Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 20, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XUCkX
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, March 20, 1906.
NO. 23
: i
.Great Woman's Suffrage Leader
Is no More.
'Our leader jast passed on.
Make Oregon's freedom for wo
men the corner-stone on her
monument." Anna H. Shaw.
This was the purport of a tele
gram received from Rochester,
New York, at the Oregon Equal
Suffrage Headquarters at mid
night, March 12. Every true
woman in the world will bow in
sorrow at the passing of the noble
life that has reached its close, but
the record of its lofty aims, and
the yood it accomplished will
continue to live on and grow
through the unencumbered cen
turies yet to come. In Miss An
thony the world recognizes the
great soul, the high purposes, the
inspired devotion which are the
gifts of those chosen to mark
crises in the world's history.
"A great man has fallen in
Israel" will be the unconscious
expression of all who learn of the
death of Miss Susan B. Anthony.
Sublime in faith and matchless in
courage for the principles to
which she devoted her life, civil
ized nations will bow in reverence
at her bier. Womankind in this
and every other enlightened coun
try in the world, owes a debt to
the heroic champion who endured
persecution, privation and life
time toil, tor the recognition and
elevation of those of her sex.
Susan B. Anthony was born in
Adams, Mass., February 15,1829.
Of Quaker ancestry she early
manifested a strict conscientious
ness and independence of thought
characteristic of a sect which de
fied kings for the faith that it ex
pressed. Her rudimentary edu
cation was received at a public
school where her teacher could
not understand why she, or any
other girl, should desire to learn
anything so advanced as long
division and refused to teach her
such mysteries wholly beyond the
comprehension of feminine in
tellect. At the age of fifteen,
Miss Anthony became a teacher
in a private school. Later, as a
student, she entered a girls sem
inary near Philadelphia. In
1837 business reverses over
whelmed her father, and Miss
Anthony again became a teacher.
She continued in the profession
until 1850, when, owing to the
delicate health of her mother, she
assumed the household cares and
and the entire management of the
farm near Rochester.
Her first appearance in public
was in 1849 as secretary of the
Daughters of Temperance. For
her indelicacy in presenting her
self on the platform, she was
bitterly assailed and criticised,
for a half centuty ago any woman
who dared to appear in such a
public position invited scathing
and severe denunciation. In
1853, at a convention of school
teachers, in Rochester, Miss An
thony again excited the indig
nant protests of newspapers, men,
and even women, by her unpre
cedented demand for a right to
speak in public. The tooic of
discussion was, "Why is not the
. profession f teacher as much re
spected as that of lawyer, doctor
orministei? Daring the debate
Miss Anthony arose and address
ed the chair. The chairman
asked in .tones of dissaproval,
"What will the lady have?"
Miss Anthony replied: "I wish
to speak on the question." The
greatest consternation and sur
prise became manifest among the
delegates at this unwomanly and
shameless breach ot custom. A
motion was made that she be per
mitted to speak. Afttr fully
half-hour's debate, in which the
impropriety of a woman speaking
in public was freely and brutally
discussed, the motion carried and
Miss Anthony said: "it seems
to me that you fail to comprehend
the cause of the disrespect of
which you complain. Do you
not see that so Ion? as society
says that woman has not brains
enough to be a lawyer, doctor or
minister, but has plenty to be a
teacher, every man of you who
condescends to teach, tacitly ad
mits before all Israel and the sun
that he has no more brains than
a woman?" Though vilified and
maligned for ' her defiance of the
circumscribed rules for woman's
conduct, the result of Miss An
thony's act was that before the
convention closed two resolutions
were introduced. One recom
mendation that women be given
voice in all deliberations of the
teacher's association, and the
other calling attention to the in
equality of wages for men and
women. The next few years of
Miss Anthony's life were devoted
to work in temperance, anti-
slaverv and woman suffrage
In 1872, after securing the
opinion 01 sued eminent jurists
as Benjamin F. Butler. Tudge
Riddle, and various supreme
court decisions which coincided
that . under the Fourteenth
Amendment women were en
franchised, Miss Anthony regis
tered and cast her vote. For
this she was arrested. The case
of the United States ot America
vs. Susan B. Anthony was unique
and one of the hardest fought
battles in supreme court records.
The train of events which fol-
owed Miss Anthony's voting
were so unusual, dramatic and
significant that the champion of
woman's rights became the cen-
ter of National attention. After
sensational trial before a jury,
Judge Hunt, without leaving the
bench, delivered a written
opinion to the ' enect tnat the
Fourteenth Amendment under
which Miss Anthony claimed the
right to vote, "was a protection,
not to all our rights, but to oiir
rights as citizens only." He
directed the iurv to bring in a
verdict of guilty.. The verdict
was brought accordingly. The
Judge ordered Miss Anthonv to
stand up while he delivered sen
tence which was that she pay an
fine of $100 and cost of prosecu
tion. Miss Anthony in a firm
voice replied: ; "May it please
your Honor, I will never pay! a
unjust penalty. All the stock in
trade I possess is a debt of $10,000
incurred by publishing my paper,
"The Revolution," the sole ob
ject of which was to educate all
women to do precisely as I have
done rebel agaiust your man-
made, unjust, unconstitutional
forms of law which tax, fine im
prison, hang women while deny
ing them the right of representa
tion in the government, and I
will work with might and main
to pay every dollar of that honest
debt, but not a penny shall go to
tms unjust claim. And I shall
earnestly and persistently con
tinue to urge all women to the
practical recognition of the old
Revolutionary maxim 'Resist
ance to tyranny is obedience to
God.'" Miss Anthonv kept her!
word; she never paid the fine.. -4
In 1888 Miss Anthony an'd
Mrs. Elizabeth Cadv StOon isj
sued a call for an Jntferriational
Council of Women "which should
include all departments of wo
men's work. The funds f equir
ed were raised largely5; "through-
Miss Anthony's personal .'effortsf
and the scope of the Council was
enlarged until today ,it reaches
the civilized countries of Europe,
America and Australia.
In 1902 the International
Woman Suffrage Association was
effected with . representatives
present from nine different coun
tries and Miss Anthony was elect
ed as its first President.
It was Miss Anthony, with the
assistance of a few friends, who
secured the passage of the 14th
Amendment to the World's Fair
Bill providing for the appoint
ment of women commissioners,
afterwards known as the Board of I
Lady Manegers. She presented
to Congress a petition signed by
the wives of Supreme Judges,
Senators, Representatives, Army
and Navy officers, which action
resulted in the Congress of Re-
Many Excellent Papers Read
Setting New Thought.
The citizens of the northern
part of the county enjoyed an
interesting and enthusiastic edu
cational rally Saturday. The
parents' meeting embraced the
Wells, Mountain View and Soap
Creek schools. A good repre
sentation came from each district.
The Artisan Assembly of Wells,
kindly allowed the use of .their
commodious hall for the meeting.
The literary program consisted
of recitations by Beatrice Thurs
ton and Bertha Allen, and two
songs by the Wells school, di
alogue and song by Mountain
View school. The regular pro
gram coHsisted of an able address
on : 'Influence of Habit in Mold
ing Citizenship" by Rev. E. T.
Simpson, pastor of the Episcopal
church ot our city. His address
was filled with excellent thoughts.
He emphasized the importance of
parents giving parental attention
to their children on habits of rev
erence tor ' home and parents,
habit of industry and of truth.
T. T. Vincent in speaking on "The
Oldest Primary Suhool in the World," or
the "Home," said parents should teach-
rightful obedience and authority to
teacher and father and mother; should
give heed to politeness and train the
child to knew what life is.
R. N. . Williamson, in discussing
"Agriciltare in Public Schools," said the
state could spend more money in com
mon schools. He found that the state
was spending over $125 for every student
in ourstate institutions, and only $8 per
capita in common schools. Tois being
an agricultural country, why not teach
elements of agriculture? He thought
by eliminating such subject matter in
preseHtative women, the largest
and most influential gathering of
womerfever held in any part ef
the world. 1
Recently Miss Anthonv pre
sented to the Congressional Li
brary her valuable collection of
books which' has been accorded
a special alcove and designated as
the "Susan B. Anthouy Collect
ion" the only one presented by
a woman. ,
To the present generation Miss
Anthony has been a deliverer as
well as a leader. ! . Through her
insistent demand and those of her
co-workers, women's educational
opportunities have been increased;
one by one the legal disabilities
have been removed, industrial
avenues have been opened, and
women have been raised to a
plane of higher respect and dig
nity. Never has she faltered in
her appointed task of recognition
for the equality of her sex.
Never has her voice ceased to de
mand political emancipation for
womankind. Triumphing over
the obstacles of tradition, hewing
out new highways of opportunity,
breaking the chains of legal
jpr'ongs, and establishing indus
trial ireeaom ior won
Sw' hg the humanity
wc Id cetUXie? forwari
trial treedom for women, she
of the
forward on ths
patns tr, progress. s;jLne ignomy,
IreyiliHgT the ridicule of early
e penences mve - . passed into
merciful - "obli: and!
on me scrou or rx ""o
trved theif God vberj
manity, will gleam " jn
I I I t-m T W III TIUTflBWub .-l--w J
tters the namfe of Sli
Anthony. White the healw
her friends and cb-workers . a
1 f
uciuuiuus Willi sorrow,- ana
though Ichabod be written o'er
the banner of the Equal Sugrage
Cause, yet even friends and op
ponents will join in repeating,
"She hath kept the faith, she
has roueht a p-ood fiht. the
j f-
world is better in that she lived."
The standard of equality she
raised will be loyally upheld by
those who in their turn will fol
low her example of patriotism
and justice, and a free woman
will ever remember with .'loving
gratitude her devotion , to human
ity's uplift. The women of Ore
gon who are strivimg to obtain
political recognition will mourn
the loss and inspiration of Miss
text books, it could be aucuessiulty done.
"Co operation of Home and School"
was presented in an interesting manner
by representative V. A. Carter. He
thought our common schools the highes
pinasle of man's. efforts. It was stranne
why thousands of dollars were annually
raised by taxation by our citizens for
kindrei objects, but whenever a few
mills, on the dollar were to be voted
for school privelegei a fight was made
against it. Parents expect more of
teachers than thev do themselves. H-
thonght the mothers of each district
should go iu a body and visit schools.
E. P. Wing read a carefully prepare'!
paper on "The Rural Schools from the
Teacher's Standpoint." He said, "As
long as a teacher can earn more money
in other work, just so long will they
leave the schoolroom. Parents should
insist on more regular attendance and
obedience to teachers."
Supt. Denman gave a talk on "Tne
Average Boy, and his Opportunity."
An excellent dinner was served during
tbe aoon hour. It was enjoyed by all.
Supt. Denman will hold the next
parents meeting at Bellfountain on
April 7, and one at Philoinoth on April
Opportunity for Boys.
We are in receipt of a letter
from Henry McConnell, dated
Salem, Oregon, March -17, 1906,
which follows and is S'-lf ex
Will you kindly give no" ice
through your paper that for the
purpose of selecting an appointee
as Midshipman at the United
States Naval Academy, the Hon.
Binger Hermann will give a com
petitive medal and physical ex
amination, open to all boy.s in'the
first congressional district of
Oregon, between the ages of 15
and 20 years, at the Stae House
in Salem, on Thursday and Fri
dby, March 22d and 23d, 1906,
before a board consisting : of
J. H. Ackerman, Superintendent
of Public Instruction, chairman;
Prof. C. 0. Boyer, Willamette
University; Hon. A. M. Crawford,
Attorney-General; Prof. W. D.
Smith, M. D.; Hon. R. E. Lee
Steiner, M. D.; and Henry Mc
Connell, secretary. -
The subjects of the examina
will be: writing and spelling;
arithmetic; algebra; plane ge
ometry; English" grammar; com
position ' and English literature;
geoirgraphy and American his
tory and civil government. ;
For Representative.
i '"hereby anncunc' myself a candi
date for the .republican nomination for
the office of representative from Benton
suhjjet to the decision of the voters at
the primaries April 20. '
J, II. Edwards.
For County Recorder.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the democratic nomination for
the office f county recorder, subject to
the decision of he voters .at tbe prim
aries, April
17.f Harlby L. Hall.
A Lively Tussel.
With that old enemy of the race, Con
stipation, often ends in Appendicitis.
To avoid all serious trouble with
Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They perfectly
Iregulate these organs, without pain or
fr' XB .uacAuen ""s
A Scientific Mender.
The cures that stand to its credit make
Bncklen's Arnica Salve a scientific wr v
der. It cured E. R. Mnlford, lecturrr
for the PatronB of Husbandary, Waynes
boro, Pa, of a distressing case of Pi 1?.
It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boii-.
Ulcere. Cats, Wounds, Chilblflins au.l
Salt Rheum. Only 25c at Allen v
Woodward tlrng store.
' Tor Tnfanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the -Signature
THKRE TS a rTrT txt tt
Fernaps it's your intended, or maybe a
daughter Either way if the watch is
one I sold it's a good one.
that keep correct time are the kind I deal
. iiv umerence it tne time
piece I sell you is a silver-cased one or a
ie welled cnliiacAil j.
both bear my warrantee. I sell at a low
margin and that increases my sales. Mv
o uulu sausiactorv.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - . . Corvallis
those visiting our store
express their delight and
satisfaction on seeing a
larger and Abetter stock of
FUSNITURE and General
GOODS than they expect
ed. Mors than that, we
SEE TO IT that all custo
mers are satisfied with '
their purchases, whether
great or small.
Here's a Nice Easy
A Specialty
We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever - offered to the public.
This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail.2 j J
If you care to investigate call at my storeany time.
IE. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.!
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc. Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles.
Guns and Bicycles For Rent. First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phone 126, Residence 324.
Has just secured the services of one of the finest me
chanics in the valley, and from now on will be pre
pared to dp all kinds of repair work from a padlock to a
threshing, machine. , Guns, sewing machines and locks
a specialty.
We have just received a complete line of 1906 Base
Ball Goods, also a fine line of Up-to-date Fishing;Tackle.
Flash Lights, Batteries, and Sewing Machine Extras
always on hand.
Hair Invigdrafor
3 And Dandruff Eradlcator
Tradi lark Registirad. 7
Price, - Fifty Cents;
Manufactured by
Vegetable Compound Company
; Corvallis, Oregon ' , 9tf
Rocker only $2.85
We Fix Everything
Trial Solicited. Work Guaranteed.
I r XYI FR New Line of Bicycles.
Mm r. liun. Columbias and Ramblers.