i HF C0RVALL1S GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The subscription price of the Gazette .ot several yeara has been, and remains, :2 per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if paid in advance. This paper will be continued anti! all arrearages are pail. HUNTING A SENATOR. The conservative leaders of the democratic party appear to be -greatly parturbed concerning ihe future of their party. Bryan dominated it lor a long time, but Bryanism drove a large number of conservative democrats into the republican camp. Twice dil3:i'i hilths democratic v-column to defeat. Then, by a mighty effort a conservative, -Judge Parker, was chosen to lead the party to victory. But -so thoroughly had it been Bryan ized and so widely discredited, .and so popular was the repub lican nominee, that Mr. Parker went down in one of the most limmiliating defeats ever suffered by the party. Now W. R. Hearst looms large !ln the democratic horizon. Truly he "out Herods Herod". If the party could not endure Bryanism it is not possible that it can sur vive an acute attack of Hearst ism. These disturbed leaders clearly .-.see that neither Bryan nor Hearst can lead the party to -victory two years hence. But vwhocan? They see no democrat "North nor West who may do so, and now they turn to the South. .Judge Parker has told the south ern demacrats that the time has -cone when they must again assume the leadership of the zparty if it is to be saved from utter destruction. Why not? If the halcyon days -of old the South gave the party leaders who led it to victory and it can and should do so now For more than forty years the : South has not given the party a leader, . nor wielded great in- iluence in its councils,., wails the " -Judge. It is true. For long the South rrave the democratic party its C-7 - ;Tnost able leaders; but there came a time when the South had no issue that appealed to her, and her leaders stood before the :nation discredited, dethroned. Instinctively, yet agrainst the finer instinct of her best men, she has followed the democratic party in solid column. For forty years the South has been sitting amid the cold ashes of her dead past. In the mighty progress and development of the nation she has borne small part and reaped comparatively little bene fit. The race problem rests upon her as a fearful incubus Sometime she will solve that to her satisfaction. That done she will possibly pe able to see that 3ier solidarity for the democratic party is, and for many years has been highly detrimental to her progress. When she sees this and divides on party lines as the rest of the country does, she will share in the general prosrress: she will be heard again in tli a niHnndl PfintlM'k mirl ."." -will aeain srive leaders to the political parties of the country- In the meanwhile who shall lead the democratic party in the next national contest? Of the two we believe Bryan a stronger and safer man than Hearst. It soems certain, however, that the conservative democrats of the North cannot be reconciled to the leadership of either. After all it is of no great moment who is .selected to be the democratic r standard bearer. There's little doubt the republican party will present a candidate who will satisfy conservative and patri otic men of all parties and a possibility he will write his name ""Theodore R, ne:." GRAND JURY INVESTIGATES. To convince the people of any -community that they are sliding into perdition by damning them is an uphili proposition. There is little gained by attacking their character or that of their neigh bors. We, who have lived here for many years are the better judges of conditions in Corvallis than any stranger can be, how ever observing the unknown may prove. True religion is, or should be, charitable. If it be not this, then of what worth is it? We compare most favorably with any other town of our size from a moral standpoint, and yet, dur ing the past week or two Rev. Miller, the evangelist, is credit ed with making some very strong accusations against some of our citizens. As a result of these charges the gentleman was sum moned to appear before the grand jury last Monday. What ever occurred at this time is, of course, unknown to us, but if he made the accusations credited him there will likely be some developments ere long, for the seriousness of the charges, if he substantiated them, was such that the grand jury could not overlook them. FOB MUTUAL BENEFIT. A Movement Looking to the Or ganization of a Promotion. Board. The recent visit of the party of excursionists from the state of Washington, headed by Governor Mead, to California, following as it did a similar excursion from Oregon headed by Governor Chamberlain, shows conclusively that the idea of a union ot the Pacific States is nearer a consum mation than many people sup pose. It has been the idea of Mr. Rnfus P. Jennings, chair man of the California Promotion Committee, for some years that an organization for the commer cial and indastrial co-operation of tne six Pacific coast states and the territory of Arizona, formed on the lines of the Californian Promotion Committee, would tend tot brings about broader de velopment of the, coast region, and a wider recognition cointner- ciaiiy ana politically or me wondertul resources of this part of the United btates. What has been accomplished by the California Promotion Com mittee for Ca'-iloruia in the wa of publicity and development can be done even on a broader scale for the entire coast region if the six slates and the territory of Arizona shall join hands in furtherance of this great work. Naturally the first requisite for such a union would be the com plete organization ot each state under the influence of a central organization, which central body would be represented in a body composed of representatives from each of the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada and Utah and the terri tory of Arizo'na. What could bs accomplished by such a combined effort on the part of all the interests involved on the Jfacihc slope is almost beyond conputation. It will mean thegreatest commeicial and industrial power in the whole country; it would mean a politi cal force that would compel recognition at the hands of the congress and of the government dep utiueuts; ic would mean the upbuilding of a Dart of the United State?, the resources of which are beyond the compiehen- sion or those wno have never studied the political economv of the great western slope of the nation. The California Promotion Committee, through its chair man, Mr. Rufus P. Jennings, is preparing lor an active move ment in the direction ot such a combination. The trip of, the Washingtonians, who traversed both the states of Oregon and Caliiornia brings about a feei ng of amitv and commnnitv of interest. The party from Wash- ngion saw California from the northern line clear down to Los Angeles, being entertained at all points of interest iu the state, and when the members returned to their homes thev felt that there was a tie' of kinship between their state and California. It is the fostering of this feeling that is the cbject of the present work n Com - j .of a' mittee aln.j the- line Pacific St tes Unio . Charge to Jury. Tbe instructions of Judge L. T. Harris to the jury in the case of James L. Lewis vs. Spencer Bicknell was of interest as it places a matter of law in a new light. In the minds of many of our citizens not versed in law it has been the presumption that it was criminal for a man to set a gun. Ihis appears to have been a mistaken idea- According to what we were informed, Judge Harris instruct ed the jury to the effect that while a man had no right to set a gun in .the open on his own or any other persons place, he had a right under certain conditions to set one in his house. With out special p-ivilege anyone entering the house would be guilty of trespass. The case referred to occupied the court the greater part of three days. Mr. Lewis was represent ed by Attorneys W. S. McFadden andE. R. Bryson of this city, while the defendant retained Weatherford& Wyatt.of Albany, and J. F. Yates, of this city, to defend him. The case was a suit for damages as the result of a gunshot wound received by Mr. Lewis nearly a year ago when the latter, m the capacity of a real estate agent, was showing a prospective buyer the Bicknell farm. In showing the place Mr, Lewis decided to provide the prospective buyer an interior view of the house and in effect ing an entrance the real estate dealer received a charge of shot from a gopher gun in his leg. WILLIS S. DUttlWAY-: Candidas For Siste Printer At Republican Primary, April 20, 1906 "The State Printer should avoid un necessary expenditures and give a square deal to taxpayers. Political manipulators have no business to engage in exploiting the office and no right to a division of its emoluments. I pledge an economical, business-like administration." Willis S. Duniway. "Mr. Duniway is a brainy man, a broad man, an upright man, a clean man." Salem Statesman. All 1 S i'j. i i y After CLorrns comes Suxshixe. Aftkr Despoxdescy comes Joy. Aftkr Sickness comes Health. After Weakness comes Strength. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is what docs it all. It's a wonder worker for iromett. because it is Nature's remedy, adapted to the needs of twentieth cen tury women. ISTo alcohol, no narcotic, no injuri ous duug. Made of glyceric extracts from roots, therefore their virtues grew in them in Nature's laboratuni, viz: Lady's Slipper root. Black Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh root, and Golden Seal root; extracted, combined, preserved without alcohol, by Doctor Pierce's ouvi peculiar process, and in the most exact proportions to secure the best effects. If in neod of careful, competent advice before beginning treatment, you will re ceive It without charge by writing, and stating your case, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 6C3 Main Street. Buffalo, N. Y. AH letters confidentially received and answers sent in securely sealed envelopes. "I was a ereat sufferer for six years." writes :urs. urn i-otuen. or Ml Bona a Street, Saifinaw. Mich. "I commenced to take your Favorite Prescription and have taken ten bottles in all. Am now regular, after having mis.sed.two jears and suffered with pain in the head and hack. I was so nervous, could not eat or sleep. Now I can thank you tor my recovery." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic Foley's Kidney Cure of the Cah for a Prom - v THE EASTERN VIEV. A Letter From Washiugton, D. C, Which is of Interest, Politi cally is as Follows: National attention is turning to Oregon's political contest, which is to be the advauce guard of the next general election. Tais week Oregon was much discussed. The tariff revision sentiment of the East believe that the "standpatters" are hurt ing the republican party, and where not laboring with this con viction, and using the argumeut "o coerce promise of -onie form ol revision. Delay in enacting railway-rate legislation has been seized upori as another token of s squall. Philippine tariff bills, yet pending, with little promise of becoming law, are also seized upon as another discontent omen in the party. With various arguments prt and con, a real interest is being generated, Oregon, being first, is first in point of interest, chron ologically at least. Party leaders everywhere in the East are ask ing if there is prospect of Oregon turning. They grasp at every thing or an intelligent stamp bearing on this question, republi cans do not veil their uneasiness. They note that a democrat is gov ernor, a democrat maycr of ti e principle city and a democrat has beert appointed senator. If the democrat should be returned to (he seuatt by popular vote, and one or two congressmen of the same fauh were sent on, conster nation would not indicate the feel ing here. In view of these bare possibilities, republican leaders are eager to show wherein Ore gon has eveay thing to gain by keeping in the party ranks of the past. Pains are taken to show how Oregon, with a democratic delegation, would be placed in the ranks of the southern states which can accomplish nothing more in the national legislature than look after lc-cal affairs. '. Have your job printing done at the Gazette office. IMPORTED BLACK STALLION 55233 W 4G0S4 Will mak the season of 10( at Abbot's haru, Corvailip, Oregon. Potacfie was winner ot 1st prize at the St Loiis fair, i6t at American Royal Live Stock Show, at Kansas Ctty; In ternational Live .Stock SI ow, Kam as, and at the Government Show in France, 1904. Terms, $25 to insure. Mares from a distance will be furniched !rirst.class pasture. T. K. FA WCETT, Owner CORVALLIS, OREGON. 2S-53 The Priestly Cravenette Pioeess caunot be used hy any other tat manufacturer m the wor'd. The Mollory Cravenette Hat A Fi2!n-j:rccf Fur Fell Hat Can be worn evtry daj Or it inay he conpidereii a psrt of the raiuy-day otiuit. Bidy and iriunming have been treated iih the re!t-bra;ed P.-iesily Cravenette prrn-efs. Rain will not spot, streak or fade it. Made in all the vw shapes a;d colors ot the famous MALLURY line in both derby and soft styles. Three grades '$$, $3.50 and $i. Sold exclusively by JONATHAN ii Republican Candidate fcr United States Senator. CHAMPION OF STATEMENT ONE. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., candidate before the Republican primaries for the nomi nation of United States Senator in Congress, for the long term commencing March 4, 1907, was born in New Bedford, Mass., February 23, 1855; was a member of the class of 1877 at Harvard University; came to Portland May 16, 1878; was a Republi can member of the Oregon Legislature in the session of 1885 and the extra session of 1886; was one of Oregon's delegates to the Republican National Convention of 1888 and Oregon's member ot the Republican National Committee from 1888 lo 1892, and a delegate to t'ue Republican Natioual Convention of 1892; and was elected aa a Mitchell Republican to the Oregon Legislature in 1896. Mr. Bourne has been more prominently identified with the development of the mineral resources of Oregon than any other man in the state, having expended in the last 20 years over $1,000,000 of his en n money in the acquisition and develop ment of Oregon mines. While Mr. Bourne has had his residence and main office at Portland Bince 1878, he has had another office at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried on the busi ness of his father's estate since 1S89, which makes him familiar with many of the large interests and leading men in the East. These qualifications, in conjunction with his tremendous energy, originality, executive ability and experience in busi ness and political affairs pre-eminently qualify him for making an aole and influ ential Senator for the state of Oregon. Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct power of the people over their government as tar as possible. He was one of the leading spirits in the Initiative and Referendum movement from 1896 until it was approved by the voters at the June election in 1902. In 1904 he was a member of the executive committee of the Direct Primary Nominations League, and holds the same position with the People's Power League at this time. In all these movements he baa been one of the few to guarantee the necessary expenses of preparing and proposing their measures to the people. He says that the choice of United States Senator should be by direct vote of the people, and that the Legislature should be compelled to elect the man the people select. To accomplish this result, he is championing Statement No. 1 of the primary election law as the only method by which public opinion may be crystal lized and made effective upon the Legislature. . In his petition for nomination he says: "If I am uominated and elected I will, daring my term of office, favor: Republican Politics. . ' Amending National Constitution for People's Election of iUffl United States Senators. Publicity Political Campaign Expenses. Kational Control of Corporations in Interstate Commerce. Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good ages Make Good Citizens. Legal Limitation Labor Hours for Safety on Railroads. Parcels Post, Including Rural Delivery. Pare Food Laws. Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defenses, River and Harbor Improvements, Including Columbia and Willamette Rivers, Coos, Yaquina and Other Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Government Canal at Oregon City. Fair Share of Irrigation Fund for Oregon. Loyal Support of Successful Candidates. Rigid Enforcement of Statement One. Roosevelt for Second Elective Term. 1 desire the following statement be printed alter my name on the nominating ballot: I WILL SUPPORT PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S DETERMI NATION THAT JUSTICE BE DONE ALL MEN." mm From old in grain or brussels carpets or chenille curtains, any shape. From 12 inches to 1 1 feet wide, and as long as wanted. First-class workmanship and and -prompt service are guaranteed. I PAY THE FREIGHT Write today for further particulars. A. L FERRSNGTON 320, . 1st St. ALBANY, ORE. 26tf Invaluable for Rheumatism. I have been sutferine for the past few yea i s with a severe attack of tbeumatism and found that Ballard's Snow Liniment was the onlv tbiDg tbat gave satisfac tion and tended to alleviate my peine. March 24, '02, John C. Degnan, Kins man, ilia. Zoo, ooij and $i.uu. Uranam & Wortham. Subscribe for the Gazette. mi'EM 7 0 BOURNE, Jr. Torture by Savages. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the avae tribes in the Philip pines subject their captives, reminds me of the inte se sufferings I endured for tUreemonths from inflammation of the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of CushinK. Me.. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, thiee bottles of which completely cured me." Cures Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Blood dis order fmd Malaria; and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed b3' Allen & Woodward drug sis) s. Price 50c. STEAMER POMONA For Portland and way points, leaves Oorvallis Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 6 a. m. Albany 7 a. m. Fare to Portland, $1.75; round trip $8.00. 103tf H. A. Hoffman, Agt. Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes: "My husband lay sick for three months. The doctors said he had quick consumption. We p recur ed a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and it cured him. That was six years ago and since then we have always kept a bottle in the house. We cannot do without it. For coughs and colds it has no equal: 25c, 50c and $1.00. Graham & Wortham. F0HYSEIB1JEYCUKE Oakos Kltfccyafind Bladder Rlobt . .