Leading Corvallis Newspaper. Best Advertising Medium; Vol. XL1H. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, esday. July IB. lOOG. THE SECOND TRAGEDY. In Mitchell Family-Esther Shoots Brother at Seattle. "Esther shot and killed George ia depot this afternoon L. T. Sandell." Such was the dispatch sent from Seattle at 5 o'clodk Thurs day night to O. V. Hurt, that shocked Corvallis and sent a shiver of horror over all who listened to the direful news. Liberated from prison only two brief days, after standing all the agony of suspense incident to a trial for murder in the first degree, Geoige Mitchell was shot down in cold blood by the sister whom he desired to protect. O. V. Hurt, the man who has perhaps suffered most from the unholy teachings and influences of the late Holy Roller Creffield, was neatly over come by the horrible news contained in San dell's telegram. Mr. Hurt stated that he had known, when in Seattle, that the two women, Esther Mitchell and Maud Hurt Creffield, were carrying loaded revolvers and they told Mr. Hurt at that time that Mitchell had better leave them alone. Mr. Hurt warned George Mitchell of danger and advised him not to molest the two fanatics, but to leave Seattle as soon as possible and avoid the possibility of fur ther danger. That " Mitchell would have been wise in follow ing this advice is proven in the recent tragedy. Mr. Hurt states that during the Mitchell trial, in Seattle, Maud Creffield and Esther Mit- che'l declared that they would willingly walk to Walla Walla to see George Mitchell huug'."'"' With such cold-blooded, mer ciless natures, and with minds completely dominated by Cref fieldism, to the apparent efface- ment of all womanly feelings, it is little wonder that George Mitchell was shot like a dog by a sister who, all along, has shown no aooreciation of his love tor her. Whether Creffield's influence and Holy Rollerism will end even now, is a matter seriously doubted by the majority of Cor vallis people familiar with the history of the cult. Claimed By Death. At the family home several miles southwest of Corvallis J P. McBee died Friday sight, from the rupture of a blood ves sel in the head. A week ago Sunday Mr. McBee was in Corvallis for the purpose of consulting a physi cian. On his way to the doctor's office be suddenly fell on the street, but managed to arise and proceeded to the office. An ex amination showed that Mr. Mc Bee had suffered a slight stroke of paralysis and he was taken home. Tuesday two local physi cians were hurriedly summoned by 'phone and Mr. McBee was found to be helpless from a sec-i ond and more severe stroke. He was unconscious for about two days before death came to re lieve him. "Doc" McBee, as deceased was familiary called, was born in Mis souri in 1847, and came to Ben ton county when a young boy. He was one of the best known and wealthiest farmers ot the county, and had just tairly started to en joy life, having built a handsome new residence last fall and sur rounded himself and family with every comfort. The funeral occurred from the family home at two o'clock Sun day, and interment was in New ton cemetery. The immediate survivors are the widow and four children. Diving Chute. Inspired by Milton Morgan and Byron Taylor, a large number of men and' boys about the city Bade cpatribations toward tne in stallation of a diving chute which has been placed on the river bank at the point known as the old C. & E. warehouse. - Here men and boys gather of warm evenings and enjoy a plunge in the Wil lamette. The chute which has just been place in commission is 32 feet long and extends from the top ot the bank to within about a foot of the surface of the water. When near the water the lower end of the chute turns up a trifle in order , to give tne ""cnuier--the proper skim over the surface of the river. The chute was con structed by Mr. Goldson at the Colbert furniture factory and is so placed that it can be raised or lowered at the pleasure of the bathers. The chute is in the shape of a groove and it is lined with zinc after the fashion ot a bathtub. Arrangements have been made whereby water can be run down the chute, thereby keeping it as slick as though it had been greased. The sensations of a slide through one of these chutes baffles description one has to make the trip to know what it means. At any rate the boys have rt 11 ! a cnute wnicnanorastnem mucn pleasure. IN SALT LAKE PAPER. Account of Oregonian Contest Party's Visit to Utah. Last Monday's issue of the "Deseret Evening News," pub lished in Salt Lake City, in tell ing of the visit of the Oregonian contest party," 01 which Miss Agnes Wilson pf ,V;Coryallis is a member, : has the folio wi ng -to say: Yesterday they had reserved seats at the regular tabernacle services where'1 they listened to a discourse by Elder C. W. Pen rose. Following ' the services they were tendered a musical recital by Asst. Organist Edward Kimball, assisted by Emma Ramsey Morris, and in the even ing visited the Holmes art gal lery. Today it was a case of "Wake and call me early," for the crowd was out sieht-seeing with the dawn. This, morning they did all there was to do in the way of a speedy "seeing Salt Lake" trip in automobiles and cars, and at noon repaired to the Commercial club for luncheon. The club was the host on this occasion and there were present several Drominent euests. besides the party. To welcome them to Salt Lake and Utah a committee went to Ogden yesterday. it was com posed of Gov. Cutler, Adjt. Gen. Ray C. Naylor, N, P. Nelson, private secretary of the governor, Fisber Harris and J. C. Mc Donald. After the Tabernacle recital Gov. Cutler thanked the organist and Mrs. Morris on behalt of the visitors - for the courtesies shown tnem. This afternoon following the luncheon the party went out to Saltair, from which they plan to return in time to eaten taeir train out on schedule time, at 8 o'clock tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ralls and Mrs. Wesley Hinton, all of Mouroe, visited friends in Corvallis Satur day and attended to business af fairs. Kenneth, the little son of Prof, and Mrs. G. A. Covell, has been suffering with an abscess on the back of his neck. Sat urday 'the at tending phrsiciai opened the ab scess, and the little patient ia doing nicely. Ethel Hooker, telephone operater for the Home Telephone company at Pl&inview and for a farmers' line connecting with- the home, com mitted suicide at the home of her brother-in-law Friday morning by shooting off the top of her head with a shot eun. The act was com- mitted with suicidal intent, as eiUb- 4ished by the investigation: held by tht coroner a lew boors later. - PLOTTED TO KILL And Willing to Face Punishment The Seattle Tragedy. Mrs. Maud Hurt-Creffield and Esther Mitchell are the ones, and the only ones, who plotted to kill George Mitchell, according to their own declarations. They did not tell Mrs. Burgess Starr because they say she talks too much. They feared to tell other Rollers lest their plans should miscarry by some chance word being spoken. The women both vow that their plans were made with ut most deliberation and they scoff at the idea that they are insane. A relentless war is to be carried on in Seattle to drive every Holy Roller from the city and from King county. Experts are- to examine both women for insanity, but these will not be called upon to report their findings at present The state has abandoned any idea held immediately after the shooting of George Mitchell of treating the women as insane persons and is determined upon a vigorous prosecution. "I am positive that no insanity exists in any member of the Mitchell family, that is any that I have seen, and our office will make a hard - fight against this plea," said Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Miller ; in a statement Friday night.. "Since the first appearance of Esther Mitchell in this city, which .was shortly after her brother shot ..Creffield," he con-linued,ltI-haveiybjeeAincpntaQt with her a- good deal, and she' has never at any time displayed any form of insanity. We mere ly asked to have her re ained in the custody of the police matron until after the other trial was completed.' "All stories that she was to become the. mother of a new Christ was denied to me by the girls. I investigated these charges while in Portland and re ceived corroboration of Esther's statement. She stated on sev eral occasions that, her brother had no reason for shooting Cref field on this account. "I do not believe that any person outside of Esther and Mrs. Creffield will be implicated in this murder. I really believe that it was the result of their secret consultations. Of course, we cannot tell what evidence we might secure at a later date, but from information that we have in this office at the present time I feel safe in making the state ment that Esther Mitchell aad Mr.-. Creffield are alone respon sible for the murder of George Mitchell." The women" themselves cor robrate Mr. Miller in his belief. Both positively assert that no act of theirs was ever more deliberate or less free from motives of in sanity than the murder of Mitch ell. "I am not insane," declared Esther Mitchell today. "Before I killed my brother, Mrs. Cref field and myself talked it over, and we knew that we would be arrested and the law would pun ish us. After mv arrest I told the chief everything. "I only told the truth. I knew the law would not consider the reason which makes me believe I did right, and any way I don't see what harm it can do, for am going to be punished any way, I suppose. "He." continued Miss Mitch ell, speaking of Creffield and in answer to a question, " was a holy man. My brother was of the world and was defiled. It was right for him to be punished for what he did, and the law set him free. . "I have no monev." she said reverting :. again- to- her own af fafuj "and 7 have no. friends to whom I could go,; if 2 would, and I would not. If they ask me I shall say that I killed George, but I will never say that I was insane; ; I dont see what is the use of a lawyer, so far as I am concerned. i "I 'do not know Judge Upton. His message was read to me last night, but I never heard of him in my life, and I do not know why he should offer to help me. What can he do? I would not let him tell the jury that I was crazy, for I am not, and you say that is the only way I can keep from being hanged. ' "Yes, George was set free that way, but he did not enjoy his liberty long, did he?" The girl spoke as calmly as if George had been a total stranger. Esther Mitchell asked anxious ly for Mrs. Creffield, and wist fully begged for a chance to see her. I would like to see her," she said. "I volunteered to shoot George." 'Then, apparently anxious to shield Mrs. Creffield urther, she'added: "She did not want me . to, but we knew that she couM not do it, for they were afraid of her, so I did it." Mrs. Creffield does not attempt to justify her" part in the shoot- ng on the : ground of religious training, nor does she insist that the Creffield influence is still alive. She was asked whether the spirit of Joshua had been heard or whether . she expectea him to return to her. "I never said ,he would," she declared. "But the men at the morgue all said you -did after the fun- erai," it was urged. 'Yes, I suppose a great many things have been said MDh. I didn't want to deny anything," she added wearily.- (Then o the killing of Mitchell she stated : "I had as much right to cause his death as he had to kill my husband. I would have done it myself if I could, but I could not because they were afraid of me. Esther knew this and volunteer ed to do it for me. At first I did not want her to, but when we had talked it over for a while I told her to do it if she could . "I knew we would be arrested and I was afraid I would be killed before I was locked up. "Oh," she added hurriedly, "I should not have said that! But I didn't know what they would do with me." "They can't' hang me, can they? she added. Both capital punishment and imprison ment for life were suggested as extremes, and of the latter she said: "I don't care. I would be just as happy there in the state penitentiary as I have been since ray husband was killed, or as 1 ever can be anywhere." Mrs. Creffield, - like Esther Mitchell, insisted that she was hot insane. The To edo Leader sayB: Dr. R D. Burgess, who was knocked out in a ball game at Waldport on the Glorious Forth, is still undergoing repair?, but expects to be out toon to look after his other patients. ! Mrs. Emma Frink drove to Cor vallis Saturday irom her home in Philomath, and went to the Jesse Moses home for a brief visit. She was suddenly taken ill with bfart trouble and a physician was su:r.- oconed, and in a few hours she vcas resting easy. The" intense heat ' doubt had something to do with ; e illness. E. C. Ogg, - wife and two son, are to leave Nawton, Iowa, thi weak for Corvallis. They come f. the purpose of joining O. J. Black ledge and family in a three weeke' camping expedition at YachaaU. having come hern three years ago for the fiiinia kind of a trh). Tw thousand miles to go camping! and! there are hundreds in Corvallis who never get outside the city limitp for a vacation rest. - Lost Big yellqw cat, marked by having half ot left ear cut off. One. dqllaf , for return.. , Notify Urm-- or. store. Mrs. , F. -I. Miller. wv - - . 59 - You're Sure to Crow Over my set ot Shirt Waists Sets like those now on sale at this store. Shirt Waist Sets for July are just as goo for August or Septem ber, or any other month, if bought here. If you want what's exquisite, at a modest price, buy a set. We guarantee they're the greatest value for the sum invested that can be had. See them and bay a set. Albert J. Metzger WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, - - - Corvallis Franklin Iron Works porvalus, or. A Specialty We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public. This eye glass mou -ting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on where others absolutely fail. If you care to investigate call at my store any time. J iE. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. J mini FO R A FINfc. l!Nfc. Ur Guns, Fishing Taokis, BasebaSi Goods Go to Gun Hodes' We Carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rod (f Rates offered by us are $1.00 per year where the farmer uses his own telephone (farmers not having telephones can purchase from us at $3.50 each) or $5.00 per year where we furnish the telephone. You can be connected with 200,000 Local and Long Dis tance telephones. Further information at any of our offices- PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. f O. CORVALUD STEAM LAUNDRY, Patronlzo Homo Industry. tOtitmldm Ocfem 8oll(tMmd. All Work Gmmrmatf. SPENCER'S Hair Invigorafor And Dandruff EradJcator vt3f of ""B-"-;-'3r m ; o - ttl O o i s . i JfMSi JU.W". FT 15 f P CI 4 Mmmsut: O 3 Trade lark Registarail. - Price, - Fifty Cents Manufactured by The Vegetable Compound Company Corvallis, Oregon" 9t You to Buy a . ,' From the Stock Now on Hand , Fiiet. comp, first, served. price. If you want a high grade -Baler, now ie your chance. Order today. 1 Cham. Blmkealmm. OORVAUM, WHEBOM.