Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 20, 1906, Page 3, Image 2

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Mrs. Brown of Dallas is the
U-c of relatives in this city.
Miss Julia Fulller arrived home
Tuesday from a visit in Portland.
Mrs. Biggs left Tuesday for Alsea
to c(up with Kjv. Feesa and fam
ily. Lwis Edwards and family of
Beiiefountain were visitors in Cor
Talfis Tuesday.
C. B. Starr of Monroe was the
gUJot of his daughters in this city
-daring the week.
Francis E. Diihy left yesterday
f t Little Falls, Washington, for a
visit with relatives.
Con Gerhard and family left
Tuesday for a camping trip in toe
mo lutaibS beyond Monroe.
Two nieces cf Mr. Schrack of
Jobs addition arrived this week
from the East for a yisit.
Mrs. Henry Stone and her
mother, Mrs. B. N. Thorp leave to
day for a ten days' visit in "Port
land. Miss Etta Wrenn left this week
for her home in The Dalles, aft-r a
visit with her cousin, Miss Helen
Ho I g&te.
Miss M. Eva Starr left yesteiday
f jr a ten days visit, at Newport.
She will be tne guest of Miss Thia
Miss Florence Kohn of Portland
arrived Tuesday and is a eueet at
the home of her graudmother,
Mi e. M. Jacobs.
Subject of sermon at M. E.
churcn, South, Suuday morning,
'A Forward Command.'' At 8 p.
m , "A Heroic Band."
W. H. Smith of Kings Valley
tnade final proof on his homestead,
this week, before Couniy Clerk Vin
cent. The witnesses were H. T.
Masfield aud F. J. Chambers.
Ike Porter and daughter of
Bellefountain were in Corvallis
Tuesday to meet little Miss Porter
of Portland, a 12-year old grand
daughter who came to spend the
The task of plastering the Ger
hard book store is now on. Mr.
' Burker is the workman. The
plastering was cracked and broken
-while the building was being moved
to the new location.
Mrs. Iva Bartholomew of-Wis-,
cousin and Mrs. Ii. A. Tindall of
Scio are in this city visiting rela
tives. The former is a cousin and
the latter . a grandmother of Miss
Daisy Brown. .
Dealers state that there is a
scarcity of tents this summer, owing
to the thousands that were shipped
to San Francisco to provide shelter
for the homeless refugees. Even in
the large cities the supply of ready
made tents is insufficient to meet
the demand, ' and local residents
who own canvas are in luck.
J. J. Flett was Tuesday appoint
ed by the county court administra
tor of the estate of Mrs. Ann Comp
tou, deceased. The property is
valued at $4,2GC and James Flett
is the. only child. There is, how
ever, a grandchild somewhere in
California, address unknown, who
will come in for a share of the es
tate. Rev. Marshall will fill the pulpit
at the M. E. church Sunday, both
morning aud evening, in the ab
sence of Rev. F-ese, who left Tues
day for a general weeks' vacation in
Alsea. There will be services every
Sunday at the Methodist church, at
the regular hours, either by the
pastor or a visiting pastor, and the
public 13 invited.
Mr. and Mrs. John Loon of
Monro were in Corvallis this week,
and while here they leased the resl
lonc m Thrd r'-vpt ju?t vac.ved
by Mrs. D,iwmr twni family. Mr.
and Mr?. Looney will ocoupy the
premises the first of September.
They expect to keep a lodging
house, having been in the hotel
business at Monroe for a long time.
The order of Washinglons had a
social time at their lodge room
Tuesday night, ice cream and cake
being served at the conclusion ' of
the installation ceremonies. The
new cfiicers are: President, Norton
Adams; Past President, W. H.
Dilly; Vice, Mrs. Nancy Chipman;
secy, O. A- Tozier; treasurer, C.
W. Levee; chap., J. V. 'Iogle; es
cort, Effie Kiger; ass't escort, Will
Whiteside; sentinel, Bert Peters;
guard, Bert Newton.
Daniel M. Ross, Jr., of Box, Lin
cola count, and Mi3s Daisy Mabel
Miller of Kinga Valley were mar
ried at the court house by T. T.
Vino?nt at nin9 o'clock Wednesday
morning. Only the necessary wit
nesses were present. The young
people will reside at Box. The
bride ia the 3-oungest daughter of
"Uncle" John Miller, a well-known
far mer of Banton, and the groom is
a respectable young rancher of Lincoln.
Miss Nita Conn of Albany is the
guest for a week of Miss Helen
Grover Headrick and wife left
Wednesday for a ten days' outing
in Alsea valley.
H. M. Finley and daughter,
Ad, of Irish Bend, vieited friends
in Corvallis, Wednesday."
Dick Bowen left Wednesday for
his home in Gilliam county, after a
visit with his mother at Monroe.
Hugh McFadden arrived home
this week from a trip to California.
He has been absent about two
Mrs. Etta Hollister and family
arrived home tuis week from a two
we- k's visit with Mrs.' McDonald at
The missionary societies of the
United Evangelical church are to
hold a missionary meeting tonight
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Hurd.
Mrs. S. N. Wilkins left yesterday
fcr a visit with her son, Harold, in
Portland, and with her father in
The Dalles. She will be absent
about two weeks.
While hauling hay Tuesday for
Walter Taylor, W. W. Ash by had
his load upset, throwing him vio
lently to the ground. His ankle
was so badly bruised that he is
confined to his bed.
Mrs. Bert Hollister reached home
a few days ago from a seven weeks'
visit with relatives in the Eifit.
She had a delightful trip but says
she is glad to get home, as "there
ia no place like Oregon."
Rev. C. T. Hurd and family ex
pect to leave Tuesday for the bay
to be absent until about the first of
September. Tne pulpit at the
United Evangelical church will,
however, be supplied regularly.
Clarence Wilson's family expect
to leave the last of this week for
Oregon City to reside. Mr. Wil
son is already in that city in the
employ of Mr. Heistand, formerly of
this city, who operates a laundry
Mrs. B. A. Cathey and daughter,
Misa Marie, are to leave Sioux City,
Iowa, next Monday on the return
trip to their home in this city.
They have been visiting relatives
in Missouri and Illinois for two
Rev. E. F. Green arrived home
Monday from a visit in Southern
Oregon. Among other places be
visited the Ashland Chautauqua,
and states that there was a larger
attendance than usual and a very
fine meeting.
Jack Milne has secured a new
lease on the S. L. Kline building
which he now occupies. The lease
is for a period that will justify Jack
in making repairs and fitting bis
place in an inviting shape. Re
pairs have commenced and fixtures
have been ordered from Portland.
The Junior Eadeavor society of
the Congregational church held its
annual picnic Wednesday after
noon in Avery's Grove. The par
ents of the children and Mrs. A.
E. Wilkins, the popular superin
tendent of the Junior society, were
managers of the affair, which prov
ed very enjjyable for all.
Henry -Grhar J, Thomas White
horn and William Brodera expect
to leave within a few days tot a trip
by wagon south along the coast to
the California line. Mr. Broders
will likely quit the party at Coos
Bay and return home, but the
others will continue the journey
and expect to be out for a couple of
month.-,. No finer tiip of the kind
can be concsived.
Nearly al of S. L. Kline's San
Francisco household effects are now
stored in this city and constitute
a Tot cf house furHhingg of great
value. Mr. Kline' residence in
the bay city was greatly damaged
by the earthquake of three months
ago, but is undergoing thorough re
pairs. It. has been ieawl for a
term of years and Mr. Kline will
now make Corvallis his permanent
home. In speaking of the condi
tions in San Francisco our towns
tnin says that ten years hence
visitors in San Fraucisco will see
evidences of the havoc wrought by
the earthquake and fire of May IS,
The plan for the building that
the Taylor heirs are to erect on the
location now occupied by the old
Taylor meat market, are to be com
pleted this week and work will be
gin as soon after as possible. The
Taylors have just paid $500 for a
half-interest in the Wnitehorn wall :
that abuts on the site of the new
building, and the late Jame3 Tay- !
lor owned a half interest in the F.
L. Miller wall, on the other side.
Consequently there will be less
work in putting np the new struc
ture as these walls will be utilized.
The proposed building will bei
23xtT)0 feet, two etorie3 high, and
will be a decided imDrovement on
that side of-Maia etreeti'f s .
Roy , Hollenberg is enjoying . a
needed vacation, at Newport.
Mrs. Amfeiia Schubert isvisiting
relatives at Monroe and enjoying a
ten days' vacation.
Wanted Three good men to
work at brick yard. , Call Inde
pendent phone 725 or inquire at
Corvallis Brick and Tile Works
. C. F. Kiogery arrived Tuesday
from McMiunviile to assume charge
of the butcher shop formerly oper
ated by Homer Lilly.
Mrs. Mary Bryson left Tuesday
for an outing of several weeks.
She was accompanied by Mrs. W.
A. Wells, who went to join Mrs. J.
F. Yates, .; ,
For economy fruit jars see Zie
rolf.' 53tf
Teams wanted at once to haul
wood. P. A. Kline. 53tf
Mrs. George Carl came up from
Carlton, Tuesdav, where her hus
band ia assisting Newton Adams in
the erection of a church. She re
turned to Carlton, Wednesday,
where she will remain until the
builders complete their work.
Economy fruit jars are found at
Zierolf's. 53tf
Photos First-class work, guar
anteed to please, at "Corvallis Stu
dio." 56-tf
There is no doubt that a large
crowd will attend - the ice cream
social on the court house lawn this
Friday evening. It is to be given
by the W. C. T. U., and ay the
ladies are striving to pay out on the
new reading room, they certainly
deserve a liberal patronage.
Economy fruit jars for sale at
Zierolfe. 53tf
For Sale Vetch, oat and cheat
hay. Inquire W. C- Metcalf, Ind.
Phone 723. 57 tf.
Major F. E. Edwards arrived
home the firs't of the week from
May ville, Eastern Oregon, where he
has spent several weeks. His fam
ily will not return for two or three
Mrs.' Clatence Chipman and all
the children excepting Rose, the
oldest daughter, arrived Tuesday
from The Dalles to again take up
their residence in Corvallis. Mr.
Chipman will remain in The Dalles
until he can dibpose of his business
interests there, when he and Miss
Rose will join the family in this
Large hardwood lard barrels $1
each at Smalls'. . -r, - 55 tf
$50 buys a small separator and
10-horse power threshing machine.
W. H. Dean, Monroe, Or. 58tf
Mrs. Jane Mayberry, residing
several miles from Corvallis, was
committed to the insane asylum
Wednesday, after an examination
before Dr. Pernot in this city. She
was taken to Albany on the 12:40
train, where the asylum attend
ants met her and escorted her to
Salem. Mrs. Mayberry is about 45
years of age and is the mother of a
family. She is only violent by
spells-, at which times she makes
threats as to what she will do..
White Rose flour at Kline's. 59
Wanted At Once.
Men and teams far excavating
for building on the corner Second
and Madison streets. Anyone want
ing dirt for filling purposes at ac
tul cost of removal, see A. J.
Johnson. 60tf
Card of Thanks.
To the many friends and neighbors
who so kindly assisted as daring our re
cent bereavement in the illness of hus
band and father, we extend our heart
felt thanks.
Mrt. J. P. McBee axd Family.
Miss Mary Sutherland who is visiting
at her home at Shedd, was in Corvallis
Wednesday and yesterday.
Miss Mabel Dunham is at Dayton, the
guest of Miss Bessie Young, a former
teai-her in the Corvallis public school.
Dr. amd Mrs. Flint take the morning
train Saturday for New Era, to attend a
Spiritualist campmeeting now in pro
gress there. They expect to be gone a
week or ten days. Harrison D. Barrett,
President of the National Spiritualist As
sociation, ia to be the main speaker in
A special service for old people will be
held at the Church of Christ next San
day morning at 11 a. m. Pastor T. S.
Handsaker will preach on "The Beauties
of Old Age." Any old person who may
wish to attend and needs a conveyance,
it will be provided. In the evening the
subject will be, "Christ, the Master
Congregational Church Sunday school
at 10 a. m.; worship and sermon at 11 ;
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. ; vespers
and sermon at 8. Morning sermon,
"The "World's Greatest Need;" evening
sermon, "One of the Greatest Evils of
Oar Time." Preaching by the' Pastor.
There will be service at Plymouth at 3
- Paul Dodele of Wells was a business
visitor in Corvallis, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Deane of Belle
fountain were visitors in Corvallis Wed
nesday.";' J. L.- Underwood and Archie Black
barn left yesterday morning ' Jor a min
ing experience at Bohemia.
William Henderson and wife left Wed
nesday for Wrenn, the former to assist
Homer Lilly in the bay field. '
Mr. and Mr. Schmidt of Albany pass
through Corvallis, Wednesday, en route
to the mountains for an outing.
Mrs. F. A. Alexander of Washington
Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jesse
Fo3ter, at Iaavale. Wednesday she was
visiting in Corvallis. '
Miss Laura Pereinger of Bellefountain
was in Corvallis, Wednesday, on her way
to Portland, to accept a position in the
T. W. O A. building.
C D. Porter of Portland, secretary of
the JVC. Lee Mining company, has bsen
in Cory all ia several days this week on
business for his company.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomlinson and Bar
ney Heckc and family, all of Albany,
expect to go through Corvallis, Saturday,
en route to Newport. .They will be join
ed Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Rumor says that a wedding is to oc
cur not so many months hence, in which
a prominent Corvallis young lady will
wear the veil and an Eastern Oregon
young man will pay for the minister's
services. Now guess.
Windmills are a drug in the market
in Corvallis, these days, since sparkling
mountain water has become a part of
the equipment of so many households.
Many windmill owners are offering their
mill at a rediculously low figure, and
even then there are no buj ers.
Miss Agnes Wilson is to reach home
today from the Oregonian free trip to
the Yellowstone Park in Wyoming. In
a letter from her Wednesday Miss Wil
son stated that at the Park she met Mrs.
Bessie Barker-Harrison, an old-time
student at OAC, and a cousin of Miss
Ethel Linville. On the evening the let
ter was written tne con best girls were
given a grand ball at one of the Park
hotels, and at dinner that evening there
were 200 guests, showing that there are
plenty of Americans who appreciate the
famous natural resort. Wednesday the
contest party was to reach Boise City,
Idaho, where they were to take in the
sights, being guests at one of the fine
hotels of that city. The party reac hed
Portland at 7 :15 this morning.
Have you money to invest,
property to be cued for or estates
to be managed?
Will your health, time and
private affairs permit you to
manage them properly and ,
profitably? ,
You may have the collective
wisdom of experienced men ta
the management of your inter
ests if you consult this Company.
) It also receives deposits -subject
to check, and savings .
accounts from one dollar up,
paying current interest thereon.
Acts as trustee ia all property
relations requiring suchservices,
buys and sells bonds, effects col
lections, lends money.
: In many other ways it can be
of service. Call or write for free
pamphlet setting forth the scope
of its operations.
2A7 Wash. St.- PCttJ-Ano Ore.
'Round Siablss or
m the Fields
There are no better
Shoes made than tht
' Built of the best material
:- known and finished in a man .
ner that bids defiance to
- -. wear. Sold by :""
The PopSB &t&g0
Established 1864m Corvallis, Oregon.
The only exclusive Men's
Furnishing store in town. A
few summer suits left at 20
x f per cent discount. -.
. Corvallis, Oregon -Ind.
Phone No. 484.
And for 30 days we will offer the entire stock of Dry
Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing;, etc., at extra special
20 yards of Calico. $1.00
15c, 20c and 25c Summer Goods ....... .10
Odd sets of Ladies' Waists, $1,$1.50, $1.75 .25
20 Per Cent Off on M Citfiang
When you see it inotar ad. it is so"
F. L lfl8LLiR3S convALus, mmm
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
!J. vinced that it is the best and most complete liue ever brought
, , , to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
: -Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
'' Sewing . Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline aud Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles!
Guns and Bicycles For Rent. First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phone 12S Residence 324
We are now prepared to provide the pub
lic wilh Ices, Water ices, Creams, Sher
bets, and everything in this line.
For social functions solicited. We cater to
the whole rblic and guarantee the best
at reason-ibis -"prices. -When you want
anything: in our line remember us.
Our own pcial free delivery to any part
of -.Vj cicy large or small quantities.
. T-t i c n . t t t r .1
-''t'fXi costo less than "ready
M vCv?-Mil mixed paint, due when
mixed with thiCK
pigment, gallon for gallon, it
makes the best paint for the
least money.
Fop Sate by
I Corvallis, Oregon.
12 f"j 11 L I I I I KiwftSwnY1
- : ;
: :
- ; :