Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    ( 1 ' '
As0etoble Preoaralionfor As
similating KicFoodandBeuIa
ting the Stomachs andBovels ot
Promotes DigcsUon.CheerfuP
nessandRcst.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
ftnyjcut Seat"
iaxmwte - .
ItSnluyr mm. rtaraK
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
rion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ness and Loss of Sjleep.
Facsimile Signature of
1 1 . '
4-l To iHM FEB ADRE.
- That's what a Spreader will do iff
If you have 12S loads of manure to spread and you are going to plant 25 acres'of corn or wheat,
or have a 25 acre meadow we will tell you Uow you eta increase the value of your, crop this year
from $4.00 to $3.00 per acre or more than leaoujjh to pay for a spreader. We issue? a 48-page book
entitled "Practical Experience With Barayard Manures." which explains the whole situation.
Our Plan is not a theory. It is an actual fact, backed up by actual experiments extending- over
a period of 18 years. To give you an idea of what this book contains, we show results of experi
ments made with various crops where 5 loads of manure were spread per acre by the old method,
and 5 loads by the new method, on corn ground. The latter shows a gain of $4.80 per acre. On
another field and in another state, it shows a gain of $5.60 per acre, and on a clover and timothy
meadow, a gain of $8.00 per acre.
Thia Book will be sent tree to anyone writing us. It is worth $100.00 to yon. bat it won't cost
yon a cent. If it doesn't do yon any good, it won't do yon any harm. Write ns now and let ns mail
it to you. It is brimming full of valuable information.
The Smith Sreat Usstern
Endless Apron ianuro Spreader
Spreads all kinds of manure, straw stack bot
toms andcornmercial fertilizer regardless of their
condition. Spreads at muck in a day as IS nten
can by hand. Spreads the largest load in 2 to 4
minutes. Makes the same amount of manure so
three times as fix and produce better results;
makes all manure fine and immediately avail
able for plant life.
ISon-Bunch&ble Rake forms a hopper, holds
all hard chunks in contact with beater until
thoroughly pulverised.
Endless Apron is one continuous apron, (not
a 54 apron) therefore always re tdy to load. You
don't have to drive a certain distance to pull it
har-k into nosition after each load or wind it back
by hand ; it is a great advantage in making long
There Is no Gearing about our Endless Apron
to break and cause trouble, it is always up out
of the way of obstructions as it does not extend
below axle. Spreads evenly from start to finish
and cleans out perfectly clean.
Hood and End Gate keeps manure away from
beater while loading ; prevents choking of beat
er and throwing out a bunch when starting and
acts as wind shield when spreading. It has a
graduating letter and cun b regulated while in
motion to spread thick or ihin, 3 to as loads per
lAgM Draft because the load is nearly equally
" Writs just these words on a postal card or in a letter Send me your book Practical Ex
perience with Barnyard Manures' and catalogue No.I7758 " They will be mailed to yon free.
Do it now before you haul your manure or prepare for any crop.
Smith Manufacturing Co., 162 Harrison St., Chicago
The Smile
That won't come off, apars on baby's
face after one bottle of White's Cream
Vermifuge, the great worm medicine.
Why not keep that smile on baby's
face. If you keep this medicine on hand
yon will never see anything else but
smiles on his face. Mrs. ' S. Black well,
Okla., writes: "My baby was peevish
and fretful . Would not eat and I feared
he v oulil die. I used a bottle of White's
Cream Vermifuge and he has not been
eick a day since. Sold by Graham &
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
balanced on front and rear axle. The team is
as near the load as it can work. Front and rear
axles are the same length and wheels track;
beater shaft runs in ball and socket bearings,
therefore no friction. Beater is 23 inches in di
ameter, seat turns over when loading. Machine
turns in its own length.
Simplicity. There are only two levers on our
machine. One which raises the hood, locks it
and throws the machine in gear at the same time.
It can then be thrown in and out of gear without
lowering the hood. One lever which changes
feed to spread thick or thin, making it so simple
that a boy who can drive a team can handle it.
Strength and Durability is one of the most
important points to be considered in a manure
) spreader. The Great Western has a good, strong.
durable wheel. Extra strong spoke and rim,
heavy steel tires. Strong, well braced box with
heavy oak sill. Oak tonrue. hickory doubletrees,
malleable castings, gears and sprockets all keyed
on . Galvanised hood Every part is made extra
strong, regardless of cot. It is made for the man
who wants the best, made in our sizes, 3s, SO,
yo and too bushel capacity.
Guarantee Should any part break, wear out or
get out of order withi" one year we replace free
of charge. Sendor free catalog, showing latest
improvements. It tells how to apply manure to
secure best results.
Only 82 Years Old.
"I am only 82 years old and don't ex
pect even when I get to be real old to
feel that way as long as I can get Elec
tric Bitters," says Mrs. E. H. Bruneon,
of Dublin, Ga. Surely there's nothing
else keeps the old as oung and makes
the weak as strong 89 this grand tonic
medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid livar, in
flamed kidneys or chronic constipation
are nnknown after taking Electric Bit
ters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by
Allen & Woodward, druggists. Price 50c.
Highest Market Price
I Bears the
J Signatur
1m v Use
JUT For Over
I Thirty Yp.ars
j.TCRESONV.Pres. MWt'lk 'Ms?
Heweet Devices of the Modern Crim
inal Schools Reason for
It has long been known that the
modern thief or burglar trains
children very carefully for nefari
ous work. Only the other day a
trainer of young thieves was sent
to prison, and such cases are con
tinually cropping up, says the
London Mail.
Most ingenious are the methods
practiced by "professionals" to
teach their pupils the art of bur
glary. Mere youngsters make ex
cellent subjects; and as it is ob
viously of importance not to make
a noise when "burgling," the lads
are now taught to slide face down
ward on the balustrade. It has
been discovered that, in order to
accustom them to this mode 'ot
descent, special spiral-shaped
balustrades are sometimes con
structed, and before the pupil is
pronounced "finished" he must be
atjle to slide down a variety of
these balustrades "like greased
Another common practice
among the "burgling fraternity is
that of getting orders to view
empty houses from various house
agents. A number of clever bur
glaries are worked this way.
Dressed u?p as a country squire
the "master" visits numbers o
house agents, gets orders to view
certain houses, generally in ter
races, as there, if he has a plan of
the interior of one house, he has a
"key" to the whole terrace.
He accordingly looks over the
house, gets a plan of the interior
and quits. A few days afterward
his pupils enter the empty house,
and, making their way along the
roofs, enter whichever house has
been selected. In the meantime
the "squire" patrols the house out
side, looking respectability per
sonified, and when the coast is
clear he signals, usually by strik
ing matches, so that the boys in
side know whether they can safely
come out with the spoil.' Onp
match means "all's well;" two
matches, danger.
A well-known Scotland yard
official a short time ago effected a
Clever capture m this way.
noticed a man, pipe m mouth,
walking up and down a street in
the west end of London and con-
tinually striking matches to light
his pipe. Strange to say, however,
no smoke emanated from the pipe,
and thinking something was
wrong, the detective concealed
himself and awaited develop
ments. A few minutes later the
man struck another match, and
in a trice a boy about 12 years old
came out from the front door of an
unoccupied house, bearing on his
shoulders a sack with sticks of
wood protruding from the end.
The detective "smelled a rat,"
and at once detained the lad, in
whose sack, under the wood, was
found over $20,000 worth of jew
els. The "country squire" endeav
ored to make his escape, and the
boy protested that he had never
seen him, but it was afterward
discovered that the bucolic gen
tleman was a well-known ticket-of-leave
As a general rule, old penal
servitude men are the founders of
thieves' "schools." Realizing
that, as they are too well known
to the police, their chances of con
tinuing a felonious career in a
successful manner are very slight,
they have perforce to procure un
derstudies. Accordingly, by enlarging on
the profits accruing from bur
glaries and pocket-picking, they
have little difficulty in getting
hold of boys with evil propen
sities Weeks and weeks are then
spent in instructing the novices
in their new trade. The initial
lessons are generally devoted to
the art of picking pockets.
Paid for Butter Fat
Additional Local.
Dr. B. A. Cathey is to have built im
mediately another house for rental par-
poses. It will be a substantial modern
structure, and will occupy the corner lot
just south of tbe residence which Dr.
Dr. Cathey purchased last year of the
The Oregona departed down the river
yesterday morning. The Uip terminated
steamboating on the upper Willamette
ttr the season. The summer was verj
favorable for boating and steamers were
enabled to reach this city for about a
month later than during many previous
Born, July 5, in Portland, to .Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Wingate, a son. Mrs. Wingate
was formerly Grace Scott.wae aCorvallis
Mrs. Dodele, familiarly known as
Grandma" Dodele, lies at the point of
death at her home near Wells. , Three
weeks ago she suffered a second stroke
of paralysis, and Sunday morning the
ird one came. Yesterday she was nn
conscious and the end was expected at
any hour. Mrs. Dodele is 84yeaisold
and for years has been a respected reei
s ent of Northern Benton. She is the
mother of Paul and - Felix Dodele, of
Wells, well-known farmers, and of Mrs.
Clum Reed, of this city, who left Satur
day to be at the bedside.
Chanes McHenry, who sustained se
vare injuries in a fall of 16 feet from a
barn on the George Brown place a week
ago, is able to be abojt again, although
still lame and bruised from the accident
J. W. Butler, of Alsea, was a Corvallis
visitor Saturday and Sunday,
The improvements that Dr. E. H
Taylor has been .making to his dwelling
are completed. They include the addi
tion of a new kitchen, porch and pantry
and add materially to the convenience
and appearance of the residence. Nor
tin Adams did the work..
Mrs. Maud Hemphill is improving tbe
property on North Main street recently
purchased bv her. She is adding a bath
room and porch, building a new fence
and otherwise adding to the premises in
value and appearance.
. Norton Adams, has been awarded the
ontract for the J. Fred Yates residence.
to be built immediately at the northeast
corner of the property just purchased by
Mr. Yates of W. S. McFadden. The
dwelling is to be a two-story affair, mod
ern and first-class in every respect,
William Hand, of Albany, is the arcbi
tect. '
R. L. Taylor, the Job's addition mer-
chant, is suspicious now of his son Jack
the popular tonsorial artist. It happen
el on the night of the Fourth, but "Mac-
cibee Bill" has been keeping it dark
Jack had invested in a giant firecracker
or bomb, and, tbeing afraid of the thing,
be persuaded his unsuspecting pater to
apply the match. There was a fizz I
biff!! pop!!! and "Maccabee Bill" has
not been pretty since, His jaw is gashed
and burned, his chin is singed, his hand
is cut and bruised, and he is generally
used no. Whether Jack's professed
sympathy is genuine lis a question that
bothers the father almost as much as
does the injury sustained.
H. A. Hoffman, who has been local
aent for the O. R. & N. during the past
winter, left yesterday for Portland for
the Bummer, tbe boating season bein
ended here. Mr. Hoffman will rem si
with the company, and may be returned
to Corvallis this fall.
Next Tuesday the grand lodge of the
workmen in Oregon is to convene
Portland. Prof. F. Berchtold, who is
grand ma ter, will attend from this city
Jesse Spencer, and possibly Judge Wat
ters, will attend as delegates from the
local lodge. Mrs. O. W. Beckwith will
attend as a delegate from the Degree of
Supt. Den man and family arrived
home Saturday from Alsea, where Mr.
Den man delivered the Fourth of July
oration. From what we learn the
gathering in Alsea on this occasion was
large and the day ideal.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Have your printing done at the
Gazette office. We give you quick
service and save you money.
Clerk T. T. Vincent made a trip to
Portland Saturday, and while there pur
chased a roller-top book typewriter of
the latest improved pattern. The wok
of setting the machine up was in pro
gress yesterday.
Isadora Jacobs arrived home Saturday
from Portland, where he had been' in a
hospital for the past four months. It
will be remembered bv our readers that
Mr. Jacobs had the ligaments of his knee
broken while he was ascending the court
house steps in March- He has had a most
serious time of it since bis accident and
it will probably be many months yet be
fore he can discard his crutches.
Senator A. J. Johnson arrived home
Saturday Horn a trip through various
sections of the Pacific Northwest in his
capacity as national bank examiner. He
leaves again today for a brief trip dur
ing which he will assist Claude G- ,ch,
his successor as ' bank examiner, to fa
miliarize himself with the duties of the
office. Mr. Johnson will then be master
of his own time.
Mrs. William Schmidt went to New
port. sundav, tor an outing of two or
three weeks' duration.
M. Ek and family left yesterday for
Salem, to reside.
The W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church
is to hold an ice cream social in the
church basement tomorrow eveniHg, be
ginning at 7 o'clock.. An informal social
time will be the order and the public is
cordially invited.
Today 100 members of the State Phar
maceutical association are to be in Cor.
vallis en route to Newport, where they
will hold their anuual convention. Fri
day night they will be banqueted at
Hotel Corvallis by Prof. McKellips who
is tbe head of the pharmacy department
at OAC.
O. J. Blackledge went to
Portland Sunday to purchase
goods in his line. He was expected
J bote e last night.
Miss Eila Johnson is bavin? a
new Bidewals built along the south
side of her property on Main street
A. L. Steueneon has purchased
the residence property immediatly
west of tbe Dr. Pernot home. The
place was owned by Mrs. B. R. Job.
Mr. Stevenson will occupy the place,
making it bis permanent, borne.
To Water Consumers.
Corvallis, Or-. July 5, 1906.
Notice is hereby given to all consumers
of water :
We understand some of the City
Mountain Water Committee and some of
their employes are circulating the report
that the old' Corvallis Water Company
would not ran their pumps nor furnish
water for more than one month longer,
and if they did the water would be warm
and not fit to use.
In answer would say : - We will con
tinue to run as long as we receive money
in advance for water. If at any time we
see we will be compelled to shut down
we will gi"e ample notice so you can con
nect op with the new works. We will
furnish fresh water if we have to pump
it and then turn it back into the river
again and below where we pump it from
Ample notice will be given to our patrons
if the worst come to us.
Thanking you for your patronage and
kindness , e are Yourn truly,
56-57 By G. R. Farra, Pres.
All The World
Knows that Ballird's Soow Liniment has
no superior for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints,
Cuts, Sprains Lumbago, and all pains.
Buy it, try it and you will always use it.
Anybody who has used Ballard's Soow
Liniment is a proof of what it does. All
we ask of you is to get a trial bottle.
Prices 25c, 50c and pl.00. Graham &
is used ia the
manufacture -of
abundance of
cream being as
sured for this pur
pose by the large
volume supplied for
' the manufacture of
Hazelwood Butter r ;
IJNo albumen, gelatine
'.or other animal or
-chemical compound of
any character is in Hazel-
wood Ice Cream, its rich
ness and smoothness being
' I due to the actual richness of
the cream of which it is .
manufactured. ' Only pure
1 1 fruit, vegetable or nut flavors
are used in coloring or flavoring l
Ice Cream
!j. t. smith:
classified advertisements
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts 'for three
successive insertions, or 50 cts per
month; for all up to and including tea
additional words. cent a word for each
For all advertisements over 25 words,
I ct per word for the first insertion, and
ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
charged for.
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build homes nn them
if desired. Address First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
Or., for spot cash, balance instal-
s merits, and help parties to build homes
thereon, if desired. Address M. S.
Woodcock, Corvallis, Or.
Veterinary Surgeon
blacksmith shop. Residence,' 101 1
Main st. Give him a call. 12tf
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
4 p. m . Residence : cor. 5th and Ad
ams Sts. Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. l4tf
ments; curbing made to order; clean-
ing and reparingdone neatly: save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St.,Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, o2tt
Office up stafrs in Zierolf Building.
Only set of abstracts in Bentob County
Office in Post Office Building, Corval
lis, Oregon.
Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55per year.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and Fold ani money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
A Tragic Fiuisn.
A wat.'hman's neglect permitted a lak
in the great North Sea Dyke, whioh a.
child's linger could hav-i stopped, to be
come a ruinous break, devastating an
entire province of Holland. Ia like
manner Kenneth Mclzer, of Vanceb'-T-h
Me , permilfed a little ri.ld to uo
an noticed until a tragi : finish was only
averted by Dr. King's New Discovery,
tie writes: "Three doctors gave me .up
co die of lung inflammation caused by a
oeglected cold ; but Dr. King's New Die
covery saved my life " Guaranteed best,
cough and cold cure. At Allen & Wood
ward.s. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Your Liver
Is out of ordet Yon iro to bed in a
bad humor mid get up with a bad taste
in your month. Von want poinetliing to
stimulate our live'. Just try llerbine,
the liver regulator. A positive cure for
Constipation, Dyspepsia and all liver
i-om plaints. Mrs. F. Kt. Worth, Texas,
writes: "Have used Jlerbine in my
family for years. Word's can't express
whatl think about it. Evervbody iu
my horsehold are happv and well nnd
we owe it to Herbine." Sold by Graham
& Wortham.
Subscribe for the Gazette.
Trade Marks
fttf Copyrights ic
Anrone sending a eketcta and description mi;
nioiriv aanartain our ooinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Commonlca-
ttona strictly confident!
on Patents
sent free. Oldest aseney for securing patents.
Patents taken throash Mann Co. receive
Special notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Utastrated wMldr.i Xata.etib
rotation of any scientific Journal. Terms, U a
rear: fonrmonths.IL Sold byafl TOwsdealesa.
tlUNN & CQ.M"ngJork
ranch Offloa. 8 Ufc. Washington. IXC.