Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 06, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    ie Kind You Have Akvavs
n use for ovei 30 years,
tWj J' sona supervision since its infancy,
(CCCCit& A11nnn aiia tn Hmaita von in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and' Just-as-goodare bat
Experiments that trine with and endanger the health ot
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ,
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the .
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
i, "i rVUin -rl r ''-'t'-2--" r Tin - nT imnnrilTm
T A Mystery ?
j D DQ Of Two
s tt jt ! a ? Continents
I kiollo,dt&v - i
But a sudden light gleamed in the
notary's eyes.
"Wait, messieurs!" lie cried. "A mo
ment, but a moment Ah, I remember
it now. it was tne link which was
wanting and you have supplied it
Holladay, a millionaire of America, his
wife, Mnie. Alix. She did not live in
the villa then, messieurs. Oh, no. She
was very poor, a nurse; anything to
make a little money. Her husband,
who was a fisherman, was drowned
and left her to take care of the chil
dren as best she could."
He bad got down another book and
was running his fingers rapidly down
the page, his finger all a-tremble with
excitement. Suddenly he stopped with
a little cry of triumph.
"Here it is, messieurs!' See!"
Under the date of June 10, 1876, was
an entry of which this is the English:
Holladay. Hiram W.. and Elizabeth hla I
; States of America; from Celeste Alix.
; widow of Auffuste Alix, her daughter
' Celeste, aged five months. All claim sur
' rendered In consideration of the payment
of 25,000 francs.
j Mr. Royce caught up the book and
glanced at the back. It was the "Rec
ord of Adoptions."
N a moment we were hurrying along
the street in the direction the nota
ry had pointed out to us. Martigny
was already out of sight, and we f
hau licea or liaste. My head was in a
whirl. So Frances Holladay was not j
really the daughter of ihe dead million-
aire! The thought compelled a com-j
plete readjustment of my point of
i ;
I We had reached the beach again, and
we rurnea aiong it in tne airection or j
the cliffs. Far ahead I saw a man hur-
rylng in the same direction, I could
guess at what agony and danger to
himself. The path began to ascend,
and we panted up it to the grassy
down which seemed to stretch for
miles and miles to the northward.
Right before us was a little wood, In
the midst of which I caught a glimpse
of a farmhouse.
B We ran toward It, through a gate and
up the path to the door. It was closed,
but we heard from within a man's ex
cited voice, a resonant voice which I
knew well. I tried the door. It yield
ed, and we stepped into the hall. The
voice came from the ropm at the right.
It was no time for hesitation. We
sprang to the door and entered,
j Martigny was standing In the middle
of the floor, fairly foaming at the
mouth, shrieking out commands and
imprecations at two women who cow
ered in the farther corner. The elder
one I knew at a glance; the younger
my heart leaped as I looked at her
was it Miss Holladay? No, yet strange
ly like.
He saw their startled eyes turn past
him to us and swung sharply round.
For an Instant he stood poised like a
serpent about to strike; then I saW bja
eyes fix In a frightful stare, hla face
turned livid, and with a strangled cry
he fell back and down. Together ire
lifted him to the lejr window seat., pur
suers and pursued alike, loosened bjs
collar, chafed his hands, batbed hfo
temples, did everytnloc we eoaM
"Rought, and - Las been
nas borne the .-rsature of
has been made umler his per-
Signature of
or aomg, but ne lay there staring at
the ceiling with clinched teeth. At last
Royce bent and laid his ear against his
"It is no use," he said. "He is dead."
1 lokei to see them wince under the
oiow, out iney ciia not. The younger
woman went slowly to the window and
stood there sobbing quietly; the other's
face lit up with a positive blaze of joy.
"So," she exclaimed in that low, vi
brant voice I so well remembered "so
he Is dead!"
Royce gazed at her a moment In as
tonishment. "Mme. Alix," he said at last, "you
know our errand."
She bowed her bead.
"I know it, monsieur," she answered.
"But for him there would have been
no such errand. As it is, I will help you
all I can. Cecile," she called to the
woman at the window, "go and bring
your sister to gentlemen."
The younger woman dried her eyes
and left the room.
Celeste came In slowly, listlessly. It
gave me a shock to see the pallor of her
face. Then she glanced up and saw
Royce standing there. She drew in
her breath with a quick gasp, a great
wave of color swept over her cheeks
and brow, a great light sprang into her
"Oh, JohnP she cried and swayed to
ward him.
He had her In his arms, against his
heart, and the
glad tears sprang to
my eyes as I looked at them.
"And I have come to take you away,
my love," he was saying.
"Oh, yes; take me away," she sobbed.
She stopped, her eyes on the window
, 1. , , .1 O-l
wan, wucic uiu uuici ltxy , turn me
color died out of her cheeks again.
"He, at least, has paid the penalty,"
said Royce.
j She was sobbing helplessly upon his
shoulder, but as the moments passed
j she grew more calm and at last stood
' upright from him. The younger wom
an had come back Into the room and
j was watching her curiously,
j "Come, let us go," said the girL
But Royce held back.
"There has been a crime committed,"
he said slowly. "We m'ust see that it
ts punished."
"A crime? Oh, yes; but I forgive
them, dear."
"The crime against yourself you may
forgive, but there was another crime
murder" "There was no murder!" burst In
Cecile Alix. "I swear it to yon, mon
sieur. Do you understand?"
I saw Miss Holladay wince at the
ether's voice,. and Royce saw It too.
"I must get her to the inn," he said.
Stay and get the story, Lester. Then
We'll decide what it is best to do."
He led her away, out of the house
and down the path, not once looking
tack. I watched them till the trees hid
them, and then turned to the women. .
"Now," I said, "I shall be happy to
bear the slory."
. "It was that maa yonder who was
the1 cause of It all," began the mother,
clasping her bands tightly la her lap
to keep them stilL "Four years ago be
cam from Paris here to spend the
summer tie was ver IB bis heart
"We bad been bring. bappUy, my daugh
ter and but't or tbe -one HnXiety tu
her not marrying. He met her and
proposed marriage. He was vex good
he asked no dowry, and, besides, my
daughter was twenty-five years old
past her first youth. .But she attracted
him, and they were married. 1 He took
her back to Paris, where he had a little
theater, a hall of the dance, but he
grew worse again and came back here.
It was then that he found out that I
had another daughter, whom I had giv
en to a rich American. " I was-ver
poor, monsieur," she added plteously.
"Yes, madame, I know," I said,
touched by her emotion.
"So he wrote to friends in Amerlque
and made questions about M. Holla
day. He learned oh, he learned that
he was ver rich; what you call a man
of millions and that his daughter my
daughter, monsieur was living stilL
From that moment he was like a man
possessed. At once he formed his plan,
building I know not what hopes upon
It He drilled us for two years in
speaking the English; he took us for six
months to Londres that we might bet
ter learn. Day after day we took our
lessons there, always and always Eng
lish. Cecile learned ver well, mon
sieur, but I not so well, as you can see.
I was too old. Then at last we reached
New York, and my daughter this one
was sent to see M. Holladay, while I
was directed that I write-to Celeste
to Mile. Holladay. She came that ver
afternoon," she continued, "and I told
her that it was I who was her mother.
He was with me and displayed to her
the papers of adoption. She could not
but be convinced, He talked to her
as an angel oh, he could seem one
when he chose; he told her that I was
In poverty; he made her to weep, vhich
was what he desired. She promised to
bring us money. She was' ver' good.
My heart went out to her. . Then, just
as she had arisen to start homeward,
In Cecile came, crying, sobbing, stain
ed with blood."
She shuddered and clasped her hands
before her eyes.
"But you have said it was not mur
der, madame," I said to the younger
"Nor was it!" she cried. "Let me
tell you, monsieur. I reached the great
building, which my husband had al
ready pointed out to me. I went up
In the lift; I entered the office, but saw
no ne. I went on through an open
door and saw an old man sitting at a
desk. I inquired if Mr Holladay was
there. The old man glanced at me and
bowed toward another door. I saw it
was a private office and entered it.
The door swung shut behind me. There
was another old man sitting at a desk,
sharpening a pencil."
"'Is it you, Frances?' he asked.
" 'No,' I said, stepping before him.
It is her sister, M. Holladay !
"He stared up at me with such a look
of dismay and anger on his face that
I was fairly frightened; then, in the
same instant, before I could draw
breath, before -I could say another
He feU back and down.
word, his face grew purple, monsieur,
and he fell forward on his desk, on his
hand, on the knife which was clasped
in It. I tried to check the blood, but
could not, it poured forth In such a
stream. I knew not what to do. I was
distracted, and In a frenzy I left the
place and hurried to our lodgings. That
Is the truth, monsieur; believe me."
T do believe you," I said.
"It was then," went on her mother,
"that that man yonder had another In
spiration. Before It had been only
what you call blackmai' a few thou
sands, perhaps a pension. Now it was
something more. He was playing for
a greater stake. I do not know all that
be planned. He found Celeste suspect
ed of having killed her father. He
must get her released at any cost, so
he wrote a note"
"Yes!" I cried. "Yes, of course; I see.
Miss Holladay under arrest was be
rond his reach."
"Yes," she nodded, "so he wrote a
iote. Oh, you should have seen him in
those days! He was like some furious
wild beast. But after she was set free
Celeste did not come to us as she had
promise. We saw that she suspected
as, that she wish to have nothing more
to do with us. So Victor commanded
that I write another letter, Imploring
ber. offering to explain." She stopped
l moment to control herself. "Ah,
-hen I think of it! She came, moo-
(To be Continued.)
Have your printing done at the
Gazette office. We give you quick
service and save you money.
Foley's Kidney Curel
The Kenorpa Trio.
Extract ttom letter oi Rev.
J. Wbitcomb Brougher, Pastor,
VViiue Temple. Poulaad, Or.
"For an evening's concert anu
entertainment, the Kenorpa Trio
cannot be surpassed by anything
uf its kind. The taieut and
;.-.ttlily of the artists who com
pose it, are such that they can
p.esent a program which induces
nety iu the numbers rendered,
and their selections, are without
J exception, those, of the highest
cl-ss. Miss Lytle - with her
oeautiful, cultivated voice, has a
must charming personality,
; which wins her instant favor
i wherever she is heaid. Miss
Shea has a rich sympathetic voice
wnich is ' very effective in solo
work. Mrs. Sylvia W. McGuire
is a reader of unusual ability.
She is especially finv. in her ren
dering of the Southern darkey
dialect, and thoroughly convulses
her audience with laughter with
ner quaint and characteristic
' stories. She has had considerable
experience in entertaining, assne
has booked frequently with L,y
Iseum Bureaus throughout the
! country." As a whole, th
Kenorpa Trio presents a concert
aud entertainment which will
please the' most exacting audi
ence. I take pleasure in com
mend ng them to all who ma
oesire to secure a good entertain
ment company." At the Con
gregational church April io.
Oregon's AttorneyOeneraI.
Wednesday, Attorney-Gen
eral A. W. Crawford visited
Corvallis in the interest of his
candidacy before the coming
primaries for re-nomination for
the office he now holds, should
his "republican brethren see fit to
support him. Beyond doubt he
will receive their endorsement as
he has practically little opposition .
During the past four years he
has filled the office most efficient
ly. He has made a goo4 officer
and in recognition of his services
and worth tt is quite evident that
the usual custom of showing ap
preciation of the same will be
Additional Local.
Rev. T. F. Jonea, who for three
weeks has ably conducted the M.
E. revival meeting, is to preach his
aBt sermon Sunday evening after
which he returns to bis home at
Amity. The meeting is to con
tinue, however and Rev. El aver, of
Indej. endence, has been engaged to
conduct the services next week.
He is a forcible speaker and will
no doubt attract the public.
United Evangelical church next
Sunday. Rally Day This is the
last Sunday, of the conference year
and the presence of every mem ber
is much desired. Sunday Echocl at
ten a. in., preaching at eleven. The
reception of members will he a
special feature of this service
Afternoon fellowship meeiiDg hi
three. Christian Endeavor at 6:3o
and eve-iing service at 7:30. Morn
ing Bubj-ct "The Joy of Triumph."
Evening subject, "Heart Power."
This is the pastor's last Sunday in
the church year and he would like
to meet every member if possible as
some matters of interest are to be
Tomorrow Mrs. Otto Hersa and
children will start East for the old
home at West Point, Nebraska,
wh.-re Bhe will visit a few months
during which time her husband
will investigate conditions in Cali
fornia. Mr. Herse departed for
Eureka, California, during the first
of the week. Many friends will
sincerely regret Mrs. Herse's de
parture tomorrow and all wish her
a pleasant visit and future pros
perity. Subject of sermon at Christian church
Sunday morning. "The Call of the
Christ." Evening, "The Fall and Re
demption of Man."
Judge C. A. Shelbredp, of Coos county,
was in Corvallis yesterday in the interests
of his candidanoy for republican nomi
nation for governor. Whoever wins, b
it somebody else, tha Judge will support
them. He is an affable gentleman.
Congregatioaat church, Sun.iay scho l
at ten o'clock, worship and sermon 11: UJ
Junior Endeavor 3:00, Sanior Endeavor
6 :30. Music according to the standard
of this church will be rendered at each
service. There will be services at Ply
mouth at 3 :00 o'clock.
The Saa Francisco Chronicle, speak
ing of Mr. Warde says, Frederick Warde
has added to his laurels one which pro
claims him beyond a doubt a Shakes
pearean lecitalist of the meet agreeaDie
type. Last evening he held spellbonnd
for nearly two and one half hours a vast
audience gathered at the Association
Auditorium." Mr. Warde appears at the
opera boose next Friday evening, April
.13. v
idhered to in Mr, Crawford's case
y - republicans at the cominer
primary election.
So far the duties of the at
toi ney-general have kept him in
his omce so closely that her has
not been enabled to make a can
vass in his own behalf and the
little trip up here was the only
ne made by that gentleman to
date. As it was he could
only remain in Corvallis a few
hours when obliged by pressure
of business to , hurrv back to
Salem. His record during the
last lour years has been a good
'one.' . ' --;
Recommends Dr. Jackson. '
Having known Dr. E. E. Jackson for
several jears, he coming from the same
town in the East, I re-ommend him as a
thorough and first-class veterinary anrl
very successful in that line of work.
I have seen him cure when other vets'
had given up hope, aud have seen him
operate on very difficult cases with the
best results, and I sincerely Bay to the
people of Corvallis and surrounding
country that b e is one of the best in bis
A. G. Hanes,
30tf Salem, Or., B. 8
Ben McElhiney is building a
machine. Ben ears he don't
walk, it makes him tired.
like to
Barney Hecker shipped 150 head
mutton sheep to Portland Monday.
.No travel on the road now farmers
are all busy putting in their sprii g
Candidates for the legislature are sign
ing Statement No. 1, just the same
whether they want to or not.
Robert Jones left Monday morning
with his family and household goode.
he will hereafter be a citizea of Albany.
Mr. Sam McElmurry, who left his
farm near Parker and moved to Lebanon
some two years ago, has become tired of
city life and is now moving back t his
Barney Cady sold his 1905 hop crop,
Wednesday, to Mr. Horst for ten cents
per pound. He had in the nei&heor-
hood of twenty thousand pounds.
Bob Jones has moved to Albany and
will occupy th? John Join residence in
Elken's addition to Albany.
Grant McElniney is working lor the
electric light company of Albany, help
ing to build the cew line to Corvallis.
Drury Hodges is talking of leaving
Wells and moving to Albany to reside.
J. B. Leatnerman is cleaning np and
building some new feuc e preparatory to
moving, out on his fruit farm.
Willard Cauthorn has let the contract
ot building his new residence at Wells
tt Rooert Snell, of Al baoy.
Say boy, what do you think of Mate
iiient No. 1.
Anions Luther was a Corvallis caller
VV. L. Cauthorn returned to his home
in Wells, Thursday. He has been laid
up the most of the winter with rheum a
tism, but is able to be around again.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson spent Suu
day with friends in Albany.
The former Mrs. Yerkes seems to be
having about as much trouble breaking
in ber young husband as a farmer has
in breaking in a yon ng colt.
The size of a man's mouth is no indi
cation of the working capacity of his
Old maids uaturally wonder if
bachelors will be as seltish and etiu..
in Heaven as they are on earth.
The life of the average woman is di
vided into two long dreams. In girlhood
she dreams of the happy little cottage
home she will have when she becomes a
wife, and alter she becomes a wife she
dreams of the happy home she had when
she was a girl.
School District No. 43, better known as
Cloverdale, has petitioned vhe couuty
school board for a division ot lie dio
tritt on tccotiut of the old house beinu
too email to accommodate the pupils.
They intend building a good house and
will locate it near the Wyatt place.
'orJce to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for Bentou
County, administrator of the estate of Henry
Holroyd, decsased. All persons having claims
against said estite are hereby required to
present the same it the office of J. t Yntes,
properly verified ts by law required, at Cor
vallis, Oregon, within six months from the
date hereof.
Dated this 13th day of February. 1906.
W. S. McFadden,
Administrator (of the Estate -of Henry Hol
royd, deceased.
Is trie Moon Inhabited.
Science has proven that the moon has
an atmosphere, which makes life in
some form possible on that satellite; but
not for human beings, who have a hard
time on this earth of ours; especially
those who don't know that Electric Bit
ters cures headache, Billionsness, Mal
aria, Chills and fever, Jaundice, Dyspep
sia, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, Kidney
Complaint, General Deability and female
weaknesses. Unequalled as a general
tonic and appetizer for weak neranns and
especially the aged. It induces sound
sleep. ; Fully guaranteed by . Allen &
Woodward, roes only too.
classified advertisements
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three
successive insertions,! or 60 cts per
month; for all up to and including ten
additional words. cent a word for each
insertion. ' . . ' '. .
For all advertisements over 25 words,
1 ct per word for the first insertion, and
X ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothisjt inserted for less than 2$
cents. v
Lodge, society 'and church notices,
other than Btrictly news matter, will be
charged for. ; ';,
quire of William Ores, Co-ai'-.s.
P. O. box 344. or Iud. 'pfcone 429.
Corvallis, Oregon. ; 23 tf.
White Seed Oats, also one good Mam
mouth Bronze Tom. T. A. I.gedon
Covallis, Or. phone 55. Mt V e. 21tf
Office up stairs in Zierolf Building.
Only set of abstracts in Benton Count
Office in Post Office Building, Corval
as, Oregon.
Gazette and Weekly Oregohian at
$2.55per year.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general,
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and cold and money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
Veterinary Surgeon
& Snow livery barn. Give him a call.
Phones, Ind., 328 ; Residence, 389 or
Bell phone. 12t
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing.. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
1p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
ama Sts. . Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
meats; curbing made to order; clean
ing and repsring done neatly : save
agent's commission . Shop - North
' 1 - -x- j
House Decorating.
VV. E. Paul, Ind. 488 Utf
A Lucky Postmistress.
Ts Mrs Alexander, of Cary, M, who
has found Dr. Kk -as Mew Life Piles to
Ha thn het remedy t lie ever tried for
keeping the Ftomatb, Liver and Bowels
in perft-ct order. You'll agree with her
if you try these painless purifiers that in
fuse new life. Guaranteed by Allen &
Woodward druggists. Price 25c.
Soon to Come Up.
Senator Fulton expects soon to
be forced into a struggle in the
Senate, against the repeal of the
Timber and Stone act. It has
been reported that the Commit
tee on Public Lands, and cham
pions of this policy intend to
get the bill to a vote if possible
this session. Senator Fulton
has gathered data showing the
unappropriated landin Oregon to
be about 20,000,000 acres, a con
siderable portion of which is
timber, and he is also ready to
prove to the senate that most
Oregon timber land when at a
moderate altitude, is susceptibFe
of more profitable uses than for
His figures show that if the
government allows the state only
10 per cent of the funds derived
from timber sales and keeps all
of the range leasing charge,
Oregon will profit only at the
rate of 2 or 3 cents an acre per
year. With the support that is;
expected from Washington, also
heavily timbered west of the
Cascades, the Oregon senator
hopes to have the domain of his.
WWVW wjvm gAww v .
and development.