Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 11, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XLffl.
0)rllis, Benton County Oregon
NO. iO
A Great Crowd and a Great Time,
Tuesday Night.
Amidst the firing of anvil-, the
burning of red fire on the streets,
the music ot the band - and the
cheers of enthusiastic supporters,
the republican state campaign
opened in Corvallis Tuesday
night. Early in the evening the
firing of anvils began and con
tinued until 9.30, while from all
directions the people gathered to
wards Main street, and rigs of all
sorts were seen coming in from
the rural districts.
There was a special train from
Albany and a motor from Inde
pendmce, and both brought large
delegations these being met at
the College and 6th street cross
ing by the band and a lare
crowd of citizens.
The speaking occurred ia the
opera house, the building being
packed to the doors, and many
were turned away on account of
lack of room.
G. A. Westgate, chairman of
the lepublican state committee,
presided, and made a brief intro
ductory speech: Fred W. Mulkey
of Portland, nominee for senator
for the short term, spoke at some
length and was favorably receiv
ed. Another speaker was F.W.
.Benson, nominee for secretary of
state, and O. ' P. Hoff lor land
commissioner, made a decided hit
with his pointed stories and illus
trations. When Dr. Withycombe enter
ed the room he was greeted by a
round of cheers, aad a prolonged
storm of applause followed him
as he advanced up the isle to the
A large delegation of students
were present and these joined in
nine "rahs" for the Doctor, and
later gave the college yell ot "Zip
boom bee." When Dr.-Withycombe
arose to begin his address,
the audience stood up and cheered
lustily for several minutes, 'thus
testifying to the high esteem in
which this gentleman is held in
this, his home town.
Especial mention must be made
of the beautiful and elaborate
' decorations that transformed the
opera house into a place of artis
tic beauty. Flags and bunting
had been used unsparingly, and
never has the room looked pret
There were two excellent num
bers during the evening by a
male quartette composed of Johu
Allen, B. W. Johnson, Prof Ful
ton and George Cathey.
The speech of Dr. Withycombe
in part was as follows:
"I cannot say that the nomina
tion for governor has come to me
unsought. I have been obliged
to ask for the nomination at the
hands of my fellow-citizsns in all
parts of the state and it has come
to me after a vigorous and ag
gressive campaign waged by
other aspirants. - Had anv one
of the other men been successful
in the recent primaries he would
have been entitled to and should
have received my cordial support
and I am glad to be able to say
that I have assurance ot support
from all the gentlemen who were
pitted against me in the recent
primary campaign.
"My thanks are due to Ex-Governor
T. T. Geer, C. A. Johns,
Harvey K. Brown and C. A.
Sehlbrede for their loyality to
me and to the republican party
in the assurances which they
have given me, and especially do
I tli auk them for the manly and
dignified manner in which their
campaigns were conducted prior
t the primaries.
I want to take this opportunity
to thank heartily the friends who
so loyally supported me and to
whose support I am indebted for
my nomination. No man ever
had more loyal or generous - sup
port at the hands of his friends,
and no successful candidate ever
appreciated the support more
than I da My nomination is the
more gratifying to me because it
comes not from ring or caucus,
but direct from the people. I be
lieve in popular government and
in the right of the'people to nom
inate their own public officers.
"The direct primary law has
come to stay and it ought to
stay. It imposes burdens upon
the candidates greater than those
ot the convention system." But
it also lodges political power
with the voters, where it right
fully belongs. I believe the law
will be increasingly popular for
the people, and, while some
changes in detail may prove to
be desirable in the light of ex
perience, the plan of nominating
public officers by direcc vote of
the people must not be disturbed.
It is my paramount desire to
prove worthy as a candidate of
the trust imposed in me, and,
if elected to justify the confidence
ot the people who have support
ed me. For 35 years Oregon
has been my home. It is with
pardonable pride I refer to the
fact that I came to this state
when a boy. My manhood has
been spent with tbe people of
Oregon. I believe that I know
them and appreciate their needs.
I yield to no man in loyalty to
the state of Oregon and in my
taith in its future. '
It is mv desire that the cam
paign which I conduct with my
democratic opponent shall be a
dignified campaign, free from
personal abuse. I have no dis
position to indulge in epithets.
I do claim that the record of the
republican party , in the past is
the pledge of its usefulness in the
present. I believe that its prin
ciples make for the welfare of the
people and at this time the in
dorsement of these principles is
m re important than any ques
tion of preference between men.
It is proper, however,,, that I
should say that no man has high
er ideals than I of what a "public
officer should be. He should be
fearless in the performance of his
duties. He should be amenable
to reason, but when he is sure he
is right he should not be afraid
of criticism. He should, more
over be a man of clean life, an
example to others, one - to
whom the people may look with
pride, both in his capacity as a
private citizen and in his record
as a public official. He should
take the people into his confi
dence. The government is the govern
ment of the people. They are
entitled to know what the public
officials are doing and it should
be the aim , of .the executive
branch ot tbe government honest
ly and impartiality to protect the
laws which the people have made.
This is a critical time for the
republican party of Oregon.
Although the state is republi
can by a vote of more than
two to one, many of our
important offices are filled by
members of the opposing party.
If the republican organization is
to be maintained in Oregon and
if republican policies are to be
supported, republicans must vote
tbe republican ticket. I believe
the republican party has a great
mission yet to perform fsr the
country in general and for the
state of Oregon in particular. v If
elected, it shall be my aim to
heal the wounds inflicted by 10
years of factional strife and to do
all in my power to streugthen the
party organization, with a view to
its increased efficiency in the
public service.
We are entering upon an era
of tedious development. The
world has awakened to a knowl
edge of the value of our forests
and mines. Men in distant
states have learned of the fertil
ity of our soil, the productiveness
of our farms and our orchards.
Capital is seeking investment
within the state for the develop
ment of our varied resources and
the improvement ot our means
of communication. Our public
officers should be full of the
(Continued on second page.)
Story of the Shooting as .Told by
Seattle Reporter.
The Portland Journal of Mon
day contained the following story
of CrefEeld's death, which , is
more minute in detail than any
thing that could be learned from
local sources:
Seattle, Wash., May 7.
Franz Edmund Creffield, self
styled "Joshua" leader of the
Holy Rollers, was shot and in
stantly killed on First avenue
near Cherry street at 7:30 o'clock
this morning by George Mitchell,
of Portland. Creffield was the
leader of the band of Holy Rol
lers that caused so much excite
ment at Corvallis, Oregon, three
years ago. Mitchell made no at
tempt to escape after the shooting
but stood beside the body of his
prostrate victim until Patrolman
Le count placed him under ar
rest. He told the police that he
shot Creffield because he had
ruined his two sisters, Mrs. Bur
gess Starr and Miss Ethel Mitch
ell. As soon as he reached the oity
jail Mitchell asked permission to
send a telegram. He -sent the
following to O. V. Hurt at Cor
vallis, the father of CrefEeld's
"I've got my man. I'm in
jail here. George."
The shooting of Creffield was
witnessed by his wife and a few
other pedestrians. It took place
outside the Quick drug store in
the heart of the retail district.
Mitchell has been in Seattle since
Wednesday looking tor Creffield.
Mitchell was walking up First
avenue when he saw Creffield
coming down First avenue with
his wife on his arm. Mitchell
stepped in close to the drug store
and as Creffield and his wife, went
by hejdrew A 38 caliber revoiVery
sending a ball through the: back
of CrefEeld's head. The bullet
came out above the right eye.
Creffield fell to the side' walk and
was carried into the drug store
and Dr. Bories was summoned.
CrefEeld's wife threw herself
down by his side and wound her
arms around his neck, kissing his
lips and hysterically exclaiming
at the same time:
'He cannot die, he cannot die;
he did no harm to George Mitch
ell." Dr. Bories lifted her to
her feet saying, "But he is dead
madam." - ;
The woman was taken to pol
ice headquarters with her hus
band's slayer and held as a wit
ness. The CrefEeld's have been here
for a little over a month. They
have been living in a little attic
room at 116 Fifth avenue. The
only furniture in the room was
two chairs, a cheap, table and a
sleeping cot. The only clothes
the woman had on was a tattered
skiit and shirtwaist. Her hus
band yesterday promised to buy
her a new skirt and they were on
their way to the store to purchase
it when he was shot.
Mrs. Creffield says her husband
did not see Mitchell. She caught
sight of him just as he pulled the
trigger. Mitchell is 23 years old
and gave his occupation as a la
borer. At police headquarters
he said:
"I killed him; I have been
looking for Creffield, and I got
him. I have no regrets. I am
willing to take any punishment
that is meted out to me without
a whimper. I did not kill a
man, I killed a brute. He ob
tained a devilish influence over
my two sisters and ruined them
and I did only what any true
brother would do."
The police agree with Mitch-,
ell and gave him the best quar
ters in the jail making his im
prisonment as comfortable as
possible. - ,
It developed that Creffield has
been married here twice.-- Over
two ; years ago Justice George
married him. -The marriage
license and certificate shows a
ceremony pei toimed ; between
"Franz E. Cart field and Miss Ida
M. Hunt." The police believe
that Creffield gave incorrect
names to hide7 his indentity.' His
name is Creffield and not Care
field. , His wife's name is Maud
Hurt. They lived at southeast
Seattle for a time with Frank
Hurt, the woman's brother.
' Two years . ago Creffield was
convicted on a statutory charge.
Mitchell says his sisters told
him that Creffield, or "Apostle
Joshua" as he liked to be called,
was greater than Christ. '. Cref
field served two-years in the pen--itentiary
at , Salem. While in
the penitentiary his wife obtained
a divorce from him. . He got out
of the ." peuitentiary - with good
conduct allowance. He- then
went to Waldport, Oregon, - and
gathered about him the faithful
followers who stuck by him. .
Threats of lynching drove him
out of Oregon. He came to
Seattle, won - his divorced wife
back and on: April 3, a little
over a month ' ago, married
her for the second time. . He
went out to Southeast Seattle and
won her brother back. -He sold
his home and took the proceeds
to Waldport to hold together his
followers. Creffield was going to
leave for Waldport in a few days.
of Yamhill County.
Democratic Nominee for Representative
in Congress.
During The Campaign.
The politician is of vast im
portance, and expandeth like a
"poisoned pup.". He augureth
the' dear people 'til his jaw drop
peth trom fatigue, and his ears
ache with the whirr -.of his own
wheels. He starteth out in ;
tbe early morning and ' hiketh j
after the weary rancher 'tii
dewy eve in quest of votes;
he goeth : forth shod' with the'
preparation of the party bosses, I
and sleepeth at night in the,
camps of the enemy for policy's
sake; his promises floweth like
sap from a young - maple, -and
his tongue is oily with, cream
from the milk of human kind
ness; he shaketh the hand of
who-so-ever-wilJ, and coddlevh
children whose noses are strangers
to attention. He flourisheth and
ismiglity 'til all the votes are
in then he seeketh his hole
and the public draweth a breath
of relief. ' E.
For County Treasurer.
As I am the regular nominee on the re
publican ticket for the office of' treasurer
of Benton county, I respectfully call at
tention to the fact and urge all membsrs
of the party to support me, assuring the.ii
of my apprecia tion and that it elected I
shall do my utmost to fulfill the duties oi
the office in an honorable manner.
40-45 Very truly, S. H.'HORTON.
For Chief of Police.
At the solicuatioa of many citizens I
have consented to become a candidate
for the office of Ch.ef o? Police, and I
hereby present my .name for that posi
tion. If elected, I will, endeavor to e -force
tbe laws impa tidily, and to serve
the ritv faithfully.
40-42 J. W. Ikgue.
Th;r2 will ba Garman preaching San
day "at a p. m. in the Presbyterian
church. All are welcome."
hurt you, if you intend to buy, and
get the points of me.
you get at my jewelry establishment is of
genuine value,,. Convince yourself by
looking . over that lot of new 1906 scarf
pins just received. I have them "fruity,"
and of "simple elegance." Price in each
instance is extremely low.
Albert J. Metzgcr
Occidental Building, - - - Corvallis
Hol lenberg & Cady's Furniture Store
discloses the fact that their stock is
very complete all goods being of
latest style and best manufacture.
, Among the things tastily displayed
are Art Squares and Rugs, We
have some very choice patterns in
Ingrain, Shiraz, Brussells and Ax
minister. You will surely miss
something nice if you fail to look
them over. A new , and complete
line of Granite and Tinware. We
guarantee prices as low as any
house in the Valley.
. . . A Specialty . . .
: We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass mou-ting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail. ' .
If you care to investigate call at my store any time.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.!
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
- to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, ' Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors',
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles
Guns and Bicycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phona 126 Rasidenos 324
Om Cm H lest and.
Patronize Homo Industry
Outmlda Of derm Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
V L. Ferrington, the Albany
manufacturer who makes rugs
a old crpete, will be in Corval
v next Wednesday May 9tb, he
1 t not canvass the city but those
-. 1 would like to see bim can
!" hiro a card to general delivery
he will call. 39-40.
Hair Invigoratcr
And Dandruff Eradlcator
3 5
o 5.
m J?
' , f Air i.csijfp ?
r i
5! a
& T
ST 3
Tradt lark lajistirtd.
Price, - fifty Cents;
Manufactured by
The Vegetable, Compound Company
Cortaills, Oregon . 9t
.Cham. Bakostoa.
If Yott Don't
Succeed the first time uee Heroine
and you will get instant relief. The
greatest liver regalator. A positive
cure for Con sum pt ion , Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Chills and all liver complaints. Mr.
C . of Emory, Texas, writes: "My
"My wife has been using Herbine for
herself and children tor five - yejs.
It is a snre care for Consumption and
Malaria fever which is substantiated by
what it has done for my .family."
Sold bv Graham & Worth am.
, To "