Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 30, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Miss Sophia Elgin leaves today
for a visit with relatives in Salem.
flharles Peterson moved yester
day into the Floyd Lane house on
Ninth street.
In the case of the state of Oregon
va. uari rresiev. lor seuine liquor
ito minors, the jury returned not a
true bill.
TTarrv Wapcroner. son of George
Waeeoner, is confined to his home
withillneBS. The ailment is stated
to be typhoid.
A residence is in course of con
struction near the ice factory. The
owner is M. F. lomjacK, a recent
arrival from the h,a.8t.
Mies Keves arrived Tuesday from
John Day, Eastern Oregon, from a
visit with her cousins, Floy and
and Oliver Johnson, of OAC.
When last heard from Mrs. John
TW. who has been daneeouslv ill
at Forest Grove with typhoid fever,
was thought to be improviug.
Rev. F. E. Billineton. secretary
of the Oregon Christian Missionary
Convention, will speaK in ine
Christian church next Monday
In the case of George Parker vs.
W. H. James, suit for damages,
the circuit court set the case for
i rial on the first day of the next
term of circuit court.
H. Bier & Co. have been enzaeed
during the week at the task of put
ting in some nne concrete steps at
the Prof. T. H. Crawford residence
just east of the B. F. Irvine home.
Mrs. E. M. Simrison. who has
been visitine friends in San Fran
cisco and other California cities for
the past month or two, is expected
to arrive home tomorrow or Sun
Rev. T. S. Handsaker will preach
at the Christian church next San-
day. Morning theme, "The Pro
gram of Jeeus. Evening subject,
Conversion What is it? How is
it accomplished?"
Ed Smith, who holds a good po
sition with Marshall Wells & Co.,
hardware wholesalers cf Portland,
ia expected to return to nis UorvaJ
Iis home tomorrow evening for a
brief vieit with relatives and
James C. Taylor
etftts Wednebday
was on the
for the first
time in many days. His health
for some time has been greatly
impaired, but he is in hopes that
with the advent of good weather his
condition will improve.
Tucsdav there wa Quite a
spi inkling of represenativw republi
cans from various parts or tne
county in response to an invention
that they meet for the purpose or
feeing that party committeemen
were selected for a place on the
ticket. There was the necessary
spirit to it sure commiteemeu on
the ticket at the primaries
The direct primary law has
brought out some candidates of
good'standing in the business world
amoni? them Willis b. JJuniwav
for State Printer. He is a thorough
printer and manager of the Ander
son & Duniway Printing Company.
His pledge of retrenchment in the
heavy cost of the State Printing
Office is banging him much sup
Fred C. Peil has announed him-
olf a rmifiidate for nomination for
the office of sheriff of this county at
the hands of his republican brethren
at the coming primary election.
TTnr soma vears Mr. Peil has been
bookkeeper for A. Wilhelm fc Sons,
of Monroe, and is known to possess
unusual clerical ability. In bis
section, in fact, wherever he is
known, Mr. Peil enjoys the respect
and confidence of everyone.
The divorce mill has been busy
over at the court house t'le past
few days. In the case of Vaud
Moore vs. Mary Moore, the custody
of the minor child was granted
plaintiff; Mrs Myrtle Bei.eon was
granted a divorce from John
Bensou, the father secured a decree
and the custody of of the five-year :
old girl; in the suit of Al Kempj
vs. Martha E. Kemp; a decree was
also grafted to Plutarch Lewis vs.
Ameda Lewis, and to Mrs. Cecil
Turner vs. Bert Turner. In the
latter, Mrs. Turner was given her
maiden name, Cecil Bryant.
Mrs. Nancy M. Perfect,' who re
cently died at the home of her eon,
near Oakville, Linn county, was
aged 82 years, 1 month and 9
days. Tuesday morning the fun
eral services were held at the resi
dence of the eon and were conduct
ed by Rev. Marshall. The body
was started east at noon of that
day accompanied by a son of the
disceased, and the remains will be
interred at Marue, Iowa. Some
TDam a en she had resided in Orezon
and had again returned to Iowa to
live, but was dissatisfied and a tew
weeks afro had aeain returned to
Oregon, claiming it the finpst place
un earth to live. . ..
Miss Mary Jones left yesterday
to begin a term of school at Silver-
A. T. Grugett and famiy moved
Wednesday into the Adams house,
on Ninth street.
Rev. M. S. Bush will preach at
Oak Ridge Presbyterian church
next Sunday at 3 p. m.
The jury in the J. L. Lewis vs.
Spencer Bicknell damage suit al
lowed Mr. Lewis $166 and costs.
Mrs. A. L. Kinsely and children
returned a few days ago from a
several months' visit with relatives
in the East.
Mayor A. J. ' Johnson arrived
home Monday evening from a trip
to Eastern Montana in the capacity
of national bank inspector.
Carl Pressley left Tuesday for
Browns Valley, Minn., where he
will be joined later by his mother
and where they expect to make
their home.
J. H. Simpson and Cecil Cathey,
who have been confined at home
several days with illnesp, are again
able to be at their positions in the
hardware store.
Hathaway Bros, have been add
ing new machinery to their black
smithing appliances in the way of
drills, lathes, etc., and installing
power to work them.
Elmer Wills, the well known
clerk of J. M. Nolan & Son, has
been in ill health of late and during
a brief lay-off Thomas Callahan
was back at the old stand.
Presbyterian church, M. S. Bush
pastor. Bible school at 10. Wor
ship morning and evening at the
opera house at the closing of the
union evangelistic services.
Mrs. Fannie Purdy is having a
new cottage erected in the neigh
borhood of the C & E. depot. The
frame of the building is now up.
W. H. Dilley is the builder.
County Clerk Moses desires us to
inform the public that all desiring
a copy of the bills to be voted on at
the June election can secure the
same by calling at his office.
Yesterday those having charge
of laying pipe for the Corval'is
Rock Creek water system were at
work with a force of men at the
Graham & Wells corner. Main street
Mrs. Jessie S. Pettit Flint arrived
home duiing the first of the week
from a trip to Portland and Mc
Minnville, where she was the guest
of friends and had a most enjoyable
.The erand iury has been investi
gating matters relative to the af
fairs 1 f the poor farm in the past
and tuadi a trip to the south end of
the county yesterday to assist them
ingathering information.
Thomas Fweett returned to
Corvallis during the first of the
week and will remain here to
handle iis horse during the season.
For mnv months he, has been re
siding in or near Portland.
Miss Roee Ilorton.of this city
left Monday morning for Wa er-
ville. Wash., where she will hold a
position in a school commanding a
salary of hfty dollars, bhe win re
side with ber sister, Mrs. J. F. Ir
win, formerly of this city.
Tuesday, Jesse Wiley, of this
city, sold 15 or 16 head of driving
horses to a buyer from Port Town
snd, Wa9h. The animals were
shipped to Portland .en rout to
their destination by boat Wednes
day. The buyer intends them for
liverv use.
V8. BS. .
For murder in the first degree
J. R. Moses, of the firm of Moses
Bros., will hang April 5, 1906 -for
murdering prices on every
thing inthe store for "cash only,"
is the verdict.
Will hang up large list cards
in the store stating what will be
included in the murdering price
sale. There will be good bar
gains in every line handled by
us. It will pay every ene in and
out of Corvallis to save on what
they buy at our three days' sale.
Don't forget the date April 5,
6 and 7. Regular customers can
have all orders filled and deliver
ed as usual.
No appeal from this verdict
by a higher court. .
. 28-9
A Reminiscence.
In the Corvallis Gazette of
May 7, 1880, we find the follow
ing reference made to E. Wood
ward, the present candidate on
the republican nominating ticket
tor county judge. At a meeting
held by the republican party on
the previous Saturday E. Wood
ward was nominated for state
senator for Benton county, re
ceiving the uuanimous vote of
the convention and was elected
to this office in June following by
a good majority. -In this issue of
the Gazette the following editor
ial comments were made:
"A more fortunate choice for
the party or connty could not
have been made. Mr. Wood
ward is too well known in Ben
ton county to need any extended
notice from our pen. He, came
to this county iu 1865 and has
ever since been a resident. In
1866 he was elected superinten
dent ot common schools in this
The Pltsburg Leader.
No adequate idea of the elo
quence with which Mr. Warde ut
tered his beautiful word-pictures
can be transferred to paper. Those
who heard and saw him will carry
to their graves vivid impressions of
his magnetic manner, his magnifi
cent yoice and his impersonations
that seemed to make noted cre
ations of the Bard of Avon live and
breathe, walk and talk, on the
fcj platform.
animal trap, while I go to Red
lands, California, to spend the
summer with friends. But we
like the winters of Arizona so
well that I think next winter
will fiad us here again.
The weather has been, as it
seems, "made to ord?r." Last
week, when the rest of the coun
try was having such terrible
storms, we had only about three
hours rain on the 12. Al
together, we haven't -had more
than three days rain since Nov
ember. The roads have been so that
the mail carrier has ridden his
wheel every day in delivering the
the mail, with the exception of
two since November.
Largest Enrollment Ever.
The opening ot the summer
term of school out at the college
points to the lact that the large
enrollment re orded in the two
previous terms thi year will still
be in evidence.
For a number of years OAC
has been among the largest col
leges, in point of numbers, west
of the Rocky Mountains and has
supported the largest number of
students throughout the year
when compared with any of Ore
gon's institutions. This excel
lent record has been augmented
by an increased attendance this
On the afternoon ot Tuesday,
before many of the students had
taken cards, there were 508 stu
dents reported as having register
ed by Clerk Crawford. On last
year the same day there was an
enrollment of 445, thus, showing
an increase over the previous
year of 63 students.
This steady increase in num
bers, combined with the high
class work accomplished at the
institution, speaks well for its
From present indications the
enrollment will be greatly in
creased next year. The opening
of the term of school next tall
will probably record a nrich
larger student body than is at
present enrolled.
- a
Th8 Vary Smartest cf ths
It is really a delight to look at thenu
The season's most fetching styles are
shown here in a pleaing variety,
which increases in interest and at
tractiveness every day, hy reason of .
the constant additions which are
arriving from the fashion center.
The modish garments that fashion,
has designed are here, being made '
in the right styles, and last; but not
least, the prices are right.
Our Display is the Talk of the Town.
Don't Fail to See it.
'Additional Local.
-Wood haulers, P.
Evangelist Fred B. Smith, per
haps the greatest "rnen'a evan
gelist' in the world today, attend
ed the meeting at the opera houae
Wednesday evening and met Mr.
Miller, who ia conducting the union
revival meetings He wa? urged
by Mr. Miller to ppak but refused,
saying he was there to "nil up" and
cat an uulift himself. He was on
his way to Salem to epeak tonight
fJenrpe W. Parker, formerly a
resident of this county, but who is
now residing at Hood River, has
been in Corvallis during the past
week attending circuit court. Mr
Parker says that Hood River ia a
mobt nourishing community. This
condition is brought about by the
fruit industry. The little valley ia
cut up in email tracta and when
fruit ia shipped it is most careiuuy
D&cked and inspected. Much of
the fruit goes across the Atlantic
ocean .
Arnold Kine was the victim of a
conspiracy Tuesday night. That
was his birthday, and a surprise
nartv wan nlsnned bv his friends
and successfully carried out, Mr.
King being taken completely oy
The hours passed
pleasantly in a social way, and
dainty refreshments were sarvea.
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Henkle, Mr. and Mrs. James
Flett, Mr. and Mrs. Laie Stuart,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam King, Miss
Minnie Starr, Miss Ella King,
Artie Guy Clark and W. G. Lane.
county and held that office con
tinuously until July, 1872, hav
ing positively refused to be a
condidate for that office any
longer. He was the first teacher
of Philomath College, teaching
the4e one year under its first or
ganization and resigned the posi
tion for one in this city in the
Fall of 1868. In 1869 he and
Mr. Emery Allen formed the
business partnership of Allen &
Woodward. We cannot forbear
aeain mentioning Mr. Wood
ward's connection with the public
schools of this county, and espec
ially hfs untiring work and in
terest in the public schools of
this city, as a director, for the
last ten years giving his time
freely for the good of the rising
generation, and to his efforts
much of the success of our city
schools i" due. The irreproach
able private character of Mr.
Woodward is a fact ot which the
voters will by no means lose sight
of at the coming election and it
makes us enthusiastic to have the
the privilege of supporting so
worthy a candidate for this im
portant office.
Mr. Woodward has an enviable
record in all the public offices he
has ever held, all of which came
to him as the unanimous choice
of the nominating conventions.
After serving one term as county
judge, he was renominated for
the position in 1902 but declined.
Mr. Woodward is now before the
people ot Benton county for the
nomination for county judge at
the coming primary election.
His platform has appeared in this
paper before.
The Early Life and Manhood of
Abraham Lincoln ia soon to start
in serial form in the Gazette.
Here is something of unusual
merit offered. If not now a sub
scriber you hai better get . your
name on tn iist at one voii'il t
Our first shipment of Wool, Mshair, and Wash
Dress Goods has arrlvsd. A!i colors, weights
and weavss, at prises thzi villi tempt all.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard.
Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown,
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes."
New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Li ht Blue,
Green and Navy.
New Whi e Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods.
New Assortment Embroidered Waist Patterns.
New Velvets, Collars and Belts,
RtzWsnilsaiy-wa 'give -5 psreent discount on
all Cash Purchases.
never regret it.
2(5 tf.
Theconcprt given in the collgn !
chajel Wedn-sday Vfium unW '
the auspices of (hp Villfg-Improvement
SocUtv was nn of tiw iii-'t.
from an ariistic inUntljvtin', co ril
ing to repor', that wna eyer tfiven hy
local talent of this city. Tiio mu.h
was a worthy one and it if a pi'y
that it wa8 not better patronized.
Dr. Lowe the well known oculo
optician will bo at Idhtel Corvallis,
April 5 and 6. Have him net yur
eyes for glaf?es.
Lot L. Pearce, of Slem, Oregon,
visited Ccrvallia yesteiday in the
interests ot hia candidmc? for re
publican nomination for the office
of secretary of state. He ia just
closing up hia canvasa of tna state
and senm quite encouraged wito.
the outlook.
Let'a go fishing At Hodes' Gun
Store. Biggest and most complete
line of fishing tackle iu town. AH
kinds of repair work guaranteed.
President Gatch having been ap
pealed to that he might provide a
teacher for tbej scrioa! at Suverton
recommended Alias Mary Jones to
the position and the young lady
departed yesterday for her rie.d of
labor. She was tne successful one
of fifteen applicants.
All tirst-clm-1 cigus and tobacco; whist an 1 pl
rooms. Every customer treated like a prince.
Four deois north of postoffice
For Secretary of State.
I hereby announce to the republicans
of Oregon that I am a candidate for nom
inatioQ for the office of secretary of Btate
at the coming primary, April 20, 1906,
subject to the vote of the party.
28-34 LOT It. PEARCE.
jack tmum
Ind. Pboae 130.
D. C. Hlmmtand.
Patronize Homo Industry.
CAM. Blakeslao.
Outside Orefers Solicited.
All Work Gumranteod.
Leave Arizona.
The Gazette is in receipt of
the following letter from Miss
Nora Sargent, who at the time
of writing was in Pheonix,
Arizona, the letter being dated
March 21:
We leave this week, papa for
Oklahoma in the interest ot his
The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Corvallis postoffice, for the
week ending March 24, 1905:
Mrs. J F Crow, A. L Conger, T D
DUIenbeck, Mrs. Bernice Godly, Martin
Hanson, Mrs. Mary Hall, , J Jones, J
Kerson, Mr. Logan, Mrs. Sue Lewis, L G
McConnell, Miss C M Nixon, Mrs. Mand
SRotfa, John A Rockwood, Mrs. Mary
TevrilL . ' r'.
v : "B. WYJohnsox, P. M.
ornmu urn w
a rr i i t c-C??
iv. it j o :
. . .
For Representative.
I fcersby aincuncu myself a fa. di
late for the republican nomination ?or
the office of representative from Benton
subject to the decision of the voters at
the primaries April 20.
J, H. Edwaeds.
For County Recorder.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the democratic nomination for
the oifije of county recorder, s ibietto
the decision of the voterB at the prim
aries, April 20th. "
17 cf Hariey L. Hall.
Doctors are Puzzled.
The remarkable recovery of Kenneth
Melye., of Vanceboro, Me., i the sub
ject of --jurh interest to the medical fra
ternity and a wide circle ol mends . tie
says of his case: "Owing to severe ia-
flamationoi tne lnroat and congestion ot
the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to
die, when as a last resort, L was induced
to try Dr. Kings New Discovery aud I am
happy to say, it saved rnys .life " Cares ,
the worst Coughs and -olds,' -Bronchitis,
Tonsilitia, Weak Lungs, Hoarsnes3 and
LaGrippe. Guaranteed at. Allen & Wood
ward's, drag store. 50c and. $1.00. . Trial
Jrbbttle free.