Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 09, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
The subscription price of the Gazette
lor several years has been, and remains,
? per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if
paid in - advance. This paper will be
continued until all arrearages are pail.
"In setting Portland apart as
the central point of the general
agency of the Northwest - and
making it entirely separate from
the San Francisco office," said? weeks f Kat tvs.ihai rrW
General Agent R.1 W Holder, of
the Chicago North-Western, who
has just ; arrived and taken
charge of the Portland office,
vice W. A. Cox, who has accept
ed the general agency of the
Western Maryland road, "The
Chicago North-Western Company
recognizes that the Pacific North
west has outgrown the point of
being subsidiary upon the field of
which San Francisco has here
tofore been the official center.
"The Chicago North-Western,
as do all of the other big railroad
companies fully realize the great
importance of the Northwest
field, that it has a wonderlul
future in prospect, and that the
competition in service is becom
ing more pronounced every day.
Ail the Eastern roads seem to
have taken up with the idea o:
encouraging toarist travel to visi
the Northwest, and are sending
out thousands of dollars' wort
of literature every month, setting
forth the scenic, climatic and
other natural advantages and at
tractions along their respective
lines, with this object in view."
There are indications of greater
activity than ever in developing
the great territory of the North
west. It is noticeable that every
endeavor is made to induce cap
ital to come from abroad for in
vestment. This is all right and
there is neither reason nor sense
in railing against this mode o:
1 ,
procedure. still, one cannot
avoid wondering in many in
stances why it is that local cap
ital is so wary in the matter of
investment in our home-state de
velopment. A little more self
help, gentlemen, and things wil
move still livelier. As the above
quotation indicates, Portland is
growing and the entire country
is developing, but it is mostly
because outside capital is begin
ning to look this way.
same, and as warm as any Febrn
ary since 1898. The mean for
the past 36 years is 41.3, making
last month 3.7 degrees above
The total precipitation for the
month was 6.76 inches, which
is nearly an inch above the
average, wind to the amount
of 4887 miles- - passed
city in" February in a generally
A. 1 J" TT
easterly airecuon. Lae.' average i
- j . - . - - - . 1
ffwind was 7.3 miles, per hour.
The1 river had1- toanv; ffiicttia-
tions, generally 'falling V until
tne I4tn,,-wben it reached its.
lowest, r 1 .9 feet. in the two
feet, and ended lat-" 10.3 onuthe
tupelo saso:;i::s.
Experiments Designed to List
-" - Another Southern Wood.
of late
Several causes have
brought tupelo into more promi
nence than it formerly enjoved.
- - - 1 . r , - ... . . . .
neea ei utilizing ail possiojie
species, "which is introducing
upon ' the' market various trees
which had no standing so long
as the better icnown kinds were
freely ' obtainable. A "second
cause is that the tree is found in
good quantity j in 1 mixture " with
cypress, which is now receiving
so much attention from lumber
men, and the costs ' of lumberirig
cypress are so heavy that if tupelo
could be lumbered with it at
The'largest, audience eVer as- P"-1 this would mean so mucin
sembled in college, chapel. CTeet- added retuia to the holder of
ed the v'rval -"iT-nsinimf- T if, cypress stumpage. The - excel-
" WlAAV-iXW Cfc W J. IO l , - - , -
rpr-i-tal WOIln0o ,ri .xt ience or me wooa 01 tupelo is
w vuiivkiua v 1 1 1 1 1 w v 1 . . -
Successful Recital.
t - " A C A " . -
Viio-Vio (.nmnNmf , 1, r . uio in 11s iavor, duc nunerto tnis
higher compliment could be paid has h.en nflfr L -thtM ih
-ITT- Jl T-
vve condemn xtussia ior ner
anarchists. All right but what
about Idaho and the bomb fiends
operating there? For anyone in
any way connected with the case
bearing on the matter of justice
as regards the matter of killing
ex-Governor Steunenberg death
may be in store for them. For
interference in behalf of law and
order many years ago, Steunen
berg was, perhaps unknown to
himself, walking ever since in
the shadow of death.
And this is free America!1
Without any quibble one can but
say the sooner men capable of
the crime of bomb-throwing and
setting are utilized as hemp
stretc'iers the better off will be
civilization. They are as mad
j 1 ? -l
uo.s among tne numan race.
to a teacher and pupils than was encountered
B"cu,w iArs- reen ana ner lumber difficulties which have
Class tnat night. not been whollv overcome Tn
The perfect order and almost th:s respect tupelo is much like
breathless attention from the rec gum, now a leading .wood,
splendid audience was an insDir- which found a readv market
ation to the singers. F,1pvpti ony recently, alter special study
numbers were iriven: each one had shown that right methods of
perfectly rendered. Savpw. I of Qan.a"Dg oDviated certain delects
the cino-ore n j lupelo received its scientific
v uiusXd vv C A CLdUCU iL 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r -.t
tl . ,, , - ..
waici gum. Decause nr it
Ihe violin playing of Mr. Leo ability to thrive in wet situation?.
0 . ruensiem was nne and most Like cypress, it is proof against
ueartny appreciated, rle showed Hoods which would kill other
excellent taste, and brought a species, and its distribution coin-
remarkably sympathetic tone cides veiy largely with that of
from his instrument.
Ihe efficient work of the ush
ers, Messrs. Knapp, Ingle and
Watts, merited favorable notice
Programs were distributed by
Misses Vena Rickard and Grace
cypress. The best grades of the
wood are very similar to that of
yellow popular: they have a
fine, uniform texture, are soit
and workable, and will take stain
well. Such qualities signify a
' usefulness which must lend the
wnnn Inrrpocpi tnirlrof ..1 i C
mi - . 1 ' - wu.v uimixvL vaiuc 11
ne new piano used Dy Mrs. its tendencv tn warn tnrict nnA
. . I J uigw
ureen m ner music room was "stick rot" during seasoning can
luimaiicu uy mr. vv. u. lNiseiy, Be controlled. Up to th
of Portland, was moved to the present, however, the
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
DUU yds. Cambric Embroidery, at ;5c .a. yd
feomeTWorth 15c.
25UU yds. English Tprchori Laces, at 5c a yd
oome worth4 15c.
1500- y'ds. all- silk -Taffeta Eibbons-at 12c
a yd. feoiiiie worth 25c. .
None sold at; these very low
prices before Monday, March 12.
corvallis, - - Oregon.
chapel, and added much to
success of the recital.
Miss Bertha Coon will teach the school
at A.uxilliary this spring.
The 14-year old boy of Mr. Oakes. who
has been successfully treated for appen
dicitis at a hospital in Portland, is ex
pected to return home in a few days.
George Hall is shearing his goats, they
r a i -
menis 01 . tupeiQ in seasoning
have been but little studied by
me manutacturers. it has not
received the degree of attention
which is due to the wood of such
When lumber is piled for dry
ing, niucn depends upon. the
separation of , the lavers Or
tovallbw theyair rto
circulate. - This" " is secured bv
inserting cross-sticks, -'which'
keep-the boards ' from ' tduchijie
one another. Manv - woods iriav
are yieldinsr heavv fleeces of onnA nnalifv
of Mohair, besidt-s having cleared about be Ped with but liitle care and
50acrestn the last two veais of ok ' y-" QY .'-Strstlglit and sound, bn
grub growth. ; tupelo must be piled evenly 'acd
'- Tne l UckBmiths are doing some sub so ai to secure straight-laid
stantial jobs remoieling some old hacks boards, eyCn at the COSt of - more
while there is
other work.
the usual winter lull in
time and pains.
practice to "use
it is a common
for cross-sticks
rhe health of the community seems to wood which has' been irregularly
be perfectly normal since the splendid sawed, so that the boards are not
rams ot tne last two weeks. held flat in the bourses: T,ihM
miss Jocie tfen ham, who has been laid will not dry well ' with this' treat?
up for the -last month with a broken ment. Furthermore tV.
cross-sticks rest on the boards,
tupelo is inclined to rot or stain,
and before air drying can be
brought to practical success ' this
difficulty must be overcome.
Kiln drying is, of course com
monly used by manutacturers
of cypress lumber, but tupelo
I needs a ditterent treatment in
kiln drying from the given
cypress, and cypress manufac-
Hirers, sure of a market for their
cypres? and with their kilns con
February Weather.
1 ne vcr
host early m
.its had in
slightest tiuch of
the morning of Feb-
tne worst the ele
store for Portland
he month just past. On
lay toe thermometer regis-
Ibr a very short time
reaching a uiaxiuin of 51 before
The greatest
-? -.1
limb, expects soon to be able to walk on
bath feet again . .
Miss Dora WatKine, whose health lias
not been good for some time, teems to re
cover quite slowly.
fThe voters here are getting anxious to
ign petitions for candidates for nomina
tions. Perhaps the reason for- the scarci
ty of petitions is owing to the modesty o
the aspirants. However, there is some
time to go on yet and not so much de
pending on the start as the finish.
Ihe last few days the roads are gettine
dry and hard, grass and crops are making
- t . 1 . - .1 i . 1 .
annegrowtn, gardens are being worked .uuy raonoponzea cv ir, nave
and orchards pruned, sprayed and plow, httle inducement to experiment
ed ani the farmers a9 well as their stock with the less understood tupelo,
are in go-xi heart anil nope. Nevertheless. altered k-iln-
The Indies' Aid, true to their convict-1 drying methods will doubtless be
expect to celebrate Easter Sunday used for tupelo in due time.
appropriate manner nentting the Tn the pfiFnrr to imnrn WT,
the air drviDff and kiln drvina
1Q9 iU- qarteny coherence for the of tUDe o. the Forest SptviVp i
cnarge win be held here on the evnimpntinry tn
lumber mav best be handled
There can be little doubt that the
results will add another, tree to
the list of southern species which
scientific treatment has nlaced
within the class of popular
market woods
in an
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be- con
vinced that it is the best and most 'complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishin Tackle
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors'
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc. Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale!
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles.
Guns and Bisycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop.
. M. M. LONG,
Ind. Phon 128, Residence 324.
er, of Chicago, 111..' as follows: 1
"Dr. Withycombe, so the latest
news discloses, is out for the nom
ination for governor of Oregon.
rom the head of the Oregon
Agricultural College to the gub
ernatorial chair should be no
great stretch for so good a man
as Dr. Withycombe, who has
more friends among the ruralists
arid stockmen of Oregon than any
man in the state. It would be
refreshing to see a man of so
much heart and brain and good
horse sense in the executive chair
of that grand state. We hail
with pleasure the bare suggestion
that he may be made governor of
Oregon and hope that every one
of our Oregon subscribers will
come up smiling and vote for him
both at the primaries and the
final election.
' Commenting further on the
Doctor's candidacy, this paper
Dr. James Withycombe for
governor of Oregon. We second
the motion and would like to see
the election made unanimous. If
Oregon ever gets as good a man
as Dr. Withycombe for governor,
every farmer and . stockman in
the state will be entitled to fel
Monroe charge will be
3rd Saturday and Sunday of thia month,
Dr. are. P. E., will be present to hold
the session
For County Recorder.
i hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the democratic nomination for
the office of county recorder, subject 10
the decision of the voters at the prim
aries, April 20th.
17 Harley L. Hall.
A Scientific Moader.
temperature was from 31 on the
3rd to 59 on the 17th. The great
est range on any one day was also
on February when the ther
mometer cha.ted 20 degrees.
The average el . v vs only 10
degrees. The mean temper
ature for the month was 45.
There were nine entirely clear
days, or nearly one-third of the
mnntli T?rriiarw woe n?rin
thismnntri than anvPprmrvcJn F oe.'!'. Cuts- Wounds, Chilblains and
j 1 t-a'l "Kh
Comment Abroad.
1902,wheu the mean was the- Woodward crug store.
When a man has so many
friends as may be counted for
Dr. James Withycombe, who is
seeking nomination of the re-
The cures that stand tn its i;f ,i- F" "J i abate IOr
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve a scientific won- the Office of governor, it is a
der. It cared E. R. Mnlford, lecturer mattpr nf rvridp fr lexm fliof
for the Patrons of Husbandarv, Wavnes-
boro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles, abilityjhas commanded more than
It he-Is the worst Burns, Sores. Boils. Wal famo Aw t Ut.
ounds, Chilblains and , ""
Only 25c at Allen & comment on his candidacy is that
' wilij!
Additional Local.
The services Sunday at the First
Methodist church will have a bear
ing toward the special Evangelistic
services which began yesterday
evening, conducted by the Rev. T.
L. Jones. The morning subject by
the pastor is "The Source and Ex
perience of. True Comfort." The
evening eubjVct, "Enlarging our
Tenting Place.". Special Evange
listic services will be conducted at
this hour. In addition to the regu
lar Epworth League service a prayer
and praise service for. the older
people will be conducted in the
basement by J. B. Goodman. ;
It has been many long days since
a finer window was conceived than
is now th attraction at J. M. Nolan
& Son's. It : draws' attention to a
ribbon sale of this firm and is typi
fied bva large sailboat madeentin lv
of ribbonp. Th is of rib
bons and if this does not convey tbe
;j -. . . '
iaea or i riDOon sale we do not know In v : . j j 1. . v aiw.u. .11 u i.uci .nil if. . ii'ui
' perty, issued oat of the Circuit Co urt of the btkte
Or 4KM Kw'th. fnnl. .f Uan.nm .Ka 1
o;said Uourt nd beannr date of Fe(rrv 14th,
lautt, VLptm a, judgment duly rendered by feid Court
on the asth day of Norember, 1906, in an action in
which Laura Burr was plaintiff and Agnes C alcEl-
rojr ra u. acuroy were defendants." said judg
ment was tendered in favor of said plaintiff
and . against the said defendants, for the
sum of five hundred thirtv and titty One-hun-dredths
dollars, with interest thereon at the
rate of S per cent, per annum from .said 25th day of
November, 1W5, and the further sum of M attor
ney tees, aud-the further sum of $15.00 costo and
disbnrsemeuta; and for the sale of the real property
hereinafter described, attached in said action; and
which judipnent was duly docketed in said Court on
the 25th day of November, 1905, and which said ex
ecution issued thereon is to me directed" and deliv
ered and commands me' to 'satisfy the said above
sums of money due thereon by the sale of the real
property heretofore duly attached iu said action,
and described as follows, to-wit:
Bftginuingat a point 18.35 chslnsSrest of ihe
Northeast corner of claim No. fll, tp. U, 8. K 5.
W., run thenoe West . 74-chain,; thence South 40
chains; thence East 9.74 chains; thence North 40
chains to beginning", -containing 40 acres; also be
ginning at the Northwest corner of claim No 67.
tp. 14, Soath Bange 6 West,' tbenee East 40 chains
thence South 40 chains; thence West 40 chains;
thence North - 40 chains to beginning, containing
160 acres: Also beginning at Southwest corner of
claim No. 44, township 15, South Range 6 West,
run thence North 40 chains; thence East 40 chains;
thence South 40 chains; thence' West 4O chains to
beginnimr, containing ltJO acr&s; also beginning at
the Northeast corner of O. W. Kisors claim run
thenoe West to Bast line of K. Belknap claim,
thence Sooth to North' East corner George Belknap's
claim, thence East to West line of Laban Sanders
one fourth section line, thence North to beginning,
section 82, township 14, South Range 6 West, con
taining 74 acres. Also beginning at one-fourth sec
tion post on 8ectioa line between sections 31 and Si,
township 14, South Range b West, thence East 11.95
chains; thence North 20 chains; thence West 17. U6
chains; thence South 20 chains, to oeginning, con
taining S7 acres. Also lota 1, 2, 3 and 4, and North
West quarter ot South West quarter of section 82,
township 14, South Kange 5 W est, containing 57. 7
seres; also lots 7, 24, 25 and 26, in Well's and McEl
roys addition to the City of Corvallis, all the abo.-e
and foregoing described real property being and
ij iug in Ueiiton County, State ot Oregon.
And on Wednesdav the 9lKtVUv nf Mri icon .t
the hour of two o'clock P. M. of said day at the trout
door of the Court House, in the City ot Corvallis, in
Benton Countv. State of Oreynn I will nfFor fat- ei
and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all the riirht. title, inform t. tnin
and estate of the said defendants Agnes C. McElrcy
and J. C McElroy, in and to the said above describ
ed real property, to satisfy said sums due on
said judgment, costs and accruinir costs. .
Sheriff of Benton fYiimtv Ihamn
February 1!: th, 190(5.
Tortnretoy Savaees.
"Speaking of the torture to Hrhieh
some of the savage tribes in the PhiliD-
pines subiect their caotives. rRminH m
of the inte se sufferings I endured for
threemonths from iutiammation of the
Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of
Cushinn, Me., "Nothing helped me until
I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of
which completely cured m." On ma
Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Blood dis
orders and Malaria : and restores k the
weak and nervous to robust health.
Guaranteed by Allen & Woodward drug
gists. Price 50c.
Motice to Creditors.
Notice IE tercVv ffivpn IVta r, 1
has been rcy appointed by the County
Court of tl;e r.tate ni fir, n d..i,.
County, administrator of tbe tstate of Henry
Holroyd, decease d. All persons having claims
against eaid ef-t.Ue are herphv Tir.niri t
present the same it the oflice -of J. IV 'Yates
properly verified ts by law lequired, at Cor
vallis. nreeon. within six tnnmh. rrm
date hereof:
Dated this 13th day of February. 1906.
j i . . . w-s- McFadden,
Administrator Lof the KsrIp of Hn ni
royd, deceased.
Cured Consumption.
Mrs. B. W. Evans, riearvrpter, Kan.,
rites: "My husband lnv pi. k for thipe
mdnttis. The doctors said he h Hii nnii-lr
nnsuniption. We brei-nVel ' rf Iwtttlri nf
Ba' lard's Horehound Syrtip, and it cured
llilll That Was Six VPrH nan n4 cina
then we have always kept a bottle in 'the
nonse. vve cannot do witluint. it. Vnr
ouifhs and colds it has n euual. 2fir.
50c acd 11.00. Graham & Wortham.
iimitip." At 6 o'clock Subdav
deriM.'.M ih're wiM b" a meHing
or rn-n. only." Sii' i-cf. "Three
what would. Cecil Cathey is the Man ' 8
artist and shipbuilder. I
. , i rge aeiegation will go from
1 uesday afternoon the boys about OAC and town to Albanv: tht
town went out to the track south of evening to attend the state orator -this
city and had a number of horse ical contest. John Withvmmh
races, my were all auarter-mile
dashes. The main race of Ihe dv
was between the horses of Gene
Tortora, P. A. Kline and an Alsta
horse in care of Vidito Bros. Th
fortora horse proved the fleeter of
the tb ree. Several other rao.a
were made. We are told that
next Sunday arternoon there is to
be some more racing.
Jiupt. Uenman has a meetinn
scheduled for the parents' teachers
school officers and pupils Saturday,
Marcn 17. WVlls is ihe place of
mpf-tiotr ATul Artipan hall will Be
Utilized for the purpose. A fine
program b is hfeti arranged for it
is of a musiaal and literary nature
loere is to be a basket dinner and pains takpn to insure the
children an enjoyable time. St.
Patrick's day is to bt) made mem
reprfPr-nts OAC aubietct,
v oice or i , i o
The Indian nvr lilrnl rn,ir iti 1..
wanted his squaw to get well as soon as
possible so that she could do the work
ana let him
hunt, therefore
he dug papoose
root for her. for
that was their
freat remedy for
e m a 1 e weak
nesses. Dr. Pierce uses
the same root
called Blue Co
hosh in his" Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion" skillfully
combined with
other agents
that make it
more effective
and protect tho
stomach from
Willis S. Duniwav visited Corval
lis during tbe last day cr two in his
catjdio'acy fjr nomination for the
office of state printer on the republi
can ticket. Mr. Duniwav isacana
ble and genial fellow and has many
warm personal m Benton.
from the American Sheep Breed-
For Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of tfS55lSS
Last evening after we had gone
to press the greatest game of basket
bail of tbe season was scheduled to
occur in the Armory The Chicago
Meteors vs. UAU. The Meteors de
i" A. I TTt TIT 1
leaieu xiiUgene Wednesday evening
07 a score or 6) to 22. v
J he new basement rooms of the
M. E. church WPre fnrmnllw nroaarA
. .. ..J
ea to tbe ladies of the congregation
lueeaay nigut. The presentation
speech was made by Judge Wat
tere, chairman of the building com
mittee, and the response was by
Mrs. Ada Farmer, president of the
L. A. S., to whom the basement
keys were presented.
Rev. Frank A. Miller, the eineine
evangelist, announces that . there
will be a n-eeting in the Congrega
tion church at 3 o'clock this after
noon lor riadiP8 oniy." Subiect.
"Three Great Quulios TuucLirg
functional distnrhanra.
Dk. I'ierce's Favorite Pbesceiptton
is not nor ever was a "patent medicine "
but it is the carefully wrought out and
thoroughly tested real nrestirintirm. nf a
real physician in a real practice.
Dr. Pierce's unparalleled success with
this remedy was such that more wanted
to use it than any one doctor could attend
to in a nrivat.p. nrsmtfoo. fiia ir,inj
him to manufacture it on a sufficiently
liberal scale to meet the demand.
XjV his OVVn Rnoninl nPAiaacac 1,A Aw
tracts, combines and preserves the medi
cinal qualities of the several ingredients
Without the USfi Of alfnhnl frisino- hnm.
ically pure glycerine instead), thus ren
uerins it absolutely safn fnr
of any azo and in anv condtt.inn tn no
freely. The names of the inifpoHionto o.
Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root.
Unicorn root. Blnn fYhnsh t ,nj
Golden Seal root.
Miss Mav Rohrhack". Nn. 7.1 Amotoc
Avenue, New York City. Treasurer of thn
Woman's Progressive Union, writes :
"1 had headache, backache, and wat nr
nervous: scartrelv able tn si
two hours at a time. I was advised to try
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and -was
delighted with the result. Within a week I
was sleeping splendidly. Continued using
the Favorite Prescription for eight weeks,
and then Rtnnned. fnr T wa 7;
Ever since then your medicine has been my
i .uiiM! jrrescrjuuon,- too. 1 recommend
It to every one" ,
Constipation althoueh a litt.W ill ..
fnts b,g 5Pes if neglected. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets cure constination.