LOCAL AND PtRS'JNAL Born. Thursday, to Mr. and Mr3. H. C. M tngas, a son. M.M.Long epent Sunday with a friend in Monmouth. Fred Strake of Alsea was a Cor vallis business visitor Friday. Clarence Whiteside was the Sun day guest of a friend near Dallas. Supt. Dnman left Saturday for a two weeks' outiDg in Alsea valley. Harold Woodcock arrived home Friday night from a ten day's visit in Portland. Wade Malone, the Alsea mer chant, was a business visitor in Cor Yallis Saturday. Justice Boles of Pliilomath was among those who paid Corvalli's a friendly visit Friday. William Newman, a well-to-do farmer of Irish Bend, was a visitor in Corvallis Saturday. Miss Margaret Herron of Irish Bend was the guest of Corvallis friends the last of the week. Richard ' Turner and daughter expected to leave yesterday for a visit with Eastern Oregon relatives. John McGee left B'riday to be at the bedside of his daughter at Col flax, Waeningtonl who was at the point cf death. Fred Clark expects to leave this week to join his wife in Baker City and to viait relatives in various parts of Eastern Oregon. A. L- Stevenson and wife moved the last of the week into their newly purchased home just west ot the Dr. Ptrnot residence. Hugh Baldwin of Winlock, Wash., a prominent mill man in his section, was in Corvallis Saturday, the guest of his cousin, Harley Hall. Mrs. Clarence Albin of Philomath expected to return to 'her home in Philomath yesterday, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Burns p. A new house is nearing comple tion on the O. L. Davis farm west of town. It is a neat, modern structure and adds much to the appearance cf the farm. M. M. Long sold a cat load of last year's baled hay, Friday. Th pur chaser was Ira Bodine, and the car was shipped to the coast' after be ing loaded at Philomath. ... At the Christian church Friday night a reception was given to the new members. Ice cream was ser ved and a good crowd of church people enjoyed the event. Chas. S. Seeley was in Corvallis, Friday, and made final proof on his homestead in Alsea. His wit nesses were Willis Vidito, Thomas Vidito, Thos. J. Cams and Virgil Vidito. Henry Howell, a former Corvallis boy and a graduate of OAC, was in Corvallis Friday, having arrived from Portland where he took the civil service examination. He left on the afternoon train for his home in Toledo. The lemon famine, mentioned else where in these columns, brought the price of lemonade up to 10 cents a glass at local counters. Drum, mers inform dealers that by the last of this week it will be impos eiole to secure lemons at all. Mrs. O. W. Beckwith and daugh ter Cora left Saturday for Portland for a two weeks' stay. Mrs. Beck with is a delegate to the Grand lodge, Degree of Honor, which meets in that city the 17th, 18th and 19th, and Miss Cor is to visit friend?. Frank Bullis has been awarded the contract fjr carrying the mail between Corvallis and Philomath, and road h:s firt trip Yesterday. The beryice is n days per week, and conforms with the arrival of early trains between Albany and Corvallis. There was a lemon farniue in Corvallis the past faw days. They could not be had by local deal ers, as the supply in Portland was insufficient to meet the demand. The condition is attributed to the scarc ity of lemons this year and to the increased demand due to the ex tremely hot weather. It is Already apparent that rent houses will be in greater demand in Corvallis this fall than ever be fore and at a higher rate of rent. There are few houses in town now that are not spoken for, and indi cations point to a greater demand than in previous years, although all house3 are filled each autumn. The druggists who had been in attendance at the annual pharma ceutical convention over at Newport last week were in Corvallis at the noon hour, Friday. It was the in tention of Prof. McKellips to ban quet them Friday evening at Hotel Corvallis, but they were ia a Lurry to get back to their , places of busi ness and did hot stay over, "i i Irs. Frank Isabel returned home Fr ay from a two weeks' outing at Ne port. Torn Reader and Robert Pfouts of Bel'efountain were in Corvallis, Friday, on business. Mrs. Kate Tiedeman-Hewitt of Portland has been the guest for sev eral days of her aunt, Mrs. Phillip Phile. Levi Wooster was overcome by the heat Friday to the extent of be ing unable to work, and hi3 dray was operated by A. Kyle. Jesse Simpson of Monmouth was an over-Sunday visitor at the W. P. Ireland home in this city. Mrs. T. K. Fawcett and children arrived home Saturday from a two weeks' outing at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kline arrived home yesterday morning from an extended business visit in San Fran cisco. Miss Mabel Baker left. Saturday for her home in , Albany, after a sev eral weeks' visit with her cousin, Miss Mabel Wood, in this city. Miss Linnie Small and her uncle, Garret Long, returned home Friday from a visit in Linn county, thirty miles from Corvallis, with relatives. J. H. 'Leipar, field secretary of the Sabbath ..siociation, left Friday for McMinnville, after spending Beveral days in Corvallis looking after work in his field. John C. Ball made final proof before Clerk T. T. Vincent, Friday, on his homestead. The witnesses were Ernest Sapp, Thomas Taylor and G. S. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heckart gave a delightful lawn party Friday to a number of young friends. The usual features were enjoyed and light refreshments were served. Before Clerk Vincent, Friday, Johan Strok made final proof on his Alsea homestead. The witnesses were G. T. Vernon, T. J. Phillips, M. J. Vernon and D- M. Cams. The Gazette was misinformed rel ative to the city marble works being operated by Archibald and Van hoosen, as Frank Vanhoosen is sole proprietor of the establishment. Miss Stella Myers arrived home the last of the week from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Mc Minnville. The young lady re sides near Bruce, in Southern Ben ton. - Mrs. Du Moulin moved Saturday from the place she has been occu pying across the river, to her recently- purchased residence, the "Bill" Francisco property in north Corvallis. Marion Watkins, a mail carrier of Portland, who has been at his home near Philomath nursing an attack of measles, was in Corvallis, Friday, enroute to Portland to re sume his duties. Mrs. J. Fred Yates lef' Saturday for an outing of several weeks at Cascadia. She was "joined yester day by her sister, Mrs. W. A. Wells, and latjr Mrs Walter Wiles will be a member of thecamp. About one hundred members of the Epworth and Junior Leagues of the M. E. church enjoyed the social given them at the church Friday evening hv Rev. and Mr--. Feese. A very happy time is reported. David Junkin has returned home from a trip through Eastern Oregon. He resides a few miles east of Corvallis. In the country visited bv him, Mr. Junkin states that the hot. winds are ruining the crops, and that the damage will be greet. Miss Etta Wrenn, a teacher of The Dalles, arrived Friday night and is a guest of Miss Helen Holgate. Mies Wrpnn is a daughter of John Wrenn. a Benton count' pioneer, who re sided, in years gono by, a mile or two south of Corvallis. Of a f&rr ilv of twelve children, eleven are still living. Mr Stubbiefield of Burns, East ern Oregon, arrived in Corvallis the last of the week with 50 head of bunchgrass horses. He was located on ths fiat with the band, one of which he sold to a resident for $125. Mr. Stubbiefield expected to go on to Dallas, Saturday, where he had secured pasture for the horses. W. G. Emery finished exporting the books in the sheriff's office Sat urday noon. With the use of the new adding machine, the task was accomplished in three and a half days, and during this time the books of County Superintendent Denman wera also gone over. One column of figures SO feet long and another column 40 feet long were added by the machine in a few hours last week and after checking and rechecking the long list the books and column lacked but 62 cents of balancing, Sheriff Burnett having paid 62 cents too much to the county. The task of experting. the jQther., books is now in progress over at the court bouse. o,-' , v, A letter from Flank Hubler and Cash Bryant, who left Corvrilis & couplft of weeks ago, states that they are now working witb combined harvester aboui 45 miies from Co -fax. Was-.. They 8tte they have a sixty-days' jb at $3 pe' day and board. I For economy fruit jars see Zie irolf. . 53tl Teams wanted at once to haul wood. P. A. Kline. 53tf Mrs. S. A. Mellen and daughter of Salem are guests at the home of of the former's sister, Mrs. W. P. Ireland. Mrs. Mellen's husband, W. A. K. Mellen, was postmaster at Corvallis away back in '64 or there abouts. Economy fruit jars are found at Zierolf's. 53tf Photos First-class work, guar anteed to please, at "Corvallis Stu dio." 56-tf Mrs. A. J. Hall arrived at her home in Polk county, Saturday, hav ing been at the home of her son, Dr. J, F. Hall, in Albion, Wash., since early in the spring. She is considerably improved in health, although not yet fully recovered. Economy fruit jars for sale a Zierolfs. . 53tf For Sale Vetch, oat and cheat hay. Inquire W. C. Metcaif, Ind. Phone 723. 57 tf. News has just been received in Corvallis that Miss Edna Smith,. of the '05 class at the OAC, and Will Montgomery have been married at Silver Lake. Just when the happy event occurred was not- learned. Miss Smith was a very popular student and a basket ball player. Large hardwood lard barrels $1 each at Smalls'. 55 tf $50 buys a small separator and 10-horse power threshing machine. W. H. Dean, Monroe, Or. 58tf THEY ARE APPOINTED. Librarians for Benton County Schools Who They Are. Under the Library law passed at the last session of the legisla ture, Snp't Denman has ap pointed the following librarians of the several school districts of the county: R. N. Williamson, H-Seifert, M. Rod gers, T. B. Williamson, G. R. Ballard, W. A. Schmidt, Lee Steprow, A. R. Locke, W. A. Buchanan, C.Wilde, E. E. Switzer, A. ANewton, Walter Kisor, A. M. Gray, J. O. Wilson, W. H. Boles, J. M. Gilman, J. A. Tadlock, Geo. Winters, Jno. Whiteker, A. Buchanan, H. C. Herron Wm. Brian, C. Tracer, C. Trenholm T. J. Child's, M. H. Whit by, A. M. Bailey, J. S. Goviter, B. C. Wyatt, Storm. Stromts, S. N. Warfield W. H. Hammeisly, Oliver Peacock, Jos. Bryant, Thos. Taylor, W. R. Read, O. S. Buntin, D. Ross Barclay, Max Wink ler, D. J. Hood, J. P. Aoderson H. H. Pament, Henry Hanrm, H. J. Reece, Jas. IVatBon, H. G. Hastings, C. P. Wil lis, W. P. Hash, C. G. Davis. H. HortoH, Emma Gellatly, I. T. Houston, Jas. Franklin, S. Bowen. Improving Stage. , Theatre-goers will be surprised oq vis iting the opera house when this building is opened to the public on the appear ance of the first attraction next fall. Frank Grove3, manager of the opera house, is spending quite a bit of money in having new scenery painted. The main drop curtain will prove a revelation. All remember the old cur tain, which was good the new one is far finer and more attractive. J. M Deeds, of Eugene, painted the old cur tain two or three years ago and he is the artist at present engaged. The new drop curtain is completed and the scene rep resented is Mt. Rainier from Lost Lake it is beautiful and a silent testimonial to the ability of Mr. Heeds. In addition to the above-mentioned curtain Mr. Deeds will paint the grand draperies and tormentors. He expects to complete the task by the last of the week. In this connection it is proper to state that Mr. Groves will book only first class attractions for the coming season. Nearly all his bookings will be eastern talent. Old Order Rescinded. Heretofore an order of the countv court has been in force to the effect that all claims of Benton county road super visors must be published in a newspaper for three consecutive issue3 of said paper before the court would allow the claim. This was done in order that residents of the various districts might report discrep ancies in the claims of the supervisors should any exist. The new court, considering the fact that the various supervisors are under bonds and make oath to their claims, and that the matter of publishing said claims is an additional and unnecessary expense to the county, have rescinded the old order and hereafter will assume the responsibility of paying these claims as per law required. An order to this efTecTwas made at the last meeting of thj county court. Additional Local. Tom (Graham left vesterday for he coHst to join his pa eats in camp. Mr. and Mrs. Grver Headrk-k expect to go to Alsea tomorrow for a brief out ing. . .;, .. Bob Vidito and family left Sunday for Cascadia, where they will enjoy a three weeks outing. Mrs. H. Kisb and. daughter, of Sher man countv, Eastern Oregon, are guests at the B. R. Thompson home in this city, . Ninety-four excursion tickets were sold at Corvallis, Sunday, for Newport, on the excursion that went through from De troit. Jesse Foster is giving' his handsome country residence a fresh coat of paint. Al. Bethere, of CorvalliB, is doing the work. Jesse Spencer went to Portland yester day as a delegate to the grand lodge of the A- O. U. W. He expects to retnrn Friday. Mrs. Lucy Francisco and Miss Joann McLennan .left yesterday for an outing at Newport. They will be absent a month oreix weeks. W. O. Heckart and wife, of Eugene, came out from the bay Saturday and left that evening for a visit at the Herron home at Irish Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold King spent Sun day at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hecker, at Wells. J. J. Hecker and family are also on a visit at the Hecker home. They reside at Biggs, near The Dalles, where they own a large hotel. The Congregational Sunday school pupils woto given a picnic at Wyatt's grove Saturday. The trip was made on hayracks, and the youngsters were ac companied by their teachers. A delight ful time was had by all and home was not reached until dark. Bert Yates came up from Vancouver, Wash.,' Saturday evening and spent bun day with friends. He now has a good position as stenographer in the Van couver offices of the North Bank rail road people. He took the early train yesterday morning for home. ; F. P. Shea "green came up from Port land, Sunday, and returned home yester day. He says that his business in the metropolis is all that he could hope for. Generally speaking, sawmilling and lum bering interests are good paying propo sitions at present. Mr. Sheasgreen is interested in a box factory, ' . - ; : White Rose fl Jur at Kline's. 59 Have yon money to invest, property to be cared far or estates to be managed? Will your health, time and private affairs permit you to manage them properly and profitably? You may have the collective wisdom of experienced men in the management of your inter ests if you consult this Company. It also receives deposits subject to check, and savings accounts from one dollar up, paying current interest thereon. Acts as trustee in all property relations requiring such services, buys and sells bonds, effects col lections, lends money. In many other ways it can be of service. Call or write for free ' pampbtet setting forth the scope of its operations. 3A7 Wash. St- Portland Ores. CAFITA1.JTOCK &ISO.OOO'iS 'Round Stables or In the Fields. ...... There are no better Shoes made than thi ; Bnilt of the best material known and finished in a man ner that bids defiance to wear. Sold by The on!y exclusive Men's Furnishing store in town. A few summer suits left at 20 ' per cent' discount. Corvallis, Oregon Ind. Phone Xfo. 481. It? or .1 nose 1 i Who Work 1 WATCH FOR HUME'S m Tha P&p!'s Stffe ..$. KLINE.. Established 1864. Corvallis, Dragon. OUR iid-Suiiiiiier IS NOW ON And for 30 days we will offer the entire stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, etc., at extra special prices. 20 yards of Calico $1.00 15c, 20c and 25c Summer Goods 10 Odd sets of Ladies' Waists, $1, $1.50, $1.75 .25 20 Per Cent Off on Ml Globing When you see it F- L flBLLEB'S COHVALLIS, OREGON SEEING .IS BELIEVING Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors, : Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles Guns and Bicycles For Rent. First-class Repair Shop. M. M. LONG, Ind. Phont 126 Residence 324 CORVALLIS, - OREGON. ICES AND CREAMS. We are now prepared to provide the pub lic wilh Ices, Water ices, Creams, Sher bets, and everything in this line. SPECIAL. FANCY ORDERS For social functions solicited. We cater to the who": public and guarantee the best at reasonable prices. When you want anything in our line remember us. Our ov special free A 1 cuci c, v lanre CORVALLIS P0LKADOTCAN3v 0 " K Mt vnmr w CE3 ft'.'. miT: 8 ANNUAL fa'oesr sssim St is so' delivery to any part 11 . . or smau Quantities. CREAMERY CO. W T Pure, raw linseed less than Sale "ready- M mixed" paint, but when g r or -w mixed with thick pigment, gallon for gallon, it makes the best paint for the least money. Fop Sale by GRAHAM & WELLS K1 Corvallis, OiBgdn