Vol. XLffl. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday. July ST. lOOG. NO. iX DAIRY MEETING HELD. Large Attendance andMany In teresting Subjects 'Discussed? At a meeting of dairymen held Tuesday evening at the Alco club rooms in Albany, Prof G. L,. Mc Kay, dairy expect of the Iowa Agricultural College was the pnn cipal speaker, being followed by Dr. James Withycombe otCorval lis. The Herald gives the follow ing in regard to the meeting: Professor McKiv sDoke at length on the dairy industry, and compared the conditions in this section of the country to those prevailing in England, showing that the climatic conditions were practically the same. - He pro nounced Oregon to be - the best live-stock state in the union. Showing that wheat impover ishes the land, while dairying en riches the soil, Professor McKay cited the experience ot the people of Belgium, Holland, Germany and the Island of Jersey, where tie most valuable land is that de voted to dairying, and he predic ted that if the dairy industry in this valley could be brought to the point where it should be, the land ot the valley would be valued at from $100 to $200 per acre and more, and with a proper system the production of the land would be greatly increased. He advised the purchase of dairy strains of cattle for "this valley, such as the Guernseys, Jerseys and Holsteins, and also to keep in., mind the fact that it was necessary to improve the strains of stock by breeding, selection and feeding properly.,. For practical dairy purposes grades were often very satisfactory and he cited the case of a Canadian dairyman whose grade Holstein cow held the rec ord of producing 1,000 pounds of butter in one year. The selection of good dairy stock, cleanliness in handling the product, scientific feeding and. the enrichment of the soil were the principal points made, and he es pecially emphasized the selection of the individual cow, and fre quent and thorough tests of indi vidual cows and herds, weighing milk and feed to ascertain how profitable each dairy animal was. Following the address ot Pro fessor McKay, Dr. James Withy combe, director ol ; the OAC ex periment station, was introduced and spoke briefly on the possi bilities of the soil in Oregon, and especially in the Willamette val ley. At the farm, he stated, 20 cows had been kept this summer on five acres, and the production of the land where it had been farmed in a scientific manner was enormous. He pronounced the dairy cow the forerunner of pros perity and the introduction of the cow as the first step toward wealth, and stated that when the first creamery was built in Wash ington county the farmers were growing grain and were gradual ly going into debt, but now with dairies and creameries and two condensed milk factories the county supported five banks, holding deposits for farmers ag gregating $1,000,000, and the cows did it. He urged encour agement of the dairy industry and the subdivision of the iarms as the surest step toward prosper ity. The Experting Completed. Benton countyxs sherift is the second in the state to pay too much money over to the county during his term of office. The first was Sheriff Johnson of Gil liam county, whose books were experted recently. This state ment was published in a Port land paper a few days ago. But when W. G. Emery completed the task yesterday of experting the Benton county books, it was discovered that Sheriff Burnett also had paid over to the county 921.21 more than its due. In the case of Recorder T. T. Vincent, Clerk, Moses and. Sn- perinlendent Denmari; . small delinquencies were found, due wholly to clerical errors in enter ing items in the various record books. These shortages were made good,, and there is no pos sible reflection to.be thrown on these worthy officials, as the books were all in the finest shape and the errors were insignificant and likely to occur in any office. The books of County Treas urer Buchanan balanced to a penny, and Mr. Buchanan is cer tainly deserving of complimen tarv notice for the excellence ot his service to Benton county. When Mr. Emery struck his totals yesterday, he had a string of paper 52 ieetjpng. with figures on both sides, and these balanced to the cent. .It -will take about two days to prepare his final re port on the work. Write of Their Experiences. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Horton of this city " are now in Umatilla county, and to the Gazette Mr. Horton sends the following note from Milton: "Since we arrived here the weather has been very warm; no dav but what it has been 90 to 104. The Walla Walla river valley here is 12 miles long and about .' one-fourth - mile wide; above here it is very narrow. The hills are very high, from 500 to 600 feet, and all bare. There is some timber in tne valley, or they call it timber, bat in Benton county we would call it brush. "From Pendleton to Walla Walla is a fine wheat countrv; all the fall wheat is a good crop. They are harvesting now, but spring grain will be damaged by the hot weather. , "I had a . ride through the country in an automobile and went around some in ..a buggy, but the hot weather prevented me from going as much as I should Uave liked. "The fruit in the Walla Walla valley was nearly all killed by heavy frosts in the spring. Other places it was damaged to a great extent. "My wife is feeling better than when we left Corvallis. "We have trout nearly every day. We are going to Spokane from here.' As it is farther north it may be cooler. S. H. Horton. In conneclion with the above the Gazette is also furnished the following data concerning the Northwestern Gas and Electric Company's power plant, situated on the south fork ot the Walla Walla river, in Umatilla county, about six aud one-half miles from Milton: This plant consists of three 50c kilowat units at present, with provisions for installing the fourtii of like capacity, or 2,666 horse power, with pioper step-up transformers, which raises the machine's voltage from 2,300 to 25,000, at which voltage the cur rent is transmitted to Walla Wal la, Wash., 14 miles away, also to Pendlelon, Or., 37 miles, and is usea-ior liehtiner and power purposes. The water for operating said plant is diverted five and" one half miles above the pi ant and carried to a reservoir, through a barrel stave pipe four inches in diameter, the head obtained is 375 pounds pressure. ' This plant was started in oper ation Jan. 1. 1905, and was visit ed by a flood in May, 1906, which seriously damaged it, four out of six 250 Kilowat transform ers being dropped into the river, besides extensive damage to pipe line, the loss being between $25, 000 and $30,000. The ordinance that provides for 1 1 tne removal 01 au wooden awnings from Main street, where the sup ports extend down to the sidewalk, was amended at tne last council meeting. As amended, all public hotels are excepted from this ordi nance and allowed the 'privilege of baring such awnings, if desired. - CONCRETE WALKS FOB CITY Ordinance That Concerns Many Corvallis People: - At the meeting Monday night of-the city council an ordinance was passed which establishes the concrete sidewalk limits for the city of Corvallis.. The resolution was presented by the ordinance committee, having been framed by the Citizens' League. The ayes were, Irvine, Holmes, Cham bers, Lilly and Wiles Absent; Hout, Covell, Francisco and Fuller. : As the measure effects many property ' owners, it is being widely discussed, and as usual in such cases, is favored. by some and bitterly objected to by others. The gist of the ordinance is contained- in the thereof, and in tull lows: - first section reads as fol- which mav "All sidewalks hereafter . be constructed with in the -city of Corvallis with in the limits of the district bound ed on the North by the center of Van Buren street, on the west by- thewest side of Ninth street, on the South by the center of Washington street and on the East by the West line of the alley between First and Second streets shall be constructed of artificial stone of concrete and ; cement, and the district aforesaid shall be known as the" concrete sidewalk district." Why Not? Inspire of "Clean-Up" day, with all its offers of free drays and free help, and in the face of all that has been said and written asking the people to clean up their premises in this city, there is apparently no interest taken in the matter except by a few, a very few, residents. What is wrong? , Are Corvallis citizens less public spirited than those of neighboring cities? Are' they lacking in the kind of pride that causes a man to take a personal interest in seeing things orderly and urges him to do all he can to aid in the movement towards cleanliness? What is wrong with the church people that so many of the church grounds are overgrown with weeds, littered with rubbish and snow a . woetul lack ot attention.'' The best class of citizens ought surely1 to set an example for others, and no better place could be found on which to manifest a desire tor order,, beauty and clean liness than several of the local j church lawns and back yards. ' Another tning in connection with cleaning up: Don't dump your trash, dead cats, dogs, and other rubbish onto the vacant lot just over the fence. That lot be longs to someone, and that "some one',' will have it to clean up, and may make it' uncomfortable , for you if he learns who imposed I upon him in such a way. These things have already been done in Corvallis, and it is time that a halt was called. Let everyone look to his own property and in cleaning up his home premises every man is do ing the best thing possible for a beautiful and healthful Corvallis. Soon the rain will be here again, so let church people, the com mon people, and ail the people, join in the move and rid Corval lis of all the shacks, china dens, rubbish piles, unsightly alleys, untidy grounds and other eye sores that mar an therwise lovely city. Newport. In looking up and down the streets of Corvallis these days one is apt to pause and inquire "Where are they?" meaning the residents who are usually to be seen. Judging from reports a great many are at Newport, while others seek the - mountain shade and gurgling . springs and :Orooka.i-,.T.r - ?. 'j-iv -A letter 4 from Njrpett: on Wednesday, sent to a Corvallis I mend, contains several items of local interest. The writer says There is certainly a mob of people here this vear. and several from Corvallis, the most impor tant being Mr. Hopkins and the dog. Mack Porter is here and Pole Avery, also Dick Graham and family, Prof. E. F. Pernot and family, Mrs. Lucy Francisco and Miss J.;N. McLennan, Tra vis McDevitt, and others. :Dick Kiger and family and Mrant . U,lgw and family, and their guest Miss Floyd, arrived yesterday and are at the Abbey House. - Prof. McKellips and Prof. Taillandier and wives came yesterday, also, and are at the Bay View. 1 Miss Opal Williams, a former well-known OAC . student, her sister Julia. Mr. Allen and Miss Gertrude Galbreath, all of Salem, came a day or two ago. You can ask Sam Hartsock who Miss Gal jreath is, if you don't know. Claude Murphy, of Corvallis, is employed at the Newport House, and Pearl Jones, Eula Austin and Miss Patton are in the Abbey House. . i No Bugs in Benton. There ' are . many things for which Benton county should be thankful. For instance, a party just returned from a trip through Idaho tells of the cricket plague in that state, the insects appear ing in clouds and destroying whole , fields of grain. One means of protection employed by ranchers is tacking a wide strip of tin ' just above the bottom board on the fence, it being im possible lor the pests to clamber up the tin. As the crickets hop, bur cannot fly, this saves the grain in the field so protected. It issaid if a coat or Other gar? meat is thrown on the ground for" even a tew moments, the crickets will have ' gnawed holes in it before you pick it up. No such torments are found in the Willamette the Eden of the west. .. Wnmen Are Making Hay. On every band and every day the. complaint is heard that help cannot be had for love nor money, in the bay fields of Oregon. Not only in Benton county is the diffi culty experienced but all over the state, and even in Eastern Oregon where they are offering from $4 to $5 per day and cannot get men even at, that. In Benton, women are coming to the rescue in their usual "un expected", manner, and are work ing side by side with husbands, fathers and brothers. Some of these women are load ing hay, some are driving a team,' hauling, while still others are driving, the horse on the hay fork at the big barn on the ranch, i One of; these girls is an OAC graduate and a popular teacher of Benton county, but with rare good sense she has not disdained to make herself useful and is driv- mg tne norse on a nayiorK at a relative's ranch not so many .miles north of Corvallis. And yet, while women are lending their aid in caring for the crop, there are creatures who call . themselves men, who are seen loafing about town today, re fusing to take fair wages and go to work. Mian Nelle Marrin, saleslady Nolan's, leaves Sunday for her hoi at Peoria to enjoy a two weeks' vac - Sam Thurston, the former OAC student and football player, has re turned from Portland where ht went to take treatment for tuber culosis, and is now at the home c: his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Thurs ton at Welle. The Presbyterian social oa the court house lawn Tuesday evenine attracted a large crowd and every i thing in the way of refre-h menta was sold J w Over $30 was taken ia and the Presbyterian pebpTe are appreciative of the generous patrtm ag beatowed by th-public. v Vitograph m pany $3,000 ; Improved " Edison Machine Guaranteed to Be First-Class Pictures in Every Way Admission 15c and 25c. Reserved seats, 35c. You're Sure to Grow Over iny set of Shirt Waists Sets like those now on sale at this store. 5 Shirt Waist Sets for July are jusl as good for August or Septem ber, or any other month, if bought, here. If you WMUt what's exquisite, at a modest price, buy a set. We guarantee ttiey're the greatest value for the sum invested tiiat can D9 had. See them and br.y a set. t . Albert J. Metzoer WATCHMAKER Occidental Building,, - ' - -' Corvallis Sargent's Animal Trap Pat. Nov. 11 , 1902. Agents wanted. H li J!j lJiL ASS V iViAlN Uf iiUl U rttl.lJ i I Ha rvey Sargent, Co r va 1 1 i s , O r eg o n THE GEM CIGAR STORE All first-class cigirs and tobacco; whist and pool rootcs. Every customer treated like a prince. JAOK mVLM. iili Alarm - Clocks- To Be Sold at $1.00 Each A Clock tncdel iu design, price and time-keeping qualities for home, camp and harvest crew, at E. r:W. S- PRATT'S, Jeweler and Optician FOR A FINE LINE OF Guns, Fishing Tackle, Baseball Goods Go to Gun Modes' We Carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rod 1 B O. O. Hlmmtmnd. CORVALLIS STEAM LAUNDRY. Patronlzo Homo Industry ' Outmldm OfcfaM Moiottmd. I All Wmk Qmmrmmid. To-nleiit July 27 The Sao frencisco Disaster The Ashlmd Record speaks in highest terms of this show. Jt says: "The panoramic views were splendid; more .than in teresting really fascinating." SPENCER'S Hair In viy orator And Dandruff Eradicafor 35 is - JS it '",vl" i CMW fen c : Trade Hart Reinsured. Price, - Fifty Cents Manufactured by . ; Vegetable Compound Company Corvallis, Oregon" 9t Tha A Thin Trap ia guaranteed to kill Gophers, Moles, Prairie Dogs, Rats or Skonks, under ground or on top. Either a puBh, or a pull will touch it off. It will take them going or com ing. It isn't any ein for the animals to kill themselves. ' jFonr d"GJ8 north rf postoffice Ind. Phone 130. Cham. Blakmalmm. OORVALUS, OREBOM. -J m m t