Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, March 16. 1906. NO. 34 i- LIII. V D JICAT10N FOR DR. PIERCE. ion by thi Sjprerae Court of the State Against the Ladies' Home Journal. " tl li tl ci d- Pi fo bi I) tl J t BI O" b n S'Y ci co wi P ie ab- Vi sa ii Si'. in C Rev. Ftese of the First Methodist church, in the presence of about -is guests. The rooms were decorated with flowers. The young couple en tered to the sound of a wedding march played by Frank White. The bride's maid was Miss Edna Strong and the groomsman. Stanley Rav. The bride wore blue crepe de chine and carried calla lillies. After the ceremony , and con gratulations, an elaborate supper was served. The ymom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Strong, while he bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ray. Mr. Hnd - Mrs. Strong went at nce to a cottage that had been furnished, and are now keeping house. They have , the good wishes of many friends. Prohibition Injustice A lenge to Debate. Chal. lict 'law hwn re ilfrx1 in favor of intiffin the Hfi him hroualit th La 'if8 H mi" Journal (pub. by iheCnrti- PuMit.hiri C.) by V.rid ' Diopnmry weau-ai aso- of which Dr. K V. Pirr.ra is presi i he sun was hrounht by Dr. atsainit the Curtis P ihlislung Co , i iri false etatenieii'9 about one of mdard family me-n-.m-a known an '' Fivo-itr Prfx.-iioti-iti. Ill I tv il l ii'i- r of the L-tdies Hl.lie Mr E iward '$K, the 1i f hs Dr. '!" - '- Fvorie Pe .ii . . xiufil alco'soi nml 8 m a'nifiil i"grtbentf. ari l Or. Pier-e the action ali"i!-il t.haf the de r inxii i -uflv piilii-liH. this article imt siif h l-t'.c" tl' i i-laiuat,ry Dr Pierce further i-Uicued that ohol h or ever as coniaineJ iu his ..v.'xi'e Pres;riDioii" that me i-. as a vet?et:ble tiepnr.nion and mei no deleterious ingredients ver; that Mr. B.k'a ntatment, eiinj to uive some of the inured .f said me icine, was wholly and ntelv false liunng the, trial, the President of the WorU's Dispeii- i.-hi Aih oi'itio'i -!a e.l. t'lit Hie i-ntsoDr PiT--e's Fav .rit Pih. n ere xtra-t d iro n ihefollovv- tive root- : Go. Inn S I, Blue i, L-vly'e Slipper B ack Cohosh and Unicorn, bv ropans f pure tslycer ine. Hew B asked how lie knew, as a P' ; Un and ex eriein ed uie-lii-al man. th oe Fnvorite Prescription" was a cu" t r the diseases peculiu- to women, 8u i s amenorhea. dismenoi hea, ame-vet-ion, retro-version, and he stated that he k e that such was the fact because of mis professional ex periwnce and the manv thousands of women whose ills ha I b-en ured by thin "Prescription." The Vice-President being aHke 1 to give hia authorities, read from the standard works, such as the United States Dis pennatory, -The American Dipensator' and manv other standard medical books. Th. rtotir.n nrintpd hv tha Curtis until he should have heard me Punishing Company two months after himself;, but they who have train the libelous statement appeared and I ed themselves to believe that it is nearly two months after the suit had right to confiscate the property beeii begun stated definitely that aualy-1 Qf thousands of their fellowmen sea had been made at their request and that the ''Favorite Prescription" did not contain either alcohol, opium or digi talis. Under the above caption we receivt-d a communication from H. M. Street, said article being d-iad t Alnanv, Oregon, March 12, 1906 With th-se communi eatiors, as with many others, it ts hard for a newspaper man to kuow exactly, what to do. But j one tnu-t deal alike with all so we grant spac" .to Mr. Street's challenge, as follows: To the Public The letter ot Rev. F. E. Biilington, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, repudiating me as "a Christian minister shows how the prohibition movement blinds and hardens the hearts ot its ad vocates. I was billed to speak at his town when he wrote the letter. It seemed to me that honesty and brotherly love should have restrained him from writ ing such letters of repudiation have heard Following is the platform of H M. Cake, of Portland, who is seeking the republican nomina tion for United States senator I believe the public service corporations should be subject to govrmental regulations and con trol. The power of regulation should be vested in the Inter-state Commerce Commission, and should be exercised with due re gard to the respective rights of the people and the corporations. Trusts or combinations of cap ital organized for the purpose of controlling the utilities and nec essities of the country, to the ex clusion of legitimate competition, are contrary to public policy; in derogation to the rights ot the people, and should come under the ban of the law. I believe in preserving the dig nity of our American citizenship and the freedom of the laboring classes of this country, hence, I am opposed to the admission of the Chinese coolie labor of China, and the undesirable classes of continental Europe. The growing commerce of Ore gon demands the deepening of the bar ot the Columbia river, the construction of The Dalles Celilo canal ; the opening Must Protect Salmon. bv majority vote, and reduce them to poverty and pauperism, could not be expected to hesitate in confiscating a fel'ow minister's reputation by a few strokes of the pen, T 1 "1 T 1 1? 4.1 A. f . r . . 1 ji I wniie 1 oeneve mat mi. A. .. . , Belline-tcn is a well meaning " 1, j . 1 man and in every way an earnest Northwest's attitude toward the T. . , 3 , , sa1mnnnshindnstrv. . Officials of christian, yet he has done me a . - . 1 . III KlCdL 1U A AIWV. tee bureau 01 nsnenes aonocvcu - . , . .. , . IZ-Z A -ru- member of the Christian chmch r k : t d from my early youth, but I never ,K c j I "posed as an accredited minister calmmv This same snirit is find-1 P . . i i j M j j j i I have simply claimed to be a min some day develop into a positive . " J . .1 ; v;a r ister of the gospel. work in which the states do not show more interest. This criticism is not based s much upon failure to appropriate funds for propagation, as upon laws which the Federal officials believe very poor gospel Billington and True Wilson are ministers of churches whose creeds, either writteuor unwritten, demand pro hibition. My creed, the Bible, teaches temperance- 1 Their J 4- AM t -- nOxtllkltlAM protection to , T fish. The decreasing number of V.u ' Tr u 7 I salmon caught at the8 hatcheries of ?e g051 1 Preach temperance . m r n c rnair where artihcial propagation is conducted is accepted as proof that the industry will wane to an unimportant business, which is not worthy of maintenance ot hatcheries. Those officials of a more opti mistic turn, hope that the people of Oregon and Washington will improve on their old customs be fore it is too late. If each state would put in torce measures patently affording greater assur ance of the permanency of the salmon industry as one of the most priceless gifts of nature. Men of the East who His Platform. independent lines at this meet ing and every line is', cordialh and earnestly requested to come as a body or send , delegates au thorized to act for their line tor tot purpose of mutual- organization, whether from Benton or adjoin ing counties. R. N. Williamson. Frank Wright arrived in Corval- 1 s. Mondav. for a short visit with friends in his boyhood home. O tate he has been making his ho an in Harney county, Southeastern Ore gon, tie is loosing wen ana eay that fortnnft has favored hlflo . - It is about twelve years smce he de parted from Corvallis. LETTER LIST. The following letters remain uncalled for in the Corvallis postoffice, for the week ending March 10, 1906: Mrs A Armetrone, Bert Davis, Mies Marie Groves, Arthur Hamill, Bill Jack son, C. H. Matheny, Mrs. Lulu Martin, Miss Mae Peterson, Joseph Pettman, F. E. Roth, Wiley E. Young. B. W. Johnson, P. M. In Memoriam. upper Uolumbia; tne improve ment of Coos Bay, Tillamook and Yaquina harbors; the dredg ing of the Willamette and the government ownership of the ocks at Oregon City and Federal appropriations should be made, securing these improvements. A tariff should be maintained for the protection of American industries and American labor. Where, however, the necessity for protection is removed by the development and growth of a particular industry, ' the tariff should be modified to meet the changed conditions. The reclamation of the and lands is one of the pressing needs of the northwest and a condition to its greater development, and the efficiency of the reclamation service should be one of the first cares of the federal government. The federal constitution should be amended to provide for the election of United States senators Pillowed on her Savior's breast, Eva Day is at rest; And Ina smiles, her King to Bee, S3 faithful kind, and true. of the In the beauty of Christ's presence, Joe is Binging songs of praise; Oh, weep not my own dear loved ones, But look forth to brighter -days. A -Friend. SPENCER'S Hair Invigorator And Dandruff Eradlcator THERE IS A GIRL IN THE CASE. Perhaps it's your intended, or maybe a daughter. Either wav if the wntoh is one I sold it's a good one. 1. WATCHES that keep correct time are the kind I deal in. It makes no difference if the time. piece I sell you is a silver-cased one or a iewelled gold-cased chronometer; they both bear my warrantee. I .sell at a low margin and that increases my sales. My goods and prices are both satisfactory. Albert J. Metzger Watchmaker Occidental Building, -" - - Corvallis If E ii Trait lark RegistsrwU Price, - Fifty Cents; 8- 3 m m CP m e S 3 o 5 a m m f Manufaeturtd by The Vegetable Compound Company j Corvallis, Oregon 2 p9tf WILLIS S. DUN I WAY Candldata For Stata Printer At Bepttbllcam Prima rr, April 20, 1906 "The State Printer should avoid un necessary expenditures and give a square by direct vote of, 1JS l am in ravor or me escaDiisn i the office and no ngbt to a division ot its ment Of the parcels post. emoluments. I pledge an economical, I Duniwav. 'Mr.. Duniway is a brainy man, a broad I man. an upright man, a clean man." " Salem Statesman. Eckhardt's Ideals. company. ideals be- The theatrical known as Eckhardt's gan a three nights engagement at the opera house last night, they filled their appointment in a manner which won the praise of all. Mr. Eckhardt has good support, the members consisting of persons of refinement and edu cation, and considerable talent Tonight they present an elabo rate production of the Philoso phical play, 'Because He Ivoved For Representative. I hereby anncunc myself a candi date for the republican nomination for the office of representative from Benton subiect to the decision of the voters at the primaries April 20. J, H. Edwards. For County Recorder. are ministers 01 churches they preach prohibition as their creed demands. They are laboring for redemption by law; I am laboring for redemp tion by grace. The motto of the Christian church used to be: "Where the Bible speaks we speak and where the Bible is silent we are silent on matters of faith and practice." I am faithtul to this' motto and am repudiated for the very fact that I am taithful to it, by those who have repudiated their own motto, and thereby Her," a story pure, ennobling, with a smiles and tears. Saturday night thev will present the beautiful Southern melodrama, 'Virginia.' ' Pleasing specialities will be given each niffht between the acts. The prices are 25, cents. refined and I I hereby announce myself as a candi blendin" ef I ate frtna democratic nomination for reajcf repudiated Jesus Christ himselt what their livers afforded in w Ti S, ? n-n- .t M c H by challenge the Rev. Bilhngton fb rflvaffe nf rivilitinn f&r to PMidy and prove many ardent prayers tnat tne Pacific Northwest will be aroused before the noble salmon ceases to be a general commercial com modity. Strong-Ray. that I have broken the above motto of the Christian church It he can not prove such a charge by a joint discussion has he the right to repudiate me as a minister of the gospel? He is a better speaker than I am and Bean th ggnalawof I everything is on his side save The marriage of Delbert T. and right. Will he accep Strone- to Miss Bessie Rav ec- we cnailange ana meet me in tne carred at the home of the groom "7 rmuauar at 8 o'clock Saturday ereaing. I. . KeTerenUy yonis, Tao ccrsaoay was performed by Eoxsit If. Sxss&r. presentatiTe delegation from all at the Gazette office. GOCARTS Our Spring Line of the Celebrated Hey wood Folding and Reclining Gocarts have arrived. They are of the latest patterns, Jsimple, yet durable in construction. Call and t see them. Prices right. CARPETS. We can furnish you Carpets, Matting or Wall Paper this Spring cheaper than ever before. Visit our Store and be convinced. TRUNKS and TELESCOPES. STOVES and RANGES. HOLLEUBERG & CADY. A Specialty We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most up-to-date eye" glass mounting, ever offered to the publjc. This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on where others absolutely fail. Z If you care to investigate call at my storelany.time. !E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.; 35 and :o -VI Of Interest to 'Phoners. the office f county recorder, subject to the decision of the voters at the prim arias. April SOth. 17 jf Harlbt L. Hall. A Lively Tussel. With that old enemy of the race, Con stipatien, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. Kiopa New Life Pills. They perfectly regulate tnese organs, witnout pain or discomfort. 25c at Allen & Woodward c At a meeting held in Corvallis, druggists. March 10, 1905, of representa- A Scientific Mender. SEEING IS BELDWCVG - - - - -.: " Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and I5e con vinced that it is the best aitd most complete line - ever brought to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, - Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries' Pocket Knives, Razors, Sewing Machine Supplies, etc. Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles. Guns and Bicycles For Rent. First-class Repair Shop. M. M.'LONG, ' Ind. Phone 12S, Rasidane 324. CGRYALLIS, - OREGON. The cures that stand to He credit van k- Bucklen'd Arnica Salve a scientific won der. It cured E. R. Mnlford, lectmvt for the Pat'ons of Hnsbandary, Wavnt boro, Pa-, of a distressing case of PiU It heala the worst Burns, bores, iJoi tives of a number of independ ent farmers lines for mutual benefits, protection, and advance ment ot the interests of all. It seemed to be the general consensus Ot opinion OI tnose pre- TjJcers. Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains ai sent that with the amount of I Sail Rhenm. Only 25c at Allen Knrr inipctp in tnU linA Woodward cruK store. that an organization of this kind was essential to the best interests r1 I of all. WrW I WiliJ-1 The meeting adjourned to meet or Infants and CJuHlren. again at Corvallis March 24, at Tfeg Kind TQU HaY8 AlWaYS BCBght , , . 1 1 one o ciocK p. lu., 101 me pur pose of completing the organiza tion, adoptms . constitution, and election of officers. We much desire to have a xe-1 Have your job ' printing done We Fix Eve ry Trial Solicited. Work Guaranteed. c TYI CH New Line of Bicycles, v W. r. I I Ltn. Columbia and Ramblers. 1GUNHODES Has just secured the services of one, of the finest me chanics in the valley, and from now on will be pre pared to do all kinds of repair work from a padlock to a threshing machine. Guns, sewing machines and locks a specialty. - - We have just received a complete line of 1906 Base Ball Goods, also a fine line of Up-to-date Fishing Tackle Flash Lights, Batteries, and Sewing Machine Extras always 011 hand.