Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 09, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Jam?s Law, riowof Philomath,
"was a business : visitor to Gorrallis
. T-1 T7-- ' 1 tf
loan xviger ami wub wmb
Albany visitors Wednesday.
Howard Bush, of Kings Valley,
was a Corvallis visitor Wednesday.
Harry Meier,' of Portland; passed
through Corvallis' Wednesday en -route
to Newport.
Willi S. Danni way, r candidate
'for state printer, was a' Corvallis
'visitor Wednesday."
! Prof: W:W, Bristow; of, Portland,
ras in Corvallis Wednesday, en
Toute to Philomath on business. '
- ' G. W. "Ricbtmyer; and family
arrived Tuesday from western Ne
braska, and occupy the Charles
Everett house on north Main street.
.' United Evangelical church,' San
day morning subject: "The Chriet
Jan's Relation to the State." Sun
day evening subject: "The Joy of
Victory." ' C. T; Hurd, PaBtor.
The Rev. v Albert Loughridge a
.'Missionary from the Telegus will
JSpeak at the Baptist church on
" Mood ay evening at 7:30. Every-
body invited. Usual services on j
Sunday. J
Mrs. Ralph Bielings, accom
panied by her sister. Miss Violet
Herbert, left Wednesday for her
home at Ashland, Oregon, after a
several weeks' visit with relatives
in Corvallis.
Mr. Kester, recently from the Big
Elk country, in Lincoln county, is
havine a butcher shop built near
Jobs Addition. The shop ia to be
located one block west of the resi
'dence of Prof. CoveU. The pro
prietor expects to have meat on the
block within a week.
M. C. Baker and daughter, of
Seattle, visited at the honoe of M-.
and Mrs.1 John Ssnger, this city,
during tbe week. It will be le-
' mem bored that Mrs. Baker, wife
.and mother of the visitors, recently
died at Seattle and was brought to
-Brownsville for interment. The
deceased was a sister of Mrs. Senger.
The latest real estate deals are:
H. A. West and wife to V. E. Caves,
40 a. near Hoskin?, $164; W. S.
Hill to John W. Cooks, SO a. near
Blodgett, $10; A. W. Fischer and
wife to 'Wade Malone north lot
4, blk. 9, Corvallis, $1,750; C. A.
Troxel and wife to Elvira Ingle,;
4 lots blk 13, Avery & Wells add,
Registration is going, on at a
little faetor rate at the clerk's
office, over 1,100 having uigued up.
The voter in signing, states not
only his papty affiliations, but also
his age, the list showing some sign
ers to be well up in the 70'e. Bob
Johnson is now wondering how the
age figures would loom up if the'
bachelor girls and widows had the
rights of the ballot.
The case of "J W. Ingle vs. H.:
H. Horstmnn,'' brought in the
county court during the first of
tbe week was tried before Judge
Wattere. The case related to a
chattel mortgage on a horse, some
potatoes, and other items. Mr.
Horstman was represented by
Attorney E. R. Bryson while Attor
ney E. E. Wilson represented Mr.
Ingle. It was tried before a jury
and that body found in fivor of
Mr. Horstman.
There was a meeting at Hotel
Corvallis Thursday night of the
Central Willamette Medical Asso
ciation, which is made up of tbe
physicians of Bentou, Linn and
Lincoln counties. Among those
in attendance were: " Dr. House
and Dr. Gillespie, of Portland, the
latter cf whom read a paper before
the association. Besides the local
physicians, there were guests from
Albany, Lebanon and BeHefouutain.
and the association wa9 veiy inter
esting. A banquet concluded the
Probably 150 people attended
the "conundrum supper" given
Tuesday night by the VV. H. M. S.
cf the M. E. church. The rooms
were decorated with festoons of
purple and white crepe paper and
many of the guests wore somethiog
to represent the tit'e of a eong,
several appearing in full costume
to carry out tbe idea. The evening
was spent in a social way, besides
which there was an instrumental
duet and encore by Miss Libbie
Rice and Frank White, and a num
ber and encore by the Epworth
Lsague orchestra. Much amuse
ment was occasioned in the dining
room by the conundrum menu,
which was as follows: Mount
Hood Women of Grit A Descen
dant of Noah Woman' Weapon
Lovers Antidote A Giris Name
with an Ad. Boston's Strongnold
Spring Offering A Dead Beat
Printers Horror No Grounds for
Complaint Boston's Overthrow
Nuts Without Shells Impertinence
Tabby's Party A Youne Man's
Sweetheart Lays cf Ancient Rome
" Floyd Lane has ' sold his dray to
Levi Wooster. The deal -was made
The W. F. M; S. of the M. E
church 1 was yery pleasantly enter
tained by Mrs. Kehl, Wednesday
W. H. Miller has moved his
family to Oregon City, where they
will make their home. We - regret
that they have left our community.
Born, -Monday, to Mr. and Mrs.
James McCarty, a daughter. The
parents are new comers in ; this
section, and reside near ; the Sol
King place.
Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Cathey left
yesterday for Douglas county,
tnev being called to the bedside
of a relatiye's wife, who is eer
iously 1 ill. - They '- veil! ' be- absent
about a' week.
A petition was circulated, and
numerously Bigned, Wednesday,
asking the county court to appro-
piate $100 of: county . funds to
John Day, whose family, because of
recent sickness and deaths, is in
destitute circumstances.
Miss Mary McFarland, who has
been spending the winter at Santa
Barbara and Los - Angeles, Caiifor
nia, arrived in Corvallis Wednes
day. She will be the guest for
two weeks of lien ton relatives be
fore departing for her home in Mos
cow, Idaho.
E H. Belknap was in town a few
days during the forepart of the
week interviewing praty leaders in
-. . - , ...
the interests of his candidancy for
nomination by the republicans for
the office of state senator. Mr
Belknap has many warm friends
supporting him.
Next Sunday at the M. E.
church, Rev. T. L. Jones will begin
a protracted meeting, o continue
indefinitely. Rev. Jones is the
well known pioneer preacher, and
has many friends in Coryallis who
are looking forth with pleasure to
the coming seryicr.
Interest in - waluut . culture is
growing. W. S. Tomlinson and
Ben Harris, both residing near
Wells, have planted a number of
trees. Mr. Tomlinson has planted
9 acres and Mr. Harris 5 acres. It
is hoped' that success may attend
this new enterprise.
James Flett and son Tommy, ar
rived home the first of the. week
from a visit, to their Five Rivers
homestead. They went over about
ten days ago for a wagonload of
household effecta. Aside from bad
roads they noticed nothing out of
the usual run of things on their
Corvallis was alive with politi
cians Tuesday. Whether it was
the fine weather that brought them
out, or the natural desire to build
fences in the early spring time, was
not learned. Among those on the
streets were E. H. Belknap and
Edwards of Bellefountain, Marion
Hayden, of Alsea, and Virgil Carter
of Wells.
We are indebted to . Mr. Craig of
theS. P. and O. R. & N. Com
panies for one of the finest creations
in magizine form that ever came to
this or any other office. It is en
titled "The Road of a Thousand
Wonders" and is a series of
wonders, as the name implies, from
cover to cover, we also return
thanks to J. E. Farmer, local
agent of the S. P., for a superb
map of the West.
Another divorce suit was filed at
the clerk's office, Tuesday. The
plaintiff is Mrs. Nettie Carden and
the defendant iiivjrett Uarden. The
complaint states that the couple
were married in Marion - county,
Oct. 28, 1902, and desertion is the
grounds on which suit was brought.
There are no children. This is the
seventh divorce case so far filed U
come up before the circuit court on
the 26th. the largest number in
Benton for many years,
at a tiogle
About the. middle of Wednesday
afternoon the driving horse of R.
L. Taylor took a epin on its own
responsibility. It appears that it
had been tied by the bridle, instead
of a haiter, near what is known as
the Ben Woldt corner and for som
unknown reason broke loose and
struck down thiough the western
part of the city. Eventually it
turned and cams back onto Main
street at the Hotel Corvallis corner.
Here it caused a scattering among
the barbers and others who were
sunning themselves on the pave
ment. The animal, minus its
bridle, but with buggy attached
mounted the walk in acrobatic!
style and for a few seconds there
was something doing. The horse
was stopped up on tbe walk and
submitted quietly to be unhitched.
Aside from a broken bridle and a
sprung axe for the buggy no damage
was done. Mr. Taylor says he can
not understand what caused . the
animal to break loose, as it is un
usually good about standing shitch-
OAC Most Prosperous.
The following bit of inform
ation appeared in the 'Oregonian
Tuesday as the result of an inter
view with Dr. Withyconibe:
Never before in its history has
the Agricultural College at Cor
vallis been doing a better work cal
culated to fit young men for the
work of helping to . bring out the
unlimited resources of the state.
This is the statement made by
Dr. Tames Withy combe, director
of the experi tnentaT station at the
college. Dr.' Withycombe spent
yesterday in the city, and discuss
ed enthusiastically the work of
the Corvallis institution.
"We-have -at .present,' said
he, "an enrollment ' of 700
students,' representing ' practically
every county in the state. The
work seems to be taking a tech
nical form to a large degree, and
at present T there are' 150 young
men taking the mechanical
and electrical engineering course.
In the agncultural course there
are approximately 100 students.
The constituency of the school is
charming, and last year's report
shows that Multnomah is send
ing a larger number of students,
having . 52 . in the engineering
course. This argues well tor tne
state, as it will help in : the. de
velopment, of Oregon's immense
nr I
resources, lne rapid develop
ment of the lumber industry and
the utilizing of the power by
electrical plants creates a demand
for these young men. .
Great progress in the ; agricul
tural features has been ' made,
and interest in this work is stead
ily increasing. In 1899 there
were but two graduates from this
I. .
course, while last year there .were
seven, which mumber may .be
surpassed this year. In fact
there is a larger enrollment of
students in the four-year agricul
tural course than in any state m
the Union in proportion to
"The standard of work in the
entire school is high at this time.
Graduates are admitted as seniors
in such Eastern institutions as
Cornell. The work at Corvallis
is fully abreast ot that in similar
institutions of the J East. The
agricultural students are 17 per
cent of the whole student body,
or 23 per cent of themale portion,
which I regard as being as good a
showing in this department as at
any time in its history, consider
ing changed conditions in tbe
state." '
From Former Home.
Hon. A. J. Johnson or Cor
vallis, " for the past ; six ' years
national bank examiner for the
northwest, has been induded to
stand for the republican nomina
tion for state senator in Benton
county, as he expects to retire
from the arduous work in the
federal service, work that took
him away from home for the
greater part of : the time. Mr.
Johnson is one of the rising and
able young men in the republi
can 1 party. Of fine business
attainments, with a standing in
business-circles second to none,
and of unquestioned integrity,
he-is a splendid type of . repres
entative, and with his experience
in legislation would make Benton
county a'u ideal representative in
the upper house of the Oregon
legislature. His nomination
would be followed by election,
and this in turn bv the best and
most energetic service possible in
the Oregon assembly.
Archie J.Johnson is a native
of Jefferson, Marion county,
where he was born on a farm in
1867. As early as 14 years of
age he became a clerk in a store
at Scio, and later, after taking a
business college course, he again
became active in business in
that city, where he remained for
a number of years, with the ex
ception of a year in Seattle,
where he was engaged in real
estate business. Returning to
Scio, he engaged in merchandis
ing and banking, and while there
was elected to the Oregon legisla
ture as a senator for Linn county
in 1095. He was an active and
influential member of the senate
for four years, and some of the
best laws bear his name as author.
In IQ97 he introduced a bill for
taxing foreign companies, which
ianea 01 passage lor tne reason
that the lower house did not or
ganize. He has been a member
of the county central committee, scrv.u .cio as mayor an
school director, and since he was
appointed in March 1899, to the
position 01 national bank exam
iner 'he has spent'almost his en
tire life on the if o'ad in this work
The appointment came : to him
unsought,' . being J tendered . him
bv the Oregon delegation in con
gress ' without sol ici tation and
greatly . to his surprise. n
Mr Johnson is extensi vely en
cased in farminsr and ! the live
stock industry, -: haivine- on' the
large track he " owns' in Benton
and Polk counties extensive
herds -of Shorthorns and - - Here
ford cattle.' fine sheeb and otiats.
Mr.. Johnson is ". one of 5 the men;
wno by strict attention to .' busi
ness helps in the 1 development of
the state. "He is, an' ardent re-?
publican and as such wiU'ever be
an honor to' his party. Albany,
: Eckhardt's Ideals.
From the Evening Sentinel, "Red
Bluff. Ca!., Feb. 14, 190P:
"Ffgoiatively - speaking" ts appre
ciate the quotation- one must wituess
the production of the "Great Northwest'';
by Eckhardt's Ideals wto repeated their
success of the last night. This was the bill
last night and is a high class melodrama
that pleased the large and. appreciative
audience. The company " is without
doubt the best repertoire company that
has appeared in Bed Bluff for a long
time. The specialties were all first class
and the scenery and costumes way
ahead of the ordinary and were perfect
in every respect The Ideals seem to
thoroughly understand how to produce a
play with a smoothness and1 attention
to detail hardly ever seen with a reper
toire company.
Additional Local.
Carpets at cost at Hollehberg &
Cady. . 18tf
- j . . . j
Mre. Jchn Smith gave an "after
noon" Wednesday to a number of
lady friends. The occasion was
very pleasant for all.
Dry slab wood at Saw Mill, $1.25
per load. 15-23f
V.A. Carter, of Wells, was in
Corvallis, Tuesdav, affiliating with
the "boys. Mr. Cirter is seeking
re-election as representative from
Benton. .
A fine line of spring ' hats on die
play !at' Mrs. J. Maeon'a. 20tf
Marion flayden : returned to bis
Alsea home, Wednesday. He has
been 'considering whether ' or not
he should enter the race for repres
entative from this connty. What
he will' do ia the matter ia not yet
given' out.
'Wanted Wood haulers, P. A.
Kline. .. 2ltf
W. P. L'tfforty was informed bv
a recent Jettr from his yie, who
is now in Mexico C tv, that- hr
health i . improving rapidly arid,
her physician say that when the
stormy weather has passed she may
return to Carviiilis with 8afty.
: James Logan reports having lost
a fine leather cane with a silver top.
Finder liberally rewarded. Loser
resides near Fischer Mills. 22
Charles Fowler, of Hoskins, was
in Corvallia this week on business.
Fanion Tbe black Prcheron
stallion, will be in Corvallis every
Saturday, at Abbott's barn. 22 25
China pheasants cut a figure in
the Longworth-Roosevelt wedding
feast, as the following will prove:
The viands were novel, and in their
disposal upon' the tabic, showed the
historic "art of chefd and caterers.
Among tbe creations of culinary
manufacture were several Chinese
pheasants, with none of the plumage
removed fro'n the upper p.trt, and
these were simply fabrics of cold
pheasant meat, adorned with the
birds back ard head in lifr-lik
School Clerk W. A.' Buchanan,
of this district, is" well along with
the task of taking the census of the
Corvallis schools. The indications
are that this city will be found to
have from 1,010 to 1,020 children of
school agp. This will put district
Nc. 9 on l he list as first-class and
we will be entitled to five school
directors instead of three. Last year
me scnooi census gave us 00 cniia
ren cf school age in the district, so
it will bi Been at once that we are
making substantial gains in popu
lation. The death of Josenh Dav occurred
Tuesday evening of typhoid. Joe
was aged a little more than 17
years. This was the third child
Mr. and Mrs. John Da have lo3t
by typhoid fever in less than two
weeks. Nothing eadder has occurr
ed in our city in years and the
bereaved parents haye the sym
pahy of all. The remains of Joe
were buried from the Christian
church yesterday afternoon. The
service3 were conducted by Rev.
Feese and interment was in Crystal
Lke cemetery.
Save Your Nerves.
What's the use of anything? Nothing when your "feet ache!
and yod ar irritable and all fagged out from the tortures
of ill-fUtihgf shoes. At such a ; time "remember 'Queen
Quality" the' shoe that has made life worth' living for
thousands who have been' distressed like you. And besides
there is a bond of sympathy between its prices and yOur purse.
$3.50 $3.00
the pair.
ii WOOL and WASH
& ..:
Our first shIpmentof Wso!f Mohair, and 4VVash
Dress Goods has arrived. Ail colors, weights
and weaves, at prices that will tsmpt all.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checksat 25c per yard.
Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown,
Green, Navy Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes.
New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Light Blue,
Green and Navy. ;
New White Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods.
New Assortment Embroidered Waist Patterns.
New Velvets, Collars and Belts.
- ' V. j - "' ;
Remimlisr, we give 5j per cant discount on
all Cash Purchases.
All first-claas cigtrsjand tobacco; whtefc and pool rooms. Every ciistofiier '
treated like
I n. O.
tilomtand. Cham. Blaktmimm.
Patrorilzo Homo Industry
Outside Orders Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
"If I can see your
Shoes and Hat I can
tell you what kind
of a man you are."
We have the Correct Styles in
Shoes and Hats. They will bear
: inspection. Try them.
Corvallis' only exclusive
' Men's Furnishing store.
- . , Opposite Postoffice,
. m m
a prince. , .
Four dois north of postoffice
ind. f hone 130.
S Trade Marks
Copyrights &c
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly conndentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest aeency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
tpeeiol notice, without charge, in the
Scientific Hmericatt
eolation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
ear; tout montus. ouiu uyuu newaucaiciB.
milNM Oo.36-08 Hew York
Doctors are Puzzled.
The remarkable recovery of Kenneth
Melve., of Vanceboro, Me., is the sub
ject of much interest to the medical fra
ternity and a wide circle of friendg. " He
says of his case : ' "Owing to severe ia
flamation of the Throat and congestion of
the Langs, three doctors gave me up to
die, when as a last resort, was induced
to try Dr. Kings New Discovery and I am
happy to say, it saved ray life." Cores
the worst Conghs and Colds, Bronchitis,
Tonsilitis, Weak Lungs, Hoarsnesi and
LaGrippe. Guaranteed at Allen & Wood
ward's drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottle free.