calls his sub
jects, but his advisors will not
hear of this. Why will they not
grant this? Because by making
Nicholas a tool they hope to
And through all this great and
bloody struggle we hear of the
prayers of the czar and his min
isters, when they assemble in
their separate places of worship,
that justice and righteousness
may prevail. Ye gods! Prayers
of this nature from men so pol
luted that their very souls, were
they ever wafted to heaven,
would profane that celestial
realm. The hypocrisy of it all !
Meanwhile, they continue to pray
and to kill innocent people.
The masses of Russian subjects
seem to prefer death to oppres
sion that is worse than slavery.
They could gain their liberty if
they but had a leader in their
struggle. Here is an opportunity
for another patriot of the George
Washington brand.
Those who follow society do
ings closely will have seen by the
papers that Mr. and Mrs. Nich
olas Longworth have been ten
dered an invitation to visit the
sultan at Constantinople. Due
stress has been placed upon the
"very great honor" bestowed
upon the Longworths on account
of Mrs. Longworth being a
daughter of President Roosevelt.
Can we call ourselves a con
sistent people and act as we do ?
In this country anything of a
polygamous nature will cause our
ladies to catch up their skirts and
trip lightly away for fear of con
tamination. Why are they not
equally careful when aboad ?
Perhaps we are over-inquisitive.
When Gorki visited our shores
recently in company with a wo
man who could not produce a
marriage certificate, he and she
were kicked from one hotel to
another with so much facility by
virtuous Americans that they
soon fled the shores of the land
of the free in disgust. This was
all right, but our men and women
3. DL Arnold
who hold to ideas of strictest vir
tue and morality at home should
not boast of invitations to visit
the Sultan of Turkey, either
within or without his harem.
King Edward has been granted
a private inspection of William
Jennings Bryan. While the king
is reported as having deported
himself most graciously from a
royal standpoint, we have no
means of knowing what his pri
vate opinion was as the result of
his. scrutiny of the Nebraskan.
But this is not a matter of any
What we desire to call atten
tion to is the abandon and utter
disregard for the sacredness of the
subject by the writer of the dis
patch relating to the meeting
The cablegram in question stated
that the king wore common
clothes." This, to us, with our
American ideas of democracy,
seems an uncalled-for reflection
on his majesty. So long as King
Edward was decently clad it does
not seem proper that his clothes,
any more than the habiliments of
any other man, should be made a
subject for discussion by the
masses. During such period as
King Edward conducts himself
becomingly we shall continue to
consider him just as good as any
body, even though he does wear
"common clothes."
Two Corvallis Ladies Make Them
in Chasing T-ain.
The report is that two Corvallis
ladies had a footrace with the mid
week excursion train on its return
from Newport last Wednesday
evening. It seems that the
ladies decided to walk to Phil
omath and ride in on the ex
cursion with relatives who bad
aone over to the coast the day
They headed for Philomath
and walked along, merrily chat
ting, and heeded not the swift
passing of the hours. Finally
they reached the outskirts ot the
little city, and in the distance
heard the rumble of the incoming
train. With a sudden start they
realized that it meaut a race to
the depot if they were to get a
ride home.
They lit out. Faster and fas
ier they ran; but the train puffed
and panted, the wheels creaked
and began to turn, the whistle
sounded, the brakeman swung
onto the rear platfuiin aud tin
train pulled out, just a- the Cor
vallis damsels, with flying hair,
bulging eyes and lobsterlike faces
reached the platform. They
shrieked and waved their arms
frantically, they fluttered their
dainty handkerchiefs and even
gestured threateningly at the re
ceding train, but all to no avail.
Convinced that they were
"lelt", thi ha'les, breathless and
weary women turned towards ih
main part of town, hunted up a
livery stable and although they
had no money with them, their
plight appealed to the kindly dis
posed lively niiii aud a rig was
s;nt to Corval is with the travel
ers, C. O. D.
Had Wild West Camp.
The capers of the "kid gang" are a
source of constant annoyance to tha local
police, a:il there ill prob .b!y ' n enti
to the troa'ile umil boon of the jouths
are arrested and fined aad an example
made of tiieru to warn other boys.
The latest performance of the b.iys
happened a few day iio. lia'vey Sir-g-ut,
wh- manufactures .nu'scr vmt,
h ;s a slmii ou t-ou!i Main srr--t, ntar
Y.Ptes. .
Sec & Treas.
Highest Market. Price
Pres. V yzr.W tw5 i Ji 'f.K-JJ-; ;l .'..
the Emery photograph gallery. In the
shop Mr. Sargent keep3 some of the
gunsi a camp stove, material far making
the gopher "poppers" and the tools for
their manufacture.
It was here that the lads congregated
and proceeded to have a regular Fourth
of J uly celebration. They effected an
entrance to the building, took the camp
stove oat in the alley, built a fire, se
cured some cartridges and a gopher gun,
and struck a regular Wild Bill camp.
Here thsy held forth at various times in
real wild and wooly fashion until a ru
mor of their antics reached the ears of
the police. This gentleman put quietus
on the revels, made the boys put things
back and with a parting lecture let the
youngsters go. The parents will simply
be notified this time, but if such cases
are to occur often something more than
talking will certainly be done.
Additional Local.
Lat Prindle of five;Rivers was among
the Corvallis visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Emily Tharp of Bellefountain is
the guest of Mrs. S. L. Shedd in this
Miss Winona Woodward went over to
the coast Friday to remain several
weeks .
County court will meet tomorrow,
but probate court will not convene until
next Monday.
Within a few days D". Lester expects
to go to the Belknap springs to remain
two or three weeks.
John Banks, of Kings Valley, was
among the out-of-town visitor noticed
ou Corvallis streets Saturday.
Miss Bertha Thrasher has arrived
from Portland for a vacation visit at the
home of her parents in this city.
Miss Minnie Wilson gave an informal
dinner party to a few friends, Friday even
iag. The occasion was vet y pleasant for
all present.
Miss Agnea Wilson ws a guest over
Sunday at the handsome country home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Knotts, north
of Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henkle reached
home Saturday, from a ten days' visit
with their son Arthur and family at
Chehalis, Wash.
Mrs. Lizzie Taylor, a former resident
of Monroe, died at her home at J unction
City a week ago Sunday. Mrs. Taylor
was a sister of Mrs. Miles Starr of this
citv, and was well known in Benton
John F. Allen came home from the
bay Sunday evening after a sojourn of
several weeks' duration. Ha reports
everything fine over at Newport. His
family will remain at the coast for an
other month, or longer.
It was the intention, of Chester Mason
to depart yesterday for Portland. It is
understood that he is to travel in the in
terest of the Lane & Gritfia institute of
Salem that lie may secure patients for
that institution whoaie addicted to the
use of drugs and liquors.
The Buchanan and Scott thresher
started iu Southern Bantoa yeatirday
morning, on the Manly Currier place,
No report had come in, up to to the Ga
zette press hour, of how the grain is turn
ing out. So far aa reported this is the
first thresher to begin operations in Ben
ton this year.
A party consisting of Prof. Pernot,
George B. Keady, W. O. Trine and E. B.
Horning departed yesterday morning for
Fish Lake, to be absent about a month.
There is no finer outing possible in Ore
gon than the one planned by these men,
and they are certain to have an enjoy
able time.
Postmaster Johnson entertained a few
of Ids gentlemen friends Sunday after
noon with a concert, smoker and dinner.
The countrv does not contain anything
too good for Mr. Johnson's friends, 60 it
is unnecessary to state, that every thing
was done on this occasion for the enjoy
ment of the guest.1..
The supply of binder twie on the
Pacilic coast has already been exhausted
although the season is not nearly over,
and dealers are drawing on the Eastern
supply, lrj.ii Chicago. Men iu position
to Know t-tat.3 it' as their opinion that
many farmers w ill be uuabie to secure
enough twine to bind their fall grain.
, j A few days ego Mrs. Thos. White
hum received a letter from h.3r husband,
who together wich Wiliiim Brodera
and Henry Gerhard is touring the south
ern pari of the state by wagon. At the
time Mr Whiieho.:i wroe the party was
at soiie almost unheard of place north
$ 10,000 Capira! Stock
Paid for Butter Fat.
of the TJmpqua and well to a man. No
unusually occurrences were reported.
Miss Rose Adams went to Newport,
Saturday, and is visiting relatives.
Misses Mabel Hubler and Nellie New
tou leave today for an outing at Newport.
E. J. Garrow and family have return
ed home from an extended stay iu Port
land. Bob Vidito and family arrived home
Saturday from a two. weeks' trip to Cas
caJia. Miss Flo Burnap returned home yes
terday from a visit with ber sister at
James Flett and family leave tomor
row for Five Rivers to spend the rest of
the summer.
Arthur Snow and family left yesterday
to camp two weeks at the headwaters of
Beaver creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Callahan arrived
home Sunday from a two-weeks' outing
at Newport and Big Elk.
Pat Stewart and wife moved yesterday
into the Taylor house on Third street,
recently vacated by Richard Turner.
Miss Josie Thurston arrived Saturday
from Crawsfordsville lora visit with Mrs.
J. L. Jones. She leaves tomorrow for
Wells to visit her brother, Sam Thurs
ton. Millard Long, the popular bicycle fix
er, and Clarence Whiteside, the pretty
drayman with the smile that won't come
off, spent Sunday with "friends" at
Excavating for the S. L. Kline resi
dence began yesterday. Norton Adams
is to build the dwelling, bnt all figures in
the deal are private. It will be a very
handsome edifice, beautifully finished.
The Telegi am of Saturday contained a
full-page write-up of the Gene Simpson
pheasant farm of this city. The article
was from the pen of W. G. Emery, and
was replete with attractive illustrations .
Place, by the sad sea waves, Newport;
time, 2 p. ni., Sunday; performer,
Kline's Kandy Kids, Nye Creek Bathers;
score, Kids 3, Bathers 12; cause, tco
much pretty uniform, not enough bast
ball skill.
Jeadore Jacobs went to Portland ypster
day on business that will require his
presence for a few days. Part of his
business was to consult a surgeon with
regard to what can be done for the little
Dickey boy, who has a badly trippled
Richard Turner arrived home yester
day from a trip to Eastern Oregon, where
he went to locate a desert claim. He re
ports a successful trip and succeeded in
securing a claim to suit. Miss Lulu
Turner remained in Portland with rela
tives and will not return to Corvallis.
The electric storm of Saturday even
ing played mischief with a number of
phones of the Independent system in
this city. If put some of them out of
commission. Saveral people who
chanced to have the receivers at their
ears fancied they were about to be elec
trocuted. The preliminary hearing of Miss Esther
Mitchell, in Seattle, which was to have
been held yesterday has been postponed
until Thursday. The report of the ex
perts who are to decide upon the mental
condition of the two 'accused women is
awaited with deep anxiety by relatives
in this city.
Saturday eyening lightning struck a
shock of wheat on the farm of Joseph
Yates, iu Linn county, three miles east
of this city, and set it on fire. There
were 55 acre3 Of wheat in the field, all in
the shock, and bit for the quick work of
the men who chanced to see the light
ning strike it might have all been de
stroyed. And this in Oregon!
All who are afflicted with indigestion
should follow the example of Harry Hall
go out on a farm and go to work. He
now boasts of an appetite that balks at
nothing, while during his city life food
was repugnant to him. It is said. that
the housewife of the farm where he is
working is raising 150 chickens for his
consumption during the coming winter.
It is a sure eisjn of h.9alth when one can
eat so many chickens.
The ordinance establishing the con
crete sidewalk limits for Corrallis is al
ready bearing fruit. Such interest iu
the building of new board walks has
never before been manifested in this city
and in every direction can be heard the
hum of saws as the carpenters bend to the
task. Whole blocks of new walks are al
ready under construction, as the new or
dinance does not become effective juct
yet. Better hoards than no walk. Let
the workgo on.
Mrs. John Nixon, son and daughter,
of Jefferson, are guests of relatives at the
Occidental Hotel.
Mrs. J. Mason returns today lrom
Brownsville, where she wetit to visit a
relative who is very low with consump
tion. Among the Corvallis people reported
aa enjoying their outings at Newport just
now are: Mrs. Ed Starr and daughter,
Mrs. Jim Bier, Miss Daisy "Brown, Miss
Elna Rnss, Prof. F. L. Kent, Rev.Hurd
and family, R. L. Whitehead and wife,
Miss Marjorie Richards, Mr. and Mrs.
Tedrow, and others. Visiting the Devil's
Punch Bowl and the light house are fa
vorite trips along the beach, and rigs are
constantly coming and going between
Nye Creek and these point p.
Reduced Rates.
Offered for the East by the S. P.
Comoany. Corvallis to Chicago and re
turn, $73.95; St. Louis $t9.95 ; Milwau
kee, $72.15; St, Paul and Minneapolis,
62.4i; Sioux City, Council Bluffs,
Omaha, St. Joseph, Atchixison, Leaven
worth and Kansas City, $62.45.
Sale dates: June 4, 6 7, 23 and 25;
July 2 and 3; August 7, 8 and 9; Sep-tembe-
8 and 10.
Limit going, lo days; return limit,
9o days, but not after October 31. 42tf
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed Ex
ecutrix of the last Will and Testament of James
C. Taylor, deceased, by the County Court of Ben
ton County, State of Oregon. All persons having
claims against the estate cf said James C. Tay
lor, deceased, are hereby required to present
the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri
fied as by law required, within six months from
the date htrecf, to t he undorsigued at her resi
dence in Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated this 29th day of June, 1906.
Kxecutrix of the last Will and Testament of
James C. Taylor, deceased.
Men Wanted. Saw mill and
lumber yard laborers $2.'2o per d iv.
Woodsmen $2.25 to $3 00. S:eady
work. Apply to Booth-KYlly Lum"
bar Co., Eugene, Ore. 43if
Subscribe for the Gazette.
lC$ cream
is used in the
of Hazelwood
' abundance of
cream being as
sured for this pur
pose by the large
volume supplied for
' the manufacture of
Hazelwood Butter r ;
IJNo albumen, gelatine
'-.or other animal or
chemical compound of
any character is in Hazel- .
wood Ice Cream, its rich
ness and smoothness being
due to the actual richness of
the cream of which it -is !
manufactured; Only oure
fruit, vegetable or nut flavors. ' '
are used in coloring or flavoring . ..
Ice Cream
& il4 -7 yen.
W S3E-37 3 Z'A TSQ-SiZilY
Fruiting f
Is ihessesSyofftcoSn
CorvaUss taat can
deliver the goads
We Can Show You
Fifteen wordaor less, 25 cts for three
successive " insertions, or 50 cts per
month; for all np to and including ten
additional words, cent a word for each
insertion. '
For all advertisements over 25 words,
1 ct per word for the first insertion, and
ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
cents. "
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
charged for.
ble top bedroom suite.
Two-burner oil stove.
Box heating stove.
60 tf S. L. Kline, residence.
business, I am closing out my thor
oughbred Barred Rocks. Have left for
pa ;e five of my prize-winneis for last
season. Twenty dollats takes the lot.
A snap for anyone interested in high
class poultry, escore cards given with
eah bird. Address W. G. Emery,
Corvallis. Or. 60tf
lots in Job's Addition. House, 7 rooms,
barn, 4 lota near college. House, 7
rooms, barn, 12 lots Wilkins Addition.
Inquire of S. H. Moore, Intl. Pbone
713, or any of the real estate men. 60tf
the College campus; eight rooms and
closets. Inquire of A. W. Herbert,
Cor. 12th and JelTereon Sts. 61 tf
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build homes on them
if desired. Address First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
Or., for spot cash, balance instal
ments, and help parties to build homes
thereon, it desired. Address M. S.
Woodcock, Corvailia, Or.
Veterinary Surgeon
hlackendtii shop. Residence, 10U
Main et. Give him a call. 12tf
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
1p.m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad
ams Sts! Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
VV. E. Paul, Ind. 488. l4tf
ments; curbing made to order; clean
ing and reparing done neatly: save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St., Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, on t
Office up stafrs in Zierolf Building.
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
Office in Post Office Building, Corval
as, Oregon.
Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55per year.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and told and money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
A Traaic Finisn.
A watchman'6 neglect permitted a leak
in the great North Sea Dyke, which a
child's finger could have stopped, to be
come a ruinous break, devastating an
entire province of Holland. In like
manner Kenneth Mclzer, of Vanceber
ough. Me., permitted a little cold to go
unnoticed until a tragic finish was only .
averted by Dr. King's New Discovery. ;
He writes; "Three doctors gave me up I
to die of lung inflammation caused by a
neglected cold ; but Dr. King's New Dis i
covery saved my life." Guaranteed best
cough and cold cure. At Allen & Wood-
ward.s. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Your Liver
Is out of ordei. ' You go to bed in a J
bad humor and get up with a bad taste i
in Your mourn. iuu vtaiii tunjcmug iu
stimulate your liver. Just try Herbine.'i
the liver regulator. A positive cure for
Constipation, Dyspepsia and all liver
complaints. Mrs. F. Ft. Worth, Texas,'
writes: "Have used Herbine in my
family for years. Word's can't express j
whatl think about it. , Everybody ml
my household are happy and well nd
we owe it to Herbine." Sold by Grahaml
& Worthaaa. ' - - : I