Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 29, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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"Let's go "fi3hing" at tha Carni-
val. "
Jamea B "ley, the Monroa black
smith, was a uorvaiua
Friday. J J "
The "Japanese Tea Garden" will
be a beautiful epot at the Carnival.
Look for it. ,
Mrs. Beseie Parsons, of Lebanon,
was the guest the last of tne week
of friends ia this city, -z-g - .
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Jackson has been serious
ly ill for several days.
Mrs. Anna Jones, of Decatur,
Illinois , is a guest at the Levi
Oren home in South Corvallis.
Mrs... McCullon, of Newport, is
visiting at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. George Lilly, in this city.
Mrs. U. B. Wills, of Portland
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Campbell, in this city.
Come and drink with ''Rebecca
at the Well" at the Carnival of
Roses. She uses "Distilled Water.'
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. White and
son, Frank, returned home Thurs
day evening from a visit with rel
atives in Brownsville. -
Mrs. Caverner, of Monroe, was
taken to Portland, Friday, where
she will enter a hospital for medical
treatment. She was accompanied
by Dr. Bennett.
Miss Bertha Thrasher left Sunday
for Portland after a visit with her
parents in this city. Miss Thrasher
is engaged in dress making iu that
ity and is doing well.
There was a union meeting of
the young people's societies of the
city, at the Congregational church
Sunday night at 6:30 with a large
audience and very interesting ser
vices. Miss Lura Flett returned home
Saturday from Portland, wheie
she has been taking a course in
business college. Miss Lura is a
bright girl, and her friends predict
for her a successful future.
Fred Croft and Ike Smith went
to Alsea Thursday on a fisMog
trip. They were joined Saturday
by Wilber Croft and Sam Smith,
and the entire party was expect
ed home last night.
Miss Lillian Oren, of Portland,
is visitine her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Levi Oren in this city,
Lewis Oren, who is well known in
Corvallis, has recently moved
back to Portland from LaGrande.
Jack K?z9e, a grandson of Mrs
Martha Burnett, whil digging in
the water ditch on Main street
Thursday afternoon found a plain
gold rirg.: It was a foot below the
surface of the earth, and how it
came there is certainly a mystery.
The quarterly conference w
held at the First Methodist church
Friday night. Dr. Rowling, the
presiding tilder, bing present and
tlnlivering an excellent sermon.
There was much'important business
transacted, and the church reports
were very encouraging.
"A Belated Introduction," given
by home talent at the opera house
last Wednesday night, was re
peated by request Thursday night,
but the. audience was, as might
reasonably be anticipated, only
about hilf as large as on the first
lii. J. Danton, the man who oc
cupied the county jail for a week or
more, and who raved about every
thing imaginable while under the
influence of liquor when first arrest
ed, h88 been released and sent
to Camby, Oregon, where he claim
ed to have lelatfyes. He was pro
vided with a suit of new clothes
and afer bmng shaven, presented
quite a neat appearance. nre progressing over in
Aldea according to the statement of
a party in from there a day or two
ago. It is said that farmers ate
arranging to bhip their cream to
Corvallis, where the K&upiscb
creamery has offered two cents
more per pound for it than was of
fered by the Portland firme. This
shows that the Corvallis creamery is
'jD'ng sitae" and that it is a fine
tning for Bentoa county.
The steel bridge across the Wil
lamette river has been materially
changed and partly dismantled
this spring and now presents the
appearance, to use the homely ex
pression, of a 'bobtailed" do-;.
The foot walk on the lower side of
the bridge from this city to the Ben
ton county shore has been torn up, a
wire fence topped with a barbed wire
has been built on the lower side of the
drive way, and foot passengers are
now compelled to use the driveway
for travel. A3 a result of this
action the bridge has lost all of
its charm as a pleasant afternoon's
walk, for pedestrians do not enjoy
a walk across the bridge where
they are compelled to "use the drive
way with its dust and dirt inches
deep, and where team3 must be
dodged at all times. Albany Her-
Visit the "Chamber of Horrors"
at the Carnival.
H. A. Bowman and familv have
moved to Falls City, Polk county,
to reside.
J. J. Cady returned Saturday
from a few days' business trip to
E. J. Harrington returned Sun
day from a several days' business
trip in fottland.
A. J. Hall, of Polk county, was
the gue3t Friday and Saturday of
his eon, Harley, in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Weathertord,
of Albany, attended the pipe organ
rectal in tms cuy r riaay evening.
Mrs. Prudence Chipman returned
to Corvallis Friday from a ten
days' visit with .friends at New
port. ' -
Miss Anna Steidl gave a dinner
party to a number cf friends, Satur
day evening at her home in north
Corvallis. Tne affair ' was very
pleasant. .
Rev. and Mrs. Green entertained
a few friends at dinner, Saturday,
most of the guests being members
of the . Congregational choir and
graduates this year from OAC.
On account of the very stormy
weather, the Ridders grove picnic
whichwas to have occurred Saturday
was postponed until a week from
next Saturday, which will be June
Mrs. Taylor received a check for
$2,000 Friday, from the A. O. U.
W. lodge, the amount of the policy
held by the late James Taylor. It
is seldom that such prompt pay
ment ie made by any lodge, and
Mrs. Taylor naturally feels very
kindlv towards the organization.
for the sa me. . '
Sunday the annual memorial
address was delivered at the Con
gregational church by Rev. E. F.
Green, and it was an able and elo
quent discourse. The G. A. R.
and W. R. C. members met at their
hall at 10:30 and marched to the
church in a body. Inspiring
music was rendred by the choir,
and the occasion was very impres
sive throughout.
A beef for the barbecue has been
donated by A. Wilhelm and Sons,
of Monroe, for the big picnic which
takes place there June 9 h. While
the date is the same as that of the
Ridder's grove picnic, it is thought
that the fact will not cause any
annoyance to anyone. Great plans
are on foot for the barbecue at Mon
roe, and there is no doubt but that
there will be a large attendance.
At the home of the bride's par
ents in Alsea last Wednesday, oc
curred the marriage of Frank Fol-
lett and Miss Laura Johnson, R-v.
W. D. Risley performing the cere
mony. A Urge number of relatives
and friends were present and at
noon a delicious wedding dinner
was served. Mr. and Mrs. B'ol'ptt
will make their home in the Aleea
valley, where they have many
friends who unite in good wishes.
Prof. I. E. Richardson, of Al
banv, Oregon, was in the city Sat
urday in tin interests of the
Teachers' Summer Normal to be
held at Albany, commencing June
26th. Prof. Richardson and his
assistants are making this the best
review school for thosiwho wish to
pass the examinations for county,
state and life papers. In the last
two years his students have often
made the highest possible grades in
the examinations.
The "Carnival of Roses" will
be held at the opera house next
Thursday and Friday, May 31st
3 T . rt 1 1 -
ana june isc. x nursaay nigm
will be given the very popular
farce " Aunt Jerusha's Quilting
Parly." Friday commencing at
11 a. m. they will serve a chicken
nif dinnpr frr i r opntB Tfrifav
evening Rev. Babcock of Salem
wnl render several selections on
the violin and some of the best
local vocalists will be on the
program. Admission each even
ing 10 cents.
The new local Upper Columbia
River Train put on by the Oregon
Railroad tfc Navigation Company,
May 20, will do much towards at
tracting tourists to points along
the river between Portland and The
Dalles. The new train, leaving
Portland as it does, at 8:15 a. m.
and arriving at Portland at 6:00 n.
m. the same day, gives one an op
portunity to spend the day at
some of the delightful places along
the Upper Columbia River, and
permits them to return home the
same day. The train is made up
of baggage car and coaches, and
stops at all points in both directions
so as to accommodate local
travel as much as Dossible. Colum
bia Southerh passengers instead of
awaiting at rJiggs, which is unat
tractive, are taken to The Dalles
nromntlv. where thev await the
train for Portland, coming in on No.
1, a3 at present, or taking the local
as they may d es!re.
Mrs. S. G. Smith The Funeral
Held Saturday.
After an iliness of two and a
half years from dropsy, Mrs. G.'
W. Smith died at the family
home near Mt View at 6:30
Thursday evening.
The funeral was held at the
residence at 2 p. m., Saturday,
Rev. B. R. Darby, recently ar
rived from the East, conducting
the services. - Interment was in
Crystal Lake cemetery. v '
Mrs." Smith was" born "in Cor
bett county, Kansas, in 1850.
The family came to Corvallis
four years ago, residing for some
time on a place near the Har
rington home, northwest of town.
At this time they occupy the
' 'Doc' ' Jackson farm near M t.
The immediate survivors are
the husband and the children
George, Fannie and Bertha
Smith, all at home; Mrs. E. I.'
Taylor, of Linn county, and a
son Frank Smith who resides in
Washington. ;.
Deceased was a kind wife,
mother and neighbor, and as such
is sincerely mourned.
The OAC Commencement.
The first event in the commencement
week exercises at O AG will be a musical
drama, "Our Shore and Sea," eivea by
the vocal department, at the opera house
Thursday evening, June 7th,. at 8 p. m .
The affair is directed by Mrs. E. F.
Green, and the cast of characters prom
ises an excellent entertainment'. ' v
The action passes at a port of the
Riviera, Hear Genoa, and the persons
represented are -LaSpoasia, soprano,
Miss Edna Allen, and II M aringo-teaor,
E. R. Hughes. There is a chorus of
Riviera women and another chorus of
Genoese sailors. The following is a brief
The drama opens with the fleet weigh
ing anchor, to the song of the sailors, as
they heave at the windlass and spread
the sail. The lament of Bisters and
sweethearts left sorrowiug on shore.
The scene changes to the sea. Aboard
one of the galleys in the midnight watch
the thoughts and prayers of the Marinajo
go back to the loed ones left behind, and
he invokes for them the protection of oar
Lady Star of the sea. The scene again
on shore. The fleet, so long and anx
iously looked for shows on the horizon
and the friends flock to the port to greet
its entry, led by the Sponsina. But the
galley aboard which the Marinajo, her
loyer, served is missing, and he is lost,
or slain. She gives expression to her
desolation, amid the sorrow of her com
panions. Her lover, however, is not
slain, but a slave who, later, plans a way
Of escape, and returns to port where be
and hi s sailors are welcomed with re
joicing. D. Rowland arrived in Coryallis Sat
urday from Victor, Iowa, on a visit to
relatives. He is ' the grandfather of
Floyd Rowland, and this is his first visit to
the far West. Mr. Rowland lett his
home in Iowa about the first of April,
and states that the weather was dry and
pleasant until he reached Seattle. After
a week or two in Corvallis he goes to
Eugene to visit a married daughter.
A large number .of Corvallis youDg
people droye over to Albany Saturday
evening to attend the big democratic
rally. A good time wa3 of course en.
One of Portland's Foremost Establishments
to Be Discontinued
Demands for Rent 20 Per Cent
(Before the Fire) and 33 1-3 Per Cent Higher Than in
Seattle, Make Continuance Impossible. Entire
Stock of Fine Pianosland Organs to Be
Closed Out. Sale Now On-
Owing to the unreasonable demands
of a frenzied landlord, Eilers Piano
House has reluctantly decided lo abandon
the retail piano and organ business in
Portland. Continuance - would mean
the payment of practically the entire
earnings of our retail business for rent, nor
would it even then secure the urgently
needed alterations and repairs that the
growth of our business has made neces
sary. The owners arrogantly refuse to
make them, and we cannot afford to
undertake them for the reason they will
not enter into a lease except from
month to month.
Thus it is that Eilers Piano House is
compelled to retire from the retail field,
and as possession i f the premises is to be
delivered up on May 31 next, the entire
stock of goods, the finest, most exten
sive and most complete in- the United
States must be disposed of before that
date. There are but a few days to ac
complish this.
Since all prices are based on actual
The Cast.
The farce Aunt Jerusha's Quilting
Party" will be eiven Thursday evening,
May 3lst the first niimt of the Carnival.
Cast of characters.
Aunt Jeruiha Dow, .Laura Waggoner
John Dow (her husband)... Vance Taylor
Hepzibah Spooner, very deaf......
Lillian Ranaey
Hannah Pike, an old maid, ......... 1
Myrtle Harrington
Johanna Hines, a widow, Lulu Spangler
Rachel iray, aquakeress, . .Lena Tartar
Patience Peabody, an old maid,
......Emma Crawford
Mrs. Simon Stubbs, a gossip,......-
..........Bess Danneman
Drucilla Thompkins, . a lecturer,
..Mary Danneman
Charity Cooper, an old maid.......
Miss 'Barclay
A Successful Recital.'
The first pipe orgaa recital ever given
in Corvallis was enjoyed by a good
sized audience in college chapel Friday
evening. The instrument was a two-manual
pedal pipe organ, furnished by the
Eilers Piano House of Portland and
brought to Corvallis especially for the
The 13-number program began with a
Pastorale' by Wely and concluded with
"Fanfare Militaire" by Lemmens, and
the audience appeared to grow more
enthusiastic with each number, generous,
applause yoiciag the pleasure of the
listeners. Prof. Gerard Tallandier,
while recognized as a pianist of raie
ability and skill surprised his hearers by
his performance on this " instrument,
which is as different in every ' respect
from ' a piano . The ' program was so
varied that everyone's taste miistcertain
ly have been pleased, while the rendition
of the numbers, ranging from the concert
Adagio Op. 256 Volckmar, to the
Hymn of Nuns by Wel and the
Marche Sobnnelle by Lemaigre was
such as to demonstrate both the skill of
Prof. Taillandier and the possibilities of
the instrument, which had an exquisite
tone. . . . '
Prof. Tallandier's brief descriptive ad
dress, as well as his explanations of the
numbers, added -ouch to the enjoyment
of the audience during the reoita 1. The
occasion was enjoyed by everyone.
Additional Local.
You will miss a rare treat if you
fail to hear R.9V. Babcock, one of
Oregon's fine violinists, next Fri
day at the Carnival. ZZ ZZ
'Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer, enter
tained the members of the Presby
terian choir and the choir's friends,
Thursday evening, in a very de
lightful manner. Ice cream and
cake was enjoyed by all. The
guests were: Rev. and Mrs. Bueh,
Mrs. Inez Wilson, Mrs. Ella Taylor.
Misses Lena Tartar, Agness Wilson,
Nellie Marvin, Grace Wilson,
Eunice Taylor; Messrs. Archie Van
Cleve, E. R. Hughes, Nash Tay
lor, Harold Auld, Ralph Pruett
and Phillip Gerhart.
Men Wanted. Saw mill and
lumber yard laborers $225 per dav.
Woodsmen $2.25 to $3 00. Steady
work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lum
bar Co., Eugene, Ore. 43tf
A large assortment of nicely
trim tried hats for children, also a
fine line of hats for old ladies to be
sold at very low prices. Mrs. J.
Mason. 39tf.
House to rent; possession June
1st. Inquire at Allen's drug store.
Higher Than in San Francisco
cash cost of the goods, those taking ad
vantage of easy-payment plan Jwill pay
interest on deferred payments at 8 per
cent per annum.
Every piono will be accompanied by
the respective maker's unconditional
guarantee, duly countersigned b us, thus
making the purchaser absolutely secure
in his purchase.
Every contract or undertaking entered
into by Eilers Piano House will be
carried out to the letter.
If everv reader could but realize the
exact situation as it is, nothing would be
left for sale by Saturday night Store
will be open day and evening till sale is
Our Corvallis representative, Prof
Taillandier, will make you at your town
the same prices as we make here in
Portland, the only difference will be the
freight item. See him at once or tele
phone Independent 185.
The ffleisiireni
The laws that govern foot-structurear
applied to the making of all Ralston
Health Shoes.Li Everv'nartHof a Ralston is
i m p ro n e rn ro n o f ti o ri
That means Ralston Health Shoes don't dis
tort or; vary the natural, structural liues of
the boot to achieve style. They are the most
stylish shoes on the market, yet they never
depart from the hygienic principle of nature
proportions. Ralstons will feel like home to
your feet. They fit the feet at the start no
need of breaking in.
Our first shipment of Wool, Mzhzlr, and Wash
Dress Goods has arrived. A21 colors, weighs
and wsaves, at prices that wiii tempt ali.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard.
Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray. Brown,
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Check3 and Stripas.
Navv Dress Linens in White, Gray, Light Blue,
Green and Navy.
New Whi e Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods.
New Assortment Embroidered Waist Patterns.
New Velvets, Collars and Belts.
msmasr, wa give 5 p3r mitt discount on
s!3 Cash Purefoassf .
All first-cla83 cigira and tobacco; whist and p-ol
; rooms. Every customer treated like a prince.
191 Uf
An $8. CO Leather
Suit Case
For every dollar's worth of goods
purchased at my store you will
get a ticket entitling you to a
chance in the drawing for an ele
gant Suit Case. The more tickets,
the more chances. Drawing to
take place at my store at 4 p. m.
Saturday, June 9. The cheapest
store in town to buv clothing and
men's furnishings.
Corvallis, Oregon
jl HaVf "-"MHUnW' ".iaf MSfliVW MMJES3
to everv othe r nart.l
1 gKygrr. k
tour cnoifl norm 01 posionne
Ind. Phone 130.
Stop Grumbling
If you Hurler from Rheumatism or
painsj for BalUrd's Snow Liniment will
bring quick relief. It h a sure cure 'or
Sprains, Rheumatism, Contracted
Muscles and all pains and within the
rearhofall Prices 25 r, 503, $100. C.
R. Smith, Tenaha, Tox. writes: "Ihave
used Ballard's Snow Liniment in my
family for years and have found it a fine
remedy for a'l pains and anne?. I rec
omend it for pains in the cheat' Slid
by Graham & Wortham.
Have your printing done at the
Gazette office. We give you quick
service and save you money.
Fortunate Mlssourian.
"When T was a druggist, at Livonia
Mo.," writes T. J. Dywer, now of Grays
ville, Mo., "three of my customers were
permanently cured of consumption by
Dr. Kind's New Discovery, and are
well and strong today. One was try
ing to sell his property and move to
Arizona, but alter using New Dis
covery a short time he found it neces
sary to do so. I regard Dr. King's
New Discovery as the most wonderful
medicine in existence." surest Cough
and Cold cure and Throat and Lung
healer. Guaranteed by Allen & Wood
ward, 50c, and $1. Trial bottle free.