Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 08, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Marion Stokes, of Portland, hae
arrived for a visit with Corvallie
Chief Lane made a business trip
t Dallas Tueeday, returning Wed
nesday morning.
J. C. Hei8ton left Saturday for
Oregon City, where ne has purchas
ed and will ope ate a laundry. His
family is to leave Monday to join
Mr. Farnham and family, who
reside in the northwest part of
town, expect to leave in a few days
for Lorain. Southern Oregon, to
Sam Baldwin arrived Monday
from Drain, and left Wednesday
for his houte in Winlock, Wash
after a visit with his cousin, Harley
Hall and family.
Tuesday afternoon the L. A. S.
of the First Methodist church held
a tea in the church parlors from
3s:4o to o o clock, lnere was a
good attendance at.d the occasion
was very pleasant.
The Central Willamette Medical
Association met in Albany Wednes
day night. The principal paper of
the evening was presented by Dr.
Coffee of Portland. Drs. Cathey,
Feroot and Farra of this city at
tended the meeting.
Sunday, in the college armory,
the annual baccalaureate sermon
will be preached by Rt. Rey.
Frederic W. Keartor, D. D. Bishop
ofOlympia. There will be excel
lent music, and the usual large
crowd in attendance.
John H Starr, who has been
traveling organizer for the M. W.
A., for the past year, with head
quarters at Prineville, arrived at
home a few days ago, in Junction,
and with his family is now visit
ing his parents at Monroe.
Tuesday evening, June 12th,
the OAC seniors will give their
annual entertainment, which will
be a farce'. Besides this there will
be solos, a quartette, monologues
and other features. The entertain
ment will be largely patronized, as
it will be of more than passing
Tomorrow is the barbecue at
Monroe, and it is hoped . that
favorable weather may enable
everyone for miles around to attend.
A beef is to be roasted, and the plan
of the entertainment will be on
an elaborate scale generally.
Many from Corvallis expect to go
out and enjoy the occasion.
The Wells Fargo Express wagon
has a new driver and owner. He
is Eugene Burger," who came to
Corvallis four months ago from
South Dakota. He assumed charge
of tbe business Tuesday. James
Githens goes to Portland to en
ter the employ, of the Welle
Fargo company on relief work,
for the present.
Rev. Frank Abram Powell, of
Siein, former:y pastor of the Christ
ian church at Corvallis, has ac
cepted a call as - pastor of the
First Unitarian church society of
Helena, Montana. He haB already
begun his work in the new field,
and the Montana Daily Record
gives him an extensive and very
laudatory write-up iu its columns.
The annual "four cornered" field
meet occurs at Salem tomorrow,
and negotiations are pending for
an excursion to run from Corvallis,
although but little hope is enter
tained that such a train can be
secured. The colleges participating
in the meet tomorrow are the U. of
O. theO. A. C, W. U., and P.
U. The local team goes to Salem
tomorrow morning.
The late James Edwards, who
died suddenly of heart failure at
the Bellefouulaiu picnic lst Satur
day, was for 14 years county com
missioner in Benton, and for 70
year9 a faithful christian. The
chi'.dn n who survive to mourn his
paSsftog are: Isaac Edward?, of
Lane countv; H . C. Edwards,
Drain, Oregon; L. N. and J. H.
Edwards, of Bellefountain. Mrs. N.
Wheeldon, The Dalles, and J. F.
Edward, of Indiana.
Late real estate transfers are:
V. E. Watters and wife to E'la
Tyler, 2 lots in Corvallis, $400;
J. S. Martin and wife to M. D.
Allen, 155.SS a. s. 6, t. 15, 6, w.,
$2,000; H.H. Andrews and hus
band to J. C. Sprague, 2 blocks in
Wells & McElroy, $8,000; E. H.
Kimble and wife to E. B. Bowen,
q. c. d. 40 a. s. So, t 13, 8 w..
$300; U.S. to Z. H. Davis Pat.
40 a. s. 6, t. 12, s. r. w.;
John Beach to Earnest Weigant.
part of lot 9, bl. 6, cor.; $850;
G. A. Bennett and wife to Z. R.
Carey frac. lot Philomath; $S5;
M. G. Wilhelm and husband to G.
L. Howland, S3 a. near Monroe,
$1,660; A. Wilhelm et al to G. L.
Howland, small parcel of land near
Mon, $40; A. Wilhelni and Sons
et al,. to John Chatterton, agree-
Th9 date for Mrs. Marshall's re
cital has been fixed at June 15th.
The ladies of the Coffee Club
gave a dance on Wednesday even
ing, which was an enjoyable affair.
Hi L. Hall has accepted a pos
ition in the R. H. Huston hardware
store, and began work Wednesday.
G. A. Robinson returned yestei
day from McMinnville where he
went to attend a Baptist conference.
A marriage license was issued
Wednesday to Marcus E. Gragg
and Miss Ruby Jackson, both of
Benton county.
Miss Floy Hawley was in Cor
vallis Wednesday, on her way
home to Bellefountain from a
brief visit in Albany. ,
James Andrews, who recently
sold his property on college hih to
Mr. Sprague, left Wednesday with
his family for Portland to reside.
Mrs. Gondra moved Wednesday
to the home of her brother, S W
Holmes, and the house vacated by
her'will be occupied by Mrs. Su.can
Lee Kennedy, who f irmerly liv
ed in this city, returned to Port
land, Wednesday,' after havirg
visited several days in Corvallis and
At their last meeting the order
of Washingtoi.s had a big-
time, with the initiation of 17 can
didates, a banquet and other fea
tures of entertainment.
At tha M. E. church South, Sun
day at 8 p. m. subject of sermon:
"Christ The Way, the Truth, the
Lite." No services at 11 on accmnt
of the annual sermon at College.
Henry Price arrived home Wed
nesday from Seattle aud will visit
Eugene in search of a location. If
he finds nothing to suit him better
he will return to Seattle, taking
his family with hiut.
Mrs. General Thorp has been ap
pointed, by the department presi
dent, to take charge of the musical
program of the W. R. C. of the G.
A. R. at its next meeting, wh'ch
will be at Grants Pass the 21st and
22nd inst.
Bellefountain is to celebrate on
July 4tb, according to a telephone
message from there yesterday. The
celebration will take place on the
camp ground, and it is the intention
to make it a successful and inter
esting ffair.
At the United Evangelical
church, Sunday school at ten but
no preaching service in the morn
ing on account of the Baccalaureate
sermon at the Armory. The regu
lar evening service will be held.
Sub ect of sermon, "Either Thie or
Upon This." C. T. Hurd, raster.
Mrs. A. L. Knisley and Mrs. C.
M. McKellips gave an "afternoon"
Wednesday, at the home, of the
former on colllge hill. , Their
guests included all of the Jadies of
the faculty and a number of others.
A feature of entertainment was . 8;
photograph guessing contest. The
occasion was very enjoyable for all
About a dozen families cn E'ghth
street have formed a neighborhood
society and propose to keep their
premises more clean and orderly
hereafter. It is the idea to pav a
nominal fee into a etnaral fund
which will be u-ed for paving for a
team to haul away all. trasb,
twice a year that may be collected
by the members on their prereiaee.
The idea is free and can be copied.
There will be r.o services at the
M. E. church Sunday morning on
account of the services at the Ar
mory. Sunday school and En
worth League at usual hour. In
the evening the pastor will deliver
an especial address to the college
graduate members of this congrega
tion and their friends, selecting tor
his subject, "Personality Abreast
he World."
Mrs. J. Fred Yates entertained
her young, men boaiders and their
lady friends Tuesday evening at her
home. Ihe amusement was whist,
and delicious refreshments were
srved. The guest3 were: Misses
Rcse Ingram, Anna Sleidl, Kiser,
Anna Brinkley, Grace Wilson,
Irene Sproat, Ada McDonald and
Nellie Mary in; Messrs. Carter,
Von der Hellen, Simpson, Van-
Cleve, Auld, Fisher, Elrod and
A very large crowd attended the
Ballefountain picnic last Saturday,
and the day was very much en
joyed. The program of events in
the forenoon included a prayer by
Kev. Green; vocal duet Dr. B. A.
Cathey and E. H. Belknap; address
of welcome, T T. Vincent; vocal
solo, Mrs. J. E. Edwards; vocal
solo. Dr. Cathey; quartette, J. E.
Edwards, E. H. Belknap, Mrs,
Waltz and Mrs. J. E. Edwards.
After the picnic dinner had been
enjoyed, the Philomath male quar
tette gave several numbers and en
cores, and interesting addresses
were given by Rev; Hurd, Dr.
Ca they and Rev. Green.
New Mail Service
Postmaster Johnson informs us
that there is ; every indica
tion that residents of Philomath
and Alsea Valley are soon to be
accommodated " with better mail
service. He received instructions
yesterday to advertise tor bids
for carrying the mail between
Corvallis and Philomath for a
period of four years, beginning
July 16, 1906. The service is to
be seven days a week, conforming
with the arrival and departure oT
the early and late trains to and
from Albanv and Corvallis.
; Pupil's Recital.
The pupils ot Miss Mamie
Cauthors gave a very interesting
recital at the M. E. church,
South, Wednesday evening. ' ;
The following program was
rendered, each pupil appearing
to good advantage:
1 Snow Bells................. .Behr
Alex Hays and Claude Whitebbrn
2 The Merry Go Round R Goerdeler
Misb Florence Berchtold
3 Dancing Bear Walden
Master Chester Lafferty
4 The Village Blacksmith. . ..Lange
Miss Helen Huston
5 The Honey Suckle Vine
Miss Gertrude McBee
6 Allegro Op 20. .......... .Kullak
Miss Inez Johnson
7 Military March .... Franz Schubert
Misaes Groves and Newton
8 To the Hunt Op 6 Wartenstein
Miss Pearl Williams
9 (a) Meditation Johnson
(b) Valee Arabesque. .Theo Lack
Miss Lillian Ranney
10 Vocal ..Selected
Mrs. McCausland
11 (a) Shepherds All and Maidens
Fair . ...Nevin
(b) Polonaise Militaire, A
. Major ....Chopin
Misses Davis and Ranney
For Farmers Daughters.
A great opportunity is open to
the farmers' daughters of Benton
county for a tree trip to the
Jamestown, Virginia, Exro'tTon
in May, 1907. The offer comes
from the editor of the Pacific
Northwest and the plan' will be
backed in this county by the Cor
vallis Citizens' L,eague.
On May 1, 1907, the editor of
The Pacific Northwest desires
to start East with 33 young
ladies, farmers' daughters, one
from each county in , the state,
and all their expenses will be paid
on the trip, which will' last three
weeks or more.
, The contest opens July 1st,
and closes Dec. 31st, and is open,
to every girl who is a farmers'
daughter, if she will enter the
race for the trip. The reward
will go to the lady securing the
largest number of subscriptions
Jo the Pacific Northwest during
the contest, aad the Benton
County Citizens' League desires
to secure at once the names of
two Benton county farmers'
daughters who will enter the
contest and do their best to se
cure this wonderful trip free.
Anyone wishing 'to enter the
race is requested to send their
name and address to John F.
Allen, sec1 y of the Benton County
Citizens' League, Corvallis, Ore
gon, now fully in touch with
the proposition and furnish in
formation. This is the chance
of your . lifetime, and Benton
county girls should go in to
The commissioners' court was in ses
sion Wednesday and Thursday, auditing
bills and transacting other business of
minor importance.
Mrs. Chailes Ingram and children
who have been visiting Benton relative?,
was in Corvallis yesterday on her way
to Castle Rock, Wash., where the family
will hereafter reside.
Fred C. Pfcil, whj made such a fins
showing on the republican ticket for the
office of sheriff of Benton, came down
from Monroe yesterday to affiliate with
the boys for a few hours. Mr. Peil takes
his defeat philosophically and cherishes
no ill-ieeling against anyone. Fred is
all right in every way.
Mrs. Elizabeth Frances, mother of
Mrs. John Allen, arrived yesterday from
Loa Angeles for a visit. A. J. Garrett,
uncle of Mrs. Allen, also arrived yester
day noon from Portland. Mrs. Garrett
and children have been at the Allen
home for some weeks. They are refu
gees from San Francisco.
Monday, L. L. Brooks shipped 40,723
pounds of vetch seed to the southern
states. Yesterday' he shipped a email
consignment to the Atlantic coast., Since
last harvest he has shipped in large or
ders more than nine carloads to various
parts of the United States, Canada and
Japan, and various email orders'. were
filled in the meantime. Our farmers
should bear in mind the fact that there
is money in vetch seed.
Additional Local.
Rev. Frank E. Jones ot Eugene
was in Corvallis Wednesday on
Fred Steadenberg , left yester
day morning for Stayton,
where he has several houses to
build during the summer.
The C.& E. train was held in
Albany,' Wednesday afternoon until
4 o'clock in . order to accommodat
those who attended the ' funeral cf
tha late Con Sullivan.
Mra. Wyard, cf Astoria, came up
to attend the marriage of her bro
ther, George Moore, and with h-r
mother, Mrs. Lucy Moore went to
Yaquina - Wednesday" .to visit
another brother.
So far we. have ' experienced thr
most abominable ' weather possib -;
for June in tbe Willamette , Vail y
and it is to be hoped from now
we may enjoy such weather as w
feel ourselves entitled to.
House to rent; . possession June
1st. Inquire at Allen's drug sto e
, 'y;'.'' . 44t
Tomorrow is the big picnic a
Riddera grove, near Wells, and in
spite of the iiidement weather,
plans have been carried forward t
make the occasion successful. -1
is probable that many from Corval
lis will attend, as well as from
other neigboring towns. -
At the bride's home in this citv,
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Miss Ruby Jackson was united 11
marriage to " M. E. Gragg. Tb
ceremony was performed by Rev,
McLain, of Philomath, in the pres
ence of near relatives and friends;
Both bride and groom are respect
ed young people of Benton county,
and have many friends who unite
in good wishes for their future.
Monday afternoon at 2:80 ih
physical culture c ass of OAC wii
giye an exhibition drill in the ar
mory that will be well worth seeing ;
These drills are graceful rnti pleas
ing, and are always enjoyed by
large crowd?. Monday evening in,
the chapel there will be an organ
recital by Prof. Taillandier, with
several numbers by pupils of the
class in elocution.
There was a pretty home wed
ding Wednesday forenoon, fiv
miles west of Philomath, the groom
being George Moore and the bride
Miss Mae Robinson. The ceremony
was performed by Judge Watters
in the presence of a few witnesses.
Mr. Moore runs a tannery on bis
place, and is well known as an in
dustrious and deserving young
man; His bride is one of Benton's
best young women, and both have
the good wishes of many friends.
Tomorrow night in college chapel,
the last debate for tbe it.ter-pociety
honors and also for the G&tch cup,
occur. Th participants are Hh-
JeffWsoriians ai d the P'prir.
and the f ubj -ct i., 41 R -solved, Tout
Suffrate in the United States to
Restricted by an Educational Quali
fication."' Tbe affirmativ- is taken
by the "Jpffs" and the "Pies"
hve tbe ngtiye. A this ia an
ifitereeting eubject, and
th fact of this being the l'st debate
for thp president's cup, it is probable
that there wiil be a very large at
tendance. B wker T. Washington writes to
a corg-e?8man that "nego'r puitp
him as the official designation of
his race. With hih customary
sense," Mr. Washington tnkes
thsa pertinent observations:
''Uightly or. wrongly, all
classes have called us negroe-".
We cannot escap" from that name
if we would. To cast it off now
would be 10 separate us, to a cer
tain extent, from our history; and
deprive us of much of the inspira
tion we now - have to struggle on
and upward. It is to our credit,
not to our shame, that we have
risen so rapidly, more rapidiy than
most other ' peoples, from savage
ancestors through slavery fc civili
zation . For my prt-, I believe
the memory of tbf?e facts shouUl bp
preserved in our name and tradi
tions as it is preserved in the
color of our faces. I do not think
my people shouid be ashamed of
their history, nor of any name that
people choose in good fiith to give
Deadly Serpent Bites
Are as common in India as are
stomach and liyer disorder with us. For
the latter however there is a sure rem
edy : Electric Bitters; the greatest re-
Btorative medicine of which S. A. Brown,
of Bunettsville, is. C, says: ""They re
stored my wife to perfect health, after
years of suffering with dvspepia and
chronically torpid liyer." Electric Bit
ters cure chills and fever, malaria, bil
lionsnese, lame back, kidney troubles
and bladder disorders Sold on guar
antee Dy Allen & Woodward, druggist
Price 50c.
Death From Lockjaw
Never follows an injury dressed with
Eucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic
and healing properties prevent blood'
poisoning.. Charles Oswald, merchant of
Kensselaeieville, , jj. y., writes: "It
cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the
ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw
Cures Cats, Wounds, Burns and Sores,
25c at Allen & Woodward druir store
The Rffleaisu remeriis
The I aws that gove
applied to the making of all Ralston
Health Shoes. Even
in proner.nroortion
That means Ralston Health Shoes don't dis- . . j
tort or: vary the natural, structural Hues of
the boot to achieve style. They are the most
stylish shoes on the market, yet they never
depart from the hygienic principle of nature
proportions. Ralstons will feel like home to
your feet. They fit the feet at the start no
need of breaking in.
Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash
Dress Goods has arrived. Ail colors, weigh is
and weaves, at prices that will tempt alf.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard.
Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray. Brown,
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes.
New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Light Blue,
Green and Navy.
New Whi e Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods.
New Assortment Embroidered Waist Pattern?. .
New Velvets, Collars and Belts.
we give
all Cash
All first-class cigirs and tobacco; whist and p-sol ''
rooics. . Every customer treated like a prince.
An $8.00 Leather
Suit Case
For every dollar's worth of goods
purchased at my store you. will
get a ticket entitling you to a
chance in the drawing for an ele-
' gant Suit Case. The more tickets,
'the more chances. Drawing to
take place at my store at 4 p. m.
? Saturday, June 9. The cheapest
jBtore in town to buy clothing and
men's furnishings.
Corvallis, Oregon
r n foot-stru ct u re are
nart of a Ralston. is
to eve rv other nart.
5 per cent
discount on
Four doois north of postoffice
iDd. Phone 130.
Have your printing done at the
Gazette office. We give you quick
service and save you money.
Following The Flag
When our soldiers went to Cuba
the Philippines, health was
il e
most important consideration. Willis T.
Morgan, retired Commissary , Ser
geant U. S. A., of Rural Route 3 ,Cor
cord, N. H., says: "I was .two' years in
Cuba and two years in the. Philippines,
and being subject to colds, tojk Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, which kept me iu perfect health.
And now in New Hampshire we nud it
tbe best medicine in te world for coughs
colds, bronchial tubes and all lung dis
eased. Guaranteed at Allen & Wood
Ward, druggist. Price 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
Ancient Rome
Is now merely a memory of tbe past.
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the family
liniment of the twentieth century. A
positive cure for Rheumatism, Burns,
Guts, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. Mr. C.
H. Runyon, Stanberry, Mo., writes: "I
have used Snow Liniment for rheuma
tism and all pain. I can't say enough
in its praise." Sold by Graham &
Wortbam. .