Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 18, 1906, Image 1

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Corvallis, Benton County Oregon, Friday, May IB. 1906.
No. -ixi
ifl a
More Than One Fit Man.
The Corvallis Times says it is
'an improper practice" to induce
any man to ran against Telt
Burnett as candidate for sheriff.
The Times does not clearly point
out the impropriety. It consists
in republicans selecting a thor
oughly well qualified and deserv
ing man for sheriff, then going to
the polls and voting for the demo
cratic nominee.
Since Mr. Burnett has been
kept in office for quite six con
secutive years as sheriff by repub
lican votes it really is ungrate
ful that republicans should now
be charged with impropriety in
pitting any man against him.
But never mind. The repub
licans will take care of the im
propriety this time, and some ot
Mr. Burnett's "fool friends" will
see the nonsense and impropriety
of claiming that he is the only
man in thecouuty qualified for
Ten consecutive years in one
office should almost make a
wooden Indian familiar with the
duties of the office which after all
require only honesty and a whole
some measure of clerical ability,
tact and industry, qualifications
of which Mr. Burnett certainly
claims no monopoly.
This is a republican year. The
party has a candidate for sheriff
and he will be elected. Fred C.
Peil is a man of unquestioned
integrity; he has clerical ability
of the highest order; he has un
usual executive ability and a
most excellent knowledge of
business. All these qualifica
tions have been brought out and
tested. For nearly five years he
has filled a highly responsible
position .with Wilhelm Bros, to
the pertect satisfaction of his em
ployers. No one who was ever
sheriff of Beaton county entered
the office better qualified for it
than Fred C. Peil.
There can be no doubt of his
Another View.
It is not altogether strange
that when a man has held office,
particularly when he has held the
same office term after term, for
many years, his political friends
come ro regard him as the only
man sufficiently qualified to ex
ercise the functions of that office.'
They make the most absurd
claims in his behalf and expect
them to be admitted without
The excellent clerical ability
of Mr. Burnett took him into the
sheriff's office in the first instance
as deputy. The conditions were
such that the administration of
the office soon rested upon him
almost wholly though he on
tinued to be deputy for four years.
When it then came to choosing a
sheriff, quite naturally, since he
had been deputy for so long, he
was the logical candidate for
sheriff. He was elected and suc
ceeded himself for three consecu
tive terms. A Republican.
The Man For Judge.
Judge E. Woodward, having
s completed a term of four years as
county judge ot Benton, was
renominated for the same office
again in 1902, being the unani
mous choice of the convention for
a second term. The careful man
ner in which he administered the
affairs of the office during his
term won him the confidence of
the people to that extent that he
appeared to be the choice, not
only of his own party, but of
many in other parties, and was
especially endorsed by the tax
payers of the county. However,
owing to the declining health of
a member of his family he could
not accept the nomination for a
second term.
Now circumstances have so
changed his affairs as to enable
him to give his whole time to
the office of county judge and
in a manner expected by the
people of the county who pay the
salary for that purpose.
The experience formerly ob
tained in probate matters wil
enable him to conduct . the same
intelligently and legally.. In
such matters as come before the
commissioners' court experience
gained during past service wil
enable him to so advise as to
avoid mistakes, if any should
have been made by the courts o
former years. Hence he comes
before the people at this time
asking their support in electing
him to this office again.
No better choice could have
been made by the people of this
county for this important office
and we predict his election on
the 4th day of June next by a
good majonty-
What He Promises.
In the petition of Judge
Woodward for the office of
county judge, filed in January
last, in which he ask that his
name be printed on the official
nominating ballot as a candidate
for the office of county judge to
be voted on at the primary elec
tion which was held on the 20th
day of last April, he gave the
following as his platform:
"It I am nominated and elect
ed I will favor liberal expendi
ture for continued improvement
of roads throughout the county;
economy in county affairs that
shall tend to lessen taxation; and
will devote my time wholly to
the duties of the office, and shall
try to see in the administration
of its affairs that everyone gets a
square deal."
A Ousher.
A. T. Grugett, who visited
what is known as Sulphur
Springs, some 25 miles south of
this city and in L,ane, last Sun
day, has quite an interesting re
port to make of the spring. It
appears that many years ago
there was a common pitcher
pump pipe sunk into the spring
and cemented there. For years
the spring gave forth just enough
water to flow out of the pipe
freely. Since the disastrous
earthquake at San Francisco the
spring is no longer a "flower,"
but a "gusher."
It now spurts up some four or
six inches above the top of the
pipe and has continued to do so
ever since the morning of the big
quake. The spring is located on
the farm of Frank Williams and
many people go there for their
summer outing. .
Will The Times Explain?
The office ot sheriff of Benton
county is based on a salary with
no allowance for clerk hire. The
Times for the past two or three
catnDaigns has tried to mislead
the voters by making the ridicu
lous statement that "Sheriff Bur
nett has saved the county so
mucn money by attending to all
the duties of the office himself,
and not costing the county a
penny for clerical work."
The truth of the matter is,
that should he need extra help
he would be obliged to pay fpr it
out of his own pocket, as there is
no provision for the payment of
extra help out of the county
Will the Times please explain
to its readers how Mr. Burnett
saves the county any money in
this wav?
If You Don't
Succeed the first time use Herbine
and you will get instant relief. The
greatest liver regulator. A positive
cure for Consumption, Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Chills and all liver complaints. Mr.
C . of Emory, Texas, writes: "My
"My wife has been using Herbine for
herself and children tor rive years.
It is a sore cure for Consumption and
Malar fever which is substantiated by
what it has done for my family."
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Fine early Dent eeed corn at Zie
rolfa. 35tf
Timbermen Coming.
A marked stimulus to the lum
ber industry of the Northwest
has been created by the San
Francisco calamity says the Tele
gram, and while it cannot be
said that the prices of all grades
of lumber have advanced, the
price of timber in the stump is
going up steadily, and specula
tors from all parts of the country
are contesting for its possession.
At present there are scores of
timbermen in Portland and others
are coming in daily. The price
of timber, which has heretofore
been considered high at $1 a
thousand feet in the stump, has
raised within the past few days
to $1.50 and holders are not in
clined to dispose of their interests
even at that figure.
"There is great demand for
lumber of all kinds in San Fran
cisco," said Charles R. McCor-
mick, of San Francisco, "but in
the face of the disaster that has
befallen our city and the conse
quent money shortage, by mutual
consent, as it were, the lumber
men of the Pacific Coast have
virtually agreed not to raise the
price of their product, and we do
not anticipate higher figures than
now rule. The managers of the
steamship lines, operating on the
Coast, at a recent meeting also
agreed not to raise the shipping
rates on lumber and building
material, so the San Francisco
sufferers will not be compelled to
pay exorbitant prices."
"While the prices of lumber
may not be raised by the lumber
men themselves," said Fred D.
Smith, of Elmira, N. Y., who is
in the market tor Oregon timber,
"the shortage may work out the
end, as the demand will soon be
come so strong that buyers will
begin bidding for material.
"So far as timber is concerned,
we anticipate an increase in the
price on stumpage, and proper
ties will change hands rapidly
within the next few weeks. The
country at large, outside or Cal
ifornia, look- to the Northwest
for the bulk of its future lumber
supply, and this alone will in
time bring about a great de
mand for timber."
The price of logs has been in
creased from $8 to $10 a thousand
feet on the Columbia River with
in the week, and there is an im
mense profit in timber in the
stump even at $1.50 a thousand.
Men familiar with the timber and
lumber industry say that logs can
be delivered into the Columbia
River from the territory tapped
from any of its tributaries at
about $4 per thousand feet.
A Few Remarks.
It must be that "Eddie" has
an unusually severe attack of his
chronic ailment, "nerve"
and that it has effected his sight
or he would have seen, on the
republican ticket, "County
udge. E. Woodward."
Judge Woodward is, and long
has been well and favorably
known in Benton county. As a
man of unimpeachable integrity,
of safe, conservative, rational
business methods no man out
classes Judge Woodward.
He served the county in this
capacity and gave the taxpayers
a highly satisfactory administra
tion of county affairs. He will
give his entire time to his duties.
He can afiord to do so, for his
honesty, industry and trugality
have given him a satisfying com
petency. What Think Ye?
Judge Woodward promises, it
elected county judge, to devote
his entire rime to the duties of
the office as his time will not
be taken up by personal matters.
E. E. Wilson who hopes to
land the judgeship on the demo
cratic ticket (although a little
late,) is a nice young man, but
how can he afford to sacrifice a
business of $2,000 or $3,000 per
annum for the paltry salary of
$726 a year attached to the office
of county judge? Will he do it?
Mr. Wilson will do just as
our present judge has done.
He cannot afford to do otherwise.
When it comes to a point where
either Mr. Wilson's private af
fairs or county business must go
unattended, which, think you,
will suffer? These are matters
to ponder over.
The court denied the right of
injunction in the Corvallis water
suit. - '
As to Clerk.
The Corvallis Times, in its ef
forts to re-elect Victor P. Moses
county clerk, puts up the plea
that a farmer never discharges an
efficient hand. - Is that so?
If a farmer has hired help, how
ever efficient such help may be
if a relative or a member of his
own family, who is just as ca
pable, just as efficient, comes
along, does he not give this job
to the member of his own
Mr. Moses has been eating pie
in a republican county long
enough. He is a democrat not
a republican. It is time Mr.
Moses was 'discharged by the re
publican farmers and his place
filled by one of our own political
faith Mr. Vincent will make
just as good a county clerk.
He will be as pleased to see
you, as glad to shake your hand,
as quick to assist old soldiers in
getting their warrants cashed, as
accommodating to our democratic
friends as Mr. Moses has been to
republicans. Let the next
clerk of Benton be a republican,
and his name be T. T. Vincent.
The prospects were never
brighter for republican success.
Vote Straight.
Do you believe in republican
principles? if so, why do you
scratch your ticket? Why not
support the wble ticket? Do
not trade around ior some friend
of vours who is a "democrat. You
have been led to believe that it
was necessary to trade in order to
elect your ticket. This is fal
: The democrat is the first one
wno - proposes to make a swap
with you. He is the minority
man and that is the only way he
hopes to win. Already we hear
from our friends, "Well, I am
going to support Wilhycombe,
what's the matter with your voting
tor Burnett? Is this republican
ism? The republican party is strong
enough and big enough to sup
port and elect its own candidates
without the aid of the other par
ties andit is not necessary to trade
around to elect your ticket. Just
vote your ticket straight and
when the final vote is counted
vou will find that the republicans
of Benton county have a major
ity for every candidate in the
field, to the pride of all true re
publicans. An "Improper Practice."
Dees the Times think that re
publicans ought to support Telt
Burnett for the Times' sake? Do
the republicans of this county
owe the Times anything? How
much money is contributed to
the Times office in a year through
the sherifi's office? The Times
may know and this is the "im
proper practice" he has reference
to in his article ot May 15 per-
Card of Thanks.
To the many friends and neighbors
who so kindly assisted as during the ill
ness and death of oar beloved husband
nd father we wish to extend oar most
sincere thanks.
Mrs. L. Taylor and Son,
Mr. and vi bs. Alex Rennie.
Kings Valley Wool Pool.
I shall handle your wool; sell to the
beat advantage. All who wish to join
please come and Bign contract and re.
port number of fleeces to J.F. Chamber.
Manager. 42-33
7 ill
' I E
won't hurt you, if you intend to buy, and
get the points of me.
vou eet at mv iewelrv establishment is of
genuine value. Convince vourself bv
looking over that lot of new 1006 sojirf
pins just received. I have them "fruity,"
j - r 11 t . 1 - -
anu 01 simpie ciegance. jrnce in eacn
instance is extremely low.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - - - Corvallis I
Our Goods
New Line of Trunks.
... A Specialty . . .
We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail.
If you care to investigate call at my store any time.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.!
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles
Guns and Bisycies For Rent. First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phene 126 Residence 324
O. O. Hlemtand. ICAjw. Be.e.
Patronize Homo Industry
Omtmldm Ordmrm Sollcttmd.
All Work 8nra
Hair Invigorafor
And Dandruff Eradlcator
" xr T - v- ; J is
? -i o
ITi-v- I 4 f . T; St tZ
iru-V iir
A " .1 cr
"""Ja"1'"---5 S 3
Trade lark leisttrad.
Price, -Fifty Cents.
Manufactured by
The Vegetable Compound Company '
Corvallis, Oregon 9t
and Prices
"We have tons of "WALL PAPER, yard upon
yard of CARPET, lots of FTJRN11URE,
Special Prices on Odd Pieces
We are headquarters for Go-Carts. We
have a nice line from $3.50 np.
We solicit a comparison of these Goods
and prices. Perhaps after yon have looked
elsewhere, you will drop io on ns. Tben
you'll have found the place you want.
The Best Place.
Suits Cases and Telescopes. I
Going Fishing
Get your Fishing Tackle at
We carry the famous BRISTOL ROD
and Freshly Loaded Shells for Pigeon
. ' .. ' .