I HE- - COBVALUS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The subscription price of tb e Gazette for several years has been, and remains, $2 per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if paid in advance. This paper will be continued until all arrearagesare paid. REPUBLICAN TICKET.. STATJ2 . United States Senator (ehoit term) F. W. Mulkey. United States Senator (long term) Jonathan Bourne, Jr. Representative in Congress, first district W. C. Hawley. Governor James Witbvcombe. Secretary of State Frank W. Benson. State Treasurer George A. Steel. Supreme Judge Robert Eakin. Attorney General A. M. Crawford. Superintendent of Public. Instruction J. H. Ackerman. State Printer Willis S. Duniway. State Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff. COUNTY State Senator A. J. Johnson. State Representative V. A. Carter. Judge E. Woodward. Clerk T. T. Vincent Sheriff Fred C. Peil. Treasurer S. H. Horton. Recorder Emery J. Newton. Commissioner George W. Smith. Coronor S. N. Wilkins. Judge 2nd J ad, Dist. L. T. Harris. THE INSINUATOR. "Let him who is without sin first cast a stone." From a cer tain unreliable quarter, a source not burdened nor weighted to earth with a reputation for ver acity nor fair dealing, comes the continued wail that the republi cans put up a job and defeat ed certain men at the primary election. Why does the brother so bother himself about what the republi cans are doing? Desperation prompts it. It is necessary to exist, at least so it is presumed, and to keep soul and body to gether our friend must have a county rake-off. Cry "economy" in county affairs! Bah! What a farce, when our contemporary charges a good sum for printing matter which we run as news and have no thought of making a charge for. Why so economical all at once? Those thoughts should not be allowed to rise so suddenly and with such violence for they might do bodily harm to a soul of unusual purity. Some people can make a re mark and have their fellows feel that it was made in conviction of its truth is this a case? And yet we hear the cry of jobbery. Did the man who now cries "jobbery and combine" in the columns of the Times ever job anybody in Corvallis? Can anybody prove that he is not jobbing the people of this city and county right now? And yet in the face of what his reputation is thought to be he dares to cry jobbery. Let him prove his job. WILL SUPPORT THE TICKET Men are republicans because they believe in and accept the principles and purposes of the republican party- They believe these principles and purposes embrace everything necessary to te welfare, prosperity and hap piness of the individual citizen and for the development and progress of the state. They desire to give place and influence to men who believe in and accept republican principles and purposes as earnestly as they themselves do. To this end they name a republican candidate for each office, from governor all the way down to precinct officers. This constiti:. tfc-? republican ticket. It must b j elected by the republican voters. No man on the ticket has any right to de mand other than republican sup port, but every man on it has a just right to the unfailing sup port of every republican voter. The candidates were placed on the ticket by vote of the rank and file of the party and not at the behest of any self -constituted leader or aspiring "party boss." For this reason they have a pecu liar and unusual right to expect the support of every republican. Benton county is a republican county by a safe majority. If republicans will do their plain, simple duty in a straight-forward, manly way, the anomaly of demo crats holding the most responsi ble and lucrative offices in the county will cease to exist. We are gratified by the multiplying assurances that republicans throughout the county will stand firm in the support of the county ticket, as well as of the state and congressional tickets. No candidate should receive anything short of the entire re publican vote that it is possible to cast for him, and no candidate receiving this can fail of elec tion. THE "LIFERS. The declaration is made that Mr. Burnett is a very competent sheriff. This is true. More over, Telt is a good fellow. How ever, unfortunate as it may seem to certain interested ones, he has not a monopoly on all wis dom and clerical ability- A life time in office should make a man conversant with the duties of said office. Mr. Burnett has been in the sheriff's office for ten years, four as deputy and six as sheriff -and yet. From what democracy would have us believe Benton would cease to be without Mr. Burnett in the sheriff's office. Really, this does not seem probable to us, notwithstanding the source of the proclamation. ALWAYS A PARTISAN. When any considerable number of men hold to principles and policies which they wish to apply to the administration of public affairs they naturally form a party for the propaganda of their tenents. This is the reason for the formation of parties and the only sufficient reason for their existence. It sometimes may occur that a party once having distinctive principles, has, for some reason, come to a point where it really has no principles of its own and is unable to formulate any which men earnestly embrace. When such a party engages in a political campaign it must pur sue three courses. It must re sort to vituperation and misrepre sentation of opposing candidates; it must steal and appropriate, as deftly as may be, the principles of the opposing party; it must decry drawing party lines. It must do these things because it has no principles of its own. These things . are exactly de scriptive of the democratic party in the present campaign. It as sails the republican nominees with vituperation and misrepre sentation. Especially have they assailed Dr. Withycombe, repub lican candidate for governor. So mean, causeless and senseless have these assaults been that fair-minded and honorable demo crats resent them and rally to the support of Withycombe. When it attempts to palm off republican principles as its own no one is deceived, for everybody knows the democratic party has no principles, and for long has not had any that the people want. For democrats, like G. E. Chamberlain and J. M, Gearin to deprecate party lines, is little short of amusing. When and where has Geo- E. Chamberlain done a political act with his eyes closed to the consequence to him self and party? So also of Sen ator Gearin. Republicans have principles and policies. They know these are safe only in republican hands. They will be republican partisans until the polls close! June 4th, and leave it to Gov-' ernQr Chamberlain to be an in tense partisan first, last and all the time. Program. Farmer' and Shippers' Congress, De velopment Convention and Coos Coun ty Farmers' Institute, He.'d at Nor h Bend, Coos Countv, Oregon. May 23, 24, Under the Auspices of the YilIa mette Valley Development League. Wednesday, May 23, 10 a. m. 1. Called to order at Pavillion. . 2. Address of WeUtome Mayor Louis J Simpson North Bend. 3. "The Development League and Its Work" E. Hofer, president. Salem. 4. Response for Coos Bay W. J Bennett. 5. "Yaquina Bay Harbor and Com merce" B. F. Jones, Independence. 6. . - "Siuiaw Harbor a id Coiumerce" Charles A. Hardley, Eugene. ; Wkdnksday Afternoon. 1. "Doing ThiuKs"-J B. Lafer, sec retary Portland board of trade. 2. "Forty Feet of Water on the Bar" Ex-Governor T. T. Geer, Salem. ' 3. "What Oregon Needs and How to Secure It" William Kramer, Mt. Angel. 4. "Greetings From Yamhill" Judge William Galloway, McMinnville. 5. "Competitive Markets for the Wil lamette Valley Farmer" M. L. Jones, Brooks . Wednesday Evening. 1. "Out of the Earthquake Belt" Henry Westbrook, Oregon City Trans portation -'o. 2. "What Oregon is Getting and How We Are Getting it" Tom Richardson, secretary State League, Portland. 3. "The Harrimau System and Oregon" Wm. McMurray, assistant general passenger agent, Portland. Thuksday, May 24. 8 a. m. Excursion over Coos Bay and harbor. 12 m. Clambake, barbecue and crab boil at park. 3 p. m. Band concert at park. 9 p. m. Banquet to delegates at pa villion and general ball. Tbanbportation. Harriman lines will give usual re duced rates to the Farmers' and Ship pers' Congress of one and one third fare for round trip, on certificate plan. Steamer Alliance will leave Portia Dd for Coos Bay May 2'i at 5 p. mi Stage lines via Drain and Roseburg. Com mittee are working to get a steamer via Newport. ' A special train will leave evarv mora ing from Myrtle Poiat and Coquille and will return each evening. F. H." BRIG HAM, L. J. SIMPSON, J. H. GUERRY, TAOS. HENNE, PETER LOGGIE, THOS. VlttARS, G. W. TEMPLE, Cotumittee. E. HOFER, Salem, President. WALTER LYON, Independence, Sec LETTER LI-)T. The following letters remain uncalled for in the Corvallis potoffice, for the week ending May 12, 1906: John Adams, J A Carey 2, Mies M E Mason, Mrs Dena Mc Farlanil, Alfred Rust, F E Starr, Orvile Wells. B. W. John sox, P. M. For Police Judge. At the urgent request of many friends I announce myself as a candidate for the office of Police Judge, subject to a decis ion of the voters of the City on Monday next'. J. L. Underwood. A Trite Saying. It is a trite saying that no man is stronger than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts it in shape to mako Sure, rich blood helps the" liver and idneys to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid ney troubles. If you take this natural blood purifier and tonic, you will assist your system in manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that is invigo rating to the brain and ntrves. The weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, is usually the effect of poisons in the blood; it is often indicated by pimples or boils appearing on the skin, the face becomes thin and tho feelings "blue." Dr. Pierce's "Discovery" cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful ha bit-forming drus, and tho only one, every ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the loading medical writers of this country. Some of theso endorsements are published in a littlo dook oi extracts from standard medical works and v.rill be sent to any address free, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. It tells jest what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. The "Words of Praiso" for the several ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medi cines are composed, by leaders In all the several schools of medical practice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which the "Golden Medical Discovery " is advised, should have far more weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-ealled "testi monials so conspicuously flaunted before the public by those who are afraid to let the ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Bear in mind that the "Golden Medical Discovery " has the badge of honbsty on every bottle wrapper, In a full list of its ingredients. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation, invigorate the liver and regu late stomach and bowels. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps, i Address Dr. Pierce as above. ICES AND CREAMS. We are now prepared to provide the pub lic wilh Ices, Water ices, Creams, Sher bets, and everything in this line. SPECIAL FA1VCY ORDERS For social functions solicited. We cater to the whole public and guarantee the best at reasonable prices. When you want anything in our line remember us. Our own special, free delivery to any part of the city large or small quantities. CORVALLIS CREAMERY CO. P - m 11 JrJ. M i i mar & 9 m hi in haw KINUgHsPAjH 1 " HM a a an nro : umi I ANNUAL SENIOR EXCURSION Take a day off and enjoy yourself by the Mighty PaHfit luihihe the purr ozone and tail.er the beautiful rhodo-lfi-i)r..v8. Six hours Ht the beach. Mu.-ic by the O. A. C Cadet Band. Train leaves Corvallis at 6:15 a. m. and Philomath at 6:35 a. m., and le-mrijiiitf leaves Ktrwfx-rt. at 5:30 p.m. FA5Z'-$1.5Q Round Trip. TiGStETS ON SALE For Police Judge. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of police judge of the City of Corvallis, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming city election. 40-42 J. F. YATES. For County Treasurer. As I am the regular nominee on the re publican ticket for the office of treasurer of Benton county, I respactfully call at tention to the fact and urge all members of the party to support me, assuring them of my appreciation and that it elected I shall do my utmost to fulfill the duties of the office in an honorable manner. 40-45 Very truly, S. H. HORTON. Subscribe for the Gazette. Remembr, we are going out of Re8dy-w.-Wear Clothing. Hun dreds of hiet. -grade suiis for-rnef-y young men, boys and children at SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. Topcoats, Overcoats, Single Vests, Odd Trousers At Ciosing-Out Prices. Buy now before the lines are broken. Pure, raw linseed oil costs less than "ready mixed" paint, but when mixed with thick pigment, gallon for gallon, it makes the best paint for the least money. Fat Salo by BR&H&M & WELLS CorvattSs, Oregon. - rcoMPANY s, saps AT E. B. HGFZftlNG'S. For Chief of Police. At the solicitation of many citizens I have consented to become a candidate for the office of Chief of P olice, and I hereby present my name for that posi tion. If elected, I will endeavor toei force the laws impartially, and to serve the citv faithfully. 40-42 J. W. Ingle. For Chief of Police. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Chief of Police of the City of Corvallis, to be balloted on next Monday, May 2I. If elected I pledge myself to a faithful fulfillment of all the duties of the office. W. G. LANE. 41-42. . Subscribe for the Gazette. . a ft CHAS. V. GALLOWAY of Yamhill County. Democratic Nominee for Representative in Congress. The Imported English Shire Sta'lion, Soo thill Ranger 7972 I836G Will mane the season of 1906 as fo'low s: Tnesdavs. Wednesdays and Thursdays at Abbott's barn. Corvallis; Fridays and Saturdays at Mooroe, an J Mondays at Watkins' place, 12 miles South of Cor vallis. Southill Ranker is a beautiful dark dapple bay 17 hands high and weighs 2150 lbs Terms: $20 to insure with foal, or $25 to insure a living colt. 36-43 W. O. BELKNAP, Manager. Notice of Election. Under direction of the Common Coon eil of the City of Corvallis. notice in here by given ! that a eenerai election will be held at the Citv Hall o' aid Citv on Monday, the 21st dav of May. A. D. 1906, from 9:00 o'clo k A. M. to 6:00 P. M. of said day for the purpose o eiei t ing the following officers, viz: t hief of Police, City -Treasurer, Police Judgs, One Councilman for the First Ward, One Councilman for the Second Ward, and' two Ccunoilmen for th Third Ward; that the Judges and Clerks ap pointed by the Council to conduct said election are R. H. Colbert, Caleb Davis and Joseph Yates, Judges; C. A. Gould and ti. B. Henderson, Clerks. Dated at Corvallis Oregon this 8th day of May, 1906. J. F. Yates. Police Judge. A Mountain of Gold. Could' cot bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilks, of Caolire, Wis., as did one 25c box of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning Bore on her leg, which bad tortured her 23 years. Greatest antiseptic healer of Piles, Wonndo. ahd Sores. 25c at Allen & woodwam. STEAMER POMONA For Portland and wy points, leaves Corvallis Monday. Wednesday and Fri day at 6 a. m. Albany 7 a. m. Fare to Portland, $1.75; ron d trin 3.00. lOStf H. A. Hoffman, Agt IMPORTED BLACK FERCHER0W STALLION ES2S6 P0TACHE 4CD64 Will make the M-aron of IfiOO at Abbot's barn, Corvailip, Oregon. Tofact.e ;". winr.fr of Ut prize, at the St. Louis r'air, let at ArrentBti Royal Livestock Show, m Kutas Cttv; In ternational Lie Stotk fehow, Kani.ie, and at the Government Show in Fiance, 1904. Terms, $25 to insJie. Mates from a distance will be , f uri.it-lnd first.claes pasture. T. K. FAWCETT, Owner CORVALLIS, - OREGON. 28-53 Deaths f rtn Appendicitis. Decrense in tbt same ratio tbst the use of Dr. Kir'n Kew Life Pills in creases. Ticy Mtvt- j on from dunger and brit g qiik and j sinless release from constipation and the ills growing out of it. -trentjtli t.rd vigor aiways follow their isw. Guaranteed by Allen & W oid ward Diuggist. 25c. fry them. -oJcyTs Kidney Care 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c Anvnna aendlntr a sketch and deaerlDtion ma quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an invention ia probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confldentiaL HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing; patents. Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive tpceial notice, without charge, in the Scientific America.). A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months. fL Sold by all newsdealers. HUNK & Co New York 'i'"""-. . - -l.'- 62R asb.iHKton. D. X Take The Gazette for all the local news. Call on Zlerolf ' for early Dent corn Oregon raised. 35tf