CORVA &a a Vol. XLHI. Corvaulis, Benton County Oreoox, Frid.vy. May SH. iOiM. ytggggp VM x a ii '71 jl- Benton Boy Suicides. Despoadent from continued ill-health, and worn by a sleep less night of sickness, Johnny Beal, a Benton county boy, drowned himself ia the Wilia mette river at Albany Saturday night or early Sunday Morning, Mr. Beal was ill Friday night and did not sleep. Saturday mormne be decided to so lor a walk, but the day passed and he did not return, bearcn was begun, aud Sunday his coat and hat were found on the bank of the Willamatte, and in the hat a note was placed which read, 'Good -by; I love you all, J. D. Beal." The river was dragged and the body recovered a block below the place where the hat was found. The funeral occurred in Albany at 2:00 p. m. Monday and inter ment in an Albany cemetery. Johnny Beal was a son of Wil liam A. Beal, who is a re spe table rancher of the vicinity of Wells, residing about eight miles north of Corvallis. De ceased was born in Benton county 28 years ago, and four years ago, on the same date of his burial May 21 he was married to Miss Jennie Robbins, a daughter in another well-known Benton county tamuy. Deceased and his family had resided some years in Albany. Mr. Beal was a quiet, steady young man, and was respected by everyone. He had been in ill health for some time and it is possible that worry and ill-health had caused temporary insanity, during which the young man took his life. There is wide-spread sympa thy for the bereaved family which, besides the widow and one littfe child, includes the father, W. A. Beal, a brother, Gene Beal. and a married sister in Washington. Annual County Institute. Beginning Wednesday morn ing, June 6th, the annual county institute for Benton county will be held in this city. The ses sions will be conducted in the public school building, and many of the ablest educators in the state are scheduled to take part in the work. Among those are B. F. Mulkey, Miss Katherine Sloan, E. D. Ressler, J. H. 1 Ackerman and others. In the Methodist Episcopal church, Wednesday evening, June 6th, an excellent musical and literary program will be ren dered. Among those appearing on the program are Mavor A. J. Johnson, Miss Lulu Spangler, President B. F. Mulkey, Mrs. E. H. Bilkaap, Sup't. Ackerman, Miss Johnson, of Philomath, and the Philomath quartette. The public is invited to help make the occasion successful by attending. Fred C. Peil, the Next Sheriff. Republicans are to be con gratulated on having such a worthy man tor their candidate for sheriff. His clean private life, his successful business life is winning him friends and votes every day. A prominent repub lican of the county recently said, "Why should a single republican vote against Fred C. Peil? He isjustasgood if not a betrer bookkeeper, just as good a pen man, just as good an office man, just as clean a man, just as able a man, iustasgood a citizen of the county, is interested as much in the future welfare of the county as his honorable op ponent" We are not agaiast Mr. Burnett because he is not a good tellow and a good citizen. We oppose him because, the re publican candidate, Fred C. Peil, is just as worthy, just as compe tent; because he is a republican, and this is a republican county. With a man equally as competent, efficient, clean and able, we believe it is the duty of every re publican in the county to sup port Mr. Peil. Let us appeal to every republi can. Don't let the democratic candidates pull the wool over - a single voter's eye, by having you vote for Mr. Burnett. Remem ber Mr. Peil is your candidate for sheriff. He represents the party which you stand for. He believes in every principle you want. He stands side by side with Roosevelt in upholding the republican party. Mr. Peil is not a single man. but a man with a family. Let us place this worthy, deserving man in the office he aspires to, and tor which the people in our party named him. Stand by Roose velt, Withycombe, Fred C Peil and the whole county and state ticket. Relics of Old Times. A Quaker marriage certificate bearing the date 1790, and a deed executed in the year of 1817. were exniDitea at tne Gazette office Wednesday by T. W. Woods, of this city. The papers are yellow with age and are torn from folding, but the writing is clear and plain. The 'parties named in the Quaker certificate are William Marshall and De borah Bills, grandparents of Mrs. J. W. Woods. The marriage vows were announced in a series of monthly meetings of the Quaker denomination, and the consent of the parents was ob tained. After a given number of announcements by law required, the marriage was announced by the clerk of the meeting as hav ing taken . place and the infor mation was handed -to the clerk of the court and by him recorded. No minister and no ceremony were necessary in these mar riages, but the names ot 33 wit nesses appear on the certificate. The marriage occurred at Deep river, county ot Surry, North Carolina. The deed is a transfer of land to the same William Marshall, and is well preserved. Proclamation. Whereas, The Village Improve ment Society of Corvallis and the Benton County Citizens League have requested the City of Corvallis to name a day to be set apart by the citizens of said City to be devoted to cleaning up the streets, public grounds, lawns and yards within the corporate limits of said City; and Whereas, by unanimous vote of the City Council, it was resolved at a meeting, May 21st, that Monday, the 28th day of May, be set apart as such a day for cleaning up said City. By authority of said Council I here by designate Monday, the 2Sth day of May, 1906, as Cleaning Up Day, and request all authori ties and citizens ot the town to devote this day to cleaning up and beautifying the Citv. Alex Rennie, Pres. City Council. New Enterprise for Corvallis. Tuesday afternoon an organiza tion was effected of the Corvallis Ice and Butter Company and steps were taken to incorporate. The incorporators are B. D. Arnold, Guy Seeley, John Creson and others and the enter prise springs out of the old Cor vallis ice company. The cap ital stock is quoted at $10,000 and the company embraces some well known local capitalists. New and up-to-date ma chinery for the plant has been ordered, and the firm expects to be ready to receive cream for butter making by June 1st. The concern will occupy the old ice house, in the south part of town. Yon will miss a rare treat if yon fail to hear Rev. Bibcock, one of Oregon's fine violinists, at the "Car nival of Roses," May 3UL 43-4 No Office-Holding Class. jno intelligent democrat, cer tainly no republican will, for a moment, accept as true that Mr. Burnett and Mr. Moses are the only men in all Benton county qualified, respectively, for the offices of sherifl and county clerk. It is quite probable that as deserving and well qualified men might be found even in the democratic party. It is absolute ly certain that the republican party abounds with men as de serving; as capable and well qual ified as either of these gentlemen or of any named on the demo cratic ticket. The republican party has plac ed one such man in nomination for each county office and they will be elected. The reasons for this are as fol lows: Benton is a republican county. All the republicans in the county participated, or had the right to participate, in plac ing the nominees on the ticket, and it would be mean and cowardly not to support them at the polls. Republicans resent the asser tion that certain democrats are the only qualified men for certain offices as impudent and untrue. Republicans do not believe in an office-holding class, and they see that to keep men in office for long periods say from six to ten years makes strongly to ward creating such a class. Republicans hold to republican principles, and feel safer when in the hands of , republican offi cers than when those offices are held by democrats. Republicans believe that the distinction of holding office in a republican state or county should be conferred on the capable men of the party as some sort of re cognition for partv fealty. For these reasons, if for no others, republicans will give their pi rty candidates unfailing and unfalter ing support until the polls close, June 4th. This means a republican vic tory, and none know it better than our democratic friends, hence their resort to subterfuge and all sorts of peanut politics. It will avail them nothing this year for republicans have already chosen this as a republican year. Mass Meeting Held. After the Gazette press hour last night a mass meeting was to be held at the city hall to discuss the matter of cleaning up the city. At a meeting held Tuesday night a committee was appointed from each ot the following or ganizations: the Citizens' League, Coffee Club, city council , and Village Improvement Society. These committees were supposed to work up the matter and to at tend the mass meeting last night to join in formulating plans foi the clean-up. The council has declared next Monday a legal holiday, and all business houses, schools and the college are sup posed to close for at least a half a day and join in the task of beautifying the city by a thorough "housecleaning" process. At the meeting Tuesday night a "smelling committtee," com posed of leading ladies of the city, was appointed, and it is the duty of this committee to investigate conditions in alleys and back yards where an accumulation of trash, dirt or filth of any sort has been left, and to report such matters to the proper authorities. Property owners will be notified to clean up their premises, and it will be the business of those in authority to see that such orders are obeyed immediately. This meeting is certainly a step in the right direction, and everyone should lend bis or her aid to the task of turning the old town upside down next Monday and giving it a complete over hauling. The goid to result from the project is so plainly dis cernible that even the school boy or girl can readily see it, ant these will no doubt be glad to assist to the limit of then strength. Get your scythes, shovels. rakes, hoes and wheelbarrows in readiness, and be up with the lark Monday morning to aid in makingCorvallis one of the clean est, as it is alreadv one of the prettiest towns, in the Willam ette Vallev. Should the Gazette be off the press in time tor this article to be read locally Thursday night, let every such reader make it a point to attend the mass meeting at the city hall. Democracy and Taxes. Ed. Gazette: The taxpayers of Oregon are beinar treated to a tract on "Chamberlain and Taxes." These oiteous little cir- 1 ... doses for a hor.ce. Along this line please permit me to make a statement and ask a question. Six years ago my taxes were slightly less than $6. At that time Geer was governor of Ore goo and Woodward was count) judge of Benton. Recently when I paid my taxes they were prac tically double what they were six years ago. The lattter payment was made under a democratic governor, Mr. Chamberlain, and a democratic county judge,. Mr. Watters. Now my question is, "Can the democrats explain the difference in their assertions and the facts in the case?" Remem ber that the ?ums cited were paid on the same property. Thomas Boulden. A Merited Tribute. If anyone interested in Benton county and the development of its resources would take as active part in advertising it individ ually, as they could, the results would be temarkable. While many talk of Benton, the Cor vallis Citizen's League does more than talk. The League is one of the mot progressive organiza tions of the sort in Oregon or any other state, and its adver tising has done wonders for Ben ton county. In order to demon strate what the League is doing abroad, the following letter from H. A. Hinman, from the depart ment of science, New York Mil itary academy, and addressed to John F. Allen, secretary ot the League, is given publicity: I am in receipt of your letter of the 24th ult and also of sev eral others recently regarding the state of Oregon and have read them with much interest. I have secured a position in the West but it is in Belmont, Cali fornia, and so am no longer on the. lists looking for some place to settle. I admire the energy and svstem with which you go about letting -us know of ycur advantages and wish to thank you and all of those interested in what you have done for me. I wanted to come to Oregon but am well pleased to get on the coast at all and maybe in later years the fates will will it that I find as good a position in your state as I have secured in Cali fornia. Supporting the Whole Ticket. Although A. J. Johnson has no opponent for the office of st t- senator he is standing shoulder t. shoulder with the other pam candidates and taking as much interest as though the matte-. was one ot vital importance when it come to his own election He is speaking everywhere ir support of the "whole ticket." This is not for the county alone, but the republican state ticket as well. He is doing great wors for Dr. Withvcombe. "Aunt Jerusha'a QniltiDg Party" is one of the funniwt faices yon ever eaw, and one of the mobt pop ular. At the "Bo Carnival" Jacslet: 43-i TWIT Ti ' I 1 1 1 n SOME POINTS ABOUT SCARP PINS won't hurt you, if you intend to buy, and get the points of me. "A SCARF PIN POINT'Z you get at my jewelry establishment is of genuine value. convince yourself by looking over that lot of new 1906 scarf pins just received. I have them "fruitv." and of "simple elegance." Price in each instance is extremely low. Albert J. Metzger WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, ... Corvallis FOR j Our Goo I SPEAK HOLLEBERG & CADY. New Line of Trunks. A Specialty We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to . the public. This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on where others absolutely fail. If you care to investigate call at my store any time. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.! SEEING IS BELIEVING Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors, Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles Guns and BicycSes For Rent First-class Repair Shop. M. M. LONG, Ind. Phone 126 Residencs 324 CORVALLIS, - OREGON. O. C. Hloatmnd. CORVALLIS STEAM LAUNDRY. C Patronlzo Homo Industry Patronize Homo Industry a OmtrnMm Ordmrm SolloHmd. CORVAUJS, SB V Ml Work OwMtattf. - XtHEBOM. I SFEKCE&'S Hairlnvigoratcr And Dandruff Eradlcator . r ' - es e o 1 1 ? 5 s E m 2 WW. a. I . 5 o. 5 3 m Truh lart Btgutirtd. Price, - Fifty Cents; Manufactured by The Vegetable Compound Company! Corvallis, Oregon '.:t THEMSELVES "We have tons of WALL PAPER, yard upon yard of CARPET, lots of FTJRNl'lTJRE, STOVES and GRANITE WARE. Special Prices on Odd Pieces GO-CARTS We are headquarters for Go-Carts. We have a nice line from $3.50 np. We solicit a comparison of these Goods and prices. Perhaps after you have looked' elsewhere, you will drop io on ns. Tben you'll have fousd the place yon want. Absolutely The Best Place. Suits Cases and Telescopes. IF YOU ARE Going Fishing Get your Fishing Tackle at GUN HODES' We carry the famous BRISTOL ROD and Freshly Leaded Shells for Pigeon Shooting. REPAIR WORK DONE. 1RY. I Chi