Aegetable Preparationfor As similating tfteroodandRegula ting the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digeshonheerfur ness and RestContains neither Opiumforphine norMuieraL KotUarcotic. Jbafit afOhift-SAMUZLPTTCIILR PmuJun Seat' j4lx.SmM ytnieeSeed fiffiefnmMt BtCarbonakSoiae Htrm-Semd- CfanM Sugar snasnyrmm- riavr. A perfect Remedy forConsfipa Tion . Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ft"- S4 To GAIN PER ACRE If you hT 125 loads of manure to spread ard you are eoinf to plant 25 acres of corn or wheat, or have a 25 acre meadow we will tell you how you can increase the value of your crop this year, from 14.00 to (8.00 per acre or more than enough to pay for a spreader. We issue? a. 48-page book entitled "Practical Experience With Barnyard Manures." which explains the whole situation. Our Plan is not a theory. It is an actual fact, backed up by actual experiments extending over period of 18 years. To give you an idea of what this book contains, we show results of experi ments made with various crops where 5 loads of manure were, spread per acre by the old method, and 5 loads by the new method, on corn f round. The latter shows a tain of $4.80 per acre. On another field and in another state, it shows a gain of (5.60 per acre, and on a clover and timothy meadow, a gain of (8.00 per acre. - . This Book will be sent tree to anyone writing ns. It is worth (100.00 to yon, but it won't cost yon a cent. If it doesn't do yon any good, it won't do you any harm. Write ns now and let ns mail it to yon. It is brimming full of valuable information. The Siiiif ii iraf Usstrn Endless Apron ianur Spreader Spreads all kinds of manure, straw stack hot- balanced on front and rear axles. The team is toms andcommercial fertilizer regardless of their as near the load as it can work. Front and rear condition. Spreads as much in at day as is nien axles are the same length and wheels track; can by hand. Spreads the largest load in 2 to 4 beater shaft runs in ball and socket bearings, minutes. Makes the same amcunt of manure go therefore no friction. Beater is 23 inches in di- three times as fur and produce better results; ar.ieter, seat turns over when loading. Machine makes all manure fine and immediately avail- turns in its own length. ab!e for plant life. Simplicity. - There are only two levers on our Non-Bunchable Rake forms a hopper, holds machine. 0-a which raises the hood, locks it nil hard chunks in contact with beater until and throws the machine in Rear at the same time, thoroughly pulverized. It can then be thrown in and out of gear without Endless Apron is one continuous apron, (not lowering the hood. One lever which changes a H apron) therefore always re idy to load. You feed to spread thick or thin, making it so simple don't have to drive a certain distance to pull it that a boy who can drive a team can handle it. back into position after each load or wind it back Strength and Durability is one of the most by hand ; it it a great advantage in making long important points to be considered in a manure hauls. spreader. The Great Western has a good, strong. There Is no Gearing about our Endless Apron durable wheel. Extra strong spoke and rim, to break and causa trouble, it is always up out heavy steel tires. Strong, well braced box with of the way of obstructions as it does not extend heavy oak sill. Oak tongue, hickory doubletrees, below axle. Spreads evenly from start to finish malleable castings, gears and sprockets all keyed and cleans out perfectly clean. on. Galvanized hood. Every part is made extra Hood and End Gate keeps mannre away from strong, regardless of co-t. It is made for the man beater while loading : prevents choking of beat- who wants the best , made in four sises, 3S. So. er and throwing out a bunch when starting and fo and too bushel capacity. acts as wind shield when spreading. It has a Guarantee Should any part break, wear ont or graduating lever andean be regulated while in get out of order withi" one year we replace free motion to spread thick er thin, 3 to as loads for of charge. Send for free catalog, showing latest acre. improvements. I' tells how to apply manure to Lirfht Draft because the load is nearly equally secure best results, ' Write just these words on a postal card or in a letter "Send me yonr book "Practical Ex perience with Barnyard Manures' and catalogue No.lHSe They will be mailed to yon free. Do it now before you haul your manure or prepare for any crop. Smith Manufacturing Co., 162 Harrison St., Chicago The Work Is Done. The task of digging the pipe ditch for the new mountain water system . for Corva'lis was completed Fridav, and the pipe is being laid as rapidly as passi ble. While tVe rainy weather has been a draw back in some re spects, it h-is been of great ser vice to the men who did the ditching, the ground being in fine condition all the time, a fact that has fiimd in the timely completion of the job. The water is clear, cold and spaik linjr, and is a source of pride to townspeople generally. The plumbers are busy from morning until night now, putting in connections for supplying private residences with water. The fee for tapping the main line is $5.00 and there is a great demand for the connections, as nearly every property owner wishes a supply of gxd water in his home. . There has been some discus- ft For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years TiRf IF A tmb ecirnum OMrairv. new youk orrr. no That's what a Spreader will do if used as it should be sion relative to two or more pub lic fountains, to b; centrally located where both man and beast can quench their thirst. If this could be done at a reason able outlay it would certainly b? a fine thing for the towu, and a great accommodation to the pub lic, and with such a supplv ot pure water it would appear to be a task easy of accomplishment. A joung man who was about to jurr p from a train of care, while in motion, was deterred by a newspaper reporter, who asked his name, a?e, business and residence, for an obituary notice. It is reported that many of the si 'k and infirm of San Francisco were ga vanized into health by the great ' shock their nervous systems received In other words, they were shaken oat of a bad habit of mind. Men Wanted. Saw mill and lumber yard laborers $2.25 per dar. Woodsmen $2.25 to $3 00. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lum ber Co., Eugene, Ore. 43tf Take. The Gazette for all the local news. Lincoln's Boyhood Lincoln's CHAPTER VII. Young Abe Chooses the Law as His Profession. ' THE results of the canvass for the legislature were precisely such as had been predicted both by Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Kutledge. He had been defeated, as he expected himself, and It had done him much good, in the politician's sense, as promised by Mr. Kutledge. He was now somewhat acquainted with the people outside of the New Salem dis trict and generally marked as a young man of good parts and popular man ners. The vote given him at home demonstrated his local strength and made his favor a thing of value to the politicians of all parties. Soon after his return from the army he had taken quarters at the house of J. R. Herndon, who loved him then and always with as much sincerity as one man can love another. Mr. Herndon' s family likewise became much attached to him. He nearly always had one of Herndon's children around with hinu Mr. Herndon says of him further that he was "at home wherever he went," making himself wonderfully agreeable to the people he lived with or whom he happened to be visiting. , Among other things he was very kind to the widow and orphan and chopped their wood. Lincoln, as we have seen already, was not enamored of the life of a common laborer, mere hewing and drawing. He preferred to clerk, to go to war, to en ter politics anything but that dreary round of daily toil and poor pay. But he was now, as he would say, "in a fix." Clerks were not wanted every day in New Salem, and he began to cast about for some independent busi ness of his own by which he could earn enough to pay board and buy books. In every community where he had lived the merchant had been the principal man. He felt that, in view of his ap prenticeship under those great masters Jones and Offutt, he was fully compe tent to run a store and was impatient to find an opening in that line. Unfortunately for him the circum stances of the business men of New Sa lem were Just then peculiarly favorable to his views. At least three of thrift were as anxious to sell out as Lincoln was to buy. Lincoln as Storekeeper. Lincoln, as already stated, was at this time living with "Row" Herndon. Row and his brother Jim had taken a store down to New Salem early in that year. But Jim didn't like the place and sold out his interests to an idle, conviv ial fellow named Berry. Six weeks lat er Row Herndon grew tired of his new partner and sold his Interest to Lin coln. The store was a mixed one dry goods and groceries. About the same time Mr. Radford, who kept one of the New Salem grocer ies, fell into disfavor with the Clary's Grove boys, who generously determin ed that he should keep a grocery no longer. They accordingly selected a convenient night for breaking in his windows and, in their own - elegant phrase, "gutting his establishment." The next day Radford was standing disconsolate in the midst of his wreck when Bill Green rode up. Green thought he saw a speculation in Radford's dis tress and offered him $400 for the whole concern. Radford eagerly closed with him, and in a few minutes Green owned the grocery and Radford was ready for the road to a more congenial settlement It is said that Green em ployed Lincoln to make arl Inventory of the stock. At all events Lincoln was satisfied that Green's bargain was a very good one and proposed that he" and Berry should take it off his hands at a premium, of $250. Radford had Green's note for $400, but he now sur rendered it and took Lincoln & Berry's for the same amount, Indorsed by Green, while Lincoln & Berry gave Green a note for $250, the latter's profit in the trade. Mr. Rutledge also owned a small grocery in the village, and this was speedily absorbed by the enterprising firm of Lincoln & Berry, who now had the field to themselves, being sole pro prietors of the only store of the kind in New Salem. Whether Mr. Lincoln sold liquor by the dram over the counter of this shop remains, and will forever remain, an undetermined question. Many of his friends, aver that he did, and'as many more aver that he did not When Doug las, with that courtesy for which he distinguished himself in the debates with Lincoln, revived the story Lincoln ; replied that even if it were true, there was but little difference between them, for, while he figured on one side of the counter, Douglas figured on the other. It Is certain liquors were a part of the stock of all the purchases of Lincoln & Berry. Of course they sold them by the quantity and probably by the drink. Some of it they gave away, for no man could keep store without setting out the customary dram to the patrons of the: Dlace. , (To be Continued.) WARD HILL LAMON, His Friend. Partner xnd Bodyguard Birthplace Additional Local. Dr. A. C Steckle, the former popular coach of the O. A.X. ootball team, arrived in Corval i Sunday from jCollins, and was the guest until today of Corvallis nends. Dr. Steckle is the com pany physician on the North Bank road, and reports things as booming jn that part of the world. At 2:30 yesterday after noon, the clasn in physical culture at OAC gave its an nual exhibition dri'l in the armory, a large crowd being present. The exer cises were very graceful and elicited con siderable applause from the spectators. After i he Gazzette press hour last night, in college chapel there was to be given a pipe organ recital and elocutionary en tertainment, these being commencement features. The Artisans . have elected - the following officers for the coming term: P. M. A , Mrs. C. Reed; M A., H. H. Croniee: Sup't, Ellen E. VTundy; inspector. Mrs. Adelaide Kiug; Etc y, Miss Eva btarr; treas urer, Frank flubler;-Sr. Con., Mies Ella KingpM. (J., Guy Clark; Jr Con., Mrs. Jennie Strong; field commanders, Miss Maud Harper and Fred Cooper. Mr. Clifford Benson, of Rose burg, is visiting O. A. C. friends during commencement week. While he has been tendered a fine position elsewhere, he declares it to be his purpose to return to the O. A. Q. next year and remain till he graduates. He states that his father, 'Hon. Frank Benson, state secretary-elect, expects to move to Salem in the near fu ture, where Cliff will always be lad to meet his O. A. C. friends, While Cliff does not pretend to be a politician, he says he does ioin his lather in hearty appreciation of the splendid vote given him for secretary of state at the last election. Ellsworth Irwin's new resi deuce in the southwestern part ot the town is going up rapidly and will be a very attractive struc ture. Charles Heckart is the contractor. Work is progressing rapidly on the T. H. Crawford residence. which Norton Adams is build ing on the Irwinlfcblock, near the Gray home. It (,is to be' com pleted this month. Miss L-orene Parker of Inde pendence is the guest over com mencement of Miss Nora Miller. There was a spirited game of baseball on Mary's river flat Sun day afternoon between Kline's teiin of this city and a team from Mouroe. The score was n ro 9 in favor of Corvallis. A large crowd attended. During the game a stray ball struck George Iivine between the eyes, break his nose. Miss Agnes Wilson will go on the Oregonian free trip to the Yellowstone National Park in July. The contest closed June is1, and Miss VVilscn won out in the nth district by about 40,000 vutes. There are 24 winner?, and these, with the ten maids of honor and a few other persous, will leave Portland early in July, by special train, for the famcus Yellowstone Park, and will also see the sights of Boise Citv and Salt Lake. City, enroute. The trip will last two weeks and wil; be a wonderful one in every re spect. Miss Wilson, the Corval lis winner, has been loyally sup ported in the contest by her townspeople, and it is a matter of pride and gratification to the en tire city that the honor has fallen on one so worthy. The fiial score and photos of the winners appeared in Sunday's Oregonian. The flag at OAC hung at half mast ail day Thursday, a mute symbol of the early passing of MifcB Isabel Whitby, whose fu neral occurred that day from the family noine sout of Corvallis. Dr E . J. Thompson cam- from Inde- pri dmce lo cuiduct tut- ; services, which were very impressive. ' Tb p.tll bearers and aieo the honorary pall bearers were from CorvaUi? d .'cheof mates of .the deceased . The fui ierai is sxid to have been the largeet in Bt-nton county in . yeare, friends coming from miles aroui d o pty their last tribute of respect to the vounff girl whcee untimely death is widelv mourned. Inter ment was in the Oak Ridge ceme tery,.' . .'Miss Mirgaret Cundiff, of Eu gene and Miss Francis French of Albany were guests the last of the week of Mrs. Cecil Cathey. Miss Vera C-'fpw of Dallas ar rived Snturdav tor. a vipit at the home of .er uncle. W. S. Linville. John Kiger and family moved yester day into the Sutherland house on South Third 6treet. It is stated that the Sutherlands will return to their former home at Shedds, for the summer. Prof, and Mrs. McEIfresh of Salem are among the out-of-towa guests who are attending commencement Mrs. McEI fresh was formerly Miss Gertrude Ewing, a very popular student. General J. T. Thorp , and W. P. Lafferty left Saturday for a tour of the northwestern states in the interests of the Oregon group of the self-propelled Agricultural and Commercial machines, of which General Thorp is the inventor. Mrs. J. C. Taylor has received from the K. O. T. M. lodge, of which her late husband was a member, a check for $2,000, which is payment of his life in surance policy. As it was received within a month after the death of Mr. Taylor, the family has a. very high opinion of the order because of its promptness in ineetinsr su:h obligations. In a lively discussion of the subject "Resolved, 1 hat Suffrage in the United States Should be Restricted by an Ed ucational Qualification" the Pierian lit erary society of OAC was defeated by the Jeffersonians in college chapel, Sat urday evening. The debate was a splendid one, end being the last in this year's series tor the Gatch cup, drew a good crowd. Other features of the pro gram were a violin solo by Frank Fow ells, and two excellent numbers on the pipe organ, by Prof Gerard 1 aillandier. Misses Mabel, Bessie and Lessie David, son, ot lone, Eastern Oregon, have ar rived and are at Alpha Hall until after commencement- ' Misb. Pearl Edwards, formerly of OAC, returned from Portland. Saturday, where she has been attending the Behenke- Walker business college, and is the guest over commenment of friends at Alpha Hall. Miss Reva Buell, a former, student, is visiting Corvallis friends during com mencement. She resides near Sherman. BEATEB CKKEK Ed Hawkins was a Philomath visitor last Monday. Maggie Daniel is visiting at tue name of her aunt, Mrs. Walter Smith, neat Brownsville. Quite a numbsr of our citizens attend ed the hone show at Corvallis. Geo. Gites has purchased a new team from a party near Philomath. Mr. and Mrs. Manning and family visited ftiends in Beaver Creek a few days this week. They , expect to return in a few days to their old home in Kan sas. '. Election passed off quietly at Grange Hall except the lively hustling of wit nesses for the large number of blank A's. The public school closed last Tuesday after ah eight month term taught b Prof. G. A. Peterson. A number of recitations were given by the scholars The total number of pupils enrolled was 81 and daily average attendance 28. Vivian Park was the only scholar who has attended the entire 8 months with out being absent or tardy. A visitor in Paris, some years ago, wrote to a friend in this country ' I was buying a geography for my boy. One bein j; shown me, I suggested that the maps in it were rather small. ',Oh yes,' quoth the clerk, 'that'u because they are for small children.' " It being proved at the trial of a pick pxfcet, who said that his name was Linch, that hU real name was Inch, the Judge remarked 'This proves the truth of the ol i alare thst if yon give a rnai an inch he will take an L.' " LETTER LIST. j The following letters remain uncalled jfor in the Corvallis postoffice, for the weekending June 2, 1 90(71 I A E Aearhart, G B Hardin, Fred Hill, Mis F D Howard, Fritts Horning. T J Jordon, AM Kendall, W E Kesay, Mrs C W Langhlin. ' B. W. Johnson, P. M. CASTOR I A ; For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of CiASSIFItU ADVLR 1 IStMEN I S : . CLASSIFIED ADVKBTI8SMKNTS : " , Fifteen words or lees, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 cts per month; for all op to and jncluding ten additional words. cent a word for each insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words,. 1 ct per word for the first insertion, and i ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. Lodge, society and church notices, other than strictly news matter, will be charged for. FOR SALE BTJRBANK SEED POTATOES. PAS tnre for stork. Inquire Clyde Beach, phone Ind. 3, Dixie. 41-49 BALED HAY FOR SALE INQUIRE P. O. box 844. or Ind. 'pkone 42&. Corvallis, Oregon. 23 tU HOMES FOR SALE. WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as sist purchasers to build homes on them if desired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal ments, and help part'es to build homes thereon, i! desired. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Or. Veterinary .Surgeon DR. E. E. JACKSON, V. S., MORRIS blacksmith shop. Residence, 1011 Main Pt. Give him a call. 12tf PHYSICIANS 3. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon.' Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. - Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 t tp. m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams Sts Telephone at office and res idence. Corvallis. Oregon. . House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W, E. Paul, Ind. 488 l4tf MARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU aients; curbing made to order ; clean ing and reparing done neatly: save neent's commission. Shop North Main St., Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, o2tt ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Office up stairs in Zierolf Building. Only set of abstracts in Benton County ?. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. ; WANTED WAITED 600 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2.56per year. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Drafts bought and sold ani money transferred to the principal cities of the United States, Europe and foreign countries. HELP WANTED. A MIDDLE AGED LADY TO DO house work on a farm near Corvallis, Ore., and aseist in caring for three children. She can arrange if she de sires to assist in caring for chickens and other duties in farm work com monly done by ladies. If the lady has a husband, son, or other male relative, who is a good workpr in farm work, he nan have work at least part of the time. In answering send refer ences. Address: P. O. Brx 344, 37tf Corvallis. Oregon. Postmaster Robbed. G. V. Fonts, Postmaster at River town, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, whii-h led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yellow; when my doctor perscribed Electric Bitters: which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years.'' Sure cure for Billious- -ness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangement. A wonderful Tonic. At. Allen & Woodward Drug store. 50c. A Happy Mother Vill see that her baby is properly caied for to do this a good purgative is neccessary. Many babies suffer from worms and their mothers don't know it . if j'our baby is feverish and doesn't sleep at nights, it is troubled with worms. White's Cream Vermifuge will clean out these worms in a mild pleasant way. Once tried always nsed. Give it a trial. Price 25 cents. Sold by Graham & Wortham. The for Job Work X : :