Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 06, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Mrs. Ernest Bryant and children
lefi Tuesday for an outing at the
Mies Amelia McCune of Shedda is
visiting Miea Minnie Wilson, in this
Miss Helen Crawford was the
guest this week of friends In Al
bany. Recorder E: J. Newton and fam
ily celebrated at Phiiomatb, Wed
nesday.'; L. L. Ward left Taesday for Pen
dleton, after a visit with friends in
W O. Heekart of Eugena has
been a Corvallis visitor tnia week,
on business.
Miss Minnie Phillips - has - been
the guest this week of Mrs. J. J .
Collins, in Aibany.
J. A. Henry, wife and, daughter,
left Tuesday for Portland, to visit
until after the Fourth.
Donald Yantis returned Tuesday
in hia home in
Slem. after a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Will Wicks.
Mrs. Fred Buchanan and Miss
Mamie Cautbon were passengers
for Portland on Tuesday's morning
Mrs. Wallis Nash left Tuesday
for her home in Portland, alter an
extended visit with friends in Cor
vallis. M. Burnap and family have raov
ed into their own resilience on Ninth
street, just vacated by M. Chappell
and family.
'Mrs. J. E. Brattnoper and Mi-B
Oreta Pettigrove of Seattle are
guests at the H. C. Herran home at
Irish Bend.
Frank White has gone to Salem,
mid After a visit there he eoes to
Eastern Oregon for the summer.
He is tuning pianos.
Ben Young and family operated
an ice cream and candy stand at
Big Elk the Fourth. They went
oi'er Monday to prepare for it.
' Collie Cathey came over from
Summit this week to spend the
Fourth. Hi' has been at jvork over
there since the close of college.
Mies Dorothea Neb passed
through Corvallis yesterday from
her home in Portland to the Naeh
home on Rock Creek, on a visit.
Mrs. H. Walker and Miss Fre?
min have started for their home in
Moscow, Idaho, after a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. McMahon in this city.
Supt. Denman and family went
to Alsea, Tuesday, hp! on the
Fourth Mr. Dsmuan w-ts chief
speaker at the big celebration held
A. T. Grugett and family, and
Clarence Starr anil faniuy were
amoner tho Co'rvaliis Teoule who
celebrated at Bel efountain, Wed
nesdy .
Fiar.k Hublerand Cash Bryant
left Tuesday for Portland to spend
l'a Fourth, and from there they go
to points m Washington, to look
Fred Piel and family moved
this week from Monroe to Corvallis,
where they are to reside. They oc
cupy rooms in the Fred Yates resi
dence for the present.
The M. Wright pioperty on Third
street has been sold by Arobl-r and
Watters to Mrp. Etta Downer. The
deal was ompieted yesterday and
the consideration was $1,450.
The new rate ovr the iine of thf
Pacitic States Telephone and TeK
graph Company's lines from Cor
vallis to Aibany is 10 cents for
first minute and 5 cents for each
additional minute.
Collie Cathev left Wednesday for
Gresham to assist his uncle in the
harvest field.
Miss Minnie Buxton of Portland
was in Corvallis Tuesday on her way
to Newport for an outing.
Prof, and Mrs. T. H. Crawford
spent the Fourtn at tne wiuiam
Schmidt home near Granger.
Prof. Taillandier and Dr. Cathey
were among the ; crowd that ' cele
brated at Detroit, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Waggoner
arrived home a few days ago from
a visit of some length' with relatives
near Halsey.
MiBB Nellie Maryin and Ethel
Downer went to Peoria " Tuesday to
epend the Fourth, returning Thurs
day morning.
Prof, and Mrs. Carroll Cammings.
arrived home on Monday -evening's
train, after an extended visit with
relatives in Salem.
Judge Woodward and one of the
road eupei visors spent a portion of
the Fourth inspecting the covered
hridoro ftfrosa Marvs river above
Services at the M. E. church,
South. Sundav morning and even
ins. Subiect at 11 a. m.. The
Transfiguration." At 8 D. m., "A
Character Sketch.
S. L. Shedd suffered an attack of
Daralvsis a coudIo of days ago and
his condition since then has been of
a nature to alarm his friends. He
was thoncrht to be a little, better
Mr. and 2re. M. SI Woodcock
and eon, Harold, went to Portland
vesterdav morning. One of the ob
jects of the trin is that Harold may
have an examination of his throat
which has given bim soma trouble
in the past.
The glorious Fourth of July pass
ed off ouietlv in Corvallis. Those
who remained in town were immen
sely patriotic and made a noiae that
sounded like a celebration, but there
was no intense hilarity. So far as
we are informed no one "cauned
a aoer.
There is a larmer who is yy ? .
Enough to take his ee,
And 6tudy nature with his ii
And think ol what lie cc.
He hears the chatter of the jj,
As they each other tt.
And sees that when a tree dkk ,
It makes a home ior bb
A yoke of oxen he will uu, ,
With man haws and gg,
And their mistakes he wilt xqq
When plowing for his pp.
He little buys, but much h sallai?
And, therefore , little oo f 'f '
And when he hoes hia;soiI:fey spells
He alsb'aoila his hose.
Additional Local
For economy fruit jars
Teams wanted at - once
wood. P. A. Kline.
to haul
There i3 a prospect of a neiv two
stcrv brick being erected on tne
present site of the Centennial Meat
Market, now owned by J. C. Ham
cuel. The real estate belongs io
the J. C. Taylor estate and the
heirs are contemplating the build
ing of the new brick.
W- H. Hansell labored at a dis
advantage last week. He man
aged to get his right hand connect
ed with the woodsaw of which he
is part owner and the result was a
lacerated hand. However, he did
rot lose his nerve nor allow the ac
cident to interfere with his work.
We beg that the Gazette may be
t-p.ued criticism this issue on ac
count cf being n tnfle shy on newr,
As an excuse for our shortcoming,
reference may be made to the fact
i h it the . Fourth i;f Julv came to
our office 'i couple of days ago and
the tuni r portion of our force
i .1-.. .1 .
proved so patriotic mai iuey rs--caped
f )r the day.
When the excursion train to the
Front stopped at Mill City Wed
nesday, many Corvallis people ex
tended greetings to Dr. and Mrs.
Holt, formerly of this city. They
have resided at Mill City over a
year and are getting along nicely.
The aaditton to the ramiiy ot a
pratty baby daughter now aged one
year, was a surprise to many old
friends from Corval!i9.
At the C. L Troxel home in this
city Wednesday occurred the mai
nag of Curtis II. Miller of Kings
Vullt-y to Mi?s Clara. C. Troxel of
Corvallis. The ceremony was pi
formed by T. T. Vincent in the pre
sence of a dozen friends. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller will reside in Kings
Regular services morning and evening
at the M. E. church, Sunday,
Lafe Prindel came out from Fisher,
Oregon, the Fourth that he might trane-
act some business ia this city. He re
turned home yesterday .
At the Church of Christ next Sunday
morning tne pastor win epeaK on,
"Crnmbs from the Convention." Even
ing subject, "Where is iod ?'
The firemen weie called into service
again Wednesday, a blaze being discov
ered on the roof of the Sparkman resi
dence. Slight damage was done.
J. S. Booth was over from Newport
for a dav or two during the first of the
week. He reports many cottagers con
gregating in the "City by the Sea."
The cteering news comes from the
Weather Man that the "backbone of the
hot spell is broken" and that we may
now look for that good old Oregon sum
mer weather.
Mr. Veal and family, recent arrivals
from Nebraska, moved Tuesday into
the Henr Ambler residence, which they
will occupy during the absence of the
owner in England.
Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman came up
from Portland, Tuesday, and passed on
to Philomath. We are informed that
Mr. Huffman has the coutract to build a
residence in Philomath.
Presbyterian Church, M. S. Bush,
pastor. Bible sjhool at ten, worship at
eleven, C. E . meeting at seven and even
ing service at eight with address by Rev.
J. H. Leiper of Portland.
. Tne position of janitor at the court
house seems to be one greatly desired
by many. There had been 17 applica
tions filed for the place up to the time
for court to meet yesterday .
Otto Deck of Portland has arrived to
assume cnarge ot tne ice pianc in tne
Kaupisch creamerj. Mr. Deck is an ex
pert in the business, and is also to in
crease the capacity of the plant. ,
Quite a number of our townspeople
went up on Woods Creek and spent the
Fourth. It seems there is a soda spring
out in that seetion and the waters of the
spring are reported to be excellent. '.
Miss Myra San lers is a guest at the
home of her cousin, S. L. Shedd. She
is enroute from a visit in California to her
home in Grinnell, Iowa. She go 3S from
Corvallis to Seattle after a two weeks'
visit here. ,
The Corvallis Creamery company sold
200 gallons of ice cream luesday. The
product was snipped to Lebanon, Scio,
Independence and many other nearby
towns. J his is "going some in the ice
cream business.
Only one drunk man wa- seen in Cor
vallis on the Fourth and he left on the
afternoon train for hi i iiome in another
town. This is a pretty clean record for
such a day, and is certainly one of which
every right-minded citizen cf the lity is
A test of the fire hydrants of Corvallis
was made Wednesday forenoon, the task
ocuupying half a day. It Jvai made bv
members of th9 water committes and
was thoroughly satisfactory in every re
spect', the fact being plainly established
tiat there is now better fire protection in
Corvallrs, by far, than ever before in her
During the first of-" the week a
farmers', institute was held at Burns,
Eastern Oregonr ; DrWithycombe,
of OAC. wasin attendance as one ot
the principal speakers; ' The "doc
tor aletf delivered thke Ifourtb? cf
July oration ?fo? the big celebration
Photos First-class - work, guar
anteed to please, at "Corvallis Stu
dio." 56-tf.
fruit jars are found at
The Willamette Valley Electric
Com pany is -" build i n g v an i ; offi.eediil:
this-city for" the :" accommodation of
the local manager, G. A. Clark.
The new office building will 'be
erected 'on the vacant lot north -of
Hathaway Bros.', blacksmith' shop.
Economy fruit jars for sale at
Zierolf's. 53tf
Large hardwood lard barrels $1
each at Smalls'. 55 tf
For Rent. 320 acre grain farm
Inquire at this office. 54tf
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build homes on them
if desired. Address first .National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
Or., for spot cash, balance instal
ments, and help parties to build homes
thereon, if desired. Address M. b
Woodcock, Corvallis, Or.
Veterinary Surgeon
blacksmith shop. Residence, 1011
Main st. Give him a call. 12tf
8fajWa3J3S5i 1?gi&gb 32g2SS5
Established 13 64. Corvallis, Oragon. J
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
t p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
ams Sts. Telephone at office andea
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
X W. JLJPaul, Ind. 488. ... lit
inents ; curbing made to order ; clean
; ing and reparingdone neatly: save
'. agent's commission . Shop North
Main St., Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, gitt
And for 3D days we will offer the entire stock of Dry
Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, etc., at extra special
20 yards of Calico 1.C0
15c, 20c and 25c Summer Goods 10
Odd sets of Ladies' Waists, 1, $1.50, $1.75 .25 4
20 Per Cent Offon IsrOSothSng
" When you see it in ous adm it is so,
Office up stafrs in Zierolf Buildina,
Only set of abstracts in Bentoii County
Office in Post Office Building, Corval
is, Oregon.
Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55per year.
Sh -rifT Burnett, Georgo Kerr and j Valley. Both are respected young
Gus Logsdou went to SaW-m, Tut- j people of Benton, and they have the
day morning, to tmrtieipate in the .rood wishes of ruanv friend?.
big c'ay puton thaot on the Kourt m
1... v.i. 0o The Gould uuhinerv store was
! r- x itrrii iiir r 1 1 l tiun 11 11 runco-
,ltr" nmrnii.o- to ioin thfi n.irtv from ! purchased this week oy
Corvallis. Sheriff Burnett went in.
from the capital city Thursday to j
Seattle, where he will be a witness j
in the Mitchell trial.
Mies Bertha Mason, for several
years a missionary in Monterey.
Mexico, will speak at the Church of
Christ. Saturday evening at 8
week oy Mi?s Iva
Barclay and a cousin trotn Wat-h-ington
Miss Berthile Barclay, who
will hereafter operate the estab
lishment. Mrs. Gould will spend
the summer r.t the Whittaker farm,
but further than this her plans are
not made known. During htr
several years of business in -this
city Aire, lioula won a large par-
o'c'ock. Miss Mason is making a tour ! ronage and made many friends. Tt
of the Northwest in the interest of the
Christian Woman's Board of Mis
sions. She is a woman of pleasing
personality. Her address at the
Turner conference was one of the
notable features of that gathering.
Rev. and Mrs. Handsaker, Mrs.
J. V. Howard, Mr. GoodcMId,
Misses Etta Fuller and Ethel
Brooks, Mrs. F. O. Gray and daugh
ters, and Eirl and Clarence Brooks
arriyed hom9 Monday night from
attendance at the annual Christian
conference at Turner. They report
a fine meeting, the best, , in fact,
ever held' in the state, of that sort,
with a large attendance and deep
is orobable that the new owners
will likewise eciov their full share
of patronage.
Last night the United Artisans
held installation ceremonies at their
hall and inducted into office the fol
lowing: P. M. A , Mrs. Tillie
Reed; M. A., Harry Cronise; sec
retary, Mis3 Eva Starr; treasurer,
Frank Hubler; senior con., Eila
King; M. C, Guy Clark; junior
con., Mrs. Jennie btrone: supenn
tendent, Mrs. Elleu Munday; in
spector, Mrs. Adelaide King; war
der, Lee Henkle; instructor, Mrs.
Sarah Stewart. After the installa
tion ice cream and cake were served
iand a social time enjoyed.
A Tragic Finlsn.
A watyhnian's neglect permitted a leak
in the great North Sea Dyke, whifh a
child's tinker could hava stopped, to be
come a ruinous break, devastating an
entire province of Holland. In like
manner Kenneth Mclzer, of " anceber
ough. Me., permitted a little cold to so
unnoticed until a tragiu finish was oaly
averted by Dr. King's New Discovery.
He writes: "Three doctors gave me up
to die of lung inflammation i-aused by a
neglected cold ; but Dr. King's New Dis
covery saved my life."' Guaranteed best
couch and cold cure. At Allen & Wood
ward.s. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and fold ani money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your citv, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razor?,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. ,
Agent for ths Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles")
Guns and Bicye!ss For Rent. Fir sS-slass Repair Shop.
Phone 126
ResHenca 324
We are now prepared to provide the pub
lic wilh Ices, Water ices, Creams, Sher-
bets, and everything in this line.
Your Liver
Is out of order. You go to bed in a
bad humor and get up with a bad taste
in your mouth. You want something to
stimulate jour liver. Just try Herbine,
the liver regulator. A positive cure for
Constipation, Dyspepsia and all liver
complaints. Mrs. F. Ft. Worth, Texas,
writes; "Have used Herbine in my
family for years. Word's can't express
whatl think about it. Everybody in
my household are happy and well and
we owe it to Herbine." Sold by Graham
& Wortham.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby jiTen to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed Ex
ecutrix ef the last Will and Testament of James
C Taylor, deceased, by the County Court of Ben
ton County, State ef Oregon. All persons haring
claims against the estate cf said James O. Tay
lor, deceased, are hereby required to present
the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri
fied as by law required, within six months from
the date hereof, to the undersigned at her resi
dence in Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated this 39th day of June, 196&
Kxecutrix of the last Will and Testament f
James C. Taylor, deceased.
Have You a
I !a I
Big Discount
Remember that we are' closing
out all Summer Suits at 20 per
cent discount. It will pay j-ou to
investigate before buying a com
plete and up-to date stock of Men's
Furnish in ye.
Corvallis, Oregon
For social functions solicited. We cater to
the whole public and guarantee the best
at reasonable prices. When you want
anything in our Jine remember us.
Our own special free delivery to any part
of the city large or small quantities.
I I il Willi II ...i.U. '..iJ..
&L pn I K A 11 rsx C. A N V5:;
-"I. ;tj:iii Tin- s.':i.
Purs, raw linsee
costs less than
mixed" .paint, but when
mixed with thick
oil n
pigment, gallon for gallon, it
makes the best paint for- the
least money.
Fan Sate by ...
Corvallis, Oregon. ?