C3) LOCAL AND PERSONAL Born. Monday, to Mr. and Sirs. Ryan, of thia city, a daughter. Gaonra Schneider, of Eugene, has been a Corvallis visitor thiB week. Miss OHve Thompson went to NewDort Monday for a visit of in definite' length. E. D. Skages and daughter, of Box. were visitors in Corvallis the first of the week. Clare Hollenberg, of OAU, was confined at home several days this week with illness. Lost Monday. somewhere in Corvallif. a pair of glasses in case. Finder please leave at this office Mrs. Roy Avery, of Portland, has returned home, after a visit witb Dr. and Mrs. Pernot, in this citj. Miss Madge' Baldwin resume her position at Kline's, Tuesday, after a weeks' illness with measles A new sidewalk has just been constructed along th west side of the Jacobs, pioperty, on Fourth street. ' Mrs. Harrv Green was to arrive yesterday -from Mill City, tor a Jennie visit with her sister, Greer. Mrs. Clarence Hartley left Wednesday for his home m Portland,' after a few dave. visit with Corvallis rel- atives. Mrs. J. P. Logan, of Kings Val ley, was the guest this week of her daughter. Mrs. J. P. Horninsf, in this city. Bert Lacey , nas purchased six lots in block 16. Avery and Wells addition, from Mrs. Snyder. . The deal was made by Robinson, Steven eon & Co. Ben Elgin, -who has spent the winter in Corvallis attending the OAC, left Tuesday, for Wenatchee, Wash., to accept a position in a drug store. Miss Pauline Kline arrived from Portland Monday night where she was called by the illness of her little nephew. The street sprinkler has changed hands the past few days. Jonn Ingle purchased it of West . Newton who has operated the business for some time. Thomas Taylor and Mr. Claunch, of Lobster Valley, were in town Wednesday and purchased a cream separator, the first to be taken to their section. A marriage lioense was issued Saturday to A. H.Holmes and Mies Laura' E. Snfley, both of Fairmount precinct. The wedding took place Sunday at Fairmount. A very attractive concert pro gram is to be rendered by the young " Presbytarians in their church, May 16 Ticket sale beginning immediately. Among former Corvallisites this the Mccabee excursion in tihs oity Sunday were noticed Misses Mabel Siieasgreen, and Minnie Woldt, Paul Cauthorn, Otto Woldt snd Ernest Sheasgreen. A ten-acre tract of land near the Woodcock dairy was sold this week by Mr. Andrews to M. Sprague. The sale was negotiated by Amber and Watters and the price paid was $3,000. The Woodmen excursion to Salem and return, Sunday, promi ses to be liberally patronized. The Bteamer Pomona will carry the crowd, leaving Corvallis at 6 a. m. and leaving Salem on the re turn at 3 p. m. The round trip fare is $1. Mrs. A.J. Hall, who went to Al bion, Wasb., recently in the hope of benefitting her health, is con siderably improved by the change and it ia hoped that she will soon be fullv restored to health. She is at the home of her Bon, Dr. J. F Hall. The pastor a subject for next Sunday morning at the M. E church is "The Ministry of the Task." Evening subject, "The Christian in Politics." A short prelude on the "Smiths and Cref ne.aa ot toocity' will be given in the evening. Indications point to a large atten dance on the senior-rhododendron excursion to Newport a week from next Saturday, May 19th. It ap pears that everybody and his neigh bor is planning to go, and enjoy six hours on the beaoh. The band will be on board. Fare $1.50 as usual. The Coffee Club celebrates the 23rd anniversary of its organization on the 2Sth., and preparations are already being made to fittingly observe the event. The ladies will entertain their friends during the afternoon of that day, a program and refreshments being the features. In the evening a shirt wait party will be given, dancing to be the 'tnusment. E. J. Garrow was a Salem visitor Tuesday. George Plaster, the barber, was a Salem visitor this week.- O. J. Blackledge was a Portland business visitor Tuesday. W. D. DeVarney, of Portland, was a Corvallis visitor Wednesday. Bob Vidito and Harry Waggoi-er left Wednesday for a week's hunt ing trip in Alsea. A force of men were busily en gaged Tuesday in cleaning Main street. A passer-by meanly sug gested that the city election was drawing near. Among those from a distance who attended the republican rally in this city Tuesday night were Joseph and Lewis Edwards of Belief ountain and James Pf outs, of Monroe. There is a smart old man over in Kings Valley. He is J..hn Miller, eighty-three years of age, and for most of those years a resident of Benton county. Despite his ad vanced age, Mr. Miller has this spring done 50 seres of slashing, and he did it about as quickly as any young man could have done it. Mrs. Helen D. Harford, lecturer and organizer for the National Woman's Suffrage Association, was to deliver an address at the court bouse last night after the Gazette press hour. Mrs. . Harford is a noted speaker on the subject of woman's suffrage, and her address was no doubt up to her usual standard. ... The Epworth League is to give an ice cream social at Simpson's chapel on Friday night, May 18tb. Ice cream and cake will be served for 10 cents, and the public is in vited. Simpson's chapel is a few miles Bouth west of Monroe, and in a neighborhood of cordial people, which is assurance that all who attend will enjoy the occasion. Articles ot incorporation weie filed at tr.e clerk's office Monday by the Corvallis Meat Company. The incorporators are J. C .Ham- mel, ffi. R. Bryson and George F. Brown, and tb capital of the firm is quoted at $5,000. This is the Lilly meat market, which changed bands a few days ago, and Carl Porter, it is stated, is to operate the shop for the new owners. Mii-s Emma Thompson has soid a lot belonging to her at Nve Creek, to Charles Walker. Things are reported as booming over at New port, much property changing bands and the price of property has advanced, very materially since last year. Inability to secure lum ber has retarded the building move ment considerably, but there are new sidewalks everywhere, and the place generally is on the boom, with prospects of a larger summer traffic than ever before. " Miss Agnes Wilson is again about 33,000 votes in the lead, in tho 11th, district of the Oregooian pop ularity ccntest, and her friends con fidently believe that she will secure the coveted honor, which is a free trip to the Yellowstone National Park. The contest closes June 1st, and one young lady from Corvallis, La Grande or Hood River will go on the journey. Renew your sub scription a couple of years in ad- vance. vote the tree coupons and help send ln the your paper, Corvallis candidate to see the sights of Yellowstone. A traveling man asserted Tues day that grain sacks are going to be worth ten cents each before harvest is over this year, and Pays that it will be hard to get them at. that price. He bases his statement on the fact that the supply was largely destroyed in San " Francisco, and that the material which is manu factured abroad cannot now be gotten to the United States and made into sacks in time for the har vest, especially in California, where the grain harvest comes in July. It is affirmed that even second hand grain sacks wifl be in demand, and all having them should not destroy a single one. It is probable that a musical re cital will be given in this city some time during the present month by Mrs. Alice B. Marshall, who is an ex-pupil of Prof. Stewart, and who is highly recommended as an artist b Clarence B. Eddy and others. Mrs. Marshall holds a medal which was awarded her at the m St. Louis exposition, a diploma received at the World's fair at Chicago," and diplomas. from several leading con servatories of music. Mrs. Mar shall ia the wife of Rev. Marshall, ex-pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Rock Island, Illinois, now in Oregcn for his health. At pretent, Rev. Marshall is pastor of the Oak Grove church. The recital will occur at the M. E. church and will be a treat rarely afforded Cor vallis music lovers. Further par ticulars will appear later. For ice, ice cream, water ices. sherbets and bricks call at Corvallis Creamery Co. Our own delivery. 37-40 To Assist Lliichelf, Throughout the states of Ore gon and Washington there is an intense feeling of sympathy for and endorsement of the action of George Mitchell in slayint Edmund Cre&eld. Mr. Mitchell is ' a poor young man and he needs Bnancial assistance. Many of our prominent -citizens are taking the initiative and are contributing. "lhe gazette -will receive contributions and receipt for the same. Help the boy in his trouble. THE HORSE SHOW. Every - Farmer Should Lend a Hand: The horse show committee has again settled itself in the collar for the last pull thai is to bring off the show June ist and 2nd. A hold-up committee was inter viewing our business men last week on the subject of expenses, with results which showed that notwithstanding the fact that the San Francisco contributions were barely off their hands, they were, nevertheless, ready to assist a meritorious home enterprise when necessary. A pamphlet containing the premium list and regulations is in the hands of the printer and five hundred copies of the same will be mailed in a few days. At the present high prices, no exhibition ought to attract more attention than a show of good horses, and of these notwithstand ing the constant" drain toward the cities, Benton and adjoining counties still have enough to make a magnificent exhibit if they are brought together. In the stallion class Corvallis . is favored with an especially fine lot of animals this spring. The roadsters would be hard to beat in any prize ring,' and all the prominent draft breeds are rep resented by unusually fine speci mens of their class. A great deal of interest in the show will doubtless center around the black percheron stal lions brought here . by T. K. Fawcett one of which has been sold to a company of farmers. Both are fine animals and the competition of their colts in the show will' make a very pretty contest. Mr. Fawcett offers a special prize of $10,00 for the best colt from his horse Potache, $5.00 for the second best, and an additional prize of $10.00 for the best suckling, draft colt of any breed. Fanion, the other black per cheron has the advantage of hav ing colts a year older than those of Potache. It is from this older crop ot t anion colts that the Whitaker and Sol King colts came and there are several others in the country that promise to give either of the above named colts a hard run for first monev. Premiums will be offered in both draft and roadsters classes for the best brood mare, to be r shown with two colts, quality of both mare and colts to be considered. Here is a chance for another close contest. Doubtless the favorite in the draft class at the present time is the Whitaker mare the mother of the noted Fanion colt. This is an animal of medium size but as a brood mare she has proven a wonder. C. G. Davis has a 1,500 pound mare from the old Hector horse that can show a Cannock Oak two years old that weighs close to 1,100, a Fanion yearling between 900 and 1,000 pounds and a good suckling colt. George Cooper has another Hec tor mare that would show well in this class. She is' larger than either the Davis or Whiteaker mare and has raised some mag nificent colts. If enough of these remain in the country to render her eligible for entry she will be a hard competitor. A. R. Locke has a brood mare that will be close to the first money, when the premiums are awarded. In fact there are enough fine horses in Benton county alone to fill every class, and make a splendid show if the owners will take the trouble to exhibit them. This is a farmers' show, and the r " . your good horses and colts. Ad vertise them; Let us see what you have. Don't hesitate on ac count of the trouble of putting them in "show condition." A month in a good pasture at this seas6n of the vear will put anv voting animal in good enough condition, besides it is the intention to have judges who will attach little or no importance to fat in judging, the qualities of a norse. In an article on the necessity of breeding" better horses in Oregon the Oregonian recently stated "Corvallis. in instituting its annual horse show, is doing a service to the state. Obiect lessons discount talk, spoken or printed." ',' ' Additional Local. The Eclectic . Business Univer sity, At bny, Oregon," will hold its Third Annual Commencement ex ercises,5 May lsth, at is p. m. At this time a veiy fine program will be rendered. " The graduates from Corvallis are Pheoi-e , Lamberson. Lulu Rice, Bessie Kate Caldwell. Mary Delmore, and Grace Lowell. The full program will appear in the next issue of the Gazette. Corvallis peopie are cordially invited to be present. Prof. I. E. Richardson speaks very highly of the . work done by the Corvallis Business College students, -and says the outlook for the next year is very bright. He is already planning for the next year's work. Miss Emma Yoder will be retained as principal of the Corvallis business college for next year. The students soeak most highly of her work. Let's go fishing At Hodes' Gun Store. Biggest and most complete line of fishing tackle in town. ; All kinds of repair work guaranteed. . 28tf I want to buy six live pigs. State age and price. Address P O. Box 409, Portland. Oregon. 40-41. Men Wanted Saw Mill , and umber Yard laborers $2.00 per day. Woodsmen $2.25 to $3.00. Steady work. Aply to Booth- Kelly Lumber Co.,' Eugene, Ore gon. 34 tf Give the Corvallis Creamery Co. a trial on ice and ice cream. 37-40 Dr. P. T. Starr, Osteopatbiet. Office over First National Bank. Corvallis. Hours 10 to 12 'a. m. and 1 to 4 p. nj. The doctor is a recent arrival in our city and. re, specifully solicits , consultations withsiich people ai mar . be- in need of medic! assistance. 37tf. Attorney E. Ri Brvfon wf call d to Portland, Sundar,on buiis-. Ic") and ic cream dflirered rn Sunday any part if the city by Go rvallis Creay Cj. 37-40 A 'arfl assortment , of nicely trunmed hats for children, eino a fine line of huts for old ladies to be sld at very low prices. Mr. J. Mason. - 39tf. Yellow Drat fie'd corn for eeed-i-Oregon -3ised, finest on earth for Bile at Ziero'f's. 37 tf Special fncv orders of ices nnd cream put up for parties Corallm Creamery Co. ' 37-40 Ice and ice cream delivered by the Corvallis Creamery Co in large or small quantity e to any the city. part of 37-40 Early rolf's. Dent field corn at Zie 35tf Notice of Election. Under direction of the Common Coiin cil of the City of Corvallia, notice ia here by given that a eeneral election will be held at the City Hall of said Citv on Monday, the 2l8t day of May. A. D. 1906 from 9:00 o'elo.k A. M. to 6:00 P. M. of said day for the purpose o' eject ing the following officers, viz: Uhief of Police, City Treasurer, Police Judge, One Councilman for the First Ward, One Councilman for the Second Ward, and two Councilmen for the Third Ward; that the Judges and Clerks ap pointed - by the Council to conduct -said election are R. H. Colbert, Caleb Davis and Joseph Yates, Judges; C. A- Gould and S. B. Henderson, Clerks. Dated at Cor val' is Oregon this 8th day of May, 1906. - ' J.F. Yates, - ; Police Judge. . The Imported English Shire Stallion, Sou thill Ranger Will make the season of '1906 as follows : Taesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Abbott's barn, Corvallis; Fridays and Saturdays at Monroe, an J Mondays at Watkins' place, 12 miles South of Cor vallis. Southill Sanger is a beautiful dark dapple bay 17 hands high and weighs 2150 lbs. Terms : f 20 to insure with foal, or $25 to insure a living Colt. 33-43 W. O. BELKNAP, Manager. Oregon " raised " early Dent for eeed see Zieroif. ' corn 35tf laimcis: opportunity, unner in The BlOeasureiHaeifs Of RALSTON HEALTH SHOES are Right The laws that govern foot-structure are applied to the making of a 1 1 J R a I sto n Health Shoes. Every pa rt!of a Ralston is in proper proportion to every other part. That means Ralston Health Shoes don't dis tort or vary the natural, structural Hues of the boot to achieve style. They are the most stylish shoes on the market, yet they never depart from the hygienic principle of nature proportions. Ralstons will feel like home to your feet. They fit the feet at the start no need of. breaking in. - " v S '17 tbcs 7 THE PEOPLE'S STOIIS. ESTABLISHED 1864. CORVALLIS. OR. rV700L and WASH DRESS FABRICS i Our first shipment of Wool, Mohsir, and Wash Dress Goods has arrived. A9I colors, waights and wcavas, at prices that will tempi alL New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard. Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown, Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripas. New Dress Lineris" in White, Gray, Light Blue, Green and Navy. , - New Whr e Mercerized Shirt Waist Gdod . , New Assortment Embroidered Waist Patterns ' New Velvets, Collars and Belts. ' . Remsmasr, W3 give ail Cash HIGHEST PRICE FOR THE. GEM GIGAR STORE All first-'lass cigire and tobacco; whist and p joI rooms. Every customer treated like a prince. JACK SyiiLNE Ait $8.00 Leather se For every dollar's worth of gooda 'I purchased at my store you will ' get a ticket entitling you to a chance in the drawing for an ele ; gant Suit Case. The more tic kets, ' the " more chances. Drawin g to take place at my store at 4 p. m. Saturday, Jane 9. The cheapest store in town to buv clothing and men's furnishings. 19 Corvallis, Oregon - I Stop Grumbling Suit in 5 psr cent Purchases. discount on COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 Four doots nnrtluof postoffu-.e Iod. PLone 130. If yon suffer from . Rheumatism or pan. for Ball-ird's Soow Liniment will brinj? quick relief. It ia a sure cure far Sprains,. Rheumatism, Contracted Muscles and all pains and within the reach of all. Prices 25c, 50a, $100. C. R, Smith, Tenaha, Tex. writes: ' lhave used Ballard's Sno- Liniment in ray. fanjily for years and have fouad it a fine remedy for all pains and aches. I rec cimend it for pains in the chest" Sold by Grahaiu & Worthaai. Have your printing done at the Gazette office. We give you quick service and save you money. Fortunate Mlssonrian. "When I was a druggist, at Livonia Mo.," writes T. J. Dywer, now of Grays ville, Mo., "three of my customers were permanently cured of .consumption by Dr. Kind's New Discovery, and are well and strong today. , One was try ing to Bell bis property and move to Arizona, but after using New .Dis- covery a snore time ne ieunu 11 neces sary ; to do so. I regard - Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine in existence.'.' Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat , and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Allen & Wood ward, 50c, and$l. Trial bottle free. -