Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 08, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XLHI.
Corvallis, Benton County Oreo on, ' Tuesda v May, h. iim h
Merwin McMaines Had an Un
pleasant Experience.
Merwin McMaines, whose ex
periences in Oregon have been
many and varied, departed at a
very early hour Saturday morn
ing for Rockford, Illinois, by
way of Portland. Few people
knew of his intended departure
at so early a date. About the
hour of noon Mr. Nixon, ' 'Mine
Host" at the Occidental Hotel,
became suspicious that all was
not well and made inquiry with
trie result that he was assured of
Mr. McMaines' flight. Mr.
Nixon had cause to regret in the
sum of about $21 due on board.
Naturally, the hotel keeper was
incensed. He issued a warrant
tor 'Happy" and the authorities
in Portland were communicated
with. In about an hour they re
ported that they had gathered in
our long-haired boy and awaited
instructions as to what Corvallis
people desired done in the mat
ter. In the meant me "Mc" opened
up a series of" telephonic .com
munications with ttiends in this
city. Things looked biliious for
"Happy'' for many hours, but
about ten o'clock that evening he
of the flowing locks was permit
ted to proceed on his way East.
Had Mr. McMaines remained in
"Beaverdom" a few years more he
would have gained quite an ex
tensive knowledge of the various
bastiles in Oregon. However, be
was never up against it for any
thing very serious that was whollv
the conception of his own brain.
He had been tendered a posi
tion with the White Spear Medi
cine Company and was to join
them at Rockford, to begin
a four-months' engagement.
We presume he was wanted as
a proof ot what hair tonic will do.
Thus endeth, for a time at least,
the career of Merwin McMaines
so iar as orvains is concerned.
In spite of his various shortcom
ings there was nothing vicious
about "Mc" and were he to re
turn tomorrow many friends
would give him a warm welcome.
The Debate.
A. good audien ce greeted the
debaters in the college chapel
Saturday evening when the team
irom the Washington Agricultur
al college of Pullman met the
OAC team in a spirited contest
of wits.
The question was, "Resolved,
That aside from the constitution
ality, the United States should
support an Income tax." OAC
had the affirmative. . Both sides
were prepared for the struggle,
and showed careful preparation
for discussion of the subject nan
The OAC team was the same
that had represented OAC all
spring, viz: Miss Minnetle Phil
lips, Mark Weatherford and Mr.
The judges were Prof. Baldwin,
of Philomath, Prof. Hawthorne
of Eugene, and Pres. Ressler of
Monmouth. The decision was
in favor of the Washington
Agricultural College.
Street Exposition.
The most unique and original
street exposition ever held on
the Pacific Coast will be in the
thoroughfares and windows of
the stores of the central district
of Portland the week of May 19
to 26. The exposition is to con
sist of the manufactured products
of the entire state. The SDace
for the exhibit offered for dis
play has been secured entirely
free of charge to manufacturers,
and full opportunity for advertis
ing may be utilized. The South
ern Pactnc and the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation Company
have announced that they . will
carry all exhibits free of charge,
and will return them in the same
manner. The entire denomina
tion and carnival is in the ' inter
ests of home manufacturers, and
encouragement and stimulation
of local pride of every community
in their respective industrial en
terprises. The exposition was
undertaken through the instru
mentality , of the Ad. Men's
League, an energetic organization
of publicity experts and Develop
ment "Leaguers, men who believe
in boosting Oregon interests gen
erally, and to keep up the work
every year. In the few short
weeks that the enterprise has
been organized, thousands of
pieces ot literature regarding
home industry and home-made
articles, have been circulated,
contests among school children
for the best essay on Oregon
have been started, prizes offered
for the best displays of manufac
tured articles, both in quantity
and attractiveness. The week
of display will be marked by
parades., music, fireworks, a
monster entertainment- at the
Armory Hall on the 22d, a
formal display and novel displays
of industries.
Her Spiritual Love.
Mrs. B. E. Starr, of East Port
land, who will be remembered in
this neighborhcod as Donnie
Mitchell, daughter of Charley
Mitchell, deserted her husband
Saturday night and departed to
join'her "spiritual love," who is
none other than the notorious
Joshua Creffield, apostle, to the
holy rollers, who in February
finished serving a two year term
in the state penitentiary for the
liceutious practices carried on
in the guise- of extreme holi
ness. Siuie his release fiom im
prisonment be has gathered to
gether lew followers about him
away out in Lincoln county,
where he is reported to be carry
ing on very much as of yore.
Mrs. Starr is said to have fallen
under the influence of Creffield
three years ago, when the roll
ing I prophet was playing havoc
with weak-minded women, and
had remarked to her husband re
cently that she had a spiritual
love for him. She Jeft . in the
night, taking what money she
could find in Mr. Starr's pock
els. She left a note to. her hus
band, saying she did not disturb
him for fear the childien would
crv, adding that "he said that
Christ will take of them." "He"
referring to CrefHeld. The Starr's
have three little children, the
youngest a seven-month's old
babe, which Mr. Starr's mother
has taken. Mrs. G. W. Mitch
ell went dowu from here Tues
day rooming and in the evening
brought back the two pretty little
girls, aged 5 and 3 years, to
whom they will give a home.
Newberg Graphic.
At His Home Town.
Regarding the Withycombe
and general republican demon
stration which is to take place
in "Old Corvallis" tonight the
Albany Herald says:
The Opening rally of the state
campaign is soon to be held in
Corvallis on next Tuesday eve
ning, when the leading state can
didates will be in that city to
fire the opening gun at the home
of the candidate for governor,
Dr. James Withycombe. A
large number of the republicans
of this city are desirous of going
to Corvallis at that time, and ar
rangements are under way to
sercure a special train for the
trip. The rally promises to be
the largest political gathering
ever held in Benton county and
will be made a red letter one for
that section of the state.
It is expected that all repub
licans who can be in attendance
will be in Corvallis on that, date
and take part in this the open
ing meeting of a campaign- that
will result in the! election of
every candidate on : ' the i state
ticket by the largest majorities
ever recorded in the state.
An Expensive Luxury for the
State and Candidate.
If we are to take the figures on
the cost of the primary election
recently held, as given out from
Linn county, as a basis for esti
mates oi the cost to the State of
Oregon we certainly will deal
with big figures. The following
article from Albany is worthy of
serious consideration: ;'
Costing almost a dollar for
every vote cast in ' Linn county,
the direct primary law has proved
one of the most expensive1 luxu
ries the voters of this section have
ever enjoyed. The County Com
missioner's Court, which today
completed it session, audited and
allowed claims against the coun
ty, charged to the election ac
count, which aggregated $1,716
jand the .end is not yet . Bills
always come in for nearly a year
succeeding every election, for
work, supplies and incidentals.
It is estimated that when these
are all paid the total will run
from 1,800 to $2,000.
In the primary -election in
Linn county there were polled
but 2086 votes. Figuring upon
the cost, nearly a dollar a vote,
many are inclined to think the
law is a luxury that it is not
really necessary, or worth, the
expense. Others favor the law.
Opinion is divided in Linn coun
tv, but many people 'who favored
the law before the primary elec
Jtiou, thinking it would get out a
more representative vote, are
open in their disapproval.
The majority of votes were
cast in the towns, where people
could visit the polls and vote in a
lew minutes. In city precincts
votes did not cost the county a
dollar each. But when there
turns Irom a large number of
country ptecincts were inspected
many were found where but 8 to
20 votes were cast and an expense
bill of $40 had to be paid by the
Under the direct primary law
the result was about the same as
under the old convention system,
only it costs more. Farmers
worked in their fields on election
day, but all preparations had to
be made and all tbev expenses of
an election paid, whether votes
were cast or not, and the aggre
gate cost is large enough to
make many advocates of the
direct primary law in Linn
countv doubt its value.
.. .. 1
Of the expense bills, $1223
was for judges and clerks, $398
for prindngand the remainder
for putting up booths, distribut
ing boxes, etc. . All this money
was paid bv Linn county.
When the bills piid by the state
for Linn county, which must be
met by the taxpayers the same as
those assessed directly against
the county, are in, the expenses
of a direct primary election iu
Linn county will be one of the
big items of the biennial budget.
The .expenses that must have
been paid incurred by the candi
dates for nomination under the
direct primary law add to the
burden. Every candidate was
forced to make a pretty thorough
canvass in Linn county, where
he had an opponent, and that
occurred in most instances on
the republican ticket. At the
cl ose f the primaries candidates
complained that the expenses
of the primary campaign bad
been so heavy that they could not
make the campaign they would
like for the general election.
The first idea of the primary
election to taxpayers of Linn
county became known today
when the court finished auditing
expense bills.
Flower Queen.
The "Flower Queen',' will be
given in the opera house next
Monday evening, .May 14, under
the auspices of the ladies of ihe
Congregational church, Solos
will be taken by Mrs. Frederic
Bercn oid, Mis.. A. B Cord.e,
he Misses Edna Allen, " Marie
Pelland, Gertrude McBee, Marian
Channel. Hettie Lilly. Marie
Cathey, .Verna Larrell; Winona
Woodward. Tean Kent, ' Inez
Johnson. Mrs.. C. E. Peterson
will tike the part -of "Rose
Queen," and Miss Floy Johnson
the part of "Recluse." , ;
There will be a quartette of
poDDies. and a semi-chorus of
Heather Bells, besides j the full
chorus. The stage in - the opera
house will be converted . into a
forest scene, with trees, ferns,
mosses and flowers, and this to
gether with the impersonations
and music, will make a delight
rul evening's entertainment.
;! Mrs. ,, E. F. Green will 'direct
the music and accompany oh the
piano. ---Miss Margaret Fowell
will also accompany on the organ.
, One of the best, numbers will
be a duet, . "Nightingale and
Rose." The Flute obligato will
be played by Prof . J. B. Hor
ner. ''''':''
Creffield Dead.
A dispatch to this city from
Seattle, Wash., yesterday con
veyed - the information that
George Mitchell had just shot
and killed Edmund Creffield, of
Holy Roller fame. Full particu
lars were not obtainable at the
time we went to press yesterday.
Thus do the guilty meet their
deserts. We realize fully that
to take life is an awful thing,
but there are things more prec
ious than life. George Mitchell
had two sisters become victims
to Creffield's practices, vicious
and awful as they were. Not
only did Mr Mitchell suffer, but
others families and communi
ties- The taking of Creffield's
life was no more than should
have been expected. It was
what the people of any respect
able; community might desire.
Cns dering the sorrow, grief,
humiliation and many other
causes for human suffering and
distress this man was account
able for hews of his death
brings to this city more than any
thing else a sense of relief.
Lectures Here Thursday.
Mrs. Helen D ckinon Harford,
lecturer1 and organizer for the
National American Woman Suf-fra-e;
Association, will lecture at
the court house on Tiiuisday
evening, Mav ioih, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Harford is well known in
Corvallis, having served tour
years as State President of the
Oregon Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union. She will also
give an address to women at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at the
Presbyterian church.
"Mrs. ; Harford lectured at
the Methodist church last uighi
to a full house. The gifted lady
spoke about an hour and a half to
an earnestly interested audience.
It was the most eloquent address
ever delivered i a this place. She
said many bright, witty and even
humorous things, which undoubt
edly impressed her hearers for
good." City News, Coquille,
Later Contributions.
The foliowins is a list of con
tributions lor the relief ot the
destitute at San Francisco:
Lillian Glass, egza
Mrs J B Horuer, clothing.........
E E Wilson, cash;
E J Newton, bacon od potatoes
Thos H C joper, bacoa and epg?.
W P Liffrt), poiat;e-
Nancy Barclay, bacon and ejjis...
M-s Warren, olotbin....
P o' Cveil." '.
John Bain, snc... ....... .........
B F To tea, flour...
Dick Kier, potatoes............
A. K Bci', ilxi .oy
2 Ou
3 00
2 20
7 60
W E D u.!tt.' rir.
and ia-ue8 3 CO
E irly
OiiU fis'd corn at Zie-
3 40
11 f "tt1
won't hart you, if you intend to buy, and
get the points of me. ''
you .get at my jewelry establishment is of
genuine vame. convince yourseii Dy
looking over that lot of new 1906 scarf
pins just received. ' I have them "fruity,"
and of "simple elegance.'? Price in each
instance is extremely low.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - . - Corvallis
i Hollesib
rcj 1 Cady's '.Furniture Store
discloses the fact that their stock is
very complete all goods being of '
latest style and best manufacture.
Among the things tastily displayed
are Art Squares and Rugs, We
have some very choice patterns in
Ingrain, Shiraz, Brussells and Ax-:
minister. You will surely miss
something nice if you fail to look
them over. A new and complete
line of Granite and Tinware. We
guarantee prices as low as anyx
house in the Valley.
A Specialty
We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass mou ting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail.
If you care to investigate call at my store any time.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician !
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
. vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles?!
Guns and Bicycles For Rent. First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phona 126 Residence 324 '
O. O. H lest and.
Patronize Home Industry.
Outaldo Order Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
ncceed the first time use Herbine
a ! you will get iDsiant relief. The
grr -st liver rega!a or.. A positive
-nr- MrConsumptibrii Dyspepsia. Malaria,
Ch.iia and all- liver . complaint?. Mr.
C .- of Emorv, ' Texas, writes : ' "My
"My wife has ' een using Herbine for
herself! and ildren lor five years.
It is a sure , curr- for Consumption and
Malaria fever w I ich is substantiated by
what it has dv- for my family."
7 co ' -S
12 GO1, - : I
Sold by Graham k Wortbam.
Hair invigorate r
And Dandruff Eradlcator
i i
5 vs
" S3
ft. 5
S 3
2 "
Trade lark Register'. -
Price, Fifty Cents
Manufactured by
The Vegetable Compound Company
Corvalils, Oregon Dt
Wham. Blakamlm:
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
c foe ckltdrmmg aafe, mu re- WV