iHE CQRVALLiS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. T; subscription price of the Gazette for ' ira years has heeu. and remains, 2 tnnum, or 2'5 fr cent, discount if pau in advani-e. Tms paper ill te Colli: med until all arrearages are pail. ENLARGE THE LIST. J. J. Hill, the railway mag nate, is reported as saying Ore gon should not attempt to estab lish manufactures. We have a good export trade for our lum ber and flour to Asiatic ports, and should give these and the exportation of our raw materials our attention instead of attempt ing to engage in manufacturing. Tariffs and the inter-state com merce laws prevent us from be ing successful manufacturers. It is probable that Mr. Hill had in mind the prosperity of his transportation rather than that of Oregon and the Pacific North . west. That manufactured arti cles must .be carried long dis tances by rail before they may reach a port of export is proba bly a condition desirable to those engaged in the carrying business, but it certainly is a condition that should stimulate the estab lishment of manufactuiing in dustries in Oregon and Washing ton. If we have raw materials to -export, why should we not manu facture them and export the product? May we not, here in Oregon, manufacture articles for export which are now made east and carried across the con tinent to reach our ports vof ex port? Is it not probable that we are paying railway companies immense sums annually for sbringing us commodities . manu factured in the east which we might produce for ourselves? The facts that we are distant from manufacturing centers and that we have supplies of raw materials are . strong arguments why we should put "made in Oregon" on as many products as possible. Twenty-five years ago some of the manufacturing possibilities of Oregon were plainly set forth; time has disclosed others, and now it must be apparent to all that these should be laid hold of and made to contribute to the growth of Oregon and the pros perity of our people. There are articles of iron product, of glass product, of wrood manufacture, farm and agricultural imple ments, and others besides which can be and should be made in Oregon. Some of these should be made for our o"vn consump tion, others to enter into our ex port trade. Let the advice of Mr. Hill add but greater incentive to the ef forts making and that may be made to enlarge the list of things ""made in Oregon " WHY MEN ARE GOOD. Why are some men good? Ah! Here is a puzzler. It is possible that there are a reasons. It may multitude or be that each good m.i:i has a reason of his own a reciso.i which he is a! pains to conceal from his fellows Tnen. again, wo may, and un doubtedly do, differ on the defi nition of "good." In tho generally accepted meaning of ilis word we consider that thing gx 1 which is of use, therefore, it might be inferred that a man who could make him self useful was good. It does not necessarily tallow because a man is capabb of domx a given thing well that he is a good man. A good man is a kindly man; one possessed of many virtues and of most honorable character- Such men are not so plentiful as m viy oVner good things of life, d-"j.)'t.c tho fact that the world is gjiiing better. ; The really good man was born so and continual right environ ment kept him good. The ma jority of men make an effort to be good and not a few of them have a desperate struggle to keep within the prescribed limits. Great numbers of men do that which is right because it is right. Others do right from fear. Fear of what? Fear of the opinions of better men; fear of public denunciation; fear that to act un worthily will prove unprofitable from a business standpoint; fear of another world and possible judgment. These are a few of the considerations that prompt men to be as good as possible. Thus, it will be seen that much which we call good in man in reality has its foundation in fear. Fear of the law is a po tent factor in making men good. But we are all the better off for the the evident desire of the majority to be good, no matter from whence each individual re ceives his inspiration. If a man does a worthy act others profit by it and it matters not to them whether fear of God, or man, or devil, law, public opinion, loss of personal property, or any other fear impelled him to the deed. Let us make the best of that which we conceive to be good. Furthermore, let us all be as good as we can. One takes no chances on being good and this fact alone proves that fear fig ures in our goodness fear of doing evil- William Jennings Bryan, who evidently intends making a third race for the presidency on the democratic ticket, now suggests that a list of contributions to the democratic campaign fund be published. Very good. But who will attest the correctness of the list? Politically consid ered, this scheme savors of bun combe. In political manipulation Air. Bryan seems to be holding his own. Kind Words. Few men have passed through more sorrowful experiences than O. V. Hurt, of this city. Com menting on Mr. Hurt and his troubles, and the manner in which he has met them, the Ore gouian of Tuesday in an editorial says: Any dissatisfied aad unhappy- citizen who thinks that he has a rough time in- his daily life, and that the world doser.'t treac him well, should pause loa enough to consider the case or Mr. O. V. Hurt, of Corvallis. It is not necessary to enter into details as to the recent historv ot the Hurt family, for everv one knows it; and every one feels that tew men have deserved more and got less from the hands of for tune, or Providence, than Mr. Hurt. Yet he has complained not at all, but has met each new vicissitude with remarkable for titude and rare devotion to his high conception of his duty. The members of his family have thought little of Mr. Hart, but thev have received much from him-far more than many another husband and father in like cir cumstances could or would have givin. Now he is qoinij to ee that his inisyuided daughter, who abandoned and reviled him, has proper legal defense in her trial at Seattle. It is a fine thing for him to do-jnst ps his entire conduct throughout his terrihlr trouble, or seiis of troubles, his been something really beautiful and noble. Newport !s Awake. A dispatch sent out this week from the city by the sea hi some very luteresting facts concerning conditions over there. It says: One hundred and eighty-five people came m Saturday evening and 410 Sunday. It took eleven coaches to bring the excursionists iu Sunday. The hot weather or the valley driving: people coastwardand this point is getting its share. There has never this early in the season, been as many people on the Newport and Nye Creek beach as at present. If the travel continues during next month, this will be Newport's big gest season. The crowds are taking advan tage of the tide for surt-bathing at Nye Creek beach daily '. There are no lift lines provided, but -it is considered reasonably safe oa an incoming tide. All bathing is done at Nye .Creek! The Newport beach, preferred by many, and being inside the bar, absolutely safe is not opened up this yeai nor is there at pres ent any prospect of its being made the haunt of surf bathers. The life-saving station is to be removed ftom iti present quarters on South Beach across the Bav to the old light house on the New port promontory, George Mitchell Buried. A special dispatch from New berg Wednesdays says: . The last act in the Creffield Mitchell drama so far as George Mitchell figured in it, was c'osed here today when Mitchell's body was laid to rest beside the re mains of his mother. A num ber of old neighbors attended the funeral. The Mitchells came from a good family, the father, Charles Mitchell, having been born and raised to manhood on a faim near Bloomingdale, Park County, Ind. After his marriage he lo cated in Illinois and some 15 years ago he removed with his wife and a large family of child ren to Oregon, settling on a small place near Newberg, where a few years later his wife died. Mr. Mitchell was always ot an impulsive and rather an eccen tric disposition and for some time immediatly following the death of his wife he showed such ex treme agitation ot mind that fears were felt for his sanity. A few months later he left the children to shift for themselves, going to the State of Georgia for a time and later back to Illinois, where he was again married. What Benton Can Do( Eyery resident of Benton is proud of the county's resources, and has unlimit ed confidence in what can be grown in Benton county soi 1. The greatest mm vel known of today inside the limits of the county, however, is a tree that is describ ed as follows in a dispatch to the Telegram under date of July 16th : A tree bearing 23 distinct varieties of fruit and nuts is growing on the farm of Thos Glaze, in Benton County, just across the Willamette River from Albany. It is healthy and flourishing. Mr. Glaze undertook to grow the tree as an experiment, and by judicious graft ing has succeeded in producing a mar vel . He secured all the kinds of peaches, p'umbs that he could and grafted them o ltd the trunk of a healthy, growing ap ple tree. Ail are growing and bearing. Then as a further experiment he p rafted an almond branch onto the same tree and it also is trowing. Additional Local. Alva Miner is engaged in painting the tin roof on the J. R. Smith hardware gr-re. It was no small task to scrape off the rust before the paint could be ap plied. Everyone should attend the W. C. T. TJ; ice cream social on the court house lawn tonight, and aid the ladies in pay ing for the free reading room that they maintain. Perry Mitchell of Newberg, brother of the late George Mitchell, spent Wednes day night in Corvallis, leaving for Port land yesterday morning. Wednesday evening he visited Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Hurt. Presbyterian church, M. S. Bush, pas tor. Bible seho 1 at tn, Communion and reception of new members, at eleven. C. E. meeting at seven an i evening ser vice at 8, subject, "AoiJirig Enthu siasm." " . ' John Van ""rose, instructor in mathe matics at Portland Acadfun , was in Cor vai'is yesterday on a visit to old friends Mr. YanGo-s is out of the beat students CAST For Infants aad Children. The Kind Yea Ka3 Always Bought Signature of jgf&r EXPERIENCE YEARS' Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &e Anyone sending a sketch and description ma; . quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tionsstrictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific sHuiericatu A handsomely Illustrated weekly. .- Tjinrest cir enlation of any scientific Journal. Terms. t3 a iTear : fonr months. $1. Solti by ail newsdealers. - ktAAltf., so T . a.st)'.'...i:. in mathematics that ever graduated from OAC" He formerly resided in this city. Frank Hurt arrived yesterday from Seattle and will remain in Corvallis. A letter received yestereay afternoon by O. V. Hurt from Attorne Will H. Morris, of Seattle, stated that the latter baa decided to take np the defense of Maud Hart-CrefSeld, in ppite of pub lished reports Wednesday to the con trary, r. While unloading . freight Tuesday, George Cooper had the fore-finger of his right hand caught under a paint keg in such a manner that it was nearly ' cut off. The nail was toro loose and the in jury was so painful that Mr. Cooper had to turn his dray over to Arthur Berman, Wednesday A. J. Johnson arrived home Wednes day evening from a trip through the val ley and aa far north as Vancouver. He made the trip with Claude Gatch, as sisting him in mastering the art of exam ining national banks. Mr. Johnson is now free from all responsibility in that line of work. The Corvallis school board has rejected all bids that were handed" in for repaint ing the public school buildings. These bids were for both work and material, but it nas been decided to ask forbids now for work and material separate, and it is probable that the contract will be let in that way, the board probably fur nishing the material. Twenty-year , Battle. "I was a loser iu a twenty -year battle with chronic piles a -d malignant sofps, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which turned the tide, by curing both, until not a trace remains," writes A. M. Bruce, of Fatmville, Va. Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burns and Wounds. 25c at Allen & Woodward's, druggists. All The W orld Knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment has no superior for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Sprains Lumbago, and all pains. Buy it, try it and you will always use it. Anybody who has U6ed Ballard's Snow Liniment is a proof of what it does. All we ask of you is to get a trial bottle. Prices 25c, 50c and $1.00. Graham & Wortham. is used in the manufacture . of Hazelwood ICECREAM, iltbundance of cream- being a? i sured for this pur- pose by the large volume supplied for ' the manufacture of Hazelwood Butter : ; No albumen, gelatine or other animal or chemical compound of any character is in Hazel wood Ice Cream, its rich ness and smoothness being due to the actual richness of the cream of which it is manufactured. Unly pure fruit, vegetable or nut flavors . are used in coloring or flavoring Ice Cream FOB SALE BY .J. T. SMITH Habit-forming Medicines. Whatever may be the fact as to man; of the so-called patent medicines con taining injurious ingredients as broadly published in some journals of more or less influence, this publicity has certainly been of grnat benelit in arousing needed attention to this subject, It has, in a considerable measure, 'resulted in the Oaost intelligent people avoiding such foods and mtxiicincs as may be fairly sus pected of containing the injurious ingre dients complained of. R; o;::;ig ;h.:.; fact some time ao, Br. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., "took time by tbo forelock," as it wore, and pnblbhcd broadcast all the ingredients of which h z popular medi cines are co:::i.v scd. Thus ho has com pletely foresta.lt d all harping critics and 11 opposition that niiplit otherwise bo argai against his medicines, because they fcre now or iv"OTN composition. Fur thermore, ffom the formula printed on every bottle wrapper, it will bo seen that those mcdisines contain no alcohol or other habit-forming drugs. Neither do they contain any narcotics or injurious agents, thJir -ingredients being purely vegetable, extracted from the roots of medicinal plants found growing ia the depths of o-ar x.:r.erican forests and ol Troll rocoguiz&d curative virtues. Instead cf alcohol, which even in small portions long continued, as in obstinate cases of d:se-aje3, becomes highly objec tionable frcru its tendency to produce a craving for stimulants. Dr. Pierce em ploys chemically pr.rc. triple - refined (jjyceriuc, which of itself is a valuable rcincdy in many cases cf chronic diseases, being "a superior demulcent, antiseptic, antiferment rrnd supporting nutritive. It enhances the curative action of the Golden Seal root. Stone root, Black Cherrybark and Bloodroot, contained in "Golden Medical Discovery." in all bron chial, throat and lung affections attended with severe coughs. As will be seen from the writings of the eminent Drs. Grover Coe, of New York; Bartholow. of Jeffer son Medical College. Phila.; Scndder, of Cincinnati ; Elllngwood, of Chicago: Hale, of Chicago, and others, who stand as leaders in their several schools of practice, the foregoing agents are the very best ingredients that Dr. Pierce could have chosen to make np his "fa mous Discovfery" 'for the cure &.f not only bronchial, throat and lung affec tions, but " also of clironic catarrh in' all its various forms wherever located. Reduced-Rates. Offered for the East by' the S. P. Comoany. Corvallis to Chicago and re turn, $73.93; St. Loais, f 39.95 ; Mil waa kee, $72.15; St, Paul and Minneapolis, $62.; Sienx City, Council Bluffs, Omaha, St, Joseph, Atchison, Leaven worth and Kansas City, $&2 5. Sale dates: June 4. 6 7, 23 and 25; July 2 and 3; Anauat 7, 8 aud 9; Sep-tembe-8 and 10. ' r Limit going, lq days; return limit, 9o dayB, but not afier October 31. 42tf Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed Ex ecutrix of the last Will and Testament of James C Taylor, deceased, by the County Court of Ben ton County. State of Oregon. All persons baring claims against the estate cf said James O, Tay lor, deceased, are hereby required to presect the same, with the proper vouchsrs. duly veri fied as by law required, within six months from the date hereof,- to the undersigned at her resi dence in Corvallis. Oregon. Dated this zoth day of June, 1906. UIX1AX I TAYLOR, Rxecutfixof the last Will and 'Testament of James C. Taylor, deceased. Men Wanted. Saw mill and la inner yard laborers $2.V5 per day. Woodsmen $2.25 to $3 00. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly. Lum ber Co., Eugene, Ore. 43tf I A Wise Merchant AL WA YS USES THE BEST STATIONERY Up-to-Date Printing IS NECESSARY FOR A DESIRED EFFEOT The Gazette Is the only office in Corvallis that can deliver the goods. We Can Show You All first-class cigars and tobacco; whist and pool rooms. Every customer treated like a prince. JACK MILNE We Offer 10,000.00 COJN.DUIN UregonJ Oo i Water Bonds. f ;cc ii which we own. Denomination, $500. CCondon is the town to which the Condon branch of the O. 2f N. Co. was built. It has a tributary country which produces splendid crops of wheat and a large clip of wool. The merchants of Condon get the trade of this district. CThe town has twelve stores, three banks, two grist mills, four ware houses, three lumberyards and one brickyard. It is a prosperous town with a good future. CWe bought these bonds primarily for our own investment. We will sell $10,000.00 in blocks of $500.00 or mul tiples thereof at a price which will make the investment net A per annum. Bankers and Lrmibernieiis Bank Second & Stark Sts., Portland A Hard Lot Of troubles to contend with spring from ft torpid liver and blockaded . bowels, unlets jou awn ken them 10 tiiir proper action witii Dr. King's New Life Pills, the pleasant and most effect-, lvecure for Constipation. They prevent Appendicitis and tone up tht system. 2ao at Allen & Woodward's thug etore. Abraham Lincoln Was a man who, agaiunt all odds, at tained the highest holier ' ihat a man could get in th United Stales. Ballard's Hurehound Syrup has attained a place, never equal ied b any other like lemedy. It is a sure cure tor' Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Influenza and all Pulmonary diseases. Every mother should keep supplied "vita litis wonderful couah medi cine. Sold by (irabaiu & Wortham. Subscribe for the Gazette. FREE fp3 I liliL ox YOtra fash or A U.S. CREAM p.PARAT0R Ve know from our dealings with over a. 700 dairymen In the Pacific Northwest and from our own practical ex perience In dairying that the U. S, , Cream c - . f in'.'. L urKcuuu wtyMmwr w ' J -v. - use. ft Is such a well-made place of machinery that It will last a Ufetlme. Klvlng- every dsr the quickest, easiest service. It 1 the beat value for the money and we guarantee it our selves. In addition to the cnarantea of the factory. To show our confidence In thla separator we will shin you one on ten days' free trial. Then If It don't prove as represented the best and most practical for yonr own use. you may return It at our expense. Haielwood today stands with Its guarantee, behind thousands of O. S. Separators, and there bas never been a day when we have regretted having guaranteed this fine separator. W are thoroughly and practically familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of every separator on the market and we are handling the U. S. Separator because we know It be the best there Is. . SKIMS CLEANEST In addition, the U. d Separator skims the milk cleaner than does any other machine. This has been demon strated over and over again. The world's re coed for clean skimming has been held by the U. S. Hand 8epaetor for many rears. No other hand separator has been able to equal the record made five years ago at the Pan-Amerl. can Exposition, and yet this record was lowered by the U. 8- Separator In the official test at the Lewis end Clark fair last year. It will outwear any other separator. It M more easy and simple to operate. It Is easier to keen clean and it will keep right on year after year doing Its dally work, giving perfect satisfaction. PAYS FOR ITSELF The TJ S. Separator will pay for Itself In on year In extra cram saved over what could be skimmed In the old fashioned way. If yon don't beUeve It take advantage of our tree trial offer and make the test right on your own farm. Skim In both ways cud figure out the result In your own way. You will find the separator will pay for Itself In a year. We sell It on easy terms and will take crean In psyment, so yon need not pay us one cent for the separator, and at the end ' the year the machine will all be paid for. f) . rite today for catalogue and full particulars. .ntlon thli paper. kAZELWOOf 3HEAK COMPANY. POSTLAND, 0BEG0M. " stops tlae ootigta and laoala limsjs "wTl Four dmcis north of postofBce Ind. Phone 130. Subject to prior sale This is a Dortion gcn nnn no nil s MTJi Wfl f1! fm a-ia X. TP