.LOCAL AMD PERSONU Born, Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. John. Gooae, a daughter. , Leslie Cade left Saturday for his home in Ro3eburg. He is an OAC eophonoore. j Misa Kate Gerard went to Mon roe, Friday, to attend the big picnic on Saturday. iV Miss Eunice Stewart left Friday for her home in Prineville, after a visit with Mrs. Harry Buxton. Mrs, Susan Starns went to Albany Friday, to yisit indefinately with her son, Jon Starns and family. The John Kiger residence near the public school is being raised and generally repaired by the owner. Miss Eva Johnson, of Portland, arrived a few days ago and is the guest over ommencement of Miss Edna Groves. Miss Grace Dadin, who had been visiting Corvallis friends, left Fri day for Salem, to visit her brother. She resides at Chitwood. MrB. W. H. Malone was in Cor vallis, Saturday, on 'her way home to Alsea from Portland where she had been on a business and pleasure trip. H. B. Carter, one of the well known students, left Friday for his home at Aehland, having completed his year's work. He expects to return this fall. White's music store was moved Friday from the former corner lo cation opposite the City meat mar ket to the room adjoining the Ba zaar on South Main street. The beautiful lesidence property of J. Fred Yates was sold Friday to Judge W. S. MoFadden, The consideration was $5,000. Mr. Yates expects to build a cottage this summer. . Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Waltz, of Bellefountain, were in Corvallis Saturday. They : were accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Starr, who left for a two weeks' stay at Newport. Wesley Millhollen, who wasinjur ed in a runaway accident' near Corvallis last week, was able 10 be taken to his own home across the river Friday. It is thought that his injuries wiil not prove serious. A subscriber , wants to know it alcohol will dissolve sugar?' It will. It will also dissolve gold and .silver .and brick houses, and horses and happiness, and love and everything elej' worth having. An exchange in sneaking of a d ceased cit'zen, said: ''We knew hirn as o'd Ten Per Cent the mor.e he made the less he spent the more he got the more he lent h'e dead we don't know where he went but if his soul to heaven was tent he'll own the harps and charge 'em rent." j Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Everett went to Albany Saturday, where they will attend the big union camp meeting which is in progress at the John Starns' grove. Three minis ters are engaged in the work, the j meetings bavins; opened last Thurs day evening. Quite a number of campers are already on the grounds and more are expected . F. L. Miller's ngw chicken house, prob'ably the largest in Oregon, was completed Friday. It is located on bis 30 acre chicken ranch weBt of town, and is about 800 feet in length, extending entirely across a field which will serve as a feeding pasture f r the fowls. A track i? built the fall length of the house, a feeding oar being; thus pushed along with no lifting or carrying of food to be done. The house will accommodate 2,000 hens. A young lady recently visited the OAC cooking school, when her at tention was divided between a new dress worn by an acquaintance r.ml the directions for making cake. Re turning home she undertook to wiite down the recipe for her mother, who found it ran as follows: "Takj two pounds of flour; three rows plaiting down the front; whites of two eggf, cut bias; a pint ot milk, ruffled around the neck; two cups of eugar, draped at the back; grated lemon. Stir well." The musical drama, "On Shcre and Sea," given by the OAC vocal department, Thursday evening, at the opera house drew a large au dience Mrs. Green was accom panist and had the affair in charce. and she certainly deserves praise for the results attained. There were choruses of sailor boys and sailor maids given with excellent effect; vocal solos by Miss Marie Pellaud, Mr. Tyler, Miss Edna AHeD, E. R. Hughes and others, and a vocal duet by E. R. Hughes and Miss McBee that perhaps was the geza of the program. The cos tumes were pretty, and the ? enter tainment as a whole, decidedly creditaVe to those participating. Miss Iva Barclay spent Sunday at Bellefountain with relatives.; George Baker, of OAC, left for his hone at The Dalles, Friday. He will not return. Bert Thompson, au ; OAC stu dent, departed for hia home near Portland, baturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reader of Bellefountain are the proud parents of a son, born a week ago. Phillip Cherry left Friday for his home in Astoria to remain, He is a well-known student- F. E. Scott, a graduate of OAC, has arrived from Washington for a commencement visit with friends. "Dugan" Rooper left Friday for his home in Eastern Oregon. He has been a popular base ball play er for OAC. Mrs. Cate and two daughters, of Hillsboro, are guests of Mrs. Sarah Moore and Miss Gladys, during com mencement week. Mrs. John Kriens and children retimed to their home ia Portland Friday, after a two wieks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Robinson. Mrs. Bartlett arrived Saturday from Burns, Eastern Oregon, to spend commencement. Her son, Carl who has been at OAC, will ac company his mother home. A fine large bell arrived from the East, Friday," for the church at Bellefountain. It is the intention to haye suitable ceremonies when the bell is lifted. into position. T. F Smith, formerly a member of the legislature from Linn county, on the republican ticket, and bis son-in-law, W. P. Wahl, were in Corvallis, Friday, buying horses. Miss JesBie Haw ley, of the OAC musical department leaveB tomorrow for her home at Grass Val'ey, Eastern Oregon. Miss Hawley is uncertain as to whether or not she will return this fall. K. C. Elridge, of Independence, was in Corvallis. Friday on busi nesB. Mr. Elridge has four large creameries and two receiving stat ions in that city, and does an ex tensive and profitable business in that line. Friday evening occurred the Junior "hop" at' the Armory. The music was furnished by the Salem orchestra which consisted of eight pieces. A large crowd - was present and a very pleasant evening was spent. Earl Hawley, Will Schoel and Al fred Bradley, all of whom graduate tomorrow from OAC, leave tomorrow afternoon for Schnectadv. 'New Yoik, where they will enter a uni versity for an electrical course. Many friends wish them success. A special excursion to San Fran cisco and return is to be run by the Southern Pacific out of Port land on Saturdiy, June 16, leaving nt 8:45 p. m. arriving at Oakland on the 18th, at 8:25 a. m. and pulling into San Francisco at 8:48 a. m. On the return, , the excur- Mon leaves 'Frisco June the lHh at 8:20 and reaches Portland, Jui.'e 21st, at 7:25. The rate is $45 which includes a . berth in a standard sleeper both going and returning, and meals excel t luncheon on Monday and Tuesday. The ticket is limited to June 21s for return to Portland and Pullman r servations can be made through C. W. Stingor, city ticket agent. Third and Washington Sts., Port land. A well-known young lad v who re- sid-s less than 40 miles south of Corvallis, was driving to town alone a few days ao, when over taken by her young man friend on horseback. The latter ioioed the fair driver in the buggy, leading the saddle horse behind, and all ap parently went well until the party reached Mary'n river bridge. Hap pening to glance back the young man discovered that while he still held the rein, his horse was nowhere t- be seen. Returning in hate, the couple found the animal near the mill race, grazing beside the road. Just what topic was under discus sion, to so engross tho young peo ples attention is not stated, but it is thought that everyone will know this autumn. Isaac Heath, aged about 63, and for several years a resident if Alsea died suddenly of neuralgia of the heart, Thursday right. Mr. Heath and a 19-year old son lived together. Deceased had been ailing only a day or two, being very robust and scarcely knowing what illness meant. He complained during the day but no serious attention was paid until in the night he was taken worse and died in a short time. Mrs. Heath died two years ago. Several sons and daughters are married and red le in different paits of tha Btate. It is supposed the funeral occurred in Alsea Satur day, although no particulars could be obtained. Mr. Heath was a man of good character and was -held in high esteem by neighbors " and friends. Clifford Benson came down from Roseburg tha last of the week, - to attend the OAC graduating exercises and visit friends. Miss Carrie Danneman ' arrived Thursday from Clem, . Eastern, Oregon, for a commencement visit with her mother and sisters. ;, Glenn Goodman, a popular OAC student of last " year, arrived Fri day from Pendleton, for a com mencement visit with old ' friends and schoolmates. Mrs. Harriett Dilley expects to leave today for Marysyille, Calif.; for a visit with her husband, and if suited with the country the family will probably locate there. Mrs. J. R'Metzger,of Albany, and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, of Salem, were guests of Mayor and Mrs. A J. Johnson the last of the week. They left for home Saturday. .Miss Connie Holland and- Miss Emma Baber, of Portland, and Prof, and Mrs. McEJlfresh, of Salem, are guests of Prof, and Mrs. Mc Keliips during commencement. Mies Alice Jackson has arrived from Newton, Iowa for an extended visit with her sisters, Mrs. O. J. Blackledge and Mrs. Tim ' Dowling of this city, and other Benton rela tives. The residence recently built .by W. P. Miner on north Main street has been purchased by H. Harrison who will occupy it with his - family. The house owned by Mr. Harrison near the C. & E. depot he will use for rental purposes. . Mrs. m. ai. wing left yes terday for her old home in Bismark, North Dakota. She is a sister of J. J. Cady, and has been in Corvallis one year. Recently she has had charge of the W. C. T. TJ. reading room, but Mrs. Higdon will assume this responsibility now. A hack load of Corvallisites drove to Albany Friday night and participated in a big meeting of the Elks. Those who went were Robert Huston, Tom Noian, Elmer Wills, J. C. Hammel, Newt Wilkins, Collie Cathey, ' John Franzen and William Wrenu. Messrs. Huston, Cathey and Wilkiua were initiated, and judging from reports the Elk goat is a frisky and uncertain ani mal to deal with. House to rent; possession Jan 1st. " Inquire at Allen's drug store - v - 44t Thei 6 is fear that 'the continued rams may materially effect the crops, especially hay, in this sec tion. Grass of all kinds was never so heavy on the ground, it seems, and as haying time draws near and the ground continues to be water soaked, it is reasonable conclusion that damage tha.y be done unless a speedy change pecurs." - v Y: Bob Wilsob returned the Iaet of the week from ToIedcLincoln county, where he held dowfr the teWranh office during the absence of Clyde C . U - I T. i'' r'i, iuB regular , ageas, jsob-'M 12 years old, the youngest operator on any main line in Oregon. He learned the business of H. H. Cro nise of this city and , the , latter ia justly proud of his-bright young pupil. ; , . - - ' The annual Iowa picnic is to be held in Avery's . grdve, Corvallis, June 19th. Such is the agreement reached by the 'officers of the as sociation, of which G. F. Rica in president and O.J. Blackledge ib secretary. . flans are already ma turing for the big event, which has become of widespread interest in this section. There will : be speeches, music, and a basket dinner and features that will interest all. Everybody is invited to come whether they came from Iowa or Iceland, and a good time is assured. I The Measure Deadly Ssrpsut Bites Are as common ia India as are stomach and liyer disorder with us. For the latter however there is a sure rem edy Electric Bitters; the greatest re storative medicine of which S. A. Brown, of Bunettaville, S. C , savs: "They re stored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with dvspepia and a chronically torpid liver." Electric Bit ters cure chills and fever, malaria, bil liousnesp, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder disorders" Sold on guar antee Dy Allen & Woodward, druggist. Price 5lic. Death From Lockjaw Never follows an injury dressed with Kucklen's Arnica Salve. " Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood- poisoning. Charles Oswald, merchant of itensseiaeiBvuie, JN. x., - writes: ' It cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the agliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25c at Allen & Woodward dru store On& EBay Shows 2 and 3 O'clock p. m. Jlaoiwis (UD0k) and I Of RALSTON HEALTH SHOES are Right The laws that govern foot-structure are applied to the making of all Ralston Hea I th S hoes. Eve rva rt of a R alston.js in proner.nronortion to ever other nart. That means Ralston Health Shoes don't dis--4 tort or, vary the natural, structural Hues of the boot to achieve style. They are the most stylish shoes on the market, yet they never depart from the hygienic principle of nature proportions. Ralstons will feel like home to your feet. They fit the feet at the start no need of breaking in. - 'B msmS3 TIIE PEOPLE'S STORE. ESTABLISHED 18G4 CORVALLIS. OR. ir WOOL and WASH DRESS FABRICS Hi 4( il mil ' ll iiii-i THE NEATEST CSug mBm?s : traswhd tapirs hfyW1i?&e ; TRASIVEID DROMEDARIES -" iKWaL'" TSAINFD '"CASSOWARY i, ix , iv J 1.'.! WWJ TRAINEIi LLAMAS to ATivrrr Dine: . CAMELS tdaimpii rsfiATC n&Mgf TRACED SACRED-CATTLSJ TRAINED TIGERS ' TRAINED PONIES TRAINED ZESUS TRAINED BIRDS TRAINED PUMAS TKAINED DOGS 2. 0-IR U N N Y C L- O W rM O Lilliputian Performers. Troupes of Acrobats. Scores of G5'nmasts, . Bycyclists, Jugglers, Wire a-d Roc Walkers, Necromancers, AtheleUs, and Japanese Perfcrmers. EVERY ACT BRAND NEW TALKING PONY EXCITING RACES A DIG MORAL SHOW WATERPROOF TENTS HIGH SCHOOL RIDING BRING THE CHILDREN LEAPING GREYHOUNDS EVERY ACT A FEATURE ANIMAL POLICE PATROL A PLAY ENACTED BY DOGS ISIS, the TALKING MONKEY Grecrorv's Royal Italian Bonda Cnpp Every Child Attending the Matinee Wi?l FlEtE Be Given a Pony Ride, Absolutely Free. Grand Free Street Parade li a. m. Daily ONE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL DEPARTMENTS Popular Prices, -Rcssa Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash Dress Goods has arrived. All colors, weights and weaves, at prices that will tempt all. New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard. Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown, Green, Navy, Fancy, Mixtures, Checks and Stripes. New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Light Blue, Green and Navy. .-. ; New Whi e Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods. New Assortment Embroidered Waist Patterns. New Velvets, 'Collars and Belts: Remsmbsr, we give 5 per csnl discount on a!3 Cash Purciiascs. HIGHEST PRICE FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. F. L. MILLER, GSSRVALUS. THEF3EM' CIGAft STORE All first-cldss cigira and tobacco; whist and p-ol roorcs. Every customer treated like a prince. jack mint Four iois north of postoffice Ind. Phone 130. n ; TICKET 2 4 3 Took the $8 SUIT CASE O. B. Connor, R. F. D No. 2 carrier, held the lucky number. . We have a few Summer Suits left which we are offering at 20 per cent discount to Hose out. .They are bargains. Dou't miss . taem. Km .K.RUSS I dealer m ; MEN'S FURNISHINGS Corvftllls, brKoa Have your printing done at the Gazette office. We give you quick service and save you money. Following The Flag When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most important consideration. WilliB T, Morgan, retired Commissary Ser geant U. S, A., of Rural Iloute 1, Con cord, N. H., eays: "I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and beini? subject to colds, I tojk Dr. King's New Discovery lor. Consump tion, whidh kept m? ia perfect health. And now in New Hampshire we find it the best medicine in t je world for coughs colds, bronchial tube3 and all lunu dis eases. Guaranteed at Allen & Wood ward, druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Ancient Rome Is now merely a memory of the past. Ballard's Snow Liniment ia the family liniment of the twentieth century. A positive cure for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. Mr. C. H. Kunyon, Stanberry, Mo., writes: "1 have used Snow Liniment for rheumatism- and all pain. I can't say enough in its praise." Sold by Graham & Wortham.