Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 15, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Horace Locke, of AlbaDy, was
Corvallis visitor, Saturday.
T. H. Welleher and family spent
Sunday witb relatives at Monroe.
. Doc Johnson has been em played
in the Lilly meat market, the past
Mies Effie Smith is able to be up,
after a serious illness with appen
Mrs. Keith Btowd was np from
McMinDville a few dajs ago, for a
brief visit.
Gus Harding was expected home
yesterday from a few days visit in
in Portland.
Miss Letha ratton came over
from Albany Saturday for a visit
with friends.
Mrs. Harry Green, of Mill City,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Jennie Greer.
Mrs! W. G. Emery returned home
Friday from Portland, wnere ene
has spent the winter.
Rev. C. T. Hurd went to Beulab,
Saturday, where he held a quarterly
' conference that evening.
Miss Maud McBee was summon
ed to Salem the last of the week by
the serious illness of her sister.
Tommy Rowland is reported as
very ill with appendicitis, but it is
hoped that an operation will not be
Miss Carrie Ainslie has returned
to her home ia Portland, after
two weeks' visit to the John Smith
home in this city.
Mrs. Dolph Emerick returned
Friday from a ten days' visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Pfouts, at Monroe.
Miss Cecil Erwin, of the Inde
pendent Telephone Company, goes
to the country tomorrow to spend a
two week's vacation.
The Sorosis girls, of OAC, gave a
-dancing party at the Armory, Sat
urday evening. A good attendance
a gcod time is reported.
Mrs . Willard Ireland was the
guest several , days last week of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Taylor of
Miss Grace Nichols, who is teach
ing in the Belknap settlement,
epent Saturday and Sunday with
her .parents in this city.
Mrs. E. H. Taylor was taken
suddenly ill while at the James
Taylor house Thursday evening,
and was quite ill up to Friday night.
Miss Arlie Woods, who lef Cor
vallis recently for ' Washington, is
now at Harrington, that state. She
expect 8 to engage in teaching school.
Miss Eeta Carter, a popular
teacher in the Albany public school,
came over from that city Saturday
and remained until yesterday with
A faggot party at the home of 11.
F. French was an enjoyable social
affair of Friday evening. A large
number attended and everyone had
a good time.
Mrs. Tedrow was given a pleas
ant surprise birthday party at her
home Saturday evening. Q lite a
party of friends were present, and a
delightful evening was spent by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Clum Read were
given a surprise party at their
Home Friday evening. Tnere were
about fifty guests and everyone had
a jolly time. Ice cream and cake
were the refreshments.
The youug people of the Presby
terian Sunday school treated them
selves to a banquet, Friday evening.
The affair took place in the Odd
Fellows hall, and was very much
enjoyed by all.
An unusually large wind mill
was put up Friday and Saturday
6.0 .-the Mrs. Ann Smith place,
Bouth of town . The tower is 42
ftvt.high and the tank holda 2,000
gallons. Charles Heckart did the
The lecture given at the court
house Thursday night by Mrs
Helen D. Harford was attended by
only a small sized audience, but
there appeared to be coasiderable
interest, and the speaker was fre
quently applauded.
Miss Blanche Rood, who left here
last spring for the East, ia now at
Lisbon, Dakota, working in a mil
linery establishment, Miss Rood
was quite popular during her resi
pence in this city and many friends
will be . glad to hear from her
Mrs. W. C. Swann and Miss
Frances Belknap joined in giving a
social at the M. E, church Friday
night, for their Sunday school
claieea. There was a large attend
ance and the affair was thoroughly
enjoyed by the young people. The
amusement was games of various
kinds, and ice cream and cake were
Mrs. Gertrude Strange was th
euast last week of Mrs. O. D.
Butler, in Independence.
Arthur and Orr Kyle, of Belle-
fountam, were in the city Satur
day to attend the track meet.
W. C. Wilson came down from
Eugene, Friday evening, and re
mained until Sunday with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Watson, oi
P'ive Rivers, thirty miles beyond
.i - n ii- c k
Aisea, were in voryams, oararaay
on business.
The Corvalhs band went to
Albany Saturday night to furnish
music for a big republican rally
of the state orhcers.
Numerous Corvallisites are seen
4 tii A n r star of? a tho frtsvf Vtilla
these davs. in search of wild straw
berries, which are said to be rmen-
ing rapiaiy now.
Mrs. Rufus Harrington, who
has been ill In health for a. loner
time, is renorted much worse, th
Da st few davs. andleara are enter
tained that the end is near.
Sam Eddv, who for a time
clerked at the E.! B.! Horning
grocery, is now a partner in the
Hoskins store, and is prospering.
Same's friends in Cotvallis wish
him success.
Another Hindu arrived last week
and has joined the Hindu student
colony and entered OAC. One of
his hrst inquiries was, "How tar
is it to California?" showing his
fears of earthquake calamities.
Miss Minnie ' Waiters has re
turned to San . Francisco, after a
visit at the home of her brother,
Judge Watters, in this city. Miefe
vV atters may return to Corvalhs to
make her home. She is a pro
fessional nurse.
W. A. Eyens and a friend, Mr.
King, who have been visiting
Corvallis friends, have returned to
their homes at Shelly, Idaho. Mr.
Evans is principal of the public
schools of that city, and is an old
time Benton county boy.
Ellsworth It win is building a new
residence on his lots near the E.
B. Horning home. Work was to
begin on the structure ' yesterday,
and Charles Heckart is the con
tractor. The dwelling will be a
modern two story building and will
when completed be occupied by the
The recital given ' at college
chapel, Fridav evening, by the
pupils of Miss Helen Crawford and
Prof. Gerard Taillandier, was well
attended and very enjoyable.
Every number on the program was
well rendered and well received,
and the entire entertainment was
a credit to both performers and
teachers. The sum of $19.60 was
taken in, and this goes to the Vil
lage Improvement society, for
whose benefit the . recital was plan
ned and given.
Anyone having clothing or other
hi tides that would be of use to the
San Francisco sufferers, should tele
phone to Mrs. Crees, and the arti
cles will be called for. This is the
request of the W. C. T. U. and as
a shipment is to be made in a few
days, it is desired that everyone re
spond quickly and generously; if
clothing is donated, it should be
cleaned and repaired. The needs
of the suffers are far from supplied,
and it will be a long time before
the people ot the Uuited States can
cease their efforts to aid their fellow
men in the devasted city.
During the horrors of fire and
earthquake in 'Frisco, all dogs
were shot by the police, as the ca
ninep driven to desperation by
hunger, were digging up and de
vouring human corpses that had
been hastily buried in shallow
trenches. It is related by a local
lesident that one little boy, a
nephew of the Corvallis party who
tells the story, begged that his dog
muht be spared, remarking,
"We may have to eat hioi before
we get food." These incidents
give one perhaps a little
clearer idea of the terrible condi
tions that existed in 'Frisco dur
ing the first few days of the trouble.
Local real estate men affirm that
immigration from the Eastern
states to Oregon and . Benton
county has been materially check
ed, in fact nearly suspended, the
past several weeks on account of
the scare that the Easterners have
received from the San Francisco
disaster. One man said, 'Why,
they are even begging their friends
and relatives to leave this section
and return East, for fear of further
catastrophes of the sort. They
fancy that the whole coast is in im
mediate danger of a shaking-up,
and are more afraid of the quakes
than of the terrible storms of the
East that terrify them during the
summer seasons." But few people
are coming into Benton just
s i- r i i ;x
uuw in Dearuu ui locations, ana it
is probable that other sections will
experience about the same thing,
although the fear of the Easterners
is, of course wholly unreasonable
and without grounds for existence
Lived Thirty-two Years in Cor
vallis James L. Taylor.
The funeral of the late James
L Taylor, who died in this city
at 10.30 Thursday morning, oc
curred from the residence at 2 :?o
Saturday afternoon, the services
being conducted by Rev. M. S.
Bush of the Presbyterian church.
A large crowd of friends, neigh
bors and acquaintances were pre
sent to pay their last respects to
one, who in life, was a " friend to
everyone, .rich or poor. There
was appropriate ' music and a
wealth ot blossoms, and the ser
vices were impressive and beauti
ful. Interment was made in the
I. O. O. F. cemetery.
James lay lor -was born m
Shreavespdrt, a:. Dec. 16,
1850. In 1869 he came to San
Francisco where c for a time he
engaged in business, coming on
to Oregon in ro7o and forming a
partnership with his father in the
butcher business. He was mar
ried Oct. 5, 1876, to Miss Ivillian
Calloway, a daughter of Mr and
Mrs. Richard Calloway, one of
the oldest and best known fami
lies in Benton county. The
marriage occurred at the familv
home on Saap Creek. , . Of this
union two children were . born,
Mrs. Cecile Rennie and Byron
Taylor, both of this -city.
Deceased for many years oper
ated a meat market on Main street
selling out to Homer Lilly about
four years ago on account of ill
health. He made several trips
to Arizona and other places in
search of health, but consump
tion did its fatal work all too
Mr. Taylor was the eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Taylor,
and of the family there are now
but two survivors, Dr. E. ,H.
Taylor, of Corvallis, and Mrs.
Lou Ledgerwobd, who resides in
British Columbia. Deceased was
a member f K. O. T. M. and
A. O. U. W. lodges. In his
passing, the city and county "loses
one of its best citizens, and there
is deep sympathy for those who
are bereaved.
Dreams of His Chickens.
There are times .when a man
gets sick of even a good bargain,'
and would like to have some one
help him let loose tor a time, and
such is about the condition that
confronts F. L. Miller, the chick
en fancier. Although he weighs
something less than 300 pounds
and is naturally fairly robust,
Mr. Miller suffers with headaches
and fears nervous prostration be
fore the season for chicken hatch
ing is over.
When he embarked in the
poultry business on his 30-a-Te
ranch just west of town, Mr.
Miller did not anticipate that he
might have to be chief cook and
day nurse for hundreds of shriek
ing, feathered orphans; but such
he is.
Out at the ranch there are al
ready 1500 noisy young chickens
hatched in the incubators, and
1500 more eggs to hatch. The
hatching season begaa about the
first of March.
The latest addition to the
ranch is a house to accommodate
2000 laying - hens. The first load
of lumber for this building was
hauled Friday and Billy Baker
is doing the work. The house is
ts be 800 ieet long, extending en
tirely across the ranch from north
to south. It will be in the cen
ter of the field and so arranged
that the hens will have access to
one half the field at one time.
The yards will be sown, to rape,
and when one is fed out the hens
will be turned into the fresh
pasture and the barren one seeded
All these chickens are thorough-bred,
although the eggs will
be marketed, except such as are
sold for breeding purposes.
Another item about the ranch
that would especially interest
fanciers or poultry men, is a two
story brooder house that has ac
commodations for 2400 young
It is warmed by water which
is heated by gasoline, and has
every other convenience that
modern ingenuity can devise and
skill produce, in such houses.
Mr. Miller has kept a man on
the ranch to care for the poultry
the past year, but he is now doing
the work himself and ths assist
ant will leave the first of the
month. . During- the summer.
Mr. Miller will occupy the ranch
.Not the least of his worries is
the constant ; inflow of letters of
inquiry from all over the United
States. The questions asked re
late to everything -in hendom,
from the proper feeding of young
chicks to the buildinsr of houses.
and Mr. Miller thinks the assist
ance of a stenographer will soon
be necessary, unless he issues a
pamphlet ior the benefit of in
quiring fanciers. ; -
In the meantime, he attends
his shrieking broods 'til ten ' p.
m. and in his dreams fancies be
still hears the crr ef orphaned
chicks. ' "
Additional Local.
Abner Woods, of Blodeett. visited
Corvallis friends Friday. 1 - -
Johnnv Martin, of - Irish Bend.
was a Corvallis -visitor the , last iof
the weekv : t :
Mrs. J. T. Franzer, of .Portland,
is the guest for a few days -of Mrs,
Thomas Bell. ,
Yellow Dent field corn for seed '
Oregon raised, " finest on earth for
sale at Zierolf's. 37if
Mrs. Henry Mc Donnell and two
children returned to Salem Sat
urday, after a visit with Mrs. Mc
Conpell's father, T. H.Crawford. ,
I want to buy six , live pigs. '
State age and price. Address Pi
O. Box 409, Portland. Oregon.
Mrs. Hornaday and daughter
left Saturday, for Portland en route
to.Eastern Oregon, where they will
join Mr. Hornaday and hereafter
Let's go fishing At Hodes' Gun
Store. Biggest and most complet
line 01 nsnmg tacKie in town. . A"'
kinds of repair work guaranteed.
There is to be a meeting tonight
at the .O. J.BIackSedge home to ar
range for ;the annual Iowa picnic.
There has already been consider
able inquiry as to the date of thi
event, which is evidence of the
inten st taken in it this year.
Dr. B. A. .Cathev left vesterdav
for Portland to attend a meeting rf
the delegates who are in that city
to represent their various medical
societies in the sessions of the
State Medical Association. The
latter convenes today and will close
tomorrow evening. Dr. Cathev is
the delegate from the local society.
Men Wanted Sa,w Mill and
Lumber Yard laborers . $2.00 per
day. Woodsmen $2,25 to $3.00.
Steady work. A ply to Booth-
Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore
gon. 34tf
The Gazette acknowledges an ir-
vitation to attend a farmers' and
sbippfirfi' congress at North Bend,
Oregon, May, 23rd, and 24th, under
the auspices of the Willamette
Valley Development League. The
invitation is on a woodmen card, i
on which are pictured a . crab and
seashells, showing that North Bend
is on the coast, near Coos Bay.
Dr. P. T. Starr, Osteopathia.
Office over Firt;t National Bank,
Corvallis. Hours 10-to 12 a. m.
and 1, to 4 p nj. The doctor is &
recent arrival in our city and re
spectfully ' solicits consultations
with such people as may be in
need of medical assistance. 37tf.
. From present indications there
will be a bountiful harvest in the
Willamette Valley this year. Re
ports from; all. parts of .Benton :are
that the . grain crops has never
looked better, and in spite of rumors
to the contrary there are promises of
a splendid fruit yield. The prospect
is certainly gratifying to the peo
ple of this section.
A large assortment of nicely
trimmed hats for children, also a
fine line of hats for old ladies 10 be
sold at .very low prices. Mrs. J.
Mason. - 39tf.
Supt. Denman has decided upon
the date of holding the annual
county institute for this year. The
dates are June"6, 7 and 8. The in
stitute will be held in this city. An
effort is being made to make this
session one of the most profitable
held in the county. S. D. Res9ler,
president of Monmouth State Nor
mal, R. F. Mulkey, president of
Ashland State Normal, State
Supt. Ackerman, and Katherine
Sloan, of Portland, will be
present. Miss Sloan ia per
haps the bast primary teacher in
Oregon. She will have charge of
all primary work. There will be
several evening sessions. There
was no annual institute last year on
account of the education congress at
Lewis and Clark Fair. All teachers
are requested to attend this insti
tute, . and no . school can continue
during its session.
Early Dent field corn at Zie
rolfs. 35tf
The Elyleasuremeirts
The laws that govern foot-structure are
applied to the making of all Ralston
Health Shoes. Every partlof a Ralston is
in proper proportion to every other part.
That means Ralston Health Shoes don't dis
tort or.. ; vary the natural, structural Hues of
the boot to achieve style. They are the most
stylish shoes on the market, yet they never
depart from the hygienic principle of nature
proportions. Ralstons will feel like home to
your feet. They fit the feet at the start no
need of breaking in. -
Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash
Dress Goods has arrived. AH colors, weights
and weaves, at prices that will tempt all.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard.
Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray," Brown,
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes.
New Dress Linens in . White, Gray, Light Blue,
Green and Navy.
New Whife Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods.
New Assortment Embroidered Waist Patterns.
New Velvets, Collars and Belts,
Rsmsm'jer, we give 5 per cent discount on
all Cash Purchases.
All first-class cigua ahd;Sobacco; whist and p-ol
Every : customer
An $8X3 Leather
Suit Case
For every dollar d worth of goods
purchased at my store yoo will
get a ticket entitling you to a
chance ia the drawing for an ele
gant Suit Case. The more tkket3,
the more chances. Drawing to
take place at my store at 4 p. m.
Saturday, June 9. The cheapest
store in, town to buv clothing and
men's furnishings.
Corvallis, Oregon
I w m nr. w.
- ''msjtms.'sse.a. 1
treated like a prince.
Four, dwois north of postoffice
Ind. PLone 130.
Stop Grumbling
If you suffer from Rhptimatism or
pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment will
bring quick relief, lc i a sure cure for
Sprains, Rheumatism, Contracted
Muscles and all pains and within the
reach of all. Prices 25c, 50s, $100. C.
R. Smith, Tenaha, IVx. writes : "1 have
used JB1 lard's Snow Liniment in my
faojily for years and have fouiad it a fine
remedy for a'.l pains and aches. I rec
comend it for Mains in thechpst" Sold
by Graham & Worr.ham.
Have your printing done atthe
Gazette office. We give you quick
service and save you money.
Fortunate Mlssourlan.
"When I was a druggist, at . Livonia
Mo.," writes T. J. Dy wer, now of Grays
ville, Mo., "three of my customers were
permanently cured ot . consumption by
Dr. Kinsi's New Discovery, , andare
well and strong todav- One was." try
ing to sell his property and move to
Arizona, but after using - New Dis
covery a short time he - found it neces
sary -to do so. I regard Dr. King's
New Discovery as the most wonderful
medicine in existence." Surest Cough
and Cold cure and Ihroat and .Lung
healer. Guaranteed by Allen & "Wood
ward, 50c, and $1. Trial bottle free.