Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 02, 1906, Image 1

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    Vol. XTJTT.
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, Iarch 2, 1906.
No. so
Suggestions on Life in India by
M. C. Sin ha.
The educational policy
nation should be to aim
of the
at en-
lightening and not encumbering
the intellect, illumine and not
chill the fancy, elevate and not
debase the soul, strengthen in
stead of enervating the body,
enriching instead of sapping the
manhood let the national uni
versity no longer cut off. an In
dian from his traditions by deny
ing him a country and thereby
debasing his soul and suppressing
his ambitions for freedom and as
pirations for glory.
To remedy the modern devot
ional system of education let the
people lake control of educi tion
in their own hands and though
we cannot withdraw in a mass
all srtiool-going children from
goverenment schools, ver we
ca:i transfer the existing private
schools and colleges to a national
university that will teich the
Indian child to glorv in his own
country, to serve her best interests
and shed his blood in defense ol
her honor, and in defense of pri
vate and public rights To sub
stitute a nationalizing for a de
nationalizing system rests with
us and not a British legislature,
and, therefore let us do it as Po
land and Hungary did and Ire
land does now.
A very important function of a
university is the promotion of
the unity ot the intellectual life.
At the present time the tendency
is to break with all the past; we
desire to make everything new;
we are in peril ot being succumb
ed to foreign influences and lose
our own individuality. In this
condition the university has to
stapd ss-theftacher-of ratiotiaf
conservatism. The national uni
versity should draw on the ex
periences of the past for the en
richment and the ennoblement of
the present, and it we do not do
so the breaking with the past
will end fn intellectual bankrupt
cy. In respect to intellectual
conservatism, promoting unity
the university ought to represent
the great law of evolution. The
university ought to represent in
tellectual oneness of the whole
nation through the association of
the student body and the inaug
uration of a policy to unite all
warring sections into one nation
al life.
Every great nation and age
devotes itself to some supreme
obiect. In old Hindu times it
was religion, poetry and astron
omy; in the Greek it was art and
literature; in Rome it was law;
in Italy it was church; in Eng
land, foreign conquest; in Ger
many, commerce; in India let it
be the freedom of the nation and
final federation of mankind on
eaual rights and liberties. To
fulfill this ambition the national
university should adapt its teach
ings so as to emphasize a con
stant inspiration of the brightest
ideas and a perpetual incoming
of strength. both spiritual and
material. It must provide lati
tude lor the satisfaction of the
wants of the highest intellect as
well as the money making capa
city of the citizens. Itself seek
ing the highest fdeals, untouched
by selfishness, a university ought
to uplift all communities to the
highest and best and -should con
stantly keep before the nation i
love for trnth, moral excellence,
appreciation of the beautiful and
a sacreduess of patriotism a com
modity entirely neglected in i
university imposed by a foreigner
and fostered by an unnatura
The relation of the university
to the literature of the nation is a
thing of remarkable significance.
It is a university that makes a
. nation's poets, essayists, histor
lans and writers. The university
ought to guide its future writers
so as to make them fitting: orna
ments of Indian literature, whose
worth, and value ' may not suffer
diminution by reason ot age or
want of intrinsic value. That
not a single writer of any con'
siderable importance whose works
might compare with Manu,
Chanak, Shanker, Kalinas, Lil-
avoti or Tulsidas, Faize, Abul-
fozl. Ghalib. Zang Sanda, has
been produced in the last 100
years is a sufficient argument in
favor of burning away from the
present foreign universities and
creatine our own national uni
versity. A university not only
makes scholars, but it also pre
pares the general condition out
of which a national literature
throws. A national university
promotes conditions of largeness
of mind, of intellectual vision, of
ouritv ot heart, of dignity of
conduct, and of social- relation
shipconditions which are re
flected in the national literature
and language of a country. A
national language is necessary
for the progress of literary art.
Another function of a univer
sity is to promote research, viz:
Iquiriny after truth for truth's
-ake. Research in India can
never be truittul sO long as the
searchers are forced to think in a
foreign language; a national uni
versity s lould, thereiore, en
courage the searchers in their
own language and provide ample
resources by giving the scholar
time and opportunity (which an
alien university can never give
to our scholars); freedom from
corruption, treedom rrom . care as
to his material support, "after we
have discovered one's ability to
concentrate efforts .in research.
Beyond this the national univer
sity in Bengal cannot go its chief
aim should be rather to dissemi
nate and popularize knowledge
at present than to make special
Estigation which is the out
come only of years of experience
aad naUoual; tining ;::..
To train officers worthy ot the
state is another function. But
the national university cannot
pretend to do much in this di
rection; considering the political
subordinates ot India, let our
university - content- itself ". with
training a gentlemanlv character
and preparing its students for the
most ' important - administrative
and executive places in the native
states and to fill up all such post
tions as tne ever-growing com
merce and industry requires or
shall call for in face of the en
hanced demand for well-educated
and trained men to carry on the
business of the couutry and ad
vance the cause of swadestic
movement. Let the . national
university produce thinkers,
weighers of evidence and ludges
of relations. Let us train the
intellect as well as the other
parts of one's nature, that the
man, if chosen a president, a leg
islator, or a judge, shall do the
work belonging to the position
with efficiency and satisfaction,
In preparing men for- the high
est places in the world let the
university content itself with
making a thinker, for a sound
thinker can solve all trie pro
blems imposed on him with facil
ity, whether they be military,
civil, financial or commercial.
; The second most important
question to be decided for the
national university is the medinm
of language through which the
teaching is to be imparted. No
one will hesitate to say that the
best medium to be employed for
instruction by a national univer
sity should be the saTie language
which is destined to be the future
language of India. But what
should be the future language
has to be decided by the national
council itself. It is, therefore,
a hard question to decide. The
'Ek lipi bistar" Sobha of Ben
gal has in a wav inaugurated a
scheme, which, if successful, will
solve' the problem ot national
language, but before the advent
of that time we have to find out
what will be the most suitable
medium for a national university
in Bengal.- Taking everything
into consideration, it would seem
desirable that the mediurn used
At the Fairmount Grange Hall,
Saturday, Feb. 24, 1906.
An interesting and very profit
able Parents', Teacheis' and Offi
cers' meeting was held last Satur
day in Grange Hall, near Albany,
in Fairmaunt precinct. Although
the day was stormy a large num
ber of people were present, in
cluding quite a number from
Albany, among whom were Rev.
F. W. Launer, Supt. Jackson, of
Linn county, and Prof. Hayes. !
The exercises of the day began
at 10:4 5 a. m with singing,
which was followed by a well
rendered recitation by Miss Caro
line Luther. The regular pro
gram for the day was then taken
up. The first topic, 4,The Re
lation of Good Literature to Good
Citizenship," was ably discussed
by Rev. F. W. Launer, of
Albany. Mr. Launer said, "isnow
me the books, and papers your boy
reads and I will show you your
boy.'.' He emphasized the ne
cessity of surrounding the child
at Jiome and school with gooo
literature on account of its im
portant bearing on his future good
citizenship. The discussion was
continued by Supt Jackson, of
Lina, Prof. Hayes, of Albany,
and Prof. Leatherman and others.
"The Compulsory Law of Edu
cation" was introduced by Mr.
Laurensen, who viewed it from
the parent's standpoint, and Mr.
M. V. Leeper, in relation to the
director's duty towards enforcing
it. Prof. Haves, and others, con
tinued the discussion.
The history of the American
flag was read by Mrs. Shannon,
which, was followed by a splendid
flag drill bv pupils of the Fair-
mount school. An adjournment
was taken for dinner, splendid
made Dy tne gooa laaies 01 tne
vicinity for the - occasion, an
abundant supply of the very best
that the land afforded was pro
vided, and for an hour, everybody
had a splendid social time.. . r
At lixo 1 the . exercises . of the
afternoon began with the singing
of several familiar school and
national airs, this was followed
by a recitation by John Hale, en
titled 'John's History Lesson,"
in which all the principal events
of American history in John's
mind, began in 1492. Recitation
bv Rov Bradley, "When Pa Went
into Politics."
Mr. T. J. Risley introduced the
subject of a "Teacher's Duty to
his Pupils m the School Room
Mr. Risley said: A teacher's first
duty is to properly control and
govern the school; the second, to
teach his pupils how to study and
bv the university should be the
medium generally well under
stood by those attending the uni
versity a medium which can be
acquired with ease and economy
by the students.
Since such a medium
in Bengal is the Bengali,
language spoken and understood
by millions of people, there is no
reason why Bengali should not
also be the medium of the na
tional university. ' Some people
might suggest that" English may
be a suitable medium, but it is
open to two serious objections:
Enehsh. being a foreign ' lan-
guage, can never oe me nation
al language of India, and it is
simply folly to . adopt such
language as a medium 01 higher
learning which can never be
understood by the common peo
ple and by women folk who form
tnlly one-halt of our nation
Another objection to the use ot
English ss a medium is that it
takes six or eight yenrs of very
hard study to pick up the lang
uage enough to profit by lectures
given in English, whereas the
same time, if devoted to master
ing the various , sciences and pro
fessional studies would . make
men 'proficient in their studies
and .would enable them to learn
t. i: : j ' . ;r'
an honest living, independent .of ,
humiliating se vice.
rs -r.
- ' . a - . ..... .
proper i example - before them
Prof. Leatherman made a few re-
toward - the pupil m the home.
contending that the teacher had
veify little to do with a pupil ! in
bisiown home, and whatever duty
there was devolving upon the
teafctier in this respect was more
of 4 moral character than educa
tional, r "" ... ;
A j cuorus, "Peerless Oregon."
wai well rendered by the pupils
ot Richland school, from District
No.' 6. A recitation "True Hap
piness,'! by Fred Curry, was an
interesting and humorous presen
tation of his subiect.
Recorder T. T. Vincent's talk
on v 1 ne uidest institution in tne
World" was listened to with
marked attention by all, and the
hearty applause, eiven at the
closk of 'his address, attested the
universal interet of all in the
subject.- "Consolidation vs. New
District awakened a lively and
protracted discussion in which J.
G. (jibson, T. J. Risley, M. V.
eeper, Prof. Leatheaman, Mrs.
Shannon, Mrs. Risley and others
took part, supplemented by re
marks by Supt, Denman, Jackson
and Prof. Hayes.
Recitation "War Song of the
Hobos" by Gordon Ryals, was
well received, and an interesting
talk by Supt. Denman concern-
ng V A $4000 Boy and Four Re
quisites" closed the program 01
the day. , I
The exercises were intersperced
with talks and music on the pho
nograph which greatly amused
and entertained i the little folks,
and some of the older ones too.
t was a dav profitably and
pleasantly spent by all, old, and
young, awakening as it did a
deeper interest in the current
A Well Conducted Office.
T. R. Whitney, State Printer,
in askingpa- renomiriation at the
hands of the .Republican voters
at the 1 primary election in April,
is following a well founded cus
tom of the party in Oregon, that
when a state officer performs his
duties . acceptably and makes - a
creditable record he is given a
second term.
Mr. Whitney; is a life long Re
publican and edited' the Aibinv
Herald for nearly twenty years, a
paper known throughout the
State for its unswerving course
in , behalf of the Republican
ticket and candidates nominated
by the party. He is a native
Oregonian, a graduate of the
University of Oregon, and a
practical printer. -
Since assuming charge of the
state printing office he has de
voted his entire time and atten
tion to the affairs of the office,
and with his long experience : in
the printing business he has been
able to give the State a good,
clean, businesslike administra-
Mr. Whitney is conducting a
straightforward primary cam
paign, and his many friends are
confident that he will be renomi
nated by a large majority. Inde
pendence (Polk County) Enter
prise. 20.
The Philomath Mills will beprepa-ed
to furnish pins and brackets lor i
graph and telephone works after Jai -uary2o,
1906. Inquire of M. k -:
mills. - !)
Torture toy Savages.
"''Speaking of the torture to whiol
some of the savaae tribes in the Philip
pines snt-ject ttieir captives, reminds tn
oftheinte he sufferings I endured for
rfcirfepmooHi from inflammation oftbf
Kidneys." .mivh W. M. Sherman, of
Cusliinu. M. "Nothiog helped me until
I tried Electii ; Hitters, thee bottles of
which completely cured me." Cures
Li vr Complaint p-. spepsia. . Blood dis-.r-le
s -ml MttlarU; nd restores the
wean unit nervous 10 roDusi neat in.
Goarantwl b Allen & Woodward dru-
(ptt. nice wte. " '
make the best use of their op
portunities, and third, to set a
Perhaps it's vour intended.
daughter. Either way if the watch is
one I sold it's a good one.
that keep correct time are the kind I deal
in. . it makes no difference if the time
piece I sell you is a silver-cased one or a
jewelled gold-cased chronometer; thev
both bear my warrantee. I sell at a low
margin and that increases my sales. My
goods and prices are both satisfactory.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - - - Corvallis
Our Spring Line of the Celebrated Hey wood
Folding and Reclining Goc arts have arrived.
They are of the latest patterns, simple, yet durable
in construction. Call and see them.ff Prices right.
We can furnish you Carpets, Matting or Wall.
Paper this Spring cheaper than ever before. Visit
Store- and
A Specialty
. We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail. 2
Hlf you care to investigate call at my store any time.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
The Weekly Oregonian and the Gazette
Both one year for $2.55
i -
Has just secured the services of one of the finest me
chanics in the valley, and from now on will be pre
pared to do all kinds of lepair work from a padlock to a
threshing machine. Guns, sewing machines and locks
a specialty.
We have just received a complete line of 1906 Base
Ball Goods, also a fine line of Up-to-date Fishing Tackle.
Flash Lights, Batteries, and Sewing Machine Extras
always on hand.
Hair Invigorator
And Dandruff Eradlcator 3
1 XXf
a. hi
Trade lark Ragittmd. i"
Price, - Fitly Cents
'Manufactured by
The Vegetable Compound Company
Corvallis, Oregon 9tf
be convinced.'
We Fix Everything
Trial Solicited. Work Guaranteed
New Line of Bicycles.
Columbias and Ramblers.