Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 13, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    tj w.-'g,?wg:.-.. smut..... .. ara jhwmww ' a
Kind You Have Alwavs Thought, and which Las been.
"usis for ovei tO years, nas borne the signature of
-.Z? - and fci-,s been made tinder his per-
y y a 0 oviuu Bupct iuiuu duiq iu iiuouvjt
f'CCCC1y(i Allvar-nst nna r r! ocnirn t-ii In 'Ma
li Counterfeits, Imitations arid 'Just-as-good'' are but '
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
: ufants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Jastoria is a harmless substitute' for Castor Oil, Pare
oric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. . It
on tains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
ubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
jolic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
tomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
i'he Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
Bears the
I lie KM You Have Always BougM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
the crwrnun commnv. tt Murray vtrect, ncw torr crrv.
- Comp&.ny 5
There was nothing more to be done
that night, for a glance at my watch
showed me the lateness of the hour,
f As I emerged from the pier I suddenly
. found myself very weary nd very
;. hungry, so I called a cab and was driv
en direct to my rooms. A bath and din-
' nr ft met nn nsrnin. nnd finallv I et-
: tied down with my pipe to arrange the
events of the day.
I Certainly I had progressed.. I- bad
t undoubtedly got on the track of the
fugitives; I had found out all that I
could reasonably have hoped to find
out. And yet my exultation was short
lived. Admitted that -1 was on their
track, how much nearer success had I
i got? I knew that they had sailed for
France, but for what part of France?
They would disembark at Havre. How
I was I, reaching Havre two weeks later,
to discover which direction they had
taken? Suppose they had gone to
Paris, as seemed most probable, how
could I ever hope to find them there?
' Even if I did find them, would I be
In time to checkmate Martigny?
For a time I paused, appalled at the
magnitude of the task that lay before
me In all France to find three people!
. But, after all, it might not be so great
Most probably these women were from
one of the towns Holladay and hi3
wife had visited during their stay in
JPrance. Which towns they were I, of
'course, had no means of knowing, yet
I felt certain that some means of dis
co rer;.: tliem would present Itself.
That utust be uiy work for the morrow.
A half hour passed, and I sat lost in
speculation, watching the blue smoke
curling upward, striving vainly to pen
etrate the mystery. For I was as far
as ever from a solution of it. Who
were these people? What was their
aim? How had they managed to win
Miss Holladay over to their side, to
persuade her to accompany them, to
flee from her friends above all, from
our junior partner? How had they
caused her change of attitude toward
him? Or had they really abducted her?
Was there really danger of foul play;
danger that she would fall a victim as
well as her father? Who was Mar
tigny? And, above all, what was the
plot? What did he hope to gain? What
was he striving for? What was this
great stake for which he risked so
To these questions I could find no
reasonable answer. I was still groping
aimlessly in the dark, and at last in
sheer confusion I put down my pipe,
turned out the light and went to bed.
MR. GRAHAM'S congratulations
next morning quite over
whelmed me.
"I never expected such com
plete and speedy success, Mr. Lester,"
he said warmly. "You've done splen
did work."
I pointed out to him that, after all,
my success was purely the result of ac
cident. Had I been really clever X
should have instantly suspected what
that sudden seizure on the station plat
form meant I should have hurried
back to the scene and followed Mar
tigny as I atm called bim In my
t1itiwj,N t tto hoapttaj oa the dance
uu'Ul tto taf a63M. Instead
Signature of
A Mystery
Of Two
me; i snbuia nave been as far as ever
from a' solution 6f 'the mystery. I
Irembled to think upon what a slender
thread my .victory., hstd hung!
But my chief would not listen. He
declared that a man must be judged by
his achievements !and that he judged
m by mine-; ' '
. "Let us find- out how our friend is,"
I said at last, so the hospital was called
up. t.We were 'informed that the pa
tient was stronger, but would not be
able to leave his bed for two or three
days. v .'. o ' ' .
"The Jourdains may tell him ' of my
call," I said, v' "They'll 'suspect some
thing when I don't return today, yet
they may wait for me a day or two lon
gerthey have my money and one day
Is all I want. . If s just possible that
thcy may keep silent altogether. They
have nothing to gain by speakmg if s
plain that they're not in the conspiracy.
Anyway, tomorrow I'll be out of
Mr. Graham nodded.
"Yea that's plainly the next step.
You must follow them to France but
where In France will you look for
them? I didn't think of that before.
Why, the search is just beginning! I
thought it impossible to accomplish
tvhat you have accomplished, but that
seems easy now beside this new prob
lem." "Yes," I assented. "Still It may not
be so hard as It looks. We must try
to find out where the women have
gone, and I believe Rogers can help us.
My theory Is that they're from one of
the towns which the Holladays visited
when they were abroad, and Mr. Hol
laday must have kept in touch with
his office, more or less, during that
My chief sprang up and seized his
"The very thing!" he cried "There's
no luck about that bit of reasoning,
Mr. Lester. Come, I'll go with you."
"Only," I added as we went down to
gether, "I very much fear that the
search will lead to Paris, for Martigny
Is undoubtedly a Parisian."
"And to find a person In Paris"
I did not answer. I only shut my
teeth together and told myself for the
hundredth time that I must not fall.
Rogers had been carrying on the
routine work of the business since his
employer's death and was supervising
the settlement of accounts and the
thousand and one details which must
be attended to before the business
could be closed up. We found him in
the private office and stated our errand
without delay.
"Yes," he said, "Mr. Holladay kept
in touch with the office, of course. Let
me see What was the date?"
"Let us look for the first six months
of 1876," I suggested.
He got down the file covering that
period and ran through the letters.
"Yes, here they are," he said after a
moment. "In January, he writes from
Nice, where they seem to have re
mained during February and March.
About the middle of April they started
north here's a letter dated Paris,
April 1 and from Paris they went to
a plc ealted Stretat. Tbay remained
than ttMwb Hay. Jaa aa
Zha? U all to tin 0vaa4 r m
ZD fie Of Two I
""NoVl answered, -out I wlsn youa
make an abstract of Mr. Holladay's "
whereabouts daring the whole time he
was abroad and send it to our office
not later than this afternoon."
"Very well, sir," he said, and we
left th room.
"Bat why didn-'tyou let him go far
ther?" asked Mr.. Graham. a ;we. left
the building. . . ,-.. :
"Because I think rve found .the
place," sir," I "answered. "Did you
notice th time they "stayed at Etre
tat covers the period of Miss Holla
day's birth, with which, I'm convinced,
these people were in' some way con
cerned. We must, look up Etretat.?
A. map at the office showed ,us that
it was a little fishing hamlet and sea
side resort on theshore of the English
channel not far north of Havre.
"My theory is," I said, ."that when
the time of her confinement approach
ed Mr. Holladay brought his wife to
Paris to secure the services of an ex
perienced physician perhaps, or per
haps a nurse or linen, or all of them.
That done, they proceeded to Etretat,
which they may have visited before
and knew for a quiet place with a
bracing atmosphere and good climate
just such a place as they would nat
urally desire. Here the daughter , was
born, and here, I am convinced, ' we
shall find the key to the mystery,
though I'm very far from guessing
what that key is. But I have a premo
nition you may smile if you wish
that I'll find the clew I'm seeking at
Etretat. The name has somehow
struck an answering chord in me."
The words, as I recall them now,
seem more than a little, foolish and
A. tnap ahowed us thai ' it1 was" on ' tin
' -shore of the English cnahntt i k
self assured; yet, ... in light of ,tijv -result
well, at any rate, my chief. showed
no disposition to smile, but sat for
some moments in deep thought.
"I don't doubt that you're, jrigh. Mr.
Lester," he said at last VAt; any.ate
I'm ready to trust your experience,
since I have absolutely none In this
kind of work. I don't need to say that
I have every confidence in you. I'll
have a letter of credit prepared at once,
o that you may not' want for money
Shall we say five thousand to start
with?" .
I stammered that I was certain that
would bf more than enough, but he
silenced me with a gesture.
"Yqu'11 find foreign travel more ex
pensive than you think." he said. "It
may be, too, that you'll find that money
will help !you materially with your in
vestigations. I want you to have all
rou may need don't spare it When
pou need more don't hesitate to draw
3h ua."
I thanked him and was alout to take
my leave, for I had some packing to
io and some private business to ar
range, when a message came from Dr.
lenklnson. Mr. Graham smiled as he
read it
"Eoyce is belter," he said; "much
better. He's asking for you, and Jen
klnson seems to think you'd better go
to him, especially If you can bring
food news." -
"Just the thing!" I cried. "I must go
to bid him goodby, In any event" And
half an hour later I was admitted to
our junior's room. He was lying back
in a big chair and seemed pale and
weak, but he flushed up when he saw
me and held out his hand eagerly.
"I couldn't wait any longer, Lester,"
he began. "It seems an age since I've
seen you. I'd have sent for you be
fore this, but4I knew that you were
"Yes," I smiled; T was working."
"Sit down and tell me about It" he
commanded. "All about It every de
tail." 'To Iw (!!iliiiiieit.)
Invaluable for Rheumatism.
I have been suffering for the past few
years with a neve--e attack of rheumatism
aud found that Ballard' Snowr Liniment
waa the odIv thing that ssve fatiffmr
t'l'") mi ' te.xl-d to a! eviatt r-v pxins.
M.i f, i-l, ')!', Jol.n C. Dsnan". Kin
ii) 'in ills. 25t:. ;o au. I 1 iO. Graham
Have your printing done at the
Gazette office. We give you quick
service and save you money.
For Portland and way points, leaves
Corvallis Monday. Wednesday and Fri
day at 6 a. m. Albany 7 a. m. Fare to
Portland, $L75; round trip 13.00.
. H. A. UvrruAM, Agf.
m w
Treating of the
The Martyred President.
Lincoln's Youth and
Early Manhood
His Friend, Intimate and Bodyguard.
This is a great story, historically cor
rect, in which Lincoln's early life is por
trayed most realistically. Lincoln's deso
late birth-place Is described. There is a
chapter on the killing of his father by In
dians. Lincoln's ; mother I is described.
Many of the "martyred" ; president's ex
periences are dwelt upon.
Ititef estr
and History,
Soon to
Is unusually well equipped
to do all kinds of work.
A First-class Job Printer
always kept in the office
and all work guaranteed
to be strictly up-to-date.
ip wis mil T m
Early Life of
Run in the
Work that
particular about
classified aovertislments
p. . -CLASSIFIED ' ADVEBTI8xkxiiT8 :
Fifteen words or leea, 25 eta for. three
eorceeeive ineerUona.o or 60 rta. per
month; for all op to and including ten
additional words. 34 cent a word for each
insertion. J , : . .
For all advertisements over 25 words.
t ct per word for the first insertion, and
H ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
cents. : l-v.-' J ," f '-:'
; Lodge, society and chnrch notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
chrd for." ; .
P. O. box 844 or Ind. 'phone 429.
: Corvallis. Oregon. . . - 23 tf.
. one good Mammnnth Bronse Tom. T.
A. Igsdon, Corvallis, Or. phone 55.
" Mt V ew. 21 tf
L. Henderson, Corvallis. Ore. 20-28
MINORCA EGGS, 75c FoR 15. W.
P. Darhv. 1 irilo south of Inavnle. 17-24
Cfmprt wnlg a ppecifilrv. Wok guar
anteed. . H. Bier & Co., OorvalMs,
Orevon. I2tf
OfPre First National Bank Bni'ding.
Only pet. of abstracts m Bentoi, County
Office in Post Offire Building, Corval
.B, Oregon.
Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at
2.55per year.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
. conservative banking business. ; Loans
mbnpy v on approved security.- Drafts
bought and old ani money ,ransferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Enrope and foreign countries.
Vete r i n a ry S urgeon
A Snow livery barn. Give, him a. call.
Phones, Ind., 328; Residence, 389 or
Bell phone. , j,.:,N12tf
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Honrs : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
i p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad-
, ams Sts. Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis. Oregon.
meats; curbing made to order; elean
. ing and reparingdone neatly: save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St., Frank Yanhoosen, Prop, 92tt
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 480. I4tf
The Best Conffh Syrup.
S. L. Apple, ex Probate Judge, Ottawa
County, Kan., writes : "This is to say
that I have used Ballard's Horehound
Syrup for years and that I do not hesitate
to rei-romend it an th bst cough syrup,.
I bave ever Ubed." 5c, 50c aud $1.00.
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Have your job printing done
at the Gazette office.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
hits been duly appointed by tbe County
Court of the S'.tate "ot Oregi-n, for Ben ton
County, administrator of the estate of Henry
Holroyd, deceased. All persons having claim
against said e&tite are hereby required to
present the same it the offlce of J. V. Yntes.
properly veriLed is by law lequired, at Cor
vallis, oregon, w.tnln six mouths from the
date hereof.
Dated this 13th day of February, 1906.
W. 8. McFadden,
Administrator iof the Estate of Henry Hol
royd, deceased.
Cured Consumption.
Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan.,
writes: "My husband lay sick for three
mnnt.hR. The doctors said he had nniclr
consumption. We precuied a bottle of
Ba lard'H Ho-ehonnd Srnp, and it cured
him Ti't wao.Kx -rs mi nd since
It mi have kI . tnilt- id the
(ruipt- Ur iiini..'! ii. i'. For
i-o ifi-x ti .o il it. n eqiia!. 25c
oili-ai.t $I.U'. tiratiam & WiutJuilii.
Gives Heattta, Vijj r ana Tone.
Herbiae is a boon for sufferers from
aneamia. By its use the blood is quickly
regenerated and the color becomes nor
mal. Tbe dropping strength is revived.
Tbe languor is diminished. Health,,
vigor and tone predominate. New life
and happy- aetiviiv results.. Mrs. Belle
Id. Shriel, MiddlesbarouKii, 111 , writes r
"I have been troubled with liver com
plaint and poor blood," and have found
nothing to benefit me like Berbine. I
hope never to be without it. I bave
wisbed that I had known of it in my
hosband'a life foe. at Qittmt k