Leading Corvallis Newspaper. Best . Jvieditms. Vol. XXJII. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday. July 31. 1006. THE OUTING FAD. Comfort Versus Misery for Style. -And all The outing fad has never been so widely prevalent as at present, and the person who fails to se cure the priv ilege of a few weeks' rest from his labors,' during the summer usually considers him self a badly treated individual. It is right and proper that this privilege should be extended and that the rest is almost a necessity, if one would do one's best at work the remaining eleven months of the year, is acknowledged by all. It is, however, more of a fad with many, than a necessity or a pleasure. People who do not do enough work at any time to keep their blood in circulation, pack up at the right season and rush to a seaside hotel for an "out ing," simply to be in fashion, and nothing else. . ' Be it said to the , credit of Cor vallis people, few take to the "summer hotel" for their vaca tion rest, but instead they seek the mountain shade, the mineral springs or the seaside, where they pitch their tents and live the "lite simple," securing, the change and rest so much needed. The following clipped from an exchange, gives one man's ex perience: . "One of the most prevalent of the many forms of insanity that afflict this fitful American . peo ple is the habit of going every summer to a place , called a sum mer ' hot el . ' This' ' ter mr hymes nicely with its right title. "The ostensible object of this common midsummer madness is pleasure. This would be a joke if it were not so sad. The pleas ure in the game is deferred. It comes next winter ' when, before our cheery fireside or within our snug flat, we chuckle and breathe deep signs oi content to know that, even ' though the janitor treats us like dogs, we are not at a summer hotel anyway. "I was once a patient in a sum mer hotel for what the calendar said was two weeks . It seemed longer than a four year's term I once served in the city council. My wife was with me. The only thing I have against her, is that she is associated in my mind with those two weeks. "We paid our board for three weeks in advance, as our bag gage didn't look good to the clerk. But at the eod of two weeks, in spite of the fact that I felt bound in honor to fulfill my contract and stay, the tempta tion to fly was toj great . I had lost enough weight to make fly ing easy, only I leared I was not dirigible. So, one night when all was as near still as it gets in one or these madhouses, when somebody was apparently using the untuned piano-forte in the parlor as a spring-board and a blonde girl with a hand-turned voice was giving an unintention al imitation of an autobobile born in the crowded street, and a game. of bridge whist among the drugstore albinos was making it self heard above all the rest, we let our trunk down from the windows with ropes, tobogganed the fire escapes, and ran two blocks to a railway station. While we waited at the country whistling post for the train that was to take us back to home ajid freedom we olung to each other and listened for the baying of the porters and bellboys and cham bermaids that had been sicked upon our warm trail when our escape had been noted. It was almost as unpleasant, for half an hour or so, as if we had stayed the other week. "I would not go through the experience again for the sum mer's receipts of the highest priced insane asylum adrertised m any of the railway companies' folden." 1 The meals served at these summer "mad houses" are de scribed thus: BREAKFAST. Damp Napkins. Ice Water Cantaloupe on the half shell, au Hind Oatmeal Hulls diluted with Lavendar Milk 2 Pancakes 2 Charred Bacon with Upright Eggs, Coffee, or There's a Beason. Petrified Salt, Empty Pepper Shakers. LUNCHEON Salmon Salad with Come Back Celery Water near with Mint Grew. Same Coffee, or Bone-set Tea. Same Salt, Samn Pepper Shakers Same Napkins Still Damp. DINNER Jungle Boast with near gravy Granulated Potatoes. Egg Plant (fried) ; S Cross Sections of Boiled Beets 3 2 Lima Beans 2 Same Coffee, Chocolate Eclaire Finger Bowls if you tip the waiter. No "Rollers" Wanted. Perhaps Corvallis is better known throughout the United Stales today through its Holy Roller notoriety than from any other sort of "advertising" that it has ever received. So wide spread has been the discussion of thispecuhar religion, so-called, and so disgusted have the people become over what has been pub lished in regard to tne orgies carried on by the sect in the past, in Corvallis. that there is no villagetownjor city but that is familiar with the facts. In this connection the fbllowing item in Friday's Oregjonian from Lander, Wyoming, is - of " in terest in Ben ton county where Holy Rbllerism first appeared:.. j .enjsfeaie .ip in ; arms against a colony of "HolyRollers" who are to ar rive here tomorrow morning with the idea of registering claims on the : Shoshone leservation and founding a town near this city. It is understood that another colony is on the way from California-and Oregon. "When hews of their coming was received, an indignation meeting was held, at which con servative: citizens voved that members of the. peculiar sect should not be given a foothold. The hotheaded ones advocated driving them from the district with rifles." A Peculiar' Accident. John Harris, a w?ll-known rancher of northern Benton, was considerably injured in an acci dent Friday afternoon, in; Cor vallis. Mr.- Harris had pur chased a keg of nails at a local hardware store and had started to the Strong sawmill for a load of lumber. He had the bed off his wagon snd the keg of nails was placed on the gear and Mr. Harris sat on the keg. In the vicinity ot the Waldoa home the keg overturned and Mr. Harris was thrown under the wagon, the wheels passing over his chest. The ribs were severely sprung, but forlunrtely none were broken, and while the injury proved very painful, it is a miracle that it was not much more serious. A telephone message to Ben Harris, a brother residing near Wells, and another to Mrs. Har lis, brought both to the bedside of the injured man, but Mr. Har ris was able to be taken home Friday evening, and no further serious results are anticipated. After the accident Mr. Harris was taken to the Bryant home, where he was made as comfort able as possible, a local physi cian being summoned to attend him. Born, Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, u son. A party from Portland states that tha building boom on in that city is Bomething amazing, and carpenters are gettieg $4 per day for eight hours' work. From Port land to Lents, a distance of beven miles it is said buildings are going up on nearly erery block. Harvey Albrignt, a former Corvallis w con tractor, it among those wb'are reap tag. a Jaarrtst srpca to Uj NOT JUST YET. So Says Hammond, the Railroad King, Regarding Extentions.- Reports of alleged sales of the C. and E. railroad have been so numerous in Corvallis in times past that people have come to re gard such stories in the light of stale jokes. The latest of these was circulated in this city recent ly, when it was. darkly insinuated by some who professed to be "next" that the C. and E. had changed hands, the purchaser, it was claimed, being the Chicago and Northwestern. This line, the report went, owned enough timber along either side of the route to more than pay . for the road, and it was further stated that bonds had already been float ed to pay for the line complete. Inquiry at the local C. and E. office failed to elicit any facts' to substantiate the report, and in further ; contradiction " comes .: a statement from A. B; Hammond, the railroad man whose word is law. ,:. The statement appeared in Friday's Oregon Journol and is as follows: -. "There will be no extensions of any of our roads in Oregon this year. What I said to the Journal on this subject was cor rect. . We are not planning any construction work. Labor is too scarce, materials are too high' said , A. B. Hammond, who with H. E. Huntington controls,; the Corvallis & Eastern and the As toria 8c Columbia River railroads "How about the report that you will extend the A. & CI R., to Tillamook and the C. i & E. across 'cenaitn7''::-- ttWell, I didn't say anything; did I?" --it "Will you extend . these lines at all?" "Some day." And another reported exten sion of the Corvallis & Eastern from Idahnah to Ontario goes glimmering. For a long time this survey has been partly made, and in view of the company's ownership of a land grant exten ding across the state, furnishing practically a readv right of way. it has been expected that such an extension would be made some day. I Mr. Hammond admits that "some day" it will, but that is as far as he is willing to go in any. official statement. . He says that these roads have been extended or sold bv rumor, many times but that there is nothing doing. Terrible Mountain Fire. The Altndv Herald on Friday had the following relative to the big fire in the mountains towards the Front: A timber fire in the Cascade mountains along tne une ot the Corvallis & Eastern railroad is threatening to develop into a most destructive agent, and her culean efforts are being made to quench the flames or to confine hem to the territory in which they are now raging. A fire start ed on the Marion county bank of of the Santiam near the water tank six miles this side of Detroit on Wednesday. At hrst tne nre was not thought to be dangerous. But a high wind came up and in a short time the fire had extended into a fine body of timber, and Wednesday night it covered what is known as the bald hill on the Marion county side of the C. & E. railroad. A fire train carrying a party of woodsmen went to the scene, and all night and all day Thurs day the flames were fought. The train came to the city late last night, and after midnight was again sent out with a large party of firefighters, j5 men joining the train at Mill City from the forces of the Curtiss Lumber com pany, and vigorous efforts . will be made to confine the fife to the 250 acres oi timberthat were burning; last night. - The land on which the timber was Imnungfcehtostfl&tlieC. '.Salliw estate and toJoha Daly of Detroit, and the timber is among the best on the Santiam river. The burning of the big fir trees at night on the high hills is described as one of the most awful and grand spectacles seen in the mountains in many years. The fire is not far from the tracks of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, but the property of the railroad company is in no danger. The fire will, however, do great damage to . the property of the Curtis Lumber company unless it is speedily checked. In connection with the above, Saturday's report was as follows: The fire in the Cascade moun tains this side of Detroit is spreading, and in spite of the large force at work is sweeping farther into the timber. It was last night traveling in the direc tion of Breitenbush into the finest body of timber on the re serve, and while the large force of men at work were doing every thing possible to check the flames, little progress was made by them. The fire started over a mile this side of the line of the reserve, but yesterday noon the line was reached, and since that time the flames have been rag ing in the government reserve and some 1,500 acres, were last night a mass of flames, the pil lars of fire shooting far up in the air. ' v s . The government forest service nas raereo mat ail tne men avaiiaoie pe put into service fighting the flame, the expense to be borne by the government. The Curtiss Lumber Company is.ap'prehesive as - to -their hold lasasheflames rtislr onward towards the heart of the finest belt of timber in the mountains. Bellefountain News. Sam Reader will begin work with his new threshig outfit the 6th. Hirschel Mack leaves in a few days for Stayton, where he will be ernployed in his father's flour ing mills. fJ.TH. Edwards has purchased a: pair- of handsome, 6-year-old driving mares from a party in Alsea. The price paid was $300. A hayrack party of twentyfive with Miss Allie Reader and Missjosie Bennett as chaperones, attended the social atMcFarland's chapel and all report a jolly time. Mr?. Eva Nichols and Mrs. Ethel Mack have established old maid quarters at the home of the latter, during the absence of Mr. Mack and Mr. Nichols in the harvest field. Prof. F. L. Kent relum I Satur day from a brief visit at Hill borc.5 The litest real estate transfers 61ed f..r record are: R. L. and A. D. Price in Frank Tharp. 10 acrea in noriht-ri. Benton, $400; Mrs Franc- A. Helm to Punder son Avery, 7 lotsin block 4, H-Im's addition to the original town of Marysville, now Corvallip, $700. SPENCER'S Invigorator And Dandruff Eradicator V3 3 1 B m i 1 e o i-5 U 3 i s 2 0 n c -B 3 o - - 3 m m or m o 3 f ; Tnfc Irt fefutwrt. Prict, - Fifty Cents fcv ' ' - Tnt Vtgttafcte CcrysvCrtssai THE ASYLUM FIRS. Inmates Calm While Building Burns. An Oregonian dispatch of Fri day says: Fire which probably originated from an electric light wire, burn ed the woodwoik out of the attic of one of the central wards of the State Insane Asylum this forenoon. The fire was confined to the one ward, and was at no time in dan ger of getting beyond the control of the firefighters. The two fire companies, composed of asvluul employes, aided by the Salem fire department and by convicts and guards from the penitentiary, saved the building. The loss is due chiefly to damage from water seeping through the floors and ceilings. Superintendent Cal breath thinks the damage can be repaired for $2,500. though it may cost $5,000. - Owing to the fact that the patients at the asylum are. given a weekly fire drill, they were quickly marched out of the build- j and were at no time in any danger. One attendant. G. V. Boags, fainted from exhaustion after an bout's hard work in the smoke and "heat. The night of the fire the patients were sleeping in their beds in all three of the wards over wbich the firebuined. The fire originated in the attic lover the first tier of wards north of the central section of the build ing. These wards are occupied by new patients and patients who are convalescing. ; , Thev patients were entirely calm and showed no excitement whatever." Those patients' who were in wards distant from the Sargent's Animal Trap Pat. Nov. II, 1902. Agents wanted. animals to kill themselvep. INVENTED AND MANUFACTURED BY Harvey Sargent, Corvallis, Oregon THE GEM CIGAR STORE AU first-class cigars and tobacco; whist and pool rooms. Every customer treated like a prince. JACK MILNE To Be Sold at $1.00 Each A Clock model iu design, price and time-keeping qualities for home, camp and harvest crew, at EL W. S. PRATT'S, Jeweler and Optician FOR A FINE LINE OF Guns, Fishing Tackle, Baseball Goods Go to Gun Hodes' We Carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rod v ........ , D. O. Hlmmtmnd. - - CAm. Blmkmmlmm. CORVALUS STEAM LAUNDRY. PatronIz0 Homo Industry fOmtmUm Ofdmrm SmttoUmd. . part oi ihe building iu hich tne fire oiioinated were not taken out of the building, but were kept in readiness to go out any time Tfu wi l of the late Z-li Doddle was fiii f,r proh.iM at ! le v'scrk's . ffioe Srttiirithv. Th v!ufofthe esiite ir PKtiniatt-ri .r $2 5' (h real entHt, i-t.i'g f .hout 525 actes of larl having rpHn c?-lecL O !h tbre 81. to ivi a yf.,r 0, 200 in oasi Ht ill pfiit- limt'. Paul DudeV, it t-o.- , is umtifd as &iniin islmtor. to mm v without bond?. V Nfw mi R Aii.s i-ft v9?etday for Chil o:', (vt 1? (rri.f ut to vinit hc , y (-r Sumltn . The church ihHt h- tKiiMii g ftt Carl ton will be completed in ab.ut two weekp. You're Sure to Grow Over my set oi Shir.t Waists Sets like those now on sale at this store. Shirt Waist Sets' for July are just as good for August or Septem ber, or any other month, if bought here, if yon want what's exquisite, at a modest price, buy a set. We guarantee they're the greatest value for the sum invested taat can be had. See them and buy a jet- PAIbert J Aietzoer WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, - - - - Oorvallia I'This Trap ia guaranteed to B kill Gophers, Molee, Prairie Doge, Rats or Skunks, under ground or on top. Either apueh or a pull will touch it off. It will take them going or com ing. It isn't any Bin for the jFour dmois north of postoffice Ind. .Phone 130. - u J ocks iOORVALUS, OJKSOJK.