Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 22, 1906, Image 1

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Corvaijlis, Benton Coumtc Obegon, Tuesday,, XIav 23. !S)i
5 ,
It is questionable if political
"managers" ought to induce men
to go on the ticket, "just to fill
up." If a man like Telt Burnett
13 already in the field for office, it
is nonsensical to talk , a stranger
into an acceptance of a nomina
tion against him. Everybody
knows that Telt Burnett ought to
be re-elected. It would be a
crime to turn down a man who
has given Benton county taxpay
ers sush peerless service as Telt
Burnett has given. His one act
of collecting taxes without an aid
when there is not another county
in the state that does not on such
occasions employ from 5 to 28
deputies, is enough for the tax
payers to-insist upon his reten
tion in his position. It is money
in the taxpayer's pocket, it is
money in everybody's pocket, as
well as a source of pride to every
body to have a sheriff like Telt
Burnett, and what utter folly to
put up as a candidate against him
a young man who has hardly
been in the county long enough
to know the way to the county
The above was printed in the
Corvallis Times, May 15, and led
us to make the following com
ment: "Does the Times think that re
publicans ought to support Telt
Burnett for the Times' sake? Do
the republicans of this county
owe the Times anything? How
much money is contributed to the
Times office in a year through the
sheriff's office? The Times may
know and this is the "impropar
practice" he has referred to in
his article of May 15 perhaps."
In view of our stand Mr. Bur
nett handed us the following af
fidavit which he desired us to
State of Oregon, '
County of Benton. S
I, M. P. Burnett, being first
duly sworn depose and say on
my oath as follows: I am and
have been for twelve months
last past sheriff of Benton
County, Oregon.
That during said time there
has been paid to the Corvailis
Times on account of printing
passing through my office $30.10
and no more, and that all print
ing done by said paper during
said period of time is included in
said $30.10; that during same
period of time the Corvallis
Gazette has received for print
ing passing through my office
the sum of $72 .08.
M. P. Burnett.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 19th day ot May, 1906.
E. R. Bhyson,
Notary Public for Oregon.
As regards the above figures,
they stand only for a period of
one year out of six that Mr. Bur
nett has been sheriff. About
one-half the sum paid us was on
the publication of the delinquent
tax list sale, which was let by
bid.1 Had the Times been
the successful bidder the figures
would have been about as much
the other way.
It might be well to remark
here that if we were able to
outbid our competitor and thus
save the county money on this
occasion, could we not have saved
the taxpayers of Benton some
thing on other things had we
been offered an opportunity to
What we should have said in
our article is "How much money
is contributed to the Times' of
fice in a year through the sheriff's
office and other county offices?"
In order to make plain the particu
lar source of the Times' interest
we shall produce the figures f rom
all offices for the twelve months
Mr. Burnett has selected, show
ing the patronage of the Gazette
and Times in comparison, as fol
May 1go5 $ 34 75 $18 oo
June " 23 oo
Jaly 10 o0
Ang " 2o 00 . 15 00
Sep " 64 25 ..
Oct " 13 00 50
Nov " 11 75 ..
Dec " 51 00 7 30
Jan 1903 .... 5 00
Feb " 42 25 31 13
Mar 34 35 - 12 15
Apr . " 56 00 5 CO
Times $360 35 Gazette $94 08
These figures are taken from
the court journal and we presume
them to be correct. The anxiety
of the Times to continue a. good
thing is apparent.
Come and drink with "Rebecca
at the Well" at the Carnival. She
usea " Distilled Water." 43-4
The Horse Show.
On June i and 2 there is to be
a mighty fine horse show in Cor
vallis. Horses of all breeds
and everv description will be
here from all surrounding coun
ties as well as from all Benton.
All lovers of horseflesh should
plan to attend. The show is
evidently destined- to be a draw
ing card. Even in Portland
there is knowledge of our horse
show, as is proved by the follow
ing which appeared in an Oregon
im of recent date:
Officers and members of the
Portland Commercial Club have
been extended an invitation to
attend the Benton county an
nual horse show, which will be
held at Corvallis June 1-2.
There will be exhibited at the
show a collection of the finest
horses of all breeds throughout
the country and handsome prizes
will be t warded. The show will
be held under the auspices of the
Benton county Citizens' League.
Corvallis has developed into
quite a center for fine horses and
it is said there have been more
fine horses raised in Benton
county in the last five years
than in any other county in the
slate. It is not an uncommon
thing for a team of draft horses
to sell for $500 to $600 and
thoroughbreds from $250 to $500
The Oregonian of Friday Talks
on The Governor
A "Belated Introduction," to
morrow night.
City Won Suit.
The Citv of Corvallis won out
in the suit brought to enjoin the
city -from taking water from
Rock Creek, said case having
been argued in Eugene more
than a week ago. Attorney E.
R. Bryson appeared in behalf of
the city. The suit was brought
bv Dr. G. R. Farra, who owns
a water power sawmill on Rock
Creek and declares his claim to
water rights. j
The suit was brought before
Judge Harris in the circuit court
for temporary injunction and the
petition was refused. The mo
tion was dismissed "without pre
judice to plaiutiffs to make
another application for a prelimin
ary order ot injunction in case
the defendants should fail dili
gently to proceed with legal pro
ceeding to acquire whatever
rights the plaintiffs may have in
the waters of Rock Creek, sought
to be condemned and appropriat
ed by the City of Corvallis fof its
water system.
It is reported that A. J. Johnson has
purchased the J. M. Porter corner just
north of the Occidedtal hotel.
Victor Spencer, who has been holding
a position as druggist ' in a Portland es
tablishment, returned home Saturday
for a visit of a few weeks with relatives
and friends.
Yesterday the annual city election was
held in Corvallis. We went to press too
early 1 to get the final count. The last we
heard was to to the effect that all wu
peace and harmony between the various
While floundering around
under the stunning blows ot two
roorbacks which they unwisely
sprung, the democratic cam
paign managers maae one more
effort yesterday", as iutile as the
others. Their first exhibition
of follv was their denunciation of
Dr. James WithycombeJ the re
publican nominee for governor,
because he was born in England.
This attack was so utterly un-
American that not even the
democrats would stand for it,
and the vigorous expressions of
of disapproval which were heard
from various sources caused a
hasty sidestepping and backing
and filling that made the man
agers appear ridiculous. The
next break was an attack upon
Withy combe because he has
drawn $12,000 from the treasury
of the state and $16, 000 from the
United States for services as a
public officer. The purpose was
to brand Withycombe as a recip
ient of public favor, but this
line ot attack was abruptly aban
andoned when it was shown that
the democratic nominee, George
E. Chamberlain, had drawn over
$40,000 from the state treasury
and had been such a presistent
office seeker that a leading demo
crat, Napoleon Davis, remarked
that the democrats of Oregon had
been supporting him for office
almost continuously for 20 year0.
The latest move, as absurd
as others, is a claim that
Chamberlain saved the initiative
and referendum to the people of
Oregon by notifying the legisla
ture that he would veto bills
to which emergency clauses
were attached, if the emergencies
did not in fact exist. This
claim seems well founded at first
glance, but an investigation
shows that if the legislature
"conspired" to defeat the refer
endum, as alleged, Chamberlain
himself was one of the arch-conspirators.
The initiative and referendum
section of the constitution pro
vides that act of the legislature
shall not go into effect tor 90 days
after the adjournment of the legis
lature, unless necessary for the
preservation of the public health,
peace and safety. This section
of the constitution was in effect
in 1903, when the legislative ses
sion of that year passed innumer
able acts with emergency clauses
attached, even upon the most
trival matters, and Chamberlain
never vetoed one ot them for that
reason. More than that, Cham
berlain was one of the attorneys
of record upon the brief in the
trial of the Kadderly case in the
supreme court, in which it was
argued that the legislature was
the sole judge of when aa emer
gency existed, and that if the
legislature declared an emer
gency the court could not in
vestigate the question whether an
emergency existed in fact.
The point was carried upon the
arguments thus produced, and
with Chamberlain's help and
approval, abuse of the emer
gency clause was made possible.
It was not until the session of
1905 that the Governor suddenly
became alarmed for the welfare
of the referendum. Whether he
had repented of the wrongs he
had been a party to in the session
of 1903 or could see the possi
bilities of a grandstand play as a
votegetter in 1906 may always
be a question. But it was not
until then that he raised the ob
jection to the emergency clauses.
And even then he was not con
sistent, for the records of that ses
sion of the legislature show that
he approved charter bills con
taining emergencv clauses when
the oaly purpose of the bills was
to prevent, if possible, the en
forcement of the local option
liquor law, by giving the City
Councils exclusive control of the
Mle of liquor. " He approved
other measures containing ernei -
gency clauses when no emergen
cies existed, as, for example, in
the case of the bill to fix the
salary of the .district attorney in
Klamath and Lake counties at
$2,000 instead of $1,500. He
was willing to concede that this
raise of $500 a year in salary was
necessary for the preservation ot
the public peace, health and
satety, and the act could not wait
ninety days to take effect.
In view of the tact that Cham
berlain was one of the "conspira
tors" in 1903 and helped defeat
the purpose of the emergency
clause before the Supreme Court,
and was not consistent after he
had sent his message to the leg
islature, the republicans are will
ing that Governor Chamberlain
shall get all potitical capital pos
sible out of his record.
For Recorder.
Emery J. Newton is one ot the
successful teachers and farmers of
Benton county and a most re
spected citizen. Is a native of
this county, having been born on
the old homestead five miles
southwest of Corvallis.
He received his early educa
tion at the old school house
known as the Newton school.
After completing the course of
study there he entered the OAC,
graduating with honors in 1896.
After graduating he taught school
very successfully for a number of
In 1901 he was married to
Minnie E. Cooper, at which time
he began mixed farming the pur
siit of which he is still follow-
Mr. Newton has always taken
a great interest in educational
matters and tor the past four
years has been school clerk of
the district in which he now
He is a man of progressive
views, is posted on the topics of
the day. Above al things he is
a staunch advocate of republican
ism .'
Mr. Newton is perfectly quali
fied to fill the office he is now
seeking and the republicans of
the county will not make a mis
take to vote tor him on June
An Excellent Lecture.
won't hurt you, if you intend to buy, and
get the points of me.
you get at my jewelry establishment is of
genuine value. Convince yourself by
looking over that lot of new 1906 scarf
pins just received. I have them "fruity,"
and of "simple elegance." Price in each
instance is extremely low.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, ... Corvallis
Hair Invigorator
And Dandruff Eradicator
3 5
e o
o -
S 3
a. s
ta 3
- Tradt Hart toiutired.
Price, - Fifty Cents.
Manufactured by
The Vegetable Compound Company ;
Corvallis, Oregon 9t
The Congregational church
was not large enough to ac
commodate the crowd that de
sired to hear thi lecture of Dr.
Anna Shaw, Thursday night,
and while the church was packed,
the crowd would have been larger
had there b;en seating capacity.
Mtss Shaw spoke on the question
of woman's suffrage, and she
richly deserves the reputation she
enjoys as one of the best woman
orators in the United States
Throughout her address, Miss
Shaw's fund ot wit kept the
audience in excellent humor.
She was heartily applauded at
various times and those dis
agreeing with her sentiments
could not fail to enjoy the
address, which was beyond the
Miss Shaw was given a recep
tion Thursday afternoon from 2
to .4 at the Congregational
church, by the ladies of that de
Passed the Senate.
Put on its (final passage in the
senate the railway rate bill was
passed late last Fuday.
All the lepublicans "voted foi
it except Foraker of Ohio. Tin
democrats sullenly voted for i'
except Morgan and Pe ttus.
The bill will now go to the
House for concurrence in the
senate's amendment. This will
be promptly given, the president
will sign it and it will become
the law.
Our Goods and Prices
We have tons of WALL PAPER, yard upon
yard of CARPET, lota of FURN11URE,
Special Prices on Odd Pieces
We are headquarters fo- Go-Carts. We
have a nice line from $3.50 up
We Bolicit a comparison of these Goods
and prices. Perhaps after yon have looked
elsewhere, you will drop in on us. Then
you'll have found the place you want.
The Best Place.
New Line of Trunks.
Suits Cases and Telescopes.
. . . A Specialty ...
We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass moun ting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail.
If you care to investigate call at my store any time.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.!
Going Fishing
Get your Fishing Tackle at
We carry the famous BRISTOL ROD
and Freshly Loaded Shells for Pigeon
You will miss a rare treat if yon
fail t i hr R-v. Babcock, one of
Oregon's fine vioh'nif t, at tha "Car-
nival of Roeee," May 3Ut. 43-4
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles
Guns and Bicycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phone 126 Residence 324
O.C.Hiand. IChm; Blkete:
Patronlzo Homo Industry
A Outmtdm OmUim SolloHmd.
9 Mil Hhafc ttmmmmtmmit.