Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 25, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
The subscription price of theXGAZETTK
for several years has been, and remains,
$2 per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if
paid in aivauce.J This paper will be
continued until all arrearagesXare paid.
United States Senator (shoit term)
F. W. Mulkey.
United States Senator (long term)
Jonathan Bourne, Jr.
Representative in Congress, first district
W. C. Hawley.
Governor James Withycombe.
-Secretary of State Frank W. Benson.
State Treasurer George A. Steel.
Supreme Judge Robert Eakin.
Attorney General A. M. Crawford.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
J. ti. Ackerman.
State Printer Willis S. Duniway.
State Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff.
State Senator A. J. Johnson.
State Representative V. A. Carter.
Juda E. Woodward.
Clerk T. T. Vincent
Sheriff Fred C. Peil.
Treasurer S. H. Horton.
Recorder Emery J. Newton.
Commissioner George W. Smith.
Coronor S. N. Wilkins.
Judge 2nd Jad, Dist. L. T. Harris.
The republican party came in
to being because it had distinct.
ive principles and policies which
the adherents of the party be
lieved were fraught with great
est good to the greatest num
ber. In all the years of
its life it has never been with
out such principles and policies.
For almost half a century the
principles and policies of the
party have bsen approved by the
American people. They have
been thoroughly tested in the
conduct of public affairs and
have proved to be the most bene
ficient in their results.
Prosperity and happiness and
elevation have been borne to the
people in unprecedented measure
by these principles. Progress,
development, strength, influence
and power have been wrought
out for the nation through the
agency of these principles.
These facts are so palpable to
all our people that they do not
desire the displacement of repub
lican principles and the substitu
tion of any different principles.
This is why the democracy has
no principles, or at least none
which commend themselves to
the people.
If then the democratic party
would come into power in nation,
state or county, here in Oregon,
it must resort to all manner of
deceits, shams and subterfuges.
This is just what it has done and
is doing. It says "we stand with
Roosevelt, ' ' yet the moment the
leaders see no party advantage
to be gained thereby, the party
becomes one of obstruction and
Its press and leaders prate of
the beauties and desirability of
non-partisonship, yet it puts a
full ticket in the field and works
for the success only of its can
didates. There's no policies in
volved in county offices, yet it
strives to gain and to retain con
trol of the most important of
fices which it proceeds to admin
ister on the most intensely par
tisan lines. This the democratic
party does- in republican Oregon,
in republican Benton county.
Why is this? Surely not be
cause republicans have abandon
ed their principles. Certainly
not because the democracy has
any principles to ho commended.
It is only bee.. : -.0 republicans
have been beguiled by mislead
ing and false statements.
As a result of this Benton
county has a democrat for county
judge, a democrat for sheriff, a
democrat for county clerk, a
democrat for county treasurer,
aud democrats in all subordinate
or appointed positions.
Yet Benton is a republican
county, and we are are republi
The remedy for this state of
affairs is in republican hands. It
will be applied the fourth of
June, and Benton will cease to
be the object of just reproach by
the republicans of other parts of
the state.
E. Woodward is a man of his
word and needs no introduction
to the citizens of Benton county.
To judge the future by the past
is, on the average, a very safe
thing to do, and applying this
rule to the administration of
Judge Woodward during the time
that he presided over the Benton
county couit we have a record
which may be referred, to with
Taxes were kept at a minimum
and all business of the county at
tended to at the least possible
cost. Every detail was carefully
looked after. The finances of the
county were kept in a splendid
condition and so popular was his
administration that he was again
nominated by the republican
party to succeed himself. On ac
count of domestic matters he
could not accept at that time.
He is now before the people
again with the assurance of
the support of the entire re
publican party ana many
strong democrats. Anyone
doubting his popularity or
strength had best look at the re
turns of the recent primary elec
tion. His large pluralities in
every precinct in Benton , save
Philomath, Willamette and Alsea
is indicative of his strength and
assures his election.
True, he lives in Corvallis. He
does not live a stone's throw out
side the city limits to avoid pay
ing taxes to Corvallis nor for any
other reason. He owns, and has
owned for years, a fine farm not
far from Philomath and pays
taxes double to Mr. Wiison. So
it is plain that the general wel
fare of both county and city are
matters of concern to him.
Mr. Wilson, although a country
loving and living (?) gentleman,
is engaged in the law business in
this city, and has been for years.
It may be that he has been
working on the quiet at the task
of making roads and bridges, but
we doubt it. An article on "How
I build bridges" from the pen of
Mr. Wilson would undoubtedly
prove interesting.
The voters of the State of Ore
gon have asked for the primary
law. They have it and the re
publican party have used it to
nominate a ticket. All those striv
ing for a place on the ticket could
not be successful and those who
were defeated have abided by the
decision of the primaries and are
now working for the real nomi
This is true republicanism and
every man who votes the ticket
straight can feel proud of the
fact that he is voting for a ticket
of clean, able and honorable men
from first to last.
We note a whine from our con
temporary to the effect that the
country is not fittingly represent
ed on our ticket as a resulc of
the republican primaries. We
should like to inquire how many
countrymen are on the demo
cratic ticket? Of course there is
Mr. Wilson!
Will somebody please rise and
explain what constitutes a term
of office in Benton county? Is it
for life?
If You Don't
Succeed the first time use Herbine
and you will get instant relief. The
greatest liver regalator. A positive
cure for Consumption, Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Chills and all liver comp'aints. Mr.
C . of Emory, Texas, writes: "My
"My wife has been using Herbine for
herself and children lor five years.
It is a sure cure for Consumption and
Malaria fever which is substantiated by
what if hao ilrno frtr mv !famtlv "
Sold bv Giahani & Wortbam. 1
T. T. Vincent.
On the county . republican
ticket there is ho nan more de
serving ot support than T. T.
Vincent, the republican party's
candidate for county clerk.
Mr. Vincent is well and favor
ably known in the county, hav
ing taught school in it' for a num
ber of years, and also having en
gaged in farming in Kings Val
ley. He is a man of good edu
cation, unblemished reputation
and unimpeachable integrity.
His ability is everywhere recog
nized to be far above the average.
Possessing all the qualities that
constitute a good citizen he can
not fail to be a good official. He
is familiar with the duties of the
office for which he is nominated
and if elected will give efficient
service from the first hour. He
is a republican from honest con
viction, and republicans will vote
for him as they should, yet such
is the excellence of his character
and his fitness for the position
that many besides republicans
will doubtless support him, and
they will make no mistake in
doing so.
The People Were Pleased.
An appreciative audience, a clever play
well played, and compliments for every
performer in tlie cast, is what can be
said of "A Belated Introduction'' giyen
by home talent at the opera house
Wednesday night.
The play was well suited to amateur
psrformers, and was entertaining from
start to finish, abounding in amusing
situations and sparkling repartee.
As Fred Ossian, the hero of the tale,
Collie Cathey gave proof of decided abili
ty, and won favor with the audience lm
mediately ; he has a good stage presence
and an excellent voice. Arthur Bouquet
brought down the honse in bis cast of
the thick-skulled Englishman; George
Cathey, as Hiram Green, was an ideal
old father, lover and friend, always on
hand at the right time, and beloyed by
everyone ; Grover Gate, as the spoiled
son ot Hiram Green, did bis part well,
bis cleverest work probably being in the
intoxicated act; H. C. Getz, as a soft
hearted tailor, appeared to pleaee every
one and he certainly looked his character ;
H. B. Carter in the role of Coddl, the
butler, understood his business through
out and was even able to give his em
ployer points on deportment.
Miss Mary Dsnneman was a fetching
character as Miriam Stuart Dodee of Phil
adelphia andthesweet heart of Fred Ossian
and her acting was splendid. Mrs. Stuart
Dodge, being the most disagreeable per
son in the cast was perhaps the hardest
to play, but Miss Bessie Danneman did
her part to perfection and showed mark
ed ability; Miss Gladys Moore has an
easy stage manner and certainly merited
commendation as Mrs. Odsian; while
Myrtle Harrington as Suan Gresu was
the mischievous, happy young girl that
she was expected so be.
Preity gowns were a pleasing feature of
the play and taken as a whole the per
formance met with decided favor and
has since been the subject of much fav
orable comment. Mrs. B. W. Johnson
was the director, and to her belongs the
lion's share of credit for the success of
the undertaking.
Get Into the Business.
Cream is being snipped into Portland
from California, Utah and Idaho, to be
made into Hazelwood butter. Of course
Are You Tired, Nervous
and SleepJess?
Nervousness and slecplossners are us
ually due to the fact that the nerves .are
not fed on properly nourishing Llocd;
thoy aro starved nerves. . Dr. Pierce's
ColJen Medical Discovery makes pure,
rich blood, and thereby tho nerves are
properly nourished and all tho organs of
the body are run as smoothly ns machin
ery which runs in oil. In this way you
fool clean, strong and strcnnoiv: yo:i cro
toned up end invigorated, cnJ you era
good for a whole lot of physical or mental
work. Best of all, tho strength and in
crease in vitality and health aro lasiinri.
The trouble with most tonics and med
icines which have a large, booming salo
for a short time, is thathcy ro largely
composed of r.'.cohol holding the drugs in
solution. This alcohol shrinks up the red
blood corpuscles, and in tho long run
greatly injures tho system. One mav foci
exhilarated and better for tho time lx:::g,
yet in the end weakened and with vitality
decreased. Dr. Pierce's Golden iiedical
Discovery contains no alcohol. Every
bott'.o of ii bears upon its wrapper Hie
Barjs of Hovcsiy. ia a full list of all its
several ingredients. For the druggist to
ofTer you something ho claims is "just as
good " is to insult your intelligence.
Every ingredient entering into tho
wcrld-famcd "Golden Medical Discovery"
Las the unanimous approval and endorse
ment of the leading medical authorities
of all the several schools of practice. No
other medicine sold throueh druggists for
like purposes has any such endorsement.
The "Golden Medical Discovery" not
only produces all the good ciTects to be
obtained from the use of Golden Seal
root, in all stomach, liver and bowel
troubles, as in dyspepsia, biliousness, con
stipation, ulceration of stomach and
bowels and kindred ailments, but the
Golden Seal root used in its compound
ing is greatly enhanced in its curative ac
tion by other ingredients such as Stone
root. Black Cherrybark. Bloodroot, Man
drake root and chemically pure triple
refined glycerine.
"The Common Sense Medical Adviser."
is sent free in naper covers on receipt of
21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mail
ing only. For 31 stamps the cloth-bound
volume will be sent. Address Dr. B. V.
Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation, biliousness and headache. -
it is easy to understand why the farmers
ship cream from each distance. The
Hazelwood people have built up quite a
demand for Hazelwood butter, and they
have to get sufficient cream to Bupply
that demand. They pay for. cream - on
the basis of the selling price of hazelwood
butter, which sells at a fig-ire consider
ably above the price obtained for other
brands of butter. , They buy all the
cream they can get 'at this extra price
v hich gives the California, Utah and
Idaho dairymen an opportunity to dis
pose of their oropuct on a market that
makes their dairies profitable.
Our farmers . are overlooking a great
opportunity if they do not take advan
tage of this situation. The demand for
cream is increasing all the time, and it is
steady every day in the year. Every
farmer should invest in good, cream
producing cows, and build up a herd that
will be a constant and steady ' source of
income. The pi ice paid for cream is
bound to earn a big profit for the dairy
man as cream is now bought on the basis
of selling price of butter into which it is
With this butter bringing a price
that makes it profitable for dairymen to
Bbip cream one thousand miles, it cer.
tainly assures Oreeon and Washington
dairymen a much greater profit.
The Congregational ladies
held their regular monthly mis
sionary meetings, at the home of
Mrs. Burnett, Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. Emily Pernot as
sisted in entertaining. The fol
lowing program was given :
Solos and 'readings by Miss
Hettie Lilly, Mrs. Berchtold,
Mrs. C. E. Peterson and Miss
Campbell. Refreshments were
The Kind Yon Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
Ty'J7, sona
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
hat is CASTOR! A.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its gnarantee. It destroys "Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over SO Years.
We are now prepared to provide the pub
lic wilh Ices, Water ices, Creams, Sher
bets, and everything in this line.
For social functions solicited. We cater to
the whole public and guarantee the best
at reasonable prices. When you want
anything in our line remember us.
Our own special free delivery to any part
of the city large or small quantities.
11 Mmm
mil 1 w-m
An Alsea Questioner.
We are in receipt of trie follow
ing letter from an Alsea republi
can: .'.
Ed. Gazette: I have read
your articles on 'Improper Prac
tice" in reply to the Corvallis
Times. I have also noted Mr.
Burnett's statement.
I have no sort ot confidence in
the Times and no patience with
its dirty, contemptible methods,
nor do I know of any republicans
who.hold a different view of that
any -thing-forr revenue sheet.
But I have been, heretofore,
one of those liberal, non-partisan
republicans who have supported
M. Burnett. It seems now that
our non-partisan help to him has
largely been instrumental in sup
porting a dirty, contemptible
partisan rag the Times.
Mr. Burnett . may be able to
show me, and others like me,
that he has as good claim to our
support now as he ever had in
the past. I am sure Mr. Burnett
can do this by giving to the pub
lic a statement covering the sums
paid for printing given by him to
the Times and to the Gazette,
respectively, tor the last past six
years. ' I believe this informa
tion is justly due to the republi
cans who have supported him in
the past, and upon whose sup
port he must now rely upon if he
would succeed himself.
A Republican.
"Bought, and whieli has been,
nas borne the signature of
has been made under his per-
supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
Pure, raw linseed oil
costs less than "ready
mixed" paint, but when
mixed with thick
pigment, gallon for gallon, it
makes trie best paint for the
least money.
For Sale by
Corvallis, Oregon.
, of Yamhill County.
If Vj s
Democratic Nominee for Representative
in Congress.
Reduced Rates.
Offered for the East by the S. P.
Comoany. Corvallis to Chicago and re
turn, $73.95; St. Louis, $69.95 ; Milwau
kee, $72.15; St, Paul and Minneapolis,
$62.45; Sioux City, Council Bluffs,
Omaha, St, Joseph, Atchixson, Leaven
worth and Kansas City, $62.45.
Sale dates: June 4, 6. 7, 23 and 25 ;
July 2 and 3; August 7, 8 and 9; Sep
tember 8 and 10 .
Limit going, lo days; return limit,
9o days, but not after October 31. 42tf
The Imported English Shire Stallion,
" Sou thill Ranger
Will make the season of 1906 as follows:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at
Abbott's barn, Corvallis; Fridays and
Saturdays at Monroe, an J Mondays at
Watkins' place, 12 miles South of Cor
vallis. Southill Banger is a beautiful
dark. dapple bay 17 i hands high and
weighs 2150 lbs. Terms: $20 to ineuie
with foal, or $25 to insure a living colt.
36-43 W. 0. BELKNAP, Manager.
A Mountain of Gold.
Could rot briDg as much happiness to
Mrs. Lucia Wilks, of Caroline, Wis.,
as did one 25c box of Bncklen's A mica
Salve, wlien it cr mp!-te-ly cured a run
ning sore on he- leir, which hat tortured
her 23 years. Greatest antiseptic healer
of Piles, Wounds, alid Sores. 25c at
Allen & Woodward.
For Portland and way points, leaves
Corvallis Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 6 a. m. Albany 7 a. m. Fare to
Portland, $1.75; round trip 3,00.
103tf , H. A. Hoffman, Agt.
552S6 pQTACKE 40C64
Will make the sea? on of 1JC6 at Al l ot's
barn, CorvailiF, Oregon.
Polache was winner ot lft prize at the
St. Louis fair, 1st at American Royal
Live Stock Show, at Kansas City ; In
ternational Live Stock Show, Kant as,
and at the Government Show in Fiance,
1904. Terinp, $25 to ir pate. Maies frcm
a distsniH will be fimnlurl r'rst. class
pasture. -
T. K. FAWCETT, Owner
Yellow Dent field corn for Beed
Oregon raised, finest on earth for
sale at Zierolf's. 37tf
Death.4 from Appendicitis.
JJecreHPe i- tle same latio that tlie
, . . .
use ot Dr. Kiru'H Ktw Life Pills in-a
creases. Ti ey t-ave jen fr ni finger.
and hrir g on' k snri jainltsp releaeej
ireni 0E8ii ai i. aMl t lie ills glowing
ou t of it. 'Durytli bid vigor aiuavs
follow their n. Guaranteed by
Allen & Vrriviard Diuggist. 25c.
Try them.
Foley's Kidney Curel
makes ktdnevs art? tffio .Vf
j4 Trade Marks
'ftt Copyrights &c
Anyone sending a sketch and description mat
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securtnepatents.
Patents taken throueh Mann & Co. receive
tptcial notice, without charge, in the
Scientific Jlmericati.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. j,arfrest eir- n
riilAtinn of anr scientific Journal. Terms. 13 a E
rear; ioor riuhiuji. ouiu ujr mi irewDucoioi
liN" U0.361B'9adway'NeW YorK
Take The Gazette for all the
local news.
Call on Zlerolf for early Dent
corn Oregon raieed. 35tfi
i m m