Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 29, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XT.TTT.
Corvallis, Benton County Oregon, Tuesday. May 29. liMH5
Well-known Section ' Foreman
Suddenly Expires.
William Seckler, for 16 years
a section foreman on the South
ern Pacific, -and as such widely
known throughout this part of
Oregon, died very suddenly at
the family home in this city at
2:30 Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Seckler had been ill for
about two weeks with Bright's
disease, but no thought of his
immediate death had been enter
tained by the family. Mrs. Seck
ler left him sitting up in bed and
went down stairs. Returning a
few minutes later she found that
death had been there before her,
and Mr. Seckler was gone.
Toe funeral occurred from the
residence at 2 130 Sunday, under
the auspices of the Masons, of
which deceased was a member,
and Rev. M. S. Bush conducted
the services. A large number of
friends and neighbors were in
attendance, and there was a pro
fusion of flowers. Interment was
made in Crystal L ike cemetery.
William Seckler was born in
Philadelphia 50 years ago the
18th of next mouth, He went
to Iowa when a young man,
where he resided until his remov
al to Oregon 19 years ago. He
married Miss Anna Miller iu
Iowa in 1877, who with two
daughters, Florence and Ger
trude, survive.
Deceased was an honorable
citizen, and had many friends
wherever he w.-.s known.
Able and Deserving.
Fred C. P '1 is a young man
of iamilv. 11' is .struggling to
take care ot those dependent
upon him. He is -honest and
abie and in every way descrying
the vote of i-vtiv jepuhlican in
Benton county md we are confi
dent that he will leceive them.
He promises il elected to do
all the wotk of the office unas
sisted. He will ask no aid and
his clerical ability is such that he
will require none. His adminis
tration of the office of sheriff of
Benton county will be as econom
ical as it was ever known to be
under any of his predecessors.
Here is a model young republi
can before the party for support
for office at the coming election.
Will he get the needed support?
There is nothing in sight at pres
ent Jhat give rise to any doubt on
this score.
State Grangers' Visit.
The State Grangers met in
Albany last week, and Thursday
a free trip wc s given them from
that city to Corvallis. About
350 persons came over and they
were royally entertained. The
train was met by two batallions
ofOAC cadets and the college
band, and escorted to the chapel
where a brief program was car
ried out. Among the speakers
were State Master B. G. Leedy,
Master-Elect Buxton, an OAC
graduate, Mrs. Clara II. Waldo,
Hon. J. K. Weatherford and
others. Mr. Weatherford, who is
president of the board of regents
of OAC, made the most important
address. He spoke briefly of
the work done by the college for
the past 21 years and pledged
the efforts of the board to the
erection of a proper building
lor the girls ot the institution,
one with adequate room for all
and with modern conveniences,
a place where the girls of the
state could come and find a com
fortable home under the direct
supervsion and parental care of
the president, faculty and re
gents. Addressing' the Grange,
Mr. Weatherford expressed his
satisfaction at the efforts of that
body, saying that the continued
prosperity of the state depended
upon the success of the agricul
turists, and the proper and intel
ligent movement of the various
agricultural pursuits.
Following the address an ex
hibition drill was given by the
class in physical culture, at the
armory, after which the visitors
strolled about the grounds and
visited various points of interest
until the departure of their train
at 6:00 o'clock.
Decoration Day Exercises.
Tomorrow the nation will once
more pay homage to the veterans
who have passed over, by strew
ing on their graves a wealth of
May blossoms, in loving remem
brance of services rendered. In
Corvallis the day will be fittingly
observed, as usual, and the order
of exercises will be as follows:
At one o'clock the children
will assemble at the city hall
where they will be met by Prof.
Holmes and the public school
teachers, and also by the G. A.
R. commander and his commit
tee wh j w:ll distribute the fi3gs.
At 2 p. m. the line of march
will form at the G. A. R. hail in
the following order: the cadets
ot OAC, mayor ot the citv, mem
bers of the W. O. W.," M. W.
A.. G A. R., W. R. C, school
children and citlzans.
Arrived at the cemeterv, the
procession led by Comrade John
Young, will enter, and as they
match, each lady, with children
of the W. R. C. to assist, will be
detailed to decorate one grave
The crowd will then assemble
at the monument for the "un
known dead," where the G. A.
R's. will hold their ritualistic
ceremonies and the children will
Taps will then be sounded, the
salute fired by the cadets, and
the exercises of the day will be
In the evening at the Presby
terian church Mayor Johnson will
give a brief talk and Rev. Feese
will deliver a memorial address
at 8 o'clock; William Paul will
read Lincoln's address at Gettys
burg; there will be declamations
and other features, and excellent
music under the direction of the
Presbyterian choir. The public
is invited.
For Treasurer.
S. H. Horton, who is the. re
publican candidate for county
treasurer, has, been a resident of
Oregon for more than 30 years,
26 of these years having been
lived in Benton county. For
about 10 years Mr. Horton was
engaged in the sawmill business
in Southern Benton.
Mr. Horton is a veteran of the
civil war, having served under
the command ot General A. J.
Smith. In the battle of Nash
ville Mr. Horton was wounded
in the hand and will bear the
marks to his grave. He is an
intelligent and upright man
aud will make a splendid treas
urer for Benton county.
Remember the Rose Carnival
will be held May 31st and June let,
and the Rose show will bo bold
June let instead of May islst, as
previously advertised.
Monday a gold cuff button
was found on the streets in Cor
vallis. Owner call at this office.
At Benton Lumber Company's
Mill Mr Pugsley the Victim.
While off-bearing from behind
the big saw as the Benton county
lumber company's mill near
Philomath, Thursday, Benjamin
Pugsley was so seriously injured
that he died the same night.
The accident occurred about 3
p. m., the young man being
caught by the belt and drawn in
to the pulley. The left leg was
fractured a few inches above the
ankle, the left thigh was broken,
there was a terrible gash in the
side that required twenty stitches
in closing, and another gash on
the back of the head that render
ed the victim delerious.
A physician of Philomath and
a couple of doctors from Corvallis
were called, but at 9:20 the life
spark went out and the young
matt had ceased to suffer.
Benjamin Puggley was the son
of Mr. and Mrs" A. W. Pugsley
of Philomath, and was aged
about 28 year?. He leaves a
wife and one child to mourn his
untimely death.
The funeral was held at the
family residence at one 'clock
Saturday, Rev. Jones of Phil
omath conducting the services..
Interment was made in the
Pleasant Valley cemetery.
Deceased was a steady, indus
trious young man, and there is
deep ' sympathy expressed for
those bereaved.
For Recorder.
Emery J. Newton, the repub
lican candidate for recorder, is a
Benton county boy of recognized
clerical ability ani an honorable
young man. He is a graduate of
OAC and has followed both
school teaching and farming. If
elected he will prove a credit to
the party voting him to the of
fice of countv recorder.
Hawley Speaks Today.
W. C. Hawley, republican
candidate for congress, will ad
dress the voters ot Benton coun
ty today. The address is to
be given in the court house at
2:30 this afternoon. '
The gentleman is one of the
most scholarly men in Oregon, a
profound thinker and a fluent
speaker. Come out and hear
him. He will enter. ain and en
lighten you at the same time.
County Business Will be Second.
E. E. Wilson has always de
clared that his time was wholly
taken up with his own business
affairs. Judge Wooodward will
be able to devote his whole time
to the affairs of the' county.
If we estimate E. E. Wilson's
private business as No. 1 and
Benton county's as No. 2 with
Mr. Wilson, how would poor old
Benton fare if the lawyer chanced
to have special private business
at the same time that Benton had
a deal? Mr. Wilson's private
law practice, being No. 1 with
that gentleman, would have first
attention, and Benton, being No.
2, could bide her time.
Mr. Wilson hesitated about ac
cepting the nomination for the1
office of county judge on the
grounds, , as he saidK that he
would have to neglect his private
law practic. But it seems Eddie
was over-persuaded by the demo
crats who undoubtedly figured
that he would be a good thing
for democracy,- else why did they
force him to run against his own
Political Comment.
The chatter about the necessity
of a lawyer for countv judge is
mere twaddle, as is proved bv
the fact that the present judge is
no lawyer, though a democrat,
e Sr. e
So far we have not heard any
reply from democracy as to
whether or not when a democrat
gets into office in Benton it is
supposed to be for life. Really
now is there a time limit to a
democratic term of office in Ben
ton county?
Can any man, republican or
democrat, show where, when it
comes to aH the qualities that
make a good citizen and a good
official, a single democratic nomi
nee has the least bit of advan
tage over a single republican
nominated by the republican
party of Benton county? No one
dares attempt such a feat. Then
why not vote your ticket straight.
6 :' fe
The matter of electing the en
tire republican ticket rests with
the party in Benton. By simply
going and voting ycur ticket
strai-ht from start to finish you
will have turned the trick. Sure
ly there should be nothing hard
about that.
Si S-:
Some' political liar from Salem
is in the metropolitan press to
the effect that Dr. Withycombe
will not carry Benton, his hone
county. If the idiot is not in thc
asylum, he should be. There
will hi lots of republican and
democratic money to be found
here to back Withycombe. Lt
any doubter show up with dough
Sr. & &
T. T. Vincent, the "Abe
I'ncola" of Benton, is the same
as elected county clerk.
& &
It is strange that in the face of
their claim that there are no
politics in county offices that the
democrats of Benton are making
such an effort to hold office :ei-
petuailv. Did this ever occur t
Sr. 6 fe
Do the republicans of Benton
county owe the democratic office
holders of the present age any
thing? If so, how bng is the
obligation to last? Forever? It
would be a pleasing thing to say
once in a life-time that Benton,
a republican county, had elected
republicans to office.
6 Sr. Sr.
Evervthing indicates that
George W. Smith will easily win
out in his candidacy for the of
fice of county commsssioner. Mr.
Smith will make a fine officer.
, Sr. Sr. Sr. ' ' .
Party is necessary. While
party exists there must be, and
should be partisanship. Are you
a republican or democratic par
tisan? Your answer depends oi
whether you are a republican o
a democrat.
Sr Sr. Sr
If there were but one party yet
there would be partisans. Gov.
Chamberlain knows this and
would have all men become dem
ocratic partisans. This is the
demoratic meaning and purpose
of non-partisanship.
Sr. Sr. Sr
Republicans cannot be and
will not be aiders and abettors ol
democratic partisanship.
Sr. Sr. Sr.
"" E'eclion June 4th.
Remember the Rose show next
Friday night at the Carnival.
Is a Joyous occasion, especially if it's the right kind
of a belle, a ring to decorate a fairy finger to cele
brate a birthday or a wedding. In our superb dis
play of
everyone can find a suitable gift. Rings, plain and
jeweled, solitaiie diamonds, watches, the new neck
chains and the latest fancy bracelets Let us de
light you with a showing of our superb jewelry
stock and tempt you with the wonderfully low
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building,
Tew Line of Trunks
We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glas mounting:, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail.
If you care to investigate call at my store any time.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.!
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for trrfe Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles'. I
Guns and Bicycles For Rent. First-class Repair Shop.
. A I.
Ini. Phone 126
O. C. H lost and.
Patronize Homo Industry.
Outaldo C-rfers SollcKad.
AH Work Guarunteed.
Hair inyfyorator
And Dandruff EradJcator
O o
P J2
Trade Karl Reaisttrtd. ."
Price, - Fifty Cents;
KanufscU:red ty f
Th3 Vegetable Compound CempanyJ
CorvaSHs, " Cs'sgan 9t
9 fl rP 0 f
aS&y ia A I Vis?
We have tons of WALL PAPER, yard upon
yard of CARPET, lots of FURN11URE,
Spec&3 Prises cn CM Pisces
We- are headquarters for Go-Carts. Wo
have a nice line from $15. "0 up.
' We solicit a rnnipan'snn "of tnppe Goo.i
and prices. Perhaps fter ynn liavn looked
elsewhere, yon v i 1 drop ia un us. Tilt li
you'll have fouud tlie place von waut.
The Best Place, '
Suits Cases and Telescopes.
pecialty . . .
Going Fishing
Get your Fiehing Tackle at
We carry the famous BRISTOL ROD
and Freshly Loaded Shells for Pigeon
Residence 324
, Chas.lBlakeslee.