Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 18, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    mm o s
The Kind You Have Alwavs
in use for ovei ,50 years,
77 J7!, sonal
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-g-ood' are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It -contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the
The Kind You Have Always BougM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A Famous Piece of "Floating Drift
wood" Lodges at New Salem.
1836 New Salem contained about
twenty houses, inhabited by near
ly a hundred people, but in 1831
' there could not hare been more
than two-thirds or three-fourths that
number. Many of the houses cost not
more than $10 and none of them more
than $100. In those days, which in the
progressive west would be called an
cient days. New Salem was in Sanga
mon county, with Springfield as the
county seat Springfield itself was still
a mere village, having a population of
1,000 or perhaps 1,100. The capital of
the state was yet at Vandalia and
waited for the parliamentary tact of
Abraham Lincoln and the "long nine"
to change it to Springfield. .
In July or August, 1831, Mr. Lincoln
made his second appearance at New
Salem, the first having been in April
of the same year, when his fiatboat
stuck there. He was again in com
pany with Denton Offutt, who had col
lected some goods at Beardstown and
now proposed to bring them to this
place. Mr. Lincoln undoubtedly came
there in tln service of CTutt, but while
the goods were being transported from
Beardstown he seemed to be idling
about without any special object in
view. Many persons who saw him then
for the first time speak of him as "do
ing nothing." He has given some en
couragement to this idea himself by
the manner in which he habitually
6joke of his advent there describing
himself as coming down the river after
the winter of the deep snow, like a
piece of "floating driftwood" borne
along by the freshet and accidentally
lodged at New Salem.
On the day of the election, in the
month of August, as Minter Graham,
the schoolteacher, tells us, Abe was
seen loitering about the polling place.
It must have been but a few days aft
er his arrival in the town, for nobody
knew that he could write. They were
"short of a clerk" at the polls, and,
after casting about in vain for some
one competent to fill the office, it oc
curred to one of the judges that per
haps the tall stranger possessed the
needful qualifications. He thereupon
accosted him and asked if he could
write. He replied, "Yes, a little."
"Will you act as clerk of the election
today?" said the judge.
"I will try," returned Abe, "and do
the best I can. if you so request."
He did try, accordingly, and, in the
language of the schoolmaster, "per
formed the duties with great facility,
much fairness 'and honesty and impar
tiality. This was the first public offi
clal act of his life. "
While Abe was "doing nothing," or,
In other words, waiting for Offutf a
goods, one Dr. Nelson, a resident ol
New Salem, built a fiatboat and, plac
ing his family and effects ' upon It;
started for Texas. But as the Sanga
mon was a turbulent and treacherous
' Tri'i i'..- Li,vcolnL- Birth -
Stream at best.ao4 to-banka
"Bought, and whiii has been
Has borne the signature of
has been made under his per-
supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
His Friend,
now full to overflowing, Nelson needed
a pilot at least as far as Beardstown.
His choice fell upon Abe, who took
him to the mouth of the doubtful river
in safety, although Abe often declared
that he occasionally ran out into the
prairie at least three miles from the
channel. Arriving at Beardstown, Nel
son pushed on down the Illinois and
Abe walked back to New Salem.
The second storekeeper at New Sa
lem was a Mr. George Warburton; but,
"the country not having improved his
morals in the estimation of his friends,"
George thought it advisable to transfer
his storeroom and the remnant of his
stock to Offutt. In the meantime Of
futt's long expected goods were receiv
ed from Beardstown. Abe unpacked
them, ranged them on the shelves, roll
ed the barrels and kegs into their
places and, being provided with a
brand new book, pen and Ink, found
himself duly installed as "first clerk"
of the principal mercantile house in
New Salem.
Lincoln Becomes a Clerk.
A country store is an indescribable
collection of miscellanies groceries,
dry goods, hardware, earthenware and
stoneware, cups . and saucers, plates
and dishes, coffee and tea, sugar and
molasses, boots and shoes, whisky and
lead, butter and eggs, tobacco and gun
powder, with an endless list of things
unimaginable except by a housewife
or a merchant. Such was the store
to the charge of which Abe was now!
promoted promoted from the rank of
a common laborer to be a sort of bre
vet clerk.
But Offutf s ideas of commerce were
very comprehensive, and, as "his busi
ness was already considerably scatter
ed about the country," he thought he
would scatter a little more. He there- J
fore rented the mill at the foot of the j
hill from Cameron & Rutledge and'
set Abe to overlooking that as well as
the store. This increase of business,
however, required another clerk, and
In a few days Abe was given a com
panion in the person of W. G. Green.
They slept together on the same cot in
the store, and, as Mr. Green observes
by way of indicating the great inti
macy that subsisted between them,
"when one turned over the other had
to do so likewise."
Since the trip on the fiatboat Offutt's
admiration for Abe had grown to be
boundless. He now declared that "Abe
knew more than any man in the United
States;" that "he would some day be
president of the United States" and
that he could at that present moment
outrun, whip or throw down any man
In Sangamon county. These load boasts
were not wasted on the desert air.j
They were bad seed sown In a rank
soli and speedily raised up a crop of
sharp thorns for both Abe and Offutt
At New Salem honors such as Offutt
accorded to Abe were to be won before
they irate worn. J
BUI Clary made light of OffottV
opinion reBpacGngAb pxpwbbb. and!
aoa day, when the ffissoss baivmaj
them had been running high In the
store. It ended by a bet of $10 on
the part of Clary that Jack Arm
strong was a better man. Now,
"Jack was a powerful twister," "square
built and strong as an ox." He bad, be
sides,' a great backing, for he was the
chief of the "Clary's Grove boys," and
the Clary's Grove boys were the terror
of the countryside. Although there nev
er was under the sun a more generous
parcel of ruffians than those over whom
Jack held sway, a stranger's Introduc
tion was likely to be the most unpleas
1 ant part of hit acquaintance with them.
In fact, one of the objects of their asso-
elation was to "initiate or naturalize
' newcomers," as they termed the amia
ble proceedings which they took by
j way of welcoming any one ambitious
of admittance to the society of New Sa
; lem.
Abe Tackles Jack.
Thus far Abe had managed to escape
initiation at the hands of Jack and
his associates. They were disposed to
like him and to take him on faith, or at
least to require no further evidence of
his manhood than that which rumor
had already brought them. Offutt, with
his busy tongue, had spread wide the
report of his wondrous doings on the
river, and, better still, all New Salem,
Including many of the Clary's Grove
boys, had witnessed his extraordinary
feats of strength and ingenuity at Rut-:
ledge's mill dam. It was clear that no
particular person was spoiling for a
collision with him, and an exception to
the rule might have been made In his
favor but for the offensive zeal and
confidence of bis employer.
The example of Offutt and Clary was
followed by all the "boys," and money,
knives, whisky and all manner of
things were staked on the result of the j
wrestle. The little community was ex-1
cited throughout and Jack's partisans '
were present in great numbers, while
Offutt and Bill Green were about the
only persons upon whom Abe could re
ly if the contest should take the usual
turn and end in a fight For these and
many other reasons he longed to be
safely and honorably out of the scrape,
but Offutt's folly had made it impossi
ble for him to evade the conflict with
out incurring the imputation and suffer
ing the penalties of cowardice. He
said: "I never tussle and scuffle, and I
will not. I don't like this wooling and
But these scruples only served to ag
gravate his case, and he was at last
forced to take hold of Jack, which he
did with a will and power that amazed
the fellows who had at last baited him
to the point of indignation. They took
side holds and stood struggling, each
with tremendous but equal strength,
for several minutes without any percep
tible advantage to either. New trips or
unexpected twists were of no avail be
tween two such experienced wrestlers
as these.
Presently Abe profited by his height
and length of his arms to lift Jack
clear off the ground, and, swinging him
about, thought to land him on his back,
but this feat was as futile as the rest
and left Jack standing as square and
as firm as ever. "Now, Jack," said Abe,
"let's quit You can't throw me, and I
can't throw you."
But Jack's partisans, regarding this
overture as a signal of the enemy's dis
tress and being covetous of jackknives,
whisky and "smooth quarters," cheer
ed him on to greater exertions. Ren
dered desperate by these expectations
of his friends and now enraged at meet
ing more than his match. Jack resolv
ed on a foul, and, breaking holds, be
essayed the unfair and disreputable
expedient of "legging." But at this
Abe's prudence deserted him, and right
eous wrath rose to the ascendant
The astonished spectators saw him
take their great bully by the throat
and, holding him out at arm's length,
shake him like a child. Then a score or
two of the boys cried "Fight!" BUI
Clary claimed the stakes, and Offutt,
in the fright and confusion, was about
to yield them, but "Lincoln said they
had not won the money and they should
not have it and, although he was op
posed to fighting, if nothing else would
do them he would fight Armstrong,
Clary or any of the set"
Just at this juncture James r.-utle;!;?,
the original proprietor of New Salem
and a man of some authority, rushed
into the crowd and exerted himself to
maintain the peace. He succeeded, but
for a few moments a general fight was
Impending, and Abe was seen with his
back against Offutf s store undismayed
and resolute, although surrounded by
Abe and Jack Cronies.
Jack Armstrong was no bad fellow
after all. He was stout and rough, but
great hearted, honest and true. His big
hand, his cabin, his table and his purse
were all at the disposal of a friend In
need. He possessed a rude sense of
Justice and felt an Incredible respect
for a man who would stand single
handed, stanch and defiant in the midst
of persecutors and foes. He had never
disliked Abe and had, in fact, looked
for very clever things from him even
before his title to respectability had
been made so incontestably clear, but
his exhibition of pluck and muscle on
this occasion excited Jack to a degree:
of admiration far beyond his power to j
conceal it Abe's hand was hardly re- j
moved from his throat when he was
ready to grasp it in friendship and
swear brotherhood and peace between
them. He declared him, on the spot, j
"the best fellow that ever broke Into!
their settlement" and henceforth the
empire was divided, and Jack and Abe
reigned like two friendly Caesars over
the roughs and bullies of New Salem.
If there were ever any dissensions be
tween them It was because Jack, In the
abundance of his animal spirits, was
sometimes Inclined to be an oppressor,
while Abe was ever merciful and kind;
because Jack would occasionally Incite
the "boys' to handle a stranger, a wit
less braggart or a poor dnmkaia with
harshness Chat shocked &'jusf and
humane temper of his friend, who was
always found on the side of the weak
and the unfortunate. On the whole,
however, the harmony that subsisted
between- them was wonderful. Wher
ever Lincoln worked Jack "did his
and when Lincoln was out of
work he spent days and weeks together
at Jack's cabin, where Jack's jolly
wife, "old Hannah," stuffed him with
bread and honey, lauglied at his ugli
ness and loved him for .s goodness.
Abe ramdiv -erew i d favor with the
people In and around New Salem, until
nearly everybody thought quite as . ana. very much appreciated by the audi
much of him as Mr. Offutt did. He j ence. The young ladies had 20 neat,
was decidedly the most popular man well filled baskets and when placed on
that ever lived there. He could do more the market seemed to be no drag, for
to quell a riot, compromise a feud and thpy went ou;ck!v At onn, rinoa Thfi
keep peace among the neighbors gener
ally than any one else, and these were
of the class of duties which it appears
to have been the most agreeable for
him to perform.
The Peacemaker.
One dav a stranse man came into the
settlement and was straightway beset
by the same fellows who had meditated
a drubbing for Abe himself. Jack Arm
strong, of course, had a difficulty witb
him, called him a liar, coward and
various other names not proper for
print; but the man, finding himself tak
en at a disadvantage, backed up to a
wood pile, got a stick -and struck Jack
a blow that brought him to the
ground. Jack wanted to whip the man
badly, but Abe interfered and, manag
ing to have himself made arbitrator,
compromised the difficulty by a practi
cal application of the Golden Rule.
"Well, Jack," said he, "what did you
say to the man?" Whereupon Jack re
peated his words.
"Well, Jack," replied Abe, "if you
were a stranger in a strange place, as
this man is, and you were called a
d d liar, etc., what would you do?"
"Whip him!"
"Then this man has done no more to
you than you would have done to him."
"Well, Abe," said the honest bruiser,
"it's all right," and, taking his oppo
nent by the hand, forgave him heartily
and treated.
Abe's duties in Offutt's store were not
of a character to monopolize the whole
of his time, and he soon began to think
that here was a fine opportunity to
remedy some of the defects in his edu-
cation. He could read, write and cipher
as well as most men, but as his popn
larity was growing daily and his am'
bition keeping pace, be feared that he
might Bhortly be called to act in some
public capacity which would require
him to speak his own language with
some regard to the rules of grammar,
of which, according to his own confes
sion, he knew nothing at all. He car
ried his troubles to the schoolmaster,
saying, "I have a notion to study Eng
lish grammar."
"If you expect to go before the public
In any capacity," replied Mr. Graham,
"I think it the best thing you can do."
"If I had a grammar," replied Abe,
"I would commence now."
(To be Continued.)
How about "A Belated Introduction?"
Are you going?
All of the republican candidates have
filed their acceptance of nomination
tor various oTices to which they aspire
and now are fully launched into the free
for all dash for the goal.
Early Dent field corn at Zie-
rolf'e. 35tf
We know from our
deftilugs with over
2.70O dairymen In th
Parlac Nortnwest una
from our own
practical ex
perience In
dairying that
the U. S.
Separator la
tho hMt find
most practical separator for Tery-day farm
uso. It is such a well-made piece of machinery
that it wiU last a lifetimes, giving every day
th quickest, oaslest service. It is the best
value for the mouuy ami we guarantee It our
selvii. In idilticn to the iruaraotce of the
factory. To show our coniidence In this
separator we will ship you one on ten days'
free trial. Thtn if It don't prove as represented
the best and most practiosl for your owd use,
von may return It at our expense.
Hazelwood today stands with its snarante
behind thousands of U. S. Separators, and there
has never bee-.-, a day when we have regretted
having guaranteed this line separator. We
are thoroughly "and practically familiar wita
the advantages and disadvantages of every
separator on the market and we re handling
the C. S. Separator because we know It to
be the best there Is. "
SKIMS CLEAXEST In additica. the C. S.
Separator skims the milk cleaner than does
any other machine. This hts boen demon
strated over and over again. The world's record
for clean skimming has been held by the V.
S. Hand Separator for many years. No other
hand separator has been able to equal the
record made five years ago at the Pan-American
Exposition, and yet this record was lowered
by the U. S. Separator in the official teat at
the Lewis and Clark fair last year.
It will outwear any other separator. It U
more easy and simple to operate, it Is easier
to keep clean and It will keep right on year
after year doing its daily work, giving perfect
Ba tie faction.
PAYS FOB ITSELF The U. S. Separator
will pay for Itself In one year In etr ertsm
saved over what could be skimmed In tie old
fashioned way. If Tm don't believe it take
advantage of our tree trial offer and make tbs
test right on your own farm. Skim in both way
and figure out the result in your own way.
Too will And the eparator wUl pay for itself
in year. We mU It eo aaar " nd
take crew in paraeaC so ywu need not tt
s? ar fcn&rvnX
.swrita sow wr oMusryv JSJ3JCr jafjETis
There are five new farm honses to be
built the coming summer in our neigh-
hood, beside two barns and a school
: house, which speaks well for this part of
the country.
The basket social held at the school
hou se Saturday evening was well attend
ed; more than a hundred persons were
i Present
The program was well rendered
- receipts were $40, making an average of
$2 a piece.
Benton county is known all over the
state as being made up of the very: best
citizens that the country affords. Bad
men don't come here if they happen to
step over the border line they don't stay
long. Even the notorious Creffield had
tt go to Seattle to meet his fate.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Carter, of Pales
tine, spent Sunday with Linn county
Clyde Williamson came down Satur
day and made a visit with Oak Grove
Many of our citizens attended the re
publican rally at the opera house in
Albany,- Saturday evening.
Miss Annie Pagenkoff left for home
Thursday morning, after a ten days'
sojourn with friends at Oak Gove.
This is the time of year that wild
pigeons are found in abundance along the
oak hills and there are many of the
Albany nimrods who are taking advan
tage of the situation and bagging lots of
Mr. Migeall is at work on his prune
dryer, getting it in shape for the fall ruu.
He has one of the best dryers In the
county and if the fruit crop is good he
will do a big business in the way of
evaporating fruit.
There has been organized a new com
pany known as the Oak Grove Thresh
ing Company and will be under the di
rect management of W. G. Williamson.
The outfit is the largest ever brought to
the Pacific coast; consisting of a 25-horse
power compound Russel engine and
42x64 20th century Altman.Taylor
seperator. The new outfit will be oper
ated in North Benton, and as the mana
ger is well known among farmers of that
section there will be no doubt but what
the new company will get all that they
can do in the'way of threshing.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B.Williamson spent
Sunday with relatives in Albany.
Rev. Douelas, of Albany, filled the
North Palestine pulpit Sunday.
Fred Breackmau, who passed away at
his home1 in Albany, Saturday, was a
former resident of Oak Grove, owning a
farm here consisting of 265 acres
which he sold some-time ago to Peter
Karstens. He was known as one of
our best citizens and held in high esteem
by all who knew him. He will be laid
to rest by his aged wife who preceded
bim four years to a day to the spirit
Wednesday, five women, the labt
inhabitants of the Holy Roller camp near
Waldpori, arrived in this city. It is
sincerely hoped that with the death of
Creffield they will henceforth walK in the
paths approved by all good citizens.
Subject of sermon at M. E. church
Sunday morning, "The Man Who Did
Not Stagger." Evening, subject, "An
Easy Victim" with prelude "The Saloon
less City."
A splendid comedy-drama will be pre
sented at the opera house next Wed
nesday evening. Interesting from first
to last curtain.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Oregon, Week of May,
19-26, 1906.
Annual Spring
Exposition. Al
Oregon manufac
tures. Unique, in
teresting street
demonstrations ny
captains of indus
try. Under the aus
pices of Portland Ad. Men's League and
Oregon Development League. Prize con
tests fr manufacturer, novel amuse
ments, fireworks, carnival of beautiful
floats, parades, illumination, etc. Ex
cursion rates on all line. Round-trip
fare from Coryallis, $3.50.
Sale dates May 22 and 24. Return
limit May 27.
Oregon raised early Dent corn
for seed see Zierolf. 35tf
Fifteen words or lees, , 25 eta for three
successive insertions, or 60 cts per
month; for all up to and including ten
additional wor la. cent a word for each
For all advertisements over 25 words,
I ct per word for the first insertion, and
i ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than Btrictly news matter, will be
hareed for. "
ture for stoi-k Inquire Clyde Beach,
phone Ind. 3, Dixie. " 41-49
cable new and second hand, any length,
pi of anv description and size, ma
chinery to suit anybody, write for
prices on anything; metal, scrap iron
and all kinds of jonk and machinery
bought and sold. Address:
37-44 M. Barde & Son, Portland, Ore.
P. O. box 844. or Ind. 'phone 429.
CorvaUis. Oregon. ' 23 tf.
will build them to order in Corvallis
Or., and sell same for cash or install
ments. Address First National Bank,
Corvallis, Or. 34tf
houses te order in Niwport, Lincoln
Co., Oregon, and sell same for cash or
installments Address M. S. Wood
cock, Corvallis, Or. 34tf
house work on a farm near Corvallis,
Ore., and asnist in caring for three
children. She can arrange if she de
sires to assist in caring for chickens
and other duties in farm work com
monly done by ladies. If the lady
h8 a husband, son, or other male
relative, who is a good worker in farm
work, he can have work at least part
of the time. In answering send refer
ences. Address: P. O. Box 344,
37tf Corvallis. Oregon.
up stafrs in Zierolf Building.
Only set of abstracts in Benton Connty
Office in Poet Office Building, Coival
a8, Oregon.
GazkttB and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55 per year.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general'
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and told and money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countriea,
Veterinary .Surgeon
A Snow livery barn. Give him a call.
Phones, Ind., 328; Residence, 389 or
Bell phone. 12tf-"
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
(p.m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
ams tits. Telephone at ofhee and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
meats; curbing made to order; clean
ing and reparing done neatly: save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St., Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, 92tt
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. l4tT
The Lite Insurance
Muddle has started the public to
thinking. The wonderful success that
has met Ballard's Horehound Syrup in
its crusade on Cougha, Influenza, Bron
chitis and all Pulmonary troubles has
started tne public to thinking of this
woodertul preparation. They are all
using it. Join the precession and down
with aickiiAKs. Price 25 50c and
$100. Sold by Graham & Woriham.
Do You Love
Your baby ? You wonder why he
cries. Buy a bottle of White's Cream
Vermifuge and he will never cry. Most
babies have worms, and the mother
don't knew it. White's Cream Vermi
fuge rids the child of worms and cleans -out
its system in a pleasant way. .
Every mother should keep a bottle of '
this medicine in the house. With it
fear need sever enter her mind. Price
25c. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Hare joax job priilfag dona-